California Work and Travel Vol. 2 | Los Angeles | San Francisco | Yosemite | Stanford

California Work and Travel Vol. 2 | Los Angeles | San Francisco | Yosemite | Stanford

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Bro I’m seeing a whale Where the hell is 11 o’clock Bro standing still is so hard I guess we are in the middle of the ocean but I’m not exactly sure I was about to throw up Everything we have seen Why are you 10 minutes late? I was naked Why did you come this early? I didn't come early, I was late too actually I was the earliest yes you were late You are in the video for the first time Yes We were in the video in the arcade In the arcade there was two of you and Alba.. that kind of a trio My old friend Is Pizza My Heart fucking closed? It opens at 11 Don’t do this to me man, we are gonna starve Then let’s buy cookies from Pacific They came to the rip-off market I haven’t explained what we’re gonna do today We have come to watch Deadpool. A cinema day again Make your comments It was so good They made it so high quality Did you like the scenario? I did, it’s exactly a Deadpool scenario Yağız Erol, comments Our life has become a movie Let’s get the comments I liked it I loved it -I’ll give it a 4. +4 in Letterboxd? I gave it a 3.5 in Letterboxd What if he turns around and teleports to you Casting a spell on me He’ll use all his Jesus Christ mana Let me tell you a short movie angle right now Put the camera there You’ll put it even lower -Of course +Of course Right there on my right there is a concert but they don’t let me record it We are waiting for Erol and Zeynep, I guess we’ll go to some other place I wore my shirt for the first time by the way They have an event like this on my birthday We came to seven eleven What are you choosing Do I go with this? There's a very cool terrace there My ancestor and his wife Nowadays they call him a man, the future ones will call him my ancestor That's the kind of man Erol is Look at the way he is walking My man... Damn what is this? What is what? Damn...

What if I sit there For the lonely We got something like this Bro I ate the lime Look at the silence I wish you all good night They slept all the way here and they are still sleeping -Is this a joke? +I told you -Is this a joke? +I had the exact same reaction when I first came out of the tunnel -It’s so fucking cold +It is Keep fucking walking. I’m not gonna worry about filming you bro I'll jump in one go now Like diving head first? Bro you can't just pass like that If you can’t do this jump, go back to Santa Cruz Sit and I’ll take a photo of you Do it in one go, just like me Bro why my leg wasn't enough I was very upset I'm depressed I'm stuck bro -This is it +Pains Exactly, exactly First aid They don’t have any tickets left He blended in there Get out we are gonna get up there You are a woman who rode a horse, this is nothing for you Come on lion Congrats And he takes off his glasses Slay by the way Let’s go Are we gonna go there for real Bro one of these.. Were you the one who told me about license plates? Yes We bought this Wait wait This is it Chill my children He is looking at us Take a selfie Wait Okay one minute You are in the best angle right now I’m gonna take a picture of you too Are those behind us really waiting for us? -Yes that’s why I’m saying let’s be quick and take the pictures +Okay let’s linger a little then Çanakkale Gallipoli My Anıtkabir We came to Gallipoli There are angels Look that is Gabriel -Azrael +If it’s a lie... -You just looked it up on tiktok +Michael -And that is Israfil look, ready to blow, pursed his lips +They are all the same Let’s see how we look like Exactly a traveler Exactly, when you look at the types, you say work and traveler Send it to Studyzone so that they can share it on Instagram Tagging Armada Grandee This is the place where... Did you watch Hulk? -What? +First movie of Hulk, the one that came out in 2003 -Yes +Yes -Where the hulk was trapped +Yes the corridor where the guy was trapped There is R2D2 with headphones We have information that Star Wars was filmed here I forget to make a wish wait a minute I’ll think for a wish I have to think for a wish Wait wait don’t throw it Okay Did you see inside Let’s go inside -We can’t, I took the picture from the window +We can’t Go go You are not in the picture The crowds at the golden gate store Does it work? It does -It’s ten liras +Ten liras -Another attempt at a hat +Leave for a second sisters Let me take a video of you and don’t see it until you go back home and when you go back watch it, if you like it come back and buy it Okay Wait Open the mouth Are the hands okay right now The hands are perfect right now Lower the head Open the mouth Wait Open the mouth He is walking on the sea This time I’m walking here, I wasn’t able to last time. But this time we can’t see anything To my PE teacher who didn't pick me up for the handkerchief game We are nearly done We’re walking to the station right now We traveled nicely My hat Before going, a little bit of San Francisco evening Running man Last words...

