Can Engine Oil Be Proven To Last 20,000 Miles?

Can Engine Oil Be Proven To Last 20,000 Miles?

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Hello everyone and welcome, mole one annual protection. So this is an oil that they claim will last 20,000. Miles and I think one of the big challenges for us as consumers is you, walk into a part store you see all these different bottles all these different claims and it's very hard to know what testing, has actually gone on behind the scenes to know whether or not you can trust those claims so I've worked with Mobil 1 in the past talking about this product and I reached out to them again and said hey would you guys be interested and, actually, showing all of the testing, the formulation, what goes on behind the scenes so, that we can actually get a glimpse of you know why you make this claim how did you come to the conclusion that this oil can last 20,000, engine miles and next thing I know I'm spending two days at mobile ones engineering, and research facility, got an exclusive look at what goes on behind the scenes much of the testing, that goes into this and so that's what we're gonna be talking about in this video is the process, of you know reaching, this marketing, claim and what goes on behind the scenes so, super cool I'm really excited that we're getting this kind of behind-the-scenes look into, the world you know the engineering world the test world which I came from which, goes on behind the scenes that rarely you as a consumer, actually get to check out now something, I think that is extremely important to understand, initially, is that engineering, doesn't just you know dump a product in a bottle throw it to marketing and then say okay put some stickers on it make some claims very. Much so the opposite, happens so marketing does their research they determine, what product they want to develop and they tell the engineering, team hey can you guys make an oil that lasts 20,000, miles and then engineering, decides, to you know they formulate, a plan they, create, that oil and they they work through their plan to determine whether or not it can actually meet the marketing claim that the marketing team wants, to make so, that leads us into how the rest of this video is going to play out so it all starts with marketing saying hey we want you guys to develop a product that lasts for 20,000, engine miles then, formulation, engineers spend time you know trying to create that perfect formula which they think we'll be able to complete, that task that, marketing, desires then. They use that formula they put it through some lab screen tests, basically, these are more cost effective tests to chew then measure whether or not they should perform. Additional. Testing or if they should go back to you know their formulation. Some tweaks and see if they can do better in these lab screening tests then you get into much more expensive testing, so you want to be kind of sure of yourself before you get into that you perform engine testing you perform outside dynamometer. Testing, which they call Mads testing, and then, you can perform field, testing, and then once you have all of this data from. All of your testing, you can say okay did it actually last for 20,000, miles or did it not you've got all that data to prove your claim and then you can come out with that marketing claim so, we're going to work through each of, these the formulation, through the different levels of testing and how they reach that marketing claim so, my first stop at the engineering facility, was the formulation. Lab and essentially, when you look at a bottle of oil about 80 to 90 percent of it is made up of base oils and then about 10 to 20% of it it's made up of additives, now, the base oil is what gives a lot of the important properties such. As the viscosity of the oil how thick it is at high temperatures, how well it flows at low temperatures, and also, its volatility, so how easily, this oil evaporates of course you don't want the oil to evaporate because if it does then it just burns off in your engine and so, these are you know features, that the base oil provides but, the additives, you can enhance the properties of this oil now, Mobil 1 essentially, tests, all the different additives that are out there in the market and then they choose percentages, of each additive, which they find to be beneficial, for their formula, so, one of these additives is viscosity index improvers or, VI improvers, these are large molecules that. Prevent the oil from getting too thin while it heats up another. Additive, antioxidants. These are used to prevent the oil from oxidizing, or from breaking, down you, can kind of think of it like blueberries, or dark chocolate for humans basically.

These Are trying, to react with the oil to prevent heat and oxygen from. Degrading that o of minimizing. That effect of the oil breaking down so it lasts for a long time and the viscosity doesn't, change over time anti-wear. Additives these. Are pretty cool so what they do is they absorb, and they react with metallic, surfaces, so, they create a sacrificial, layer that's, constantly, being removed and replaced so. For example where you have your camshaft and your lifter which is used to open and close your valves, it'll, create, a layer on that rotating, camshaft and on that lifter that's, constantly, being removed and replaced that's, preventing. That metal from touching each other, and creating, anywhere, so of course in mobile one annual protection, that, additive, needs to be able to last for twenty thousand miles ash, list dispersants, are used to prevent sludge from accumulating so basically, what, these will do these dispersants, will attach to sludge, precursors, or deposit, precursors, and they'll, keep that sludge or deposit, suspended, within the oil rather than attaching, to for example the Pistons so, that you can filter it out or drain it out so, that you don't have that sludge and those deposits build up within the engine super, important, for piston, cleanliness, detergent. Somewhat similar to ash, lyst dispersants, their job is to keep the engine clean attached, to deposits, and prevent, those deposits from forming, on the Pistons things like that however, they're also used, to neutralize acids, so you have blow-by occurring, from combustion, and as, those combustion, gases pass by the piston, and react with the oil they can become acidic and so, the detergents, are there to help neutralize this. Reaction, and, not have an acidic oil within the engine and finally, we get 2d foments, which as the name suggests, among other things are used to prevent foaming so as that engine is spinning at very high speeds, of course, that oil is getting churned up and you don't want it to foam so, that's what that additive, is used for okay, so now that we've got an idea of what goes on with the experimental, formulation. Basically, what happens next is they take the desired percentages, of each of these additives and base oils that they want they, mix them all together they heat them to 82, degrees Celsius. For one hour and now they have a test sample and so, with this sample formula, they move on to lab screening, with that formula, to determine if it can pass the test that it needs to now, one of the many preliminary, tests, is called TS 33. C and this is a test which was developed by Chrysler, to help them predict, turbocharger, cleanliness whether they could expect with their engines using, specific, oils and so, in this case the.

Test Requires a stainless, steel rod and oil. Flows, around this stainless steel rod and that temperature. Varies, from 200 degrees Celsius to, 480, degrees Celsius, now it's not just a temperature, difference which is occurring the oil also flows, through a reactor. Vessel where it's bubbled with nitrous oxide, and oxygen on top, of an iron catalyst, which is added to the prior to starting the test all to, make this a test that's very challenging for the oil to pass so, the oil flows from the reactor, vessel to the test rod then back into the reactor vessel and the cycle continues now the test itself is made up of twelve cycles, which are nine and a half minutes each where that oil temperature, varies from 200, C up to 480, C then back down to 200, C and this is about a two hour test, so, you weigh the metal rod before the test and then you clean off the oil afterwards. And you weigh it again measuring, the deposits, which have accumulated on it and you also weigh an external, filter which is used to capture any deposits, which may have fallen off the test rod and in order to pass this test you have to have less than thirty milligrams of accumulated. Deposits, total and the example, we are looking at here is about 20 milligrams on this, rod which, would be passing the test with the healthy margin left, in there now, two additional, bench tests, of the many out there or an oxidation, stability test and a thin film oxidation, test both of these can help you learn about you know how does this oil react over, time will it last a long duration so, the first test this oxidation, stability test is a proprietary test, developed by Exxon Mobil basically. It involves heating the oil adding, air as, well as a catalyst, to help that reaction be, further degraded, as far as how long this oil can last and you measure the viscosity over. Time as, it's undergoing, this test and so, initially you know if they designed something, which. They, notice, that the viscosity raises. Too quickly over time then they reformulate, it and they basically just try to extend, out this viscosity curve, as long, as they can get it to go so, that it can last a long duration without, the viscosity changing. And that's you know you're not going to have the protection that you mean your engine so, initially, actually if you look at their curve for their actual product Mobil one annual protection, dips. Initially, and it's, possible, that a small drop in viscosity could, occur from the oxidation of VI improvers. But, basically if any larger molecule were to break down than. Initially that would reduce the viscosity now. Eventually you see that as that oil oxidizes. Larger, molecules start to form and these larger molecules, are what are starting, to increase that viscosity and then you can see eventually it gets into this kind of X rate where you start to get more and more larger molecules, and, you have a you, know severe increase, in viscosity so, you want to make sure that. The oil doesn't, do this too soon you want to make sure that it lasts for the engines oil drain. Interval, duration, the, second test here involving, oxidation, basically, what they do is they take a spinning, aluminum, disk and you circulate oil onto the center of that disk and then it spins out on the disk and this oil is at a high temperature and, the test is a very long duration and, so basically you just keep running it and you, start to see that the varnish, will start to appear and, then you know you can start have these deposits form on that spinning, disk now, as this carbon builds up this carbon acts as an insulator, so for scenarios like for the turbocharger, that turbo shaft you. Don't want carbon building up on it because it's not going to be able to reject that heat to the oil moving around it so, carbon acts as an insulator, so, it's pretty interesting to look at the difference between a high mileage synthetic, blend versus, a standard synthetic, and Mobil one annual protection, the, standard synthetic and Mobil one annual protection, passing, this test you can see some varnish on the standard, synthetic, but, you know not a big mechanical, difference, it's still going to work properly and then not too much varnish at all on the Mobil one and your protection, versus, looking at the high mileage synthetic.

Blend This actually fails the test and you can see significant, carbon buildup on it okay so at this point we have seen some of the tests which have gone on with the lab screenings, and now, they can move on assuming, all is going well and their formula is working within these lab screenings to the next step which is engine, testing the, first of two engine, tests which we're going to be talking about is AGM turbo test and this is a test which you must pass in order for GM to say that your product is compatible. With their engines and so, this is using a 1.4. Liter Ecotec engine. And you're basically analyzing, the turbocharger, for, any you know negative effects that may happen with that turbocharger. As a result of using it with a specific engine oil so this is a 500, hour test and it cycles, from mid to high rpm, and then the engine actually shuts off and it lets that turbocharger. Soak all of that heat soak into. That you know you don't have flow anymore for that oil so that oil is just sitting inside of that turbocharger, soaking, in that heat now there's no coolant, used in, tests, so the oil is there for lubrication, and it's also there for the cooling of the turbocharger and basically. As carbon, deposits start, to form within that turbocharger. Those carbon deposits act as an insulator, and you, can see this by measuring a temperature differential. Across, the turbocharger, so if you're not rejecting as much heat you could be building up carbon deposits within. That turbocharger. So there's very specific heat. Parameters, which, you need to be able to pass in, order to pass this test, measuring. That temperature, differential, and looking, for that carbon buildup now once the test is complete you, actually cut the turbocharger. In half and then inspect, the part so you're inspecting the turbo chef the bearings the internal components, and you're looking for where you're looking for varnish and you're, looking for deposits, and so this turbocharger, that we're looking at here split. In half is actually, the one that was used when testing, mobile one annual protection, another, engine test uses, a Toyota, 2nr, EFI engine and, this, test is designed to, examine lifter. Buckets and the, you know the interaction, between the, camshafts and the lifter buckets which are used to open the intake and exhaust valves, and. To see whether or not any wear occurs on that lifter bucket where you've got that very high pressure interaction. So this is a two hundred hour test and, the American Society for testing materials, sets the requirements, for this test and basically. How it works is the engine goes from idle up to 4,300. RPM and. It's doing this every six to seven seconds, and it's cycling. 24,000. Times now, on top of the engine there are two cooling jackets, which pass through the valve train and the coolant is at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius and the reason this is done is to keep those valve train temperatures, low so, this kind of creates a similar situation to when you're starting your car and, you know you're basically just have ambient temps so, the starting of the car is where you're gonna have the most wear occur and so this test brings, down those temperatures, to, help accelerate wear, within the testing now after those 24,000. Cycles are complete, you measure the wear on the lifter buckets so they use a scanning, machine which takes a 3d image of the lifter and it actually measure the volume, of. Material, that has been removed from those lifter buckets you can evaluate that material, lost and determine whether or not it passes, this test okay. Moving right along now that we've passed the engine tests, we can move on to mads testing, MADD, stands, for mileage, accumulation. Dynamometer, stand, and this is where the testing starts to get really exciting, for me so there's eight outdoor, dinos, that, Mobil one has at this facility which, they can run vehicles, on so these are outside and they chose three different vehicles to test this on running, them to 120,000, miles with, 20,000, mile oil change intervals, so the first vehicle is a 2015. Lexus, NX 200t this. Has a two liter engine turbocharged. Direct-injection. And it uses zero w 20 motor. Oil the, next vehicle is a 2016. Ford Fusion. Se, which is a 1.5. Liter EcoBoost, engine direct, injection, and 5w. 20 motor oil and then, the final core is a 2015. Chevy. Malibu 2-liter, engine turbocharged.

Gasoline Direct. Injection and, this, uses 5w30, so, each of these using a different weight oil and you, know all of these are turbocharged, they're small engines they're direct injection, and the reason for choosing these vehicles is this is basically where, the industry, is headed so you're seeing a lot of small displacement, turbocharger. High boost engines so, these engines, have very high internal temperatures, and pressures and they're very hard on the oil as a result of being turbocharged. So that's why I Mobil one selected, these for, the testing, now the test itself is a pretty severe test cycle where they simulate city highway, driving. Up inclines, and driving, with a trailer, and so the way that they can you, know kind of simulate, these inclines, or trailers, is by using a brake on the dyno so, the car has to overcome the power to. Overcome that brake that's trying to slow it down now for all three of these vehicles every, 5,000. Miles the oil is tested, and inspected and, every 20,000. Miles the, oil and the oil filter are changed, out the, total duration of the test that lasts for 120,000. Miles so six stints of you. Know 20,000, miles on the oil and on the oil filter, now, after the hundred and twenty thousand miles are complete, there's a visual inspection of, the entire, engine all of the components, so, the engine is fully torn down and, all the components, are analyzed against, industry, standards, now the technicians, who are performing this analysis, are blind, as to what components. What engine oils were used, on these certain components, so they're just looking at it they have no idea if it's a competitive product or if it's mobile one annual protection, that they're looking at to make sure that there's no bias and their rating scale and so, this engine that we're looking at here is out, of the NX 200t torn. Apart and there's, a rating scale which they use to look at varnish to look at sludge to look at carbon deposits and, to analyze these parts so anything, that the oil touches, is analyzed. So, here we can see the block out of the Lexus the crankshaft, the, crank bearings, the connecting, rods the, Pistons, the camshaft, and the valve cover, now, in addition to the engine teardown, at 120,000. Miles engine, oil samples, are taken from the vehicles every 5,000. Miles and these oil samples, are analyzed under various, tests, so, two of the spectroscopy, tests. Which, this undergoes, are ICP. And FTIR. So we're gonna be talking about ICP. Or inductively, coupled, plasma spectroscopy. Now, this device uses a plasma, torch and it injects an oil sample, into that plasma, so the oil is converted, to an aerosol, and then vaporized atomized. And finally ionized, by the high-energy plasma, now. When these ions get excited, by the plasma they emit photons of, specific, wavelengths, to the left you can see a chamber, and this is essentially, a massive, image sensor, which records, the wavelength, of the light emitted, from the oil passing, through the plasma torch these, specific, wavelengths, are an indication, almost, like a thumbprint, for, what metals are present in the oil now, specific, elements, correlate, with specific, engine components, so you can learn if there's various, metals that are wearing too fast within the engine for example if you see too much aluminum, you could be seeing some piston where if there's, copper, there could be where in the piston rings the, bearings, the sleeves if there's, iron there could be where, in the engine block and the cylinders, if there's, nickel, there could be where in the bearings in the valves, and and, there's a long list of different elements, which, you can learn from and basically you want to see these all very well controlled and not increasing, not, massive, amounts of these where metals within the oil samples to know that the engine is running healthily, so it's pretty cool to actually look at the data see that the copper that the iron stay, well within their limits for the duration of the hundred twenty thousand mile test now, not only are you monitoring where elements during these five thousand mile intervals you're, also looking at the viscosity of the oil and making sure that it remains within its SAE grade, requirements.

