Campen im Mini-Wohnwagen | WDR Reisen

Campen im Mini-Wohnwagen | WDR Reisen

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Rabea Kroppen and Yannik Pieper have a dream. You want to buy a mini-caravan and short trips in the surrounding area. But with her compact car. the search becomes difficult. He's out of the question, because it's 20 or 30 cm too high. In these 35-year-old cars. they fall in love

and want to renovate it. But craftsmanship neither of them have. You can't even say it's Shabby chic. That's ugly. Your 1st short trip to the Rhine will be educational for the new campers.

(Yannik) Do we have an adapter? - Nah. Hurdles also await you on your holiday in Holland. (Yannik) That sucks. (Rabea) Stop. We can't get over it. Is she going to be camping in the mini-trailer still inspire? Now on "We're gonna be campers."

The outskirts of Moers. In this well-kept The two of them live in a semi-detached house. Hi. We're Yannik... - ...and Rabea and this is Maja.

Come on in. Then we show how we live. They met two years ago. Yannik writes Rabea on Instagram at the time. The first time we meet, there's already a spark. Quickly they dare the next step, and Yannik moves in with Rabea, to her parents' house.

(Rabea) I wasn't born here, but I was two or three. Since then, I've been briefly moved out into my own flat and I came back. We've lived together for a year.

After the separation of her parents have the nurse and the sales representative took over the house and pay off the loan now. In addition to the full-time job studies Yannik Business administration and business psychology. There's not much time for two, not even for traveling. It's a sign, I did, Rabea. as a birthday present. First birthday, that we celebrated together.

That's where her first common holiday destinations. They like to go on city trips or go to the water. Now Rabea wants to fulfill a childhood dream and with Yannik camping in your own caravan. (Rabea) These are in my mind the best childhood vacations. Somehow I probably wanted unconsciously back to it, because I thought it was so beautiful. It's always been casual, that was always home, even though that was somewhere else.

You can go there, where you want to go, your trailer stops, your home is always set up. The 24-year-old enjoys decorating and also wants the trailer cozy. Even a complex conversion doesn't deter them. Yannik is skeptical, especially since he's got a lot of work coming down the pike. At the very beginning, I thought, Whoa, no, but actually, Rabea from never really let go of her dream and has me every day confronted with it.

Again and again more positive Arguments found... I have every day a little scattered. - Yeah. So far Yannik I've been on a package holiday. For Rabea, he wants to give up camping a chance.

I got some signs prepared, that you can still put on. Let's hope this works out. And this is her car, a Fiat 500.

Small and sweet, but not very strong. Soon he shall also pull a caravan. Can this work? A lot of people say a lot of storage space, I find full. I take my dog in it, I'm gonna put some water boxes in there. We are with it went on vacation. You can fit a lot in there. 4 people can go.

But which caravan fits behind this little car? The challenge of driving to find a caravan is, that he's not one of those may have a high tongue load. It's not supposed to pull that much weight. The caravan must have a relatively have a light unladen weight.

This is extremely difficult. That's gonna be a challenge. The vehicle must not exceed 800 kg pull. Unbraked only 400. The caravan must not be higher than 2 m, to make it fit in the garage, and it's also supposed to be cozy.

Finding someone, who in our vicinity sold a caravan in the measurements, is difficult. Camping with small car is a niche. But the "mini campers" are becoming more and more popular. Simple basic models start from 3.500 Euro. More space and extras like a kitchen are available from 8,000 euros. Rabea and Yannik start their search at a dealer in Xanten on the Lower Rhine.

We have on the website I've seen a few models. We noticed, that there are size differences. Now we want explained by a professional, what works for our car and what not.

Rabea has saved 4,500 euros and wants to bear the costs alone. Let's see, what you can get for it. Hi. - Hello. I'm Rabea. - Marcel, hello. Welcome. Dealer Marcel Steinbach has for the two 2 models to choose from. Come on in. This is the Premium model, with bed base...

...a 1.25 m wide mattress and power connection. Both for an additional charge to have. Despite the compact size Rabea wants storage space. On the way she wants have to do without nothing. (Rabea) That's mega good.

