Camping under a tarp in the RAIN - Important channel update

Camping under a tarp in the RAIN - Important channel update

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[Rain] Hi, welcome back to another adventure. Ind's  not looking very adventurous at the moment.  So I've stopped to put my boots on and she's  fallen asleep. It's the middle of summer in   New Zealand and it's hot. It's a three-hour  drive to get here so um I think ind's a bit   pooped to be honest. Hey! Are you ready to go  for a walk? I think she just wants to stay here.  So the first part of this track crosses  some farm land and that's pretty typical   in New Zealand. You'll either have forestry  or farmland often at the start of a track,   and so we've just walked around the outside  of the farmland, crossed over a river,   and we're just heading up this Valley a wee  way. We're heading to a clearing. I haven't  

been there before but I've seen it on the  topographical maps and I'm hoping, fingers   crossed, it's going to make a nice camp for us. Stick around because I have some exciting news   to share with you guys about the channel  and want to have a bit of a chat to you   about the plans that I've got for 2024. So I'm going to wake Indi up and we're   going to get going to camp and once I'm  set up um I'll catch up with you again. Are you trying to have a swim? I don't blame you! The tops are in cloud but the sun is out down  here. So I hope this lasts a little bit longer   until we get camp set up. Interestingly this  bit that we're walking through here is actually  

the area I thought of camping. It shows as a  relatively sparse area on the topographical map   and I thought we'd have a whole lot of grass  but actually there's a bit of grass but it's   not really what I was expecting. All right  let's go a bit further and see what we can   find. I'm hoping to get a little bit closer  to the river so we can get some water and   I also want a good view. There's no point being  stuck in amongst the trees, we need a good view! [Loud roar of the river] [Light river noise]   The very first thing I need to do is put on  some light pants because the sandflies here   are horrendous. Honestly I feel too hot to put  on long trousers but sandflies are everywhere,  

and they're annoying you too aren't they?! They're very annoying so I'm going to get   some long trousers on and then I'm going to  get camp set up. I think that we're just going   to use a tarp. We're just going to sleep out in  the open tonight under a tarp because this spot   is just so gorgeous and I want to be able to  have a view all the way out here but also the   ground is stony and setting up a tent with  pegs is quite challenging on stony ground,   so why do it? It's summer we don't need a tent  we do have a mosquito net, thank goodness! So I brought both of my tarps with me today.  I wasn't sure what sort of configuration I'd  

want or need and they're both pretty light  so I brought them both. The Stony Creek one   smells of campfire smoke, delicious!  The last time I used it it was winter   time. um so that's the Stony Creek Drone  and this is the DD hammock super light. So I might only need one. I almost always  use this one because it's a little bit more  