Let’s sit on the second floor! -...Before closing +My score for the day is 10 We held up well -We progressed well +We progressed well, exactly There is a sailing thing, we are gonna go there now On our way to the sailing thing... They said we had to cross the train road here Right now on this road Burçak and Yağmur are giving a challenge not to die I went around the side We have two incoming Lion lion We are waiting for Yağız He’s gonna start the engine bro -Look at the man +His power got me -He’s gonna wave now +He’s gonna fall now What was that thing called? I found my Sprite again We added an amazing song to the playlist with Alp -I can’t believe it +Let’s go -Turkish power +The disgrace Good morning There is a party today They’re gonna give gifts There was a guy passing here He had a lot of bags, let me see If I can film him Look he’s going I think those are the gifts I cut the strawberries, not these -Bro why is TJ joining the raffle? +TJ get the fuck out The lions are going for a picture -Are you excited? +Yes -Thoughts? +Proud, we are proud of our department What do you think about Ege becoming a lead? Thoughts? I’m excited There is nothing to say, after 20 days of departmental changes... We won, what can I say

I’m drinking my hot chocolate We’re gonna have a raffle soon, I joined the PS5 I hope I’m gonna win Our cameraman is gonna be back here soon, I’m the temporary cameraman What the hell is Nazil bro? -It’s kind of like a terrorist name +Yeah Ceren Bilacan known with the nickname Jera She warmed our hearts all summer especially with her swear words and her red hair Is your name this long? The rotten egg of the department, but somehow we managed it all summer, by boosting Do you have a cigarette? Stop yelling man I wonder if Ege watches these later and laugh -(I laugh my ass out) +Like there's chatting and gossiping in the back If you’re watching this later leave us your comments (You guys are amazing) -Also send the pictures and the videos already +Yes -Yağmur let the child play +No he shouldn’t Can I do one? Wait wait The cutest guy Applause!! Oh shit Congratulations -What did he win? +Skateboard Oh fuck -I’m leaving +Wait wait he’s not coming out Oh god damn it Wife and husband They already have it The price was 1000 dollars Bro she has 15 tickets Everybody but the work and travelers won Boardwalk you’re shitting money give us some too The way we come to Stanford University and go into a mall I already ate vietnamese yesterday bro Monterey vol.2 They switched to coeducation in the 60s 70s Even we have genderless restrooms in Boğaziçi University I peed there -What are we talking about? +I was so afraid to splash while peeing in the genderless restroom in Boğaziçi Right now we’re here First of all did you go up to Hoover Tower? Let’s do it right now Guys we came to Stanford, they’re giving out free clothes here Free graduation stuff, what was the name of this? Robe We’re gonna get robes We’re gonna graduate from Stanford Take it already I’m taking it Galatasaray University thing We are a Fenerbahçe fan Get out of there My shortolon How much is this? I don’t know I didn’t check Okay get out of here I’m gonna film myself It’s 32 dollars, a really good price Nice Try this one But this is too basic That’s why, I’m a basic guy you don’t understand this Bro shame on you Let me get a price estimate 25 -You say 25, you say 45. Pelin how much do you think this is? +31 Are you ready? 216 The best item What the hell is 105 bro I swear I’m gonna buy one if it’s cheap. Look, this one -Is this a video? +It is Throw it -Did you know that I played american football for a week? +If you had played volleyball instead we wouldn’t have been eliminated The tower Bro we already came to the tower I wanna dive -What? +I wanna dive in here -Let’s get in +My swimming thoughts came What the hell have we stumbled upon bro what’s happening? Okay man, it’s Stanford, there is nothing to see, straight garden -We can’t even get into the library +Bullshit -Yosemite was gonna be the same +It wasn’t gonna be the same because there were mountains There were shooting stars in Yosemite we missed them We missed the shooting stars Damn this has a feautre like this But it can never focus on Wait I have a great idea Sisters Boğaziçi is better, come there we’ll show you around -Come here +We need a video like this in Boğaziçi too -Of course +Of course Wait a minute Let me take it from here, come Burçak Will you stand at attention? Guys I bought this t-shirt from an outlet mall in a day that I didn’t record, but this is not outlet, it is 20 dollars It has nothing to do with outlet, it was one of the most expensive t-shirts but...

