BREAKING Hawaiian Island On HIGH ALERT… Here’s What We Know

BREAKING Hawaiian Island On HIGH ALERT… Here’s What We Know

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Dear. Patriots, please, subscribe, to our patriotic, channel like, and share this video so your friends, can see it thank. You. Breaking. Hawaiian. Island on high-alert here's. What we know a noticeable. Increase in violent. Crime in the Waikiki, neighborhood, of Honolulu, has the US military, considering, a plan to keep military, servicemembers, away from the area on. Thursday a, 25. Year, old service, member was stabbed in the early morning hours after. Parting ways with a friend and in October two service members, were stabbed with, one of them dying from his wounds the Honolulu, Star Advertiser reported. Between. The hours of midnight and 6:00 a.m. it's. A dangerous, time to be walking alone in Waikiki, Jessica, Lenny rich president. And CEO of the visitor Aloha, Society, of Hawaii told. The newspaper, we, need to make Waikiki, safe at all hours, Fox. News has more the. Latest assault coincides, with a dramatic increase, in Waikiki's. Overall, crime the, newspaper, reported, noting, that last week local leaders including. Law enforcement military. Leaders, and judiciary, personnel. Met, to discuss ways to improve, public safety, we'll. Look for the low-hanging fruit things, that we can implement immediately, mu feynman president. Of the honolulu, lodging, and Tourism Association, told. The paper in addition. The Armed Forces disciplinary. Control, Board has waived banning military, officers, from patronizing. Parts of Waikiki, an Armed. Forces disciplinary. Control, Board issued a warning about Waikiki. In December, and we'll discuss Waikiki, crime during its next meeting in a few weeks an armed. Forces disciplinary. Control, Board issued a warning about Waikiki. In December, and we'll discuss Waikiki, crime during its next meeting in a few weeks ago, weblink. Star, Advertiser at, Star, Advertiser, March, 3rd, 2018. According, to a military advisory, 1,000. Arrests, in Waikiki, over 180. Days involved, violent crimes drugs. And alcohol. The Star Advertiser reported. The. Honolulu, Police Department, said that between December, and January they, saw increases, in both assaults, and in calls for service the. Conference, of officials. Plans to meet again Wednesday, to discuss possible. Steps against, crime, Hawaii. Has turned into a liberal shithole, I lived. There for a year building houses back in 2002. And I will never go back god. Bless dear. Patriots please, subscribe, to our patriotic, channel, like, and share this video so your friends can see it thank, you celebs. Demand security, at Oscars, get huge surprise, from officers, this. Year attendees. Of the 2018. Academy, Awards show on Sunday, will be trying to turn attention to gun violence by, wearing an orange colored, American, flag pin on their multi-thousand. Dollar designer, dresses, and Texas, but, what they aren't calling attention to is the fact that there will be over 500, armed police officers, along with hundreds, of armed private, bodyguards. In order to make sure there are no security issues, inside the Oscars this. All comes as Gucci announced, earlier this week that it would join anti second-amendment, celebrities. Like Oprah Winfrey, George, and Amal, Clooney Jeffery. And Marilyn Katzenberg, and Steven, Spielberg and Kate Capshaw, and contributing. $500,000, to support the March for our lives anti-gun, violence rally, to be held in Washington DC, on March, 24th. This. Has to be the most blatant, show of hypocrisy, ever shown by celebrities, and they have shown a lot in the past few decades they. Make millions of dollars in an industry, which promotes, every sort of violence, you can think of but they think that this will stop by wearing a pen while they spew their anti-gun, rhetoric, against, law-abiding, citizens, like you and me what. Do they care after. All they, have enough money to pay for the kind of security, any red-blooded American. Would want for their family but can't afford while, they live in upscale gated communities, where they can leave their doors and windows open 24/7. Without ever having an issue in fact. The, biggest problem, they might have with intruders is a deer once in a while but, for us pians, who have to live without a wall or private, security, along, with people from third world nations, which we aren't even allowed to question their moral character, can, have any gun more powerful, than a musket according, to their Looney liberal left views I can't.