There you can also use poles from an awning. (You can fit a lot in there. You can also lift the mattress and fully load the bed drawer. Oh, I can almost stand, too.

Rabea and Yannik are fair-weather vacationers. With the caravan they want especially when the sun is shining. Good ventilation is therefore important to them. I find skylights a mega idea, really good. Gives even more light. - Yeah, mega.

When I say as this one stands. Then where are we? - Then we are just under 5,600 euros. So in the equipment, as he is now. It's super pretty, but... (Rabea) It's not in. (Yannik) Unfortunately for us a little too much.

We still need camping chairs, Loungers, awning. The car is too expensive. And also too heavy. 403 kg, and that's unloaded. Your small car can't handle it. With over 2 m the trailer is also too high for the garage.

But the dealer still has a smaller model up his sleeve. This is our model Favorite camper, the smallest model, weighs only 295 kg. The Fiat 500 can pull it.

On request we build a skylight. We can get a side door install in the side area. Air conditioner and refrigerator there's no such thing in the trailer. From his hotel vacations Yannik is used to this comfort. (Yannik) How is this isolated, when it's, like, 30 degrees outside? Quite normal as with any caravan insulated. Keeps out the sun. When it's 35 degrees outside, sometime a vehicle like this heats up.

On the road they want to cater for themselves. This compact kitchen for 230 euros ...should be enough. Here's the 5-liter canister inside, you still have storage space underneath. How expensive would that be overall with the Kitchen, for example? - Basic base 4,500 euros.

One moves in the range with a few extras at 4,900 euros. That would be at least 400 euros more than planned, and without equipment. Is the trailer still convincing? I thought it was good, but it was... a little too small for that, what we had in mind. Also for travelling with the Maja, with our dog. We need something, which is a little bigger.

If we get anything, ...then something where we do it ourselves. Thank you. - Ciao. The search continues. First on the Internet again. The couple found out, that some classic car models are lighter and larger. On sales portals there's a great deal on offer.

Here Rabea finds a newly renovated trailer, that's even in the budget, but... I think it's really beautiful. He's out of the question, because it's 20 or 30 cm too high. It won't fit in the garage.

Then they discover a QEK Junior. The caravan is a good 35 years old, still built in the GDR and weighs only 360 kg. It'll fit in the garage, that can be pulled by the Fiat. A dealer near Paderborn sells the old trailers. For its fans, the QEK has become a cult. To the 1st viewing appointment Rabea takes her father.

(Rabea) At first it was like this, I don't like them so much. Then I did some more research. Then I warmed up to it, than I've seen, how others have fixed it up. That's pretty close, what I was looking for. That's where you have the potential ...but I recognized it. - Exactly. Rabea strikes.

For the freshly painted Vintage caravan she pays 3,800 euros. Today is the day of the pickup. Yannik will drive the car for the first time. Rabea's father Klaus comes along as a driver. Now I'm happy, that we're about to pick it up, because some time has passed, in which for the last time.

I hope that's just as as I remembered and no worse and I regret it. I'm curious, what the trailer looks like, ...because at the first meeting... wasn't there. That's why I'm about to let you to the new impressions. Tell Papa Klaus to get the trailer home safely.

Rabea and Yannik have never seen hauled a trailer and still too scared to do it. I can't pull a trailer, so I think that I don't currently have ...even a long distance like this. We drive almost 2 hours. Then I'm I'd rather have Dad drive it. I don't want to go on the first day... be a traffic hazard. (Yannik) What do we have to think of anything else? Get the jockey wheel. See if it's there.

He's supposed to teach us how to puts the trailer on the car. Exit in the direction of Paderborn. Here Rolf Kalytta restores the light cult campers and rents them out to vacationers. He sells a few, though. (Rabea) Hello. There he is? (That's him.

Yeah. Cute, right? (Yannik) That's really funny. It definitely fits into the garage. Good eye, Yannik. With a height of 2 m fits the trailer fits right in there. It is also 3.85 m long and just under 1.90 m wide.