-It fits you perfectly +Thank you This is that video “Guys, there are 60 people on board right now on the cruise from Mersin to Cyprus, about 50 of them are vomiting under the seats, look guys” I think it's a useless move, you don't occupy this place Right, close the bridge or something -I find it really useless +How the hell are you gonna close the bridge for 19 months They used to make parties here He's on internship Isn’t he the walking sexuality from that Şafak Sezer movie? Walking sexuality Tourist move Tourist move Chernobyl Yağız's head is popping up Write the initials of our names People are waiting for you Bro do you have 30/32 in cream color Look at the camera that guy pulled out, I'm devastated You won't last a lifetime here man Bro it’s not visible, we can only see Pelin Dear Furkan I’m doing this so that you can be seen The tour is very good right now, it's in my ear Bro what is this? I finished the tour Let me go and take their pictures We have begun to encounter a tall tower just like this one in these vlogs -...I have an electric stove, it doesn't cook properly +What the hell is this? It tastes so good bro you can't be such an ITU student -What do you mean? +Look at the backpack -I bought it when I was in high school +Kaft -Bro everybody is using Kaft +The most ITU backpack in the world -The birds are taking a bath, pops +Look at this fucking sentence -Bro it’s so good +It is I’m touching a skin for the first time in my life -It’s not like skin +It is though The most ridiculous country A beach on top of the mountain And it’s black A small bridge, I’m gonna walk over it now There is one more! What is he doing there? One more What is waiting for me down there? Damnn Oh, what a stink asshole If I was able to show that environment through the camera... There is desert there If my backpack falls the life is gonna end I'm on the hill right now I got off They fucking sold me out They were right here We walked so much on the way back that we're all sweaty now We found a building called marine education something It’s like a museum, there are zero people inside We fucking missed this Whatever, We've been looking for water for 3 hours and they finally found it here Now they’ve called Uber and we’re going (Uber doesn't come here) Those mountains and hills are so beautiful We are left on the street but the mountains and the hills are beautiful What's the latest situation? -I’ve called one to Palo Alto Station +Palo Alto? What else are we gonna do? Bro come on let's walk to the south Where the fuck are you walking where the fuck?? Tell us What not to do Tell us! -Have we started? +Yes we have I’m gonna fuck this Año Nuevo State Park First of all, we walked for 3 hours under the sun But look you had a photo like this We were hitchhiking Alp was hitchhiking, I also have a picture of him hitchhiking, we can add it here The police came and he said hitchiking is illegal in California He said I’m gonna take you to an amazing spot guys He said I’m gonna make you a special thing And then he brought us here He said that we can find Uber here, we couldn’t find any here too (The security of the place where we work came and picked us up) Home, safe and sound I have to wear these dirty things My name is not even visible Fuck off Yes, I have the camera now. President Ege, black and white, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas -He died -She fell +Who fell? Shoot the crime scene We’re going to Los Angeles Plane -My fingernail got stuck +Don't break your fingernails anymore -Just shut up +Okay get in What are you guys doing? -They fired us too +I didn’t understand why they took us from there There is vacancy in the front, they ask you to go there What's the point? It was empty there too Bro this place has turned into a minibus -Move to the back +Don’t wait Where did they exile us? I guess we'll take the highway to Los Angeles It would be faster -I’ve been filming this for a minute and a half +Fly, I have no memory left, fly already It took off very well by the way It took off very well We were asleep and we landed at that time, so I couldn't film the landing Right now we reached the holy land We'll start the tawaaf soon We'll circle Hollywood 7 times Do an autistic pose like that kid The moment we landed on Los Angeles, the first thing he does He insisted on smoking the whole way I didn’t even say it once He woke me up 20 minutes early on a 45-minute trip But it says fasten your seat belts -They were already fastened +What's that got to do with it 4900.. 49972? We have rented an amazing It’s gonna be here soon We are with this for 3 days Damn It’s so good bro That building is like out of Gotham bro -Wait a minute +What? -Are we playing Solitaire? +No! Aren’t you reading my fortune? Wait wait Do you have a warrior, queen of hearts or something? Queen of hearts and jack of clubs Bro what is this? They're half blue and half red Say good night Good night Tomorrow, maybe if we feel like it, we can stage a coup as drivers A coup Say good night Good night Say good night Good morning Couldn’t you find the lighter? Today I got fired from the Mustang, I’m in Q5 Is this sister somebody? I don’t know this sister I did it because it was MM, the same name as me Marilyn Monroe and all that is a lie, that's the real deal We came to McDonalds now because we are poor And where are we? -Even in Hollywood we eat McDonalds. That’s what the student life is +McDonalds in Hollywood ...because they don’t have anything vegan, vegetarian here Vegans are empty people anyway Exaggerating the bass Where is the half of the car? The car doesn’t fucking have a front It doesn’t have half of it Dude did you pin the car? -Burçak? +Dude...

