Boston University Virtual Event- Early Decision 2

Boston University Virtual Event- Early Decision 2

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Hello. Everybody I hope, you're excited to hear a little bit about Boston, University, thank you for joining us this evening my. Name is Tom kisara, I'm an assistant, director here, on the board of Admissions and, I'm very excited that you've come to join us to learn a little bit about early. Decision and applying to, our University, in, a little bit I'll be joined by two current. Students, who applied. Early decision and RNAV sophomores, at. The University, and they can tell you a little bit about their, experience, on campus what it was like for them when they were applying and you can hear a little bit about the student experience, before. Then I'm just going to talk a little bit about the, University overall, and the. Application, process so you have some background information before, our students, come, and join us, just. To start off a little bit more broadly. Boston. University, is, a school, that is made. Up of a bunch of schools and a bunch of opportunities where. Students can really, make. Their experience what they wanted to be, being. A city school we, are located, in the heart of Boston if, you can actually see on. The screen right there where our campus is located. When. Our campus is located right alongside the. Charles River and. This gives students a great opportunity to, get out into the city to, see the city and have that be a part of their, campus experience. While. Actually maintaining, and creating their, own community in, their dorms, and their clubs and. In their classroom, experiences, on campus. Over. 16,000. Different undergraduate. 16,000. Undergraduates, on-campus students. Really do have a lot of different ways that. They can be learning from each other and learning in the classroom, and at over 250. Different, academic programs, and, in, our ten different schools and colleges, everything, from our College of Arts and Sciences to. Our College of Communication, or. Question School of Business and. Many other schools that we have here. Diving. In a little. Bit to our application, process, here. At Boston University, the, ball the board of Admissions employs. A holistic, review. When we're reviewing your application if. You've been to other college. Information sessions, you may have heard this term before but. Basically it means that everything, that you send us is. Important, and is, considered, when we are looking over your application. Certainly. Your. App your academics, are the most important, part that, we will be considering, but. We are really looking to get to know our candidates, more personally, to through, there's more qualitative, pieces of our application, through things like your, personal, essays and the. Involvements. Of juju outside of the classroom, in, clubs organizations. Part-time. Jobs and. In the recommendation, letters that your guidance counselor teachers. Will, send to us all of these things really help us get to know you a little bit and. Help us to consider, the. Real personal, side of the application in addition to how well you've done, in. High, school and. We. Have students that come from really all, over the world when. We are looking at our application process, the, slide that I just pulled up now really, shows. Everywhere. That our applications, are, coming from we, have students that are applying from, all 50, states and, we have students that are applying from. Over 160, different countries all over the world and. This. Is really important to know that when we are looking at your application, we, know that the applications, are coming from all over the world and so, in our office the way that we are able to handle. That information. Is that we actually have different members of, the admissions board that, will handle different regions of the, country end-of-the-world. We're. Representatives, from the board of admission will go out each fall to, different high schools all. Over the country and all over the world to, meet with students some, of you if, any of you are coming from Maryland, or, the DC area I am, your representative, so you may have seen me at some of your high school visits, this, fall but, we have the. Board of Admissions all over the world for a few different months over the fall and this is so that we also get to know your high schools and get to know your guidance counselor's because.

Even, Though we will be looking at how well you've been doing in high school it's. Really in the context, of your high school that we will be evaluating. You and considering, your application. We know that different schools operate differently be. It through different. Levels of courses honors courses Advanced, Placement or AP courses. IB. Courses and we know that all of these opportunities vary, based on your high school and so we really want to get to know that before we dive into your application, and. Here's, just a little bit about where. Our freshman class that just entered this fall where they're coming from so, clearly. Because we're getting applications from, all over the world and all over the country our freshman class really, reflects this we, have students, from all 50. States represented. In, our freshman class um there's a little bit of breakdown, on this slide about where they're coming from in the country but. On campus, just. Ethnically, we do really have a diverse, class and that's something that we are really committed to here. At the University is making sure that students are really. Bringing. To light new perspectives, and, sharing them with their classmates both in the classroom and. Their dorm life and making. This really a part of the learning experience. And. We have students that also are first time college, students. When they're coming onto campus last, year we had 16, percent of our students who. Are first generation students. And so. When we're bringing students to campus we are really committed to diversity in a few different ways be, it ethnically. Socioeconomically. Geographically. But. Also based on your academic interest. And, the interest you have outside, of the classroom - I think, a typical bu, student is involved in a lot of different things on campus in. Addition, to having academic interests. Across, the university, given that we have so many different things to study and. So being a part of the vu community. Is really being a part of either diverse, community, where you're able to learn from one another learn in the classroom and. Really. Have your mindset broadened, over the four years that you're at you're here and our. Freshman class last, year came from came. In to different routes so, here today we're obviously here. To talk about early, decision, pathway. Um which. Last year took up about 35%. Of, the freshman class but. We have about two thirds of our class, also come in. Through the Regular Decision pool, last. Year we had about 3400. Students that entered their freshman class and this year we're looking to enroll a class of about 3,300. And. We also have a pretty sizable transfer. Population. As. Well. And. Just to clarify a little bit on my previous slide when. I was talking about first-generation, students. I just wanted to make sure we all understood, first-generation. Students, are, students who are here the, first, student. In their family who. Are coming, to a four-year, university and, will graduate with a bachelor's, degree, and. So. This population is something that we are really interested.