(Rabea) But it's totally cool, right? Right? - It's mega funny. Despite mini format hides here lots of storage space. It was necessary, because in the past... travelled up to 4 persons in the QEK. So for dog Maja should be enough space. Bedroom, living room, the kitchen, the dressing room, all in one. At 1.90 by 1.80, the 2 spread it out real nice.

That's it, huh? - I love it. It's working already. The main thing is that the suspension is good. Now a few important tips for coupling. Because in doing so, they can do a lot wrong. If you go to Holland, the Do not fold down the brake cable like we do, but there's an eyelet at the bottom for, must be hooked at the bottom.

Otherwise, there's a fine. And very important: The jockey wheel always pull it up so it doesn't touch down. Thank you very much. Let's see if be able to remember all this until the first trip. Now they're excited ...for their first big tour.

At this campsite in the Netherlands they want the camper life get to know each other and find out, whether camping is really relaxing or too stressful for her. It's supposed to start in eight weeks. In Moers start Rabea and Yannik today with the renovation. Experienced craftsmanship neither of them are. Nevertheless, they plan a core renovation.

We were thinking, for today we make the trailer completely clean, the interior trim. Then we want to prime them and in the best case paint and even wallpaper today. Okay, let's rock. Here's the first problem. The wood cladding comes off on the side. They have to fix that first.

The wall is only ajar and fixed in some places. You see, with screws, but I don't want into the trailer. Now we were going to go from here Spray on assembly adhesive and press them on. Yannik will do that. He's very dedicated. But on his manual skills Rabea's still a little doubtful.

Look out. God in heaven, It'll be broken in a minute. - No. Most assembly adhesives adhere perfectly only after 24 h. Let's see how long Yannik waits. So? - So far, it's not holding. But maybe after five minutes I was hoping it would hold.

Did you let go? - Yeah. I may have to spend three hours... stop here. - Maybe. After 15 minutes he adjourns the problem. Let's continue with loops. Rabea's father, after he moved out. left a lot of tools around the house.

Thanks to the grinding machine the wall can already after 10 min primed. This is for you, Yannik. - Really? You want me to make another R for you? all romantic? - No, it's all good. Shall we don't you want to tape it off first? You can go ahead, but not there. Don't even... - I'd keep it that way.

Please don't break the seal. Teamwork in a confined space, that's a challenge. Can you please not do everything mess up? You need to be here ...I can't go back. - Yes, it is. Yannik, please. - Where else do you have to go? I'd like to tape this off sometime, and you're rubbing my elbow senselessly on this. The start goes a bit bumpy.

That may be because that the two of them didn't make a real plan. Nah, I don't like it. It just looks... You can't even say, that's shabby chic.

That's just ugly. That's when the ...again, that we're not that good worked hand in hand. (Yannik) There we have not well coordinated. Luckily, it was just the primer. - This won't happen to us twice.

Rabea stays busy. After her service at the hospital she keeps working on the trailer, to finish on time. Yannik learns around the clock for college. With the wallpaper is really good ...I've become. - I agree.

The next renovation day for two runs better right off the bat. You say goodbye from the old wood. The old PVC floor is also to be removed. Rabea wants it fresher and brighter. He's just being set up. - It's super simple.

Whereas, look, that's here with the wood... We still have to solve this and possibly here. I think it's a project, which anyone can do.

We're not handymen either, everybody does something different for a living. We are not that generation, who built a house herself or has any experience in that area, but still, it works. The design is complete Rabea's thing. Because in the end. will be your dream caravan.

Yannik likes to give her a free hand and scores with Rabea with full commitment. To measuring, I'm glad, that Yannik does that. Then it fits...

What were you gonna say? Then it fits it? - Then it definitely fits. And if it doesn't fit, it wasn't my fault. - Ah. You're doing fine, Yannik. To eliminate all risk, he cuts the pieces with a little overlength. Yannik basically goes likes to play it safe.

A little too big, but that can be adjusted. And that's exactly what Rabea is trying now. Shit. I am now slipped a bit with that stupid cutter knife. Was something stupid? - I am there slipped once for a moment.

Uh-huh. - But it doesn't matter. (It looks like shit. Yannik. - Yes, honestly. I cut this all the time ...just off. - Don't do...

