Camping Episode

Camping Episode

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A fantastic. Way to enjoy, the great outdoors is to go camping on. This. Episode of the kids Clubhouse we'll, pack up and head out to learn about the adventures, of camping. Which. Pack the backpack, Oh dad. Have no fear I've already packed it dan ba has some interesting ideas about, what to take along on his first camping, trip did, you catch on our, friend Abby Brown joins some kids by the water to catch some fish and. Tying. Knots is an important, thing you're the master because. It's. All next on the kids Clubhouse. Funding. For this program was provided by, friends the, Iowa, Public Television, foundation. Generations of. Families, and friends who feel passionate, about the programs they, watch on Iowa. Public Television. And by, the. Maximum Guernsey, Charitable, Foundation in. Support of educational. Programming, the. Coons foundation, of Sheraton Iowa in support, of educational, activities that promote exploration. Literacy, and creative, thinking, additional. Funding provided by. Blank. Children's Hospital, knows kids its pediatric. Physicians and, staff know children have unique healthcare differences, and needs at blank, Children's Hospital. We provide specialized, care and compassion, for, your child and you. This. Is Casey's pizza dough we. Make our dough the way your grandmother made it it. Starts in our kitchen, with lots of love and fresh, ingredients. Casey's. Famous. For pizza. Sometimes, you want to use, imagination. And fly yourself, to the moon. Or. Still your mind will, store time, where I have straight, from my favorite, book going, to well, in this place, adventure. Waits and, every, silly, turn, so. Grab a healthy, treat, get on your feet. Let's go laugh and learn. Knock, knock it's over come on a. Dandy. Kinda day is dawning. Filled. With clubhouse, burn for. You and me. Knock-knock. Start, up your engine. Knock. Knock come in and see. How. Much fun the kids Clubhouse, fun can, be. Greetings. Friends, and welcome to the spectacular, kids. Clubhouse, I'm, your, friend Dan, Wardell and oh look. Look, at this, someone. Has been busy, packing for the big camping. Trip Dam baht. 10. Baht I'm impressed way. To be, prepared, thanks, dad we've, been planning this for the last six months and I can't believe that big day is finally here, do you think I will get to wrestle a bear oh you know Dan but generally, speaking a, successful camping. Trip does not include bears or wrestling. Oh but. You should be so proud look at all the things you've gathered, you, have a tent, out some, pots and pans a compass. Some lanterns oh and, I even packed your snow shovel, and your snow boots my snow shovel my snow boots Dan, but why on earth would you pack these so, we can dig ourselves out, in case of a big storm have no fear my friend there's not gonna be a storm I checked the weather okay and we're gonna have 95, degrees uh-huh we're gonna have lots of heat and Sun no, rain and definitely no snow I'm not so sure about that dad I think we should bring it just in case you, know part of camping, is all about roughing it, bringing with you only the essentials, we're not gonna carry a snow, shovel through the woods hiking, in the middle of summer, can we bring us snow blower instead, no, only. The things we absolutely need. No let's pack the backpack, Oh dad, have no fear I've, already packed it you already packed my backpack. And yes, of course. You did you packed some winter, gloves and a winter hat I don't want you to get frostbite, all right you, packed, a scarf, in fact it's the longest. Scarf I've ever seen in my life oh it's. Big enough for that buy the bag and then some and. Yes. We have enough, lip balm for a small army. I don't want your lips to get chapped and finally, yeah, we have some hot, chocolate to, help us wind, down after a hot sweaty. Day of hiking, I also packed marshmallows, to warm our circuits, you know damn but I hate to tell you this but we're gonna have to leave all of this behind for the things we really, need these, summer, camping, items but Dad if, my calculations are, correct your. Calculations, are not correct. My friend it's not gonna. Snow trust. Me on this now let's get repacked, and go have some food can, we at least bring the hot chocolate we, can still bring the hot, chocolate, now let's go have an adventure because we're going to go, Pippi. Camping. Means staying overnight and the great outdoors. When. You go camping you don't, get to bring your bed with you you, have to rough it which. Means getting creative, about where you'll sleep. If. You're staying in a tent make, sure to set it up before the Sun Goes Down and remember. To bring a warm blanket it. Can get pretty chilly at night without the warmth of the Sun.

