Can you LIVE BETTER in EL SALVADOR? @PerfectChaosSV

Can you LIVE BETTER in EL SALVADOR? @PerfectChaosSV

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welcome back to generic expats have you ever  thought about moving to El [Music] Salvador   how is it is it expensive is it safe is it  a great place to [Music] live today we give   you an interview with an American who moved to  El Salvador and we give you some interesting   highlight of her experience so far and some  extra services that she can provide if you're   considering to move let's [Music] go welcome  to S Salvador and we are currently located in   a beautiful little Plaza roundabout with  the Statue of our good buddy Mr [Music] [Music] Beethoven and I have a fantastic guest  here that is going to tell us a little bit about   her life the reasons why she is here and we're  going to have a great time having a little chat   with her so let's start with the introduction and  see who she is could you please tell the people   here what your name is uh where you're from  and how long you've been here for um my name   is Jenny adti and I have a YouTube channel called  Perfect Chaos SV and on Tik Tok and Instagram I'm   just Jenny atti and I have lived in El salador  for almost 2 years and I love it I'm originally   from Florida but I've lived all over the United  States excellent yeah so you've been here for   two years awesome let's talk a little bit about  your story and how you made it here could you   give a brief introduction of how you made it  here and what really Drew you to come to live here well it was pandemic time and I I had  a major life change and I was kind of just   reprogramming life I and I was looking at the  writing on the wall and looking at everything   that was happening in in my home country and  I kind of said you know I need to I'd already   World schooled with my kids before and so I said  you know what we need we need a break we're going   to we're going crazy inside this little house  we're going to kill each other if we don't get   out so so you made a trip through Latin America  right yeah where did you go to first so so we   couldn't fly so we drove yeah so we drove down  through Central America and drove through Mexico   and we ended up taking about a month in every  single country and just exploring and learning   and doing World schooling is what it's called  and it was an amazing amazing trip and you went   with your daughters you said how many daughters  I have five daughters and my five daughters came   with me and that's quite the trip right big family  trip going through Latin America definitely seems   like it would be a very interesting story for  everyone and I I've I've heard that's a quite   an interesting story to be told hopefully  in another video you can share the entire   details and really go into it hard so I before we  continue on I want to know what you thought about   these countries you visited it has recently  come to my attention that I have not given   the proper introduction to tell you why my videos  and my information is so useful you see I've been   traveling since 2013 nearly nonstop many of it  has been within Asia and Latin America I spent   5 years in [Music] Vietnam and just 5 years  ago I started my full-time lifestyle as the   digital Nomad that I am today where I spent  at least 1 month in the following countries Argentina [Music] Brazil Peru Colombia Ecuador Mexico Guatemala and El Salvador and in this time I've  been doing everything that I've been bringing   to my channel here at generic expad now what  this means is that I've been arranging my own   accommodation and tasting the local Cuisine  checking out the cost of living looking for   entertainment options checking to see if these  places are dangerous learning how the weather is   and just the overall well-being of a foreign expat  living in each one of these new cities what was   the best spot in each one a Mex meico Guatemala um  Honduras Honduras El Salvador Nicaragua and Costa   Rica right Y what was let's just quickly say one  one place from each country that you enjoyed the   most okay I think our favorite place in Mexico was  probably Walo or that's next to Puerto Escondido   yeah yeah yeah we were we love that little town  it was like super chill there is um a lot of   Canadians there it was just the people were super  friendly there was wasn't a lot of crime we loved   that town beaches are beautiful there too oh and  the beach yeah the beach was pristine and there's   great snorkeling how about Guatemala yeah so let's  see Guatemala well we stayed in the city primarily   and so we were in a very safe part of the city  because we had a home exchange and so we got the   amazing thing about Guatemala was just the there  was so much indigenous there's lots of cultural   things to learn about that was the best part of of  Guatemala was where we were staying there's lots   of Mayan museums where did you stay Zone 10 no we  were in we were right next to the plaza Americana   okay I'm not sure where that is is that a specific  zone