BTCC legend Matt Neal life of cars // The Jonny Smith Late Brake Show

BTCC legend Matt Neal life of cars // The Jonny Smith Late Brake Show

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this is yeah you get a man's plate i feel like  i want a man's blade for most of this chat   it's just more comfortable his kid's got long legs  i don't know seats and really low seats exactly   yeah that's the way it is this is good matt i  like this in here sitting amongst your race cars   with a cup of tea admiring you can sit out here  normally dear yeah no you're in there in the water   he's looking at your staff i didn't know  you uh you could write egyptian yeah it's that's got progressively worse or is it latin i still like writing stuff down  you know i've got i've got books   a4 books and everything i do every day i make  it i note it and date it and number the pages   so i've got stacks of them and then it's my  reference guide to do to-do lists and stuff or   just to-do lists from on the phone to anybody  yeah an engineer or whatever and then because   you do your reports yeah at the end of a race  meeting but just anything in life i just write   it down and then it's your reference book to go  back to so you've got you've got boxes of them   like that exactly like that but i i've run a4 size  how did you become enthusiastic about vehicles   my dad obviously raced the only memory i have of  him racing because he was sort of retired i have   two memories of him racing he had a big accident  at nurburgring european touring cars and um   these blokes and smashed all his face up and his  patches over his eyes and everything i remember   some blokes bringing him home propping him against  the front door and um my mum getting him up into   and lying on his bed and he's just lying on his  bed like this and i've stood at the bottom of his   bed watching him and not gonna go that's my dad's  sort of when you were like two years old yeah so   how did that have been in the 60s i think it was  1976 grand prix at brands hatch yeah and there   was a celebrity race in mark one escorts yeah  i've seen video the old video he was he was sort   of running about top six and then got spun out  coming out of druids so and we were in the grand   stand just with all the other people and my mum  stood up screaming i mean my sister just trying   to disappear because my mum's so embarrassing  those are the only two memories i've got my dad   but he obviously got me into he had a passion  for cars we didn't get into karting like they   are nowadays or even have been yeah so he bought  me this little i've got a picture of it somewhere   avec cowboy house i'm just gonna say you're  wearing you're wearing you're wearing a cowboy hat   which you'd drive around around the paddock yeah  and i just went round and round and round from   dawn till dusk does that have an engine yeah yeah  i think it was about two horsepower or something   that's just started a stunning photo in  1973. we we went to the odd grand prix um   and we went because it's when we were small enough  we could fit in the boot so we didn't have to pay   so me and my mate used to go in the booth yeah  yeah you said you used to lock it down and um   and i can remember cueing it for the autograph so  i had a real hunger for it i was up there looking   at the fence queuing up the autographs and i so  much wanted to to be it to get it and to do it   and how and it was just completely unaccessible  to me um because my dad didn't have all the   contacts you know we've got now you know because  he'd retired and gone out the business yeah um   when my boys they've grown up in it it's almost a  pain they've got to go to a race meeting and and   so it's they were there in the middle they were  there where it where the heartbeats of it all so   yeah i can see why why the difference is  i mean they've got a passion for it now   yeah um which is great to share that with them  when i was 17 we drove to donnington me and mate   paid away in because we heard the renault five  turbos were racing that day yeah and we just   wanted to go and look at them and and touring cars  were racing that day when we looked at the touring   cars we went oh yeah that's great we'll watch that  oh just these renault five turbos if i could just   one day one day drive one of those i'll be arrived  so i never thought i'd get to touring cars okay   let alone drive one let alone winning one because  my dad was developing the wheel business he uh had   a six-wheeled jaguar xjs built did he yeah yeah um  oh my gosh that was so cool i've seen the pictures   of them this went round europe um and it was mega  it was yeah spun the wheels everywhere it was just   it was in big side pipes of course yeah because  my sister burnt a leg getting out of it one day   because he took us took us to the bus we had  to get the bus to school so he took us the bus   in this thing which i thought was amazing  that was the coolest oh yeah my first car   i was lucky my dad got me a car it  was a 950 ford popular plus oh maroon so i had that for about a year and that was great  it was fast you know it's fast yeah to me it was   that's my one and only picture i've got of it  you've put some rims on it though man yeah yeah   you've got to do that you've got to put alloys on  it yeah then i saved up because i'm working i was   working from 17 i didn't do a levels or go to uni  or anything and i bought a mark one xr2 did you   yeah but again silver i put red wheels on it  okay alloys on it just to