Botswana Warm First Impressions vA 140

Botswana Warm First Impressions  vA 140

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Kazungula Border, Zambia/Botswana - How are you? - Good. How are you? - I'm good. - Ah? - You are crossing? - Yes, I'm crossing. - I'm selling some pulas. - It's okay. I'll change it on the other side. - No. They are not changing on that side, my brother.

- ...kwachas. - No, no. I'll change it on the other side. - No. No people change money on the other side, boss. We can't cheat you. - I never change it before.

I always change after crossing. - No. - No, no, no, no, no, no. - There are no people who will change... - If I cannot change... - ...your money. - ...I don't change. It doesn't matter. - ...boss. - No, no. - They don't accept kwachas on that side, big man. - It's okay. I have a credit card.

I can pay by card. - My brother, remaining kwachas? - Hello! No, it's okay. No, no. I'll change it on the other side. - Oh, no. They can't… They don't change. - They don't change? Oh, yes.

They always change. - How was Zambia? - Yeah, very good. Very good. Yes. - Yeah. - Yeah. It was very nice. We are now exiting Zambia. Zambia was very nice. Bye-bye, Zambia. And thank you very much.

It was a very pleasant ride across the country. Lovely people in Zambia. Hello. Look at this beautiful bridge, guys! Oh, putain. Oh! Oh my God. Look at that. Look at those holes.

What the hell? The mighty Zambezi River. Let's stop, have a look at the river. It's the third or the fourth biggest river in Africa.

Look at the Zambezi River. So this is Zambia. This way, it goes down to Victoria Falls, Mosi-oa-Tunya. This is Zimbabwe. And let's cross the road. Let's go on the other side. Look at this African beauty, guys. And this is Zambia again. This way, the island. This is Namibia, and this is Botswana.

We are at the only quadruple border in the world. Four countries meet here, in the middle of this bridge. And there is a hippo. It's probably too far for you. But there is a hippo just down there. Welcome to Border Botswana! Passenger vehicles.

Ah, putain. I go this way? - Yeah. - Hopefully, it's not too deep. Hello. - Hi. - I continue? Ah? - Come off and do something. - Come? - Come off. Oh, I need to put my feet here. - Yeah.

- Just like that? - Yeah. Go to the left, to building #23. - Building #23? - Yeah. - To the what? - Go to building number #23. Then, you'll go to the tall building. - Okay.

23 is what? Health check? - Yeah. - Okay. Thank you! Have a good day. - How are you? - Good. How are you? - Good. And yourself? - Very good. - That's great. - Hm? - I'm saying that's great of you. - Yes, that's great. - You are good. I'm good also. - Yes! - If you're not good, I'm not good also.

- We are all good? That's good. - How far are you going? - Cape Town. - Cape Town? - Yes. - From where? - From France. - So on average, how many kilometers do you ride? - In one day? - Yes. - 90, 100. On average, probably 90. - 90. Yes... So today, where are you going to? - Today, I'm just staying in Kasane.

- Okay. So then, tomorrow morning, you... - Tomorrow. Then... Yes. Then it's a long way to Nata. - Nata or Panda? Nata is 300 kilometers. - Yeah, so it's three days for me. - Okay, which means, for now, you are going to... I mean, tomorrow, you'll go up to Panda, which is 100 kilometers. - Panda? - Yeah. - Okay. - You go there. - And... Okay. - Then after that... - Panda is the last town before Nata? - Yeah, it's the last town before Nata.

- Before Nata? - Yeah. - Okay. - Which means now, after... Tomorrow, you'll be riding from here... - To Panda. - To Panda. - Yes. - Then from Panda to Nata, it will be 200 kilometers. - 200. And there is nothing, no? - And there's no village there. - There is no village? - Yeah. - There is no... Is there a petrol station or something like that on the way?

No. - No, no, no. - Nothing? - Nothing. - There's no electricity on the way, no? - No, nothing. - Okay. 200 kilometers? - Yeah. Is it charging or...? - It's electric. Yes. That's why I need... But I have two batteries. - Okay. - So it depends.

If it's flat, maybe I can do 200 kilometers without charging, but... Not sure. It will be a little bit hard, but... - But I don't think there's... Unless… When you rest a day today, make the other battery full. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Almost all of them... - Yeah. - that the other reserve... - And in Panda, there's electricity, no?

Yeah, okay. - Yeah, in Panda, there's electricity. - Okay. But from Panda to... - To Nata. - Nata, nothing? - There's no village. - No village. - Yeah. - So no electricity. - No electricity. - Okay. Ah, it will be interesting. - Then, on average, how many kilometers per hour does this...? - I do like 20 km/h on average. - 20. - If it's flat, 20 km/h.

