Cape Wrath Trail: A Rough Bounds Birthday (day 3 & 4)

Cape Wrath Trail: A Rough Bounds Birthday (day 3 & 4)

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uh good morning troops it is quarter  past nine and we're back on the trail   whoa first plan today is to reach Sourlies which  is only 10 kilometers away and we're going to   play by ear barrisdale bay is 25 kilometers  away which is less than yesterday's trip but   we're going into the rough bounds of knoydart  today so be less tracks in fact once we get off   this track that is it and it will be very rough  terrain the villa today is a bit overcast the   clouds are touching the peaks and there was some  rain overnight last night oh so we shall push on right as we fork in the path here you  can follow the track around that way   or you can just make a short climb up to the  path out so i'm going to follow you in that way   all right folks we're now on the path to surly's  i've got three and a half kilometers on the clock   since leaving the buffet and that's just been on  the go for an hour on the nose so what i'll do is   i'll we'll make some progress on this track  first and i'll bring you back further along alrighty folks what we have here is this path here  is for the monroe baggers doing the nakisha ridge   for us we want to cross this  little stream and this will   take us to suli's which is  only about four kilometers away this really is a stunning location there is  some opportunities for all the pitch hero there   this is beautiful so peaceful very remote and this is the lower down lock which  again is rather stunning not bad at all better catch up here we've just come to a sort of junction  in the path and there's a lot of cairn   and then it's marking another car over the river  and the path goes up to the crag so we're just   checking the map and it seems correct and because  there's also a path that goes that way as well so   this does seem right i'll mark the grid reference  in the bottom corner of the screen as always do yeah you can see here why the the path switches  across the river because this would be a pig to   negotiate so uh yes you definitely crossing over  there and now behind me there is loch nevis so   now it's all downhill to surly's buffy let's  go well we've got 10 kilometers on the clock   but surely there's still a bit to go  so uh yeah probably 12 13 kilometers all right folks this is it's very small and dang but  it's got its charm as well yeah she got like sleeping platform there  that would sleep what five six four cat push   got a little bench here oh that's just storage a little fireplace  you could probably find plenty uh   driftwood although that big vanguard bag is  something coming back strange sleeping bag right oh it's a well-earned break that took  us four hours and 15 minutes to get here   so it's time for some lunch the time is half one for lunch i've got some oat cakes tomato puree   some premium cheese i've got a couple of  baby bells in there as well just to bulk up both cakes is going to be my staple  lunch no mackerel wraps this time   ian almost forgot to mention you are 50  today indeed i am happy birthday thank you   and how does it feel to be here on your 50th  magical is there anywhere better you could be   well it's hard to beat this is right up there  this is amazing it's dry maybe not sunny but   it's a good temperature i just listened  to all the birds and everything i'll see   it's wonderful yeah it's quite  special happy enough to me just [ __ ] funny hey folks after an extended lunch  at surly's that's us back on the go i'll tell   you what i was tempted to stay there but just  didn't have enough distance on the clock i think   uh you can do this section to can tell in four  days but it might take us five the way it's   looking but we'll see where we end up tonight  let's say three o'clock at the moment so we'd   like to sort of finish about six o'clock and that  doesn't give us enough time to get to barsdale bay   we are currently having a bit of a nightmare  here we're trying to get over the marshland to   karnick bridge and it's just so wet on  the foot there's like really deep bits   you just can't make a direct line straight for  the bridge so we're going up down across back really don't know which is the best way and  means just about lost his checking pole there you think you found a of solid ground  and then your food just disappears   there's like little lots of  islands islands in the stream   right oh we've made it there's a new conic  bridge i think that went in in the summer of 2019   but this section here if i had any tips  i'll give you one but it's an email   uh particularly if you're wearing boots and you're  trying to keep your feet dry wasn't such an issue   for me with the trail runners but yeah i think  ian's still got dry feet which isn't too bad   anyway this big scary looking mountain  is ben eden is a really fine corbett   one i've still to do but i'm just going to catch  up with ian and i shall bring you back later on   right this track is not on the map it looks  new you can tell it's been dug up here   so uh that's river carnick there i don't  know how far this is going to take us but   i shall report back if it is useful to us or not  right well this new track as you can see just in   front of you in there has peered out a bit of mud  there and now just back on to the usual terrain   a kilometer long roughly yeah about a plumber  uh better nothing right let's let's roll all   right folks we are puggled so we have uh found  somebody to pitch right under ben eden so yeah   you can just see there i'm just about to pitch  aims just in front of me and the mighty ben eden   it would be nice to have got a bit more  distance in the route but our route takes us   in and around there and up over the pass this  up here is london or affectionally known as so yeah we've stopped a little bit short but burst  will be battersdale bay is way overreach tonight   it's just turned five o'clock well it's  amazing what you find in scottish wilderness   just collecting water i came  across this