stealth. I just don't like to stand out  like a sore thumb ,and this one makes me   stand out like a sore thumb! So let's  start with this one and see how we go. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to decide how to put  the tarp up, were you looking for a treat? I'm standing here pondering, trying to figure  out what's going to be best um so I might just   give Indie her treat because she's been such a  good girl today she's worked so hard she's so   tired it's uh it's hot hard work going camping  in these conditions and she's such a trooper   so would you like a treat I'm pretty sure that  doesn't mean no when Indy sh it does not mean no oh you're such a good  you hey you're such a good you good job thank you to everybody who has donated  some money on buying me a coffee for camping   treats for Indie and I and than thank you  so much to those people who have donated   us some money on super thanks that money from  buy me a coffee and super Thanks goes towards   our treats as well as our equipment  and I'm going to tell you a bit about   what it's bought us a little bit later on  cuz it's quite significant and I'm really   grateful so thank you guys you go it's  yours it's yours you can have [Applause] that for [Applause] I it keep [Applause] [Applause] [Music] up what do you think Indie what do you [Applause] think is that pretty good that is pretty good okay I've come prepared with everything  come prepared with everything I have got   a ground sheet and I have got a nice picnic rug  a picnic rug to put down it's a waterproof mat   with cotton on the outside so it's really  nice just nice and cozy little cozy extra so there is this and this is a ground  sheet an old ground sheet from a tent   that I used to own that is completely wrecked  but uh the the ground sheets fine so I saved [Applause] that how embarrassing it is so dirty it is the one  thing that I forgot to clean that's from the   trip that Indie and I did up to the top of a  mountain about two or three camps ago hang on   pups hang on don't Li down just yet and there  was lots of um orange clay which Indie traed   in and out of the tent and onto the mat  in front of the tent I meant to clean it   another note to self when I get home I'll put  this one down first wait wait wait wait over here thank [Applause] you there you go you ey on that let's take your r c what the only thing is the B are going  to move you aren't they [Applause] the   only thing with taking her rain cat off the  sandflies might annoy her let see how they go yep they are annoying her okay I'm going to go down to the river  and get some water I am dying for a cup of   tea I'm going to give Indy a bowl of  water and make a cup of tea and then   it's actually getting quite late so it's  got to just be time to start thinking about dinner you got to stick you going to bring it back here I  don't think this is a good place for throwing sticks what do you think it's so Rocky you can bring It come on come on hello did you bring a stick oh look at that hey you brought a stick oh that's pretty cool   should I throw it should I throw  it in the water what would happen ah good thing it's [Applause] summertime [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] the only thing with this kind of setup when you  don't have a tent is that things get really messy   really quickly especially when you've got a dog  well only when you've got a dog he when you've   got a dog moving in and out with dirty paws  are you hungry you want some dinner oh when   she jumps like that she wants dinner okay  do you want some more water first going to   have some water you ignoring me because you're  like no I do not want water woman I want dinner okay half now half tomorrow okay so while Indie has her dinner I'm going to go   and collect my drink and I think  it's time for some pre dinner snacks so cheers thank you for coming on  this trip with Indie and I hope you guys   are enjoying yourself I promised you that I'd  tell you a bit of stuff um some exciting stuff   about the channel and a little bit about what  we're planning for next year when I say we I   mean Indy and I she doesn't contribute  a huge amount to the planning but when   I say we it's it's Indie and I hey when  she she can come on the trip she's with me so the first bit of exciting news is  that India and I are going to be doing   more trips in 2024 than we did in 2023  and the reason for that is that I have   decided to work on the channel full-time  it's a big move and it's really exciting   um I was going to say it's a hard decision  but actually wasn't a hard decision wasn't   a hard decision because when you do  something that you're really passionate about it just feels right and I absolutely love  doing this it's just so me it's always been me hello my favorite things in this [Applause] world  are the natural spaces people and animals if I   could boil it down like that and I just can't  think of anything that I would rather be doing   I'm a really creative person but I'm not like  I'm not somebody who can I'm not an artist I   couldn't just get out of um sketch pad and  draw something but I like creating things   and I absolutely love the filming and editing  part of these camps but not as much as actually   going out on them in the first place so it's  a really wonderful combination of being able   to go out and do something you really love  enjoying the outdoors share it with other   people because you truly love them and spend  it with a little buddy like this so I um have   a professional career that I'm putting on  hold for a while it's um something that   I've devoted my life to for the last 20 years or  so and it's really rewarding and I really love it but I've realized I I feel like I feel like life  has so many exciting things so many interesting   Dimensions to it and I don't want to be one of  those people and like each to their own but I   personally couldn't do the same thing for  my whole life I just think that there are   so many amazing opportunities