Camp Cooking Pakistani Food During Bicycle Touring Outdoor Cooking Backpacking Meals Ideas.

Camp Cooking Pakistani Food During Bicycle Touring Outdoor Cooking Backpacking Meals Ideas.

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Slowly, slowly. Don’t fall, don’t fall. There I can see a table! Ride fast before somebody else will take it. Now it is my table. Finding such a place is a luxury when you are bicycle touring. I have a nice table here.

A comfortable place to sit and many people can join me. But there are no people. And today I’m going to start something new, with international food! Some of my subscribers sent me a message that I am cooking all the time Indian food. It is very nice but they also want me to try their country’s food.

Yesterday I got a surprising message from our neighboring country Pakistan. The messages from Aslam Zulfikar from Karachi Pakistan. He says, that in Pakistan there is a lot of street food. And every street food if it can be cooked on the street, then it should be easy to cook also on the trail while backpacking or bicycle touring! He is correct. So I’m going to start a new playlist named international food. Pakistan has beautiful mountains and rivers and places to travel which are still untouched by the tourist.

I hope one day there will be peace between both countries and I will be able to travel there on my bicycle. When I think of Pakistan I think of cities like Lahore with 15 million people 5:00 a.m. going into the bustling street with the street food. After Lahore, the second biggest city in Pakistan is Karachi with 12 million people.

but none of them is the capital city of Pakistan. pakistan’s capital city Islamabad and its population are less than a tenth of its biggest city. only a little over one million! I don’t know why. so today I’m going to prepare a full course of three Pakistani dishes.

I will make a Pakistani flatbread. it is called lachcha Paratha. it is very simple to make. I will also make one more bread which is even more simple than simple.

I will make also a Pakistani dessert called Suji ka halwa. which is even easier than frying an omelet. I know you don’t trust me. but when I will make then you are going to like the video. For the main course, I have selected to make between two countries piece of chicken liver. it is called Kaleja fry.

It might sound like something is been fried on the pan and that is it. but no, it has little spices and it has a thick and rich gravy. first I will start with the bread because I need to kneed.

I will start with the bread because first I need to knead the. Knead to need. I will start with the bread because first I need to knead the flour. Need to knead.

Need to knead to need the flower. need to need. need to knead the flour. need to knead.

English is a funny language. I’m using some self-rising flour. life is so easy because of this.

now I will add some salt to it. and now I have to add water. and I need to knead but if I knead it with my hands, it will get sticky and all that thing will go in my nails. and I don’t have enough water. I don’t know what to do.

if I knead it with my hands all my subscribers will unsubscribe. they will say that this channel is not useful for backpacking or bicycle touring. yes yes yes I’ve got a mixer here. if you want to do you can do it with the normal water bottle but I want to be very careful so I will take the water in a smaller bottle. so I can insert little drops of water in this.

the idea is that the water drops should drop on the flour and should not touch the bottom of the pot. so I will take it on one side add very carefully put in drops of water. and shake it immediately. like this. then again put few drops and again shake with patience every time. now you can see the part of flour is getting together.

I have to shake it nicely. can you see, can you see? you can see it is getting together. Now it is taking shape. now only two remaining. That is it! now it is into one full ball. Oh, now I’m so tired.

maybe everybody should wake up in the morning and do this exercise. so you will also get to need to knead the flour and also lose some calories. now I will put little oil over it, and give it a final shake.

now it is nice. now I will cover it and let it stay till it becomes big. until that time I will prepare the chicken liver, Kaleji masala from Pakistan. now to prepare the chicken liver which is called kaleji fry, I need some pieces of chicken liver. an onion. a tomato.

green chili. a lemon. a small cut of ginger and two pieces of garlic. and there are only three spices that we will

use today. coriander powder. turmeric powder. red Hot Chili. and some salt. if you’re not used to spicy food I will recommend you not to use green chili.

now I will have to remove my gloves. I will make very small pieces. if you want you can also directly put these small pieces. but for western people they get this thing stuck in their teeth. in India and Pakistan they like to eat ginger even in small pieces. sometimes they even put this over the dish.

now I will use the other side of the knife and press it. use your two fingers and give it pressure. it will become a paste. if you’re not from India or Pakistan then maybe you should only

use one garlic. so first I will cut it in half. and then make some small pieces. unlike garlic, you can use the small pieces of garlic. because garlic when it gets cooked it becomes very soft.

I need only half of an onion. and I will give it a fine chop. and now the tomato. I don’t want the water from the tomato to go inside the onion because they are going to be fried. so I will make use of Newton’s fourth law. this table is slightly slanting here. so I will put it this way. so the water will go this way.