For Those twenty thousand mile intervals and so, if they did this with each of the vehicles and they all stayed within the viscosity requirements. That they needed to even. With a duration and oil change interval, of twenty thousand miles also, during the five thousand mile intervals you're measuring the acidity, or measuring, the base numbers, you're measuring oxidation. You're measuring nitration, and all, of these have to remain within tolerances. For those twenty thousand mile intervals, for, one hundred and twenty thousand miles total and order, for it to pass this test, now they performed one additional, tests on those outside dynamometer, x' where they put half a million miles on a Chevy, Silverado, so once again using, twenty thousand mile oil drain intervals and doing, this for five hundred thousand, miles now, this was put on a highway cycle, which is less intense, but it enables them to put a lot more miles, on the car in a shorter duration and see how it performs in that scenario now if any of the components, which the oil touches. Were to fail they would end the test and an example of something which they did end up swapping out unrelated, to the engine oil the, transmission, needed to be replaced at three hundred thousand, miles but, none of the components related to the engine oil needed, to be replaced all of them last for five hundred thousand miles and then, you know they pulled the engine out to tear down and it inspects at half, a million miles so, aside from the teardown, they also did the interval testing, with this vehicle as well where they took oil samples, and they, made sure that you know the viscosity rating, it remained, within sae spec, for those five hundred thousand miles throughout. The oil drain intervals with twenty thousand mile intervals they, made sure where metals were kept in check the copper in the iron they, all stayed well within limits and they also monitored, for sludge in the deck so looking, at that every hundred thousand miles to make sure that the valvetrain was performing, smoothly that there wasn't sludge accumulating. So, a pretty impressive test, and five hundred thousand miles put on the vehicle and then of course once it was done the engine is completely torn down they visually inspect, all the components, make sure there's not sludge that there's not excessive. Wear that there's not excessive, carbon deposits which, have built up so, analyzing that engine after it has been torn down after those five hundred thousand, miles now. In addition to the Mads testing, Mobil 1 actually owns 91, lucky, cabs in Las Vegas so high temperatures, lots of idling, time things. Like that which they test their products they've been running that program since, 2004. And the whole idea of this video is to kind of give you an eclipse and it's certainly not an exhaustive list but a glimpse, of the testing, that goes on behind the scenes which, you generally don't get to see before, they come up with these marketing claims of what a product can do now, one of the big questions a lot of you were asking in the first video was are there actually oil filters, which can last 20,000. Miles and, indeed there are so basically, they're already filters, lasting, around 15,000. Miles and, Mobil 1 was doing testing to, determine you know do they actually last for 20,000, miles and they found that the media can actually handle it the filter inside can, actually handle that 20,000, miles the one thing that they did need to have change for these extended, filters that lasts for 20,000, miles is the actual rubber gasket, that seats against, your engine block so that material actually, needed to be improved to, last for those 20,000, miles but the media itself was, fine to actually filter on for, those additional 5,000 miles versus a 15,000. Mile oil filter, something, else that I think is important, to mention is that a year is a long time to, go without looking, at your car so, you know they're certainly not saying hey you don't need to touch your car for a year if your car burns a lot of oil then you still have to replace that oil that gets burned off you. Know there are maintenance things that you need to address within. A year, so it's not you know wise to just you know you put in your one-year oil and you just let it sit for a year and that's the only thing you ever have to think about you still need to keep up with your vehicle also important, if your vehicle is under warranty, the oil drain interval is set by the manufacturer, so you don't want to stray from that oil drain interval if your car is indeed, under warranty, so, this has been a ton, of information, I hope you guys have enjoyed as much as I have getting behind the scenes glimpse at what goes on in, developing, a motor oil if you guys have any questions or comments of course feel free to leave those below, thanks for watching.

2018-01-03 17:24

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Hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season!! There's a lot of information packed into this video, quite a bit of preparation and fact-checking went into this, and I know it's a massive amount to consume. I learned an immense amount over the two days I spent at their facility learning about the testing, and I believe this video captures what I saw very well for only being a 20-minute video. It was fascinating learning about how much testing goes on that we rarely hear about, and it was super cool to see the viscosity and wear metals analysis with time over the 20k mile drain intervals (as demonstrated towards the end of the video). It's a long video, but I'm quite proud of how it turned out, and I appreciate those of you who'll take the time to watch from start to finish - really tells the whole story! Thank you all and Happy New Year, let's have an amazing 2018!!

Hack of all Trades I agree, engineering explained has taught me a lot as well.

Engineering Explained I REALLY enjoyed this video. I did have a question I was wondering but cant remember off the top of my head so I'll ask another time. I know it was comparing something though lol.

Engineering Explained they're not called American Society for Testing and Materials anymore, just ASTM international ;)

Engineering Explained but what about the oil filter? Won’t even the best of oil filters start clogging up with sludge and dirt after 10k? Especially with severe driving conditions?

Also whoo 400th like!

Absolutely loved this video. Good to see the real r&d

Loved the video. Is there a baseline comparison they need to compare to meet these claims? Would there be a significant increase in an engine's life if it were changed at 10,000 vs. 20,000 miles?

Engineering Explained I've been using Mobil 1 for about 15 years now in all my cars and recently tried the extended performance 15k mile oil with the extended performance filter of course. I used it just having faith in Mobil 1 oil. Thank you for clearing up the fact that I made the right choice! Amazing video as always. Merry Christmas and happy new year!

This may be your best video yet!

Good job with this. I work in this industry and you did a great job of keeping thing correct and making this topic accessible to everyone!

Eneos 5W-40 on a fully built EJ257 longblock.

Georgi Georgiev You really are wasting a lot of time and money doing oil changes at 1000 miles, without gaining anything... A few years ago I started to run AMSOIL extended range lubricants. I was a bit skeptical (at first). SO I sent the oil off at 1000 miles to get tested, by Blackstone Labs. Then sent in a sample at the recommend millage and time they told me. Yes it costed more to do the testing, then it would of cost to just change the oil in normal service intervals... but cost was not the point. The results that I received over the 15 thousand miles, was that there was no significant wear and that the oil could have lasted far longer, if I wanted too. SO now I run everything with the extended life lubricants, and worry less when I change the oil at normal service intervals. The added protection is there for peace of mind, and I know for certain that my engine is protected.

I watch your videos all the way through, no matter the length... don't want to miss anything, since there is always so much great information provided.

mike H: Only use mineral based oils in rotaries if you still use the OMP, if premixing 2 stroke and no OMP then its fine to use either synthetic/mineral oil :)

Know your asking him, but ill use either penz plat, or castrol syntec.

Thanks for the video, very informative. Would you recommend this oil in a turbo rotary engine?

Change filter instead of oil at an earlier mileage....?

vhjioa if you ask me, it’s a cheap investment to simply change your oil 5-10k miles. We had a Jeep Liberty owner religiously coming to my shop for a few years and he’d get oil changes every 3k Miles despite a 5k interval. Needless to say that’s one of the few liberties Ive seen that didn’t suffer from the oil passages clogging up (common issue on those)

Engineering Explained, So what car do you drive and how often do you change the oil?

Engineering Explained GM transmissions. Smh. I might switch back to mobile on my wrx.

Why would the copper wear stop at 60,000 miles?

Its surprising that Mobile 1 allowed you to show it on Youtube. Isn't will let competitors to know how they operate, machine and formula they used.

hey could you do a behind SCENE of AmsOil???

Thank you Jason! Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year to you and yours as well!

Finally, Exxon Mobil does something honest.

What's the high temperature car version of vitamin C?

Hi Jason, a great video again! Thanks for your contribution! Merry Christmas and Happy new year! By the way, I sent an email to your box @gmail and @engineeringexplained both to talk about adding Chinese subtitles and uploading to our platform for audiences in China, since we are blocked from youtube by GFW. Look forward your responsing. Thanks again!

@Aaron Schwarz I don't believe they set out to prove, or disprove your Japanese engine question. However, talking to a lot of professional mechanics who work daily on ALL vehicles, will back up historical data, that Toyota engines (A/T & Manual) last for a very long time if maintenance schedule is adhered to. Honda ' s manual transmission also matches Toyota ' s manual transmission longetivity. Unfortunately, not it's A/T. Hyundai's power train has a warranty of 100,000 miles applicable ONLY TO THE ORIGINAL OWNER. THE WARRANTY DOES NOT TRANSFER TO SUBSEQUENT OWNERS. SO BUYER BEWARE!!!

Isaiah Shisler if ur in USA ur lucky to get Amsoil, they are pretty decent. Everything else is marketing. Not sure of USA markets manufacturing practises but am sure it’s same every where.

Engineering Explained This was an outstanding video, thanks for showing us :)

I would love to see a similar video observing the testing process used by other major, already trusted brands such as Castrol or Amsoil. Also, slightly unrelated, would it be possible to do a video exploring the potential apabilities of different oils to clean an already neglegted engine? Where i work we deal with alot of those and we normally just recommend them to increade their service intervals and hope for the best. It'd be nice to see some actual legitimate testing done on this but I dont know where to look.

Good job.

Hey what is your professional opion about by pass filter sytems where they claim you don`t have to change oil at all?

Engineering Explained thanks man! The quality of bids u put out are unmatched. U keep making them I'll keep watching!!!!

Engineering Explained, would you consider a making a video to explain a procedure to properly warm transmission fluid? If there is such a method or procedure. I've read about shifting to a drive gear (drive or reverse) and remaining stationary for a period of time (1 min) to help with promoting fluid flow around the transmission. Thanks for these videos, you videos are to the point with out fluff... and based on science... not opinion. Happy New Year.

Engineering Explained - excellent video and very informational. Thank you for taking the time to create this video. Happy holidays.

loved all the info, i'm left wondering though, this oil is very impressive but for use in high power turbo vehicles would i be better of with a performance oil like motul designed for race use, or does the fact that the mobil oil is designed for modern turbo vehicles, does this now surpass these race type oils?

This may just be your best video yet, keep doing what you do. Damn.

Any thoughts about who builds a better engine in the batch shown? The Japanese (Toyota etc) are long known to build super durable long lasting engines. Do your observations of the testing vehicle engines coincide or related to this known history reputation of Japanese vehicle manufacturers?

Amazing vid. I will log into my other account so i can give 2 likes. Also i will start putting this oil into my car. I change oil every 1000 miles on a 5000 mile engine. It is obviously very unnecessary to do that but it makes me feel very good that the oil is super good at all times

Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to you! This was a great video.

Engineering Explained It is an excellent video, Jason. I hope that you enjoyed making it, and to watch more similar content. Have a good and prosperous New year.

I run Amsoil full synthetic diesel 15-40 in my 03 duramax lb7 and change the oil every 25,000 - 30,000 miles. It's winter now here in Maine and just above 0 degrees F. My engine has 280k and still running strong. Ill be pulling it out for head gaskets and injectors at 500k and am very curious to see how my bearings look. Your videos have helped me with mechanical understanding more then any other source of information. Thankyou and have a great new year!

Would you rather change every 10,000 miles with a cheaper brand or every 20,000 miles with a Castrol or Mobil 1?

Well i dont know if it does what it claims but i use this oil in my small engines since they ever get changed more then once a year. Seems to run clean and even start well in colder weather.

The real question is what do you use in your cars? Be specific please.

Engineering Explained Castro GTX also have 300000 miles test I don't know what the details are but if possible please compare

been using castrol for years.... You sir have planted the seed... I'll give Mobil1 a go!

What did they say about switching over on an older vehicle? I use Mobile 1 Full Syn High Mileage on my 2000 Chevy 1500. It's got 243k miles and I don't put many miles on myself (bought recently). I think I even put that filter on. I change about every 4000 miles which comes out to about 2 times a year maybe 3. (A little overkill but hey cheaper than rebuild or swap.) It would be nice if I can use this on my application knowing that it will last.

My goodness, Amsoil has been guaranteeing their oil for 25k miles since 1972. Mobil 1 is a good oil, but Amsoil outperforms anything on the market. I've been using it for 10 years now and I can assure you that with Amsoil your engine starts at temperature as low as -40C(F)

Maybe it can last 20k miles if you only drive on the freeway, but no way if you do city driving

Speaking of engine oil, what is your take on Lucas Oil Stabilizer? Would love to see a video about!

One minute in I'm already intrigued. It's a good indicator when a company jumps at the opportunity to be critically evaluated.

I went to school today!

ive been putting in mobil 1 0w-20 in my 09 toyota tundra since ive had it... last winter somehow i got all dicked up and went 30,000 (km tho) on one oil change.. no problem.

BMW dealers put high mileage oil in your vehicle if you get an oil change at a BMW dealer. Supposedly good for 20k (not miles). I always wondered if this was just a scam so they could get away with fewer oil changes for vehicles under warranty, which is covered by the dealer under their $0 maintenance for new vehicles. Good to know that this new type of oil is legit. Fascinating stuff. Excellent video, great work.

No doubt about it this is an excellent oil. M1 always has been. Not sure if you mentioned it in the video but not everyone's 20,000 miles is created equally. I can almost guarantee that the 20K I drive annually is rougher than 20K of your average suburban driven/commuted Chevy Cruz. The #1 thing that will degrade your oil faster than anything else is DIRT! When you keep oil in your vehicle for extended periods of time you need to have the best filter possible to filter out the dirt so your oil maintains its optimum properties to clean, cool and lubricate your engine.

it says "sponsored by Mobil 1" this a real independent test or were you paid to make a commercial???

Great video. I just personally never had interest in high millage oil claims. I don't care what anyone says or how long the oil claims it can last. once that oil starts turning black you're still circulating excessive contaminants through out the oil system. and even though i don't question the life of the oils lubricity capability i still believe that dirty oil being circulated is a bad thing. Also im sure these tests were performed in a relatively clean air environment which makes it alot easier for them to make this claim. For those of us who live in mountains where theres dirt everywhere.. you forget about any of those claims because when you live on dusty roads even if you have a good filter your oil gets dirty faster. its just how it is. Im a firm believer in changing oil before it gets black.

Great Video, TY. One thing that I think is not often acknowledged in automotive circles is how good modern oils and modern engines are relative to the engineering available in the 1970's, 1980's, and 1990's. A modern American V8 with no turbo, old-school camshafts, and no direct injection (ie, that Chevy LS in the Silverado) running the best oil available today may well go a million miles before mechanical failure. I drive a 2005 Dodge Magnum with the 5.7L V8. Sure gas mileage is not 30MPG, but she has 150k and I can easily see getting another 150k out of it. The NAG1 auto will need a rebuild at some point, and it will keep on going.

i live on a gravel road, i know they put some contaminants into the engine to simulate wear for this test. did the test account for fine gravel dust that may pass the air filter?

Amsoil used it for 750 thousand miles on a 87 GMC pickup truck once a year oil change 25000 miles a year still driving the truck

Very informative video, thanks for that! I'd rather anyhow recommend for the engine oil change at 10 000 - max 15 000 km (7500 - max 10 000 miles) to ensure the safety and longer endurance for the engine. Based on my experiences as an engineer, LOTS of currents engines failed or had problems with their chains, pistons, valves etc. due to the longer oil change period, specially with those which have direction injection system. Changing the engine oil earlier with lesser km or miles driven will not cause too much for the car budget expenses. I change my BMW 330xd oil, with 7 liters of oil capacity, once a year or at 10 000 km :-)

Outstanding job!!

I wish I could see test like this with just using ethanol gas.

Amazing video! Thank you very much for all these fantastic videos!

I use Mobil one in all my vehicles I still change my oil every 7500 miles in my Acura...that's when the maintenance light comes on I can understand the oil lasting for 20k miles..but what about the oil filter? ...great video by the way

I've been running this in my 2017 Kia Forte for 8k miles so far. Probably going to use my oil vacuum (you stick it in the dip stick) at 15k and send a sample to blackstone to see how it does. It's got a lot going against it, a lead foot, brutal cold temps, changed within break-in period (600 mi), etc. So I'd be interested to see what Blackstone Labs finds or more rather, doesn't find wrong with the oil. Good vid, thanks.

buy the best oil and filter on the market, change every 3000 miles.

Absolutely fantastic! Thank you for your hard work! Always on point and always clear!

Again Stainless steel there so little stainless steel used in your average engine in fact less than 0.05 % of stainless steel metal used in manufacturing of engine components, so why is the oil test comparing what happens to oil with stainless steel and what grade of stainless steel is it, marine grade ie: 316 or is it 410 and why is the oil test no using the same metal used when making the same components of most engines like your carbon steels or aluminium grades ?

The images seen of the test equipment is not Miobils but an independent testing service for motor oils and other oils like ATF or Gear oils ?

This upload is for those people who know nothing about iols or for that matter just brought their first car and want to know why oil is used in an engine, if so then you should not be driving a car, a lot of serviceable items need to be done on a car any car, every 15,000KM or about 9,320 miles?

No oil will lat over 20,000 miles unless you drive your car like an old lady, its a fact that oil will decrease its velocity over time, meaning that the base oil + friction modifiers will only last a point of no return, thus negating any claims that an oil will last upto 20,0000 miles ? Also if you look at the various test methods used by World standards which is found on MDS look up those tests and what they are based on, sure if you use good quality oil your engine will be cleaner and less carbon will be formed and less wear and taer on your engine, but again it all comes down to so many factors its not funny, like you radiators and its coolant as well, if you dont use radiator coolant as per OEM recommendation then the engine heat will be higher and also it depends on where you live as well if the average temps are always over the 20C mark then you oil will not last long but if you outside temp is an average of say 10 degrees then you oil will last a little longer but again if your an old lady driver and never drives her car no matter which car it is over the hi end rev range. cheers :) Its like the new RYCO oil filter claiming it removes 99.98% of dirt in your oil, well unless you have your engine rocker covers off and you drive with them off and through a dust storm then and only then will you have dirt in your oil, the only particles in your oil will be little microscopic metal fragments and carbon which your oil is supposed to help reduce and thus keeping your oil clean full stop ?

Do they top the oil up at the 5k oil test mark as most of those engines are designed to use 1 to 3 litres of oil per 15,000 kms? Would this effect the oil milage testing?

I love the Mobil One oil, I used it for my Camaro, VWs & Corvette C6. Thank you for the video, the research is solid

This is BS. They test on new cars! In a new car you don't need to change oil for 30k miles. I wonder if my motor blows up, will they pay me to fix it?!

