Camping in a Snowstorm & Freezing Temps! ️ | Kelly's First Solo Winter Trip in Alaska

Camping in a Snowstorm & Freezing Temps! ️ | Kelly's First Solo Winter Trip in Alaska

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welcome to the bags pack Family YouTube  channel in today's episode I am going   solo camping for the first time in 18 years  it's hard to believe I've been camping a lot   in my life but I haven't done a lot of solo  camping so I'm out here scouting for a good   campsite testing gear trying not to slip on  the ice and then I wake up to a beautiful   winter wonderland join me as I go out into  the Wilderness of Alaska to see how I survive all right so I'm at the trail head and I  already forgot something super important   my mittens I always forget something this is it I  hope this is the only thing that it cuz I haven't   unpacked that pack yet so um yeah I I forgot my  mittens Jonathan's going to drive them to me to   the trail head drop them and uh they definitely  can't do the trip without mittens it's 21 degrees   Fahrenheit right now according to my car and uh  it's cold it's like it's chilly I don't know if   you can see there's Frost there's frost on the  the branches and so um I don't know I wouldn't   make it long without mittens or I'd be have  my hands in my jacket the whole time so yep   those are going to come then I'm going to put my  pack on and this is my first solo trip since the   Appalachian Trail I believe I think this is the  first time I've done anything solo since then   so uh since 2006 18 years cuz I have my hiking  buddy with me all the time so Jonathan's always   my hiking buddy or I've did a couple trips  uh through the university one through the   university and one through noes which is national  outdoor Leadership School and so I've done a few   trips um led a few trips through the University  of Alaska but never alone as I'm always with a   group so that's pretty cool I'm excited I'm a  little nervous and the fact that I forgot my   mittens I'm hoping that I that's out of the  way and that's the only thing that um that   goes wrong but we'll see I've got my mittens  and I'm heading down this Trail but check it out uh it's all shut up with bullets  I don't even know if you can see it it's probably not a good sign to get to a  trail head and have a bunch of bullet holes in   the trail head sign but uh I don't know it's  good I'm going to head out to the woods soon   so I'm going to head down this Trail um it's  pretty icy right now and not a lot of snow   packs so hopefully um hopefully I won't slip I  did bring a trekking pole with me just in case   for a little extra grip I actually bought micro  spikes for my shoes you saw that in one of the   Costco videos but um I they don't fit my boots  so I have to get different kind um the way those   are set up they don't they need a tow grip and I  don't have Tow grippers on my muckluck so I have   to get something different um which is fine but  uh yeah I'm out I got a couple layers it's cold   the Sun is going down it's about 2:30 um I was  hoping to be out here 2 hours ago but it didn't   happen uh so it's okay this is like a really  good moose hunting trail a moose hunting area so   That season is done but I'm  hoping that I don't run into any moose that's my that's my biggest  large animal right now worry um I   do have bear spray on me I'm keeping  it on the inside pocket of my coat my   coat's not zipped up I just have my down  vest and then I have my my down jacket wow check out this view amazing everything's frozen and the mountains are out and the  Sun is setting and I don't know if you   can see it but right there is the moon coming up  so I definitely want to set my tent up out here   but not on the trail okay actually looks  like there might be some good spots this way I think that's part of the fun is just  like scoping out where you're going to go   and then making making that spot your temporary  home for however many nights tonight I'm just   out for one night I'm testing gear I'm  sure Jonathan told you about that he's   went out tested all the gear on his own uh  previous video I'm coming out I want to test   all this stuff too gosh these are really big  I don't know what that is look at that one I'm going to hope that that is just dog Prints  but it's pretty big in my opinion it's almost   as big as my foot woo might be a fun night  Friday the 13th maybe some wolves maybe a moose look at that wild celery ooh ooh okay I'm  breaking through post holding so it sounds like   there's water right here the map kind of says  I'm right at the end then there's birch trees   they wouldn't necessarily be right in that water  maybe I'll go over here by these trees starting to   cool off took off my jacket hung it up on a tree  over here let it um air out and dry out I'm going   to there's a lot of little brush that I need to  kind of get out of the way pull out and break up   and then I'm going to lay this footprint out and  uh get it going cuz the sun is already down going   down uh and it should be getting dark soon and  once it hits gets dark it's going to be colder oh I had my gloves off so I could work but my  hands are so cold on those metal tent poles I   put my mittens back on so we're going to see  if I can try and do this with the mittens on for it's tough to get those hooks going so I'm  a little I'm playing with the poles a little   bit I'm AF I I'm