little bad boy   it is a nikon d3200 obviously it's goosed but  i have where is it salvaged the memory card   i'm going to stick this in my camera but what  i'll do is when i get home i'll fire this in the   computer and see what senate and i might be able  to at least reunite the photos to the owner by the   power of social media i'll stick on twitter and  the old instagram and some of the facebook groups good morning campers and welcome to  day number four on the cape wrath trail   oh it is a bit more breezy than it  was last night the tent is born dry   it is looking a little bit dark like it  could rain though so we'll see what happens   yeah but hi let's get some  breakfast and get on the go it's actually getting later it is it's not that  bad yeah it definitely knows the difference from   the last few days right too it's just gone  eight o'clock and we're back on the move so i don't know if i mentioned last night but  today we would like to get to kill lokun and   maybe set up camp around there and then day five  would get us to cantel that is the plan it was   looking rather dark and ominous so i wouldn't  be surprised if we got a few dots around but   hopefully holds out and i've got a nice little  message come through in the garment and reach   money from the misses so it's a nice little  thing to wake up to this morning i'll reply later   now we're slowly making our way to the  crux of the rough bounds of noidart   we go up past lunavin or london as it's  properly known as and once you get past   that and drop down to barrysdale bay that's uh  say away from a lot of the more rough terrain well this is definitely a pocket of  scottish wilderness it's so remote where's in between the mountains tracking camping opportunities here in fact  somebody's left a little fire pit there this is   stunning got a big cliff right in front of us here  we'll swivel around private beach private beach hi superboss right folks we're pioneering a  new route here being hardened hill walkers   that never dies in you we're trying to  sort of cut an angle from the river so the path sort of sticks to the river and you do a  dog leg round here and up and you pick up a path   here's what we're doing is we're trying to  cut an angle and i'm sorry the side is on   the root it's going to be weaving out these  crags and then up here and then we'll pick   up the path so it shaves off about a kilometer  and a bit and it also just says a little bit   of re-ascent as well so we'll report back once  we pick up the path if it's worth doing or not   look at this in here that's seriously rugged  the pathway join actually does go in that way so you've got benedictine still here  this here is the monroe garrick i believe down there is where we saw  those nice camping spots now we've just got this little bit here to go  up and it should just there may be another rise   behind that that we're not aware of but the path  will be up there somewhere so this does so far   seem to be a good option alrighty folks update  we're on the path that is a harvest shortcut no   scrambling a couple of crags to be even out of  but not major and it just seems to cut an angle perfectly you can see this here we went around  to the side of that and we just came right up   if you want to sort of copy this you  could go to the other side of that   and up but it seems to save a lot of attacks down  there that's just bog land so it feels like we've   saved a bit of time and distance i'm happy with  that definitely you happy in most certainly i am   right here folks we are at the top of the pass   this here will take us all  the way down to barista bay well we just had our first glimpse of  barrysdale bay just here this hill here   is ben screel my friend john he completed on that  it's a good good weekend that but uh yeah we've   now got far to go we're gonna have a little  bit an extended lunch down there so let's go all right we're pushing on from  the little buffy camp site there   there's a really nice strip of land here you could  camp on nope no clamping they're asking not to   camp here i don't know if they can stop you though  probably a shotgun maybe a bit harsh but hey ho this is a nice stop for a spot of lunch i'll  swing the camera in and show you the views there you go that's a lockhorn  and then if i swiveled in this way   you've got the mighty larvin which is  up here i'll just zoom in a bit for you   there you go there's larvin  cracking look in monroe oh dearly me this path just  keeps on going and going i'll put my big camera awake so i'm not gonna do  any more vlogging i'm gonna get this out of the   way but i just want to have a moon so here i am  having a moon honestly yeah you have to climb up   and over there to avoid the cliffs and now we've  got another 100 meter climb up this one i think   when i get up over this i should finally just be  a general coast walk to king lakon okay coming up yes i just paid for use of the shower  10 pound best 10 pound of ever spent   wash my scans or socks i think i've got a  suspect tick on one of my bum cheeks i'm   not going to show you don't worry we'll have to  take a photo with my phone just to double check   i don't have a way out if it's a tick all right  folks we have landed on our feet the state i've   just opened this up for the new season now  the cancellation so they've given us this   little cottage for the same price as our bmb for  the night and that's the living area there and we've got the kitchen behind it and i'll show you upstairs this is  my room there's two twin rooms and   there's a double through the back as well  so this is fantastic used to be bathroom so a big shout out to the killer [ __ ] bb in tea  room for this and they've recently just opened   and their aim is to obviously provide food and  drink for cape raft trailers uh monroe baggers   that come down here or anybody that's just looking  for an escape yeah so definitely recommended but   i'm just going to enjoy the evening and i'll  bring you back tomorrow on the trail cheers

2021-05-24 19:12

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