and if you have  the capacity to be able to try something new   why not do it so that's what I'm doing I  am going to work on the channel fulltime   which means that I'm going to be getting out  on more trips so I'm hoping fingers crossed   and I'm not promising but I'm hoping to get  a trip out every week or video out every week can you hear the [Applause] rain  I just have to are you hang [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] on [Applause] oh I'm so excited I love the rain I love the rain so I'm going to be hitting out on more trops  and even though you probably think it always rains   in New Zealand because I've always got rain in  my videos it doesn't always rain in New Zealand   and I may not always be able to get rain in my  videos If I'm doing them every week but what   I'm planning for 2024 is I'm planning to take you  guys to some interesting places so far the places   that I've been camping have been predominantly in  an area called Canterbury and predominantly in an   area called MRA and then somewhere in between the  two um all of those places are in the south island   of New Zealand but none of them are in the lower  half of the South Island um and I haven't been all   the way out to the West Coast except for once  so what I want to do is take you to some more   places around New Zealand because I am going to  be working on the channel full-time it means I've got bigger chunks of time so before this I  had to fit trips in to very specific little   Windows between my job and family commitments  and now I still have the family commitments   but I have bigger Windows of time that I can  go for on trips so I'm hoping that I can do   some multi-day trips I'm hoping to take you  down to areas like fiordland um if you know   anything about New Zealand um you'll know that  the fieldand National Park is a really um famous   popular area for tourists I can't take Indie down  there but if I'm going to do some trips on my own   you guys might like to come down to podland  with me across to the West Coast um down to   Central Taro so let's go and have some fun we're  going to explore New Zealand a little bit more in 2024 what do you say Indie you like that idea you like that idea hello she likes any anything  if it means hanging out with me I can tell though if she's enjoying camps  or if she's not enjoying them she always I've   said this before she always loves the walk in  and the walk out but only some camps does she   actually enjoy this part she really likes to be  comfortable so I just need to watch that she's   always enjoying herself because I don't want to  drve take her along on things like she's she's   so loyal she will come with me she she will  walk over hot coals for me and I don't want   her to do that I mean that's obviously being  figurative so I just want to make sure that   I'm only taking her on the kinds of trips that  she enjoys so sometimes I'll leave her at home   I'm really Keen to do some more winter camping  I touched on a little bit this year but this is   only the second winter that I have been winter  camping prior to that I just thought camping   was something that you could only do in the  summer or just slightly either side of it and   I have discovered summer camping I don't want  to say it's hideous but I don't like getting sweaty I don't like the blazing sun one  of the reasons that I come out camping in   the rain because I don't like walking through  the blazing sun getting really hot and sweety   um and so actually winter camping is now my  favorite camping and I'd really like to do   some some more really cold winter camping I think  CH in with me in the middle of winter and I might   change my mind I've got a camera light and I've  turned it on because it's actually quite late but it doesn't make all that much difference I choose not to have heaps of  lighting like I could get big flood lights   and just illuminate this whole place but I don't  want to sit in the wild hello in the wild enjoying   nature with big flood lights all over me and  that's not how it actually is so I actually   choose Hello darling hello I actually choose to  let you guys experience what it's really like   with me so if the if it seems a bit dim it's  a little hard to see me that's because it's   a little bit dim and hard to see out here and  I want you to experience it like I experience it for right I've got salmon for dinner tonight  and I've actually got this really nice   um lime lime uh lime lime lime lime yes  lime and coriander rice I'm just trying   to decide if I'm actually going to  cook the rice because I'm not that hungry the cup of tea the biscuits  the drink the spicy peas it all adds up so rather than open the packet of rice I think   I'm just going to cook up the  salmon that's what I'm going to do is a big one really big one nearly B time I need to wash my dishes and enjoy some lemon cello maybe have  a bit more of a chat to these guys   and then it's going to be time  for bed getting late isn't it 8:00 rain is absolutely  beautiful absolutely beautiful honestly in heaven this is just amazing hello oh that's clever that's  clever now what are you going to do do you want to go home or do you want  want to go to beef is it beef time is it beef time IND such a creature of  habit she loves bed time don't [Applause] [Applause] you a [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] this is one of my favorite  times of the day just for Nightfall times like this I honestly wish you were here just can't explain how amazing I can hear the birds is there  getting ready to roost for the night   you he the river in the background the  rain on the TP big pops of rain coming   off the trees and the rain is it's hitting  the leaves which is a different sound and   then the lights rain hting the Rocks  I can hear the drops of rain in ind's Bowl every now and then a little snore from over  here so ind's got the right idea she's gone to bed already I'm really enjoying this lemon cello  it's really delicious so I'm