Do I have to change oil filter sometime before 20k?

off the bat, i tested my old honda to see how many miles it can go without an oil change. i ran 24k miles before she seized up. so, that. honda engines, which are the most reliable engines available can run around 20-27k miles without an oil change. after about 17k miles it had a lifter tick, after about 22k miles it developed a knock and almost perfectly at the 24k miles mark, it spun a bearing and seized the engine. im buying another one and im going to continue this process about 5 times to get a good basis for data to be drawn from.

i should have noted that i used amsoil 10w-30 semi-synthetic blend.

detroit diesel dd series long haul oil change interval is 50,000 miles using delvac 1300 so yes i believe it.

all of this crap is going away, electric engines, fewer moving parts , its that simple

Question I have is. When the samples are pulled every 5k miles across 20k mile test. How much oil is taken for the sample and replaced(Topped off) with fresh oil? If they are pulling a quart for samples, which is likely for all the test being done, you've nearly done an oil change by the time the 20k mile interval they claim is reached.. Replacing up to %20(based on a std 5QT oil capacity) of used oil with new oil Every 5k miles of 20k mile claim. Leaving the original oil in the system the for the entire 20k mile then testing might be more accurate.

Wow gonna have to try this out! Great video.

the cut turbo has a lot of carbon deposit. possible fail...thoughts..

This must be an american thing. I don't know anyone who changes oil more than once a year, unless they really do +30k km a year. Even then instead of 9 months and 25,000km, 32,000km and 12 months interval gains almost nothing, also locally extended life oils are twice the price of other excellent mobil products so it makes even less sense.

its one thing to 'claim' an oil will last to 20k, but do they guarantee an engine wil not have more signs of wear as opposed to having oil changed more frequently?

Great video!

This is an oil for lazy people. I'd never go 20,000 miles, regardless. 5,000 is my magic number.

I'm awed at how you make me, if not most of your subscribers, understand these concepts without the Math behind it. What a talent!

Wow, I have always used Castrol, Pennzoil, and Amsoil. I might use this in my new Focus RS

Great video! but nothing was mentioned about severe service (prolonged idling, dusty environments, city driving, etc..). Would Mobil1 AP still go 20,000 miles/1 year under severe service scenarios?

Excellent vid as always thank you.

Bought this oil awhile ago, was using mobile 1 before. We'll see how this version dose. Clicked to see the backstory and was not let down. Great video!!!

Outstanding! Fantastic!Ty73s

will just keep changing mine every 3K

I drive a Cruze turbo I need to start using this oil if it's that good.

This is the current best specified oil. Oil Specification look for SL, SM, CH4, CI4.

Awesome video!

I would not allow my WRX Subie to have the same oil for 20,000 miles, here in AU approx 32200 Km. No matter what oil I use it is changed every 5000Km - 3000 miles filter included. Yep the engine is clean.

Question fron an European, what is the major reason for the very short oil change intervalls in the US? Here in Europe 15,000km was pretty much standard for cars up to single digit 2000s but nowadays most cars are on dynamic intervall with up to 30,000km. For me, driving about 80,000km anually, that comes to that all my cars in the past 7 years stretched the oil change intervall to the maximum 30,000km with no trouble at all. So what is the main difference, why generally those shot intervalls in the US?

Love the video as always but I still don't trust this product.. If they can make an oil go for 20k miles.. Why is any company still making oil that only goes 6k? Why isn't every oil 20k rated? It's not like this 20k mile oil is like $200 for 5qts or anything it's still just as expensive so I don't see why everyone doesn't make a 20k mile oil

if your usual commute is city stop go to the supermarket work and home, with numerous heat cycles and in various weather conditions I would be reluctant to leave the oil unchanged for such a long duration. minty fresh fluids = happy engine/transmission= long life. Change is before 5k mile mark.

WAIT WAIT WAIT. The high mileage synthetic blend FAILED the test, it is a product that is commercially available and it DOESN’T live up to its claim so why would you believe the marketing of ANY oil if they can obviously get away with selling a false claim.

Damn that was sick. I wish I did something like the for a living. I want some of that oil too!

My ex wife went 23k miles with Mobil 1 in her supercharged Mazda millennium. I did the oil change and the oil was still good.

With the advancement of materials and oil and such do you ever think they will ever make a sealed engine that would not ever be opened except the cases of external damage like from a wreck?

I have a Taurus wagon that has gone over 60,000 miles without an oil or filter change

I use Amsoil Signature oil and Amsoil premium filters. The oil is designed to run 25,000 miles or one year. I change it once per year, at about 15,000 miles. No problems for far.

when mobil one first came out my dad ran it in his ford escort. He never changed the oil for 350,000 miles. He changed the oil filter every 3,000 miles. Unbelievable. the same oil was used in commercial airliners and they never change the oil.

thank you for doing this for us! I'm blown away by the detail and appreciate every word.

What about a brand new car oil change interval compared to a fresh engine rebuild oil change interval? These car manufacturer geniuses that demand that oil be changed on their schedules don't mention anything about oil changes needed at the first 500 miles and subsequent 1500 mile interval during a break in. Any thoughts or are we just fools set up by industry standards that follow like blind sheep? Oh I'm sure nobody who's anybody cares!

Great video. This was very informative and I enjoyed learning how much testing is done before the product is ready for consumers.

Great video, very interesting. They need to do field testing in cold areas, not just Las Vegas. I suspect a lot of wear happens when operating a car in below freezing temps.

The product is fine. The problem I see is people will never open their hood for 20,000 miles. Some auto manufacturers claim that 1 quart every 2,000 miles is acceptable oil consumption. You do the math.

I see a lot of Subaru owners in forums that claim M1 destroyed their engine. I wonder what the truth is.

Seems like good oil, too bad it's not usable for my engines since one is a hydraulic flat tappet and the other is to expensive for me to risk damage from low zinc modern oils. I'll tell others though that if their engine is in good working order they can likely use this for 15000 miles or so.

You know, thats awesome. Mobil1 is like sure, come on over we will prove it.

If a Chevy can run 500,000 miles just imagine how long a Ford engine would run - At least 4 billion miles minimum.

That was a lot of blah blah blah. I do appreciate Mobile 1 for doing all this testing, however, in the real world the 20,000 miles does not hold up. I have been in the auto repair business for 40+ years, have had many customers make this claim. Whether Mobile 1, Amzoil or others, those who insist on this long interval wind up with engines needing expensive repairs, premature wear, plugged up PCV systems, failed turbos etc. It's the customers who insist on frequent oil changes who have their vehicles last the longest and need the least amount of repairs. I have several with 400,000+ real world miles and all of them do frequent oil changes 3-4000 miles. All but one of these are around town typical driving, the one being a travelling salesman.

My year old Mercedes van has factory recommended service intervals of 25k miles, 2.2L diesel, suspect as the emission regulations have gotten tighter and the engines burn cleaner it takes longer for the oil to get dirty. The one it replaced was on 16k intervals and was still going strong at 140k miles when I replaced it.

wow. im impressed. never thought they would do this much testing. thank you for this thorough report. top quality as always EE :D


Maybe in a hybrid that never sees high rpm and minimum stop and go

Been using liqui moly top tec 4200 long life for years 30-50k km oil change

Are the standards required ANSI or ISO?

Many of the tests fall under API or ILSAC, though some auto manufacturers set their own tests for approval.

Does anybody know if it's ok to have my v250d do 40.000 km before as service? Mercedes says it can but I'm not sure if it's ok for the engine to go on for that long with the same oil

Amsoil has been guaranteeing 25,000 mile oil change for years now. It’s nothing new.

Sure, the oil will be fine, question is, is the oil filter gonna work and what will remove the contaminants suspended in the oil. We all know that the basic three functions of the oil is remove contaminants from combustion, lubricate and act as a minor cooling agent for parts that coolant is not allowed. Keep the same oil in the engine for 20k miles and sludge, pitting and other bad stuff will start happening. So, $100 for an oil change vs $65k for a new Mercedes V12 engine......choice is yours. By the way, manufacturers will void your warranty if you don't follow the service intervals and scientific evidence that the oil is still good won't fly with them. Ask your turbo charger how happy it is with the loooong service intervals.

And if you watched the whole video, you would've got the answer.  1. Yes the filter can cope (if you get a decent one). 2. He specifically said that if the vehicle is under warranty you MUST stick to the manufacturers oil drain interval.

This was really cool/informative!

would like to see a 100% synthetic oil compared to the 20k oil. great video. what oil do you use in your vehicles?

can you do an podcast of the new 2018 jeep wranglers " or similar" belt driven generator/ starter system seems alot of new cars comming onto market are going to this.

FYI - I would NEVER go 20k on an oil change lol. Vw says 10k, I say 5k lol

Great Video. Thanks heaps matey!

I drive 9500 miles a month, I use this oil and I change it every other month at 19k miles and it’s black

I was wondering about the oil filter the whole time through the video! Awesome video. Working at a dealership I see people doing all kinds of wrong things in regards to oil changes. Worse one was a new Infiniti QX30 with the Mercedes engine that takes a special type of Mobile 1 oil and the Owner wanted to put in regular oil thankfully we refused to do it and he ended up putting in the correct oil!

Lifter bucket = valve follower ?

Stick this oil into an rx7, blow your engine after a year, then sue them for a new engine. The 20k claim may only apply to regular cars driven in a regular way. Any high performance car will surely be voided.

I heard scepticism against that spectroscopy method due to large metal particles being caught in the oil filter and not getting into the samples being burned. Interesting how they pick the samples

What if the engine is a EURO5 emissions rating example, running very high coolant temps of say 120 deg. C? Would Mobil1 break down? Does the TBN or zinc content help tell you if the oil can take high stress applications?

@Engineering Explained can you explain why we get a hiss when we open a petrol cap its a debate whether it's through expansion or vacuum also different fuel configurations such as vent and evap canister add to confusion any explanation?

You bunch of waste your money gullible sheep.

Ok, so from an avg car enthusiasts' perspective, would this oil be definitively "good enough" for any average car out there ?


Cool. I have always liked Mobil 1 anyway, but now I have even more reason to like 'em.

Very interesting vid Happy new year

I don't care if it lasts 20,000 miles. I use Mobil 1 but I still change it when it starts to go black and neither you nor anyone else will change my mind and tell me I am wasting my money. I know I am wasting my money and my life away changing oil but I will not stop doing it never ever never ever so shove your advice shove it I am changing my oil end of so fack off everyone fack off !!!

Great explanation.... I have one question. If my car manufacturer recommendation is to change oil every 6500miles, what difference does it makes to go for 20k miles oil? aren't am I suppose to follow manufacturer recommendation for oil change intervals ? Please let me know as this is confusing to me.

I use mobile 1 when I'm sleeping with my gf. It last pretty long.

That’s why I rely on mobile 1 oil. I have a Silverado with 280, + miles and I have been using mobile oil. Great work thanks for the info!

Hi. Nice video I have not seen any video bout' how oil are tested in real engines, nice. I do not understand why 20k miles is such a big deal for most of people I can understand that You do not want to have the same oil for several years but even my e39 gives me a oil light somewhat between 15k to 17k miles and it is 2001 model car. Check out EU oil intervals for vans Renault says 40k km for Master 2.3dci motor, never had oil related fail, (mostly injectors fail and hole in the piston but cars had 700-900k km). MB gives 60k km also had failed injector after 750k (also burned a pisoton) and another engine that I replaced by 850k because I was afraid to drive it with this mileage, it passed emissions and no problems with turbos and such, but those are diesels. I also have one MB van 1.8L gasoline engine with LPG 40k interval and 650k still running strong. Of course do not have pro measuring devices some but internals of engines i tore down were pristine, honing was clearly visible all bearings were nice, valves and seats were ok and no sludge .

This was a great video!

Great video, really testing the product specs as they should. I can imagine the difference b/w low budget synt oil, and this Mobil1 oil.

Mobile one is the Best oil, on high miles care for cheap junk every thing used in life only, its to bad you can't use Mobile one, for Mobile Smooth with no grip happy felling fun love fun, for a happy wife for 20000 days of marriage on life with the burn ISSUES in the bed she' just to dry and I burn off fast and slow down to an Knocking halt it's over I'm pissed off and leaving mood is over now and Vegetable oil makes me feel like I'm banging a cabbage patch wife and sex oils stink like Burnt rubber and I'm not going to the Surgeon for help its to Embarrassing for a size Reduction but oh well, maybe older Stretched out women but I'm good with dust sex.. anyways it's life being white man is really ok because Japanese women only want to use me for ripping Damages in the past before got Married, and my wife only likes me for my Rough leathery white Chocolate candy bar

Hmm why do I really feel like I want a can of Mobil 1® right now?


Really enjoyed this vid man. Nice work!

I worked with a gun named Paul who did not believe in oil changes. He would change the filter and ad the difference. He ran the same Toyota truck for the past twenty years to and from work every day. At 300,000 miles his truck was still going strong. When Mobile 1 synthetic oil first became popular in the 1980's it was rated at a 20,000 mile motor oil. I started using it in 1990 and would run it in my Mazda truck and change my oil every 15,000. At that many miles the oil would just barley start to turn brown. Never had one problem.

Hi. Can you do a follow-up video on this topic to see how the manufacturers are determining if a type of oil is for "high mileage" vehicles?

20.000 miles I always used my Mobile 1 syntetic oil and I drained my oil just one time after 7.000 miles , it was black .......The engine oil should be replaced every 5.000 miles. I wouldn't recommend to anyone to replaced engine oil At 20.000 miles unless you want to kill your engine....

Wow, very well done.  You can't visit an car enthusiast forum without a debate about engine oil intervals with folks making all kinds of claims about when to change your oil but it is really mostly a worthless debate because there is no scientific data being analyzed nor is 99.9% of those engaged in the debate even aware of how oils are tested.  We have seen evidence that car and oil manufacturers pay close attention to these details because for example BMW has shortened its oil change intervals for most of its cars from 15k to 10k nonetheless there are more than a few "experts" that insist that even under normal operating conditions 10k is far too long to have oil in and engine and make the "cheap insurance" argument.  Its great to see the details you have provided.  Much appreciated, love your channel.

I use castrol-edge titanium /extended with amsoil ea filters. Do 10,000 mile changes, about every 6 months this or so.

A chevy made 300 thousand before a breakdown? Amazing!!!

So do you think all engine oils will tend towards the 'extra long life' or are there still benefits to using the more standard lifetime oils?

The number 1 reason is to change oil is dirt and debree ....federal government regulations make all im same margins ...all new oil doesnt brake down like in .40 years ago.....he wrong...think about this...bone oil changed at 3k miles or mobil 1 with half teaspoon of sand or dirt that u get over 20 k miles ....what would u oil doesnt brake down like it use to....aka bone oil...this guy so wrong ...i pick 3 to 5 k mile oil change no matter what oil i use....he never talked about air filter changes in know where im getting...get off mobil ones nuts

Well done. Did Mobil pay you any money to do this video? I changed my toyota oil with Mobil 1 after 8k and was surprised how dirty the oil appeared. Maybe the dealer didn’t wipe down the oil filter housing last oil change too because that was quite dirty with some shavings. (22,000 mile highlander).

Castrol in my 2ltr, 40k miles later and still good. Topped up every now and then as needed. Last service was 35k ago and the car is thrashed almost daily. Either its amazing oil or the hyundai tiburon is immortal.

Interesting video. I have spent over 15 years in the high tech lubricant field as a distributor, salesman and technical consultant for automotive, military and industrial applications and now work in the oil refining industry. In all these years I have NEVER seen an oil that will actually last over 9000 kms without losing most of its lubricity. Not to mention that no paper oil filter will last more than about 15000 miles without clogging up too much to be properly effective in lubricating the engine. Also, unless you heat cycle the oil (long distance highway driving, 8 hours or more at a time) at least once a year, which burns off impurities, your oil will eventually become dirty and clog up your filter. I always change oil by 6500 kms maximum because after that point the oil starts losing lubricity rapidly and by 7500 kms its more or less done. That's my opinion and I have followed this policy for decades and have never had an internal engine part failure or breakdown where I had to be towed in over 20 years and one of my cars is now 17 years old and has lower emission numbers today than when new.

Has anyone try this oil on high performance cars i like to know how does this react on a high performance engine

Define "motor mile", is idling included?

Apologies for the confusion, mileage read from odometer. Idling would not increase the odometer reading.

Very interesting video, it is great to see the level of testing that goes into these products. BUT 20,000 mile tests on oil which is supposed to last 20,000 miles? where is the tolerance? I would have hoped that a product like this would be tested and proven to last at least up to 30% beyond the claims on the label!

Based on my discussion with them, their tolerance is based on a tough cycle that the cars go through (simulated towing, incline, etc) which are constantly repeated. The 500k was a less severe test with a longer duration, at higher speeds to decrease the total time required to run the test.

This is what I just put into my car, but I stick by the 3-4k mile rule regardless. Sure, the oil will probably last much longer but there's always the collection of metal engine debris in there.

Great video. I'm sure Mobil appreciated your overview.

Does this technically mean that I could use this in my 370Z that calls for Nissan's "Ester" oil with 3,500 mile change intervals, and my 2008 Cayenne S that calls for 10,000 mile intervals? I cannot wrap my head around taking the 370Z to 20k miles when it calls for 3,500.