When. You go camping you don't get to bring your kitchen you, have to rough it which. Means getting, creative, about your food. You. Might pack a meal from home or. A, grown-up could build a fire and grilling your food. When. You go camping you definitely. Don't bring your TV or your tablets, you, have to rough it which. Means getting creative, about having fun. Camping. Is the perfect, time for adventures. You. Might get to go hiking on trails through a forest or, real. In a giant fish you. Could collect interesting, rocks or nuts, like acorns, and, watch. For critters or creatures, you. Could bring along a frisbee or a football for a game of catch as. The. Sun Goes Down and, the Stars are revealed, you. Can find constellations. Or, imagine, one of your own. Let. Your imagination. Lead the way and your, stay in the great outdoors will. Be your greatest adventure yet. Greetings. Camping, aficionados. Who is he what's a deer for years you've been purchasing, my patented, stay, away bear spray that, help keep your campsite, bear free, I always, say a spray, CH bus a day keeps. The Bears away. With. Come to my attention that some campers, actually, promote more bears, rather, than less bears after. All there's, nothing more soothing than the sound Stefan enraged, really. Seriously. This, the campground, looking, for a delicious picnic, basket, well, you're in luck because we're, those of you that just loved all, the wander, fish dangers, the Nature has to offer, Tom pleased to announce stay. In play bear, spray, spray. Of stay in play fair space twice a day will, turn your camping experience into. Disarray hi, Garrett, Hey available, wherever fine, animal attractant, and repellents, are sold. Today. We went to the library to learn about camping. Knowing. How to tie a knot can be very useful in. Camping. Tying. Your shoes can be a very simple kind of night, but. Other not so more complex. Knots, can help secure your tent and supplies. I'm. Trying, to make this Blair night. So, that's, connected. To death yeah. Tying. The bowlines. Make. A fish first you, fold, this. Under. That. Stop right there hold. Tight. There. You go oh you're. Doing it really fast. You. Go. Under. And then, you go under, again, boom when, you go under, there what you already tied. It. Was really. Like, confusing. The, foot line is so hard. But. I triumphed. And. That is a bowline I can. Do not now. So. Jackson you've been camping exactly, once tell, us what your experience was, like. I. Had. To cook do you know one of the most important, things you, need when you go camping no, Bigfoot, spring. Tell. Me a time when you were camping and you heard something at night so. One.

Time I was camping, I'm. So scared okay. Tone, it down a little bit you're making me spooked up. Seriously. You don't want to be hanging, out in the Camping, World when, Bigfoot comes, around that way you just take a little spray book, and. You're good you didn't have to worry about Bigfoot I take bug, spray but I don't believe in a Bigfoot help, me this story, about Wendell Canada so, I was going to what. Get scared again okay, sorry sorry sorry sorry, wait a second when you go camping there's no phone service no. What. Happens if a bear attacks. No, answer. Run, what. Are some things that you need to remember when you go camping. Watch, out for bears and raccoons because. One time raccoon. Ate all our hot, dog buns. Camping. Is awesome, because you get a sleep in a tent but, it's also the perfect opportunity to, go fishing, are you guys ready. Alysse do you like to go fishing yeah do you bait your own huh what. Does it feel like it's slimy. It's. Important, to be safe when you're fishing those, hooks are sharp so be careful, and give, other fishers plenty, of space and if, you're a grown-up you, have to have a license how's. It going you guys. Then. In the barber and we're goes on you know you have bike. We. Had an excellent time fishing near our campsite today oh did, you catch one all. Right let's get it off of there, and. The. Best part is when we can catch. All. The, great outdoors. Oh damn, fine so didn't I tell you this was gonna be an amazing adventure it's, pretty fun dad but my sensors indicate a big temperature, changes coming, I hope so it's getting a little warm, on this hike a cooler, temperature would be quite, refreshing. No dad, I mean a big, temperature, change is about to happen. Wait. A second, damn bot what was that a feather a little, bit of fluff oh that's, not a feather, that's a snowflake, I, don't think so Dan but but it is wet, and frosty, oh it's. A snowflake damn. Hot it's the middle of summer it would be impossible for this to be a snowflake. So. Here. We are in. The middle of the blizzard in the middle of summer and guess, who didn't pack any winter clothes but, I can't even believe this luckily.