That was one to one Rabea's impatience. The hell you are, I don't want to wait anymore, I'd like to finish up quickly, no matter what. Even if it's crooked, The main thing is that it's done. (Rabea) Stop it, please. Luckily, Yannik knows how he can save the situation. In the course of the renovation he's looking better and better.

This looks really good, Yannik. - Yes? You saved it real good. - Thanks. - Great. Somewhere along the line... to my girlfriends, ...that I've given every one of my friends... a Yannik. Yannik has so much understanding for every emotional state of mine. You are totally patient and empowering actually always had my back. That's how I'd describe the way Yannik... with me.

I think that's really great. - You said that beautifully. There was still one problem: the loose paneling. Behind the wall they have a special adhesive sprayed and now let it dry for 48 hours.

Holds. - Nah. Yes, we can. Up here we can put the bar on. Awesome. Very good.

They have the decisive tip from the caravan dealer. To be honest, I'm not really amazed and positively surprised. It was important to me, that's upstairs, so that I can see the white bar like on the page above. Now they still want to look, how the new pads in the trailer. The covers made of cuffed fabric Rabea put together sewn with Yannik's mother.

Now I'm gobsmacked. - Ever feel a little satisfied? Especially with the colors. A little happy? I'm really pleased. Fits quite well. - Fits like a glove.

Best conditions for the first little test drive. Today the couple wants try out the trailer. Let's see, like sleeping in her the renovated honeymoon ball.

Dog Maja can sleep over at a friend's house. Actually, we want to see if the caravan holds, if everything fits, if we've thought of everything, to go away. To spend the night in the caravan. Let's see what happens. Inside it's definitely ...beautiful. Bright and stylish.

Just a final touch is still missing. Shelves we were gonna put it in, but that has time ...didn't work out. Now we're going with Velcro. I'll stick it in there like this.

A caravan should be comfortable, you want to feel good. Even though we're only staying one night. I want this to be nice. That is their goal for today's outing.

The idyllically situated square Rheincamping in Meerbusch. Before the start, however, there are still the extra wing mirrors on. Yannik, can you attach this for me? Instructions anywhere? - Nah, kinda not. (Yannik) Just try it.

The driver must have the rear corners of the trailer, that's the rule. I can't imagine that fit the round parts. This is completely slipping. Behind the wheel Rabea feels actually safe. She's had her Driver's license and drives almost every day. A caravan but she's never pulled it before.

I have some respect for that. I'm scared, to misjudge a situation, because I've got the trailer I can't assess yet. Barely on a freeway.

I only chug right with 80 to 100, but yeah. A 100 km/h approval the trailer would have even. Rabea wanted to take a test drive yesterday but there were problems.

After five yards... Rabea's expression ...and I looked in the mirror... there's a flat tire in here. Panic. Then I I wrote to my father. He said somewhere in the house we have a pump like that. To inflate a car valve. - That's what we were looking for first. Tried, and the tire held.

You're lucky. Now they can hook up. The detachable trailer coupling has including assembly cost 820 euros. Yannik is now trying to get Tips from the seller to remember. (HORN HONKS) Then let's go. Off to Meerbusch. A good 30 km lie ahead of them now to the campsite on the Rhine.

But after only a few meters... I think we got a flat tire. No. Want me to take a look? - Wait. Is the tire still full? - Yeah. - Well, okay.

And just a minute later... You hear that? What? The only thing, what I'm hearing is the cooler. Don't worry about it. There's no flat tire. Can't you be so forceful Talk to you? I'm driving. Especially curves feel ...for a novice camper.

If I change gears, I realize that there's... That's why you pull the gears preferably longer. I'm afraid that if you driving too fast, it'll tip over.

* Music * If it's just straight ahead, it's okay. - You're doing very well. Without incident they reach after a good 45 min the camping site. (Rabea) The ride was very emotional. It was so up and down. I was very scared all at once.

Yeah, it was pretty badass. In the meantime. I felt like a driving instructor. Which nobody ordered. Which nobody ordered, but that you needed anyway.

