Busan Geographic #2 Professor Wescoat's Shinseondae Tour

Busan Geographic #2 Professor Wescoat's Shinseondae Tour

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I. Am. On what is called the nampodong, trail, in Busan I. Am. Very close to, a. Public, park called. Sheen. Sunday. We'll. Be heading into Sheen, Sunday, today. Each. Area often has its own trail set up. From. Here. We. Can go down the hill into, the parking, lot and directly. Into Shin Sunday. Or. We can take the sidewalk, up to a new park in front of Sheen Sunday. We'll. Go this way first. Gazebo. Is like this are common at public parks and public rest, areas, places. To relax, have. Picnics, sometimes. To play games. You. Will occasionally find groups of elderly people having, conversations, in these if, you. Go up remember. That it is shoes off you. Do not wear your shoes, here. This. Small Park in front of Sheen sunday is known as mu Jae dong Park. Out. Here, is the harbor district, of Busan. Busan. Is one of the largest port, cities, in the world. It. Is an extremely, important. Port city in East Asia. Here. We have information, in Korean, English. Japanese. And. Chinese. Yong. Dong PO port in chin. Sunday area is a meaningful, site. Where. In a sailing ship from the United, Kingdom visited. Korea for the first time. Historically. This is where the first encounter, between Joseon. And the United, Kingdom took, place. One. Of the UK sailing, ships and the tender, of HMS. Providence, the. Prince William Henry ferry, explored. The North Pacific Ocean, in the 18th, century on. 13. October. 1797. The. 21st, year of the reign of king jeongjo, the. Ship reached the southern coast of the Korea Peninsula and, stayed from October, 14th, to, 21st. During. The 8-day stay in yeongdeungpo they, 35. Crew members, received. Necessities. Such as drinking, water firewood. And food from the local residents. Due. To a language, barrier however, both. Were unable to communicate comfortably. With one another in, his. Book a voyage, of discovery to, the North Pacific Ocean. William. Robert, wrote in 1762. To, 1821. The. Both. Commander. Of HMS, Prague. And on board the Prince William Henry Ferry at the same time. Introduced. 38, Korean words he learned by using body language and, information regarding, the, Busan. Hang port, Yong. Dong PO for the first time to the Western world. Here's. The highlights, map of the, view from mujhey dune. This. One is entirely in Korean. Here's. Another gazebo. Again. No. Shoes barefoot, only, you. Can wear your socks. Same. Is true of platforms. Like this. This. Is an elevated, area so you can have a picnic off the ground away from the dirt and bugs. Here's. An informational. Sign about mujhey dung Park, you. Can see what this looked like before. Nam. GU Jae ha Jung Poong, San. Bao Jong. Here's. An aerial view of the completed, Park. One. Of the nicest, attractions. Of Shin Sunday is this nice little, restaurant. And cafeteria. I, recommend. The colony -. Unfortunately. It appears to, be closed right now. Here's. Your map for gotta met Gil gar, McGill, is the seagull trail. The. Seagull, trail goes, all around Busan. The. Entire city, of Busan, is walkable, VF government, Gil, Connor, Matt is an adjective of form, of god Maggie gotta Maggie is. Seagull. The. Seagull, is the symbol, of Busan. Now. This says Shin Sunday Terrace. Again. We have four languages. Shinsen. De terras is situated, at the southern end, of the peninsula. Which. Was formed, in busan man bay as the ridge of, hong yongsan, mountain. It's. Rocky volcanic. Coastline, is renowned, for its splendid, scenery including. Coastal cliffs and caves formed, by tidal erosion. Xin. Sunday terrace extends, across a coastal. Cliff and a mountain top to the west of Yong dong dong beach. Tradition. Has it that chechi. Won a 9th century, Confucian, scholar and poet, enjoyed. Sightseeing, here during the late period of the Shilla dynasty. The. Name Sheen Sunday literally, means cliff, of the Taoist hermit. Shin. Sun means hermit, and, originates. From a local, legend, about the footsteps, left by the Shin Sun and his white horse on a large rock called mu J dong at the top of the mountain. Shin. Sunday Terrace is a scene of various, historic. Episodes. On. October, 14th. 1797. The 21st, year of the reign of king jeongjo, of the joseon, dynasty. The. Crew of a British exploration. Vessel HMS, Providence. Visited. The terrace and made contact with the local inhabitants. More. Recently, after the liberation, of Korea in 1945. The area thrived for a while as many refugees, gathered, here and Beach. And amusement, facilities were, opened. But. Following the establishment. Of the dome Jung Lumber, Company the. Area became an industrial district. Currently. Although it has a container, berth and has been transformed. Into a military training, area the. Summit, of Shin Sunday Terrace, commands, an open view of the auto-fill, islets. Young. Doe Island Jodo, Island, Busan, Inner Harbor and even, Tsushima, Island on a clear, day a. Monument. Was erected on, Shin Sunday Terrace, bosons.