- So what about the...? What do you call the...? The wild animals. Are you not afraid of them? - I have… I have to... That's the way it is. They are here, so... - Because... - This morning, I met some elephants. - Because from... - There is a lot, no? A lot of elephants, no? - Yeah.

From here... I mean from Kasane to Nata, a lot of wild animals. - A lot of wild animals? - Yeah. - From Kasane to Nata. Okay. - Yeah. - Okay. I guess if I meet elephants, I just have to stay far. - Yes. - And then, after they go, I can go.

- What about the lions? - The lions I never met, so I... I'll see. If I meet, I'll see. I'll see what happens. - Okay. Because it might be possible for you to meet the lions… - Yeah. Maybe I'll meet the lions. Yeah. - …and other... The hyenas. - Hyenas. Yeah. - The wild dogs. - Yeah. - Yeah. - If I meet them... Usually, they don't attack humans, so... I'll just hope that they won't attack me.

But I cannot do much more than that. Yeah. - Yeah. Okay. Okay. But if there's anything at all, obviously, the car drivers will warn you. - Yes, yes. - If there's something to be mindful of. - They will warn me.

Yeah, yeah. They will tell me. - Okay. - Yeah, yeah. - Okay. - I'll see. Hopefully, it will be fine. - Okay. - I will see. - Now thank you very much. - Okay. The border is there.

This big building, no? - This big building. - Okay. - So you're just riding without GPS or you have... - No, I have it on the phone. - Okay, okay, okay. - On the phone. Yes. Okay. - Okay. - Thank you! - Now thank you very much.

I want to see... - Have a nice day! - So, you have... But you are saying it's a... - Yes, it's... The motor just helps. - Okay. - It's just an assistance. - Okay. - So it helps me go a little bit faster. But still, it's a bicycle. - Okay. - It's like a bicycle. - Okay. If you get tired, you use it electrically. - No, no. There is no throttle. - Okay. - It's just that it...

It's like if you push me all the time. - Okay. - It's just a small help. Have a good day! - You and your bicycle. - Yes. (Passport stamped) - Nice bike! - Thank you! - Hello! - Hello! - How are you? - Good.

How are you? - Where are you going? - I'm going to Kasane. - All the way from France. - Have you stamped your passport? - Yes. - Let me see. - Thank you.

- Okay. My brother, now that has to pass through the scan. - Through the scan? Okay. - Yeah, through that scan. Put your bags in the scan. - All the bags? Okay. Where is the scan? - One of those streets. - Okay.

Hello. - How are you? Hello. - Good. How are you? - Good. - Apparently, I need to scan my bags. - Okay, are you able to walk? - Yeah, yeah. I can walk. Yeah. - Okay. - This thing is electric? - Yes, it's electric. - So how many kilometers do you cover per hour? - About 20 km/h. Average speed. (Bags scanned) - Where are you going? - Kasane. - Where in Kasane?

- Nxabii Cottages, something like that. Just the first part of Kasane not the one... This one. - Okay. Beware of vehicles on the way. - Ah? - You should be careful of vehicles. - Oh, yeah! - Yeah. - Okay, I will. - Is it nice to ride it? - Yeah. It's very nice to ride it. Yeah. - Is it? - It's very pleasant. - But for me, because of the way it's designed, maybe if this was somewhere here, like the normal one that we know...

- Yeah. - But then you have to stretch your legs. - Yeah. You have to stretch your legs. Yeah. Yeah. It would be... - But the chair is so comfortable. - Yeah, it's very comfortable. It's more comfortable than a normal bicycle.

- Where did you buy it? - In Europe. - Europe? - Yeah. - So you came with it. - Yes. - Are you for real? - Yes, I'm for real. - Okay. It reminds me of the ones that are used mostly in China. - In China? - They use bicycles more often. - Yeah, it's true. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's true.

Do I have...? - Yeah, okay. - Okay. - Yeah. - Well, all right. - Have a good day then. Yeah. - All the way from where? - From France! - From France? - Yes. - When did you enter Zambia? - Zambia? Two months ago. - Now you're going back to France? - No, I'm going to Cape Town. - Cape Town? - Yes. - You're getting a flight for...? - No, no. I cycle.

- Can I see your passport? - Yes. - Yeah. - There you go. Yeah. I go with this to Cape Town. - Ah? - So from France, you came with your cycle. - Yes. - That's a motor or it's just...? - It's electric. Yeah, it has a motor.

- Oh, okay. It's nice. - Okay, okay. When did you leave France? And which country was...? - Three years ago I left. - Three years? - Yes. - Cycling? - Yes. - All right. - And I crossed Europe, the Middle East, and from Egypt all the way to here. - Okay, now you go to France? - No, I go to Cape Town now.