or yeah it's I can't think of what I think   it's Zone 13 or 14 okay awesome but it's a very  very safe safe part of Guatemala okay and your   first time in El Salvador what was your favorite  part when you first came here um when we first   drove through I think it was probably Al because  we drove right Ong the we drove right along the   coast and we just happened to stop for lunch at a  restaurant in aluno and that day it just happened   to be the Olympic trials for the to Tokyo Olympics  the surfing competition right yeah the surfing   competition for the Olympic trials just happened  to be going on right in front of our restaurant   it was just beautifully serendipitous that's a  spectacle right a best surprise ever right how   about Honduras um Honduras was our favorite place  there was the island of utila so we drove all the   way up and then we took the ferry over to illa  and it was just amazing to live on an island for   3 weeks and just go snorkeling just I mean you  just walk right off the beach and you're there   you are snorkeling among all these beautiful  tropical fish I might be living in ratan soon   possibly I'm crossing to Honduras tomorrow okay  moving on Nicaragua gorgeous yeah definitely do   the ran UA is a little bit cheaper though FYI and  Nicaragua what was your favorite in Nicaragua um   Nicaragua was oops hello ambulance well we are  next to a very Main Street so if you hear cars   which I'm sure you do and definitely the ambulance  which is coming around the corner now hopefully   they're helping people out in need and they are  able to cross I remember when I was in Mexico   seeing the ambulance get stuck in traffic I was  like why aren't people moving I lived in Vietnam   as well Vietnam was the worst like ambulances  could not go forward and I was like this is   so weird cuz in the US it's law if you don't  pull over you you get ticketed and it's you   know also you're it's kind of unethical to block  an you know an ambulance but yeah anyways niaga   so in Nika the best place was sanan delour it's  a pretty it's the most southern uh City and NAA   and it's wonderful because it has a whole lot of  foreigners and expats but the thing that I love   the best about sanand is that there wasn't any  classism like the foreigners and the ncas like   they were just walking talking together there  wasn't any differentiation the foreigners loved   it they was like this is my Nicaragua this is my  my country this is my town that sounds like a good   experience I'm very excited for nicad [ __ ]  actually when I looked at all the excursions   and places that I'm planning to visit I'm like w  volcanoes everywhere looks so nice Okay last one   Costa Rica um let's see Costa is I like to call  Costa Rica the California of Central America and   that means because California has a amazing nature  amazing diversity you can't be big sir and your   favorite place in Costa Rica was ah and similarly  in Costa Rica I loved being right in between the   biosphere of the cloud forest and the rainforest  it just has amazing naturala what was the place   you went to you mentioned a specific place before  right um well we stay a park something right we   stayed at three different three different parts  of Costa Rica so first I can't think of name right   now we were but we were just in the middle in  between the rainforest and Cloud Forest first and   then we went over to Wako Beach and then we went  up to Guanacaste okay all right so which one of   those was your favorite of the three um definitely  the first one in between the cloud forest and the   rainforest awesome it's not difficult for me to  hear and understand the places you went to why   you lik them and why you liked aluno because aluno  I also went to I had a great time I actually saw   the International surfing competition so this is  one amazing benefit of being in El Salvador some   of the best surfing and some of the best waves for  this type of sport in the entire world really so   let's move on to um a bit more about El Salvador  specifically living here in this [Music] country   you said you've been here 2 years right mhm yep  I have Okay so let's talk about safety because I   think safety is the number one thing people think  about when they are listening to someone talk   about this country because of the the difficult  past have you ever felt unsafe being here in the   past 2 years um no honestly no there's no other  way to say it you've stayed in many different   places in the country right yeah yeah I stayed  when we first came through here I stayed down   at the beach then I stayed here in the S the city  area and then I end up staying down by La Union   or down in the Eastern corner of El Salvador and  no I I've always felt safe what is kind of the   most developed part probably this metro area right  and and then laion I think it's a bit more rustic   over there right yeah laion is is it's definitely  more untouched um that part of the that whole part   of the country is much more untouched and more  natural and do you live here in the city or