Hello. Welcome. We'd like to check in. Or how does that work? - Exactly. For both of them, it's the 1st visit to the campsite since she was a child.

When coupling, Yannik ...I made two mistakes, like campground operators Rainer Breitbach states. The tail wheel was a little too low.

When you drive into the meadow and you have a little more Height difference, it can be, that the car bounces like this with the tail wheel, that you tear off your clutch or the car jumps off the towing vehicle. Also the breakaway rope is not properly connected. (Rabea) Oh downstairs, I see. (Yannik) Learned something again. Rainer Breitbach accompanies his Guests with a pilot vehicle to the parking lot.

Before he left the campsite 15 years ago years with his partner, ...for many years... Flight attendants. For the 1st time with the at the campsite? - Yes. Nice. What does it look like from the inside? Did you make it yourself or did you buy it? - All homemade. It's definitely light blue, furnished with love. It's always interesting.

We have intermittent vehicles that cost up to 1 million, mobile homes, where the car is driven out the back or from the side even. But then you see ones like that. That's how camping started. Now Yannik for a safe stand. He put extra thought and dunnage at the hardware store.

On the Internet, many ...such a suggestion. So I was thinking, you know. you can't go wrong. The power box is standing a good 50 feet away.

On cable reel and extension cable they thought, but... (man) You'd need an adapter for. - Ah. There you go. I thought so. Must I see if we have one. Do we have an adapter for that? - Nah. Then at least we know what we need.

But they're lucky. The neighbors still have one adapter left. This means that the cold drinks for tonight. But how would you know something like that, if you've never done it before? (Rabea) Thank you. - Like this. Reflects that, what you were thinking, to be helped. One of them might have something to do with.., what the other needs. I think it's a great attitude... - Yannik, it's okay, let go.

There it is. This is going in here now. Now we have power. Today the campsite packed. Between the motorhomes sticks the dinky old-timer out.

Also Petra and Karl-Heinz from Moers he stands out. The couple is out for a day trip come here and would like to take a look inside. Lifting roof up, then there's headroom? I can't manage to stand in there, but Rabea.

(woman) Cosy. Karl-Heinz has been camping since he was a teenager. He used to be on the road with the motorcycle, today he prefers to drive a tractor. For 2 years Petra accompanies him. For the tractor they are now looking for still the suitable camping vehicle. You'll have to see with Petra, ...that I'm doing something woman-friendly... in the back. Exactly, where you can have a little comfort.

Exactly. Let's see where we're going. That's very nice, I have a MINI Cooper. It'll fit snug as a bug in a rug. The Moselle is a nice place to go. Camping is fun. Stay healthy together. - You too. Ciao.

Now the new camping table and the comfortable camping chairs line up. (Yannik) Actually, we're done. - Mm. If you think about it, Building up has altogether, if one from start to finish, you'd be done in five minutes. I.e. you go somewhere, plugs everything in 5 min and can relax. * Music * Unless you still have to cook.

From friends they have I borrowed a gas stove. Let's see how that works out. Now, we're all going to fly in the air. Yannik is passionate about cooking and is also at home in charge of the food. Today is enough for the couple a camping classic. We were thinking rather uncomplicated.

That's why we said cook we pasta with pesto, parmesan. Should work. In a mini-caravan there's not much room. That's why Rabea and Yannik just the bare necessities. Beautiful tableware and some decoration are part of that for Rabea.

And indeed, at this sight.'ll feel like you're on vacation. (Rabea) Tastes even better than at home. Because with pasta and pesto. can do no wrong.

The 1st camper menu tasted good. One last question. I'm looking forward to the first night. How cold it gets, if we underestimated that. I wonder if we brought enough blankets.

And from the background noise, because there are a lot of people here. But I think it's gonna be pretty good. - I think so, too. That night, the temperature should be drop to 6°. Whether it's still in the caravan ...and cozy and warm?

Yeah. Cold first night, but that was to be expected. We had a hot water bottle with us. Two would have been better, but one was okay, too. Woke up a few times at night, but in here we have almost ...I couldn't hear anything from outside.

I was really comfortable. We were woken up by the sun, I thought that was mega good. Everything works, but more space would be nice. For the 1st grand tour they want to expand the car.