Seem To recall any celebrity, wearing a pin in honor of Kate Steinem, do you who. Thinks these classless, actors, would be singing a different tune if they had to live like the rest of us because. So many cups are needed at the Oscars, this year many officers, will be on overtime, and the Academy will have to pay for it no, free rides here, Variety. Magazine reported. More. Than 500. Officers will be on hand many, of them working overtime to, ensure the safety of the 90th Academy, Awards, along, with firefighters, police, helicopters. And agents, from the FBI. Private. Security, guards from security, industry, specialists. Will work the inside of the theater the. City of La Bills the Academy, of Motion Picture, Arts and Sciences for. Security, Street, closures, and other expenses. Related to the event this, year the, cost is three hundred forty, thousand, dollars up from, three hundred thousand dollars for the last several years, vie, Joe for America, we. Love celebrating the snipers, at every NFL game with. The Oscars, on tonight the left is desperate, to keep you from seeing all the armed guards protecting, their anti-gun, actors, if you. Didn't realize the Oscars, were on tonight then, congratulations. You, have a healthy, relationship with Hollywood, celebrities, but, one press release from the LAPD is, worth browsing, before your Facebook, feed is updated, tomorrow with tales of brave actors, crying about the Second Amendment as traffic. In one of the most congested cities. In the world is diverted, some millionaires, can gather in Hollywood, to seek praise from one another there will be concentric, rings of security keeping. An eye on the nearly one mile of Hollywood, Boulevard, officers. Will be receiving, overtime, pay and are joined by firefights and the FBI with police helicopters. Dotting, the air oh and. There's, a private security, detail on, full alert in the Dolby Theatre itself, the. Oscars, celebrate, their 90th anniversary tonight. And with, so many on the left looking to squeeze anti freedom legislation from, the deaths of 17 people from a high school in parkland, Florida the, hunt is on for which actors, will have the gall to rail against, guns while being protected, by hundreds, of them guns. For me not, for thee recently. I wrote up Kim Kardashian. Whose claim to fame is whoring herself out on a sex tape for attention, a few. Years back she was robbed at gunpoint and later declared, that she would have a twenty four-hour-a-day armed, guard I don't, blame her, despite. Being famous, for debauchery. She, still deserves to be safe the. Lefties that rip on gun rights probably. Feel comfortable, and calling for gun control legislation, because. They must assume that their bodyguards, will be one of the few people who will be allowed to keep guns when it's all over, hunters. And sportsmen, can lose their guns because, they don't need in not, in the same way that celebrities, in Hollywood, need to be kept safe, every. Once in a while a new story pops up showing off pictures of the bird's-eye, view of the trained snipers, keeping, an eye on the crowds at NFL games. Conservatives. Love reading about the sharpshooters and the oregon-based, company u.s., tactical, supply that supplies, the tripods, loves updating, their social, media with, photos we. Think it's great that it's well-known that NFL, games have an eagle-eyed, sniper up high making sure any serious, troublemaker, won't get too far, security. At left-wing, awards ceremonies, on the other hand are shunted, off to the side do, they really expect us to ignore the fact that group of highly trained men with firearms waiting. In the wings in case something, goes very wrong still. It's a good bet to guess that at least one of these chumps will get it into their head to pretend to care about the families, of the victims of gun violence while, dumping on the Second Amendment, even. The pretty dresses, are ruined, I admit. That I'll watch awards shows just to see the pretty dresses, but, even that's been ruined at the, Golden Globes a few months ago celebrities.