just spam it up a bit   yeah yeah um and after that i got a golf  gti uh mark ii mark two yeah then i was   the astra gte was coming out 16 valve one  now you're talking which um too much power   no grip yes no handling yes it was on bicycle  tires so what i did is i got some big fat alloys   and an angle grinder and ground all the all the  arches out at the back did you yeah yeah so i   could fit these wheels and tires on it then i  got probably the best car and the one i should   never have sold which was a um uh revaglia  limited edition which i saved up and bought   wish i kept that what year was that that you  bought that 91. okay so that's is that new got a real good deal on it that's a hell of a  rare bird though back there sold it for nine grand   nine grand what's that now eighteen it's right  it's a wonderful thing in there you haven't had   it i mean you you've all you've had performance  cars so far apart from the first fiesta   xr2 gt before that okay after the astra  i had a renault espace for about a year   you want to go to the extremes and it wasn't  even the v6 one or anything like that it was   the proper proxy was it the first generation yeah  yeah yeah the real horrible looking thing with   the with the composite panels yeah good bus for  your mates a bit harold shipman though see what   i always wanted when i was a kid was um a hearse  yeah i really wanted a hearse i wanted a hearse   and i wanted to put knock the back out put benches  in the back so all the lads could get in and then   we'd go cruising and it's funny isn't it i've  always fancied a hearse and it's the one car that   my wife totally draws the line at just as it's  just it's never going to be on the drive it's   we're never going to travel in it maybe maybe we  should we need to to scratch that itch i feel matt   ah [ __ ] that scratch it's that scratch scratch  that edge yeah exactly motocross i know you did a   bit of motocross in your time as well i got to the  top level in amca which is the amateur level yeah   and at the top level i wasn't good enough okay i  was brave enough so i could i could hang on to the   the real quick boys for a bit yeah and then i'd  have a i'd have an almighty accident okay um and   that's why my dad got me eventually got me into  a car um just to get me away from the bikes yeah   i'd had i'd had a couple of big ones because  as soon as i was still on walking sticks and i   got on this bike yeah and went off a big tabletop  jump looped it landed on my ass and compressed my   my back my heart wasn't in it my dad's business  went a bust on my 18th birthday really so   he was driving around in old old cars and  everything and you know he was remortgaged   the house and and everything which was then  became rimstock and we started rimstop when   i was 18. 11 of us um my dad at the helm and so  it was it was frugal in those days we were making   60 70 wheels a week that was it wow  all by hand so you're painting them   machining them really so you were actually  on on the machines doing it yeah wow okay   i didn't know that and then i go and  race at weekends he got bought this old   mark ii um fiesta challenge car some kids come  straight in with a big load of cash we didn't   we couldn't we were just going to go and we  weren't going to race we were just going to go and   go out and i remember going to silverstone in  it never been around silverstone never seen a   racetrack on on the track yeah and my dad  had dug out the lofties old bmc two-piece   single-layer nomex overalls and winklepicker  shoes which obviously i'm a few inches taller   than my dad so um it's a really ill-fitting yeah  i get in there and just completely just have no   idea everyone's banging hell out of each other  i find myself in the lead on my first ever race   and looking back and there's 30 fiestas all you  know you [ __ ] buried to the floor absolutely   suddenly the nerves kick in don't they so we get  halfway down the straight my right leg starts   to quiver and shake and it starts going so bad i  take my hand off the steering wheel and put it on   on my leg to stop it shaking and my foot comes off  the accelerator and i go from first to 10th place   um i did catch up and got into the top five yeah  yeah um but it's that feeling of being chased by   a massive package yeah but people know i've had  a good you know close relationship with my dad   over over in the racing and work over the years  and the first um time i saw my dad going past   the pit wall was him leaning over shaking his fist  at me because he could hear it on the tunnel what   was going on couldn't he so um yeah because he's  shaking because you've got the shade since then   bloody hell i've never made that mistake again  though that was the one and only time wow that   um is a picture of my dad and uh john rhodes back  in the 60s so those are the overalls i wore in my   first outing they still got him somewhere well  they're fit for goodwood revival now i suppose   no they wouldn't you wouldn't they would they  wouldn't be what because they're inflammable   probably they're made of rice paper so your your  dad's weapon of choice was the mini off yeah yeah   he was known for the minis he did a few things  um but he was known for the minis you had uh   production championship saloon cars which was  group n so i got in an m3 and we re-shelled it   into a motorsport shell okay um and that suddenly  it was a lightweight car and that was fast   and um we won the championship in it so i went  up to the skyline