In Bringing to college campus because it means so much not only for them but for. Their family as. Well and we're making sure through our admissions, process that, we are supporting. Them and. Getting to know the. Different terminology, in the application, process making, sure they're well supported, not. Only in the application, process the one that are actually on campus they choose to enroll here as. Well. And so this is how you're. Able to you have any questions, during. This process you'll, be able to type it into your computer screen here and I'm able to enter. It either, now or you know later on throughout. The cycle throughout the winter if, you have questions on the application process, you can be sure to connect with us in a variety of different ways. Diving. Back in a little bit to. Our early decision. Plan. Early. Decision is a binding. Application. Decision and so you are able to do it only to one school and. So, by doing so you are giving, a big commitment, to. The university, that you are interested in them and. That you want to apply only. To that University really want to attend the screen, I just pulled up now is our profile of, our early decision, candidates, and, you. Can see here some various statistics. Based. On. What. Our average SAT and SAT scores. Were, for. Those students, on how many of, them applied and. The thing really to note that, is important, is that's a smaller pool, so. One slides before it pointed out that last year received about six 1,000. Applications. In total but, here you can see that we have about, 4,000. Applications in, the early physician pool and. This can really help students, stand out in, a smaller pool so. If you're a student who is really committed, to. Boston, University and, you really think it'll be the place where, you can thrive. But. You're not quite sure you. Know about other aspects, of your application early, decision, can. Give. An opportunity for those students, to. Stand out and. Especially, the. Early decision students are our students that we're offering spots, into the class first and. So when we're considering these applications, all the spots that our freshman class are, still open, whereas. When we get to our Regular, Decision students. Parts. Of the class are full about 1/3 last year I'm with our early decision students, and, so there are a little bit less availability. For our Regular. Decision students. The early decision, can, be a great advantage if. It is something that you are you are sure about and. As. I you know mentioned before about pieces of your application we. Are looking. You. Know very strongly at your academics, but it's not only just your GPA as, a blanket number that we're looking at and we're looking at you in the context of your high school and in the context of what courses you've chosen to take we're. Looking for students that really want, who. Have taken the advantage of taking, rigorous. Courses during, their time in high school be it through, AP classes IB, classes honors. Classes or however your high school designates, a more rigorous course, load here. On the screen is our recommended high school curriculum and, so we are looking for students that have a well-founded, base, across. The five major academic. Subjects in high school, so. Students that have four years of English, three. To four years of lab science through to four years of a history or social science and a 2 to 4 years of a foreign language and. Three or four years of math as well, we, have on their special note about precalculus. We really do recommend that precalculus, be part of your four-year, curriculum. And. Calculus, is something that is recommended especially, for, our question School of Business and, College of Engineering, given. Those courses, of study that are quite math heavy. Here, on the screen it's, just a reminder of the various deadlines that are coming up so. We have left our early decision to deadline. Which, has a deadline. Date of January, 2nd and just, a note on the screen here that is the same day as, a regular, decision pool the, difference being that our early decision is that binding, application. Process. And. You are getting notified earlier getting notified by February, 15th which. Is compared to our Regular Decision students. Which won't hear back until. Late March and. Just. To close. A little bit on. Something that is as equally important, but paying, for college obviously, something that you, know students and families are thinking about especially. In, early decision, pool when, you are giving your commitment, to one University, here. At B we are really committed to trying to lower. The cost of attendance lower that financial, need it's, not just possible for families. When, they're going through this process as. You can see on the screen we, have two main ways that. Students. Are receiving financial assistance and the vast majority of, financial.

Assistance. Is coming through need-based aid and. Last year our, average award package was about. $40,000. And to be considered for this financial assistance, we, asked that students submit, both the FAFSA, and the CSS, profile, forms, both. Of these forms, would. Be sent in for, early decision two at the same time as. Your application, and. That is so that you are actually able to then receive a financial aid. Estimated. Package at, the same time as your decision. Comes. Out as well so that you're able to know both if you're in the school and what you can expect to receive from us in financial, aid and. Just, to kind of close off leo this introductory, session, right here as. I've. Pointed out you know I'm happy to be taking questions during. This session throughout, this hour in, just a minute or so I'm going to have our students join us here and, so we'll be taking questions for. The next 45 minutes or so but, here are just some of the ways that we also are very happy to engage with students through social media through our website and. Through email as well and. So. Now I'm going to transition to a quick video that just talks a little bit about the. Early decision process, before. Our students come over and join. Us. After. I went on a tour to Boston University I went in to my guidance counselor's, office and said Boston. University is the place for me I don't even want to think about anywhere, else and that's when she brought up that you could apply early decision once, I knew that it was my top choice I figured. Why wait it was really that gut feeling that I had when I came on campus that was a wake-up call for me it was Ian you enjoy being here why not apply, early decision. Research. Everything. In every, way possible get. Creative, with your research, take the initiative to get in contact with people call. Admissions. I spoke, with my parents, with, my guidance counselor. And even with the BU, admissions, representative. You. Always hear about the academic, rigor that's, the environment you've got these incredible, professors teaching, you you've got wonderful, peers. Working. With you everyone, is helping to push each other up you're, going to have a lot of different communities, that you can become involved in you have to try everything right everything I've. Become so much more of a leader here through different programs. So, you celebrate, by, first. Of all you scream you jump up and down you know I got in yes. Well of course I had to make a facebook, status but, you got to make sure you get your B swag, my, parents, got me a sweatshirt, and I put that on as soon as I got it I had this big bu, sort of window, decal, and. I put that window decal, right on the back of my car so drove. In showing everyone died like yeah I'm going to Boston University. It's. On the back. If. You feel like Boston University, is the perfect place for you then apply early decision a lot of my other friends applied, Regular Decision found. Out all the way in April or March where, I was, already done in December so I was really happy that I made that decision definitely. Made the right choice applying, early decision definitely.