We said, we would like to have an awning. We left it like this and not unpacked. I wonder, how this works. Supposedly only 15 min setup time. Finally, here we go. Your 1st big trip leads to the Netherlands.

The Leukermeer holiday park in Well is 50 km away from Moers. Here, the two want to find out, whether they are on camping holiday with caravans can also recover. Yannik is still skeptical. How was the first border crossing? Really cool, yeah. It was fun.

After 1.5 h they reach their destination. Worked a lot better than the last time. I was more relaxed. Was in any case clearly more comfortable as a passenger. - Nice. Always. - Yeah, well, let it in now. Hello. - Hello. 37 Euro you pay here for an overnight stay, including electricity and its own water supply.

On vacation, the couple wants don't have to cut any corners. Here she has the luxurious Equipment convinces, with own beach club and marina. The sanitary facilities are also modern. It's just that Rabea not looking forward to it just yet. She's discovered a problem. Now I'm wondering, how we're supposed to reverse.

Why back up? You can't shoot here? - Nope. 48 euros back. - Thank you. Waiting for the two the supreme discipline of caravanning. Reversing. With trailer it's a challenge. Are you driving? - I can do that. So far they have been able to always avoid.

I'm praying for you. - Go ahead. Ask people, if they have good insurance. Then there is also a speed bump in the way.

Stop. We can't get across. Look out, there's a kid. And one more thing. It doesn't work that way. Yannik is trying, ...before we even reach the threshold. (Rabea) That's great. - I I'm trying to figure out how to get him around. Nah. - You have to say how much.

He won't get around, Yannik. - Shit. I'll do it differently. Yannik is pragmatic. Better to disconnect once than rank forever. That's better. - And faster.

Instead of standing up in front of all the Dutch to do jumping jacks. This is also one of the advantages of a mini-trailer. It can be quickly and easily by hand. Very simple.

You did good. - Yeah? - You did really good. With that, they are now setting course towards the parking lot. (Yannik) In between. - 119.

(Rabea) There's our spot. - Here. (man) Hello. (Rabea) Hello. How she got her hickey they already know. How they set up the awning, not yet. It's the first time they've done that today. Wait, wait, wait. I'll start a stopwatch. - Yes? Why?

Because I can't believe that, that we need 15 minutes. Okay. - Here we go. Rabea and Yannik have chosen a Universal bus awning.

It cost 160 euros. But is that also good or just cheap? "Prepare the tent-floor pad and the outer tent on as smooth a surface as possible and clean underground." At festivals they had always bring throw tents. They were easy to set up. It's that easy not with the bus awning. That's dumb. - What?

That was dumb. - What did I do wrong? You're gonna have to follow suit all over the place. - Why? I didn't do anything wrong. - Yes, I do. What? - You can tie that on.

Now we have to Piece by piece. That Rabea and Yannik are new to the camping scene, also catches the eye of camper neighbour Heinz. If they can't handle it, you have to lend a hand. You do that once or twice... you can do that.

Then you pull in the piping, the sticks, done. But when you're new, you need the instruction manual. It takes longer. Unlike other awnings you don't drag this through the Keder rail on the caravan, but stretch it over the car. I'll be right back.

(Yannik) If we then shouldn't be ready, we'll come back to you for help. You state, such an awning is a prima Addition to the mini caravan. There are even an additional chamber, the Rabea as a storage and dressing room. Ready, but what does the clock say? 1 h. 45 min more than planned. But it doesn't matter. - It's no big deal.

First mistake, you can do when you're camping, when you're on the clock. There you should be relaxed all the time. Good attitude, Yannik.

And, Rabea, would you mind moving the awning... buy again? When I put up our tent with the other comparisons, 1,000 euros, 160 euros, I would always for our tent. I don't see any Second bedchamber, only with us. Nice. Bigger than I thought. We all started small. With a small tent, small caravan.

The tent stands. Also the rest is going smoothly today. To not cook much at all, Yannik made the tortellini salad... prepared especially at home. So they can immediately to the relaxed part. Enjoy your meal. - Good.