Famous, Historic Site to commemorate, the 200th anniversary. Of the, first encounter between Korea, and the United. Kingdom. I'm. Going to go this way. Here's. The adorable, sign which used to grace the entrance, to this park before they built Mucha dune, it's. Quite cute. It. Says in Korean Shin Sunday, you. Can see a picture of a hermit up on the mountaintop. Shin. Sun of course does mean hermit, here. It. Also, specifically. Refers, to the, Taoist, immortals. Which supposedly. Live on islands, and the Bohai, sea. On. The east side of China. So. The. Scene actually, means spirit. And so. There is a magical. Idea connected, to the Shin Sun as well. Here. In Korea I guess she and Sun just means hermit, but there's. A little, bit of connection, with some, Chinese, mythology and. Taoism. Now. This side road has a couple, of very inviting, benches, for. Relaxing, in an dressing, but. I've just started my journey and, I. Feel fine. This. Side road might. Look like an interesting little side trip, I'm. Sorry to tell you that it is not it, does not go anywhere interesting. It. Looks like an old access, road to the military, base, but. It very quickly becomes, overgrown. And. Virtually, impassable, and. There's. No, interesting. View there so, I'm. Not going to take it. There. Are some public restrooms, out here. Here. We've come to a crossroad. Straight. Ahead. Is. An area we'll explore later. This. Is the road that continues, around the park. I'm. Passing by a gazebo, I wanted. To get some film of that but. We have a hiking, club of elderly men who, are stopping and. I do not want to invade their privacy by, filming them. So. Hopefully they will have cleared out by the time I come back this way. Here. The path Forks. This. Woodsy trail. Goes. Up the mountain. Meanwhile. The. Road continues forward. We. Will come down this, side path on the return trip. But. We will get up to where it goes by a different route. We. Have hiked up to a public exercise, yard. Full. Of outdoor, exercise equipment. Which. Is designed to last in the weather for years and years. This. Is high-quality equipment. These. Are very normal to find on the hiking paths. You. Can see the flag of the Republic of Korea on, the. United Kingdom, we. Are at a special spot. Near. This spot in, October. 1797. William. Broten, a captain. Of the British Royal Navy and the crew of the tender Providence. Became. The first known Britons, to land in Korea. This. Plaque erected. To commemorate the. Bicentennial of. That visit. Marks. The vantage, point from which Broten, carried, out the first accurate. Western, survey, of. Busan Harbor. You'll. Notice, that. When this was erected. The. Spelling, of Busan, in English was with a P and you, may know it as Pusan. We. Have since changed it, to a B it. Is Busan. Captain. Britain's Journal. Early. In the morning we were surrounded by boats full of men women and children. Whose. Curiosity. Had brought them off to see the strange vessel. They. Were universally. Clothed in linen garments. Made it to loose jackets, and trousers. Quilted. Or doubled, and some of them wore large loose gowns. The. Women had a short petticoat over, their trousers, and both. Sexes, linen, boots with. Sandals, made of rice straw, the. Men wore their hair and a knot tied up to the crown and the women had theirs twisted, and plaited, round their heads. We. Went on shore to ascend, the Highland, nearest, to the south and from, vents to take some bearings. Our, view, from the top was very extensive. And we. Saw distinctly, over every part of the harbor. Our. Our angles, were however useless. The needle being so strongly affected. As to, point East instead, of North, going. To some magnetic power in the mountain, which. Would not admit the needle pointing, true in any situation. I, named. This abrupt, high head land. Magnetic. Head from it's affecting, our compass, needles. The. Royal chronicle. Of the Tosun Dynasty. 20th. Year of king, jeongjo, on 6, september. 1797. Lunar. Calendar. On. The. Day of a machine the governor of kyo song province. Jung, hwan came. Running, and reported, the following in writing, a ship. From an unknown country arrived, off the, Yong dong PO Bay. Domain. County after. Having drifted, at sea, they. Were all high-nosed. And blue-eyed, when. They were asked, to answer, the name of their country and how they managed to arrive at a Korean Shore. After. Having drifted, they neither knew nor understood.