Made The right choice applying early decision to, bu. You. All. Right. So. Here, with us now two, students, that, are sophomores here I'm, gonna have them just, briefly introduce themselves, by. Saying what they're studying and. Where they're from so to my right Julia hi, I'm Julia, I'm from Philadelphia and I'm a sophomore studying, film and television in, the college of communications and. Minoring. In, communications. With an emphasis in advertising, great. Jamie, I'm. Jamie, I'm a sophomore, in, the College of Communication, studying, film television, with, two minors one in the College of Fine Arts and arts leadership and one, in 12 education and death studies I'm from Framingham Massachusetts which, is only like 30 minutes away from Boston great. So. Just to start off I thought. I would ask both of our students. So. Both Jamie and Julia. Are both early decision students. And, so they have, been through the process that many of you may. Choose to go through and so I just thought I'd start by asking you, know why did you apply to. Boston University and then why did you apply specifically, early. Decision so I'll start with you Julia yeah. Sure so I actually, had, gone to the Boston, University Academy. Of media production a, summer. Program. The. Summer before my, senior, year and I fell in love with Pio, I wasn't. Completely. Sure where, I was going yet, from, for college after I really really loved Foster and I love bu and the program, that. I had over the. Summer and then, and. Then I ended up applying. Edie. To. About. Last minute but I really decided that I really liked Boston I loved living in a city I thought. It was the best program for collaborating. Students, in the film and television, great. Yeah, great, Jeanne um for. Me I knew, that I want to go to a school city but. I do really know like what city, I was touring all around and. I, took a tour I took a couple tours in Boston. The. Summer before my senior, year and. Bu. Is just one of a couple on my list but when I went on the tour I like fell in love with the campus and. Pretty much immediately like, a new phallus one, that fit for, me it, really clicked in and so, I started looking into a better decision process, I had, a couple friends that went to be used so it can be visited campus like one more time before deciding. But. I knew that view was where I wanted to go and I'd heard about feel, like advantages, generally, decision and decided that it was the right choice for me it's, great yeah it's great I know, a few questions have come in, just. About early decision, process. A little bit that I thought I would answer just. Kind of off the bat. So. Someone wanted to ask you. Know what the benefits, were of doing, early decision versus regular decision, and. From. Our standpoint at the board of admission there's. A few different, advantages. That would come up so one as I pointed out on our on our screen. We. Really do have a, smaller, application, pool during early decision, versus. Our regular decision pool so, during Regular Decision or just, rather overall, we, had about 61 thousand, applications. Overall, but for, Regular, Decision that number was a lot smaller it was closer to four thousand, and. So when we're reviewing your file during the early decision timeframes. You. Are you, can stand out a little bit more in. A pool of four thousand than you would in that grander, pool of sixty one thousand, and. Because. Of that, another. Advantage, as I alluded. To before, but. When we're doing early decision, files. We are doing those first because.

Of The earlier timelines. And so when we're filling our seats, on all of our seats are open at the beginning of the year for. That class of about 3300, students that we're looking to enroll for. Next fall and all, those seats are open and. So when we were looking through the files the first one that we're going to be taking up are those early decision files and making those decisions, first. Versus. When, we get to our Regular Decision files. About. A third of our class is already decided. On and. So there is a little bit less room in the. Pool for those students, and. Thirdly, I would say it's actually about the application, itself and so, I'm here, bu you. Know we are looking for students are really interested. In us we, want to make sure we're bringing students to campus that want to be here and that know about us and, so. Going. Early decision, really is a great way to show commitment to the University since it is a binding. Institution. And. So this overall really speaks to an early decision candidate, who, can who might be on the borderline, during Regular Decision they might have an advantage during. Life during early decision because. Of that smaller size pool, because, of the commitment that they're showing and, because all the spots are still open for the class. So. That speaks a little bit to someone, had asked us about a, lower, GPA, and if they should still apply I, would, say yes, you, know if students. Have a lower GPA, and they're just a little bit worried about looking. At our average GPA, for. Our pool overall, I, mean if you think Boston, University is the right fit for you and you are interested in applying to us early decision I think, you have a you know it, might be worth you know going early decision, to, be able to stand out a little bit more than. You might otherwise. Would. In a bigger in a bigger profile, in, that bigger class size and. And. Someone. Else asked us to kind of quickly enter, the question but someone. Asks us if early decision impacts your financial, going early decision does that impact your financial aid package and. The answer is no we. Consider students, for, financial, aid regardless, of whether they applied early. Decision a regular decision and, that aid package that you would have received would. Be equal no, matter the decision plan. Itself. So. Just diving a little bit in to get a little bit more of our student perspective, on, these issues on.