and again one in class a which   was good yeah and that's when i sort of had my  first toe in the water dipped into btc really wow   i'm also digging the cars in the background which  also dated you know the people's cars you've got a   honda crx behind and very oh right i got lots done  for speeding in that was it yours yeah i forgot   about that one um it was like a roller skate but  i was on the way back from my girlfriend's house   and it was like two o'clock in the morning  and the roads were empty yeah and i got um   i got what did i get done for i got lost  my license because i was doing 90 in a 30   in the honda crx yeah yeah but it was it was a  dual carriageway it was okay it was a 30 mile an   hour but i didn't realize the police were even  chasing me i stopped at the traffic lights and   then suddenly this police car arrives like star  skiing behind me all locked up like jumping out   the car i'm going what's the problem i'll tell  you the problem physically pulling me out the car   i'm going well what have i done wrong it didn't  really wow the 330 m3 my um first full season   92. what a car please tell me that you've got  some of these 90s race jackets stuffed away   somewhere i think my dad has oh just brilliant  the same car but that was knock hill when i had   a big run in with colin mcrae and that all kicked  off yeah i mean it is mad that you've been racing   in btcc for 30 years i mean like mad amount of  racing in 2000 is the first independent to do   to get a win in the modern era people don't  appreciate now how downtrodden privateers or   independents were then you weren't allowed the  same tyres engines everything really okay so   and all the trick michelins would be  there or dunlop's and yours will be here   right and they go oh can i have some of them i'll  pay for him no problem yep no these are yours   and they would just be two seconds  left slower bolt on the first rate   the race we won was the first race we ever  did with the same tires as the factory cars   was that when you you were the first  independent um racer to win a race in in   the modern touring career that was the only so  i woke up the next morning and i actually went what now you know what now you know i've it was  i was felt so deflated really you get the money   i you know i felt really deflated and i went  into the office and tati was on um on the phone   to australian radio stations and blah blah blah  and you just suddenly got to pick yourself up   and you go right and it it was the same when  you win your first championship you go right   what is that because of the what now thing this  is why you see people burst into tears yeah um   because you just release all that you hide it  away really so you don't actually ever you never   enjoy it because you you're just you're worried  about the next thing and and the and the whole   the whole thing around it and then yeah  that's why the likes of lewis hamilton   are him and and sebastian vettel are impressive  okay they're earning squillions of quid out of it   she's always helped but to keep that motivation  and focus when he's already got more money than   he'll ever need for the rest of his life  yeah to keep that motivation and focus is   that's pretty impressive that's the bit that  i can't quite get my head around because you i   would keep questioning why am i doing it still  when i've ticked all these things off the list   why am i still going but he obviously wants to do  it for um you know to become the greatest of all   time which is in his in his reach now for me i i  it i sort of changed because i've done it so long   and it's almost like growing up when christmas  suddenly becomes about giving you get more from   giving than you do from receiving yeah and for  me these days if if you know when when flash was   with us and now with with dan um if we can get  him to win a championship and win races and it's   all about the bigger picture you know and  doing it as a team and everything that's   that's the reward i get now more than standing  on the if they stand on the top of the podium   is fantastic don't get me wrong because  you know you've you've been a a part of   helping them helping them together yeah i'm i'm  massively superstitious are you um i just drive   myself nuts yeah i'll have a good result in one  and i'll mark them all so i know if there's a   critical race i will i will put that suit on will  you yeah 100 boots are you superstitious so it's   not just racing it's like life yeah really i don't  like to walk on cracks on the pavement say get in   the race car i have to get in a certain way in  a certain order do my belts up a certain way   um i eat a certain way in a certain you know time  of the morning it's more it's a habit thing and   this is every day all race days mainly race days  okay you know if there's something important i had   a big accident in 94 in the mazda um before you  did i was watching before okay the race before   that was schneiderton i would remember it vividly  because it was the same weekend cena was killed   and uh it wasn't a good weekend anyway i rolled  into um rolled the car into the field and i'm   stuck upside down in the car which is quite scary  because all the fuel pumps going and because the   furrows of where they plow the field you can't  open the doors so you just got to let yourself   out and sit on the roof inside waiting for  people to come and get you out while the   you know the thing can go up anyway  they took me back to the med center   and i had