Any Korean, Chinese, Japanese or. Mongolian. We. Provided, them with a brush to write and they're writing resembled. Mountains covered, with cloud. Though. Pictures, were drawn we still could not understand. Each other this. Plaque was unveiled by. His Royal Highness the, Duke of York, CBO. ADC. A serving, command, in the Royal Navy, on 20. April 2001. It. Was established. With the cooperation. And support of, busan. City, hall at Nam GU Ward office, by. The generous, gift of the honorary British, consul, in Pusan, mr.. Wang song, on CB, e. Behind. This plaque there used to be a tree it looks like it's gone. This. Tree was planted here on 20th, April 2001. By. His Royal Highness the, Duke of York CBO ABC, to. Mark the vantage, point of, the survey, of Pusan harbor by. Captain, William Broten, of the British Royal Navy the, first Briton, to land in Korea in October. In. 1797. We're. Going to go up this little footpath. This. Will take us up to the pinnacle of King, Sunday. Observatory. Information. Sheen. Sunday cliff. The. Surrounding, mountain terrace. Seems. Like a dragon, enclosing, a pond. So. It is also called Yong, dong. Meaning. Dragon, of the pond. According. To a myth a, person. Named Gaia Jian transformed. Into a dragon and. Ascended. Into heaven that Sheen Sunday. In. Addition. It. Is well known that chechi, won in, the. Late Shilla dynasty became. A Taoist, hermit, and traveled. Here. The. Name of Shin Sunday originates. From hoof prints of the. White horse. Ridden. By a mountain God that remained on the great stone named, muta, dung on the. Mountaintop, in. Ancient. Times. If. A person approached in Sunday, he. Or she was able to hear the music, that. The mountain, gods played. So. Here, is mu J dung. The, hoofprint. This. Is Mucha dong the hoofprint, of the white horse of the gods. There's. A path which goes a little further down I. Am. NOT going, down there. I am, at the pinnacle, of mucha dung. The. Large island in the background is, young Island the smaller Island in the front is Jodo. Here. We have a view of the, area dedicated to, captain Broten. Along. With the islands, of audio Kudo. Sometimes. There are these little Hut's out. In the woods. I've. Never seen anyone manning them but. I believe they're used for record-keeping and. Observation. And. Management. Of natural resources. From. This location, the road forks. This. Way goes back down to the stone commemorating. Captain Broten and the Providence. This. Way is a side path that we passed on the way in, and. We're going to take it and out now down to the road. And. Here we are back at the road. The, party of senior men who. Were occupying the gazebo, have now left. So. I can, properly. Show the gazebo, to you. Without. Invading, their privacy. There's. A nice set of benches, over here for relaxing. Here's. A gazebo. If. You're going to go up here it strictly shoes, off. There's, usually a broom for dusting. Keep. It clean. This. One has. Benches, built into the sides all the way around, you. Can hear the acoustic, properties in, here are quite different from the way they are outside, my voice. Sounds, distinctly different to my ears inside this gazebo, than. It does outside. It. Sounds much softer, and more natural. There's. Oh Duke though Oh, means. Five uke means six Dole means island, five. Six, islands, don't. Oh maybe, five maybe, six hard. To tell from here. I'm. Now going to walk a, circuit. Around the park. In. The view are some small mounds, which are graves. This. Is a small cemetery, if. You. Find mounds, anywhere, on the mountain, please. Be extra, respectful around. Them and do not step, on them they, are graves. This. Is an important, fork in the journey. You. May be inclined, to follow the road if you come down here I recommend that you do not, all. It does is lead in to the military, base the Navy base at bacon, Pole you. Are not allowed in and, there's. Just nothing to see down there, so. From. This path. Which. Is marked. Go. This way. Back. To the shin Sunday parking, lot. These. Mounds are graves. This. Path leads to the very pinnacle, of the small. Mountain we are on. But. It does not lead to a good view and all that is up there is a single, grave. We. Have a better view. Taking. This path, which. Is what I'm going to follow. Behold. Or Duke OS gave you where, I live. Busan. Is divided, into. Districts. We. Are in the south district, nam, is south so, we are in Nam, GU. The. GU are divided, into sections, which. I tend to call wards. The. Sections, in Korean are called, dome. Audio. TOS gave you is in Jung ho dong. Jung. Is dragon. Ho. Is, Lake, so. We. Are looking at the dragon. Lake ward of the south district, of Busan. The. Shin Sunday Park is, the. Dividing, line between. Hodong. And. Yong. Dong dong. Young. Dog is almost, exactly, the same name. It. Means dragon. Pond, so. The. Dividing, line between dragon. Lake and dragon. Pond. The. Area that you see down below with the athletic, fields, which. Also includes, an ice-skating rink, and a, municipal. Swimming pool is called bacon, Pole. The. Mountain, you can see in the back is Jung Joos on Mount. Firstborn, it. Is, connected, to a large, park, called Iggy day. One. Of these days I'm going to take a tour up there with this as well we'll use the camera stabilizer, and do.