Decided, To wear black dresses to protest Harvey, Weinstein, or something. Yeah, and today, I put my pajamas, back on after showering, to protest, the fact that I didn't get a pony when I was a little girl the. Clothing as politics, came to a head last year at the Grammys win joy Villa warm Agha themed dress and was later found out to be a liar, a former, dominatrix. And a current Scientologist. Who is passing, Scientology. Books to White House VIPs. Including Kellyanne, Conway, Rose, McGowan took, us for a ride in her breakdown of the black dress protest, as it happened, in real time makes. Me long for the days when the most shocking awards, show dresses including, J Lo's plunging, Greene neckline, and the Bjork Swan, hashtag. Pay attention, to me too let's. Be real the Oscars, is actors giving awards to other actors, for acting it's, meaningless, and probably. The source of the modern participation. Award handed, down to every little girl and boy unless it's. The rare actor that takes the stage to simply think their family their colleagues, and God there, is a guarantee, that anyone Beyond will be politically, motivated. Considering. The Botox, parade has poured prays over Harvey, Weinstein, in the past Meryl. Streep called him God I'll be tickled to see which talking, bobblehead, will call out a culture, of sexism, and when. The ceremony is all over it's time for the actors to head to the next place they'll. All go out to their very well-guarded, parties, to pal around with other anti-gun, lefties before. Bundled their junk butts back into their limos they'll. Be driven to an armed home by an armed bodyguard, only, to get up the next day and be superior, all over again, dear, Patriots please, subscribe, to our patriotic, channel, like, and share this video so your friends, can see it thank. You Oscar's. About to be shut down after, what Sikh host plans to do to Trump accidentally. Leaks it's. Unbelievable. How a whole industry can insist on doubling, down on stupid, they, really seem to not even care that people have stopped watching their movies and TV shows and it. Looks like tonight's Oscars, show will once again be a bust and will be no different, than the same garbage we have been seeing from Hollywood, for the past 30 years as they, planning to promote the so called hashtag me too movement but, of course they, can't stop there since. These narcissist, actors also suffer from Trump derangement, syndrome they, of course. To bring President Trump into the mix in order to deflect from their own cesspool, that is Hollywood.

Sources. Close to stormy, Daniels have now confirmed that someone from the Academy, of Motion Pictures, production, team has in fact reached out to stormy, late last week asking, for permission, to use the now infamous, 2006. Picture, of Trump and stormy, partying, in the Gulf clubhouse, although. It's unclear if the image would be integrated, as part of Jimmy Kimmel's, opening monologue or, drawn out as part of an ongoing attack, against, our president it's. Not yet known if Daniels, has approved of the use of the picture or the narrative as of this morning now. Let me get this straight, Hollywood. Who has plagued with pedophiles, and child rapists, is trying to take president, Trump to task because of an alleged affair he had back in 2006. Over. 12 years ago but, at the same time they, are silent, on former, President, Bill Clinton and, his proven indiscretions. In the Oval Office and the accusations he, has had of rape then. Hollywood, asks, why us normal, folk don't want to shed out any money to watch their garbage anymore hey. Hollywood here's, a thought how, about you contact, stormy, Daniels but, you also add Juanita. Broderick to your Call list because. Although trump's alleged affair, from 12 years ago was consensual, what. Bill Clinton is being accused of doing - Juanita Broderick. Wasn't, Breitbart. Washington. DC while, the Washington, Post was busy putting the finishing touches on, the release of a video in which Donald Trump boasted about hitting, on women one, needs a Broderick, was in town at the historic, Watergate, Hotel where, she repeatedly, broke down in tears during a powerful video interview. Exclusive, to Breitbart, news recounting. What she described, as the life-changing, experience, of being raped by Bill Clinton. Trembling. Broderick, explained, that she is still afraid of Bill Clinton, and asserted that she is frightened, by the prospect, of Hillary Clinton, winning the election, she, described, the alleged rape in vivid detail providing. The most extensive, window yet into the singular, event that she says left her traumatized, until today in one.