afraid of snapping them because  even the poles are Frosty from Jonathan's trip   we didn't give it enough chance to like dry  out so everything refroze on the walk-in and   right now so um I'm going to work on this top  part and um probably goingon to need to do a   battery change soon but um gonna need to get  this little rainfly on just to keep with the   Dew and the and the condensation that's going  to happen so what I've decided is I'm not going   to force any of the clips to go over the Dome  area just because the poles are frozen and the   material is frozen and I don't want to break  anything it might be sturdy enough to hold it but I'm just going to leave it up for now the way  it is um it is very spacious inside of there so   I'm not worried about rain or snow or anything  tonight so I'm not worried about the weight um I   don't I'm not I'm not even going to put the rain  fly on because I don't really need it probably   the ventilation is better just to like get any of  the condensation out so we let it be Airy I have   a lot of down layers um I have that I have a huge  down sleeping bag so I'll show you that and lots   of layers on the ground I do need to get rid of  a few trees in my vestibule but for now now I'm   going to get everything into the tent um and just  kind of get it set up so everything all the down   can start to like fluff up newest update had to do  a battery change uh I found my headlamp I've un uh   packed my entire bag into the tent the tent's big  enough so I can keep all my stuff actually in the   tent I don't actually have to store my backpack  outside the tent or in the vestibule so that's   kind of good um I've been warming up my hands I  did some jumping jacks to get the blood flowing   and my sleeping bag is starting to inflate or  not inflate but just fluff up cuz it's down and   the uh sleeping pad is all blown up and good  to go so um I was thinking about maybe eating   something cuz I am pretty cold I keep taking  my gloves off which is a bad thing um but I did bring as one does a potato hot potato in my pocket um that's  my that was my trail snack today and so I'm   going to fuel up a little bit and uh I got to  warm up the uh canister so I got to find the   canister I have my kitchen but I haven't opened  my kitchen yet so I'm going to um just eat this   baked potato that I made earlier and I brought  some I got a little mustard I'm going to add a   little mustard on it as I go I wish I had like  a fancy mustard but that's more weight so I got   this little one put in my pocket and uh just warm  up with a potato it's super hearty it's going to   stick to my insides keep me warm it's hard to know  when you're out in the wilderness if it's better   it's probably a preference but is it better to  like be out alone and like okay I'm out in the   wilderness I'm all alone or if it's better to  know there's other people out here at the same   time I tend to lean towards just being by myself  but who knows there were a lot of dogs um on the   trail when I was waiting in the parking lot  for my gloves to show up and um so I kind of   felt confident coming down the trail that  those dogs probably were loud enough or I   don't know animal animish enough to kind of  uh scare off any of the wildlife right along   the trail definitely some of those moose tracks  were new and fresh cuz you could see they were   still powdery where the Moose had stopped  or stepped in where like a lot of the Dog   Tracks or possible other can9 animals out here  were um older CU they were crusty and had been refrozen BR it is so cold out I  should find out what the temperature is about 14 there we go what smell that smells not  good okay make sure there's   no flammable stuff near it woo that smell really bad for tea okay so I got hibiscus tea for  tonight I have another one before bed the stove seems to be working good I  just need a platform for it I did buy some   blue foam um but I haven't had a chance  to cut it and bring it out I'll probably   put blue like just um A Thin Blue foam pad  down just so it can have something to sit on really steamy so one of the major reason I'm out here  alone is to get a feel for how the tent Works   how the stove works um how to set it up without  bringing the kids out here because if I had to   do this with the kids um might be a little  not super safe to try it out for the first   time uh winter camping with them with this  Gear with new gear and everything so we'll   do a couple trips um just getting getting  to know the gear and getting familiar with   everything and then add the kids in I  think that's probably the the wisest idea now I have been winter camping before um  I helped lead uh Four Season backpacking trips   and stuff like that but it's been over a decade  since before grite was born so it's been you know   14 15 years and uh so it's just trying to like get  back into it and how do I how comfortable am I and   um how well do I know the gear and so this tent is  a brand new um tent for me but it's also a brand   new style for me uh new brand and everything the  stove as well cuz usually I just go out with my   uh jet boil this little setup here is new so it's  good just to kind of get out here get comfortable   figure it out before throwing the kids in the mix  which I kind of like I think it's a good idea now   we only have enough gear for um two people and  maybe three if we bring Forest cuz Forest can   