where   do you live I live just outside the city because  I'm not a concrete kind of noisy kind of girl I'm   a little hippie I I like green I like to I like  to be surrounded by living things and so I live   just outside the city on the edge of a a little  not quite a mountain but a big hill and I have   a little organic farm there with mango trees and  it just I I love being able to live from the land   that I live on do you know how much the property  that you're living at now costs yeah because my   my uh my landlord has just upped the property  when we first moved in he offered it for like   300 300,000 but I mean it's a farm it's fairly  to purchase the entire property and the house   and stuff yes but and there's apartment there's  a studio apartment there's a side apartment and   then there's a large house on it so there's  three apartments and the house and the yard   yeah okay well and a good plus seems like a lot of  stuff for that price yeah so I mean the price was   a lot more reasonable when we first moved in but  recently he just said oh no the price is going to   be like 400 and and why do you think that why do  you think that is because of the uh improvements   in the country with safety and tourism and yeah  yeah yeah definitely ever the price since two   years ago when I came here the prices of land and  definitely of housing have skyrocketed but I mean   Hello if you make a country safe then people are  going to want to be there and if you build the   country on true principles people are gonna want  to be there so you hear that if you want to come   this is the time now because it's only going to  continue going up from here isn't it it is yeah   and I'm kind of kicking myself that I didn't buy  something two years ago but yeah would have should   have could have right if you're getting value from  my dedication to the research traveling recording   and editing needed to create the content I produce  please show me your appreciation by hitting that   subscribe and like button below the video as it  really makes a difference to me and it motivates   me to fit my massive multi-year video series  motorcycling alone through Latin America showing   you great undiscovered spots for your future  xat lifestyle it is more than likely that you   are a male in your 50s from the United States and  you haven't subscribed to my channel yet well let   me show you how to do that [Music] now so let's  talk about what you're doing here because you're   involved in a lot of different projects right  you said you have a YouTube channel what is   the name of your YouTube channel again okay my  YouTube channel is called Perfect Chaos SV and   it shows what good and go life what xat life is  like in Al Salvador and kind of how to navigate   the Salvadorian culture it explains a lot about  Al Salvadoran Cel like the Merles how to not come   in here with your own ideals and try and live a  different life but how to kind of live like the   locals live and embrace and embrace where you  are awesome and besides this channel which your   channel is actually quite similar to mine but it  goes really it's a deep dive into this specific   place where I kind of show a little bit of each  country just to give people a kind of a surface   idea and you're involved in some other projects  right could you talk about those um well yes   so once I got here I started doing a series on  inspirational people that I found in El Salvador   and I met the most amazing most inspirational guy  in the world a man who came down here during the   war and started an orphanage because he saw so  many um abandoned children and orphan children   in the streets and as I met him he told me about  the biggest problem that's happening now of that   there's children that are girls that are abused or  that are raped if they become pregnant there isn't   anywhere for them to go and it's very typical  that they don't get the care that they need in   their first trimester and they don't know how to  take care of their babies because they're 10 12 14   that's terrible and so he after at his orphanage  after he got a big influx of babies that came   from these moms that had severe severe problems  he just decided I have to do something I can't   just let this keep happening and so now he and I  are working together to um start a shelter called   House of life and it's a shelter for these  girls that are either already in the system   because they've been taken out of abusive homes  or and they the girls can come there and they have   tutors that actually keep them in school because  typically they drop out of school and we give them   all the food that they need so both bodies can  grow like they should we teach them how personal   defense teach them how to take care of their baby  how to bond with their baby and we give them some   job prospects and skills about how to take care  of themselves too so they don't and most of all   it's just psychologists that work with the girls  to break the cycle of poverty because this Cycle's   been going on since the Conquistadors