Camping and exploring Ataturk's house in YALOVA with @Japon Hamza

Camping and exploring Ataturk's house in YALOVA  with @Japon Hamza

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There are 81 reasons to fall in love with Turkey and number 77 is Yalova Wow. Today is Thursday, the 8th of July, 2021 and today is going to be my first day that I'm going to leave on a very big journey to visit all 81 provinces of Turkey I'm super nervous I don't know what's going to happen. Maybe it will take me 1.5 Years, maybe 2 years. I want to experience and learn more about Turkey And I promised myself that I'm going to prove that every single province has something unique and special My plan is to just go with the flow and to just leave I'm ready Merhaba Merhaba Do you speak English? Do you speak English? Yes, sure why not Where do you want to go to? Yalova Hadi gidelim Yalova is located in northwestern Turkey, and it is actually so close to Istanbul There is the Osmangazi Bridge Osmangazi Bridge is Turkey's longest and the sixth longest suspension bridge in the world. It has a length of 1.5km Crossing the bridge saves a lot of time and distance, but it's not cheap either: 147.50 Liras to get in a few minutes from Gebze to Yalova

Now we are in Yalova So we just arrived in Yalova Bir video cekiyorum, tamam? It took us around two or three hours with a break It was quite an easy ride and now we met some friends Senin adin ne? Türkan Cok memnun oldum Bende memnun oldum Sen Yoldalisin Yalova'liyim Ha Yalova Ahh yolda Yalova'sin. Evet Yalova'lisin Evet We're looking for some food now Hangi yemek yiyoruz simdi? Gedince orada gösteririm. Bütün sisetler ?? var. Her sey karma. Ne yemek istiyorsun. Hepsi var orada Tamam super. Afiyet olsun!

We are now at the most En eski, en meshur restaurant in Yalova: Tezcan Welcome to Franzi's Food Review We got.. what's that? Anne Kebab Annem Kebab Ok 1,2,3 Good morning One of the best things that you can do in Yalova is actually going camping There are so many camping places in Yalova and this one is called 'Cevizli Bahce' This is the camping site. It's so beautiful. The owners are just the best. They're so friendly. They're so nice. And it's actually next to a river From Cevizli Bahce it's only 11km to a place called Termal: The center of relaxation and healing And that's exactly what I needed after getting there GoPro hazir, Baris Manco hazir, Limon hazir. Yola cikiyoruz. Yallah Bismillah. I am scared You are scared? 1. kez araba durdu 2. Kez araba durdu

3. Kez araba durdu Her zaman yavas: it's rule number 1. Oh, you want to race? No Yavaş You could be a little bit slower. Yavaş lütfen Yavaş I'm scared I'm going to press… Gas instead of brake Don't say that. Just don't say it I think you're not a bad driver, you're really good You are doing a fantastic job. Yalova is the smallest province in Turkey, but just because it's tiny doesn't mean that it won't surprise you big time.

Atatürk, for example, he loved this place. And what you can see behind me is the Ataturk mansion in the termal area of Yalova. But who was Ataturk and why was he so in love with Yalova? Anyone who comes to Turkey today will find him everywhere. On posters, as statues in parks, pictures in offices and memorials in every city Mustafa Kemal Ataturk is an important part of Turkey's history as he is the founding father of the Republic of Turkey.

Ataturk actually was in love with Yalova. He said: 'Yalova benim kentimdir' which means Yalova is my city. He was Turkey's first president from 1923 until his death in 1938 Besides many other things, he changed Turkey with his reforms and modernized the country. This house is the house where Ataturk actually loved living, especially during his last years. He spent a lot of his time in Yalova.

So you can come here and actually visit this place. A ticket is 5 liras for students and 10 or 20 liras for adults What's so special about this house? This house is made entirely out of wood It has two floors, around 11 rooms and also most of the furniture that is in there, was brought from the Dolmabahce Palace. And it's still original. You can come here, stay in the hot springs, relax, enjoy the nature, enjoy Yalova and enjoy In Termal you can also find many hot springs. For example, we came to the 'Göz Suyu'. We're going to check this out now so that we can heal our spirits. Oh. Oh it's hot

Güzel mi? You have to do it like this Like this? Yeah. It will heal your spirits And there are so many different kind of hot springs. For example, this one is called 'Ayak Suyu'. So you can sit down and put your feet into the water and just relax.

People can just come here. There's no entrance fee or anything like this. It's super relaxing. So this one is for the face oh, it smells really bad It's like a sauna. Oh, my God. Oh. Yumurta gibi korkuyor

So we came to the 'Mide Suyu' where you can drink the water. Hamza is going to try it So are you Do you like it? Hmm so good So this is like hot water I'm scared Is this safe? It tastes like soup So this is the entrance to the bath where you can actually go inside and have a bath in the hot springs. Let's check out the prices. 86TL on the weekend and 68TL during the week. Yalova is a very green place and totally the opposite of crowded Istanbul Cok güzel, di mi? Is also possible to go inside this tree, which is over 1000 years old.

