Can you loose weight by walking

Can you loose weight by walking

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that put the camera on the bird stop singing look  at that house there real house wow look at the   grass yeah that's called the shifting Sands yeah  when we first came here about 12 15 years ago all   this was sand now it's turning into grass yeah  cuz over there on the other side the opposite   end that's Grange over Sands let's see if we can  get a zoom in can't see any sunglasses on there we go hello welcome back to the Lage your L Channel  I'm Rob and I'm cette and today we're in Sunny   Silverdale Silverdale yeah and we have to pay  for parking like it does cuz we're walking   unless we park our shoes what a gorgeous day  and there's a there's a lovely Breeze as well   yeah nice great day for walking so yeah we're  getting de you're all right y just having a   bit of a tumble I don't know if I've got the  right shoes on today to be fair so if you're   new to the channel and you haven't subscribed  and please hit that subscribe button because   uh We've noticed we're getting quite a lot lot of  views for our videos but nobody's subscribing and   uh it doesn't cost anything and it really  helps the channel grow so please hit that   subscribe button this terrain's a bit jibbery  jabber to walk over yeah if you've got any uh   issues with walking yeah ability I definitely  wouldn't be coming here no and uh just up there   to me right is what they call the fisherman's  Cottages a lot of them are Holiday Homes that   they rent out for this time of year oh yeah we're  on the grass now this feels a bit better to walk on listen to that how quiet is this beautiful there the tide actually come up to where  now cuz it used to it used to didn't it but yeah   but with a shifting tide there's that much grass  there now yeah it's all changed I mean I know it   does do that there's old pictures that somebody  told me lives here that every seven I think it's   every 70 years with the shifting tides that  all this eventually will be grass yeah and   I think gra over the way because of the shifting  Tides they'll get the tide coming into them right   whereas at the moment they're all grass they  got grass they do walks over the bay here yeah   from now I'm not sure if it's markam which is  there and they walk to gra they wait till the   tie goes out obviously it's a sponsored walk as  well a it they do it for charity yeah they do   it for charity there was one on yesterday um  really need to do that we saw we saw some do   went to gool and try and film that steam train  yeah in gr they' done it that day haven't they   they'd been over and done the walk so yeah  that's on our to do list in it so you want   to do the sponsored walk as well and go across  the bay Yeah well yeah and then you can do it   feel like a charity that's close to your  out so probably a few for us look at that beautiful and see a ship right out to see there  can you see it very Fain in the distance that'll   be the uh is m one more it will yeah that's the  fery we turn the camera around and see if you   can get this there we go that's as far as I can  zoom in for that but yeah that fair is coming into   hesam docks should imagine it's coming back from  uh the isan yeah have they had the TT racing on   this weekend or biker event or something I don't  know might done with it being the holidays let me   just zoom out bear with me whoa there we go they  do have Freights going that are not um liners for   people going over to Island from there yeah and  with produce and stuff so yeah bit of a question   for our viewers who's been liking our videos who's  been enjoying our little adventures out and about   I tell you what it's good for us because uh  regardless of the videos and the uploads and   everything else it's uh helping to get rid of the  Old Goat I don't cuz as as most of you know as you   get old you put the junk on a bit don't you yeah  it's hard to get off in it is it's very hard to   get off so doing these videos is actually helping  us get out get some walking done and get ourselves   a bit fitter as well so you're welcome to join us  watching our videos but don't sit about too long   yeah get out there you'll end up like me get out  there um on the uh Beach here um the rspb on that   yeah um and it's great for a bird watching got  some s was over there just see in they're always   there then I wonder if they going trying to get  inside it where the old Copper Mountain was no   they're just going up it so we were just talking  to those two ladies and I was just saying how far   are you going up like you know I've got mud on my  hands now well you will if you play fet play fetch   with a dog was decided to play fetch with that  dog while was right so this is the old entrance   here know I was just explaining to them two ladies  that are doing the ab sailing um this used to be a   copper mine many many years ago like in the 1700s  and this was the entrance here and it had like a   little JY track that came in and out and the uh  this is where they did the iron or and what not   there was an entrance there and the cars used  to come out look at that tree it always looks   like can you get it yeah it always looks like it's  going to fall done it see if we can zoom in a bit   Yeah the roots are just precariously hanging yeah  in a fashion but I mean it must be pretty stable   cuz it's been there a few years is it yeah in that  state and plus they've got all the other trees   around it to protect it when the stronger