The Things that you're interested in rather, someone. Asks us um you, know who is a good fit for Boston, University, you know what is a typical bu student, like. So I thought you know Jamie do you think you, have an answer or something you think about when you think of a typical BU student or, who could um you, know, who would be a good fit on campus yeah, so I think nice, thing about growing is going to you is that the. Campus can fix with a lot of different interests, but I think in general, students. Of you are excited. About living. Exploring, different areas of the city and. But. They don't always like need to know exactly what they're interested that's, the nice thing about the City of Boston and view in general, is that there's something for major schools, clubs, activities, and. Things around the city so it, just really takes a, desire, to like explore, and kind of go out an adventure, into, a city I think that's someone, that would be a good fit for view but other. Than that just about being enthusiastic about your passions and finding a fit here it's great yeah. So. Yeah, just to go off of that a little bit I thought we could talk a little bit about some of the academic. Opportunities that, are. On, campus I know both of you are pursuing both the major and minor as well and. I thought Jamie. I know that you came in not, knowing you. Know all of the different things you were going to be studying so I thought you could talk a little bit about how you came to all. The different you. Know minors to add onto your major yeah so. Um, in high school I was very involved in theatre, mainly. And thought that's what I was going to go into college for kind, of cyber blasting in Iran see you hear that I wasn't sure what I wanted to major in I wasn't. Sure that that was my path so, I was excited. About bu. Specifically, because there were a lot of different options that go forward with four majors ended. Up deciding, on, human ecology before I got to be you and. I'm still on that path but, along the way I've added a lot of minors, to. Which i think is a lot comparatively, though with some people who don't have any um, so, I found. That the minors were a good way for me to, fulfill. My interest in other things and get cuz for an academic background in those things um even. If they weren't like the main thing that I was doing on campus so, I have, an arts leadership minor which allows me to take theater classes and find, out classes on campus and, then, a deaf Studies minor which is something that like I wasn't even interested before I got to be you but, kind of grew, out of a language requirement that I had for the college communication, and then, became. An her passion from mine and I have heard from the minor so it's my, buster, as well that's great um. Yeah, and just to clarify something that she said today. Was talking about a language requirement, he had. Here. Bu even though we do have a lot of different majors and minors that's. Are pursuing at, the base of every bu students experience. Is that liberal arts, background. And, base it's. A student here are able to. You. Know take classes across the university, no matter what you're studying and whatever what college you're in and. Actually you're required to take some classes outside of your major or minor as. Well, and that really can help students find, things that they're interested in that they didn't know about I mean here at BU we have over 250, things that you could be studying and, in high school arguably.

You're, Exposed, to maybe ten of those different things and, so it. Really is a way to you. Know broaden your mind a little bit. I mean. Julie, have you taken any classes outside, of your major or, minor that have really I don't know but you really liked doing yeah for sure last, year I took with Professor Marsha I took a strawberry. Course that I really enjoyed and it was really, cool because I've always been interested in learning about galaxies. And space and it was really cool that with. My foundations. I was. Able to take a science class that I typically want to take I definitely, did not have an astronomy class in high school so super. Excited about that and he's so cool he, would sing a song like he's a musician. And stuff so he was all about the galaxies, it was really cool but. That was something really cool that I got to explore here, in college that's, great umm, and here. Liberal. Arts can take a few different forms. Too, so, some students are you know probably the majority of students are just able to take these classes at. Whim during, their four years and, kind of figure out when, you know what they are fulfilling, as part of their liberal arts requirements, we, do have some more. Structured ways to. Go about going through. Those liberal arts requirements, we, have a college of general studies here or is known as CGS, this. Is a two-year. Program. In which you're actually front-loading, all those liberal arts requirements, to. Your first two years and. It has more of a smaller, like liberal arts college feel in. The you know the myths of our bigger university, this, is for the student that really likes liberal, arts, wants. A smaller, fuel environment, before maybe, in. For joining the rest of the university, and you. Know being exposed to the lots of the bigger colleges. But it's a smaller to your school. That then you actually continue on at the end of your sophomore year to whatever college, you, want to continue, your degree and to complete your degree in if the students can end up going into business or communication. Or whatever you want to, do we, also have an Honors College here called the Kuleshov Honors, College this. Is a four-year program that. You do in conjunction with your major and minors, and, you, take about 25%, of your classes, in The Killers run Honors College, minute. Or interdisciplinary it's, definitely for the students who, have an interest in these liberal arts and like. To see connections between classes. Because. The faculty members will make classes, that are involving like that to, apply to the coalition Honors College your. Is an extra essay that you will be completing as part of your application, and, then you would find out when. Your application decision. Comes out that you've also been accepted into, our cogent Honors, College I. Wanted, to step back and ask, you guys a little bit about a question that came in about academic. Advising, good. As we're saying there's a lot of different things that you could, be doing from. Major. Adding on minors taking liberal arts classes so. How have you guys found. That transition, to college um academically. Have you felt um well, supported, in our advisors, I guess I'll go back to you Jamie yeah, it's, actually that's a great question because I work.

