Can't believe this is Tashkent capital of Uzbekistan | First time in Tashkent city!

Can't believe this is Tashkent capital of Uzbekistan | First time in Tashkent city!

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my name is jessie and i'm on a one-way mission to visit every single country on earth living with us with your hands and this is a secret grip this is a stupid video we're just eating let's explore country 71 together go back [Music] charging spot table comfortable chairs this is better than belgium so let's enjoy this a five hour or six hour ride to touch [Applause] [Music] here in regular training there is uh one wagon with the restaurant so here's the bar you can see and then right behind is a place where you can sit and enjoy your meal okay we arrived in tashkent and we are again staying at a kite surfing let's get started in tashkent this is our kite surfing spot right now uh just a quick tour we're sleeping right there anna is on the bed now now we are staying here in tashkent we don't know how long but uh this is what we got for now and our host went to show me some russian music in tashkent there's a lot of russians who were immigrated into all former u.s as our nation the funny thing is when you go to cities or small villages they're all speakers back and it's it's a very used back atmosphere but then when you go to the big cities like dash can't everybody speaking russian and they don't even speak uzbek there are schools who only teach russian and all the things happen in russian so right now we're in this art place and there there's someone the person who's hosting us wanted me to react on some russian music so that is what i'm gonna do now not his back music russian because he's russian within his back nationality and passport but the russian culture which is still very interesting so this is my friend from couchsurfing i'm gonna listen to some russian songs and response on them what i think about it songs i never heard before and let's get right into this [Music] tomorrow we need to go to the embassy to check videos for jesse i'm lucky i don't need any visas for tajikistan and kazakhstan but yes it does also funny thing that happened to us today is we went to the supermarket to buy some food and then we decided to pay by card and then the cashier said we gave the card and then he said what's your pin code i was like what uh when did you see anybody telling their pin codes to the caser so he first looked at the card from one side and from another and then he's like yeah it requires pinko tell me your pin code i'm like give me this machine and then i'll type the pin code and whenever you type your pin code everybody is staring at you typing your pin code there is no privacy here about it and then later ask the person who lives here with us in the couchsurfing what is happening why it is like they keep staring at you and then ask your pin code and he said don't they ask everywhere so it's a comment here staying here in uzbekistan people just asking your private information your pin codes and this is very very not safe don't do that when you come here you never know what they're going to do with that information maybe [Music] we just came here in the biggest park of tashkent it's absolutely wonderful one thing to note here during the summer months it is so hot outside it's incredibly hot that is also why the city here comes alive at night because you can finally breathe former soviet countries is these parks are all free to enter so in europe and or at least where i'm from you pay a big entrance to getting these immune parts but here's the opposite you can free enjoy the incredible atmosphere so i highly recommend you and if you want to go sit in the eye or do any of the attractions i'm gonna check out the prize and uh let's enjoy this there is a nice jean all year we we have to try what ice ice okay let's try can you can you do it what do you know how to ski 30 minutes for three and a half euro for ice skating in the summer we are so excited for it i've never seen jesse skating so let's see how belgians do it it's gonna be so amazing ice skating here enjoying it let's check out anna i'm so scared i haven't done it for years no that's not fair wow this is amazing [Music] so [Music] look there is a what is this there is a tower behind now middle of the night exactly 12 o'clock at midnight weather is still warm and we just walked around and now we discovered this big beautiful mosque here i will put the name here somewhere where mosques is when i discover it but it's such a wonderful place to walk around it's super clean and modern so a very cool piece of architecture here this is the embassy of kazakhstan right behind me we came here to make visa for jesse but unfortunately uh they don't work we tried to call them for almost two weeks right now and we could never reach them and their schedule is very weird two days a week including holidays and uh only three hours per day and they don't pick up the phones so we don't know how to get visa for jesse we decided to go to an account park here you can see normally they do a lot of parties and all of this that here but you do the coffee times party do not exist now in this aqua park but um later for sure go check it out i will put the name there and it's 15 each now in the summer it's incredibly hot here and there a lot of aqua parks i even decide to go in the evening by around six in the evening and it closes at ten so we have four hours to enjoy this amazing swimming pools aquaphor so jesse what can you say about this place i think honestly it would be very cool when there would be parties it's but now it's like basically quite an expensive swimming pool i would come back here whenever kovitz stops parties behind us now we're exploring the city by night because there's the only possible way you you can see something during summer here because it's in in the heat it's like 50 degrees in a shadow it's 42 43 degrees insane celsius by the way not fahrenheit crazy person use that this is a congress hall or the center of international forums no the palace of international forest right now we are exploring right the middle city center of tashkent we're in the heart of tashkent and it it looks still pretty alive at night because like i said during the day insane temperature so this is exactly the city center it's a lovely atmosphere nice walking street and it just feels fun alive definitely worth checking out a lot of attractions on the site you can rent some bikes you can eat something here ice creams whatever you want out of a city center is here it is almost impossible to do it because the bar is turning always the bar is turning so first thing what you do is you have to dry and clean your hands so go to dirt whatever you do so you can clean your hands then the trick is put your thumb on the inside put your hands and this is a secret grip you should do like the bars like this so when a bar is turning it will stay right there i put it still and even then it's still so hard to do two minutes it is [Music] it works in theory okay 20 000. we made it to the metro station unfortunately it doesn't work at midnight it stops working around 10 or 11.