Engineering Explained, Thank you for answering. I know you've driven a 370Z in past videos, so you may know about how their oil temps run hot. The dashboard gauge reads 220°F when driving normally but quickly climbs to 250°F+ under spirited driving, and at 280°F it activates limp mode. Any idea how I can know if the oil I'm using won't break down at those high oil temps? What can I look for on the bottle? (I've had people tell me the oil can be ruined at those high temps, but meanwhile my friend's BMW 330XI runs oil temps NORMALLY at 250°F (operating temp, middle of gauge)).

Do what you feel comfortable doing! But yeah, it can be used in either (assuming they sell the recommended oil viscosity rating your car uses).

Haha, you can do as you please!

This, guys, is why you ALWAYS buy from reliable brands. They actually do R&D. It may cost up to half more, but will certainly last more than half longer. More importantly, it will not damage your expensive engine like some cheap generic brand oils from Walmart, which are often not even tested.

very cool

in Australia, our government vehicles get replaced at 40,000km. This can be done at the second engine oil replacement and well... not need another service till it's auctioned off... Reason why we do this is because... you don't see our cop cars on the side of the road with the hood up, they work as they are supposed to, your cars... not so much, cheap fuckers

The question isn't whether this oil can last 20k miles. It's whether there's any full synthetic oil that won't last 20k miles. I find that the cheapy ordinary Mobil 1 has enough TBN to go up to 30k miles in some of my cars.


So the detergents explains why Mobil1 gets dirty so quick, it's holding the muck not spreading it

God I love Mobil1, That and Silcolene. Most car service intervals are 20'000 miles now! My old Fiat Bravo was 21'000 mile between services

I'm sorry, but you're not going to convince me that there are enough detergents to preserve the oil for 20k. No way.

Well done! I found the 500k mile Silverado LS engine as a fascinating add. Thank you for putting this together! FWIW I religiously use regular Mobil1 in all my cars and come out with the same "honey" color stain in the aluminum parts, which is a good thing! Even after 200k the engines are in fabulous condition internally with as new oil pressures. Well done EE and Mobil1!

Engineering Explained New vehicles always come with low rpm engine, how about your old school S2000? It can rev up to 9000rpm, but the oil test cycle only cover ~4500rpm. Do you still confident to use it in K20a? From: K20A and 3SGE ower

Can you PLEASE do a video on the difference between synthetic blend and 100% FULL synthetic!

This is an amazing video, super informative, we appreciate all of the hours and research you put into these videos.

condensation. my laptop has no audio so maybe you said the answer to my question. 20,000 miles worth of crank case condensation (morning dew) is almost 7 times the condensation you get when oil intervals are 3,000 miles. water and gasoline form acidic compounds within the engine on metal parts (but not like they did back in the days of carburetors) i tell my customers 3 to 5 k no matter what the oil or factory recommendations. so why isn't condensation an issue?

Engineering Explained Any chance I can get a follow-up to my second question? Appreciate it!

Engineering Explained Wanna do one on Lucas oil? Thoughts?

could you explain this with a little more detail?

THIS is the kind of advertising that wins over technically-oriented consumers, such as myself. Well done, EE/Mobil-1.

You are great man! Keep up the goodg work. If you had your own show I would watch it. Informative and on point. Thanks for the video

Does this 20,000 mile oil expire after 1 year in your engine like other oils or does it age better?

The recommendation is 20k miles or 1-year.

Engineering means a lot too. It isn't always just about maintenance. Some engines are such pieces of crap you could change the oil once per day and it wouldn't make any difference.

I wouldn't trust any oil beyond 7,000, and that's stretched thin. For me, I like to change my oil every 3k, 5k if I get lazy, and once every 3 months if it's one of my vehicles that sits around unstarted for a long time.

First off, most when it comes to cars, 90% of drivers havent a clue about auto maintenance....secondly, OIL CHEMISTS are NOT Mechanical Engineers !!! That said, this product is VERY DANGEROUS ! It lulls one into thinking their automobile can safely go 20K between oil changes.... That is far from the truth. 1) sludge buildup in engines which have over head cams ( most do ) which adjust to power demand have solenoid valves to change valve timing.....those solves operate off of oil flow hydraulics so have MICROSCREENS which require certain viscisity of oil so it may pass through these screens to read the flow. Having oil in an engine for 20K miles will disrupt that flow due to SLUDGE BUILD UP, SLUDGE will also build up in the oil filter and / or filter housing.....Lastly THERE IS NO OIL FILTER ON THE PLANET DESIGNED TO WITHSTAND 20K MILES OF USAGE WITH OUT also having diminished Engine oil flow......Additionally, forced induction turbo engines, Rotory and the "Boxer" engines in Subaru's ALL CONSUME OIL.....IF these drivers are used to having oil changed every 5K miles without topping off, and use this product THINKING THEY CAN GO 20k MILES, they will be buying a new engine.....Want to be test pilot ?! Dont do oil changes for 20K miles, Want to kill your engine early, do or suggest 20K mile oil changes. Dealerships and auto mechanics love folks like you!

That's actually a good thing. That means all the deposits aren't stuck on engine components. If the oil isn't black then it isn't doing its job. If you look at the samples they took every 5,000 miles you can see most are black, yet the oil still performed and the engine didn't show anymore signs of wear from waiting until 20,000 miles.

Just use a high quality olive oil - no need to pay for these expensive tests.

One question, why would people, who live in warmer regions of the world use a 0w-20 oil ? Isn't this type of oil made for cold countries like Sweden, Finland etc. ?

really thorough

I use a high quality synthetic oil, as well as synthetic oil filter, and change my oil once a year - every November.

Remember remember, change your oil in November.

All freeway miles...not impressed.

No oil wears gets CONTAMINATED by blow-by.

But if you have an engine that burns a liter of oil ever 1000 km you're only wasting your money if you buy anything more than the cheapest oil.

you should try to do this same thing with amsoil

Wow! - hey bud, Love your knowledge, and appreciate your videos, and the time you take in producing your videos in order to inform us and share such valuable information. Thanks.

Man...great video, I feel really confidant in running Mobil 1. I still won't run greater than 7500mi on my Hyundai 2.0 turbo however... Plus I feel changing the oil myself at a regular interval allows me a chance to inspect the vehicle to insure nothing else is going on. I have run Mobil 1 full synthetic for years and I'm really happy to see the amount of verification, test and science that goes into it. It gives me confidence that I'm giving my vehicles the best chance at a long life. Would love to see a scientific breakdown on different oil filters...that's always been a highly contentious area of debate...

It's nice to know you could go 20k on this oil but I don't think I would go beyond 10k just to stay on the safe side.

I think you have earned the Mr. Wizard title at least for the automotive category >_< It's nice to have such a knowledgeable scientifically minded individual on the side of the consumers. Hep, hep, hooray !

This oil really needs to be tested on motorcycle engines. Motorcycle engines run at much higher RPM's for longer durations than most cars.

The color of your motor oil, by itself, is not an accurate indicator of it's overall condition. This is not regular Mobil 1. It has a much more robust additive package. If your's is black at 7,000 miles, I would suspect bad piston rings allowing combustion blowby or clogged EGR valve, PCV, or the tubing connected to them. I've run Mobil1, Pennzoil Platinum, and other synthetics in my 145K mi Toyota 2az-fe 4-cyl. None have turned black even after 8K mi. just a fairly linear darkening from amber (when fresh) to a darker brown at 7,500 miles. I smell my oil when I check it just to get an unscientific idea of how much fuel may be diluting it. The only real way to determine the oil's remaining effectiveness is by lab analysis.

I was thinking this oil was $40 a quart but its $40 for 5 quarts. Im switching but will change oil every 5k.

why in the hell is there 250 dislikes? I just don't get some people!!!

Unexpected info that was awesome I drain my oil and have it tested to see my Ware and tear base on my reports I adjust . This tell me it’s time to get rid of the vehicle if I see that it’s becoming to costly by the metal contents in the oil or it points to something that is wearing faster than the normal wear This has worked for my 226000 mile 06 Sonata runs strong but of course I know nothing last forever great vid soaked it all in new what you where talking about thanks .

Can I drink it, or do I have to install it through mein back door?

Wow, that would be an awesome job.

More the point is how many hours of city work?

Car owners putting in these type of oil good for "20,000miles" must at least check engine oil level once every 2,000miles. Just imagine your engine consumed 0.2 to 0.4 quart of oil every 2,000miles and before 20,000miles is up you could be having nearly half or 0 engine oil. What if this oil is used for type engine proned to fuel dilution into engine oil??.

Excellent Video. Only things that I would have liked to had was a comparison of Mobil 1 Annual vs Mobil 1 Extended vs Mobil 1 High Mileage ICP data on a single chart as to me is the most important data. Not just to see which is better, but to see how much better Annual is and so people would see the results go outside of SAE specification, and where engine damage has occurred. In any case, your analytical approach to the subjects you cover is what keeps me subscribed, and I wanted to greatly thank you.

Im a lube tech. This video was what I was waiting for. Ur a God Jason

So, I get it. They did a lot of research and they were able to bring out an oil that lasts 20,000 miles. But I still have to raise an eyebrow to this. Why would a oil company who makes money off selling oil, sell you a product that makes you buy less oil in a year? It doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Sure some could argue they did it for environmental reasons as well.

My dad has always drove a first gen audi a6 1.9tdi and always drove for like 20.000km on one oil change, no yearly change if it didn't reach that and those where hard kilometres often pulling heavy trailers and never letting it warm up before beating on it. We had it until it had about 350k km and besides from a transmission swap it never really broke down. We also have a 2001 diesel polo that's treated about the same and it has 300k km, it literally never has any problems. My 2012 golf 1.6tdi has 130k km and always gotten oil changes at 30.000km recommended by the guy doing it for me who has always worked in a VW garage, never have i ever gotten problems caused by bad oil. I don't know if petrol cars are more sensitive to it because i never had a petrol.

I've been running Mobil One synthetic for many years since I was a jet engine mechanic in the Air Force. Those engines run Mobil Jet One and endure far more heat and long term abuse than any car or truck.

Please put a legend for the other synthetic oils: a), b) etc.

Engineering word, test world which i came from...I KNEW IT!

20.000 miles (or 30.000 km for simplicity reasons!) or one year is still not the limit. Modern fully synth oils can easily last 50.000km or even more. Tested in practice with now accumulated 750.000km in my family car pool. If you don't only go very short ways (so the oil regularly reaches normal operating temps and fuel dilution is not an issue) and you always top it off with fresh oil of the same quality (modern engines all consume oil!) ... I have not yet found the limit. From my VW Diesel I had an oil sample tested after 80.000km. It was almost within specs and definitly not in a condition that it would harm the engine. The safety margin there is HUGE!

ive seen many engine oils and many manufacturers claim long intervals with no problems, but first hand experience i see the problems and would never go above 5,000-10,000kms for changing oils, oil sludging and hardening, blocked pickups, piston and bearing wear from low lubricity. Do urself a huge favour and just change the damn oil, treat your engine well and (hopefully) it will treat you well in return.

My old tdi turbo leaks oil 1L/3000km so when I add it, there is always 25% oil max. 3000km old. I like that and dont bother to do anything about it.

Hmmm. Personally I don't mind my 3 month/ 3000mile oil change. It's fun and gives the perfect opportunity to get under your car and inspect the undercarriage, steering components, and tire wear.

The oil in my truck lasts 40k miles before changing....

I would swap filters 4 times in 20k to try and make it happen

If they're like Caterpillar they sell an idea before they've proven a concept... Then the engineers, data analysts, and test techs are left scrambling to try and meet what they promised the customer. Makes for some real headaches, but money is king... And if a little white lie gets the contract, they'll tell it everytime.

Would this oil be more stable at say six months and 5k miles compared to standard full synthetic Mobil 1? Is there a window to where standard Mobil 1 is a better choice throwing out cost?

Soooo boring

I have a small tree that has been growing into the foundation of my garage for 8 years now. I "might have been" pouring old engine oil on it this entire time, and each summer it grows back bigger than before. I even cut it off level with the ground 2 years ago and it still comes back swinging. Someone needs to do a study on this majestic sapling.

You got to my big complaint with the 20,000 mile interval in the last two minutes; routine maintenance! There is NO CAR THAT SHOULD STAY OUT OF A SHOP FOR A YEAR. A young car that is not using oil may go extended periods without an oil change; however as cars age, in years, leaks develop and oil consumption does up. If a consumer has that magic 20,000 miles beaten into their head by commercials and do not heed to maintenance, things will get really ugly. Aside from oil changes, tires need to be checked and rotated, coolant and transmission fluids checked and dealt with as needed. Belts, filters and wipers checked and dealt with, as well as brakes inspected. I fear that consumers are slowly being lulled into thinking their vehicles are truly maintenance free. Nothing is further from the truth. About myself, I've spent 30 years in Acura and Honda service. My last Accord went 518,000 miles before being rear ended by a Toyota and totaled. It got a transmission at 400,000 miles, fluid drained and filled every 15,000 miles. I change oil and rotate tires every 5,000 miles using full synthetic Mobil 1, I fix small problems and annoyances while they are still small. My Element is currently at 249,000 miles strong.

No, I change every 10 000km or 12months.

I can see oil lasting if there was better than stock filtration. otherwise..............................

been changing the oil with mobil synthetic on my 2004 sienna on 12-15k miles intervals. has 174000 miles car runs like new

Getting 500,000 miles out of a chevrolet is a stretch. But I did notice they used a V8 engine to do the test. It is unlikely a tiny four cylinder egg beater would make 500,000

hochhaul That is probably why they used the V8 doe the long haul test. There is no way the egg beater four cylinder engines could make it. Four cylinder engines have come a long way. But they are still just a four cylinder. I find it hilarious when they say they are 290 horsepower but then you find out it was at 9000 rpms for one minute, somthing the engine will never do in a car. In the car it probably will see 400 rpms on a good day for a few seconds. The rest of the time it will be under 3500. The result is the 290 horsepower engine is just a 120 horsepower engine that will not last very long.

Chevrolet (GM) pushrod V8's are some of the most reliable V8's sold today. Simple and well engineered.

Why did they mess with such junk four cylinder engines? Many will never consider a four cylinder engine for their vehicle. I will never own a four cylinder automatic vehicle again. I would own a four cylinder manual transmission vehicle. I would own an automatic six cylinder or 8 cylinder vehicle. But a four cylinder, front wheel drive, automatic transmission vehicle, I will never own again.

My vehicle has 390,000 miles on it. I have had it since 11 miles. The oil is changed every 3000 miles. I believe it would have never made it this far without oil changes every 3000 miles. Changing my oil every year is a death sentence for my ancient engine. No engine repairs have been done to my all original engine.

A lot of info to absorb. I had no idea that this much testing went into oil development. Very well done.

Like, before it starts to get too thick to drain?

Chevy LS V8's are some of the most reliable engines out there. 500k is nothing for them. What's really amazing are the uninformed clowns that assume that a modern "Chevy" (GM) wouldn't be able to make it 300k let alone 500k miles. In reality, there are LS-based GM V8's that routinely go beyond 500k miles.

Chevy LS pushrod engines are simple, reliable, and pretty powerful. Mobil 1 has always been a preferred oil for GM engines.

From consumer: "Give us an oil that lasts 1,000,000 miles or 100 years and make sure it costs

I have an old lexus. On the forum people offer advice and tutorials. Nobody has replaced an engine.

hochhaul yep, that's her recommended manufacturers service interval.

Only Americans change their oil every 5000 miles; the rest of the civilised world changes oil every 10000 miles on average. 5000 miles is just marketing bs.

In an ideal enviroment.... 20 thou. Yes. Short hop, inclement weather, extensive idling..... no. The oil no matter how good will still become acidic and full of carbon etc. Like the ending of the video says Don't run past manufactures specified oil change intervals. I would think the chev truck running on the highway dyno would go at least 12 thou on regular dinosaur oil.

Behind the scenes, behind the scenes, behind the scenes, and I also believe this is behind the scenes.

Happy new year! Absolutely great video! I've been using Mobil1 for over a decade now, and it's been a life saver. I currently use the 15 thousand mile formulas. I still recommend checking the fluids and regular intervals in the beginning. Mobil1however great; still needs to have used car issues addressed! Don't completely rely on claims, and ignore "individual" car problems that were there previously, before the use of this product! Under new and normal conditions this is an awesome product! Thank you for such an informed production!

20K miles? Wow - I have a low mileage car and it would take me almost 3 years to add that many miles. I always use Mobil 1 full synthetic and change it every 5k as it is. I might have to think about this...

WARNING This video is not honest content. It is an advertisement.

If these wisdom be coming out of my woman... I be the happiest man alive

I run synthetic cum in my engine.

Mmmm 20,000 mile oil change is not extraordinary. in 1982 I had a SAAB 900 Turbo which stripped all oils generally available and made them like paraffin after as little as 600 miles! I eventually found a oil manufacturing company in a small town in the UK that made a fantastic range of engine oils that stayed in spec for the full service period. They were oils designed for intercontinental Diesel engines with a service interval of 25,000 miles! They had another version that lasted 50,000 miles between oil changes! I went with the 25,000 mile service interval and changed the oil at manufacturer's recommended mileage and never had another problem. Eventually this small company was bought out by a Large German oil company. :( If nothing else this explains why their oil is so very very expensive.