winds  come one day Suppose there we go right isn't the   um something else around here want to show them a  cave or something oh yeah look at the colors this there you can actually walk along the  top there there's a walkway well we'll   do that on the way back we can walk up  there at the top and get a a down view   of everything yeah yeah get a nice view  of it can't you so there we go getting   a bit closer now if you look at that at  the top there it looks like little bits   of a castle doesn't it wonder if we can get  inside it might be steeper than I thought no   barely any my F I am in my middle 50s so  I will give it a go see how far I can get up there we go oh it's a bit slippy well this is  as far as I'm going just to show you [Music] yeah there we go I got as far as I could  yeah I could have gone in there was no there was   days where you could get in there there was  people uh queuing to get in it everywhere we   go there's a queue in there yeah no it doesn't  matter where we go we could we could be in the   middle of nowhere and we might see a waterfall  or some fancy steps on the side of a cave or   something soon as we get there the world and  the mother turn up don't we yep is the tide you   in love no idea I think we need to look I don't  think it is because everybody's out there I know   but I would like to be going to get um a pan shot  of the area we're in cuz we stood literally in   the middle of nowhere on the on the sand and  You Can See For Miles I'm just going to pan around get everything in just to give you  a perspective of uh where we're walking   and uh col just found something on the sand out  somebody might have roll what is it I can't see   it can see it no no no no oh there we go  what does that say laner relax wow someone   knew we were coming don't forget to subscribe  like and share I don't nor me like doing that   you know saying people subscribe like and  share because when I watch YouTube videos   I just automatically hit that subscribe button  because I'm enjoying it and then I'll know the   next time they post a video yeah so hit the  notification Bell is that something else to   do yeah so collect just pointed out these up  at the top apparently these are new um again   need to take me sunglasses off wonder what  it looks like through here with sunglasses h   yeah right so I'll zoom in are the CCT where you  going don't CCT yeah I need your help over here   you get I need you to explain what they are first  they're all Cottages that's it I can't think well   lodges aren't they The Lodges they're all lodges  new owns them H Gates H Gates but I mean the vi   they've got something else wonder how much it  cost to stay in one of them it's t where we are there we go a bit of a better angle somebody's  just come out of that hole what a beautiful view   they've got I don't want to keep the camera on  them too long looks a bit especially if they're   having an enjoyment day of some baby so what was  you just saying then Colette I just saying fany   living there living there yeah forget the all i'  live there I know look at the view they've got so peaceful so quiet hey hope you're enjoying this beach walking  chat with us you enjoying it clet yeah it's very   nice and what a great day to do it I know on  a Sunday a Sabbath day of rest and that's what   we're doing strolling chilling yep relaxing yep  after a busy week in work I'm on holiday now yeah   I got a week off I'm I'm off in two weeks you're  off in two weeks yeah you know we should go away   yeah we should do some filming or something yeah  go somewhere go to like you know one of these what   we just looked at not one of them you know like  a static caravan or something something we can   afford yeah something out in our budget so yeah  shop doorway I'm thinking yeah yeah we should   do that we should uh in fact this afternoon  we should get our heads together and decide   on where we're going to go spend a week away  somewhere yeah well we know our favorite spots   don't we oh yeah well we've got lots of favorite  spots in the UK yeah true but I think Poppy's got   one more injection AR she yeah so what we'll do  we'll work out the day when her last injection is   so we can take it out cuz we're obviously going  to be taking poppy with us on our little weeks   break holiday he's like today in it she's missing  out this lovely walk I know she would love to be   walking on these Sands now oh she won't be she'  be running of course then should be knackered   and we'd have to carry her yeah but well she's  not heavy is she no we waited the other day we   um took her to the vets for an injection again  and they popped her on the scales and she's put   on what is it well she was 2 kilogram weren't  she no she's 2.5 kilogram so what she put on   there5 of a kilogram M she's getting bigger you  can see that yeah she's definitely getting bigger   and uh hopefully soon she'll be joining us on  our travels little puppy the minute dashound is   that another cave over there like can we walk  over to that I think actually see the road   over there oh yeah you can get I think there's a  cave where you can go underneath it so it looks   like we found another hole in the wall get a  bit closer and see how deep this one goes in hopefully there's no dragons inside  oh it's doesn't actually look that   big now I'm getting closer to it no that's a bit disappointing that was a bit disappointing  I thought it's going to be a bit deeper than that wasn't that good love a should we try and  uh go up to allgates and get a