We Have this nice, warm fire. And. We, also have some rations, rations. Yeah rations, things to eat oh well what's a hot dog oh I want, a hot dog oh. Damn. But it's frozen solid. Just. Like our trail mix and our s'mores and everything else we pack te luckily. My friend you convinced, me to bring along that hot chocolate. Oh. That's. Frozen - Oh. Have. A snowball, fight yes of course in the middle of the summer it's better than a pine cone by, Dana, but it's starting to get worse out here perhaps we should retreat the tenzin weather out the storm oh I hope, that can protect us the wind is really strong dad, look. Who's that oh I think it was a Bigfoot it's not Bigfoot, maybe it was a Yeti you, know a frozen, big bird. Dan. Bot do you think maybe the next time we go camping you could pack a bigger tent but the instruction, said appropriate, for ages 10 and under I'm not 10 and under but, you act in and under sometimes. Even five an ender luckily, in these close, quarters we can conserve heat is, there any chance you could kick on your convection. Mode little buddy anything, to keep us warm ah. That's. More like it snug. Is two bugs in a rug, at least snug is a robot in a bag I'm not a bug you definitely are not a robot well, I guess that makes me the bug. Man. Outside on scenic. Hike when he smell. Something, delicious time, to investigate. Excuse. Me excuse. Me who are you, I'm Lois major I'm a Naturals 4-port County contribution, ah I, see, that there's many people out here Oh camping, is a wonderful, thing to do outdoors so, you, must be prepared when you go camping yes, you have to think ahead and, bring everything you need because there are no stores here, I've. Built a nice campfire. To cook my food with aah tell, me you must be very safe around fire always, be safe around fire always haven't grown up if you use fire but I'm using it to cook some healthy food while happy. What. Are you cookie well that silver package is my dinner it's called a foil pack inside. That foil pack I put some healthy food like sweet potatoes, black, beans for some protein onions. Peppers, carrots. All sorts of healthy vegetables, and in a few minutes that'll be nice and warm and we'll have a nice healthy, warm, dip. Camping. Is a hard, work when, you you, know chop the wood and, you put up the tans you. Can really work up an appetite, you sure can only work so what is your favorite part about camping, just. Being outdoors in nature and, enjoying. The fresh air and eating, some healthy food cooked over a camp fire. Do. You think caveman can stick around and join you for delicious, meal absolutely. It would be my honor to have you as a dinner guest, I think, maybe you are cave man's new best friend, can I have a hug absolutely. Came out camping. And friends, what could be better. And. Now. It's time for everyone's, favorite game show mores. Goal, oh here's. Your host happy. Welcome. To s'mores galore the mathematical, quiz show where we celebrate one of Camping's, most treasured, traditions, with, us more today's. Contestant, is that fun-loving, funny guy. Well. Here on a game show, mores galore, this is so unbelievable, I actually, have, a PhD. In. S'more, science, fun. Fact fun fact in France, s'mores. Are actually called small. Rings oh well you're the expert and, you should have no problem, with this show. Good. Luck my friend, how, many s'mores can you make with this chocolate, bar okay so let's, see here traditionally. A s'more, requires, two, sections. Of a chocolate, bar and it appears that this, chocolate bar has six teen sections, and if everyone gets two then the answer is one, two three four five six seven eight the answer is. Next. Question, if they're making s'mores for eight of your friends, how, long, will it take you to roast, the marshmallow, very serious, topic, Abbey and according. To the North American, scientific. Journal of s'mores. Sciences. Optimum. Roasting time for a s'mores marshmallow, is approximately. Thirty seconds, and so I could roast two marshmallows. Every minute, and if I have eight friends then. Chocolate. Less. Marshmallow, plus. X, equals. A s'more, so. Chocolate. Plus. Marshmallow, plus x equals, a s'more. X. Equals, toothpaste. It. Has an ingredient from a s'more hmm how about the barbecue sauce. The. Answer, is a graham, cracker, chocolate. Plus a marshmallow, plus a graham, cracker equals.