sleep in a sleep Meg with others um so we'll  have to kind of do a little bit of switch off   of who goes on which trips and who wants to  go on which trips and stuff like that um so   that'll be good just trying to uh try out some  new stuff and take the kids on Adventures out   in the winter and get comfortable with snow I  know they're going to um be skiing soon they're   going to be in a Nordic ski classes and then  they're going to learn how to snowboard down   the mountains so they're going to get really  comfortable on the snow uh we'll have to get   them snow shoes and uh hopefully some ice skates  or if we can rent them and get out on the ice   just to kind of gain that confidence and okay  I know if I'm dressing warm then I'm going to   be safe and I know if I'm staying active I'm  going to be warm and stuff like that oh no all right let's do a temperature check it is eight 8° so it is dropping pretty fast um  it feels cold but not too bad um now they have   this tea it is I'm feeling good I'm not um  shivering I started getting really cold just   waiting for the stove to work so I'm was going  to come out here CU I don't know if you can see no it just looks like a speck the  Moon is almost full and it's super super   bright out here and uh it's casting  light on all these little crystals   that are frozen pieces of frost  and stuff on the on the branches some leftover cranberries from the fall and  they are like all covered in Frost and it's   really pretty and sparkly out here uh Cedar  would love it so the Moon is nice cuz it's   going to keep everything bright for me out  here and uh and uh it's really pretty and it's quiet it's definitely quiet I can see  a I can see a planet in the distance   which is always fun granite and M like to try  and figure out if it's a which objects in the   sky our planets and which ones Our Stars and  which ones our satellites so we spend a lot   of time looking up uh when we're out in nature  together which is good make sure I don't spill   my tea on myself tents looking pretty good now  um yeah my tea is almost done which is nice   and then uh I might set up the tent and then  I'll maybe cook dinner which will be good so   that ice is making really funny noises probably  means somebody's walking by it or on it when   somebody steps on the ice it makes a thump sound  in what's kind of it's like oh is that a moose w it's so cool just to sit here and watch  all the little Embers and everything change color it's nice to listen to it it's roaring it's  kind of rumbling I don't know if that picks up on   the GoPro it's so quiet out here I find myself  Whispering because I feel like I'm so loud and   I don't think anyone else is camping out here  but I did see people earlier so who knows I   don't want my voice to Echo all the way across the  water and the ice and disrupt their peacefulness   uh but it's nice I think making a fire is  kind of like a slow thing same with hiking   it just slows you down hiking slows you down  making a fire slows you down sleeping in a tent   and it's kind of nice because it gives you space  and time to like think and reflect and process all   your thoughts without the Clutter and disruption  of your everyday life right there's lots going   on uh in our lives and it's good to slow down  and it's good to like reflect and be out in   nature and to really just I don't know get some  time for yourself to think and I kind of hope   we do these trips with the kids that that's  what they take away from it like there's a lot   of things I kind of hope they take away from it I  hope they feel confident that they feel not afraid   of Nature and to process if you're having lots of  hard feelings go out in nature and just reconnect   with the Earth and if you're having good feelings  go out there and celebrate so um that's kind of   what I hope I provide for the kids when I bring  them out here it's just that this is another way   to do things it's another way to live and it's  another way to uh another tool they have to   process life when it gets hard or uh when they  just need some time to think I think all of my   uh really good reflection times have happened  out in nature like um so I did Peace Corp for   two years in El Salvador and when I came back from  from that I went and hiked the Appalachian Trail   and that 6 months on the trail helped me process  pretty much everything in my life but definitely   that entire experience that I had living in a  village in El Salvador and it was really cool to   be able to have that time it's hard to break away  from uh your everyday life to like take a chunk of   time to go out in nature and hike and camp but  it's in my opinion it's worth it it's worth it   for the the mental health it's worth it for your  physical health and uh yeah it's been really cool   nature has really helped me and I hope I can pass  that along to my kids I know they don't always   they don't always want to go out in nature right  now but I think I hope when they get older and   they're like oh I'm stressed out and like oh let's  go on a camping trip let's go for a hike let's go   have a campfire somewhere let's down and just  lay in our sleeping bags and read books for 10 hours it's pretty nice for dinner I'm going to make my  favorite breakfast the tofu scramble   um it's kind of supposed to represent  like a scramble egg and I brought um   it normally put on tortillas but I was like  