Also at this campsite the old caravan pulls after only a short time curious glances again. What do you have in there? A bed? (Want me to show you? Just don't get ...and bash his head in. (Yannik) We rebuilt it. from inside. - Remodeled it yourself? Yeah, we did it together. - Fine. (man) Is the bed almost ready? - Awesome. Can we do that later? had a couple of beers, just fall right in.

You got water on it? - We have a water tank down here. But we have water here. (man) A trailer like that in the I haven't seen size yet. At least not with this conversion.

Most are these big with air conditioning and all that stuff, but it turned out cute. Ralf has been coming for 10 years with his family here and enjoys here a seasonal pitch. We live 10 minutes away from here and come here every weekend. Many can not understand this, but this is a little vacation. And when you have the same people always has...

For the first time, the evening will be longer, times shorter. Whether the weather is good or bad, it doesn't matter. Also the other campers are regulars. They appreciate that everyone here have known each other for years and everyone can be who they are. Yannik knows that from the hotel vacation so not.

Basically, I have to say, that at the first campsite, but here too, everyone's been great about it. I think, that's what camper life is all about. When you're not drinking the next one asks, come over here.

It's nice to meet to feel right at home. A successful start to the holiday. They've got big things planned for tomorrow. A bike ride to the National Park De Maasduinen. Let's see how fit after this evening are. 9 o'clock in the morning. In the supermarket Yannik has already bought breakfast.

But it was still late last night. (Rabea yawns) I'm a bit tired. We sat yesterday until 1:30. Was in any case a very fun evening.

Rabea needs in the morning always a coffee. It's just too bad didn't pack one. At the campsite there were also not to buy a freshly brewed one. Good that neighbor Rainer can help out. Who wants coffee? - Morning.

Good morning. Fresh coffee. (Yannik) That's nice. That's who we are. That's camping. This is our kind of camping.

I knew campers were nice and open-minded, but that we ...and got into a group like this.., I had no idea. I think it's cool. - Absolutely. The first excursion is made by the young Couple but still prefer just the two of us. (Rabea) It's important to me on vacation, that you can experience something, that you see something different, that you're self-determined, that there's a little bit of peace in there, no stress, no clock stress. (Yannik) Not 24/7 in one place but ride a bike for a change, do something, see something of the surroundings.

And that's exactly what they're doing now. Your destination is the National Park De Maasduinen. * Ring * So the doorbell works. Rabea and Yannik are sporty and like to move around. That's why they explore the beautiful nature now on wheels. The path leads directly along the water.

Yannik was skeptical until the very end, but he's enjoying this moment. I am fond of you. - I love you too. (Yannik) I have to say, that I'm quite happy, that Rabea put that on me, because now I have to say, I am so relaxed and I'm enjoying it. The National Park protects the longest inland dune belt of the Netherlands. Especially hikers and cyclists appreciate the mix of forest, Heath, dunes and water.

Your path leads over the clear Reindersmeer. The ferry they have to operate them themselves. (cheers) Yannik, we're so fast. Rabea has Yannik convinced me to go camping. Her hope has been fulfilled. I think it's really beautiful, that Yannik, for my sake. going along with all of this.

What do you say, Yannik? Is this is a team-building exercise? I wouldn't call it that. Simply a nice recreational activity. Team-building exercise would be called, if something wasn't going our way, that we have to do something, to make things go better. Is everything perfect yet? - It's going great. Does this also apply for the renovated trailer? 3,800 euros she has for the classic car, additionally good 800 Euro in renovation and the equipment. Have the investment and all those hours of work worth it? That's something to be proud of, because I don't I'm the god of craftsmanship. we can be proud of ourselves, that we've done so well.

From the current perspective ...I'd always feel... decide for the caravan. It met the criteria, I had set for myself. When I think back on it, which is my childhood dream, that comes from the Community very close through it. More short trips are to follow.

But is in the future maybe even more in it? Instead of a short trip, we'd make it ...12, 13 hours to get away with it, possibly to the south of France. That would be a challenge, but we're really looking forward to it. Now you. Try it. Copyright WDR 2021

2021-08-29 21:24

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