drink yeah let's   go allgate shop and get a cold drink then we  can walk from all Gates and what back down   here well you can have come this way we can  go over the Lots I think just up here there's   like a tunnel that goes under the road I'm a  bit closer now to this hidden tunnel there we go it's a bit it's onto a field is it yeah you  can get to a anide tower through here oh can you   yeah so this is the road we're just going under it  and uh this is actually a public foot path and you   can follow it up there and it takes you to anide  Tower if you've not seen anide Tower check out one   of our other videos that we did the other day when  we was looking for a steam train in anide I forgot   what it's called What's the title of that video  steam train at anide oh the outside video yeah   yeah right let's get over to Old Gates and uh ow  get a drink oh that's prly that be careful I know   we don't do ills do we no well this is the idea  of getting out and about is it yeah to get us   more fitter lose a bit of weight on the mid  drift a bit between us is a fair bit probably   another person bit cheeky that you talking about  yourself I talking about myself as well you there hope I'm not panting too heav on this mic  got oxygen I know I just need a drink but luckily   H Gates Caravan Park them are little Huts we shown  you before when we zoomed in that's uh the Caravan   Park and they've got a shop we got outside space  as well aren't they oh yeah so we can sit outside   and have a drink yeah so we made it finally got  to Hall Gates it's just across here oh look that   squirrel it's not a real one it's ornamental if  it was real i' been running I know it's a bit big   to don't worry it's not a real one that 4 foot  squirrel there we go H Gates Holiday Park make   the discovery and over there is the other one in  it the Cove one where them uh shellies are that   we saw before yeah all right let's go and get a  drink what you having that coke finally got a Coke cheers let's enjoy the sun and the scenery  Caravans Caravan should we buy a caravan one   day nice cold drink to break up the walk yeah  we' got to walk all the way back yeah it's   not that far so these are those uh oh what  they called again do we like Hots weren't   they down further down all the Cottages  gorgeous further down at the back down there the views they've got down there the cold holiday Cottages oh we  found a bit of shade nice you enjoy   your Coke love refreshing yes it's  so warm yeah but I'm not complaining   cuz it could be raining tomorrow this is uh  this is uh England and just to give you a bit   of perspective of where we're at this is the  sign for Lancashire we're right on the border   now so as you can see there Lancashire and just  to our left Cumbria yay so this here oh they've   got rid of the County Council cuz it's changed  yeah cuz they've divided it up now the disag   ation yeah what is it West mland yeah we're under  West West mland and furnace come here as well I'll   show you something else you this is interesting  go on but between that Cumbria and that hey does   this mean we're in no man's land now yeah but in  no man's land if you watch um Geo catched yeah in   no man's land which is this bit between here and  here yeah there's a what you doing have a look oh my is that to your cast yeah do it oh kol  let's get up here how did you know that oh I   know everything me that's going to go I can see  it that's going to go on the other side so what   you do with these geocaching finds when you find  them they normally have a piece of paper like this   with everybody's name on who's found it and you  put the date on as well when was the last time   it was found it L found God you're not going  to believe this today no 31st 31st of May and   today is the 2nd of June all right a popular  one then it's not right in this pen oh we've   got to go back to doing geoc catching caching  I loved it no the pen doesn't work it's great   fun did I not see another 10 pens in there there  you are look yeah but I can't get the pens out   there we go let's try this pen yeah let me hold  that I can see that going over that wall show them   what's inside it so people leave things inside it  and they've left don't if you can make it out I'll   have to look looks like a little key ring and  then can I see anything else 20p a little white   thing there we go there's I find Lan yous 2nd of  June 2024 so we roll This back up and somebody   else will find it there is actually an app you  can download for the geocaching and um I think   on our previous videos some of our older videos  you'll see how it works how the app works and   everything um it's just a map really of all the  areas where these places are and it's great fun   it's great fun especially with the kids great  when you're taking them out on a walk or even   ourselves I mean we're not kids when you're going  out on a walk and uh you're doing it it makes a   walk really good fun yeah trying to find them  yeah sometimes you can't like that last one we   was telling you about um on the beach we could not  find that it took us weeks didn't it yeah but it   was it was in a real crafty position some of them  are easy to find and some of them are are hard   have you done with me yeah there you go right  let's get back into Lancer Where We Belong laner so now we're in Lancashire good old  Lancashire Cricket Club Club it's easy for   me to say look at the Lancashire R so Legend  has it that Terry pret once lived here but I   don't think so I think it's just rumor and gossip  