a pair of lucky underpants my  sister had given me 10 years prior when i was   a teenager or whatever and they were what  they were they were flesh-coloured boxers with   women's women's underwear on you know printed onto  them these have become my lucky underpants just go   back they're flesh colored with women's underwear  printed on printed onto them okay right but better   still they were a bit threadbare because i'd use  them so much so like all the bottom was hanging   out of them right so i'm in the med center  and i go right just strip off take your blood   pressure blah blah blah check all your limbs  and everything yeah yeah and there's all these   pretty nurses around i'm in the early twenties or  whatever and i said right uh like strip off no no   no i don't think you need to go any further and  i had to go into this whole explanation why they   couldn't go further which they had a good chuckle  about and then they laughed and let me off so then   two weeks later or three weeks later i  had the massive accident at silverstone   when i barrel rolled the mazda yeah that's a hell  of a crash and are still wearing these pants not   they're obviously been off and washed in the  meantime meantime um and i got these after the   meeting i got these pants i'll throw them away um  but then you know with my superstitious head or my   thing i think well that's the biggest accident in  my life and i did walk away from it did you fish   the pants back out no i didn't i left them i found  a new new lucky set of friends i just didn't think   i'd be talking i'm on to mark five or six since  the treadmill yesterday yeah that's just brilliant   i wanted to talk to you about max power because  you you your name appeared on my radar it would   have been in the sort of mid to late 90s with the  primera the touring cars of that era dictated the   style that we were trying to imitate with the road  cars we wanted the single wiper we wanted the um   we wanted the wheels tucked right up in the arches  with a little bit of you know negative camber   were they good days i mean they were very  good days i mean you look back at them you   don't appreciate them when you're in them you just  you just ride the wave yeah but we raced hard and   man we parted hard and you know that it was it was  the some of the stuff we got up to was just mental   that epitomizes the max power days which you'll  relate to oh my word but that's what it was about   so crowds girls girls messing about asked about  girls in swimwear yeah on the roof of your just   like a house a weekly event wasn't it that  was just what went on i like the fact that   there's all the blokes and they just stood there  with their arms crossed all that yeah brilliant   soapy soapy bucket of water matt neil's touring  car two ladies with a hose pipe different times   matt good times those are the that's the  champ that's the cut of the money-winning   car that's the money shot yeah it was the  stunt the stance of it the the white wheels   the negative camber splitter practically dragging  on the floor what a thing you single-handedly made   nissans look cool that was me with my two sons uh  camera what year was that 95 wow gosh look at that   with the mondeo that's a really very 90s but very  cool photo i love that the mondeo looks good what   it was in its day because you had it you you raced  a gear and an si is that right gear in 95 that'd   be the gear yeah and the s i in nineteen yeah was  horrible was it oh yeah that was a horror story   that is the worst car of my life was that one day  of 96. that was pretty horrific yeah i mean you'd  

be doing 150 mile an hour and thruxton all it  wanted to do was turn sharp left or sharp right   while you're trying to keep it in the  straight line my word it was a horror story   but at the end of the year i got out and i kissed  the floor and i said i've never got to get back   and i'm thank god i've made it through the year i  mean i guess no i think if we do something we can   get it going better not a flipping chance really  was that bad yeah one more picture of my first   my teammate i had to go at nascar over racing my  teammate was jason plato what year was that 2001.   right let's go for a walk this is the workshop  where the touring cars are put together and   maintained so this is you this is this  season's car yeah yeah okay so which you   can see the modular so it's got no front  end on it there's literally six 14 mil   bolts hold the whole front end on which is  the engines located in there yeah yeah the   first time we tested the thing i was probably  we were rocking them and i was i was not happy   i thought the front was going to  fall off but it's incredibly strong   so that's the front that's the engine that goes  in there that goes on there so you just got mainly   the the central tub yeah which is where the driver  sits yeah so this is 2020 yep 2021 cars 2021 um   we've got um well it's we're moving into hybrid  soon so which is great i mean we're all worried   about cost but it's we've got a game we've yeah  you've got to embrace it haven't you it's coming   yeah yeah yeah yeah so you're looking forward to  this hybrid era yeah i am now just embracing it   you know something because you've got to use this  a bit more yeah how you deploy it where you deploy   it yeah where is it where's it all going to go  where's it all it was mostly it will go it'll go   um the cooling will go at the front yeah which  they hope will stop us driving into each other but   that's the