that's  a very norble cause and it's very nice to hear   your story and I'm sure people watching this are  going to be very happy to know that you're doing   a a very positive thing when when people think  about expat sometimes they get like a negative   like oh all of the people going to Mexico and just  raising properties and the rates you know all the   prices of everything are skyrocketing and locals  are suffering I mean this is a great example of   helping and giving back so that's that's great to  hear is there something that your organization is   in need of at the moment that you're trying to get  done um well yeah actually right now if you go to um we are just we have like 15% away  from our funding goal to open up and accept 15   girls into the shelter and we're so so very close  and in fact we have a Gala if you're Salvadoran   or around El Salvador in October October 17th we  have a Gala in kadjo mon where we're going to have   a big auction and we're going to have dancing  and a great cover band and wonderful and beer   and food and it's going to be wonderful because  it's an opportunity for salvadorians to start   taking care of of Salvadorans which is a big shift  that needs to happen culturally that's fantastic   that's at the end of October it's October 17th  and this is cjo is a a brewery right yeah kjo is   a they Regional breweries around but they're also  restaurants local Brews oh it's restaurant too the   local Brews here are pretty good too I've tried a  few good epas and apas and all that stuff they're   nice this country has something that many people  probably don't even recognize which is a new legal   tender based off of a cryptocurrency right it is  a Bitcoin country so that probably changes the   landscape of who you meet here right from what  I've seen so far being here I've I've been here   almost two months I've met quite a few people  that are either living here or come here often   because of the currency being utilized as a legal  tender the the cryptocurrency so my question is is   it difficult for you to meet people here or is it  easy to meet people are you into Bitcoin that kind   of topic let's let's start with that okay there's  three main groups of people that immigrate to El   Salvador um one is the cryptocurrency Bitcoin  Enthusiast um they come because they can use   their currency here and they also see that El  Salvador is embracing kind of a lot of libertarian   principles and self- Sovereign fici so there are  many of those and they have lots of meetups and   there's a big social n NW work of bitcoiners it's  really easy to to hook up with the bitcoiners I   went to a Bitcoin meet up actually a couple days  ago people were super friendly I really wanted to   talk to a lot more of them and really get to know  them but I I had limited time so I just kind of   said hi and recorded a bit of the uh the Meetup so  that's one type of person have you have you met a   lot of these type of people oh yeah and are they  your close friends now um well I'm married to a   Salvadorian now so so I have a mix I have a good  mix mix I have some close bitcoiner friends um but   they're I'm not I'm not a purist in any aspect  I'm not a got you what's the second type then   okay the second type of people actually I would  say are the more of conservative Christians that   are moving here from everywhere from UK Canada a  lot of Canadians America uh Europe people that are   just they they see the world or order they see  globalist and they see a lot of freedoms like   dying in their own country and their government's  taking too much power and they're just concerned   and they they kind of call themselves the self-  selected refugees cuz their ideas kind of I'm   getting out of Dodge before Dodge blows up you  know that's that's interesting for me because   this is probably the most religious country in  terms of Christianity I've ever been in like   hearing like CH Christian music everywhere the  buses the supermarkets and I've heard it in other   countries like most of Latin America is religious  but I mean the name of this country is the savior   our Lord the Savior so and this the city is our  Saint savior so I mean everything revolves around   religion that doesn't really surprise me but do  you have a lot of close friends in this second   group um yeah I probably about as many as I  have of bitcoiners but yeah but yeah there is   and that's true I mean this city of all the Latin  American countries and Latin America is of course   Very Catholic um but of all the Latin American  countries even though it's the smallest it's   the one that's named after the Savior Jesus Christ  and it is and the people have suffered for so long   that they they really do they have a very deep  faith and they they really do they they live a   lot more of practicing what they preach and so in  a lot of other countries they're really boo booing   on religion and they're like oh religious people  are just stupid and they're all being fooled and   do you think that's why they move here is because  they see that this