oh I should put it in um uh like red pepper   chunks so what I'm going to try to do is  make the tofu scramble and then put it   in a pepper chunk um these are starting  to freeze so I'm hoping it it'll still work there we go I'm going to add a  little water which I saved in my cup   because it was starting to freeze in the pan  oh it's starting to freeze in the cup too I don't a saut some onions they have red onions pre   uh pre- chopped cuz I didn't want  to to deal with all the scraps out here and then I have the tofu this is a like half  a block I'm just going to break it up so it's crumbly so I'm just going to crumble it  up break it up so it kind of looks like   scrambled eggs that scrambled egg texture  the most important thing are the seasoning   and I pre-seasoned I put them all in this bag  and it's salt and pepper turmeric nutritional   yeast and then I have some garlic  powder and some onion powder with it so now it's more of a a yellowy a yellowy  scramble the egg color at least that's from the turmeric and then I brought a bunch  of spinach so I'm going to break that up this is a great way to get my Greens in  especially in the winter when it's harder to eat a salad here give it a minute to stop  steaming so you can see it so it's   just scrambled tofu with onions and spinach  and I'm going to put it in a in a red pepper boat all right there you go  tofu scramble with spinach it   served in a red pepper boat this is just a raw red pepper got to take couple  pictures for Instagram look at this chalula hot sauce salsa pecante now look at that  that's going to be delicious oh yum that red pepper is so juicy I was a little worried about  it but I'm actually it's really good I thought it might be too Frozen oh that's delicious I would  Def defitely do that again maybe   not winter camping but definitely my hands are  starting to shake cold um definitely uh in the house I'm going to try and eat this as fast  as I can before it gets cold I think that's   another issue with winter camping is your  food gets cold fast so you can't like you   try try to stick to one pot meal and try  and eat as fast as you can once you get it   and I don't have my gloves on so my hands are cold yeah all right I'm going to finish this up and  then I'm going to do dishes and uh and check   on my fire okay so the fire fire is pretty  much out at this point I'm just going to pour my dirty water on it okay put that back over it dishes are done  woohoo I am almost completely in the tent   the vestibule is closed up these are my down  pants that I'm going to wear um I got the is   on one of my trips I think uh probably my noll's  trip my national outdoor leadership trip and uh   when we got rid of a lot of our gear when we  moved out of Alaska this was one thing I was   like I can't I can't get rid of it they're  really expensive and they are really nice to   have so um I've been holding up for all this  years I hope they still fit me actually CU I   haven't tried them on since then but um I'm  going to change into those in a minute but   uh I have these my our fairy lights which I'm  excited about but looks like we have a little   National ampon Christmas vacation going on here  but I'm excited about them they work great in   the cabin on the cabin trips and the kids like  them so it's nice to have a little extra light   plus when we're filming well the cabins we go  to don't have light so it's it's nice to have   different options of ways to light up the the  place and then um when we're filming we need   extra lights as well because you know the GoPro  doesn't work as good in the dark light or the low light oh my goodness this might take me a minute  I might as well sit down and get comfortable the best part about December is decorating  the house um getting ready for the holiday   season uh the kids get really excited we  have our our list of Christmas movies or   holiday movies that we always watch and um  we try to do our movie Nights based around those so that's always fun  and uh we've been baking a lot   we've been making a lot of cookies and um I  tried mold wine for the first time or glint   wine is what we called it when we were  in Georgia one of the early early YouTube videos um so that was delicious  and we tried and I tried to make   that and got some recipes from friends  which was nice what is in here oh dirt bark okay so let's see let's put  these lights up and see how they do okay not really sure the best way to hang them  though it does look like we have lots of little   um loops and stuff in this tent which is nice so  I could string some paracord all the way around   and then if we needed more more lights we could do  that put that there bring it it over here and then   back around I'm going to be reading for a while  tonight so uh this will be good let's turn it on wo oh blinking lights quite festive  so this sleeping bag is the Marmet   cwm so this is a really super fluffy  um filled look at how thick it is 800 fill down Marmet it's supposed to be to -40 and we figured with the kids coming out here  we need extra warm gear we want to make sure   that they're safe and they're warm they actually  sleep warmer than I do so as long as I'm warm then   I can pretty much guarantee that they're okay  but I just need to double check and make sure   um yeah so let's climb into this thing so now  I'm extra Snuggly in here I have a whole poofy   head thing I have this uh