In The academic advising office in the College of Communication, so, I know the academic advisors really well um and, it is a great support, system um, yeah, every school at the U has academic. Advising, office and. You can talk with, one adviser who, knows you personally about, like your path and what you're interested in I can, help you figure out how to map everything out so for example me like adding, to minors to, my academic, roster, had, I had to do some rearranging of things and figure out where certain rest would fit so. I talked to her lab pepper advisors Jen and, she was very helpful knows, who he knows my interests, and was able to figure out how I could pass, out these minors along with my major and make everything work oh that's, great yeah um, and. Yeah. How have you found the advising, here, like what is it you know what is your advisor been able to help you do you, as so for me I found my advisor my freshman year Elizabeth, and, she. Was actually my Phi 101 a, teacher. And so she just happened to be an advisor and calm and so. I found her and I've been able to go through with her just like Jamie felt like my personal interests, about spending abroad and making sure I'm on track and getting to do everything I want to do in my four years here so it's been really helpful and it's nice to have, someone. Here on campus that had like, close with and I have this personal, relationship with nice. You mentioned fYI one on one can you tell Mona, better yeah so the first year. 101. Class isn't yeah, is. This, like, elective. Class you can take your freshman year your first year here vo and it's a small. Group about 20, students, and we learn about transitioning. To Boston University, into the city and, it, was a really great experience, I like became pretty good friends with a handful of the, students, in, our class and. It was cool to just learn, the, ins and outs of Boston, and. Then yeah, you have, this small discussion. Group where you get, to know everyone, sighs. Yeah great, I. Just. Want to answer another question that came in, and. Someone. Asked us just to kind of clarify about. Why. Precalculus. And calculus were, recommended, on this part of our program and you. Know just to go back to our curriculum that. Is recommended for for, a moment. So. Because, we have all these liberal arts classes that students are taking we want students that are well-rounded, in. A lot of different in all those main academic, areas in high school since while you are you will be studying a major or minor on. Our campus you will be taking classes across those liberal arts element so we're looking for students that are have. Taken the advantage of those opportunities and, that's exceeded in those. Broader basis, of subjects, so. Precalculus, is recommended. Generally. For all students, and calculus is recommended, for those students. Especially. For our programs in our questioned School of Business and. Our College of Engineering, just, given how math heavy on those programs are. Another. Question that came in that, I wanted to. Talk about is in addition to these academic, opportunities. In the classroom, you, know there's a lot of different ways that students are engaging and. Academics, and really broadening, their experience, and, one, way that is quite popular for a, lot of students are studies studying abroad. And so I, thought. You know perhaps I, know both of you are considering, studying abroad and. If you could just talk a little bit about maybe. Why you're interested in it and some of the things that you're specifically, thinking. About are you, Julia yeah sure so for me I'm hoping, to start a abroad in the spring of my junior year and go. To Shanghai, we have a Shanghai internship, program and so. You take a training, class sorry, mandarins class while you're there and then, you take one to two other, elective, courses, and. Then along with that you also have an internship so for me I'm planning. On fulfilling, my another, one of my credits for my, minor in communications, advertising. So I hope, to have an internship into advertising and Shanghai.

And I think it'd be a really great experience for me I'd really like to become fluent, in Mandarin so that's a really huge passion of mine and I. Think that studying abroad would, be so, amazing to just broaden. My horizons, more get off campus and take, myself out of the comfort zone that is Bo and. Then also it's. Very popular for film and television majors, which, we can talk about more the. LA internship, program that a lot of people do second semester senior, year going on yes I'm not yeah, so I'm definitely planning to do a broad. Sort, of mine abroad program, would be actually in the US but it's, the Los Angeles internship program which, is very popular, for film, and television and communication, students in general so. You get to take a couple classes about working in Hollywood and kind of like what that market. Is like and then also, do. An internship in your field system television, I know. Students in this program who have worked on my feelin's generous show work. For Warner Brothers and a lot of really cool places so, I'm definitely, interested in that I looked. At all the internship, programs that we have to offer bu, has a lot of internship. Programs, like around the world they have a lot in Europe Shanghai. Australia. But. Film, television obviously the markets in Los Angeles so I'm going to head over there and see what it's like Thanks how we found it so far on when. You're looking for these opportunities when, you're looking at the study abroad, opportunities. From either view or these, internship, opportunities, what have you found. About the resources. Available to you on campus, yeah there's incredible resources, for internships. And jobs, and abroad and all of that and sister offices to help you with those so, for example in. The college communication, there's a Center for Career Development and. They'll do. Resume. Reviews and practice, interviews, and help you kind of figure out how to network yourself, for, the job market and I know that there's also a center for career development that's school-wide. University-wide. Where. You can go and get the same services, so. That office. Has been very helpful in, figuring. Out like how to. Picture. Myself professionally, and, kind, of how to move forward because after, college we obviously looking, into like job markets and congenic about things like preparing. For that and how to market. Yourself to employed, yeah, it's great. I want. To move a little bit now to, the. More fun side of college I mean, not, like academics, isn't fun. You, know there's a lot of other type, part. Of your time that you'll be filling when you're at college it's not only just studying and. So I hope you know we can talk a little bit about that. First, we had a question about just the city of Boston and how you. Guys you know see the city as, part of your college, experience that you get to the city much Julia yeah so I have the yes, I go a lot actually I go. In between classes which. Probably is part of this idea but, on, the weekend I have the semester. Pass for public. Transportation, and so I make every effort to go to. Cambridge try to cross the river I'll. Go to Brookline, which is in our back yard I'll go to Fenway I, love. I'm a huge foodie so I love going around Boston, and trying, different foods and like finding all these cool different restaurants, and cafes, to go to so.

That's A huge part of my college experience I think, but. Yeah we have like, the, world is our oyster here, being, a BU student we. Get free admission to tons of museums in Boston. Which has been, really really cool Museum. Of Fine Arts I go to a lot. Ideas both Stewart Gardner Museum, zICA. Are. Just a few of them but yeah I love. To explore Boston and that was a huge draw for me to have, a college. City. Experience. Nice. Yeah and just to point it out since we have the slide up on the screen but I mention, before is the right-hand side at the right hand of the river is. A picture. Is. Part, of our campus and, as you can kind of see, I mean the picture can be a little warping, but that. Is very, much, a part of the city and, so these places that julia mentioning, are, not very far we. Actually have a tea, stop or, the public transportation, the tea here in Boston we, have many different stops along our, campus, and so students can get in and out of. The city really easily, I'm Fenway Park that you mentioned is, right next door. Q campus and. As long as you know a lot of other things that students, are able to do I was earning an LSAT you yeah. Julia's, definitely the adventure of the two of us, I. Just I love the city of Boston I've lived, here my. Whole life but there's, something very different by living in the city and getting to explore it from that point of view, Boston. Is a very unique city there's a lot of green space a lot of parks a lot of wide-open streets. You. Have the harbor side of the Seaport and there's all these little like. Areas, of Boston that you'll explore and you can always find like a different, little, area that will become your own so tell, us about it. How, about things on campus so. Clearly you guys are getting often doing a lot of different things but could. You talk a little bit about the different things that you're doing on. Campus let's start with you Jamie yeah so I've definitely. Gotten. Heavily involved in extracurriculars, on campus so, I do extracurricular, theater which is my big thing here we.