I will also chop the tomatoes finely. and I have to remember all the time Newton’s law. so the water will remain this side add not get mixed with onion. if you don’t remember Newton’s laws, then maybe you should place the onions separately. don’t tell me afterward that they got mixed. now I will take the green chili.

cut it into half. then cut it into another half. and remove the seeds. these seeds are very difficult for digestion. so if you’re bicycle touring or you’re outdoors, you don’t want to put a lot of pressure on your digestion system. and give it another cut. keep it aside.

we will use this in the end. now I will light my stove. I will put my bag as a windshield. not very close to the stove. also the canister I will place little far away. now I will place the pot over it. add cooking oil.

it gets hot very fast. I should be handy with the clamp. first I will put the ginger garlic and before it gets Brown I will put the onion. and mix it. The onions will get separated very soon.

now I will add salt. mix it again. I want onions to get Brown. yeah the onions are getting Brown.

now I will have to add the spices and immediately add the tomatoes. I will add little turmeric, some coriander powder, and red chili powder. give it a quick steer before they start burning and immediately add the tomatoes. not the green chili now. only the tomatoes.

Now steer it nicely. now the tomatoes are getting cooked very nice. yes now I can see that the tomatoes are been cooked perfectly. in Indian and Pakistani cooking this is the sign of the spices and tomatoes being cooked.

that the oil gets separated. now I will give a quick mix and add the green chilies. be careful. try this at home first. because it can be very spicy.

now the chicken liver can go in. hello. Hello. Hello. now gently mix them so all the spices and the gravy should cover the chicken pieces.

and it should get slowly cooked. chicken liver gets cooked very fast. it is like frying an omelet. now I can put my gas off. and cover it. it will get cooked in another one minute or two. now my dough is ready.

now I have to roll it to make a flatbread. but there is no roller. but there is idea. but before that I will make the desert.

a Pakistani delicacy. it is called suji ka halwa. it is especially made in the festivals like Eid. but you can make it also at home in the

morning for your children. it is so easy, even more easy than frying an omelet. you will see and then you will tell me. and you see what I need for this. I need some semolina.

I need some raisins. sugar and cardamom and five minutes. that is it. Oh yes and some water. now I have to light the gas again.

and place the Cup over it. Pour in some water. the measurement is three times water of the semolina. but you can add some more so you shouldn't be short of water.

now you have to add sugar. now let us say this amount of sugar is going to make this sweet that you think. then you should add twice the amount of sugar.

now this will make it very sweet correct? but then you have to add even more sugar to make it extremely sweet because the semolina is going to soak all the water from this. so the sugar should be enough for the semolina. and Pakistanis and also Indians they eat very very sweet dishes. maybe if you’re not Indian or Pakistani you should put less sugar.

now I will take few cardamoms. break them little. and put it in. We are not going to caramelize it. we're just dissolving the sugar in the water. once you see the bubbles have started coming up, you don’t have to boil it.

Simply put off the gas. oh I’m doing it the opposite way. now let it simmer like this for another 5 to 10 minutes.

the hot water will pull all the aroma from the cardamom. now put this aside. now we're going to take the semolina and going to roast it. I will put this aside. now I will take the cover of my pot and put it over it. put some nice amount of oil. in Indian cooking and Pakistani cooking never use olive oil.

olive oil has taste of olives. and in Indian or Pakistani cooking there is no taste of olives in the food. once the oil is warm enough put some raisins. don’t wait for the oil to be very hot. steer it a little.

they will start blowing and once they start blowing put some semolina. approximately exactly 1 third part of the water. Oh, the heat it is too much. Put off the gas because we just need to roast it and not to fry it. now you can put little more heat and roast it till they change their color to little orange. keep it steering all the time. and once the color is changed add the water.

how much water? Till you feel, Oh my God! I have put more than enough! how I’m going to eat this like this? Like this you will feel now but you will see all the semolina is going to soak all the water in this. Keep it steering. see it is becoming thick. you see it is getting thick. now you need maybe even little more water. but now don’t put lot of water till you say Oh my God again.