place is so religious and they   can live with those type of uh qualities without  any problems well partly yeah because they   were get actually kind of getting persecuted and  trashed on in their other countries and so they're   just like dude I can I can live my religion I can  do and bless and give here and nobody's going to   tell call me stupid nobody's going to call me  a phobe you know a phobe or something nobody's   going to call me nobody's going to sit there and  Bully my kids and sorry one one example of how I   think salvadorians are incredibly friendly these  this group of people they wouldn't they wouldn't   cross they they didn't want to cross because we're  recording I'm like what are you doing this is this   is your country this is a park just keep walking  and this is something I really enjoy about the   local people here let's talk about the third group  okay so and then the last group are the diaspora   and diaspora stands for like the the foreigners  that have moved out of a country um that live   outside of their home country so so there's good  3 million plus um salvadorians that actually live   outside of El Salvador because of the war and  because of the gangs and just fleeing a country   that was just pure violence and danger and so now  they never wanted to leave but they had to to Sur   they were basically refugees basically right they  truly were refugees and so they did it to survive   and they've sent money back for years to their  families here and so now that it's safe I mean   their big dream is to come back and so that's  the biggest thing is we've seen um cuz well my   husband has an immigration relocation company  and so of all of his clients those are kind of   the three main groups is the the Salvadorans that  are coming back from the US from Canada from other   places that want to come and build El Salvador to  to be to be the most amazing country it can be so   let's talk a bit more about about your husband's  business because he has a a relocation business   right for for people thinking about moving here  is that correct could you talk a bit more about that um sure it's called living like a local  and a lot of my YouTube channel kind of kind   of like a funnel because I'm an awesome wife um  for his business but and that that's just it is   that the big thing about El Salvador is that  it is it is developing it is it's not first   world by any stretch of the imagination but the  thing about El Salvador is there's so much hope   it's a pioneering Spirit if you're interested in  coming to El Salvador you need to know we're not   there yet you need to have a little bit of that  Pioneer Spirit of you want to create something   better you want to you're you're not that picky  you're not that entitled you're it's more about   Direction than it is location you don't care that  this is third world second world you care that the   direction is upward not necessarily that you get  everything that you want and you have your Prime   on automatic dial so what does your husband's  company specialize in um typically he focuses   more in retirees and um yeah more retirees and  more of the Christian families that are coming   back here because the bitcoiners they they're  a little clicky they they kind of like to you   know there's a few die hards that are like you  know Bitcoin will solve all the world's problems   and yeah we kind of we we refer those to the  Bitcoin immigration companies plus the other   big thing is in El Salvador you get what you  pay for so be careful if you're checking out   some things it's not necessarily a good thing  to go with the cheapest around here because the   cheapest usually means it's going to break and  it's not worth anything and it's not necessarily   good to go to the most expensive because they're  probably corrupt and they're going to rob you so   it's best to look C somebody in the middle midd  and integrity Integrity is the biggest thing if   you can find because of the history of corruption  um it's most important to to find somebody who is   honest well I'm going to put that link in my  description and possibly around here on the on   the top of the video so you can click on that if  you're interested in that and speaking of prices   speaking of shopping around let's talk about  cost of living a little bit because this is a   huge part of deciding where you want to live and  why right so this is definitely much cheaper than   our country the USA and Canada and many developed  countries could you give uh maybe a weekly budget   of a typical expat that lives here our home is  actually really big for um for El Salvador it's   it's it's a normal size it's a normal to medium  siiz I'd say gringo us home it's about let's see   if I had to guess I'd say it's close to like 20  2200 square ft so it's it's pretty big and it has   big cabled roofs and stuff but it's like a Spanish  villa out in the country so when we paid aund we   paid $1,100 and then it was $100 in utility on top  of that but we're outside of the city inside the   city honestly in San Salvador