just going to   have a little bit more of that I'm going  to get washed up brush my teeth and then   I'm going to put this mosquito knat around  us so that we don't get bitten in the night before I go to bed though I just want to say a  huge thank you I know I said Thank you earlier   on to um people who have donated some money  through super thanks and buy me a coffee um   in relation to buying treats for Indie and I  camping Treats but there are some incredibly   generous people and when I say generous I mean  like I'm not talking about like dollar figures   I'm just talking about the fact that anybody who  gives me anything only they know their own means and it means a lot to me me doesn't matter  how much it is but it really means a lot to me in making YouTube my primary job  I now have a lot of pressure on me to um for it to be able to bring in an income and  I can't do that without the help of you guys   you might have noticed in my last three videos  that the audio quality was terrible and if you   didn't notice then I'm going to Pat myself on  the back and say that that's because each of   those videos took me three times as long to edit  than my other videos and that was because I had   to take an external audio source and Link it to  every single clip it U was it drove me nuts the   reason I had to do that was because the audio  port on my camera stopped working and when I   Googled it sure enough it just seems to be that  that particular making model tends to have that   problem after a while the audio qu just stops  working it's really really sensitive and that   means that my external microphone wouldn't  work so it's a complicated thing but anyway   the videos have taken me three times as long  to edit with the money from Super thanks and   buy me a coffee with the generosity of you guys I  have been able to buy a new camera I couldn't get   the last one um replaced under warranty because  there long since it passed its warranty I bought   it secondhand um too expensive to get fixed we  had to send it overseas hundreds and hundreds of   dollars just not worth it so I have a new camera  thank you so much to those generous people um I'm   actually going to put a list up here somewhere  I'm just going to name a few people because um   I think you guys need special thanks so thank  you so very much to those people who have been   supporting me not everybody can support me  financially some of you watch the odd Ed I   know I've talked about this before that really  helps I do earn a bit of money from the ads that   are played um not a whole lot not nearly as  much as everybody thinks enough to cover the   cost of the fuel or in my case the electricity  for getting to and from camp and have to buy the food a couple of treats but not a lot um but  I get more money through the ads if you guys   watch the odd ad so thank you so much to  those people who do that I don't expect   you to do it all the time thank you so much  for liking the video for sharing the video   with others and just for watching um if you  watch it the whole way through awesome thank   you so much that just helps YouTube to know  that my content is worth sharing with other   people and that means I get more exposure that  means I earn more I can make her loving I can   put food on the table for my family so thank  you and up I'm waffling it's slon cello right B time for for should go get some water [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] are you is it bre this time oh yes all this time is took the water out have water  first the water no not in this street okay all righty 's going to have her  breakfast and I'm going to get set   up for the mine first things first I  need a cup of coffee and uh Qui this time ind's off exploring somewhere Indie I think if she's going to go exploring  I need to put a coat on her it's down there Indy Indy I can see her down  there so my concern is even though this is part of the track there's  quite a lot of deer sign around and I saw   quite a few Footprints of other dogs so I  think there are likely to be Hunters around possibly hello come over here let me just put  this on you oh yes you can go right through   camp sure be my guest oh it's raining do you need  your rain coat love ooh cuz you're all wet aren't you what did I do with your raincoat here it is I understand she's a dog and I can't expect her  to act like a human but oh my gosh she is such a grub she just walks all over everything with dirty   pores brings all her Charming beautiful  lovely mess all right up up again that's it so this way you are not going to  look like an animal that should be shot pups plus you'll stay dryer all right up you go now  you can go back and have some   fun if you want as long as you're not eating anything all right excuse me you want to come lie down in my spot in my spot you're fine no actually   you got your butt right by  my banana right come over here it's better it's better so coffee time fantastic time of the morning  I have to say coffee time is a good time now   I switched to my wireless microphone cuz I  realized the the river is probably noisier than   I realized for you guys so sorry if you've been  contending with that background noise all this time think I might just make one  very strong coffee here we go gosh I was warm last night so warm too warm I need to remember to bring a  lighter sleeping bag in the summertime time my sleeping bag's just a little bit too cold   for the middle of winter and just  a lot too hot for the middle of summer although it's probably not helped  by the fact that I was using my sleeping   bag liner which is not a silk one which  would be really good good for summertime   it's like a heavy duty one that's designed for  winter oh the thing is you make do don't you   I mean I don't have five different sleeping  bag liners and five different sleeping bags   and 10 different tents I got to make do with  what I've got oh but at some stage I'd like   to get myself a silk sleeping bag liner  they're nice and