Us More I feel, like I've wasted my, degree I don't, worry we, do have a consolation prize for you. Here. You get one treble, in spring. Thanks. For watching your favorite, game show s'mores. Go. Low. My. Name is Max and this is my diary. Dear. Diary, today. A surprise, snowstorm, canceled, my family's, annual camping, trip thankfully. With some imagination in, a few blankets I was able to turn my dining, room into the perfect campsite, plus. I was, sure I wouldn't be bothered, by any forest, creatures trying to eat my delicious s'mores. What. Was that I put. Down my s'more and went to the door and there stood a little mouse who wanted in my house go, away not today I said the mouse and, I meant what I meant in return to my tent. What. Now, I put, down my s'more and I went to the door imagine. My surprise with, my two eyes saw. A green, frog from a dark foggy bog next. To the little mouse who wanted in my house shoo, shoo shoo I said to the two and I meant what I meant and returning to my tent. You've. Got to be kidding me, I put, down my s'more and I went to the door there, in full force was a tiny brown horse near, the big green frog from the dark foggy bog next, to the little mouse who, wanted in my house let, me be let me be I said to the three and I meant what I meant and returned to my tender oh, I. Put, that my smaller and I went to the door with, a squiggle and a squirm was a large slimy worm joining. In force with the tiny brown horse near, the big green frog from the dark foggy bog next, to the little mouse who widened in my house no, more no more no more I said before and, I meant when I met and I returned to my den. I. Put. That much more and I went to the door there, with his tail Waggin was a proud noble dragon on faced, by the squirm, of the large slimy worm was, joining in forest the tiny brown horse near, the big green frog from the dark foggy bog with the little mouse who wand in my house and then, after, some reflection I, realized, all they wanted to do was join me in the camping fun so, I invited, them in. And that dear diary was, my adventure for today. And. Now. A song. We, were gearing up. Again spent. In the great outdoors we, rented out an RV, from, big Bob's are restored. Happily. We drove until the smile of my face, when. I saw a monkey. Tearing. Up the place. Bouncing. Round the back. We, moved on to the camp's I became. Friends while we ate, bananas. By the campfire, the, leftovers, was laid b5. My charges extra cuz. The mode holds, a record think. I'll ask the monkey, if he'll pick up the chair. Got. A monkey in my motor home she bouncing, around. I can't. Say why, he strayed from his natural, habitat. He's. Cut. Tailgates is away got. A monkey is my motorhome but I think. Motorhome, but I think I'm letting stay. Holy. Moly, it's cold out there Dan bot but I successfully. Shoveled, the entire sidewalk. But dad I thought you said it would never snow you know I know Dan, bot but no, one could have predicted snow, in the middle of summer but, I did.

Yeah, See that's a great mystery, to me when did you gain the ability to predict the weather well, for, five minutes this morning I downloaded, 2,000 weather apps and now I can predict the weather with, 99.9%. Accuracy, oh really, oh, really. Is, this hot chocolate for me it is dad it's the unfrozen kind hmm, that. Hits the spot Dan bot I'm sorry we had to cut our camping trip short, that's okay Dan pot I should, have listened, to you when you go camping and you put yourself out in the elements you should be prepared, for anything even including. Unseasonable. Weather even. Snow in the dog days of summer yes. Including. Snow, in the dog days of summer and, you, know Dan but I think I'm finally starting to get feeling, back in my toes at, least you have toes and you know what I think we need to do we need to plan our camping, trip for next week, we can't dad my, programming, detects a torrential downpour during. That entire time how about camping, in two weeks unfortunately. It will literally be raining, cats and dogs how about three, weeks right, now all, weather models point to it being foggy with a chance of cheeseballs foggy, with a Chance of cheese, balls you know I think I'm gonna need more hot chocolate oh can, I have Sam you, want some of this delicious, hot. Chocolate uh-huh. You, know what Dan but even. I come prepared sometimes. And look, what I have right here behold. The, power of one of the most amazing, inventions ever created, it is the bendy. Straw. Oh you, deserve this my friend here you go, do. You want another drink Oh another drink. One. More drink oh it's warming my circuits oh you're. The best dad ever. You Dan Baden thanks, to all the kids out there for watching today don't forget to go outside and play use your imagination. Read a good book and eat healthy, food we'll, see you next time kids dad, I wish it snowed every summer, ya know I bet you also would like a little hot chocolate oh. It's. Almost empty it's all. Funding. For this program was provided by, friends the Iowa, Public Television. Foundation. Generations of. Families, and friends who feel passionate, about the programs they watch on Iowa. Public Television. And by, the. Maxon home Guernsey, charitable foundation, in support of educational. Programming, the. Coons foundation, of Sheraton Iowa in support, of educational, activities that, promote exploration. Literacy, and creative, thinking, additional. Funding provided by. Blank. Children's Hospital, knows kids its, pediatric. Physicians and, staff know children have unique health care differences, and needs at blank, Children's Hospital. We provide specialized, care and compassion, for. Your child and you. This. Is KC's pizza dough we. Make our dough the way your grandmother made it it. Starts in our kitchen with lots of love and fresh, ingredients. KC's. Famous. For pizza. You.

2018-06-26 17:39

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