bone of contention um the rest of it  will go in the in the cockpit with the driver   i do love a build i can look at the cage on it  the cage is beautiful so this is your this is   your sort of been handed down to your son  henry are you managing your exit or is it you   just bringing him up i mean i'd love him to do it  and his brother will as well um but he's they're   really good they're good lads so he's been going  well he's won the championship yeah two years   on the bounce so um it's what we can do with them  and i always said my thing about i know you're an   electric fan my thing about electric cars is when  i've driven them i always say they've got no soul   except but they did they say that about these  when we were getting rid of horse and carts   or steam yeah it went from stealing yeah yeah  so it's we you've got you've got to give it so   you've got to give it something yeah just a  collection of uh of coolers it's nice yeah   they get a bit of a hard life how about they bloom  and do they're doing touring car front ends well   that's rear end oh that's really that's a bolt in  that clips up inside oh okay it's beautiful the   way you work it is you can you can manipulate  yeah of course but we've all got the same   box of kit yeah yeah yeah which which works for  close racing if you if you built a car got into   the btc grid there's no reason why you cannot win  you've got the same tyre same power it's down to   you down to the people spanning the car there  and what the hell are those little adjustments   i like that and a bit of luck of course great  believer not not not your superstitious or   anything exactly next room it's not often  that you get to see an old piano on its back   next to current what spec it is absolutely  stunning goodness me is it yours no unfortunately   only eight ever built apparently which five are  still owned by porsche three are in private hands   this is one of the three there is some serious  weave going on here serious serious weave   okay so this isn't yours we won't dwell  on it it's lovely but it's not yours   is this yours well it could be that's my dad's  it could be yeah it's one of my dad's i remember   which was the first v10 m6 i was supposed to  remember the the launch of this car i remember   remember testing it gearboxes were a bit clunky  in them they were i keep on telling them to sell   it but you won't sell it yeah i'm a bit more  ruthless are you yeah on on cars and you're not   ruthless with trophies for crying in a bucket look  i've just noticed that whole the whole side of the   building is is is trophy we've got a container  with them in that there as well have you well did   you say 160 podiums where did you put it all yeah  now look this is my favorite shape of civic really   yeah really really is it not for you well i had  some good success in it but i see no no probably   not i think it's aged the best out of all of them  this looks like it's had an incredibly hard life   it has this actually wasn't a race car it was a  race replica which we used to use for demo events   i noticed something not honda on the wall there  is something on the wall yes but there's also   something non-honda on the wall yeah that's how we  get an fka eight which is the modern uh type r uh   that's that would be its starting point uh below  that is um we build uh historic lotus containers   for the racing we bought it and stripped it and  put it on the shelf ready to go in the fab way   and that is a non-lotus it's just a two-door we'll  make the modifying or modify the shell so from the   early mini to the latest nsx which i know is yours  do i sell it or do i keep it i mean you've driven   one they are an amazing amazing piece of kit they  are they're really impressive almost i think very   underrated you know you can i've had porsches i've  had ferraris have you yeah you didn't tell me that   i forgot didn't know julie can't just forget  about having ferraris surely what porsches and   ferraris have you had uh i had a 996 turbo did you  which was ridiculously fast as well i bet it was   um and i had a 550 maranello ferrari did you okay  yeah but how often do you see an nsx of any type   on the road no you don't it's not so often is  it they don't really shout about themselves   enough nsx's i don't think don't  you think that's honda's problem   all together they've got some amazing  products and amazing achievements and you know   yeah you know even the mark marquez's and all  that yeah just and they don't shout loud enough   no they don't shout out and now they've  got an amazing engine in f1 they always   say honda's the best kept secret they're best  keeping their own secrets yeah yeah completely   i hope you've enjoyed this episode with matt  um matt thanks for showing us around your   workshop slash garage office i did a little bit  of everything in it um if you want more episodes   like this let me know in the comments um and if  you're a subscriber already brilliant thank you   there is a patreon link in the description if  you're a supporter of this channel via patreon   thank you so much it means a lot there will  be more chat with the chairs soon goodbye   and they just took the piss they'd literally  rattle down the inside of you because they had   so much more performance and grip and it just  got tired of me they literally i can remember   like you know on the limit it's a good one  you just turned the clock back on in 20 years

2020-12-24 11:33

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