I was just thinking about using these oil and your video gave me the confidence.

Wonderful video, but why didn't you mention the Cadillac CTS-V's in the Dyno test bays? Was Mobil not using them for active testing, or maybe using them for testing in another product?

Do a video on transmission fluid and its additives.

Were all of the test cars new or used?

I'm still skeptical. Until Mobil/Exxon drives from Alaska to Los Angeles during summer in California traffic with the a.c. on, then do a engine teardown. I'll believe then but not when these tests are done in a controlled environment

Their isn't a filter on the market that can effectively filter oil for 20K miles

Another item, who puts their car in gear and drives 20K miles or 500,000 miles without hitting the brakes a "X" 100,000 times and having to accelerate " X" 100,000 times? Fake news, people, fake, fake, fake, all fake. Sound familiar?

What they are not telling you, "After 15K-20K miles, this oil will deteriorate to a 0w0 motor oil. If your engine manufacturer does not recommend a 0w0 motor oil you must follow the owners manual." Like all motor oils, they break down, additives are depleted, and are nowhere near what you poured in when brand new.

Man. Your parents must be very proud of you. You are so freaking smart!

Dude... why don't you just get some bestline and graduate to 100mpg w/vaporized gas... ?

i change my oil every 10 thousand km every 6.5k mile

Dude sounds like a muppet

I remember when Mobile one came out, it claimed it was good for 15,000 miles! By the way, Walmart Super tech synthetic is repackaged Mobile one!

a proprietary test? like "we won't tell you what we do, but the results speak for our product"? don't get me wrong, great video, but i question anything proprietary just because.

Engineering Explained listen to me dude i don’t like you at all

Excellent information and professional presentation. Thank you for the posting.

There are cars that have gone 500,000 miles on old dinosaur oil. Granted they changed oil every 3000 miles. Amsoil is moble1’s Main competitor. I use oils off 540rat’s list. Maybe you should interview him. He has a PHD in Mechanical engineering. Might make another great video. Please consider.

I also send my oil to Blackstone labs. Getting good results.

Behind the scenes


Dude... I just need to know: DOES IT REALLY WORK!?

Call up amsoil and talk with them about their 25k mile signature series 100% synthetic. I use it and have oil analyses proving their claims. It’s a better oil than mobil 1. After looking at the specs and analysis testing you won’t ever use mobil 1 again.

*interesting! I've always used only Mobil 1 in my vehicles and seeing most of what they do here to prove the product can do what they say it can. i'm happier now that i have used this brand exclusively for the last 35 years*

Thanks, happy to hear it!

100,000 mile oil should be coming next,I hope.

I appreciate all of your work and acclamation of data and information. With that said, I don't believe in extended oil drain intervals in my personal vehicles. 5,000 miles is about as far as I wish to go between oil changes.

Ive always wondered how old he is.

Mobil 1's oil filter supply chain has been filled with counterfeits. I went to my local Advance Autoparts to pick up some M1C-153 for our cars and they had 3 different versions. One had the rubber seal element and was MiUSA. The other three were much cheaper made with felt seal elements and were either made in China or Korea. We called the Mobil 1 filter hotline and "Paul" said they're all equivalent. I bought and installed the MiUSA one and refused to pay $16 for a $3 counterfeit filter. I'm trying to find another one with the rubber seal and made in the US but it's not looking good.

Wow, marketing driven, huh? Like marketing wants to go to space, engineers try to find a way to got to space... simple as that. i don't think so.

After taking an oil chemistry class in 1976 where we studied and compared engine oils available at the time I've used Mobil 1 ever since on everything I own. I've never had a single internal engine issue at all. I change it at around 7000 miles - might push that a little longer now I've seen these more-thorough series of tests .

Sincerely appreciate the amount of work put into the preparation of this video. Your videos are always a cut above, this one even more so. Thanks!!

I ran this oil in my nissan pathfinder went 15k miles before it started making noises and wanted new oil lol

Many many ICEs develop a lot of fuel dilution these days, especially DI turbo engines. My wife’s eco boost gets 10% by 8k Miles. Ford accepts this as normal. You could run liquid gold from the moon with unicorn piss in there, at 20 k miles that engine would have a huge amount of fuel in it and would definitely shorten bearing life. I’ve seen thousands of analysis, this is not out of the ordinary. So basically Mobil is gambling that you don’t get severe diluted. And if you do, too bad... fuel dilution caused it not the oil.....

so marketing decided to say to the chemists "make an oil to last 20K"? sounds like total marketing bs to me.

Hello---, I noticed they had polyalphaolifin bottles, but didn't say they used any of it. I would have liked to see if some percentage of that was actually added.

Great information and video. It's good to know that oil research is advancing AND there is proof supporting the claims(unlike 20-30 years ago). My question is in the motorcycle arena. Most motorcycles are built with the engine and transmission together and sharing the same oil. There is a shear factor involved that tears down conventional oils. I am not looking to stretch my oil change in my motorcycle to 20,000 miles (anything to improve the 2-3,000 miles would be an improvement) however I am interested in how this oil would hold up? Thanks again for your informational videos.

Engineering Explained Love your videos! I have a huge personal request. I noticed in this video you use terms like, "formulation engineers", "engineering teams", etc. I know your channel is for Engineers, but as a guy with a Bachelor's in Chemistry, I strongly believe that the staff you visited at Mobil1 are Organic Chemists. Why does this matter? In North America I feel there isn't much appreciation or interest in the Classical Sciences of Chemistry, Biology, and Chemistry. For the love of science (which I'm sure you do) please give more acknowledgment to chemists where applicable to raise awareness and interest. A lot of people confuse Chemists and Chemical Engineers. I went to school with Chemical Engineers and to my surprise, they learn and do very minimal Chemistry. It was explained to me like this: the chemists create the chemicals, the chem.engs create the plants to manufacture them. I'm sure you didn't intend on this but please consider for the love and continuity of science! Thanks and keep up the great videos!

Very informative on how all tribologist create lubricants. So AMSOIL introduced a 25,000 Mile engine oil in 1972. That oil was a derivative of lubricating oil used in turbojet engines. Standard Oil (Mobil 1) has had this technology for a long time since they were manufacturing synthetic lubricants for jet engines. After AMSOIL came to market Mobil 1 brought out a 20,000 Mile in the 70s then took it off the market just as quickly. So did this Annual Protection get developed recently? I think their product is a valid and proven product, it however must be paired with a proper filter to last the mileage. LSPI is a serious concern that lubricant and OEMs will be facing.

Why is it that in the US, oil needs to typically be changed every 3-5 thousand miles, while in Britain, it is common to go 15-20 thousand all the time, and has been that way for years?

It makes no sense oil so cheap change it every 7000 miles full synthetic and never worry about it it's good to go on and get the car once in awhile to see what's going on 20000 miles is way too long I don't care what they say

I've been using Synthetic Mobil 1 in my 03 cavalier with 170k on it, and I will say it does a good job! Of course before I change the oil I dump seafoam in the crank to help clear up any crap that's might be left over.

Exodus fivesixfivesix "GM transmissions. smh." 300k miles on any automatic is considered great. Automatic transmissions have many moving parts, clutches, solenoids, valves, etc. Those parts wear and need to be rebuilt, regardless of brand.

Then people wonder why there cars are shitty or why it breaks down. Why would you wait 20,000 Miles/ year to change your oil? That’s too long of a wait and just because it says it’s “recommended” doesn’t mean it’s true. Big oil companies always work along side car makers. I’ve always changed my oil every 4-5 months and it’s been working well since 2007. Never had major issues.

And the electric cars will kill the engine oil, and the internal combustion engine industry

How does this compare to amsoil?

20c for cold start wear? Are you kidding me? lmao That might be reasonable if you have a heated garage.... No wonder they can claim 20,000 miles 1 year. If you live in a place with 20c ambient of course your oil and engine will last longer. What a joke, sponsored Mobil content with padded tests....

There are plenty of oils that will last for 20,000 miles and more. My Ford Ranger turbo diesel has standard 20,000 mile or two year service intervals. GM Europe cars have had 20,000 mile service intervals for nearly a decade.  Suitability for long service intervals depends not only on the oil, but on the engine engineering of the engine, including temperature, sump capacity, filtration and the running duty cycle of the engine. I believe that the latest Ford Transit van has a 30,000 mile/two year service interval. None of the above specify Mobil oil exclusively. As long as the oil meets their particular oil specification standard, both performance and viscosity, it is suitable oil.

I just found out about Liqui Moly engine additives and seems to be promising from people's review. What do you think? Video worthy investigation ?

I didn't understand. So did they improve the quality of the oil filters rubber gasket to last the full 20,000 miles?

Really don't care if it is good for 20thou miles, I still change mine every 3thou miles.

Been changing my oil once a year (with another brand) since I discovered it back in 2000. The 25,000 mile or one year oil change has been around since 1972. Don't know why it's such a big deal today?

did they use a water knife to split that turbocharger?

I'm only using Mobil 1 full Synt on my 98' Galant TD , it has 370.000km and working fine . At first I tested other brands , normaly about 5000 to 6000 km the oil level started to drop (burned) , with the Mobil 1 level holded at least 10000km . I also used the Mobil One new life and last time the Mobil 1 ,10W60 engine seems to work better on very hot summer days at Portugal under heavy load .

Please please please Mobil 1 Annual vs Pennzoil Ultra Platinum!!!!

Does this oil last 20k over 2 years or? normally synthetic oil says 6k or 6 months.. If you say 20k over the life time what is the actually life time.. i mean not everybody runs a car the same. if you run 20k in a test under 2 weeks........... vs 20k over 2 years, or 5 years for that matter. what are you talking about. here

they formulate a plan? was that a pun? :P

I can personally testify on behalf of Mobile1. I used the products for 25 years. The oil and filters are the best. Go full Synthetic. Costly but worth it.

Great video that essentially explains what DysonAnalysis has been doing for 38 years but INDEPENDENT of any company or entity except for 2 years while Terry was at Cummins Engine company R&D center. Note engine oils, air, fuel and oil filters, and FUEL are critical to optimized operation for a given engine, car , application and environment. Unless you analyze your lubricant you are blind on performance and optimizing based that data. TD

Incredible video man

I have this in my S550 now , along with there filter too.. !! Will change @ 4k - 5k miles or one year..!! Not my daily driver ... !! Great info thanks for a review & well said...

Long life oils are nothing new. I worked on large compressor and electrical engines like Waukesha and White back in the late 80's and early 90's and even back then they were performing oil changes only every 10,000 hrs. The companies said more contaminants were introduced through opening the system than what was in the system. That the base stock didn't break down and only the additive package suffered degradation so they didn't perform a lot of oil changes. At 100,000hrs we would perform a complete overhaul and at that mark the engine stilled looked new on the inside with cross hatching still on the cylinder walls. It was impressive to see an engine that ran for over 10 years with only about 10 services and still like new inside. Granted these engines ran LNG which is much cleaner and the engines only ran at 700-1000 RPM but seeing this made me start changing my oil only every 15 to 20 thousand KM for years now and my old truck has 637,000KM and still going strong.

"lifter buckets"? Who calls em "lifter buckets"? Fyi, They're called tappets

Engineering Explained Definitely car

Car or automobile? Sometimes there are multiple words for the same thing. Ain't no big deal. :)

I used what manufactured recommended

I'll would still change the oil at four thousand miles or six months which ever come first beside I wouldn't put that mobile one in my car because the manufacturer doesn't recommend mobile oil , Never go be on what the manufacturers recommend .look good on paper not in your engine.

Would you recommend this oil instead of high mileage oil ?

So here's a question. And it might be an obvious answer but I just got done rebuilding a 1980, 302 engine.. everything is new except for the block but even the block was bored out and cleaned up... could this oil be used in it and every 3k or 5k miles change the filter.. anyone's thoughts are welcomed.

A few problems coming from this...I already see people using this oil to top off their cars (who did not use it at the last oil change) thinking by just adding this oil they won't need an oil change for a year.... Many people don't check their oil between oil changes, they will run out of oil well before a year is up.... Then people will use this on their new cars, for whatever reason an engine may go bad, the dealer will deny their warranty because of the missed oil changes and the customer will owe $5600 for a new motor... When used properly under ideal conditions, it may work. In the real world where people don't follow directions this oil could cause some major issues and in turn giving this oil a very bad reputation along with the car it was in... Won't be long until we see the facebook posts that say - don't buy this oil, it made my silverado blow up and now chevy won't replace the engine - but of course they don't post the whole story.

Excellent! I may not be using this oil any time soon but it makes me give more consideration to any oil I do use.

Was that 120 th9usand miles on same oil or was oil changed every 20 th9usand miles same with Chevy 500 thousand miles

Seems a bit weird that marketing tells the techs what to do and because marketing asks for it, it is produced. More likely At some point the tech had to be made first, then the marketing seeing that other could do it asked for a similar product as what was already done. If marketing sais build me a fart powered space rocket with advanced AI capable of talking with extra solar aliens that can travel at 100 times the speed of light and reach top speed in 0,3ms, you have 3 weeks to make it...

Do you want to know something really funny my current engine in my current car has use the same oil for 200,000 miles and I beat on it like there’s no tomorrow 1972 350sbc iron heads block and intake and the cheapest long tube headers there are.

Here in Europe we've been changing oil each year or 30- 40.000km for over a decade. And we are not as hesitated. Anyway very good video

THE OVER HYPED 3000 MILE OIl CHANGE AT JIFFY LUBE .. They hate that long life oil change........AMS Oil use to have a 35,000- mile oil

Who the hell gives this a thumbs down?? 312 owners of Shell oil???

Neat. I do wonder what the effect of many cold starts and short trips, in cold, wet climates would have, however.

Such a very researched topic

As a former Engineering lab tech I found this to be very interesting.

Back in the sixties my dad proved any old oil could last 20K miles

Hi, i have a question, i have a Golf GTI clubsport (europe). My car is just 1 year old and it has the "long life" interval. So it uses the oil in your video, but i do some nurburgring driving too (trackdays). Does the interval computer (variable oil interval) in my car calculate a new oil change in the future? I mean, if its set at 20.000, does the computer shorten it to maybe 19500 miles because of the "abuse" from trackdays?

Only a daft person would rely on marketing wank. We need independent testing.

Behind the scenes 100x

I just don't trust it, it's not really about wether the oil will be able to hold up over 20,000 miles it's wether I can let it go that long. I just can't trust any oil, no matter how many guarantees you put on it, that it will last that long through all the cold starts and heat cycles.

Just buy a Tesla


I would never use this oil.


Are you watching this Castrol ?

I don't think it would last as long on older engine

Hi Jason, can you make a video on base oils used for engine oil. The different types of groups (I till V). Advantages and disadvantages, which is suitable for a N.A or a forced induction engine. I am currently using a base oil of group 5 (ester based) and it is certainly better than my previous group 4 oil.

"highway miles"


Please make a video with Amsoil

Here in Finland the Mobil 1 still has a bad reputation from 30 years ago; as it was introduced to old engines, it just run out of them. It was too thin to cope with the stresses and heat of inboard/outboard engines with V8:s, it just turned into sewing machine oil. It was advertised to cope with extreme cold (which it did) and extreme heat (which it did not, at all). So the latest Mobil Ones may be OK if used in a relatively new, modern engine. The problem was, and still is, that the recommended viscosity must be obeyed; if the boat's V8 wants 20W50 or straight 30W, do not subsitute them with Mobil 1 5W50, you will actually hear the results. I did, and had to change the oil in a marina to straight 30 that I got from a local fisherman.The Mobil just was not tough enough to survive 100 miles of rough seas. So the Mobil One is meant, (or used to be), to be used in relatively new, modern, lightly used passenger car engines. They take the risk of oil not being able to last 20000 miles because the last 10000 cause only minor damage.That is just a calculated risk by the sales department. And remember, if the older engine wants 20W50, use Mobil 1 20W50 if available. If not, use any 20W50 with "SL" in the can. Avoid SM, SN or other alphabetically later oils if it is your own car, boat or truck. And, in harsh conditions, oil DOES NOT LAST 20000 miles. Period. Minor damage is still damage. Perhaps you will not be affected, but the next owner will be.

WOW! A most excellent video! I use this very oil in my 2017 KIA OPTIMA, this gives me some more peace of mind about whether I should use it. I have always been a MOBILE 1 guy. Thank you for this!

I change my oil every 10,000 miles BUT I use Prolong Super Lubricant and high line red oil additive. My engines have lasted about 238,000 before I trade in every vehicle when needed. How do these additives compare to your news on this video?

I'm still going to do my engine oil change every 3000 miles

Are you , in any way, sponsored by Exxon/Mobil company?

You're talking Bloody Brit, now.

20,000 simulates miles in testing, are not 20,000 miles on real conditions (1 year of cold starts, fuel dilution, fast driving e.t.c.) , so no, I will not leave an oil for 20,000 miles in my car. Neither should you.

resort love biological xpwwciz supervisor tall score legislation population company relieve measurement nervous.

Interesting. Would like to see something similar on Amsoil. Their signature series oil is guaranteed for 25000 miles or one year with their absolute efficient filter.