so they say call Orchard Cove house it's actually   a private residential home and I'll tell you a  little story who spent the remaining years of   his life a very famous man from Manchester and  it was uh Henry bodington um he retired here   in Silverdale and this was his F where he spent  his final days and his grave is actually in the   vill Village at the old church down there oh yeah  it is anybody that doesn't know who Henry Bon is   he uh he was a producer of the the great famous  Manchester boddington's beer that's now Broody   Newcastle Broody Newcastle now yeah quintessential  English Cottages Holiday Homes very nice this is a   very dog friendly Village they put water out  for the dogs and to top it up they've even   got so it doesn't get too War F they've got the  protection around the tubs is that cool to keep   them cool that's nice that where does our door go  to at the end of this path now as you can see it   leads us back onto the beach look at these here  just parked up got the deck chairs out chilling   enjoying it enjoying the day right now shall we  go we'll go that way we'll go the opposite way   cuz we've just come across the beach yeah so we  go the opposite way we've just been on the beach   and then we're going to go up uh this steep  incline it's not that steep colle lights   steep inclines for some reason I think that's  cuz it's not that Ste I think she's trying to   get me fit it's not that steep look at it  it's massive I'll show you when we get a   bit closer to how steep this actually is  look at that look gets worse as you go up just to give you a bit of perspective  how high we are so see so we walked along   here before at the to The Cove beginning  of our walk and there's that Cove yeah   that I've tried climbing in before and  if you remember when we was down there   we said there was a foot path up here but  it's quite a steep for it's not that bad   rob it is you don't want you don't want me to  lose too much weight and it's you get stunning views I'm hoping this some kind of bench halfway  up where we can have a rest cuz this heat is not   good when you're walking uphill still walking  uphill and I just want to show you this from   uh the top view of that tree we was talking about  before I it's just the roots are just precariously   hang going in and out of the rocks and the grass  on the top as just you know we was down there   before looking up and now we're up here ourselves  thanks to clat pointing Us in this direction   well when you get to the lots for me it's just the  most beautiful view and it's worth them seeing I   think yeah hear that bed I can yeah what was  you saying about this about walking what the   videos oh this is just one little walk in silver  down there's actually quite a lot hopefully we'll   uh get a few done first can we not discuss  this first it'll it'll help us than God I'm   thinking be out you all right yeah just that's  to turn off think cuz CL was tripping not as in   tripping tripping you were tripping up no I'm  tripping over so is this the Lots now in front   of us yeah so this is the lots and again for me  I just love this walk I'll never get bored of   this walk how often do you come here you well  come here quite a lot it is while I'm in work   you're just um relaxing and enjoying yourself  walking around well why not it's local to us so enjoy oh it's not a squeaky gate oh it is oh  it is what does this say Bank House Farm so   you do have cows and whatnot on here so if  you bring your dog over you know have it on   a lead some people you see with dogs you  don't have them on leads but that's them   so for me oh this is a nice this is the  nicest view yeah I bet it gets better as   you go off oh it does right I'll put you back  on if the view get out does get better you're   right CL The View does open up as you  get further up oh yeah and do a bit of a zooming look at that sometimes there's clouds  and stuff in it on the field there so just have   to be careful with your dockies and sheep  look at that oh I can see some cows over there we'll just follow the path yeah oh yes glorious Skies glorious green oh there is  cows over there yeah I just said that though   all right just I just lifted me head up welcome  to the channel just lifted me head up and there's   the back of the fisherman's Cottages oh the  fisherman's Cottages that we saw before yeah   mainly holiday hes aren't they I'm not sure there  quite there is people that live in them right yeah yeah you had a good day yes it's been lovely  that's all right great for your mental health yeah and the birds they're so loud yeah I tell  you what I'm ready for some food could just eat   a pizza absolutely [Laughter] not I thought  I were on the diet hey I thought I was on a   diet yeah that something saying absolutely not  you're not having a pizza well I've had nothing   else today it doesn't matter Rob thinks cuz he  hasn't eaten all day that he can have a pizza   and that counterbalances it for some reason I  don't know how we're ever going to get init I'm   trying on both of us salad for lunch there why  you so far away from it cuz you decided to walk   down there I'm on the path this is the path  here this look there the ARs all right well   this looks like a path as well well  somebody's beating a path there but   it's not the true path this one I am on  the true path just interrupt you a minute   go come give us a wave thanks for watching  folks thank you see you on the next one bye

2024-06-12 07:22

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