Border Wars: Ted Cruz demands action on migrants entering U.S.

Border Wars: Ted Cruz demands action on migrants entering U.S.

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that it is an obvious public health risk to those children and to the communities in which those children are being released here in dallas the convention center has been turned into a detention facility i just came from the detention facility at the k bailey hutchinson convention center there are over 2 200 boys being held here right now ages 13 to 17. the scene upstairs you walk into a giant convention home in one enormous room there are 2 200 cops each set out about six feet apart from you so by any measure conditions are better here than they are down on the border at the donna tent city instead of sleeping on the floor these children are now sleeping in cots they look very much like army cops instead of being immediately next to other children they're six feet apart that being said when you gaze across a room a massive room with 2 200 teenage boys it takes your breath away it's tragic it is horrific and the most frustrating thing about it is that it was entirely preventable this crisis that is unfolding is the direct result of political decisions made by joe biden and his administration three decisions in particular provoke this crisis number one the first week in office joe biden immediately halted construction of the border wall i visited portions of the wall that had been constructed where it had been constructed it was affected in slowing illegal immigration but the construction is not complete so they're huge holes the instant joe biden was sworn in construction halted the holes were left wide open illegal immigration is crossing through the halls there was rusted rebar sitting in huge women still left at the wall second decision the biden administration made was to reinstate the failed catch and release policy so that now when individuals are apprehended they're given a court date sometime in the future they're released and everyone knows that only a very small percentage will ever actually show up to that court date and third is probably most inexplicable joe biden ended the remain in mexico international agreement one of the most significant accomplishments of the trump administration is president trump had negotiated with the government of mexico in agreement that individuals from central america who are crossing illegally through mexico would remain in mexico while their asylum cases were proceeding here in the united states that agreement a landmark agreement resulted in a dramatic decrease in illegal immigration last year in the year 2020 we had the lowest illegal immigration in 45 years the policies were working unfortunately joe biden his very first week in office ripped to pieces that international agreement with mexico and said in effect send all of them over to the united states and that has produced a deluge the secretary of homeland security has said the number of illegal crossings on the southwest border is the highest that it has been in 20 years last month in the month of february over 100 000 people were apprehended crossing illegally last month in the month of february nearly 30 000 children unaccompanied children were apprehended crossing illegally right now today the biden administration has in custody over 16 000 children down in the border in the biden cages and here at the dallas convention center where even though children are spread six feet apart you still have 2 200 teenage boys interacting eating meals together socializing together and the rate of commit positive testing here at the convention center is roughly 10 virtually identical the rate of covet positive testing down in the data facility roughly 10 percent if that bath holds up of the 2 200 teenage boys here roughly 220 will test positive for covet 19. in harlingen of the illegal immigrants being released they're testing positive for covet 19 at a rate seven times higher than the u.s