otherwise i would you saw i would show you the beautiful metro inside uh according to tourists i haven't seen it but apparently it's a beautiful metro station this measurement i scanned was the first metro station in the 70s in central asia now that's a fun fact i don't know what's left here to explore in tashkent so we're gonna go back home right or the library okay next stop library and then we're gonna take the cab back home now another useful thing is yandex taxi works here perfectly it's the same as uber very cheap one right is like one dollar two dollars and you are everywhere where you want in the city and a metro ticket is just 14 cents now we reached the end of exploring tashkent by night the kovit restrictions currently are that everything after eight is close so you cannot go to clubs or any or a place to eat after eight before eight cove it does not exist here there no there's nothing that exists before eight but after eight you cannot go anywhere okay next to me right here is the library i have also been told the right in front of the library is super beautiful in winter uh it's it's an amazing spectacle of lights so i would say go look for that after this video but right now this is a library one thing that keeps on surprising me here in tashkent is amount of parks they have now they recently built this beautiful park it's called magic city and we are now gonna explore it i don't know we already been to four or five parks and it's a lot of new park modern park and it's so amusing just to walk in this kind of atmosphere i never been to disneyland but i imagine it would look something like this only more shops would be open but it's recently opened so a lot of shops and things are still in the making close so probably by the time you're gonna visit this you'll have a wonderful experience where everything is open and now let's go further explore the this beautiful park in tashkent [Music] of course on first sight you think here is a very beautiful looks like an incredible piece of architecture but in but in reality this place is a magic aquarium but you didn't expect that are we gonna go to the aquarium but let's walk around here in this magic city and take some epic pictures in front of the aquarium [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] the best thing about this thing all these parks here in uzbekistan are free to enter even this lovely park with fountains are free to enter it's been two weeks since we arrived in uzbekistan and for now we can't go anywhere else because all the neighboring countries are closed we cannot enter tajikistan because the land border is closed and kazakhstan is on a total lockdown so right now we're thinking about the next opportunities maybe we will go to pakistan but the visa application takes from two to three weeks and that's why we're still in tashkent figuring out what to do next but in uzbekistan we're still about to visit samarka and buhari and maybe the city that is called here we hope in the next few days we will be able to go to see those cities now a funny thing here what about happening or what we keep on experiencing tashkent is because it's summer here in central asia and summer is one of the hottest periods and we don't have a room with air conditioning and it's quite impossible in this heat to explore this lovely city during the day so our day starts close when the sun goes down and then we start exploring and going around for more updates follow uh anna her channel persona yeah follow she's cool she makes great videos follow yeah my unwritten rule is every time i see street artists and i decide to film for my instagram story for anything i give a little bit that's the least you can do probably i cannot use this music birthday and this is exactly what i mean when it's dark the city comes to life this street is forward life attractions happiness light it's the only time of day where you can enjoy the beautiful city of czechoslovakia foreign it's very cool it's actually a free summer street circus right here on the street called broadway let me film myself it's very cool it's actually a free summer we find we find here a cool thing uh why you can do so i don't know what the the wrong things are made of but it's basically made with liquid nitrogen they freeze it so hard [Music] okay so let's try together [Music] oh you got some meat [Music] this is a stupid video we're just eating just yes let's go yeah let's go thank you very much for uh hosting us he said come again yes we might attachment defense okay now durian decks is this our cap yes it should be our car it's a blue backpack adventure begins so now we're taking a cab to the train taste station and we take it three hours train then we arrive in summer camp and we don't even know where we're gonna stay tonight we have an option but we arrive at 10 p.m uh i mean the option is just booking not even a reservation but just an option hopefully we can check in late we should be able oh we sleep in the train station or we sleep in a train station let's see what summer cam prepared for us join me in my mission to visit every single country on earth subscribe and ring the bell to follow me along in my adventure please feel free to let me know what you think of the video and if you want to support this channel you can always buy me a coffee the link is in the description see you next week

2021-10-07 19:30

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