Dramatic Scene, a sobbing, Broderick, was embraced. Consoled by another alleged Clinton, sexual, assault victim, Kathleen, Willey who, was present for the filming Willy. Tells The Crying broderick, it's not your fault okay it's, not your fault it's, not your fault you, didn't do anything wrong you. Didn't do anything wrong okay. Okay. While. The news media shifted, focus to Trump's lewd sexual banter, caught on a hot mic in 2005. Broderick. And Willie were in our nation's capitol, to discuss how their lives were devastated, by their respective experiences, with, the Clintons, they, also emphatically. Warned, about what a Hillary Clinton presidency. Could mean for women in general the Clintons, perceived, enemies, in particular, Broderick. Spoke, to this reporter, in an exclusive, video interview. For Breitbart, news filmed, in the presidential, suite of the Watergate Hotel, the, recording, is Broderick's, most revealing interview, to date about the specifics, of the alleged rapes, here. Is a partial transcript. Of the exchange. Broderick. And then, as he points over my shoulder he grabs me and turns me to him and that, was a shock and I, tried to push him away and I, only weighed about 120. Pounds at that time he. Was a very large man and I, kept telling him no, I don't. Want this at all and he. Grabbed me again very, forcefully, and started. Biting on my top lip and this, was extremely, painful I thought, he was going to bite my lip off and that's, when he pushed me back onto the bed climb. He, bit you at the top of your lip he, pushed you onto the bed and then, what happened, Broderick. It's been so long and it is just so hard to go into I need, to stop crying. Broderick. You, know, why, why. Is it still so painful, crying. Klein. What, is going through your mind right now, Broderick. That, I am afraid of him Klein. You are still afraid of him Broderick. Yes. That. I am still afraid especially, if. She becomes president and I, know it's looking that way so. It's frightening Aaron it's. Frightening, I was. Completely, dressed, I had, a skirt and a blouse he. Tore the waist of my skirt and then, he ripped my pantyhose and he, raped me it was, very vicious, I was, just pinned down I did, not know what to do I was so frightened, I was only 35, at the time and it, was horrible I just, wanted it to be over with so. He would go away, climb. He, got up, broderick, know he, held me down for a long time and then, he did it again I was, so ready for him to leave me alone when. He started raping me again and it, was very brief and he, did get up and he straightened, himself and, my, mouth was bleeding and it was hurting and he, just straightens, himself, and goes to the door climb. With you still on the bed, broderick, yes, crying. He, straightens, himself, and he goes to the door and puts, on his sunglasses and, tells. Me to get some ice on that on my list and goes. At the door he. Would push down on my left clavicle and it hurts so much I thought my clavicle, was gonna break and my, lip was just ballooning, out four times the size that it should have been climb. While he was raping you, broderick, yes, HD. TMZ. Dear. Patriots please, subscribe, to our patriotic, channel, like, and share this video so your friends, can see it thank. You breaking. Huge, billboards, popped up all around anti-trump. Oscars stars, are irate just. Days before the, Academy, Awards ceremony is set to be held a self-proclaimed. Conservative provocateur. Known by the name of Sabo, took aim at the leftists, in Hollywood, this, is the first Academy, Awards ceremony to, be held since, allegations, of rampant, sexual harassment. Assault, rape, and even, pedophilia, emerged, giving rise to the hashtag me to movement, Sabo. Is making his bold statement, just a few miles away from the Dolby theater while giving, a nod to the seven times Oscar, nominated, three billboards, outside, ebbing, Missouri a movie that tells the story of a mother seeking, accountability. For her daughter's rape and murder after local law enforcement failed. To solve the crime in the. Movie the mother purchases, three different billboards, that convey a very pointed, message, reading raped. While dying and still. No arrests. How, come chief Willoughby, using. A similar format of black text, on a field of red the, street artist hijacked, three separate, billboards, in Hollywood, to deliver his stinging message to Hollywood, Predators, say. Bo's version, reads - and the. Oscar for biggest betta file goes - according. To The Hollywood Reporter -. Until. The artist who goes by the name Sabo took, over the signage early Wednesday the billboards, were legitimate, advertisements.

