BVI: 7 Day Sailing Trip (KYD Special)

BVI: 7 Day Sailing Trip (KYD Special)

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Welcome to the BVI! This is amazing! British  Virgin Islands, that's what it is, you got to   take a few planes to get here no matter where  you're coming from but ... what we're doing is   renting a boat for 10 days with our friends  and we're super excited to bring you with us   one two three We're headed into rough seas. I'm giving her all she's got! Charlie would love this i don't think so you ever seen the Cooper's cheat at  a card game before oh yeah yeah so do i   every time i play with him yeah he's not my friend all right so we're just about to meet up  with Stew, otherwise known as Jim and you   know Jim because we've been sailing with  him before so this boat knock on wood is   it's not been skunked well  that's what i read in the reviews and Jim on our call kind of like  a prep call yeah like a little   text he said he only want to  be referred to his captain well done we saw your we saw you guys i don't know if i like you  recording i'm not used to this yeah what are you doing what are you doing here  because i've been dealing with this crap   each other right now what is this  is this some sort of gopro stand off? now there was no clear winner of this so-called  gopro standoff but bill is recording for a very   good reason you see Bill and Stew are partners in  this cirrus sr22 turbo and they recorded their   flight down to the BVI this is some beautiful  country down here i'll tell you that fifth hour they flew from Michigan to savannah Georgia  then they went off to Eleuthera Bahamas   puerto plata dominican republic san juan puerto  rico where we caught a glimpse of them taxiing   out to the runway and ultimately landed at  beef island in tortola bvi just confirmed terrain terrain pull up pull up  obstacle ahead obstacle ahead   i wonder if they can hear that  over this thing all right, we're good. Plane: 500.  

now we've learned that there are many pilots  within the kyd community and if you're one of   them and decide to fly your plane down to the  bvi well just do your research ahead of time   seriously we have violated some type of customs  requirement in every country between here in   the united states and there are a lot of them  we're going to go to a new country it's like   oh wait we don't have we have every form we  have we have this thing we have that thing   we don't have that form do you  yeah it's gonna be a fun time   here like food and sewer just so you know combo  it's like an rv now i can fix the sewer yeah   come on let's go through these rooms yes finally some proper audio that gopro is  driving me crazy it's good to just kind of say hi   to everybody and show around but the audio is just  terrible and i don't know so anyway so i guess   trish and i are taking this room we're going to do  a proper boat tour later there's so much to cover   from provisioning to the route to who everybody  is and how long we're going to be out here and   all sorts of cool stuff so wait for  Trish to come down here and and say hey i feel like a kid on Christmas i am  so excited i have to tone it down   because i look like i'm like maybe drinking too  much or something but i'm not i'm just excited   i'm so thrilled to be here and we're here with  our friends because that makes everything better   so um we did pick a larger room so that's  maybe for a tall single person and this is   for two people yeah and we have our own  bathroom yes it's very exciting are you   excited i'm trying to take deep breaths you're  assigning roles the captain is designing a role   to fix the mates okay so far Howard tells a story  about no one she is on a sailboat so that's that's   that's knowledgeable right yeah that's very  knowledgeable sailboat you sailed in races   bill knows what sheets to go on beds are okay  yeah already and you said you know we're on so so   far howard and you are neck and neck for one first  first mate okay and bill's the third main question   so far bill spills third mate um what's  the captain do captain drives the black   captains the captains they take you know make  sure everyone's safe and secure okay all right a little bit of like oh just  like i was crazy well the snow   storm Michigan excitement to see that  lady that's how life's supposed to be she's really special so you  know she looks that way yeah oh my gosh everybody's arrived we're all together  so now we only have like a few minutes we're gonna   go get our flippers and our mask oh really and  we're gonna roll out of here look at the tan   this is called a bare boat charter  basically you bring your own captain   crew provisions and fuel in other  words you get just the bare boat   but we're not alone on this sale we have a  sister boat being captained by jim's brother mike   i suppose the proper term would be buddy boat or  in this case it's a brother boat no i'm involved the british virgin islands consist  of the main islands of tortola   virgin gorda anagada yost van  dijk along with more than 50   other smaller islands and keys making it  an incredible destination for cruising   our official night one was at cooper  island and then we make our way to the   bitter end yacht club at virgin gorda with  a stop at the famous baths along the way   we made a three hour sale to anagada  and spend two nights before taking   a straight shot to yoast van dyke the home  of the soggy dollar and foxy's most people   will tell you that no bvi trip is complete  without visiting willy tees at norman island there's an expression in sailing if you wait  until you're ready you'll never leave the dock up to me up to me up to  me here second time over here up so you didn't