um in the nice ends  of s salor like San Bonito and his colog you'll   pretty much pay the same you'll pay in the US you  know 2,000 plus a month for um an apartment that's   probably a a furnished apartment right including  including all the the fees and yeah internet and   and water and electricity and whatever but is  that through Airbnb are you saying or or how would   the someone find this type of uh accommodation  you're talking about um honestly down here the   most common the the there's two websites that  people use one is called incentra vat or inent   24 right and then the other one is just Facebook  and there's if you want to live in the city the   you'll find the the homes are a lot smaller you  can still get a three-bedroom but your home is   probably going to be a lot smaller and it can be a  lot cheaper you just need to you just need to know   what you what's really important to you so the top  most expensive neighborhoods you said are probably   Escalon and what else San Bonito San Bonito I  say San Bonito is the the the most expensive and   there's some parts of Santa Elena that are pretty  expensive but that's there's a lot of foreigners   and Gringos that live around Santa Elena because  there's a it's a Costco it's called price Mar but   it's pretty much Costco um and you know as screen  goes we like our Costco that's right so I'll live   near the Costco wait is there a Costco just put  me there put me right next to it let's do like a   typical monthly or weekly budget that you and uh  your husband would normally pay if you could tell   us that okay so well on my channel I I do a whole  shopping trip and it depends on where you shop   just like anywhere else um I because I'm all about  integrating into a society and kind of not staying   separate um we pay as I said like 1,100 for rent  for our 2200 fot Spanish villa that we have on   our farm with all of our awesome fruit trees and  everything else and then we pay about let's see   car the gas prices are about 460 right now they're  really high now yeah so I just filled up and I was   like oh yeah we pay about 50 bucks about 50 bucks  I'd say a week for gas but that's because we live   out of town and so we have to commute in every  day cuz my husband has to go to the university   every day and so does he teach there yeah he does  awesome and so um and the thing is a lot of that   gas is sitting sitting in traffic unfortunately  because we can he can get there in like speaking   of that speaking of that let's give you a little  idea of what the traffic is like here this is   we're getting close to the AA Pico which is rush  hour and yeah it's you can hear the honking and   there's definitely a lot of people waiting to  go to their destination aren't they okay so we   don't have a car payment so that's nice one other  thing is cars are more more expensive here than in   the states one thing good to knowe um our car is  already paid up for um but in about grocy wise I   I try and eat pretty healthy that's one of my  main reasons why I live down here is I'm a lot   skinnier I'm a lot healthier in El Salvador than I  am in the states um and so our budget for food per   week let's see i' say 100 bucks a week but that's  because I I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables do   you eat every meal at home um most most most of  them yeah because I'm not big on fried foods and   and there's two people at your house yeah so $400  per month between two people yeah about $400 a   month for the two of us but fruits and vegetables  are are a lot less expensive here oh yeah than   there and so it's a lot easier and cheaper to  eat healthy here and we don't eat out a lot so   and then for entertainment side you probably drive  around go to some places and what do you do on for   the entertainment expenses what what would be an  example of that well honestly as you'll see in my   channel I we don't really nowadays with Netflix  and stuff we don't really watch a whole lot of   TV we're usually either making videos don't really  consume a whole lot or but entertainment Wise It's   actually usually and going and visiting Natural  Parks or hiking a volcano or do you usually go   to places that are free or how much do those cost  you obviously you're paying for gas and maybe an   entrance fee so what would be an example of that  okay well um like in my channel I have a whole   lot of tourist videos but almost every park  around here it's like a buck maybe $3 to get   in and even the National Theater I love to go to  the theater and they have ballets and they have   orchestras and even that is like maybe $3 to get  into the symphony wow and so I mean so our kind   of entertainment is really cheap whereas I mean  you can still go to the cinema you know you still   go to the movies and you're still going to pay  like eight like I think about $8 the cinema cost   eight wow it's pretty high I think so other Latin  American countries are like two or three I think   a lot of them I don't go okay so maybe not the  correct numbers right so you're saying probably   