Sabo. Manufactured. Fake overlays, measuring, as large as 48 feet across by 14, feet high and hired a crew of six men to help with installation he. Told The Hollywood Reporter. The first, of the three massive signs appeared, near the corner of Wilshire Boulevard, and La Brea Avenue in, Hollywood, and another was a few hundred yards north, still, another appeared, a few hundred, yards from that one mimicking. The arrangement, in the film where, three signs appeared, in a row alongside a highway, Sabo. Has posted, though as attacking Hollywood, on other occasions, but he said he considers, the hijacking, of three giant, billboards, on a single, day his largest mission, yet the, last time he took over a billboard was in November, when he altered, a sign for the greatest showman to make it appear like senator, Al Franken was, grabbing at zendaya who, starred as a trapeze artist in, the movie, Franken. A former, Saturday, Night Live actor, has, since resigned, from the Senate amid allegations that. He sexually harassed women, and nearly, 100, other men in the entertainment industry, also, have been publicly, accused, of sexual, misconduct since. Claims were made against, Harvey Weinstein, nearly, five months ago Sabo. Says his signage, is meant to criticize those who allegedly, enabled, sexual, harassment, with their silence, and to tell celebrities, they should refrain from preaching during, their Oscar, acceptance speeches. For, this one year at least, three. Billboards, the movie is considered. A frontrunner, for best pitch at Sunday's Oscars, which will be held at the Dolby theater a few miles from where Sabo took over the three signs Wednesday. Actors. Like Corey Feldman have, long warned, of the predatory, an even, pedophilic, nature of Hollywood. He, has been scoffed at and dismissed for years most notably by longtime News personality. Barbara Walters who dismissed, Feldman's, claims, admonishing. Him instead, stating. You're damaging, an entire industry, to. His credit Feldman. Has not been silent, unlike, much of the rest of Hollywood. Instead. Feldman. Went public and revealed several of his accused abusers, last year citing, John Grissom, former, talent manager, Marty vise and Alfie. Hoffman, who was the son of the high-power producer, Hoffman. Ran the trendy soda pop Club in the 1980s. And Feldman claims rampant, harassment, and assaults, took place at the club during that time, Feldman. States, there were a total of six abusers, in wall noting. One is still an a-list actor who wields a considerable, amount of influence, Feldman. Has also indicated a fear that this actor might have him killed should Feldman, choose to name him he, also states, his best friend and fellow child star, Corey, Haim received, even worse abuse than he did Haim, eventually, committed suicide, as a result of addiction, issues he used to deal with the abuse, Feldman. Appeared on Nightline, in 2011. And said of Hollywood, the number one problem, in Hollywood, was and is and always will be pedophilia, dot that's the biggest problem for children in this industry it's. The big secret, last. Year at the height of the controversy. Surrounding, the rampant sexual abuse, in Hollywood, a documentary. Was made called an open secret that detailed significant. Child abuse, in the industry, the, creators, of the movie failed to obtain distributors. Or wider lease and simply, posted, the film online for free feeling it's message was too important, however. As many, already know and as Feldman, has repeatedly, stated the abuse was widely known and swept under the rug it seems. The industry's, unwillingness, to acknowledge or, even address the problem has done a significant. Amount more damage than Feldman's, refusal, to be silent, ever could the, refusal to expose the disgusting, animals that prey on those weaker, than themselves is in and of itself the form of evil God, will not hold them blameless, for their silence as silence, in the face of evil, is complicity, not. To act is to speak choosing. Not to act isn't itself, an action many. Feel the hashtag, me to movement is simply many speaking, up now because it is now safe to do so where by their very silence, aloud this repulsive disgusting an. Outright, repugnant, behavior to continue, allowing. Others to continue, to be victimized, and those that chose to speak, out to be villainized, and ostracized, for daring to speak up, they, had the power to speak up and to stop this long ago they. Chose their careers and fame instead, yet. Now they proclaim to one and all how they must live and how they believe in using their platforms, to speak on any number of issues they, deem in importance such, as abortion, free, birth control gun. Control feminism. Animal. Rights, environmental. Issues and many, others, yet.