touch the rudders there you go thanks take  your time let's go straight   bye guys thank you thank you i wasn't quite  ready for that i'll be quite honest with you just take your time captain  did i pull the bumpers down   yeah bumpers uh go up in order  to organize your tank up there all right what's the plan for today where  we're going today we're going to cooper island   shore john it looks like it's about i  don't i can't understand this thing yet   i got my course on here but  maybe it's the way he taught me sure wouldn't want to fly my plane this way abandon ship anyway so uh we're coming in here to cooper  island and we've reserved a ball what's it called   calm and so we wouldn't reserved a ball for  forty dollars mooring ball and uh it's ball   52 as a matter of fact yeah and we got the  girls up there and howard up there everyone's   up there so we can hook up to it so this is  where we're gonna stay the first night right   yeah on this ball this is it and then we're gonna  learn the systems and yeah get going hopefully   yeah we're on cooper island this welcome to cooper  island cooper any of any affiliation wendy cooper   no but i'm going to go me i am going  to go meet my kin in a few minutes   hey wendy did you bring the euchre  cards the mark's gonna cry cards i got three decks got it back up back up no  no he's going into the wind so he's getting   pushed it is critical that howard gets us on  his first shot though right there right there   pressure pressure i got out of the way  he's got it yeah slide how many people is okay okay we got a mooring ball all right so  we got in here we got the mooring ball but   we weren't really set up with the bridle and  everything so there was a little bit of chaos   who watched the youtube video  i'm having a mooring ball you had the ball got it straightened out now  we're getting the line set up we're going to   come in on a second attempt and and uh we'll get  it straightened out i'm still actually learning   how to record these videos because i don't  know where the cameras go i don't know the   transitions i don't there's a lot everyone else  but it's kind of fun too hey trisha yeah can you   come here real quick sure yes i got it hey this  camera is soaking wet can you go dry it off sure   wow what do you got here bill little uh sling  scuba gear thing yeah where'd you get this i   ordered it my goal was to get like my spear  gun yeah catch fish for everybody and bring   back sustenance for the group but then i realized  that there's a 15 000 fine for spearing fish with   a scuba gear and that's an expensive dinner  yeah so we'll just get over there tonight   so i just got a dinner restoration instead i could  buy everybody dinner and still save a lot of money all right uh and then did you also get  a big tank that you can refill this   yeah awesome yeah so i can just fill this little  tank off the big one nice i really should have a   way of looking at this though but i'll know when  i'm running out i guess yeah well you won't be   able to breathe and you'll know you're out yeah  as soon as i can't breathe i'm going to come up   we're on cooper island sometimes you think  it's going to be all rainbows or something   sometimes you think it's going to be all sunshine  but sometimes you need a rainbow and in order to   have a rainbow you gotta have a little rain  so we brought our jackets we're prepared but   we're going to this cute little restaurant  look at this and my friend's ready to party this is bvi special cheers we have them good morning it's absolutely wonderful the  weather is perfect we got a good night's sleep   the view is outstanding so we're gonna have a cup  of coffee and then we're gonna get our day started   morning briefing yeah is there any is there a  morning briefing yeah we're gonna sail to the uh   the baths oh good motor to the baths yeah okay  how many bags we own nice um let's take a four wendy seems to be impervious to  seasickness she's just in there   looking straight down buttering  pans getting ready for breakfast   i'm glad does this bother you it's not  bad but i can't be inside looking down   i also can't be looking into the lcd screen i  learned that homer alaska don't look at this you guys still have the wine hey stew um i mean captain the captain of the  boat in front of us what he ended up doing   i mean just just so you  know he took all of his crew   in by the dinghy came back and then he swam  in yeah yeah yeah that's what that captain did   that's probably because their crew did a  nice job on the mooring ball it's rewarding   so um this captain's gonna get shoved overboard  get it switched to the top there it is   oh thank you done how do you like to  turn this off or it's all the way out   is it all i think it's all the way up oh cool leave it to an rv cook i have no i'm clueless i  just have never seen a rainbow look like a sunrise   well we're really high on the ocean right now  we're just getting the tip of it that's amazing   it just gets brighter and brighter if you put  your sunglasses on it's insane because you can   see the top okay listen hash browns eggs we've  got a little chocolate there's hash browns in   there yeah hash browns eggs and then a little  um sausage some veg cheese oh yeah it's a like   a five layer delight awesome it's trisha's idea  i mean good job wendy where are you right now i think i've seen this movie look with no editing magic i promise this is five  minutes later it's just crazy how fast that storm   will just come and go and look how beautiful it is  now so we're gonna get in the dinghy i don't know   what camera i'm gonna bring probably just the  gopro i don't want to take any chances because   i don't know if you can see but there's an