this neck liner that I  can tighten up and keep me warm at night and um   I'll probably try and keep my face out so I'm  not breathing in the sleeping bag and I don't   want to get like condensation or anything inside  of it so I'll probably just tuck my face out but   everything else will be surrounded by this super  fluffy cocoon for the night and uh oh my gosh it's   already nice and warm in here I think that's why  I love my down jacket my down pants my down vest   and now this huge down sleeping bag it's not the  best in the rain or if it's a really wet snow but   it is amazing when it's just dry and cold it's  my favorite it's super light and fluffy it weighs   not very much I can't remember how much this one  weighs I'll have to put it down down here but it   is it's light it fills up like a big chunk of my  bag so I had that big pack on today but I haven't   hiked with the backpack in a while so it did take  me a little bit of time just to get used to it but   I think I was so distracted by the ice and trying  not to slip um that I didn't even notice really   that the pack was heavy or awkward when I first  put it on I definitely noticed it um even just   like putting it on in the house to carry it to the  car I was like oh man it's been a while since I've   worn a big backpack like that um but yeah so this  is kind of fun um I definitely miss my family I   like to hike um with them and camp with them and  have my evenings with them but um gosh so I like   I said earlier I started the Appalachian Trail  all on my own but there's so many people in the   appalachi trail I think I I was on for six months  and I think I slept at a shelter by myself maybe   three times otherwise you get to a place and you  put your tent up and then a bunch of other people   show up and they put their tents up and and um so  you have that um hiking Community together uh the   first time I ever did a solo hike was in Montana  when I did the 28 day backpacking trip with the   University of Wisconsin we were hiking out there  in the absaroka Beartooth uh the Galatin National   Forest um and we did Vision quests so you had the  option of spending four days and four nights by   yourself in the woods and we fasted during that  time but it was cool experience and I was super   afraid to uh to do it on my own and super afraid  to C by myself at night but um it was fine and   it was good and sometimes it's good to do hard  things and things that you don't want to so that   you know that you can do them and that they're  good it's okay to do that so even though I'm out   here tonight by myself and I'm kind of like oh  I hope I hope a moose doesn't come into camp or   um I hope I didn't put my tent up next to I  don't know like a fox den or anything um so   I can hear them crunching around or whoever was  shooting off guns earlier I hope they don't come   by but um for now it's just kind of peaceful  I think these little lights help having this   uh peaceful evening it's helped it's been really  quiet around here the snow is so crunchy that no   one's going to come into my camp at night without  me hearing so probably the bigger fear is if I   hear footsteps is it a squirrel or is it a bear or  is it a moose hopefully the Bears are all sleeping   but sometimes you get the Rogue bear who wakes  up and wanders around and then that ruged bear   is what scares me cuz I'm not prepared for it  though I do have my bear spray and in my jacket   right now warming up so I do have that kind of  crazy is I'm going to read this mystery tonight so this this is called the mystery of Miss Mrs  Christie and this is a historical fiction uh   story about Agatha Christie who writes Mysteries  so it's a mystery about her this mystery author   who actually um disappeared for like 11 days and  there's no and she doesn't remember it she said   oh there's a am Amnesia I can't remember what  happened so it's the whole uh mystery about her   disappearance and um this came uh recommended to  me so I'm excited to read it should be pretty good   and I'm not sure if I should read a mystery while  I'm camping alone in the woods but I'm going to do it good morning it is 8:30 and it is Pitch Black in here still even  at 8:30 in the morning I slept fantastic in   this sleeping bag I did wake up on and off um  last night hearing different uh noises and stuff   but mostly just I could hear cars and trucks  driving by and at one point I I got up and I   put the bear spray into my sleeping bag so it  could be warm in case I needed to use it and   then as it warmed up it got super wet so then  I had to get up and get a a dry bag a dry sack   stuff sack for it so I did that and put it  in there and I think that's better still in   here I also brought my water bottle in cuz I  was afraid it might freeze in the night so I   mean luckily I have this big bag I have the GoPro  in here I have the GoPro batteries water bottle   bear spray uh extra socks my mittens which  I took off at one point cuz they they were   so hot um but yeah it's been EV uneventful night  and I got I think I got a lot of sleep but it is 8:30 and it's still I don't  know still really dark out so um   I might try and wait another hour and then  pop out of the tent for a little bit and check   things out I'm hearing rain just a little bit  sprinkling of rain started I woke up around 4:   and heard it and then again around 7 so I  don't know if it's raining I don't know