Have A couple of different projects for that so I remember. You on Broadway which does musical. Theater and it's been a very cool opportunity because, I'm actually be able to direct for, them next semester so students are in every position of that so students are directing. Playing. The Pitt acting, doing tech all that I've. Also worked for W TV radio which is the on campus radio station. The. Deaf studies Club. Um and, there's, like a million others there's a huge event at the beginning of the year splash which happens at BU um it's. On Nickerson, Field in West Campus and it's, an opportunity for, students. Of all ages whether the first year you've been here for, four years to, go and discover, new clubs or new interests, and get posted things, thank. You yeah, so for me I knew. Well, I played highs in high school I played on the squash team and so, I had like research once I got interview he had a squash, team and I found we have club squash team so I was pop squash team which, has been amazing I tried, out like the first week of school here so that immediately became like, my family, which was really neat, and. Then also I'm involved um on, the. Online food magazine taste. Buds which is really cool I'm the social media editor for that and, I've been able to go on fun, video, shoots where we'll go to restaurants, in Boston and get. To film fest big food in. Their kitchen which has been a really cool experience um on, top of that I'm also a part of the community. Service center I did the, first year student up street outreach program. Which everyone should totally do and. Uh most community service the first week of. The. First week before, school classes. Started my. First year here and, then I end, up staffing. The event or the program, this year which is deliverable. And. Then also I've done, the student food rescue through the community service center and that, was a huge. Commitment. Each week working the berliner food pantry which has been such, great experience, as well nice, I wanted. To go back to something. You said to me um you mentioned splash, no we had a question about vu. Traditions, on. Campus and, I think that is, one of them but I was hoping maybe you guys could talk a little bit about other. Ways that you know traditions on campus or, ways that you, think students are building schools on school spirit. Building, community yeah. Like that there's, definitely a bunch um I'm, trying to think so different like extra crew extracurricular.

Groups Host. Things that kind of come view traditions, and. There's. Other big events so one that's coming up is the midnight breakfast, which, is a big one that's designed. For first-year students but gets infiltrate, students of all years because if I'm going to know much that's. When the dining hall opens. At midnight and, they serve breakfast, during finals week but everyone's dressed and staying up late to study Wow, yeah, and, so there's pancakes. And all the breakfast food you could want I mean, a lot of games if dogs. There there's a dog there and, later a, Mario. Kart tournament. That they do the, others Mario Kart if I run like a hundred dollars last year. There's. All sorts of like little like events like that and they definitely build school spirit but you'll see like lions going up the toy to damage these events um other. Epic thing is beaut meant hockey that's like our big athletic side. So students will like raid, into a Guinness arena to support on men's hockey team, so. There's definitely a sense of school spirit and you see it in those larger events, with. All everyone with their Scarlett gear getting. Ready for the, big events nice, nice anything. I said I've got a moment yeah I think Jimmy got all of them yeah, I definitely. Think the hockey, games was a huge part of the college experience here. And then it's really fun to be part of dogpound. With. The hockey teams but. Yeah I think Jimmy, said it all cool great. I've. Been seeing some questions on. Just. Various questions that are talking a little bit about you know various. Parts of the application and. People. Kind of just asking a little bit, about. How their application, would look at, our pool and I just kind of wanted to go back and, talk a little bit about the. Application process and specifically. How. We have more, we, have a holistic review here. And, so while it is perfectly, understandable to be concerned. You. Know five, different aspects, of the application via, academic, or extracurricular. You. Know here the great part about having that holistic review as part of our admissions. Process is that we are really looking at everything, we.

Are Looking at those academic, pieces that are based on your grades or courses you took where we. Do require, the, standardized, tests to be a part of the process to, kind of help us with. That academic, side but we are also looking at a lot of those more qualitative, things which. Are harder to show average, for and are harder to pin. Down, necessarily. What we're looking for we're just looking for different. Pieces of the application, and. That's why these things that we're showing you our averages. We. Want students, we're. Looking for students that have strengths in a lot of different areas. We. Do, require that you. Send us those GPAs, and we are looking at that rigorous your. Curriculum, to look for whether or not you've pursued. A rigorous curriculum or not and. Those standardized, tests, but all, the other things really do write out the application, and do make a difference when we're looking at. Your application things, like have, you made a big difference in your high school um through. A club or student. Government or sports, have. You been. Really involved in your community, through community service or your religious organization, um have. You held. A part-time job during, your school you, know a lot of students will come up to me and ask me you know if air you have limited, you know extracurriculars. Will that hurt them because I've held a job or. Maybe because they have a big family commitment, that takes up a lot of their time and, all of these different things you know what it's not necessarily, better than the other it's really just that we're looking for students that have spent. Some time outside the classroom too and. You've used it wisely and that that shows us a level of maturity and time management that, really gives us a nice balance to those grades. That really gives a nice personal touch to, your application, and, so I would just remind. Everyone to kind of keep that in mind when, you're going to the application, cycle that you are more, than just one piece of your application, that you are a lot of different things, all combined that's what makes us people and. Not just numbers and. Just. To move on to some. Other questions. We've. Gotten in so going back a little bit to the more social side of. Campus. Life most, hoping you guys could maybe talk a little bit about, your. Housing situation that's, definitely something I feel like you're. Always thinking about during the application process, is where you're going to live especially, in a city like, this so. Could you talk a little bit about maybe when, you went through a. Housing. Process and. Like how it was to actually get a dorm and get where you wanted to live and then what you're maybe, what your freshman year was like a little switch to what you're like this year so year yeah, so freshman, year I lived in Warren tower's which was one of the like.