- Cape Town? - Yes. - With this? - With this. Yes. - Okay. Yeah, it's okay. - Okay. - Yeah. - Have a good day! - Yeah. You too. - Thank you! - Bye. Have a safe journey. - Thank you very much! - Yeah. - Where are you from now? - Now? From Livingstone. Today. - Today? - Yes.

- What time did you leave that side? - Ah? - What time did you leave? - I left at about 10 o'clock this morning. - 10 o'clock this morning? - Yes. Quarter to 10, I think I left from Livingstone. - From Livingstone? - Yes. Yeah. It's flat, so it's okay. It's not too hard. - Okay.

- Have a good day! - Yeah! - And we are in Botswana, guys! Yes! Oh, it's always good to go to a new country. Botswana, famous for being an African success story. A country that is very well... Well, that is... I mean, at least for the reputation I have for Botswana, a country that is very well run and that is working well. First thing, I think I'll have electricity here because, in Zambia, it was becoming a disaster. They were having...

In Livingstone, it was 12 hours of no electricity, six hours of electricity, and on and on. Always like this, so... You had electricity only one-third of the time, which is quite problematic.

Oh, there are warthogs there. - Yeah, yeah, yeah! - Yeah! Hello, hello, hello! A lot of shops. That's quite good for my provisions for the coming rides. Hello.

- Hello. - Hello! Nxabii Cottages. That's where I intend to go. Ay-ay-ay, come on. Okay, so it's supposed to be here. I don't know where it is.

Let's not leave the bike in the middle of the way. Oh, it's down there. It's down there. There is a sign there.

The sand is already too fine for me here. Allez. Nxabii.

Hello? Hello. - Hi. - Do you have rooms here? - Yeah. - Yeah? I go to the reception? - Yeah, you go... - Okay. Thank you! Thank you. - You've been cycling that? - Ah? Yes, I've been cycling that. Yeah. - Hello! - Hello! - How are you? - Good. How are you? - I'm good. - Oh! - Finally? - Yes, finally.

Do you have rooms? No? You're full? - We are full. Where are you coming from? - Livingstone today. - You are going where? - Today, Kasane. I'm going to Cape Town.

- We don't have a room, but we can pitch a tent for you. - Ah, okay, but... Yeah, I prefer a room. - You prefer a room. - Yes. - But we are fully booked. - Okay. - We only have a... Thank you. We only have a room in Kasane. - Oh, in Kasane. Yeah. But it's 10 kilometers. - It's too far.

- It's too far. Yeah. Do you know a place that has rooms here? - Try... - Around here. - You can even walk. You can leave your... - My bike here? - You can leave your bike. It's... - Downstairs? - No, no, no. You just go right around, straight. Two minutes from here, on your left, you will see R&H. - R&H? - Yeah, R&H.

Ay, get it to me. - It's good? - I don't know. You can check the rooms. - Okay. - Yeah. You don't have... - Okay. - book in. You can just check the rooms. - Yeah, okay. - Yeah. - Okay, thank you. - Your bike is safe here. - Yeah. Yeah, but okay. Well, I'll take it still, I think. - Oh, you take it. Okay. But just for... Right there, around. Try it.

- It's this way behind the house? - Yeah. Shame. Sorry, we don't have a room. - Yeah, I know it's high season here. Yeah. Thank you! - You're welcome. - Left. Turn. - Left? Okay. I just need to pass the sand. Yes. Thank you. Maybe I can ride it here. - Yeah. - I mean, it's less soft. - Watch these...

- Oh, here it's okay. Good. - You see these two trucks there. - The trucks? - Yeah, these two trucks. - Yes. - Yes. - Oh, that's there? - Yeah. - Okay, thank you very much. Thank you. - Hello. - Hello. - Yeah. - How are you? - I'm good. And you? - Good, good. - Yeah. - Oh, putain.

Hello! - Hi. - Hi! - Hello. - Hello. Do you have rooms here? - You need a room? - Yes. - Let me ask her first. - Okay. - Two minutes, I'll be... - Okay, thank you. Ah, putain. Ah, what the f***? - Yes, we have. - Yes? For how much?

- This one is 600. That one is 500, but I'm still fixing it. - Okay. So which one is 600? - This one. - Okay. - The discount is 550 ($40). - 550. So that's... Oh, nice. There is Wi-Fi? - Yes. - There's AC? - Yes. - Okay. The... It's not like in Zambia. You have electricity all the time here, no? - No, electricity is always here.

- Always here? - Yes. - Okay. Yeah, it's okay. It's good for me. - Okay. - I can pay by card? - Yes. - Yes? Okay. Because right now, I need to go to withdraw money.