After seeing this video, I was curious to see what Amsoil setup looks like, because I hear a lot of horror stories about everything from lines and tanks to blocks leaking after putting in Amsoil. Hope you see this, E&E

The better synthetic oils will easily last 20k NORMAL miles. If you do mostly short haul driving would be an exception. Most important is the the engine reaches normal operating temperature.

awesome video! as always :D

I think it should be noted that this claim is only valid if the engine does not suffer from blow-by. Combustion gasses or raw fuel getting into the crank case will destroy any oil. On a modern high tolerance engine it shouldn't be an issue. My Toyota has a 16,000km interval from the factory. I run Redline synthetic (it has the ZDDP content to protect my flat tappet cam and lifters) on my old 3.1L Chevy V6 (blueprinted and rebuilt of course) every 10,000Km I change the filter, (monster 1qt WIX filter) top up the missing oil and then change everything at the next 10,000km. I just had the engine out because I am putting it in a different truck. I only took the oil pan off to add a windage tray and the cylinder walls look as good as the day I put it together. It is amazing how new oils perform.

Welldone very informative Thanks from other side of the world

Mobil1 makes great oil I have always used Mobil1 Extended Performance synthetic oil in my cars. Wow great video finally got to see how my favorite oil is made and tested

That is so much more testing than anyone would first think I'm sure.  Thanks for all the effort you put into this video as it's obviously a huge amount.

Ok How much were you paid to explain Mobil 1? I mean I love the oil but come only have one oil company to show how good they are....ummm.....ok.

Do they test the affects of cold starts?

If I were to use it i would change it every 10k. A oil tested to 20k would surely last 10k

I learned so much about oil and engines from this and your other video on the skyactive-x engine. So much info that nobody I've ever met has ever taught me.. I think I can now be a backyard engineer after absorbing all that info.

CAN it last 20,000 miles? Of course it can. Should you do 20,000 mile oil changes if you care about the lifespan of your engine? HELL NO.

Excellent Vlog, for a tech nut!

How many RPM is 1 engine mile ? 20,000 ?

I make sure my engine oil is gluten free!

Can't wait to be able to afford an *electric car* ! The wear and complexity of these moving parts are insane, great video though!

Nice vid man

Blah, blah, blah... I remember when Mobile 1 came out in the early 80's, my best friends dad used it in his brand new 1986 3.0 V6 Old's Delta 88 coupe. I think it lasted 25,000 miles back then...

I'm a low level engineering manager at a America's leading diesel engine maker. I really appreciate having such a knowledgeable and well-executed video done! There are so many myths and partial-truths about oil out there that good information is lost in the marketing claims. Magnetic lubrication! Never needs changing! You've heard the spiel. Great job on the video, reflected the excellent of the M1 product without coming off as a marketing stooge on their behalf. Well-done!

The oil is not the problem, the oil will get contaminated over time, and it's the contamination that causes the oil to need to be replaced. You get condensation that collects from short trips, especially in cold wether- it can turn the oil GREY. You get contamination from unburned gas, and blow-by too, running an engine for 100,000 miles worth of time doesn't replicate the real world 100,000 miles of a car started up when it -10ºF and driven only 3 or 4 miles and then parked, replicating someone driving to work every day and home in the winter. I know I've seen my oil so treated turn GREY very fast, not only on cars but my 2012, 49cc air cooled scooter which is only driven on short intervals, so it hardly ever gets completely warmed up, I wind up changing that oil about every 200 km- that's about 4-5 month intervals, and in the cold months it will be a gross grey color. With 6,000 km on it now, the oil has always done that from day one in the cold months.

I change my Mobil1 extended life every 15,000 miles in my Mark VIII's and before anyone claims, you will destroy the engine, 210,000 miles, and transmission gave up. 2 more Marks since that one and still doing 15k changes.

Very nice job! Thanks

On the subject of oil, is it ever advisable to do an oil flush? if so, when?

Fantastic work. I switched to this oil because of this video.

detroit diesel recommended service interval for long haul is 50,000 miles on non synthetic oil. 20k is not surprising at all

Thanks for the lengthy explanation, much appreciated. I do use Mobi1 oil and filter, both extended performance, and I do 8-9k interval. Though I’m sure Mobil did plenty of testing before making such a claim, I’m sticking to what I think is appropriate, which is 8-9k

Kindly tell me if there is any standard for mileage and what is in engine oil that increase engine oil mileage?

You must have lived in North Korea for awhile. I still say those oil change indicators are bogus and far from being accurate.

20,000 simulates miles in testing, are not 20,000 miles in real conditions (1 year of cold starts, fuel dilution, fast driving e.t.c.) , so no, I will not leave an oil for 20,000 miles in my car. Neither should you.

I always put oil and filter that’s meant for 10k+ miles. But I end up changing it every 7500 miles just cuz I don’t wanna screw anything up

Too bad my RX8 would burn several times more than its capacity before 20k miles... Otherwise technically, it should have an average around 5-8k miles on the oil if you added oil indefinitely, but that sludge has to come out somewhere. This might be good for my diesel Mercedes, that would be about a dozen more oil changes in its life (its 30 years old already). Wankels make more smiles per gallons than miles per gallon, but that's ok with me!

wow a lot of transparency with this product!! arent mobil one products proprietary?? i would think a large company like this would be cautious about releasing the formulation of what's in the oil!

The big problem that I have with the Mobil1 test is that the motor is always at optimum temperature. In real life the motor goes cold each night and sometime in winter very cold and that is when the oil must do it's job. Totally different scenario.

Pure synthetic oil will last at least 20k. The good Amsoil will last 25k. It's been that way for 30 years. Though they do recommend changing it every year, even if you don't drive 25k. But you still have to maintain your equipment properly. You can't completely neglect it and expect the oil to keep your spark plug wires from aging.

meanwhile, in europe, cars go a year without an oil change regularly... what say you about that???

Nice explanation of motor oils in general. Well done.

Unfortunately, Exon/Mobile is a giant corporation that is probably not outright lying in their marketing, though they may give a best case scenario. Most of the companies putting automotive stuff in bottles make outrageous and outright false claims.

Awesome video, you really out did yourself! So much information, easy to retain, and the behind the scenes is superb. But... figures the piece of crap american truck would break the transmission at 300k miles! Unbelievable! And yet people still buy them! Meanwhile Toyota drives on. ;]

scotty Kilmer put this oil company to shame

Was the Silverado a 6.0 or a 5.3. My 6.0 had Mobil 1in it from the factory all the way to 322000 miles and was still running strong till it was stolen and totaled

I wouldn't run 20k on oil change especaiily a turbo boosted vehicle. The oil helps keep bearings lubed and also cool. The reason turbos fail more often is ppl run them hard pull up and shut them down as soon as they park. You should sit and idle couple minutes before doing so.

Great video. It would be nice if there were test results for similar products using the same tests.

I don't care for how this oil tastes.

Man your a POS for sponcering them if you read the warranty no new car recommends this oil.. this it will void your warranty even in fine print it says use recommend oil in manufacture warranty on there websight says it all .. it would work if you did only expressway driving maybe but city stop and go no way there is less wear on expressway but don't feed people this b.s. man

You forgot to mention, after the marketing and engineering phase, sales departments comes in and says, guys all is good but the costs are too high and we won't make money, can you fiddle with the formula ? xD

I would like to see a test where they would simulate winter driving conditions in a cold climate , especially with drive/shutdown cycles to gauge sludge and wear patterns.

In the UK the latest Ford, Transit vans have a 30000 Service interval! the older vans ie MK 7 have had a 20000 service interval for years. That is 30000 miles or yearly whichever comes 1st so unless you are a delivery driver it will be yearly.

You are simpley the best. I trust all your reviews way more than the so called "EX-SPURTS" in YouTube. DEEP RESPECT.

so by the looks of it, it would be acceptable to run this oil for 20,000 miles if driving is done on the highway.However, can the oil last 20,000 miles when driving is done mainly in the city?

I have a 2004 Ford Excursion with the supposedly bad 6.0L diesel. I have always used Mobil 1 extended milage ( 15k) and change my oil at 10,000 miles. I now have 225,000 miles and regularly tow my 26 foot trailer during the summer or my 27 foot fishing boat. The motor has never been opened up and only had to replace my oil cooler. love the video and I have always trusted Mobil 1..

In stead of the usual, carefully-worded advertising hype on the oil containers, I would like them to make a simple declarative statement to the effect that changing the oil and filter every 20K will result in no more engine wear over 300 or 500K miles than changing the same oil every 5K. Mobil's web site used to state that their products should not be used to extend the engine manufacturer's oil change intervals. Wonder if it still states that.

I'd like to know if cheap $1.99 oil from Family Dollar would hold up and for how long?

Would add that car manufacturers, engineer cars, to "last", 10-15yrs/120-150k miles. Want your engine to last longer? Change it sooner. MUCH sooner.


yeah keeping the engine stationary on a dyno for 20,000 miles yeah it will last real world driving is different for every engine.

20k miles on an oil change? ill still be changing my oil three times a year then.....

100,000 mile oil next?

Been using dollar general brand 5/30 because of excessive oil leaking, at $2.95, engine gone be toast soon haha.

Mobile One is not longer 100 percent synthetic it has a conventional base. They have downgraded the product because of Castrol Oil. The only good oil is Amsoil which is a true 100 percent synthetic.

What program u use for your vids???? I do cooking vids and need to make them look this nice.

What about colder climate test? To me colder temp and shorter distance trip damage engine more.

Still can't trust lab testing compared to real world. Variable valve timing needs clean oil. Cold starts add fuel to the oil every day, and over night sitting in cold weather builds water droplets in valve covers (like a half full gallon of milk in the fridge). Over one year time that all gets diluted in along with the other byproducts from the engine. The oil does not stay just oil, especially if you have a problem with the engine causing your fuel trims to run outside of ideal ( check eng. light is on etc), some older engines won't even turn on the check engine light for an obvious misfire. I've seen a 1/2 inch thick layer of mayonnaise looking oil/water sludge on the bottom of filler caps on cars that get extended oil changes. Many of them also burn one quart of oil every 800 miles or so because of sticking piston rings (considered normal oil burning by most auto manufacturers) and on top of it all, if you have direct injection, all the vapors from that crap oil get deposited on the back of the valves or plug up your crankcase vent system to further complicate the problem. My turbo engine gets an oil check once a month, and at 5k when checking the oil, if I notice the oil still has a golden tint(more like a dark amber) I will take it to 6K, but never more. I use Mobile 1 Euro formula or Motul.

Brilliant video! Would be interested to know the car manufacturers view of this though. Personally, after changing oils at regular intervals for 40 years it is something that I am naturally cautious about. I guess using an oil that can do 20,000 miles but changing it more frequently is probably getting the best of both worlds in the meantime. Full marks to Mobil for opening up their labs for us to see.

So when oil manufacturers use vague terms like "Synthetic Blend", "Synthetic", "Fully Synthetic", what exactly do they mean? I suppose the common ignorant would choose based on that label printing and have faith the the later is better than the former.

Very, very good report on that lab visit and process survey. I've been using Mobile 1 since 130k miles (now have 185k), but put on only about 6-8k miles per year. Thus with the Extended Performance type (15k) I feel very confident with single, annual oil change. Could be overkill, but then it's sitting a lot. And the oil's bought only on big-discount sale. Old Explorer with initial chain rattle, but it stops after a minute...and keeps on ticking.

Scamoil can go for 100,000 miles easy. You can also use the old oil in your rear axle and transmission. Wait.... No it can't. It goes 50,000 miles. Yeah. That is it. 50,000 miles...

I would have loved to see one of these tests done with amsoil as well.

No way in hell would I ever leave the same oil in my engine for 20,000 miles. At the VERY least I may let the FRAM Ultra Synthetic filter go that long, just because of how high quality of a filter it is, but never the oil. I don't care what claims have been made. Thats just asking for trouble.

OMG I have turned into a car geek and hadn't noticed. Two years ago I wouldn't have understood or cared about any of this. Thanks Engineering Explained :-)

Excellent, thank you. Beats having to listen to alot of shade tree mechanics personal opinions and uneducated explanations.

Don't big rigs already have oil like this?

I own a Dodge Sportsvan, 1977, 400 cc engine, NEVER changed the oil. At 3000 miles intervals REPLACED the oil filter with new one and added new oil to compensate for oil in old filter. Compression is at 90 in all cylinders and all readings are NORMAL. It got 235,000 miles on the odometer. No smoke. Replaced brakes rotors twice and pads six times. better than that can not have it. Only negative about it, is rust at bottom side panels. 03/18/18.

Mobil 1 does not publicly releases NOACK information on their products, this is critical for Direct Injection Engines, as a Naturally Aspirated and Turbo DI engine needs a 8 or lower. WHY does Mobil 1 not release this information? The ONLY Oil Company that released this information was Pennzoil in 2014, and they were an 6.5 on their Conventional 5W20 oil, which was Confirmed by the American Petroleum Institute. The reason NOACK is so important , is the the lower evaporation at temperature keeps the intake valve from receiving build up from recirculating evaporating oil gasses by the PCV system. There is no fuel being sprayed behind the intake valves to keep them clean like conventional Port Injection vehicles, this is why super low NOACK is demanded for this type of engine. Knowing this Engineering and Pressing Manufactures is the only way to improve the system and up their quality in others areas, instead of being Tunnel Visioned in outdated categories.

Any oil that is API SN certified will have passed the Noack test (250 deg C with less than 15% evaporated). Exact figures won't always be known, but you can at least know from the certification that it's within industry standards.

cool stuff! thanks

A Citroen 2CV was crossing North Africa when the oil pan plug fell out and got lost.  They walked to the next town, but there was no oil there.  All they could find that was slippery at all were bananas.  They rammed a bunch of bananas into the oil filler hole and ran the car about 50 miles to the next town where they cleaned out the bananas and filled it with engine oil.  The engine didn't suffer any severe harm.  Mobil 1 might consider using bananas in their product.

One big problem here for me, this doesn't meet VW 502.11 and there for no VW or Audi owner with a turbo charged engine should use it. That's my big problem on this it doesn't meet a number of industry standards, it does some but not many.

Please Help... 2015 Honda Accord Sport 4 Cylinder (CVT) Current Miles: 115000 Honda Recommend oil viscosity 0W-20 I drive this car in NYC with Uber, (there’s a lot of stop & go) I put 250 miles every day. Someone told me since I have 115000 miles on my car I should start using 5W-30 Viscosity oil because engine is old now & 5W-30 will be good for old engine. Any advice will be helpful, Thank You.

This is a lot of information, and great job getting a walk-through of their facilities! I would have enjoyed hearing some of the people you talked with actually speak on the video to explain concepts and tests with their words, instead of a voice-over the entire video.

My 2003 plate Mitsubishi Carisma was due to go to the junc yard but I ended up keeping it. Its done 170,000 and the last time I had the oil changed was at 120,000. I been wanting to kill it but it just keeps going. I still have it. It deserves an oil change I think :/

You are doing perfect job, but WHY WHY oh WHY shoul oil last 20k??? You pay 100.000 dollars for a car, but you are cheap for a few bucks for oil (most important maitenance aspect) WHY???

Learn how to change oil yourselve and do it more frequently instead of premium oil and oil change bill.

I used Mobil 1 in the past, Penzoil Ultra Platinum is a much better oil, and been using it in all my cars for the past 2 years.

Sir- excellent informative video. Very honest about sponsorship, accessible to non-scientists, and so far the only oil I'm convinced is "better" than others. I change mine every 4 k or so. It is overkill, but It's part of the routine that makes sure I inspect and service my whip every few months. Your videos help make I more smarter.

This is a myth. No car manufacturer will honour the warranty on a car that has not had the scheduled oil changes. Try it!

NEVER use synthetic blend. There are NO standards for it.

notice they don't talk about dirt plugged oil filters.

back in the 80's I bought my synthetic oil from the distributor. There was a mature oil expert in the front office that had seen it all. He told me the oil and additives in name brand synthetic oil would last 20,000 miles. BUT! the problem here in Denver is Dirt. the oil filter gets a lot of dirt collected in it. Just weigh it and see. If the oil filter plugs up the engine is toast. So, to get people to change the filter its best to change oil and filter more often. I change my air, oil, cabin, filters and mobil 1(regular mobil 1) every year. I drive about 5 to 10 thousand miles so thats plenty. I grease the silverado every 2 years with good valvoline synthetic chassis lube. changed and flushed cooling system. coming up on differential, trans, transfer case and front differential service. Also flushed the brake fluid. Its all these pesky things that keep the vehicle going.

So would it be better for my engine to use 20k mile oil and do a change about every 10k??

Fantastic job man, thank you

Doesn't Amsoil already offer 25,000 mile protection and better results in every test category over Mobil 1? The only oils I'd use [on my newer engines] are Amsoil, Valvoline SynPower, or Shell.

The problem is that the oil filter may not last as long as the oil. For example, there is no oil filter that is designed to last 20k miles for my GTI.

I'm not sure what the filter size is for your GTI, but Mobil 1 does have a selection of 20k filters.