light and they're good   for the summer time when you might want to  un your bag but you just want something over you I think I need to come and  put the umbrella on the camera   I'm very precious about my new camera and it is drizzling so Indie and I slept well I would say she  probably slept better than I did she always does it was just really really loud the rain wasn't  it the rain really picked up after bedtime and   it poured and poured and poured and it wasn't so  much the sound of the rain it was the dripping   so at various points around the top and the  trees were kind of going DP DP DP DP DP DP   and it was actually that that was keeping  me awake and my brain was also making up stories about the sounds I was hearing because I only had that really thin mesh  between me in the world I was imagining a possum   coming right up to my face cuz it was right there  against the mesh to be honest though I don't even   see any possum traps out here I don't think  there as much of a problem as they are in some areas they'll be around uh I think I need to make my milk first so I've got wheat bcks for breakfast  sliced banana pomegranate that should be tasty e M we're in the clouds the cloud  just rolling down here through the belly it is a gray and Misty and Moody morning [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so I'm going to finish my breakfast  and then going to get packed up and I'll catch up with you again  once I'm all packed up ready to go might be a bit of a wet pack up I think so  it's nice to have the top over the top of me   because I can just get everything SED and  I don't have the confines of a tent either   what are you heading out there for what's the  story Morning Glory oh did you did you hear   me say that we we're going to go not yet I've  got to finish my breakfast don't knock over my coffee right come lay down yeah she heard me  say that we're going to go she just wants to go home oh dear yeah it's not it's not  that she hates being out here it's   just she likes to go she likes to do  she likes to be like what's the next   thing how long am I going to have to lie  around here for before we do something interesting we're just soaking up the serenity [Applause] e what the time has finally come the time has finally   come you have to hop off your mat  yes yes you do yes you do oh hi lazy you love pickup time don't you  watching me work hard come on girl   up thank you no more L lounging around  Camp it is time to go you want to go home what a wet messy camp  pretty much typical for my camps you could see as I was putting  stuff away everything is wet everything   is dirty and Sandy so as soon as I get  home everything will be going on the line some things are going to get hosed  off some things will be washed everything   will go on the line the work does  not stop when I get home the work starts but it's all worth it it is absolutely  all worth it okay let me just wrestle with this   mat and then I can chat to you oh hang  on it would help if I actually under the valve can I get it in the bag yes I predict that I can rather than try and push  it in try and rotate the bag   as you rotate it it slides in right there we go now if you're wondering why I've got  such a big pack for what was actually   quite a lightweight Camp it's because  I actually brought in with me a massive tent massive like it could fit four  people why did I bring that in well   because it's my winter hot tent and I've  only used it once and I want to use it   a few times especially in rain and wind so  that I can be confident before winter comes   around that I actually think it's a good  enough ttin to take into some uh gnarlier conditions but in the end I didn't put it up  obviously a I didn't have a big enough space   and B it would have required me to Pig it in  and it's just really hard work trying to pig   into sand and rock I've done that a few  times and it's not that fun and actually   when I got to this location I realized that  it lended itself to a tarp camp and wasn't   it fantastic it was fantastic because it was  warm and I had this beautiful space to be in   why Co yourself up in a tent when it's warm  um if you can sit out and enjoy the whole environment and it was perfect  so I'm carrying back out that   heavy tent oh well never mind you have to adapt hello yes you're always having to adapt when  you're out while camping it's better not to have   one set way that you think everything should go  because that's when you get into trouble you need   to be able to adapt your plans for the conditions  um and for what's going on so um that's what we   did hey and okay you guys the birds are out you  hear them chirping the sun is starting to come out   there is Blue Sky up above the day is improving  weatherwise and we are on our way so thank you   for coming with us thank you so much for watching  this video if you are still Indy off you don't   need to sit on me if you are still watching thank  you and um thank thank you so much for watching   for liking the video and for subscribing um thank  you so much for your generous support and all the   ways that you do support us if you would like  to show a little bit of generosity to us um and   support Adventure OT you can do that through the  YouTube super thanks or probably even better buy   me a coffee because they don't take a generous cut  all right off your perch girl time to go off your perch IND andoa on the walk out it's so beautiful  with the rain on all the vegetation and the sun   just peeking through the trees so we're  going to say goodbye to you now but I'm   just going to show you a montage of some  of the beautiful scenes as I'm walking in   out on this walk thanks for coming you guys  so nice to have you along for the trip and I   hope that you enjoyed getting away getting  out of Nature and having a bit of time out   I look forward to seeing you on the next one  until then goodbye from me and goodbye from Indi

2024-02-04 12:42

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