Bushcraft Survival in the Rainforest - Building Fortresses, Spears and Shields in the Heavy Rain

Bushcraft Survival in the Rainforest - Building Fortresses, Spears and Shields in the Heavy Rain

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The air was so cold last night that I had to light a fire all night I have to take the wood supply back Pretty sunny morning Pandan tree belongs to the Pandanaceae family with the hornie pandan species apparently this month is the fruit season of this pandan tree used bird or squirrel food scattered can this fruit be eaten? I have to check and test it first look at the seeds of this pandan fruit, the shape is small, rather long approx about 1 cm long the color of the seeds is black and the flesh is orange, partly pink to find out whether it can be eaten or not I did the test manually from my experience and some of the references I got we can test nature's food by utilizing the senses in our body Rub the plant parts on certain areas of your body for example the neck, back elbow, or on your wrist crush it so that the sap touches your skin let stand for 15 minutes, then wait for the reaction of the plant if there is no reaction, for 8 (eight) minutes and above it is "possible" that the plant or fruit can be consumed, it is completely uncertain whether it can be eaten or not because this is only a manual test, not scientific. Usually the reaction of the plant varies, including causing itching, heat, or pain. if this happens, don't eat it, (This food test is only done during an emergency) besides that, plants or fruit can also be tested by smelling the aroma released, if the smell is unpleasant, it usually makes breathing disturbed and immediately abnormal then it can be confirmed that the plant or fruit cannot be consumed. today I will start building a fort this is just in case of sudden attacks by wild animals. as I explained in the previous video that this hanging root and pandanus tree, in ancient times people often used them as building materials for their houses or garden huts. so this time I will try to use it for me to make as a fence clamp of my fort.

As always in using building materials for every bushcraft activity I always prioritize choosing dead wood. o this time I want to find wood that has died but is still strong for me to use as a doorpost for my fort I used wooden twigs for the outer layer of my fort this is to minimize the animals to dare to approach it looks like it's going to rain, I haven't had time to fix my fireplace as well as where I'm cooking and finally it's true that the rain is coming faster than I expected so everything is wet. it's currently around 5:30 pm the fire was so hard to light because of the rain that I had to fan it while I was cooking it couldn't die because it was very important for me to defend myself from animals or other disturbances, as well as to warm up and cook it's so cold here, my shirt and pants are wet I haven't changed because I'm afraid it will rain heavily again while my clothes preparation is only two sets it seems that my roof is leaking Cooking under these conditions is quite difficult the fire is difficult to light the conditions around are muddy and cold everything is wet and dirty the rainy conditions are quite a challenge for some nature activists and survive. one thing that is beneficial is usually mosquitoes are lazy to go out Finally, I can also enjoy dinner, this time I cooked shrimp, rattan shoots sugarcane flower vegetables and some other natural food seasonings.

The rain was getting heavier and thunder roared really making things quite difficult tonight. but I just enjoy listening to brew a cup of warm coffee. Good morning all inhabitants of the universe. life will never teach us to feel enough, other than we ourselves who learn to be content in everything #Easterneagle With great difficulty this morning finally this morning I was able to light a fire and boil water the morning sun looks so beautiful hitting the smoke this will add to the pleasure of my coffee this morning and boiled bananas of course. it's around 2:30 in the afternoon I want to set another shrimp trap for tomorrow's side dish I will set it later around 03.30 pm

because before that I will go around the forest first to look for some of my needs The bait for this shrimp trap is jongi fruit and coconut meat and then burned the trap must be tied for fear of being washed away by water when there is a flood the rain tonight is not as heavy as the rain the night before and of course tonight I am more prepared to face it today I will continue the construction of the fort I hope it will be as soon as today because there is still a lot I want to do I use bamboo for inner defense the final form of my fortress at this time around 11.30 pm I plan to make a spear as a weapon to guard and hunt animals that can be eaten I am looking for the oldest and toughest bamboo betuk tree for me to use as a spearhead this is the bamboo, it looks old because it is dead but still in raw condition sitting for a long time in the forest in this position must be vigilant because pythons are very happy with this position. so my advice should be often - often turn around and stand up every now and then if necessary light a fire very sharp and strong, need to be careful to treat it it's time to check the shrimp trap, I hope there is a shrimp in my trap once plunged into the river, it would be delicious this is better than before, which only got two this time I got three and they were big enough good for a quick side dish at night trigona honeycomb The aroma of shrimp and flavoring blends with the cold atmosphere tonight making my stomach even more hungry around 05.00 in the morning

ast night I woke up several times to light a fire Nature gives much more than she gets. while we look for many reasons to give to nature #Easterneagle rattan for me to make a binder from the tip of the spear the technique of tying two knots, using two ropes the bond is strong enough it seems this tool can make me more confident in walking through the forest I will test the strength, accuracy and weight this is to master the condition of the spear so that when using it there are no problems you never want to feel holding a shield. I am often curious about the shield used by the military in the past how it feels when holding it, I really want to feel it so I took this good opportunity to make a shield. I can't wait to feel holding the spear and shield behind the fort.

it must be fun maybe. To make this artificial shield I used materials from bamboo, rattan and tree parasite my first time doing this and it turned out to be quite difficult. it's around 11:00 noon I have to go home, cook anyway the situation is starting to rain maybe it will rain soon sekitar pukul 14.30 menjelang sore, saat ini saya baru makan siang I do fumigation for its durability and to reduce its weight because it feels quite heavy I'm so glad my dream of holding a shield and spear behind a fort came true. I feel like I was in the war era long ago, hehehe I also find it a little funny.

I'm happy that my dream today has come true.

2021-08-19 20:08

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