When It was truly and fundamentally. Vital to someone's innocence, health, well-being, and, literal, survival they. Chose to remain silent, that. Silence, has spoken louder than any hashtag, me to movement ever could, it seems Sabo heard their silence, loud and clear and is refusing to allow their crimes to go unanswered and unaccounted, for dear. Patriots, please, subscribe, to our patriotic, channel like, and share this video so your friends can see it thank. You breaking. Trump's, disgraced staff or just sold what she secretly took from him $4 10 meal White. House communications director, hope, Hicks one, of President Donald Trump's most trusted, and longest-serving. Aides abruptly. Announced her resignation Wednesday. Leaving, a void around a president, who values, loyalty much. Speculation, is surrounding, the rather abrupt, departure of, the soon-to-be, former White House communications director. Though. She has not even vacated, the West Wing yet she, is said to be receiving offers by the truckload, promising, eight figure paydays if she is willing to go on the record to provide juicy, insider details, of the inner workings of the Trump administration to, powerful publishers, and producers, eager for, before. The ink was even dry on Hicks resignation. Just, one day after her so-called white lies testimony. Before the House Intelligence Committee, one, of New York City's publishing. House editors, was attempting, to contact pigs to make her an offer she couldn't refuse -, ten million dollars, to write a candid, truthful. Sensitive. Tell-all about her life in Trump land the good the bad and the ugly a high, profile, literary, agent, from New York City, Eric, Meyers stated, Hicks could easily get a ten million dollars, advance if she really did promise to throw the office doors wide open until, all then. Came a female, Hollywood, producer, screenwriter with, yet another high-dollar offer dot and the parade offers, began with difference variations, of the same question, what, would it take to do your story as a ministerial, on, the big screen I can, get the financing like. Tomorrow and make, you rich and even more famous you, have an incredible, story let's. Talk White. House insiders, speak of Hicks time at the White House noting, that should the 29 year old decide to spoil all she would be an incredible, resource due, to the detailed diary she, kept of her time in the White House in a, statement President. Trump praised Hicks for her work over the last three years saying. He will miss having her by my side many. Producers, and publishers, have stated if she should decide to publish it may be prudent for Hicks to hold an auction thus, allowing Hicks to walk away with an agreement to keep some 15% of the total sales White. House insiders, are conflicted, with some reporting, Hicks has decided, to publish a tell-all memoir and, others citing, Hicks unquestioning. Loyalty to, the Trump administration and. Her long-standing friendship. With President, Donald Trump himself as reasons, she will not do so White. House insiders, speaker fakes time at the White House noting, that should the 29 year-old decide to spoil all she would be an incredible, resource due, to the detailed diary she kept of her time in the White House, one publishing, executive stated. Of Hicks next.

To Ivanka, and Melania, hope, is the woman closest, to the president she, knows all the secrets all the foibles all the quirks. Tweet. White. House communications director, hope, Hicks one, of President Donald Trump's, most trusted, and longest-serving. Aides abruptly. Announced her resignation Wednesday. Leaving. A void around a president, who values, loyalty much. Speculation is, surrounding, the rather abrupt, departure of, the soon-to-be, former White House communications director. Though. She has not even vacated, the West Wing yet she, is said to be receiving offers by the truckload, promising, eight figure paydays if she is willing to go on the record to provide juicy insider details, of the inner workings, of the Trump administration to, powerful publishers, and producers, eager for dirt before. The ink was even dry on Hicks resignation. Just, one day after her so-called White Lies testimony. Before the House Intelligence Committee. One, of New York City's publishing, house editors, was attempting, to contact pics to make her an offer she couldn't refuse -, ten million dollars, to write a candid, truthful. Sensitive. Tell-all about her life in Trump land the good the bad and the ugly the. High-profile, literary, agent, from New York City, Eric, Meyers stated, Hicks could easily get a ten million dollars, advance if she, really did promise to throw the office doors wide open until, all then. Came a female, Hollywood, producer, screenwriter with, yet another high, dollar offered dot and the parade offers began with difference variations, of the same question, what, would it take to do your story as a miniseries, or on the big screen I can, get the financing, like, tomorrow and make, you rich and even more famous you, have an incredible, story let's. Talk White. House insiders, speaka fix time at the White House noting, that she'd the 29 year old decide to spoil all she would be an incredible, resource due, to the detailed, diary she kept of her time in the White House in a, statement President. Trump praised Hicks for her work over the last three years saying. He will miss having her by my side many. Producers and publishers, have stated if she should decide to publish it may be prudent for Hicks to hold an auction thus, allowing Hicks to walk away with an agreement to keep some 15%. Of the total sales White. House insiders, are conflicted, with some reporting, Hicks has decided to publish a tell-all memoir and, others citing Hicks unquestioning. Loyalty to, the Trump administration and, her long-standing friendship. With President, Donald Trump himself as reasons, she will not do so White. House insiders, speaka fakes time at the White House noting, that she'd the 29 year old decide to spoil all she would be an incredible, resource due, to the detailed, diary she kept of her time in the White House 1, publishing, executive stated. Of Hicks next. To Ivanka, and Melania hope, is the woman closest, to the president, she, knows all the secrets all the foibles all the quirks, former. Communications. Director hope, Hicks has been offered, a $10,000,000, book deal upon her exit from the White House President. Trump has had multiple communications. Directors, in 400, some odd days in office with 10 yrs lasting, from just 10 days with the infamous Anthony scare Messiah - Hicks herself, lasting, just over, 170. Days Sean. Spicer served, in the Trump administration as, press secretary and, he recently announced, his own plans for a tell-all book of the happenings, in the west wing of his own Hicks, resigned, on Wednesday, after, serving in the Trump administration since. The beginning of his presidency though. Spicer, definitely, will have the dibs on some insider info, even, more highly anticipated. As James commis book a higher honor truth, lies, and leadership, do to come out in mid-april given. The accusations of. Perjury against, Comey during his testimony, before Congress and, the leaking of memos to the Press by commis friend at commis direction, as well, as the criminality of the conduct, of the FBI itself, during commis leadership, too near there as much speculation as, to just how truthful commis, book will be the, book currently has a lengthy, list of back orders in anticipation, of its release date, Trump's.