the majority of what you're spending actually on  these like excursions and entertainment things   is just the gas going there right yeah pretty much  yeah it's pretty much the gas going there and then   and then I I love Street vendors so I love to try  you know local little C CA and little hole in the   walls so it's the gas to go there and then it's  maybe five to five bucks to get in and then it's   maybe $10 to eat if you eat at a local restaurant  you're not going to spend more than 10 bucks if   you eat at a fast poo place or a chain or if you  eat at some foreign place that's here yeah you're   going to pay a lot more you not as much as the  states but a lot more you'll pay like you know   five bucks for I get a Big Mac meal you get a  Big Mac meal and then we get ice cream cones   it's going to end up being about 15 bucks like  maybe 1990s us prices but but I prefer to go I   like to go to the mom and pop places or just drive  through papusas you know so that is one little key   word that you should know about in terms of cost  of living if you want to bring down the cost eat   the local food and specifically papusas they are  insanely cheap do you eat papusas often oh heck   yeah at least well I I like to make my own so oh  you make your own so yeah so yeah no I eat papusas   at least at least 3 4 days a week so papusas are  a little like what can you describe papusas for   us it's usually around a dollar each right um no I  get mine three for a dollar oh okay well it's way   cheaper over there where I've been founding them  and like where I went to the beach near Bitcoin   Beach it was like 60 80 cents a dollar do25 you  know but it's more touristy place so can you   describe a little bit about this uh Pusa before  we uh finish up sure yeah you've been sitting in   the expensive zones dude um no it's I mean some  of the papusas are getting a little bit more like   40 maybe at most 50 cents per papoa but okay so a  papoa is kind of like it's like an enclosed pea um   and that they make them if you're a gluten-free  person or a a milk-free person you would love El   Salvador um because they start with making either  they use either rice flour or they use corn flour   and then they put beans cheese um different greens  like I really love the greens they have Mort they   have different greens that they'll put in with the  cheese and then they close it up and so it ends up   being like I said like a peita pocket that's  all enclosed but it's stuffed with um cheese   or squash or stuff inside and then they cook it  and then they make this stuff called ctio which   is pretty much like Salvador and SLO and but it's  um ctio is just it's cabbage that's um in vinegar   and kind of been a little bit and then they put  the ctio on top and then they put um tomato salsa   de Tom tomato sauce that they make from real  tomatoes on top of that and then um and then   you yeah you eat it and I like to make my own  Gordo because it's fermented cabbage and it's   got lots of probiotics and stuff like that and so  it's just and that's like a daily meal whereas in   the US when I had to take in the US I had to  take tons of supplements and stuff because all   the food had didn't have any nutrients in it cuz  they' all been taken out so I had to like make   the fermented vegetables and I had to like sit  there and force it down because I didn't have   anything to put it on but here I have papusas and  I put my fermented cabbage on my papusas and it's   awesome so if you come here you definitely need  to try this local delicacy papusas are quite good is there one last thing that you would  like to do to tell someone uh some good advice   if they're thinking about coming down to El  Salvador um number one before you go to any   foreign country drop your judgment come in with  an open mind come in with uh you know what this   you're the visitor so that means you open up to  the way they do things and you'll find out more   about yourself and you'll start to challenge  some of your own belief sets and like in my   channel my tagline is travel more live more be  more because as you live more of life you become   a better person and and be more of the person you  truly are okay that's some pretty Sound Advice   any other last minute tidbits you want to fit in  here um just that El Salvador is wonderful and   the more you see of the world just the better  person that you can become and if you want to   come visit check out my channel and and if you  want if you're thinking about moving here check   out living like a um my husband can  hook you up you got a a personal contact right   here if you're thinking of down and I really  want to thank you so much for uh giving us all   this excellent information and sharing your  story and talking about these projects you're   doing this really brings a nice positive light  to the xat community and the xat name I really   enjoy that all right welcome to S Salvador like  subscribe and comment if you like these [Music] videos [Music]

2023-11-19 15:52

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