if   it's snowing or if it's just like my condensation  on the tent so we'll check it out when I get up   okay so it is 9:00 now I'm going to try and  uh motivate to get going uh it's I'm going to   there's things I can do in the tent even though  it's dark outside I think the sun is starting to   come up so I should be pretty good A little  bit but I can change back into my snow pants   out of my down pants I can put my I can stuff  my sleeping bag back into my backpack and put   my book away so anything that it's in the tent  that I'm not going to use anymore um I can start   stuffing into the backpack uh I am going to  make tea so I need to leave my kitchen out so   I'll probably pack that up blast but everything  else can pretty much um start to go back into   the backpack so I'm going to do some stuff in the  tent get some lights on and uh get my day going little bit of Loft little bit of Loft so they do make stuff sacks that you can cinch  down this um Sleeping Bag did come with one so   I could stuff it into the sack and then pull  the straps down and make it even Tighter and   um I I have used those in the past and like  them but I thought with this such a big battle I'll try to keep punching it down all right put my boots on got  those going snow pants check it out the snow that I accidentally brought into my  tent is still here and we can check it out this   is pretty Frosty out here from condensation  just normal breathing tent looks nice and   tight here's a little vent which I didn't  use all right now how to get out of this thing oh it did Snow oh it's snowing  what you guys it's snowing oh my   goodness check it out wow it's so  beautiful out here oh no my GoPro I left the the little GoPro out here oh  no that can't be good oops oops Yeah that   can't be good I'll have to warm that one up  that's my time lapse so if we don't have a   time lapse that's why W check out my tent  and I don't know if you can tell but it's snowing at like 4: I heard like little  quickling I don't know little creaking   noises I thought oh my gosh is there like  is there a mouse eating my garbage bag um   I've had that happen in the past so um I  kind of woke up it woke me up around 4:   and I had to you hear a squirrel and um so  it wasn't it wasn't um a m and then I kept   hearing it was all over my to thought well maybe  it's raining rain sounds funny intense because I   don't know it sounds bigger or crazier wilder  than it really is I'm put that GoPro in there   okay wow this is beautiful I'm going to get a  rain jacket on before my down gets all wet but yeah wow it is so pretty out here you can't even see the mountains anymore all right well maybe we  won't have a sunrise till later   cuz it's snowing but let's get some  breakfast going let's get some tea going it's weird to have sit here and drink  this coffee I'm so used to hanging out with   my teacher friends and we'd have like we  drink this coffee together and we'd talk   about they they make different flavored  coffees too so we were talking about them   and and we're sitting in Indonesia up  on the mountain drinking this coffee and   now here I am in the mountains of Alaska  and it's snowing on me it's a little bit different it's kind of cool and I'm just going to break this potato up I'm   going to use it to get the  olive oil spread all over just kind of want it warm doesn't have to  cook I already cooked it so just break it into junks might even be nice to flatten it a little bit all right steaming hot sweet potato   it's kind of nice like when the sweet potato  Cooks if you've never put it in a fry pan   before um it kind of caramelizes the sugars in  it caramelizer um gives it a really really nice flavor I like to switch this up um so I'm  not EA oatmeal every morning or I kind of   go between the tofu scramble  oatmeal and the sweet potato bowl and then I brought pumpkin seeds some peans throw those on there I  have crains dried cranberries feel like I got myself a trail mix right  now I'm going to mix them all into one bag   and use it when on my hike out and then uh  some shredded coconut which I've never used   um but toasted coconut was what I was  looking for it sounded really good um   but I've never tried it with this with  this before so it's the first here it is sweet potatoes with lots of  toppings I'm going to try with that coconut M oh that's delicious I can't tell if this  Pan's hot yeah I can put it on my snow pants oh it's really good with the coconut I was looking for toasted coconut like  little strips but um I found the sweetened   coconut shredded sweetened coconut that  works just as well and has a really good flavor let will warm me up to get me out of here   give me the energy to put  this um snow covered tent down all right all right one more good luck so good okay   I'm going to finish this up and  then it's time to pack it all up f all right guys this this has been an incredible  first solo camping trip just absolutely what I   needed to do to make sure that I have the right  gear and that I know how to use the gear and   just to test everything out before getting in the  field with the kids um thanks for sticking with   me and it's I can't believe it's snowing this  is beautiful there's no snow in the forecast   for like 10 days and here it is all right um I'm  heading out so I'll see you in the next adventure

2024-12-23 11:06

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