Great Question Thomas -- 25 years ago I owned a Trans Shop. I always warm my engines before driving off & in the coldest parts of winter, I do just as you mentioned. I go back & forth about 8 times before driving,try getting your wife to buy into that. Mine has to,she had an investment in the trans shop.

My odyssey 2006 has the oil indicator, can it differentiate 20k oil?

I ffnn dare you to run this oil on a air cooled Porsche for 20,000 miles.. quite being a lazy ffkk and change your oil every 3,000 miles or 200hrs.

Change your oil every 200hrs

I have used nothing but Mobil 1 for the last 30 years,in everything. The last 7 years, I switched to the Extended Performance. Did they cover the difference between Ext Perf & Annual Pro ? The Annual Protection is way to costly for now, to even consider. Unless you have a Direct Injection or Turbo Car. I'm guessing that facility was in New Jersey ,looked to be near all the oil refineries,not their HQ elsewhere in N.J. Excellent Video by the way,especially for me with 55 years of automotive service,diagnostics,repair & machining & building race engines, decades ago.

Engine oils DESIGNED to wear the engine so that it will not last longer than 10-12 years and 300,000 km distance. The ZDDP anriwear additive is actually a corrosion agent that reacts with steel under high shear rate and temperatures and produces a coating of Zn/Fe phosphates. The layer is removed and reformed many times until all ZDDP is all consumed. So, actually you are getting some protection from seizure on the cost of corrosion of the parts. Meanwhile, some vegetable oils, e.g. palm olein in tropics and a blend of canola/castor oils with anti-oxidant may protect both from wear and seizure 5+ time better than engine oils with PAO or petroleum oil as base fluids. Well, oil change distance will be 7000 miles for palm olein and 3000 miles for canola-based engine oil but as the oils are cheap it is not a burden. But your engine will last 5 times longer. Next step to be closer to Mother Nature, it is possible to reduce wear 25-50 times or 5 times more than with neat vegetable oils with special additives that simulate lubrication in joints of our skeleton. And to reduce friction so that fuel economy gets 30-40% higher than with the best petroleum based fully synthetic oils. The bio-oil will be about 1.5 US$ per liter or cheaper. And this is a BIG business to keep customers to believe that the engine oil protects your engine while it wears it out so that people have to buy new vehicles every 10-12 years.

I wonder how it will hold up in a Heui systems in some Diesel engines

Can you say the esterex content in AP? Or theyre still using AN?

The price diference in comparison to the EP version is more than its benefice.

What a good video i learnt a great deal thanks.

Ed Va < walmart selling 5 quart synthetic for $22.

little to no zinc, useless to me. flat tappet anyone?

Engine oils are DESIGNED to wear the engine so that it will not last longer than 10-12 years and 300,000 km distance. The ZDDP antiwear additive is actually a corrosion agent that reacts with steel under high shear rate and temperatures and produces a coating of Zn/Fe phosphates. The layer is removed and reformed many times until all ZDDP is all consumed. So, actually you are getting some protection from seizure by the high cost of corrosion of the parts. Meanwhile, some vegetable oils, e.g. palm olein in tropics and a blend of canola/castor oils with anti-oxidant may protect both from wear and seizure 5+ time better than engine oils with PAO or petroleum oil as base fluids. Well, oil change distance will be 7000 miles for palm olein and 3000 miles for canola-based engine oil but as the oils are cheap it is not a burden. But your engine will last 5 times longer. Next step to be closer to Mother Nature, it is possible to reduce wear 25-50 times or 5 times more than with neat vegetable oils with special additives that simulate lubrication in joints of our skeleton. And to reduce friction so that fuel economy gets 30-40% higher than with the best petroleum based fully synthetic oils. The bio-oil will be about 1.5 US$ per liter or cheaper. And this is a BIG business to keep customers to believe that the engine oil protects your engine while it wears it out so that people have to buy new vehicles every 10-12 years. In the end of 19th century petroleum oils replaced vegetable oils such as rapeseed oil , whale fat oils and beef tallow because they were much cheaper. Nowadays, with development of high-oleic and deep-frying vegetable oils it is possible to protect the engine much better while the oils are cheaper than the commercial engine oils. Will people use them or stay blind and ignorant? We will see.

I once did 22k before oil change, and that was at about at 135k. My old 2000 year model 2.5 Omega straight six Estate/Station Wagon is at 208k now. One would think that the turbo bearings would suffer from the poor lubrication, but, when I do a DPF clearout, she jumps at the starting blocks. Using a good and trusted brand of oil seems to be the way to go for longevity. By the way, diesel in UK is taxed at about 30%, @ £1.30/litre at the pump. Sacrilege.

This is all fine and dandy but what marketing want's marketing gets. I don't believe Mobil1 had any break thru's on this project except incremental sales. If this oil was worth anything. Every Semi, dumptruck, Cruiseship would come from the factory already installed.

I own a Mazda CX 5 here in Canada. Mazda Canada says to change oil every 8 thousand km. yet in England and Australia it's 12 thousand km. what's with that ? any answer would be helpful , just don't tell me it's due to our weather conditions because I don't see much differents between the 3 countries.

Seafoam in the engine oil every few oil changes


I change my oil every 3 miles or 3 minutes, (which ever comes first). I would explain why, but my car needs my attention.

Well done, and interesting. I'm curious what would happen with these tests if the vehicle / engine tested were to go through the factory recommended oil change interval using OEM spec oil through the duration of the warranty period. Switch to this Mobil 1 annual after the expiration of the warranty period. Then test to see if 20k intervals can be maintained.

Adding oil treatment slug cleaner to the oil will double it's lifespan by x2

That's awesome you got to go to Mobil1. I've always wanted to see exactly how they test and develop their oils. Glad to see a lot of torture testing.

Great video. To tell you the truth but my 60,000km LS1 engines uses more oil per 5,000km service on 0-30 Mobil 1 than the Penrite 10-40 fully synthetic oil. And I noticed at least 70% less metal paste on my magnetic sump plug. But that's the oil Holden here in Australia recommends for the LS1. They should do more high load testing also because people do take there engines to redline.

Maybe I’m old school but im in the school of “just because it can does Not mean it should”... it was not that long ago BMW and Mini said there cars can go 10,000 miles between oil changes as long as you use a full synthetic. Sure enough the motors hit 100,000+ miles and were dying of sludge. They were out of warranty and the OEM basically said it was not there problem. Bottom line is just because the oil lasted 20k in testing, does not mean the same will hold true in real world start and stops. 120k on the Dino is not the same as 120k on the road no matter how much they try. Partially because of the time scale your talking about (the 120 on the Dino will be done in weeks or months vs over a year for most cars on the road). Your missing cold starts, warm starts, stop and go, temp changes, etc. Again I’m sure it’s a quality product but no way no how am I going to leave my oil in for 20k, it just sounds like a horrible idea.

IN short, the oil will last!!! Your filter will not!!! So before you think about not touching your lubrication system for 20,000 miles, think again!!! Dirty oil will still chew up your engine!!!

This is like how they formulate vape juice lol

Bmw's oil for 2007+ in europe is speced for 2 years. u.s. is 1 year. Thats not such an amazing feat though once you realize how much oil they actually eat and you will replace about 50%-75% of all the oil by the time you need to change it. 100% if it's turbo'ed XD

I wonder what they do with those vehicles when they're done. Who wants a 2016 with 120,000 on it already? Or a Silverado with 500,000?

Don't buy it. Went 10,000 miles and my mpg went from 20mpg to 15 mpg. Change oil and my mpg went back up. Won't be buying this ever again!!!!! No oil last that long. Maybe 7,000 miles. But not 20,000 miles. Never go past 5,000 miles. Mobile oil turned black around 3500 miles.

i would never use a 5w30 viscosity oil. whats the hths-value?

What about the filter

20,000 mile interval haas been pretty normal for the last 2 decades in Europe/UK. From my own experience with Mercedes and Porsche and the annual checks that are required by law there is no issue with wear.

I thoroughly enjoy your videos.

Great video! Couple of questions. How much "make up oil" is added to these engines while running the MADs testing? Obviously additives will be refreshed and viscosity will be altered by adding new make up oil to these engines from normal consumption. Secondly, what is being used for fuel? Are they using standard readily available consumer grade pump gasoline? Or are they using some type of "cert fuel" like indo-lean, or 560, or some sort of controlled Dyno fuel? Reason being, I would assume that control fuel with high consistency and specially formulated would produce less contaminates, deposits, etc, which make their way into the engine oil when compared to standard "pump" fuel. Lastly, what is the process or procedure regarding engine air filter replacement while performing this dyno testing? Are the filters replaced at predetermined intervals? Are they replaced at all during testing? If so, are they standard OEM filters, or is a certain "spec" filter which is used? Thanks for the great info! I hope that you are able to reply to some of these questions. Thank you!

I run this in my 2004 Denali and love it.

If my car says to add 5W30 and I have 150,000 miles should I be adding 10W30 during the winter? or 10W30 everytime now? I keep hearing that as a rumor any good answer to this this?

Thanks I really appreciate all this detailed information! You explain it so well!

This was really interesting to see all of the testing performed by Mobile. I drive about 10K miles a year but I can't imagine going 2 years without changing my oil.

Are you paid by Mobil for this video?

So a Chevy silverado bust a transmission in 300k miles in the highway cycle . . .

Wait i use full synthetic high mileage protection and replace oil/filter every 10k miles... Are u saying that its bad. Since it failed the oxidation test? Should i not buy it? Use another oil?

Excellent, now I know how warp...I mean engines drives work :)

As an engineer I can comfortably say marketing says and does whatever the hell they want despite what engineers tell them

For no more than it costs for an oil change I can do a lot of oil changes and not even come close to what it would cost to have an engine replaced or I'll just change my oil every 3-5k. Car makers want you to skip your oil changes because they want you back on the lot with your wallet in a couple years for a new car when you have blown up your old one while still making payments on it because you didn't want to spend a couple bucks to change the oil LOL.

Nice video. However a couple tips for you. Please slow down once in a while take a breath and do not breath from your mouth so much as you do it all the time. It can get a bit annoying sometimes. Anyway just a friendly opinion. Overall very good video.

So, can I let it in the sump for one year when my condos vallet parking keep maneuvering my car 6 times a day? Talk about fuel dilution huh? I don't think so!

Hi, can I put peptobismol in the oil to prevent the engine from becoming acidic?

Cool video. I would use that stuff if royal purple wasn't on sale this month at carquest. I'd still change it every 5-10 thousand miles. I have 160 thousand miles, yet, my goal is 300.

Hey you do a pretty good job educating all of us. Keep walking!!

I would love to see a side by side in depth of this oil vs Royal Purple

When I just got my 2011 Scion tC, the service interval was 10k miles with synthetic. The oil lasted, but the gasket on the filter would get stuck to the engine after being on it for so long :P

You just made your best video! Thank you.

Jason, really great job you doing this video! I really do appreciate it! Biggest question that I have right now, If I'm running E85/Any racing fuel, how would that work on the H-4 cylinder using Mobile 1, 20,000 mile/one year annual protection? That's my biggest concern before using that oil on my 2012 Subaru Impreza WRX? I already use advanced full synthetic mobil 1, always have on all my vehicles! They say that if you use E85 it's best to change your oil every 1000 miles due to the fact that E85 disintegrates the adjectives in the oil. Every since that astonishing news, I have changed the oil in my 2012 Subaru Impreza WRX every 1000 miles with advanced full synthetic Mobile 1 oil. Can I go longer with the 20,000 mile/one year annual protection?

That was amazing. And thank you for stating the obvious at the end. I would hate to start seeing people stuck on the side of the road due to ignoring normal maintenance intervals. Would also kill my drive in Cali. People drive bad enough here, not to mention the area is simply over populated for driving.

I understand oil will have the same viscosity infinitely, we just have to change it so frequently because the engines are still subject to contaminants, which just makes it push abrasives around and we don't want that. And further, the video I watched on oil for my automotive class was older (I believe like 1995), and they didn't show the oil being tested in the ways, or at least some of the ways you showed us it is tested now.

I think synthetic oils in general can go alot longer than advertised assuming filtration is good and doesn't fall apart. I will only use synthetic oil. I'm not a big believer that brands make that big of a difference assuming the specs are the same though.

Hmm, should I pass from Castrol to Mobil 1?

VW Group have used Long-life service intervals for many years. 20,000 miles no problem

Engineering Explained The title of this video is "Can Engine Oil Be PROVEN To Last 20,000 Miles? Yes, yes it can, but sometimes real world application and lab results can conflict each other! Also self-testing can result in a conflict of interest. The fact that you were at Mobil 1's testing facility and not an independent lab lowers credibility. What if consistency is bad due to poor quality control? YOU have proven nothing with this video! All you have done is repeat and affirm everything the manufacturer told you! Had you and 10 of your friends, installed a Fumoto valve or some other type of valve on your oil pan and drained enough to fill a lab cup every 5000 miles to be tested, I would have taken this video more seriously. #1 It wouldn't have costed that much for the valves and I find they make changing oil much cleaner and easier. #2 There would be no danger using your own vehicles as a "lab rat" because at the first sign of degradation you could cancel the test. Besides if everything you touted in this video is true then there wouldn't be any danger to yours or your friends vehicles right? The problem with sponsored videos is whether or not your contact forbids you from revealing any contradictions with the manufacturer's claims. If it does then YOU ARE A SHILL! Personally I feel that in order to preserve the integrity of an EDUCATIONAL platform, then such a clause automatically transforms that video or article into an ADVERTISEMENT! If a manufacturer is telling the truth and has nothing to hide there will be no need for such a clause now would there? There would also be no conflict of interest between advertising and educating! If a product is good enough, you can do BOTH at the same time. I will be waiting for a reply. What I am expecting is: A) You avoid my comment by not responding at all. B) You reply with some kind of lip service that still dodges the real world experiment request. OR... C) You give me and all the readers reading this comment a heads up that you WILL BE CONDUCTING A REAL WORLD EXPERIMENT and to look forward to a revisit of Mobil 1 Annual Protection a year from now. (Which I feel is a HIGHLY UNLIKELY scenario)

Engineering Explained Your Videos are AWESOME! Keep it up man :)

As a technician for many years, I would never tell any of my customers to change their oil once a year. This is completely wrong and I tell people all the time don't believe it, it's a way to mess up your car. Get a full synthetic oil with a good filter change it every 5,000 to 7,000 thousand miles and your engine will last your for a very long time.

In mobile 1 we trust.!

well my Mitsubishi delica 2.5 td i brought it at 50k miles now it has 230k miles and ive never changed oil or filter still going strong.

Forget what Mobil oil are saying: Do any motor manufacturers endorse this? High mileage on a motor way/Free way is one thing however compare to town /a road / stop start driving there is more more and tear on the engine.

I just think allowing marketing to run the show is a recipe for disaster.

So this is a commercial for Mobile 1?

If all ads were so based in reality and transparent rather than emotionally exploitative, I might feel a bit more warmly towards capitalism. Incredibly informative look into the unsung hero of keeping an engine going. That MADS testing is really freakin' cool, and those half million mile bearings from the truck looked pretty damn solid. That spectrometer is pretty insane, too, never heard of that particular method, but I'm not a chemist who'd have any experience in such things.

I really love the detail you go into in most of your video's. I've had a lot of recently good experience with Amsoil. I was wondering if you could do a video or segments on it, as there are not too many available. It also states to be good up to 25,000 miles.

Can I run this oil in my Vw diesel ?

I have good news and bad. Good: fantastic video, im a subscriber Bad: I just ran out of captain crunch :(

In your opinion, are Honda oem filters (a02 part number) good? I’ve found that the insides have cardboard witch doesn’t sound very good.

and it's what i use in my truck but i don't know if the oil actually lasts 20,000-25,000 miles or is it a myth so please make a video about Amsoil thanks

Amsoil also makes 20,000 mile oil in fact i think they've made 25,000 oil

what about Amsoil can you make a video about that?

20,000 miles is nothing to a heavy duty truck engine. We are at 60,000 miles between oil changes now using mobile 1 with Baldwin filters. Been doing that for going on 20 years now

It's all goes down to oil filters and cleaning equipment. Marine diesels basically never change oils it just gets thoroughly cleaned and recurculated

C'mon this is bull Stop starting short trips is what ruins sump oil and dilutes it with petrol or diesel When they test like the way he is suggesting is complete nonsense Won't be much better than mineral oil Synthetic costs way too much average is 3x more expensive than mineral oil can't be justified simply because it's been shown that Synthetic oil can only last an additional 2000 kilometres over mineral oil Better just to stick with mineral oil which is just as effective provided you change oil every 6 months

I use full-synthetic, but change it after 5000 miles.

I drive a 2015 wrx,use Subaru oil from dealer,and change it every 3 months or 3000 miles,I don't drive much so the oil gets changed before 3000 miles.I am tempted to try this 20.000 miles oil,but my concern and question is,does the oil filter last that long,doing its job?I get that in the 2015 wrx ,the filter is on top and it's an easy change without draining oil.Any thoughts on this?

I wonder if all employees at Mobil one only use 20k oil and always change there oil at 20k miles on all there personal vehicles

20,000 miles is a bit ambitious.