First Campaign, manager, Corey lavond. Offski, recently. Published a book that President Trump had high praise for lavond. Offski, also is said to have briefly dated Hicks during, the campaign while he was said to have been married to another woman, Hicks, also, dated accused spousal battery and former, staff secretary. Rob Porter, publishers. Already contacting. Hicks about book deal. One. Thing is certain about Hicks is she knows how to keep her mouth shut when she chooses to do so during, her time in the Trump administration's, communications. Department. Hicks rarely, gave interviews or. Even on the record statements, to the press this. Has caused the press to develop a rather devoted, interest, in getting her to open up and talk however. Many, are certain, that she will not risk her relationship. With President Trump to do so Hicks. Said in a statement there, are no words to adequately express, my gratitude to, President, Trump she. Added she wished Trump and his administration the. Very best, before. Wednesday's, announcement Hicks. Had not been happy for some time according. To two people with knowledge of her thinking who were not authorized, to discuss the matter publicly, one, person, said Hicks had been increasingly, feeling, the stress of the position, the. Daily Mail reports of an unnamed, White House insider, as a source stating. - the thing is hopes one of Donald Trump's most loyal colleagues, and friends she, is not one to destroy that relationship. And she is certainly under, some sort of non-disclosure. Agreement. Moreover. The, various investigations, by the special, Council and Congress, could target her so, she has to be very careful, about jumping into any deals, one. Literary, agent, who has represented Pulitzer, Prize winning journalists. Told the mail that many in the entertainment, and media industries. See Hicks's story as a political, blockbuster, citing, Michel Wolf's fire and fury inside. The Trump White House as an example, Wolf's. Book which has been criticized, as inaccurate in parts nevertheless, was, widely popular on, its release in January with. Sales of the book topping, 1.7. Million the. Agent, stated of Wolf's antics Michael. Wolfe with his unauthorized tell-all. Has sold something like, 900,000. Books and it's, made him a millionaire even. Though there's been questions about some of his reporting, believe. Me when I say that the publishing worlds, in Hollywood, are in a state of excitement over getting her to agree and sign on the dotted line I'd kill, to have her as my client, dear, Patriots please, subscribe, to our patriotic, channel, like, and share this video so you friends can see it Thank, You Kimmel. Was warned about bashing Trump, but didn't listen now, look what just happened, another. Celebrity ego, stroking awards show took place Sunday, night and like all other celebrity, gatherings, to honor each other they, centered the show around bashing, President, Donald Trump this, is expected in Liberal Hollywood, since stage presence, always seems, to present, the opportunity, to cause political chaos in front of the entire country. However. The, hateful hosts of the evening, Jimmy Kimmel was warned about trashing Trump, but he couldn't resist considering. All his material, is aimed at making fun of the president that proved, to be a really bad move for. As much as these celebrities. Hate the president, they sure do like using his name to get attention on themselves and increased their popularity. Late-night. Show host Jimmy Kimmel has, made his own show all about his nemesis, and his stage time at the Oscars, was no different, he, should be thanking Trump for giving him someone or something, to talk about since, it's hard to know what Kimmel's nightly act would consist of otherwise, the.