A Nice hiking, trail video of that mountain. This. Path goes directly, up to the top of this small mountain up to the lone grave up there, while. It is a lovely, walk in the woods, it, does not command any special, view is because the trees are in the way, so. I will be skipping it for this video. We're. At the end of the trail. Heading. Back into the parking lot, where. This little journey began. There's. A couple of things about Mucha, dung that I skipped. So. I'm going to walk up here to the bottom of MU J dung. To. Catch those things and document. Them. Mu. J doing has some silly sculptures, here's some mushrooms, and a deer. Over. Here we have a tortoise. Mucha, dong has its own outdoor exercise, equipment. Normally. I would want to end any trip, to Shin Sunday, right, here with, a bowl of hot Riblet, soup called cargo su but. Right now the restaurant, is closed. This. Sign contains, information about, bacon, PO. The. Magnificent, view around the East Coast which, used to be called as, loot, Micheel, and yo ho dong in the old days was. Called bacon. Paul, there. Used to be a lot of white pebbles. Which. Was called as turtle, stones in, the coastal, waters of bacon PO and people. Could hear the sound of the white pebbles, when the waves were high and it was windy, for. That reason people said that it would rain if the turtle stones cry. Although. The white pebbles, are all buried, under the cement now and no, one can find the mood of the old time the. Sea breeze that cleans, the breasts of the visitor, and the glorious view provide, people with a wonderful, resting, site. Here. Are the Chinese, characters, for bacon. Poll. Chinese. Characters used by Koreans, are called, Han JA the. Korean pronunciation is. Bacon PO baek, means 100. Moon means cloud po, means port, so. You could read this as hundred cloud port or as cloudy, port, but. In Korean Baek, is also, homophonic, with, white, and so. You could also read, this at least phonetically. As meaning, white cloud port. Phonetically. The name suggests many. White, clouds, and so white cloud port, is a, pretty good translation.

2020-05-29 17:12

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