Butchart Garden in Victoria, BC

Butchart Garden in Victoria, BC

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foreign okay so now I have to remember where I parked so oh that's number two so I just have to go back that way otherwise I will get lost and then walk around in the parking lot to look for my car so yeah so enter here this is Butchart Gardens as you can see so many look at these flowers here so nice and this is called Mediterranean Garden see Mediterranean Garden foreign Gardens so this is the typical now feeling okay thank you so now I have to go to the visitor center and find the where to start hello um it's kind of complicated I don't know where to start I know I just follow the crowd to here but usually where to start when you go into the garden is it like start right here which is just over this way and then I just go around do you know where the water here because I noticed there's like a water or the sunken garden there's this small pond here with the water fountain okay so I start there yes and then I have to enter into that now if you follow the book follow the group okay a sign that says up the steps to the central Garden here and that will take you then downstairs this is the something Garden area carrying on to the Ross Fountain yeah and then a long jump upstairs and a left turn to the Rose Carousel okay in the Jordan pools oh it's quite a long walk okay maybe maybe two two kilometers two kilometers okay yes okay most people take about an hour and a half at a leisurely Pace did you say sturgeon Fountain is there like a sturgeon there no it's just the shape of the fountain is of the sturgeon oh okay I thought there's a storage in there okay so yeah there's also the dragon from here which okay maybe I should start now because I don't want to stay here for too long just thank you so now I'm going to uh start walking to Sunken Garden and then from Sunken Garden uh just go around and oh there's a sign here disaster start so as I said before I cannot video people's faces so I just gonna have the video only the the yeah look at this Garden here this is a lavender so nice some pretty these are the common flowers in British Columbia [Music] and yes you see so many look at so pretty flowers and here's another one and look at that it looks like a roses but sure if it's I think it's Carnation or something see that's another lot in there look at this flowers here [Music] we go so now I'm hoping oh there I can see the sunken garden here so there's like a dining room restaurant over there maybe I should stop by first at the dining room uh restaurant look at this so pretty look at that I just kind of take a video people's faces so I just gonna have only two video The View and the scenery and here it says their private Garden I can't see but hopefully let me see that's a private private Garden Mrs butcher's private Garden was assigned by Samuel McClure and built to her specifications until this day is maintained as it was during her lifetime it is the only area of the gardens that has never been opened to the public the gracious tea house is often furnished with items of memorabilia from the family of fishing rod Garden hat gardening hat and such it's over a hundred years old look at this oh my God so pretty this used to be like a private house a long time ago now it's owned by the uh probably this was donated to the government of BC and now it's um it's a tourist spot I see sightseeing in Victoria BC look at this that's an old house I can see looks like a hundred year old old house so nice the Roses now I can see over here oh okay look at that this is certified guard and service dogs only minister of Public Safety solicitor general so this is the afternoon tea here 11 A.M to 3 P.M they serve it here in this restaurant and they have a dinner too from 5 PM to 8 P.M so Wednesday for Saturday right now [Music] it's not easy it's not easy to take a video here because you have to only take a video the scenery but not the people's faces because that's the law here Sunken Garden look at this so nice probably hundreds of variety of flowers here so now I have to go to the sunken garden oh this is the sunken garden here a Rose Garden Japanese garden I don't know where the sun can garden concert on the stage but I don't want to go there where's the sun can Garden Oh Sun can garden that way maybe I should go to the Japanese garden first and yeah maybe sun can garden first oh my God look at this flower it's so pretty it's red and then purple inside and this one looks like carnation and look at this we now have to move around because I have to go to the sunken garden now I think this is sunken Gordon okay I don't know where the sun can garden here enough of you sorry it was kind of dark over here so many trees oh my God this is the sunken garden [Music] there's something Garden because I think it's like at the bottom everyone up [Music] okay now I'm going down to Sunken Garden I guess they call it Sunken Garden because it's sunk it's like at the bottom oh look at this it's like thousand varieties of flowers here at least so many look at like thousands of varieties of flowers here oh my God look at this so this one I think this is a lavender a different kind of lavender I can tell because I think there are so many different kinds of lavender look at this so pretty lavender these are lavenders and I'm not sure about this one this might be different kinds of it for the chimney [Music] oh my God this one is so pretty let's look over here so nice so nice here I don't know what kind of flowers is this there's no name though so it's not easy to I'm just only showing even on the top of this garbage as a flower too look at that oh my God this is so pretty the flower looks like a tree looks like a looks like a pine tree look at this oh my God amazing so now I have to go back upstairs but I haven't yeah I might as well like wear my sunglasses now I have to find oh there's some other I don't know what I think I just came from here let me see the first one exactly now I have to go back upstairs this one looks like a maple but I don't think it's amazing yeah I have to go back upstairs now and then you're up there go to a different Garden huh myself oh this one I can go back this way see we're up there please kiss me thank you so that is the view of the sunken garden surrounded with other and then you can see the blue but the passage here is kind of dark so maybe I should view it so this is the history of the sunken garden the Limestone deposit of this hosted in 1908 and the query abandoned Mrs butcher conceived the idea of transforming the baron pit into a garden and does the Sun and garden became into being in 1910 she planted Lombardi poplar trees in an attempt to block the view of the cement factory by 1912 the development The Gardener was underway and it was completed in 1921. so this Garden has been existed since 1921 according to the to the history so now I have to go back because it's kind the reason why the passageway was so dark it's because it's surrounded by Big Trees foreign go back the that's only but there's no except there so I have to go back this way so the butcher Garden was originated from Butchart family from Mrs Butchart she's the founder of Butchart Garden foreign oh there's no exit here so I have to go back the other way maybe there is it's kind of awkward to take a video because of the law that we have here that no phases are allowed it except your face have to be video because you consent yourself but you're not allowed to video other people's faces the scenery [Music] thank you look at the flux there's a flag of China Mexico Canada and United States let me see if you will be able to see it yeah that's the flag of China Mexico United States and Canada I don't know what flux is that but there's another flag there another flood from a different maybe it's not a flag from different country maybe it's a flag of the provinces I think Maybe oh yeah it looks like a flag from different provinces so now this is the exit I'll insert that way yeah these are the provinces of the the flags of the provinces I can recognize that blue and white that's Quebec I only recognize the British Columbia flags and Quebec the rest I don't know so now that is a signed of the parking spot where I parked the Scorpion no the seahorse I think okay I'm heading back to my part to the to my car oh I can see an eagle out there that's uh bald eagle I can see two bald eagles that's an American Eagle can you see that it looks like the okay okay now I'm in my car so I have to call my mom okay bye bye now see you later

2023-07-25 02:09

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