Did you pin the car? No -Say okay, pin it, and hang up +Why? -Dude we know where we parked +Say pin it and hang up, say pin it and hang up -Okay bro pin the car I’m hanging up now, we’re on our way bye bye, pin it though I’m gonna ask if you... Sis did you pin the car? You ask the same question a hundred times What same question sis, pin it it’s important -You called befor... +Bro did you fucking pin the fucking car! Bro pin the car They are painting the coke right now He’s showing off GTA road Film us Ege -Okay +Film us Egee Nah man I was joking Look how my hair looks like Ege are you gonna put this in the video? Look at my hair Bro I edit first, I watch it, if it flows... +He’ll absolutely put this because he is talking himself, idiot Look, do you know how I put it, I edit it, I put the parts I like -Should I stop recording? you’re talking so much nonsense +Yeah And then I go back, watch it again and delete the parts I get bored of It makes so much sense... But still it was boring I’m joking I didn’t watch it As I’m a good viewer...

True.. very true “True.. very true” If there is an entrance fee, this place is finished for me I swear we have the same Casino, how does it work? Oh my, I swear... Our card readers are better We have the same -The same +The same I swear it’s the same -Daammn we have the same +The same, the walking dead -Nah, I think our arcade fucks this one guys +We fucked them It’s the same but our prizes are better Guys, as an employee who works in Fish and Chowder inside arcade, I found this place really insufficient Plus they don’t have a restaurant inside These people need to spend their money on the games and give me tips Yeah yeah it’s so true I don’t like him but he’s telling the truth I don’t like him but he’s a knowledgeable man What is there? Yes we’re connecting to the retail people now I know how to set this up God damn it! We also have these in the warehouse We do? It comes late to us Don’t steal the bubble wands Yes Everytheang here... “Everytheang” “We don’t have any problems about the seqarity” also in the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk Can you take a picoahture there Damn He wanted me to take a picoaeahture here Look I’m taking a picture -But look, do you know what is a trick of our park +What? You can’t go to the beach without going through our park Ask them It already says which country they are from on their name tag -For real? +Yeah Should we talk? If you talk I’ll talk too Games people meeting I would be so happy, that woman wasn’t happy at all Turn around Forest Gump for real We sell the exact same thing It’s cheaper here!! We sell it for 27 it’s 20 here 27.38 It’s 27.38 for us, with tax

Furkan give me the camera for 2 minutes -Look we’re swearing so much I’m gonna make my family watch this video +I’ll cut all of them bro Okay. So there won’t be Yağız? Bro Alp is not there at all For example, Alp will be like this: “Bro I-” and then he is gone When will women be banned from telling jokes by referendum? Look at the video you are taking first They've been voted the ugliest sideburns in the world I don't know how much Ege will put here, but don't forget to subscribe to the video and like the channel Michael was running here, on top of this bridge When will these blow up? 9/11 joke Can those who laughed write I laughed below? We are in California It was a video call I've been talking like this for two hours Is it because of the sideburns? Bro gay wall Bro gay wall Idiot, dropped the cigarrete Clown, fucking entertain us I mean, when you look at these shorts If anyone looks at these shorts and is not amused, can you write in the comments that I am not amused? Ege I’ve been creating vlog content for you for 11 minutes straight Bro I’m gonna reduce these 11 minutes to 1 minute by cutting it My socks aren’t even wait a minute Left foot is still a little lower It is what it is -Can you hold me from a little further back? +Carry him to this side He is so heavy -Open it open it +Quickly Okay guys we ran out of all poses We’re leaving Los Angeles only belongs to Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Say goodbye to Los Angeles I'll never come again Good morning We’re gonna go to Yosemite soon Fuck I forgot the phone inside The door is open though He has a hammock We came to Belgrad Do you have asthma? We're going we're going it doesn't end I feel like I’m in Sekiro This is the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life At this point I’m Lara Croft They shouldn’t come up here by the way Is it over? I swear it is over The person who achieves this achieves everything. I am fully confident in myself now I don't know how many meters high I climbed And like.. is this all there is? I think those are my friends. I see Ceren’s head, yeah there, the red one

2024-10-10 22:21

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