I just came from Zambia, so I don't have money. - Okay. - But I have a card. And this is my beautiful room, guys. You see, I have a nice bed. A nice desk also. My things are here. All my bags are here as well. All the bags. All the bags here, there in the corner. A nice bathroom as well. Very clean.

The sink, myself with an indoor camera. And yeah, the shower is working properly. That's fantastic. Nice arrival. So this room, I paid... Yeah, $40. Yeah. Botswana is kind of expensive.

So I expected that. Let's go to see how it is in downtown, guys. A very quiet small town. Hello.

And I forgot to mention, of course. Man, there is now 24/7 electricity. Zambia is completely crazy for that. I'm back in the modern world. No need to ask if there is electricity or not when I arrive in the guest house.

- What's up, man? - Hello! How are you? - I wanna fix your hair tomorrow. - Ah? - When you're done with the call, come here. I'll fix your hair. - When I'm... Oh, my hair! - Your hair. Yeah, man. - No, it's okay. I got my haircut recently. - Like recently... Holler at me now, man. - Ah?

- Just holler at me when you're done with what you're doing. - Okay! - Wait, man. - So you want to cut my hair? - Yeah, man. I wanna hairdress you, man. - You wanna hairdress me? - What's your name, man? - My name is Yves. - Yves? - Yes. - I'm Jackson, man.

- Jackson? - Yeah, man. - Nice to meet you. - Yeah. They call me "gangster" here. - That's your shop? - Yeah, man. - Okay, maybe I'll come. - When? - Maybe I'll come. I don't know.

One of those days, maybe I'll... - So, where are you from? - Maybe I'll come. Ah? - You're from? - France. - France? - Yes. - Yeah, man. Dang. From far, man. - You know how to cut the... - Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know this kind. - This kind of hair? - Yo, man. - Yeah? - We like you guys. You know that? - Okay. Okay. - You know that. - I thought...

It's... - Honestly. - Yeah. - So... You're saying you... - I'm going down because I just arrived in Botswana. So I need to get some cash, get some food, get a SIM card. - Where are you at? At the moment, where are you at? Like... - I stay just nearby in the guest house. - Comfort Palace, I think. - Yes.

- Comfort Palace? - No, no, no, no. A small one. Near Nxabii. - Nxabii. - Nxabii. - Nxabii, Nxabii. - Cottages. Nxabii Cottages. - Nxabii... Yo, yo. I get it. - Yeah. - You just arrived today? - Yeah, I arrived today. Yeah, from Zambia. - So how is it in Bots or, Africa? - Yeah, nice. It's my first... In Africa, it's been a long time. Yeah, it's nice. - Oh, yeah, yeah. - I enjoy Africa very much. - You guys, we like you guys.

You know what I'm saying? - Awesome. Thank you very much! Yeah. - Bless. - I'll try to come at some point. Yeah. - This one. - Enjoy your time, bro. - Thank you very much, man. Thank you! That sounds good. What welcome, guys, in Botswana! That's awesome. The...

Oh my God, the view is beautiful. The... Hey, there is electricity. I have 24/7 electricity now. Yeah, that's good. Fantastic. The start of my stay is being very nice. Everyone has been very... Quite reserved, but very friendly so far. Very, very friendly. So that's awesome. I'm happy to be for the first time in my life in Botswana. Look at this, guys. In the distance, you can see Zambezi, the mighty Zambezi River, and you can see the beautiful bridge also that we just crossed.

So there are just two restaurants here, two South African franchises. Let's go to Debonairs, which I never showed you, I think. Hello! - Hello. Is that a camera? - This is a camera. Yes. - Okay. - What do they have here? Hello! - Hi. - Can I get a barbecue chicken?

Large, please. And I'll get a Coke. - Coke? - Coca Cola. Yeah. - A can or...? - A can. This one. Yeah. - One? - Yes. Yeah, that's all. - How about extra cheese? - Hm? - Extra cheese? - Extra cheese? No, it's okay. Thank you. - 138. - Hm? - 138. - 138. Okay. - Ten minutes. - Thank you. Ten minutes. Okay. Thank you! Oh my God.

I'm dead. It's good to be back on the road. Botswana. So far, fantastic first impressions. Oh, lovely people. Lovely, lovely people. I'm really happy to be in Botswana. People are fantastic so far. Some good junk food. Look at this pizza. When I ride, always Coke.

I'm so hungry. It's not bad. See you for the next adventures. Ciao, guys. (Chobe National Park) - ...these guys are excellent swimmers. So, their tail works as a propeller. As you can see, it's just propelling the.. - A nice one.

- A giraffe. ...because it's on its own. - And those elephants.

2024-10-10 10:50

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