Supposed Funny man is laughing, now after, he couldn't get creative, with a new script and refused to be respectful, on stage at the Academy, Awards about our president the. Latest trend among celebrities isn't, one that's good for them no. Matter how many times proof that trashing, President Trump doesn't end well they just can't seem to help themselves, and suffer, the consequences, each time Kimmel. Is the latest to be bitten by the Trump curse and it couldn't have happened to a more deserving person, especially. After his huge admission, he made on stage that many people missed. Breitbart. Reports, the. Ratings for Sunday night's telecast, of the 90th annual Academy. Awards collapsed. By a whopping 16%, which. It would mean an all-time, low according. To early estimates. Variety. Reports that, the 8:00 p.m. to, 11 p.m. portion, of ABC's, telecast. Averaged, an 18.9. Household. Rating in 32, Sheeran Nielsen's metered market, overnight ratings, that's, down about 16%, from, the 22.5. 37. Rating generated, by the 2017. Oscars. According. To Deadline the, 18.9. Appears, to be an all-time low for the oscars below, the previous low ratings, point for the oscars logged, with the 2008. Telecast. 21.9. The. Ratings will be updated, once all the numbers are in but if past is prologue, those, numbers will not change much either way, the, writing was on the wall for this ratings catastrophe. All year almost. Every other awards, show suffered, massive audience erosion, and there was no movie nominated, for Best Picture for, anyone to root for seven. Of the nine nominees, averaged, just 47. Million dollars, at the box office, which, means only about 5 million people saw them bringing. Jimmy, Kimmel back for another round as hosts was also a big mistake Kimmel. Is one of the most divisive and polarizing, figures, in the country a trump, hating Democrat who regularly lectures. The rest of us about embracing, socialized, medicine and, giving up our guns with. Cumulus, hosts the, academy, basically, told 50%. Of the country to go watch something, else the. Entire season of the NFL was at record low ratings the, Super Bowl as well as the Winter Olympics, viewership this, year all of which caused by stars abusing, their public platforms, to bash Trump and deepen the divide in our country, it's, a consistent consequence.

Handed Down to these elitists, by fed up Americans, who aren't putting up with it anymore, celebrities. Get paid to act play, sing, or, entertain, in some way not, push an agenda for one side and discredit, our president, they, shouldn't benefit, from it when they do not. Only did Kimmel kill his act with all the anti Trump talk he, also slipped and made an admission that could very well destroy, what's, left of his career without, realizing, what he was really saying his. Act was bland and boring which, many expected, but what made it worse was a joke he made about Vice President, Mike Pence Ben. Shapiro for, The Daily wire reports. Noting. That many of the nominated, films were seen by virtually, no one Kimmel. Stated that's not the point, we, don't make films like call me by your name for money we, make them to upset, Mike Pence call. Me by your name the gay seduction, story between a 24, year old and a 17 year old when. I wrote primetime, propaganda the. True Hollywood story, of Heather left took over your TV back in 2011, I interviewed. Dozens of Hollywood insiders. Show, creators, writers. Producers. And executives. Many. Of them admitted outright, that they purposefully, stacked their shows with leftist. Messages, a few, even said that they openly discriminated. Against conservatives. In their business but, nearly all of them excused, such discrimination. By claiming, that they were responding, to the market they explained, that their leftist, content, is what Americans, wanted to watch and that their ratings were evidence that they weren't just propagandists. Obviously. Their excuse, is not true since real ratings, prove just the opposite, it's, not likely that were the facts and the figures that they will change course from their message we've, already seen, that they won't and simply don't care if people stop, watching they, think it's fun to laugh among, themselves that they pissed off Mike Vince with their movie or comments, the, purpose, of what they're saying and what they're trying to do with their divisive, message, is clearly more important, to them than anything. You.

2018-03-07 04:23

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F!! Hollywood! ;) they utilize the weapons!... they are protesting about! That my friends qualifies as CRAZY!!...doesn't it?

the only security risk, is a celebrity's mouth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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