Put little water and check. now it is nice and ready. you see how much time did it take? Nothing! it is soft and sweet with aroma of cardamom and taste of raisins. it’s delicious. so now I have finished with the main course of liver fry and also the desert suji ka halva.

and now is the most interesting part of all, is making the lachcha Paratha which is a Pakistani bread. Flatbread. and now I have to roll it. rolling up bread is a skill which woman get after many years of practicing with her mother in India. and when she marries and goes to her husband's house, then her husband's mother checks the first thing, that how can she roll well the bread.

that is her judgment day. and now I’m going to roll the bread on the trail. roll the bread on the trail. English is a funny language. for this I need the pot cover.

oil and a water bottle with a picture of an animal. and most important of all is clean hands. now there is no go. you have to touch the dough with your plain hands. but it is not going to be sticky this time.

it will also not stick inside your nails. don’t worry. I will put some oil over my hands. so the flour will not stick to my hand.

but later on when I put the dry floor it will suck up the oil. and then it will be almost dry by the end of the cooking. and then I can just wash it with plain water. first I will put some dry flour over the cover of the pot.

Sread it a little. it should be in the center of it. now I will take my dough. it has risen nicely. I will put some oil over my hand like a cream. you see? and now take a piece of dough.

make it into one ball. and roll it. you don’t have to be very particular because there is no husband's mother now here to check you. Now take the pot cover. Put it over it. now the dry floor is stuck from the bottom.

now put it from the other side. pull this in the center. Do this from the other side. now spread it. again put it on the other side.

spread it. take the water bottle with the picture of an animal. Take care that it is tight. otherwise the water will come out and it will spoil your dough. and now roll over it nicely. now change it to this direction.

if you see that it is thick here, then go from the sides. you can also hold it now like this. and dust it off. now is the process of making paratha. in this we’re going to put oil inside it. and fold it. and roll it again. so it will create some curtains inside like a French pastry. if you find it difficult,

you can do it without making the curtains. you just have to roll it more thin and cook it. it will be a simple bread.

it is called roti in India. also in Pakistan. but we are making the traditional way. so now I will add little oil. I have to take care that the oil doesn’t go over the pan. it is not a pan actually.

it is the cover of my pot. because if the oil will go to the bottom then it will start sticking all over. now I have to fold it.

now again put oil here. spread it evenly all over. now again fold it. OK, now the last part. make a little hole here. Put some oil here.

that is it. It is the last fold. make it round like this. and press it like a rose. now again take some dry flour here.

You can start rolling it again with the bottle with a picture of an animal. that is it. it is enough. now don't touch it.

keep it aside. now one will take my stove again. now very important.

you have to put it on a very low flame. and simply place the pot cover over it. now wait patiently. you will see little bubbles coming over. now you can add some oil here. don't let it drop on the pot cover.

spread it all over. now you have to spread it everywhere before it gets blown. You can see it is trying to blow here. here it is already blown like a balloon.

just give a check here that it doesn't burn. no it is OK. it should get cooked from the bottom and it should get little burns. not very much. just a small ones which will get crispy. give it another check.

you see? it is little little burnt. now flip it over. put again oil here. it is blowing now like a balloon.

maybe I should have put a little more oil from the other side. I will put fast some more oil. spread it and flip it again.

this side I should have flipped it before. so this is not blowing. but it is blowing from the other side. but on the other hand this is nice and crispy. you are going to like it very much when you are eating with some gravy.

I will just check it. this is not very good. I don’t think this bread has been properly cooked from inside. I should have taken less dough and rolled it even more thin.

I don’t want to remain hungry. I will make the second bread with the easier recipe that I told you before. and take a small piece of dove this time.

yes this is becoming thin and nice. now let us see how this once turns out. I can see little bubbles forming over it. 2-3 more bubbles and I will flip it.

One, two and three. Here. Oh! I need to flip it very fast. it’s stuck.

it is stuck because there was oil before down there. Oh,what has happened to my roti? what has happened? Oh, my roti don’t stick please. Oh, my roti don’t stick. Oh, it is not coming, how I’m going to hold it? Oh, I have a napkin here. I could give it a yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes OK don’t stick please, please. my YouTube channel! I will have to do everything from the beginning.

yes now it is OK. Yes! nice nice nice nice it is blowing! now I will put some oil here. I want I want little crispiness over it Oh, don’t go down. don’t go down. Where is my spoon? yeah it is blowing! it is blowing! it is blowing! it is blowing! I can see here big balloon, big balloon here. there is a big balloon over here.

Oh, it is getting burnt. it is getting burned. Oh, no no no no no it is OK. it is OK. this is the perfect texture. yes my roti has become even better than my paratha. place the liver pieces. the green chili.

some lemon juice. and some coriander. and now for the dessert. I will put some rose syrup. Place a ring in this. And put in the Suji Halva. give it a light press. put the cardamom.

Raisins. some crushed almonds. and some crushed pistachio. and pull it gently. to make it romantic match the colors. my paratha didn’t come well but the roti is nice.

2021-03-20 07:34

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