Most Popular, dorms, for freshmen, there's no freshmen only housing at BU but a lot of freshmen choose to live in Warren because it, has a ton of students, social, space kind. Of traditional, film setting with double rooms or communal bathrooms, and. That was my first choice housing, actually when I fill out the housing application they. Ask for your top five, housing. Options so you can say I want to live more in towers I live in West Campus are one of the mecca brownstone, was other types of housing but I. Opted. For the kind of traditional dorm. Setting I want to meet other students, who were new and like wanted to make friends, and. More in towers was a really great place to do that because the. First night I got to bu everyone's kind of the risk of the one's new and doesn't really know what to do and so, a group. Of us actually, that Julia, was reading, your name yeah, do. It helps me move on now on the Facebook group. You. Get a group of Warren tower's freshmen. All went out on, the town and ended up at. A movie theater at like midnight yeah, Rocky. Horror, Picture. Show it's. A very social space and I. Really, enjoyed living there my freshman year it's just a really great way to meet people so, it's, great house, living situation, at the same yeah so Jimmy. And I are both actually in the same house thing again this year were yeah. We're just following each other around um we're, both in the, soup village too we. Both live in the. Suite-style. Dorms. There and so I live in an eight-person, speed I'm, in the double and I. Have, seven. Suite, mates I guess you'd say and so. It's really nice I share, my room with my friend or with me and it's pretty. Spacious people, have like giant. Walk-in closets, and stuff and then we. Share a bathroom with the, other two girls on our half of the room and then we have a living, room which was really nice and spacious we, overlook, Nickerson. Field which, is really nice and then we have four. Other girls on the other that also in the bathroom the same pencil it's. Also yeah and. Actually wanted today speaking of so we have the slide back up of city. So that's that. Picture is actually taken, from the top of our building. Student, Village - we have it's really nice we have our study lounge on the 26th, floor and it's floor-to-ceiling. Windows. And so we get a huge 360. View of Boston. Which, is the best thing ever and my, favorite part of living in Student. Village too is getting to go up there and study at negative just overload the city oh that's. Great yeah. Another. Question that, came, in we've, had some questions about research which. Is certainly another opportunity. A lot of students are, taking advantage on. Campus, so, here B we do have an. Undergraduate. Research, opportunities. Program or we call it Europe and. This is a way for students, to. Really get in to research especially maybe if you don't know someone. A faculty, member to work with like maybe you know you have a vague, interest in, a certain subject but, you don't know who is accepting, students at the time or what opportunities, exist on campus and, so this europe program is a really good way to get connected to a faculty member and. To, have someone as a mentor to who actually help you conduct. Your research and, really help you grow as. A researcher, on campus, um through, this program, bu actually, funds in, the millions of dollars every year to. Make sure that it is not only just research, that's happening but specifically, undergraduate. Research and, making, sure that those opportunities are available to undergrads, and not just our, graduate, students on campus and. There's a lot of different ways that research, can be done on. Campus I know most people probably think, of our, STEM fields or, science and technology, engineering math fields when, they think of research and that is certainly. An opportunity that is available to, students we have a lot of different, spaces, on campus labs. And, engineering. Maker spaces where. Students can do. Their research but. Research. Can also be done in a variety fields in, the humanities, in the social sciences you. Could be, translating. A line of poetry and getting a new meaning to poetry, we, have some of our education, students who. Will actually observe, a real-life, preschool, during. The their, classes and it's really cute because the preschoolers will come in and out of the preschool I lived on the bottom floor of our School of Education, but. The students are bu, students are actually, watching, them develop, language, and develop social skills and that really adds to their, their. Experience, in the classroom and really reinforces.

All Those theories that they're learning in. The classroom as, well and. So students can get involved in this extracurricular, lis but they can also get involved, just. In it through the classroom some. Of our questions for business students all. Of those students in question school business actually go through a program where they are making a business plan as. Part of their four. Years part of their program and, this is a way that they are conducting research. May. Not look maybe like they're in a lab or other forms of research but they're actually creating a real product, themselves. And, coming up with a plan to finance, it market it and. Present it as a business item our engineering, students do a kind of similar thing but with an engineering product and their senior design project, in their school where they actually do create a prototype, of product I have, it actually answered to a faculty. Member or real client in the city it's. A research is definitely something that is popular on campus and that a lot of students. Are. Taking, a part in I. Wanted. To ask you guys another. Question that came in which. Is just. More general but what is your favorite part about. Bu. Um. I. Guess my favorite part about view, is. Kind. Of the environment, of the university that's like kind of vague but um I just what, I really like about BU is when I was thinking about school I knew that I wanted to go score city but um I, like, that at, BU I do have a sense of a campus, on this university like when, I'm walking around I can tell them on views campus, I see other few students, I'm sure about you buildings, um and. Like, we're right along the Charles River Sir Ian like a breath of fresh air so it's really cool you have this, sense that you're in the city and you remember independently, in a city which a fund that I think a lot of students. Create especially coming right out of high school just be independent, um but. On top of that like you do have a breath of fresh air a little space to breathe and you can feel that college. Campus by while you're here great. Yeah. Yeah, for, me my, favorite part about bu, in general, is that the. Student. Population I, think because, we are such a collaborative. Like. Student body I guess the, I, know we're about, 17,000. Undergrad, but, it quickly becomes such a small school, you play the name game with anyone and healed, immediately finds, one you know which i think is always so funny, but.