Still don't believe it. Oil can only suspend so much soot and things like valve seals will go hard as well. Sludge will be the outcome after a while.

Keep doing what your doing, this stuff is Pure Gold!.

Short journeys are much harsher than long high speed ones.


You remind me of my chemistry teacher during my A levels!

Thanks for showing

i gose to Citroën for shopping for my car.i want 2lt total BV 75w-80 bat Citroën not used again total oil bar mobil.OK. i buy 2lit Citroën mobil after used i see..... wowww. my gearbix very beter

Randy Johnson the word is their :)

paulanderson79 yes there oil and there personal vehicles

You wanna see how tough this oil is? Put it in a 1999 honda civic that burns a liter every 2000km, then run it for 5000km, take whatever is left and tell me how it does in testing, this is the real world where engines leak and burn oil, and almost nobody ever tops it up (which i suspect is what kills engines the most)... Until the time where people actually read thier owners manuals, and maintain thier vehicles correctly, long service intervels will be a bad idea...

On the other hand you could just believe the claims of the manufacturer who have been progressively developing their products for well over a decade and have a reputation to protect. Some things are not worth questioning however with a different title and a less irritating presenter a far better result could have been achieved. Of course these videos have been around for decades within the industry. I'm confused about the 20,000 miles in 2017 and how that is considered something other than normal. Is the US really that backward?

Thanks for this awesome video! I tried adding blueberries to my oil but it didn't really help...I think it actually shortened my engine life. Weird.

Bought a 2004 Mercedes new. Used Mobil 1 religiously for 10 years per factory specs. At 151000 miles it cost 6500 to clean out engine. Mobil 1 is excellent when changed at 5000 miles, but I’m not convinced of the 20000 mile claim.

Cut the nerdy crap sponsored by Mobil and just watch Scotty’s video “The thruth about 20,000 mile oil changes - myth busted”

Dirt and contaminants, they don’t magically disappear.

My wife proves it every 6 months.

The second we switch to electric cars all of this will be pointless lol

Amazing work on this piece.

This was so cool.

I thought engine is made up of alloys? How is it even possible for one element to appear due to break down, but other elements doesn't or in lower in concentration? Also, it is a controlled experiment which makes the entire experiment nothing more than " Further Research Require To Be Proven". Another sponsor video!

Even if the oil can last 20K, will the oil filter last that long?

20,000 is kinda normal for me and oil changes. Just Bc I’m busy and that’s about when it gets done. Never had an issue so far. A good filter is the thing. Most all synthetic oils are good now days. No need to worry about that.

wow class in session

what about the filter

This is the best oil advertisement ever. I will never buy cheap oil again!

but you don't know the difference between an engine and a motor?

The ultimate test might be this--you have a newish Lambo or Ferrari...would you let Mobil 1 last 20,000 miles or change it every 3-5K miles?  Yes, it is old-school thinking and tradition vs. new.  Still might be an interesting question.

Great video but I think they don't do that oil for my 2015 Golf R

U rly made 22 min vid, maaaan

Get a Honda and Subaru about the old level drops you be adding new and eventually only have to do a filter swap!

I'll just stick to my 5,000 mile change interval with Shell 5w-40 Rotella T6 .. I didn't get to watch the whole video so I'm wondering if he addressed moisture and acidity build up in the oil over time...

Any no oil change records? How many miles can an engine go w/o ever changing oil?

Isn't it funny that everything revolves around marketing? Why? They're the ones that do market research. They ask questions and they listen.

I use Mobil 1 for motorcycles in my bike....Engine and trans both love it! I won't be trying for 20,000 miles...but I expect an event free 5000 miles easily!

There are cars that once they hit around 75,000 miles will burn nearly a quart of oil a month. This may last 20,000 miles, but you still need to check your oil once a month.

Fantastic presentation. All your videos are so informative and fact based rather than urban myths. Well done!

No real life conditions of an engine !!!!! I would never go to extend oil changes or filters. Regular maintenance is still the best guaranty of longer engine life, it's not only about the quality and lifespan of the oil but mainly engine wear due to contamination of the oil .....even if the oil itself is still good. There's a difference between daily driving conditions ( often short distance ) and a nice formulated theory....( under controlled and monitored lab conditions )

Great video Jason. Would you recommend Mobil 1 over any other synthetic oil? I run a 2010 VW Jetta 2.0 TDI Common Rail, and I want the best oil for it.

with the truck were they keeping to regular maintenance on the Transmission or did they just let it run?

one of your better videos, I like the content but often get tired of the white board. Visuals are key for these type channels.

Okay mobil 1 just sold me an entire range of their products. haha

Just not sure who the manufacturers (oil) are making this product for? Most Auto manufacturers don't have 20k oil change intervals. If you use this product and go 20k miles on your oil while your manual states let's say 10k oil change intervals you may have just voided your manufacturer warranty. Unless M1 is going to cover in lue of the OEM warranty for using their product outside the OEMs oil change recommendations. This product may be good for folks that do allot of highway miles or fleet vehicles that going longer on oil will save costs. For the average Joe under a manufacturer warranty, I wouldn't go 20k miles regardless of what the claims are. Props to M1 for all the info and for allowing Jason to see all this to put into English for all of us

Still oil lasts only 1 year.

Yeah I do the servicing on my dad's Passat TDi (2002 100bhp) It's got 194k miles on it and runs as good as new. I had the EGR and inlet manifold off to clean and it wasn't too bad. The turbo has very little play either. I do the service every 18k miles with good oil and Mahle filters

TheBlaggert good point and I have just bought one. Have any lasted beyond 200k on long life services? Would be good to know.


as long as i use the car everyday i'll replace it every 6 mos. whatever the mileage is. the mileage of my car is 150,000km and as i open the engine everything is still silver...

I think I should say I don't recommend changing the bypass filter once a year. The lab said I probably should change the Frantz every 6 k instead. of every 12 k .another oil turned to gear oil in another vehicle I ran.

i drove a car 200 000 kilometers without any oil change just filled up what was missing, filter was changed once, oil change is a myth.

I used to think so too, until i bought a used 2000 Corolla and the engine's 1.8 pistons were designed wrong. They did not allow proper oil drainage and they were mostly oil burners. Toyota would not issue a recall, and subsequent engines have had the similar issues.

Not real world. What viscosity of oil will protect your engine in minus 30 degree temperatures and also in plus 35 degrees? There used to be a car wax ad that said it would last for 50 car washes. Never mentioned that it was one wash after another, not going out getting dirty, and then going through the car wash. This posting leads it's viewers to leave oil changes for 20K kms and ignores all the other mitigating factors for engine longevity . Disservice.

I am relatively mechanically inclined and have had my dealings inside many engines and their lubricants but had no idea all that really does go on when testing an oil.... Great, fairly detailed video without going too far or long yet I'm sure the most non tekkie person can understand it!!!

Great Job


Get a Honda and Subaru and the level drops with consumption you would be adding new and eventually only have to do a filter swap!

Quakef State will come out with 10year / 100kmile oil

I have always changed filters between oil changes, as an added measure of protection from particulate matter, which is the main culprit behind engine wear. The advancement in oil additive technology has come along with the rest of technology, as well. I'll still change filters every 5K miles, but nice to know the oils are getting better engineered to withstand the abuse they go through.

I have a Seat Leon tdi. I cover 30000 miles a year. The long life service intervals come around every 18000 miles approximately every 7 months. I’m happy to go with that.

Great video! Very well done!

What is high mileage synthetic?

Is there an advantage to your average or skilled track day enthusiast? This oil has proven to extend its lifecycle but there is no information or claims regarding high performance applications. Dont leave your petrol heads in the dust, Mobile 1...

What about all other engine maintenance during test? What about the standards set for the oil testing. What about different atmosphere/climate during running results. I would rather people get paid to drive these actual vehicles all over the world and display the results before handing them out to the public, I say this because i have taken valve covers off hundreds of times within the warranty period on very modern vehicles and the wear looks much worse ( actual visual sludge) vs the other who use a 10k interval.

Change oil every 1000 to 2000 miles... 10000 miles oil change will screw ur motor

Amsoil has been running 25,000 mile oil changes on their oil for more than 40 years. Where has Mobile One been for the last forty plus years? Why don’t you go to the Amsoil factory and see how they make the best oil on the planet?

A couple of things, both which don't DIRECTLY to this, but they apply. I'm an auto mechanic, and ALWAYS recommend that my customers check their oil level, every Sunday, before they start the car. Second point, my brother brought his car to the shop, to get an oil leak diagnosed. The oil filter gasket had failed. Yes, it was WELL overdue for a change. Yes, I STILL pick on him about this. steve

I have a older Ford with the 4.6, drive in hard traffic everyday, take it on the freeway, used to burn oil but added badhls no smoke on conventional. That said I would never go past 3 months regardless of mileage. Take a modern car and take a interval to 20,000, 15,000 mi is just pushing it. Engines have small tolerences and complex vvti systems is crazy.

Very good testing! Where can I find the results of the comparison test between the different oils brands?

My 130000 km golf is the proof that it can drive 30000 km on an oil change

this is a lovely video

Nice video. In what engineering/test world did you inhabit? Just curious, I spent quite a few years as a Chassis/Powertrain Design Engineer in the automotive world. Very cool career I have to say, retired now.

aren't you guy that makes fake diy videos?

Amsoil been doing this for decades.

Jason, they claim the filter media can last 20k miles, but as the media fills with debris it also becomes more restrictive - wouldn’t that inherently put extra stress on your oil pump?

Awesome. I enjoy your videos for the most part. This one I did a lot. Got to the important parts and explained it so most everyone should understand. I've been an avid user of full synthetic oil in my 2002 Pontiac Bonneville since I purchased it second hand because the previous owner used it since new. I use a cheaper brand, the Rural King store brand, 10w30. The car runs like a top w/310,789 miles on it. I check and add if needed between changes. I visually and feel the oil in my fingers to see if its thin or if the color gets darker. My average is 6-9000 miles on the oil, and I change the filter every 3000. Also note that I use the AC Delco oil filter.

Amsoil claims more that 20,000+ miles

Any oil can last 20k miles if you drive the car sensible mineral / synthetic it doesn't matter oil is oil plain & simple don't fall for the sales BS just buy the cheapest there is and save your cash! thanks

i think if oil manufacturers want it, they could easily oils that last longer but guess, it wouldnt be any good for their earnings...

AMSOIL has oil and filter that lasts 25000 miles.

Pure advertising hype...........All modern engines now run at extremely high temps and come with extremely thin oil in order to satisfy the global warming scam............This has resulted in new engines burning more oil and fouling spark plugs like never before............

loved it

During the MADS testing, at what speed were the cars tested at? Were they tested at a fixed speed with the same rpm throughout the whole 20,000 miles duration. Secondly, if so then does this actually represent the actual driving behaviour of most drivers who will accelerate from a low rpm to a higher rpm most of the time instead of a constant speed?

My manual says 135,000 oil changes. I'm not kidding, taken photos of it and sent to friends.... yeah Also no oil company will make this type of claim if there's not a way to make billions off it. Read the finer line - 20K miles in a CITY this oil will not hold up to. On the highway 20K miles the oil will hold up too. Read the fine line

Still doesn't stop blowby in an older engine. Meaning your engine wears out alot faster because you end up with all these little bits of carbon in your oil turning your oil into liquid sandpaper. Mobile one is far from the best synthetic motor oil anyway. Amsoil is a far cry better for your engine.

Too much yaking

I'm with Ryan, a lot of good solid data that is useable, thanks for the hard work.  So..... if you used this new Mobil 1 Annual Protection and changed your oil every 5 to 7K miles and always used a premium filter you're good to go as long as the car never overheats.  I have used Mobil 1 full synthetic for years and can buy it cheep at Sam's Club or Costco by the case.

lmao don't test a chevy next time. Maybe you won't have to change transmissions.

On the real world oil sample tests do they add oil to the engine if it's low?

You tested oil Royal Purple 5w20? Good oil?

The Toyota engine test for the lifter buckets is Sequence IVB. I know because we have all these tests at my job. Just as you guys are JUST finding out, it is very interesting and there is a LOT that goes into testing. Much more than this video but it was cool to see that we aren't the only ones performing these test. We're are a independent company that is used a third party test facility for these. There are all sorts of ASTM test for not just oil, but fuels, driveline and hydraulic fluids as well. Amsoil is another great company.

there is no engine made that does not consume oil and this is normal. vag and opel ofcourse are oil thirsty so ....

Why would I want to make $25 worth of motor oil in my engine last 20,000 miles when a replacement engine is $6000???

full synthetic is not 100% synthetic, many full synthetic can be 20% synthetic or less.

Vehicle under warranty.  Mobil 1 Annual Oil Change every 3,000 miles. Mobil 1 Annual is cheaper than other Synthetic Brands. Can you trust it? yes/no Worth a try? maybe Maybe Engineering Explained is using Mobil 1 Annual? Will I switch from Royal Purple or Amsoil to Mobil 1 Annual?  maybe! only if car is old and not a performance car or definitely got it from previous owner.

Thanks so much confirming that Mobile 1 oil is a great product. I use the high mileage oil on my 08 Highlander with 170k miles and change it every 5k miles. Hopefully it will last a very long time.

Sorry i am still changing mine every 3K nothing wrong with keeping good clean oil

Awesome vid, great to see the process...

Id buy it.....but still change every 10k because I beat the ever lovin $h!t out of my cars!!

This video just affirmed my choice of lube oil. I’ve been using M1 ep oil and filter on my cars but change it every 10k mi instead of 15k mi. Just my way of allowing a safety margin between oil change. So far, so good I’m a happy and satisfied camper.

Thanks for this excellent video. Beyond the scope of this video, and still unanswered, is the longevity of this product on an older engine that already has several thousand miles on it, especially one that has been serviced with conventional motor oils in the past. While I understand that newer, small block, turbos run at high temperatures, etc., they are engineered with the newest designs and components too, and these inherently increase the efficiency of the engine.

I know it's tough to change our habits, but the "3,000" limit was based on lubrication technology from the time when it was, excuse the pun, crude. As advancements in synthetic stablizers and other additives were achieved, newer limits were set at 5,000 miles or more. Even newer technological innovations have produced this current offering. Change your oil all you want, but the science does not support its need.

There is no way I could go 20,000 miles on an oil change. The reason why is because It would take me 4 years to hit 20,000 miles. I would never leave oil in my car that long. I don't use mobile one though. I use Amsoil ( XL ) it's good up to 10,000 miles...but even then that would take me 2 years. So I don't worry about mileage anymore. I just put the month of when my next oil change for my civic it's March of 2019. My truck is June of 2019. Pretty simple.iv been doing this for the last 5 years. The only people I would think put 20,000 miles on there vehicle a year would be the guys who shuddle people back and forth from the air ports etc. Or people who live along ass way from there jobs.

I would never keep the oil in my car more than 10k miles, no matter what the label says. If you intend to use your car for 10+ years. If you want to get rid of it after the leasing is done, then go for it.

how does Mobil 1 AP compare with AMSoili ? How about their filters vs Mobil's ?

Very useful information, thank you very much for sharing it! Alot of precise engineering is behind oil and engines as such , but measuring oil intervals in miles is somewhat very far from precise. There is huge difference between driving 20k miles lest say on taxi car in New York city mostly stuck in traffic and someone living in rural area driving mostly on an empty freeway to work and back. Enormous difference in actual engine work hours and conditions. So.. It seems to me that there something has to be done marketing-wise, too..

WOW .. you are awsome my friend .. so much good info here .. incredable .. A+++ .. you should be a spokes person for Mobil 1 .. seriously

Very informative, however it's obvious this guy got a big payment from Mobile to advertise their oils. Was hoping to see an actually break down of a motor to see the part up close for actual proof the part can last 20000 miles between oil changes. Anyone can read a pre written script professionally after several practice takes.

there is no question that the oil would hold up, but the better question is, do you want to keep flowing the collected dirt, carbon, soot, and worn metal particles around in the engine to ware away at any moving part.

very impressive video and great job of explaining this in an easy to understand manner. I have been a synthetic and 5k drain interval guy for a long time, but this information is getting me more comfortable with the idea of doing annual changes. Still....just a bit hard for me to make that leap. Hard to overcome years and years of the mindset of "3-5k mile drain intervals". The good thing about shorter drain end up being under your car much more often...which helps you to keep an eye out for other possible issues that you may catch early, for example a seeping water pump, leaking strut, etc.

Read the owners manual , regular oil is changed every 12 months,science was done just read it!!!!!!

Good to know that a quality oil can give you a margin of safety if you you are a bit late in changing. Never gone over about 10k miles and usually 6-7 k using synthetic Mobil 1 or Amsoil.

In 2005, I bought a Toyota Corolla new. After 500 miles I switched the oil to Amsoil 0w-30 (calls for 5w-30). Also using Amsoil EaO09 filters and later the 15k filters. The second oil change was at about 5,000 miles. The oil and filter have been changed once per year since. The car now has 290,000 miles and still daily driven. Uses about half a quart of oil per 5,000 miles. Maybe it's not scientific. But it's good enough for me.

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