How is your IQ? it is going up There are also many waterfalls in the province, so our next destination for the day was Sudüsen Selalesi So we just came to the Sudüsen Selalesi which means falling waterfall, falling water. Do you want to eat corn? Yeah. Ok Merhaba Merhaba, Hos geldin! Hos Bulduk! Emine is a very famous cook in Yalova What are we gonna do now? I will make Milföy Kebab for you Thank you so much. I am so excited We will make Milföy Kebab together. Hadi.

Milföy Kebob is one of the most famous dishes in Yalova. And it's so special because they are using a special dough. It's like Börek. Börek gibi, di mi? We are here with Hamza. Hosgeldin. Hos Geldin Cok güzel. Aferin. Ellerine saglik Neden Yalova'yi seviyorsun? Yalova'nin doğası güzel. Denizi güzel. Insanlar güzel. Her şey güzel Anladın mi? Çok anladım.

Ve insanlar gerçekten çok nazik. Evet. Senin gibi. Teşekkür ederim. Kac dakika? 20 dakika falan. Yeter So the Milföy Kebap is like... There's so many different ingredients inside, like peas and meat. Maydanoz var mi? Yok Havuc var. Bazalye var. Kekik var. Taze Kekik. Kekik ne demek? Something like mint. OK, let's try.

Mm hmm. Cok iyi. Cok lezzetli. Ellerine saglik Milföylü Kebab It's our second day and we already got invited to a wedding. Together with Emine, we are going to a wedding. Yes Are you ready? I am ready.

Are you excited? no. She said yes! Good morning. Good morning. How are you? I am good and you.? I am good, too. Let's do breakfast. No, you will make breakfast. I am waiting OK, so I'm very excited for the breakfast that you're going to do now. And you're going to be the chef cook. Let's not do it too complicated.

You're doing an amazing job OK, ready? Mm hmm. you are such a good cook. Thank you so much. I'm really proud of you. Great job. Be careful there is a ramp, be careful We just left Cevizli Bahce. It was the best camping spot in yalova

and now we are on our way to explore more of the city center Yalova is the smallest province, but it has the biggest coastline to the Marmara Sea which means that along the coastline of Yalova you can find a lot of beaches, parks and also camping spots. And in Yalova city where we are right now, there's a long walking path along the seaside. And we are going this direction. So behind me you can see the Yürüyen Kösk, which translated means the moving villa.

And it was a summerhouse of Ataturk. So he was residing here. But there's a very special story about this house.

Do you see this tree? Yes. This tree has a big story Actually, Ataturk, one day he came out to his garden and he saw a gardener cutting the tree and he asked the gardener, why are you cutting the tree? And the gardener said, because the tree is destroying the roof. And Ataturk said, don't cut the tree, we're going to move the house. And this is actually what happened.

Atatürk ordered to move this house five meters to the other side and they actually did this. So they transported rails all the way from Istanbul here to Yalova. And it's mainly a sign of environmental consciousness because Ataturk didn't want to destroy this big tree. It's time to say goodbye Thank you for joining me in Yalova It was a pleasure. Bye bye bye.

So I'm staying now in a hotel in the center of Yalova and let me show you what I found for the most affordable price of 140TL per night. On the top floor This is the room. So we got a huge bed, a chair, a mirror, a closet, TV and also a small bathroom. And what I love about this place is that they have a really nice terrace. It's a very walkable city center and there is a beach right in the city center, So this is the center of Yalof where I am right now. And right at the seaside, they also have a lot of fish restaurants.

There are so many camping places in Yalova and my plan is to visit Erikli Selalesi now it's quite up the mountain so I'm a bit nervous driving there I'm not quite sure if Limon can make it, but I have my full trust in it Ok? Çok teşekkürler. tamam Arabanin ne güzel. Teşekkürler. I am not going to let myself stress out from other cars If they want to go fast, they can go fast If they want to go slow like me, they can go slow. I'm not judging anyone.

Marmara'nin incisine hosgeldiniz Merhaba. Ben kamp yapmak istiyorum. Kac gece kalmak istiyorsunuz? Bir gece. 35 ?? platform istersiniz? Evet. 55. 50 versiniz yeter. Hos Bulduk I'm right now at Erikli Selalesi Kamp Alani and this is, I think, the most popular camping spot in Yalova. It is quite crowded, even though it's not weekend or Bayram yet and people are already here. And it was not hard, but the best spots were already taken. They have a restaurant where you can eat and also they have Wi-Fi because there is no service at all.

9 Kat Tat Cok güzel. Cok iyi we're having a beautiful camping dinner now, shish kebab, shish kebab and biber. Cok tesekkürler Afiyet olsun canim Bu ne? Bu odun. Ağaç. Tahta Ağaçtan bir odun Evet And today we're ending the day with a good cay.

Günaydin. Günaydin. Gel. Cok tatlisin. Gel canim. Evet. Aferin sana. Good morning. I just woke up, that's my tent next to the river. And first of all, coffee is very important. So what do I think about Yalova? I think it's a great place to hang out in nature, especially because it's so close to Istanbul. You can easily come here and you feel completely cut off from all this big city life. That's it from Yalova, see you next time in Bursa

2021-08-01 23:36

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