[Music] for I just feel like we're never going to leave because it's like 1 and half hour I'm waiting and I just don't know what to do so I'm kind of bored and actually I have like 6 hour of Road and I I don't like the rad I I don't like that I my SK is glowing I don't know if I like that or not but I just trying a new cream which is uh really like moisturizing and all so was that no sense so they my skins look terrible right now but yeah I hope I'm going to like this cream because what I'm just a little bit bored of buying cream and cream and never really finish it because I doesn't really love it yeah just yeah anyways let's go I think picnic time [Music] some so yeah it's raining [Music] see I'm en tired right now that is disgusting and I pay for it I pay for toilet I don't know if you pay for toilet but in friends you don't pay for toilet you don't pay for toilet on the road because you definitely pay to go on the road which you don't pay to go the world in Belgium and a TI that are disgusting like you actually I love my fit [Music] like is that so pretty actually I like it's weird to me to see this like take off things um it smell so good so I kind of want to hit right now but that's not the [Music] time fore [Music] speee spee foreign speee okay so here's a room just let me introduce so that little bit sink I love the sink I I really want the same in my apartment I don't have an apartment but anyways uh the bed I think I never have this much of a bed before like it's pretty big I don't know like [Music] just well I think I'm going to do some makeup because I really don't appr my face right now and I think I kind of want to go outside to see a little bit actually I'm not the only one who seen that but anyways um yeah I don't know what should I do for my makeup I think it's really simple thing because also look at that glass like it's just it's enormous actually I think it's so pretty but it's pretty big so actually it's going to raining outside so I don't really know how to dress and I don't really know why I put makeup on because well I don't know I just feel like I want it so I'm going to do that because I that my dog because uh I feel like uh kind of ugly so just do that it's just making my skin a little bit uh less red like better also I'm kind of stressed I don't know why I mean I know why because I don't know anything and when I know don't know anything I just stress so my B it's kind of hurting right now but I feel like it's okay I'm going to see Al this is not powder this is like powder foundation so it's like I have some sort of coverage which I kind of like it but it's really matte so I just like it better but like I use a really ey um moisturizing cream it's like always not going to be mat at the end of the day uh I mean even if like some couple of hours so I feel like this is always good I love doing that and also it's yeah and it's 10 time more easier to me to just put tighter on I think I feel like it's just it so much natural um but I also have powder so I don't know if I should use it or not I think it's a little bit too um much if I use it but I'm going to use it on my eyes because I don't want my eyes to be Oly which I have all the time and will get Hardy in like 1 hour but just for when I apply my mascara I don't want it to be waterly I have to mascara option I think I'm going to put both of same so always like that I put my favorite mascara on and after I put waterproof mascara it's just better also I don't really like my lips color so I'm just going to add quick and doing that and I think just make it so much better uh other thing I can do is also with like a brown pen to just throw a tiny tiny like that and here we are finished my makeup but like really I think it's just making my skin look so natural and kind of glowy even if I put like way too much powder also look at my dog just look like a r but um that's okay I my hair is kind of super Gracey as you can see see so just let it be on the bone because I have absolutely no motivation to watch it especially today so let it be let it be hi so how do you take my little hair he good I have like baby hair but every time it's raining outside just keep doing this thing and um I look like a another lady I don't know what to feel about that really but I kind of like my skin right now I like it it's changing with the light keep it mind light create power wait hi wait a minute I think the ice so we're just about to hit um I hope it's going to be good because I look at the picture and actually I'm not really enjoying the food there so I hope I'm going to find a Pizzaria I think like pizza pizza is good pasta is good too but really the food sir I'm going to try of course I'm going to try once but maybe not tonight because I'm really hungry and actually the Russian is like scaring me I like what is that like how it [Music] [Music] stop [Music] [Music] [Music] hi I just thinking it's so so so pretty like look at this just look at this so I just hat goofy but like B so weird so weird but anyway drinking water because I'm feeling a little bit bloting by what I hit yesterday so not pretty sure you know where's the bread is from yesterday I stole it I mean no I pay for it so I just took what was left so I have bread but it's not like fresh bread but it's okay I think I'm going to choose an outfit but an appropriate one because it's kind of calm outside um and I don't really know of that much thing to put me hot like fight against the car so anyways so I have this t-shirt and I have one jean so definitely it's going to be that uh also this is my only pill so yeah I probably going to steal a t-shirt from my dad because I think he have like a long sleeve one I don't know what to do anyways [Music] from the mid welcome in it histori [Music] so we're just going to visit there lot but like lot um well I do my sport it's it's been a long time since I didn't do my sport so it's a good thing I think no it's a good thing I'm [Music] sure I think I love that it's pretty yeah this this is great I don't understand anything like French French there also did you see my ticket it's a pig my brother are like beautiful angel and all and I have a pig it's nothing [Music] but foreign spee speech foreign foreign foreign [Music] is so I bought earrings and I L really love them so I just like changed my earrings in the middle of the street but I don't know why this things are so pretty so cute so unique even if I'm sure I would find them like in some store or something but like this is real pure I mean I hope [Music] so we walk all day so I'm going to really like tired all but I just I like it but I feel like I need to change my other herrings now so just let change like I have all of this hearring but I don't really know what to where I think I'm going to wear this yeah this one but just here and after I don't really know who this I think I know but I have like no motivation or like no energy to change it all uh I definitely need to change this because this like going to I can't see it anymore I this one I'm so Bor of it I really want to change it but I really can't uh right now because I can't do it alone so yes it's like an issue right now also I don't know what I'm going to hit and um I'm not that angry hry angry I never know how to pronounce it but anyways yeah I'm sorry I just have nothing to say so I'm just going to shut up I'm just like I'm in love I love it to much I have also like to put this one here because I feel like it's really cute but also it's like maybe a little too much just here no it's too much I think I finish it I mean I finish it I just put Straits and I think it's sent them better and like the rits like all of it and I need to change this but I don't feel like the motivation I don't know to say like I'm TI I think I'm going to take a nape like late but anyways I really want to change this one like I can't like this one it's I think it's okay maybe this one but I actually love the Little Flower so probably still going to keep it maybe other but I have other flower but it's just 10 time bigger so I am not sure it's going to be pretty I don't know I'm going to see [Music] actually it's funny because I heard or something I didn't know because I didn't understand anything and now I'm like hungry like I need to hit because defly it wasn't enough but it was still super expensive so yes I'm here again and [Music] Hing what I have left [Music]
2025-01-11 13:20