area  to tie up the dinghy's right over there so we're   gonna go hook up the dinghy tie the thingy and  then we're going to go into the bath so the baths   are like these big boulders area that reminds us  a lot of carefree Arizona but you can kind of walk   in there and uh it's pretty pretty neat definitely  a highlight of the bbi so we're excited to go over   there and check it out but everything although the  learning curve is steep and you know we're making   a bunch of newbie mistakes and things are taking  some time overall it's actually going pretty good hey trace the water the water couldn't  be better huh it's a perfect temperature oh my gosh yeah they just said mother nature  this is the best this is so cool these granite   boulders stacked wow you could just see the  weather time go down them it's just so neat sony i feel like the trip has actually begun now   we've gotten off the boat we're  swimming around we're seeing cool things   just slipped and shattered the gopro which  means this is my dry gopro the only problem   with that is my other one is already the  dry grow pro so i know i have no wet gopro i'm glad you're okay i can't  believe you're not more angry oh foreign it's crazy you know i said this place reminds  me of carefree arizona but all this cacti around   me now it really reminds me and there's  just cactus look at that just everywhere   going up the up the mountain and everything  it's just crazy so very cool here i was as   good or better than any video i've ever watched of  it sometimes you go places and you think this is   gonna be so amazing and you get there you're like  not so much the baths live up to better better   than the video better than a video mm-hmm and and  i got a little war wound yeah i know it's there's   a bump all around getting into the dinghy yeah but  i got in that's gonna leave a mark it already did   yeah yeah no that was a slightly devastating um  excursion well yeah i'm sorry i didn't even say   you you you fell hurt your hand ruined your camera  how'd you kids how'd you guys it's all going down   that's where we're going how far away is it three  point four nautical miles yeah that's not very far   no barely enough time to get the fishing lines  in the water yeah but the same fish comes back night so we made it over here to this island  in the dinghy so we can do some snorkeling over   here and uh this boat probably didn't land here  probably got moved over here from the hurricane a   couple years ago which was devastating this area  and then right after the hurricane before they   could even get any like back on their feet covet  hit so i was talking to kelly our cab driver about   it and i said well what did you do like how did  you get through that time and he said we prayed   mon we prayed that you guys would come back so  it was it was like i don't know how to describe   it when someone tells you that it's just like  you're kind of like grateful that you're here   i mean i know it looks like we're on vacation  but to vacation to us is livelihood to a lot of   people on the island so it's just an interesting  perspective of the how the whole thing works to be right out here i don't even have to put music on it  i got the music already integrated   it's so good it goes with this view it's so  good if you've never been here you need to come hey this is a super bowl i might  actually remember watching mill   it's quite a place to watch  the super bowl i'll tell you   bottom of the third inning though you really got  to pay close attention to that that's when all   it's all going to go down at the bottom  of the third this is intentional obviously this is the super bowl menu  look at this super bowl   super menu wow what is it show people what there  is fritters and tartar sauce crispy calamari   oh calamari fillet of snapper what  hazel marinated you got to get into it i'm getting past sleepy so we're gonna go in and we're gonna come  back to the then we're going to point the   same direction though the big boat is and we're  going to be right behind the aqua boat yeah okay   it's going to be fantastic so i think that  you can um rent scooters and you can go   around the island and there's different  places to hang out on the beach i mean   i think it's going to be one of our trip  highlights yes i do i do believe that right now we want one fruit salad we  got we figured out how to light the oven   the stove we've got all kinds of stuff  so um we're reheating remember cook once   eat twice yeah so we made a huge uh casserole  breakfast casserole yeah reheating some of that   we're making a fruit salad we're gonna put out a  little you know breakfast charcuterie i like it hey captain nice job there huh feeling good now  yeah relax now yeah all right we made it over   here to the dock the only reason we have to dock  is because we're not sure if the water maker is   working or not it could actually be a faulty  gauge so that might make you feel better in   your rv that you buy brand new rv and the sensors  aren't working here's a million dollar boat and   its sensors don't work either so all right so now  the name of the game is uh my it's mike he's jim's   brother mike has been sailing for a long time  races every week actually juan if you're familiar   the the mac which is the michigan race that he won  the mac i think several years ago so but you'll   see jim you'll see a bunch of boats anchored in  there and you'll see sticks oh you can see you   see some buoys right there it might show up on the  chart plotter yeah something gets screwed up it's   not my fault no no jim has already decided that  if anything happens it's our fault we covered that   oh yeah yeah yeah well now i'm involved though  now i can be blamed