It's Been such a great and nurturing environment to. Work, with people and everyone wants you to do well and like working, on projects, together I help. Out a bunch of the student, films for the. Upperclassmen. And I've just really enjoyed that and they're all like willing to give, you advice help you when you need it and I find that like so cool and so amazing, yeah, great um. We. Had another question come in about food, and. Just dining out in general and. So since you're our resident, food s first I thought. I would, pose, it to you I mean feel free to jump in here. This. Is a foodie, what. You know what's the food like here what um is it good where are you so in case you didn't know we're 14. Last time I checked on the list of college. Campuses, foods in America. That's. That's the number I have um, but I love, the food here honestly. It's been so nice the dining halls are super great I'm my, favorite dining hall is the marciano Commons at Baystate Road, so also known as Bay State dining hall it's, this beautiful dining hall two floors like, beautiful light fixtures, and. We, always have such a great variety of food where we show, the calorie count and we have the local produce, we have the local dairy. And stuff which is really cool to see on a map where. All that comes from and, we have vegan option kosher, I'm not vegan and I love the vegan food here I, try, to eat that a lot so I'm healthier, and then the pastries. Are to die for I ain't, dessert like every day which is terrible, for you but like it's really good and you just walk by and you see all of it and. Then on top of that we also have our like. Individual. Sherman Union we have the Union Court which is like our food court and I've really enjoyed that to switch things up we have sue which I love to eat. Which. Is fun and we have a star but we have multiple Starbucks, on campus along, with Dunkin Donuts so either, way you have a good coffee and then, going. Along with that we also have. Other. Retail, Dining's such as our late-night kitchen which I love to go to and that's like, a sit-down dining, room, restaurant. That, I like to go to with my friends there crepes are amazing, um, I get, this a lot the Nutella, cry strawberries, um and. Then we have rise which, I'm obsessed with which is our, bakery. That's open Monday. Through Friday, and they, have really great mini. Quiches. Sandwiches. Salads. Smoothies I buy all of it on the, bisque is there like a listen. Yeah yeah. I like people like don't know about Ryan it's like my favorite thing to pitch about the, school cuz I don't eat breakfast there that's where all my 90 points go and. Then I get coffee they have Nutella - you didn't know that um. Yeah. So I really, like the food on campus that's, great. From. An expert yeah yeah. Does. This oh. Um. Few Dining Services on Twitter is my favorite thing to read if you have never, read them they don't really yeah, they're really woody so I always check, them for a good tweet.

Another, Question come in about going, back to more um just. Like some logistics about early decision, so. Somebody asked us what, the the. Outcomes could be what, the decisions, could be at the end of every decision and. So there are three and. So you could either be accepted. Which, means obviously that you're in your part of our, class which. Is good gay, we. Also will. The. Second, decision could be a deferral, and, so. We. Would be deferring you. To the Regular Decision pool, and just considering, you in, that larger pool of, applicants. For, another decision, and. Then, or you could be denied which. Would you see the third option, that. You could be given. For. Eating I also, had another question about. Just. Class size so given that we are large on University. We, you. Know how do you feel being on campus and what your average class, size is like Jamie I was hoping maybe you could just talk about you. Know what the sizes of your classes you know generally. Are. Like and how. You felt Starion yeah so the, nice, thing about going to university like this is that there's a huge diversity of petra classes you can take so, class size really varies um I, think I've, been in very large lectures, and very small workshop classes already and I'm only a sophomore, my. First semester here as in common one which is the introduction communications, class it happens. Inside at Orion which is like the largest auditorium that we hold a class in and, I think it was like around 300, students, or something but even. When you have a large lecture like that you're put into a smaller discussion, class, so you have about 15, students, in that class and the discussion meter who. Can help you with. Answering. Any questions that you couldn't ask in lecture but I've also been in workshop classes which were smaller like ten or twelve people total, no class nice yeah, yeah. Just to back up what Jamie was saying just. Give you some more like statistics, but our. Average class size is, twenty-seven, and about. 70% of classes, you. Will not have 70%. Of classes have 30 students or, less and, so you, certainly will have those larger classes too but. I think most students would say that a variety, of your classes or at least towards, that smaller end and you are able to at least engage, with. Our faculty members so, we're going to come to our last. Question. Now I know there's. Been a lot of questions that have come in and unfortunately, we just don't have time to. Go through them all. But. I just wanted to kind of wrap up and ask you know since all of our perspective. Students are watching today or going through the college application process now. And that was not too long ago for the two of you do. You have any sort of you know last advice for them about what they should be thinking about it, could be early decision related or just um college. Application, related at, this time of year I'll start with you Julia yeah, from me the best advice I got was just, breathe it will all turn out okay and I'm a huge believer in, fate. So I ended up where I'm supposed to go so definitely. Don't stress, about it yeah great, great okay yeah. I would say the application process is very stressful early. Decision is like a huge decision to make as a student, but. Um it has so many rewards. If. You do decide to go that path just. Make yourself stand out talk about what you love about view, in particular, when you're applying to view um and. Yeah. Just kind of relax it's a very stressful time but everything, will work out and. Any, decision is a great. Way to get involved with video so great, and, just as a reminder since we you. Know there were a lot of questions coming in we couldn't get to them all you. Can always reach out to us through. Our various social media platforms through, email over. The phone and we'd be happy to answer any of those you, know especially as early decision deadline, comes up but you, know throughout the winter as. Well we. Will be posting this. Presentation. Afterwards on, our website and both on YouTube in, case you wanted to reference anything that we said later on but, for now I just want to thank both, of our students for, joining us today.

And Wish you guys all the best of luck during. Your process so thank, you I hope you have a good night.

2017-12-19 05:42

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