population this is a humanitarian crisis it is a national security crisis and it is a public health crisis and all of this was entirely preventable happy to take any questions i wanted to ask you because on thursday president biden said that i mean he blamed former president trump uh for dismantling what was in place before and he also said that he didn't want migrant children to start indicating [Music] well i think president biden's comments last week blaming donald trump for this immigration crisis last year we had the lowest rate of illegal immigration in 45 years the policies were working the only aspect in which he might be right to blame donald trump is that he's not president anymore because it was joe biden coming in as president that ended remain in mexico and that reinstated catch and release and i will tell you i spoke with two senior leaders down in the rio grande valley one a senior leader of customs and border patrol another the head of the customs and border patrol union both told me they met with the biden transition team and both said the biden transition team asked them what should we do at the border and both of them said the most important thing keep the remain in mexico policy if you end remain in mexico and if you reinstate catch and release the result will be a massive influx of illegal immigration they warned me and joe biden did not care and went ahead anyway that was driven by a political mandate that was not common sense this was an international agreement that was working that was successful and what joe biden has done now invited illegal immigration he has told anyone in central america and south america or across the world and i say across the world because in addition to tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants coming from central america we're also seeing migrants coming from africa coming from asia coming from all abroad crossing illegally through mexico because joe biden has said essentially the border is over if you come and you bring a child and you say you're in a family unit you get to stay just a few years ago the large majority of those apprehended at the border were single males single adult males at the time roughly two percent of single adult males arrived with a child today the latest stats i've heard is roughly 50 of single adult males arrive with a child why is that because the mind administration has announced if you have a kid that child is a get out of jail free card when cbp was doing dna testing of the kids presenting with adults roughly 30 of those children were not related to the adults claiming to be their their family member and the pattern we're seeing that is truly horrific is the cartels that are smuggling these children in are telling adult males who want to cross illegally into the country many of whom may have criminal records many of whom may have gang backgrounds that if you bring a kid you get to stay and horrifically we're seeing patterns where the cartels are renting children to adult males who don't know those kids and i heard from border patrol agents who described seeing the same kid come in with multiple groups because after that adult male comes in with a child the cartel in some instances is bringing the child back and having that child be a ticket to another adult male coming in and far too many of these kids are being physically abused and sexually abused here at the dallas convention center i asked about what they're seeing in terms of physical abuse and sexual abuse and the leadership from hhs told me that in more than 50 percent of the instances they see the industry of abuse they see children who have been abused physically abused sexually abused we hear horrific reports of young girls 11 12 13 years old being put on birth control pills because the odds are so high that those little girls are going to be raped by the human traffickers that are smuggling them in this is barbaric and inhumane and the biden administration seems to think that if it extends an open invitation for children to come that it is somehow being compassionate that is resulting this year it is projected we will see over a hundred thousand unaccompanied children many of whom will be physically and sexually abused that is not compassionate it's not humane it is barbaric and it inside this needs you know there were several individuals over the weekend who were able to get away from this facility is the security here adequate but what did you find out as far as how that might happen so i don't know uh when i was there today there was a significant law enforcement presence i don't know how constant that law enforcement presence is if that was just today or if that's a steady uh steady level of law enforcement presence um as you noted four young boys escaped from this facility and then climbed scaled a chain-link fence and climbed down apparently it was described to me as about 70 feet they climbed down across the freeway and crossed a train track that is obviously a dangerous situation those those young boys were apprehended uh and i'm told sent to a different facility that is more of a secure facility i inquired the extent to which there have been instances of violence uh among the children here what i was told is that the incidents of violence between the kids have been quite minimal but that in excess of half the kids have suffered violence in the journey in 2014 i went to the detention facilities that the obama administration had constructed at blackwood air force base those were some of the first cages we've heard for four years democrats talking about kids in cages what they rarely acknowledge is those cages were built by barack obama their new cage is being built by joe biden and they're bigger and more full today than they were before but at lachlan in 2014 i'll never forget the obama hhs telling me that the cartel members who were smuggling kids in that they would put a gun to the head of little boys and little girls and they would force those children to cut off the fingers or cut off the ears of other little kids and in most of these instances the parents of those children had paid the smugglers three four five six thousand dollars to take their kids north to america and they would then send the fingers or ears of their child to try to extract several thousand more dollars and the obama hhs was encountering little kids some of whom had horrific physical injuries like missing fingers and missing ears and others of whom had horrific psychological trauma from being forced at gunpoint to carry out those acts of mutilation the cartels who bring these kids over they are vicious criminals and we are seeing right now an escalating pattern of kids being subjected to that violence because of the decisions of the by the administration to to additional let me open up a couple more questions so if there's an effort to vaccinate them i was not informed of it uh down in the border at the donna facility many of the kids are not being tested so in many instances when you have the biden cages packed with in excess of 4 000 000 people most of whom are children packed into those cages many of them haven't been tested tested two days ago when i was there i saw a group of about a dozen to 15 teenage boys all of whom had just tested positive that morning so that was just one quick snapshot they're coming straight out of the cages and so the numbers are much more widespread but if the administration is vaccinating these children that they did not inform him so i'm confident they're going to be many more here in dallas this this uh this facility has been open just about two weeks so it's a fairly short time frame that it has been open it is already packed i will tell you the site of looking across a gigantic room and seeing 200 teenage boys all in cot after cod after cot is horrified this is the human tragedy of the biden border crisis and let me point out you shouldn't have to take my word for it you shouldn't have to have me describing it to you joe biden refuses to allow the media to see what's going on here when i took the trip to the border when i went to the donna facility i brought a total of 19 senators down to the border to see what was happening i requested the administration that the media be able to come and joe biden said no we are seeing a biden lockout a media blackout and by the way i have gone down to the border many many times donald trump didn't lock the media out of border facilities barack obama didn't lock the media out of border facilities george w bush didn't lock the media out bill clinton didn't lock the media out it was only joe biden in recent history that has done this and the stated justification is the risk of coping that the by the administration says each of you it's an unacceptable risk that you might have covered than a single cameraman and by the way it's not complicated for one tv camera to come in and be a pool camera and get footage but the biden administration says they're not afraid of you individually they're afraid of the cameras you're holding they're afraid of the american people seeing the absolute crisis and disaster that they have caused down in donna i went ahead and filmed what was occurring there because i believe the american people have a right to see what was happening in my office we blurred out the face of the of the children to respect their privacy but the inhumane conditions the american people have a right to know in the media you ought to be outraged that you haven't been able to go in and see this room with teenage boys lined up one after the other after the other after the other almost as far as the eye can see the reason the biden administration doesn't want you there is because they don't want the american people to see the human suffering and tragedy that their failed policies have produced i will also note that by all appearances nobody in the administration is in charge of it joe biden held his first press conference in three months last week where he had no satisfactory answers on the biden border crisis what he stated was categorically false he stated among other things the media are allowed access i would ask each of you you know the answer to that have you been allowed access or not the answer is no and that is a flat out falsehood but not only that president biden said he wasn't in charge but kamala harris was going to be in charge she was going to be in charge of the border crisis it was clear that joe biden wanted nowhere near this disaster that his political decisions had created and then just a couple of days later it was announced kamala harris wasn't in charge either so either she was fired or she quit but either way biden's not in charge and harris is not in charge and it's not clear who is and the tragedy of this is president biden has no plan to end the suffering that's occurring upstairs there absolutely is an answer so we know what the answer is because just a few months ago we had policies in place that were working last year in the year 2020 we had the lowest rate of illegal immigration in 45 years last year there were many many fewer children little boys and little girls made physically and sexually abused by traffic and the answer is end catch and release and reinstate the remaining mexico policy we've seen that they work and the bible administration for political reason refuses to do so and so if they're not willing to act then this crisis will only get worse and worse and worse and more people will suffer and public health and safety will continue to be endangered in harlingen texas the illegal immigrants that they're releasing are testing positive for covet at a rate seven times higher than the u.s population this is a disaster and it is a man-made disaster and the man who made it is president joe biden thank you you

2021-04-03 06:59

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