everything grab that line sometimes and sometimes the clipboard i don't know her name  julie oh that's julie okay yeah really   hey student no hey what's the what's the  woman's name on the love boat with the clipboard   julie julie julie mills yeah i got it i got  julie cruz director that's me right okay so   what are your cruise directing today um well it's  valentine's day very special dinner you have to   order a head and um they want to know what do you  want lobster mahi mahi ribeye there's all kinds of   goodness we got a big lobster pile really what  are we having a lot lobster one monkey and one   lobster so we can get it you gotta order it in  by noon what time is it um i don't know it's time did trying to call the lobster man oh you get some  lobsters i want some lobsters okay um but you   know what we'll do we'll rent scooters and we'll  go scoot her on over we'll scoot on over and say   hi and tell them our order we're going what  we're doing lobster trap for dinner yeah but   we're right now around the on scooters right now  going to sleep check the island out the window we've decided we're putting our order in in  person we're gonna go up there tell them what   we'd like this evening and then we're going to  go hunt down some scooters i know they can be   found tomorrow morning run some scooters yeah  maybe is there a map or places to go and in   good spots along the way yes it's 45 a day  okay 8 30 to 4 30. there's a map right here   you can go around the whole island there's a nice  little scuba diving spot right here that she says   you should do in the morning as a group and then  right here so you end up at the end of the day   right there no way she takes visa mastercard  american express nice and bill's checking the   storage of the scooter so i say scootering is  something we do tomorrow and we can snorkel   we can go to some snorkeling spots. oh, we're gonna we're gonna  scooter tomorrow yeah we still have all day though   well it's an all-day thing and we've got to get an  early start so i think it's a little late i think   today we should go like do what the other boat's  doing swim bring the mat out chill out hang out   and then go have lobster dinner that's fine with  me does it get any does any better than that no   I'm gonna get me a frou-frou drink.

Party started. yes, it is, clearly that's how much just how much let's go get the pad out i want the pad you  know we got all this we got all these fancy   we gonna put music on yeah yes yes there we go it's pretty interesting to be hanging out  here because everybody's on the same program   there's a couple full-time live-aboard people  but mostly everybody's on the same program and   that program is music dancing jumping in the water  floating mats talking to the people that roll up   getting ice lobster we're going in for lobster  tonight for dinner it is pure vacation mode   here let me hold the camera so you can see the  miss lovely Tricia because she's got dressed   up for dinner happy love day it's valentine's  day yes so we're gonna go out for lobster hey   we should probably get in there a little early  so that we can see them bring the lobster in   okay don't you think that'd be kind  of nice yeah all right let's go try top are fourteen fifteen is  it about 15 pardons they're 15   yes um they're one of those two  taxes for us we have reservations there's a whole lobster coming but i  know you're not super in the last year   i'm in those lobster when will  and sue are deconstructing it   and and melting the butter for us but  we'll see we'll see on tonight oh my gosh we had a fabulous night but it's time to turn  in so there's a big debate drinks and a fire   or boat in bed i bought boat and bed come on come  on come on don't be a party cooper party started i mean campfire in the caribbean there it is where are you going okay we're gonna go wherever  that damn music's playing huh are you going   no you got floss in your hands  you're not trying to clean up   so my my thought process is this we could stay  yeah wait wait i wanna hear what you thought   my thought process is this we could stay here and  go to bed and we'll say i remember that night and   and the bvi we went to bed at 10. i got a  really good night's rest that was awesome   yeah i was so well-rested back up at 6:30. i had  like three cups of coffee we're seven is awesome   over there we have no idea what's going to happen we go have one drink come  back and say did you see this and we will probably remember it yeah at a  minimum or we go there we end up on another boat   if that's the case the phones don't work very  good and we'll just i don't know we'll find   him we'll find you i mean let's put it this  way let's let's have a backup plan how about   let us assume our phones our dad are  in the bottom of the ocean all right if we were to everybody sailboat and  i doubt we will but if we were to   never ever ever buy a charter boat ever never  never ever never ever ever never ever ever i   think everybody already knew everybody already  knows that that's like not buying a rental car   wait what what have our groceries we couldn't get  you know what listen the important stuff the meat   yeah meat and beer there's always something  that is exciting that happens on a trip   this is our exciting thing this morning  that we have to resolve wendy's not here yet   the other boat has no luggage and we have half our  groceries missing so we're going to boom boom boom   solve all the problems you guys forget your  shopping bags yeah we have shopping bags wait oh i personally don't see what the big  deal is something happens to jim   i'm just going to take over exactly

2022-03-07 07:18

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