BOOST5 masterclass: Environmental certification and sustainable tourism

BOOST5 masterclass: Environmental certification and sustainable tourism

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<font color="#ffffff">Thank you, good morning to all and to</font> <font color="#ffffff">all Mainly because there is a participation let's say.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Perhaps in percentage terms it is more female than</font> <font color="#ffffff">our male listeners, I don't know if you were present at the</font> <font color="#ffffff">two more lessons from this meeting that made</font> <font color="#ffffff">some of you both.</font> <font color="#ffffff">No, I do not have the exact situation of who</font> <font color="#ffffff">had enrolled this At this masterclass I</font> <font color="#ffffff">thought of doing a small A small summary of</font> <font color="#ffffff">what we had said to each other the past few times and then</font> <font color="#ffffff">proceeding in more detail in those being</font> <font color="#ffffff">useful tools for you to make a first</font> <font color="#ffffff">let's say self-assessment of how</font> <font color="#ffffff">your work in the field of sustainability in your</font> <font color="#ffffff">sector in the field of sustainability.</font> <font color="#ffffff">I would kindly ask you if this is not</font> <font color="#ffffff">a problem to make a very short presentation of you.</font> <font color="#ffffff">I am interested in the coveted place of</font> <font color="#ffffff">very very short work, but super concise.</font> <font color="#ffffff">One minute we don't even know each other so you can turn on</font> <font color="#ffffff">the microphone also makes you like the video.</font>

<font color="#ffffff">Otherwise, you remain without the physical connotations, but only with</font> <font color="#ffffff">audio and so I would have to make more effort to communicate</font> <font color="#ffffff">with the sound of your voice all your passion</font> <font color="#ffffff">for sustainability or the approach you have towards the</font> <font color="#ffffff">sustainability, who wants to start indifferent.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Good morning, Marasca I break the ice</font> <font color="#ffffff">All right Perfect Anna Good morning.</font> <font color="#ffffff">I am a partner in a start-up that</font> <font color="#ffffff">deals with accessibility event organisation marketing communication</font> <font color="#ffffff">is a newly established start-up, so life from really</font> <font color="#ffffff">very few months and we work in the field of art</font> <font color="#ffffff">digitisation of art and we are interested.</font> <font color="#ffffff">In short, all the topics you propose</font> <font color="#ffffff">way in the first place I have to propose</font> <font color="#ffffff">to those who are our applicants.</font> <font color="#ffffff">I am also europrotect manager.</font> <font color="#ffffff">You can therefore follow the customer</font> <font color="#ffffff">in the round, both through funding for</font> <font color="#ffffff">be able to help them develop project ideas.</font>

<font color="#ffffff">The drafting of the project.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Thank you very much.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Thank you very easy.</font> <font color="#ffffff">So I first if you will allow me so I do not</font> <font color="#ffffff">I call ice in every sense of the word</font> <font color="#ffffff">and creates a more unfriendly atmosphere and Thank you Anna</font> <font color="#ffffff">who wants to follow their own presentation.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Then I speak that I apologise, but it says</font> <font color="#ffffff">that my video camera in use in other</font> <font color="#ffffff">App I cannot understand.</font>

<font color="#ffffff">Then as soon as I solve this</font> <font color="#ffffff">I also manifest myself visually.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Good morning everyone and thank you for</font> <font color="#ffffff">hospitality this link because I speak for</font> <font color="#ffffff">me for my colleague Francesca Venturello.</font> <font color="#ffffff">I am Michela garis.</font> <font color="#ffffff">We are from Turin working for the Chamber</font> <font color="#ffffff">of Commerce in Turin and We greatly appreciated</font> <font color="#ffffff">this opening thing has told us to participate</font> <font color="#ffffff">together with you and we take care of development</font> <font color="#ffffff">of territorial marketing projects tourism food and wine Perfect.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Thank you very much Michele, if</font> <font color="#ffffff">you want to activate the camera.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Thanks to you I see that there is in chat</font> <font color="#ffffff">a message from Victoria who is without a microphone and</font> <font color="#ffffff">without video, but wants to participate in the station and the</font> <font color="#ffffff">I therefore read to everyone Elena represents the Albergo Diffuso</font> <font color="#ffffff">of Monte Prat, you know I say this especially for the</font> <font color="#ffffff">friends from Piedmont who are here with us today we are</font> <font color="#ffffff">the excellence of the albergo diffuso, we were the first</font> <font color="#ffffff">region in Italy to set up this form</font> <font color="#ffffff">of accommodation and so we are proud of them even though they last</font> <font color="#ffffff">you usually get some modesty.</font>

<font color="#ffffff">But in this case Let us put</font> <font color="#ffffff">the flagship that the Albergo Diffuso</font> <font color="#ffffff">was born in this very territory.</font> <font color="#ffffff">So Vittoria represents the albergo diffuso</font> <font color="#ffffff">of Monte Prat, Forgaria. Friuli.</font> <font color="#ffffff">It is very much linked to an environment</font> <font color="#ffffff">naturalistic, I would say almost untouched is our goal</font> <font color="#ffffff">Victoria spells Present future to offer with</font> <font color="#ffffff">our reality sustainable tourism, so we are talking</font> <font color="#ffffff">in this case of accommodation and also of</font> <font color="#ffffff">collateral tourist services perfect, who wants to say more</font> <font color="#ffffff">two words present parties to make themselves known with</font> <font color="#ffffff">the others participating today</font> <font color="#ffffff">then it will be bronzin work with simularte</font> <font color="#ffffff">which organises events implements cultural projects and thus</font> <font color="#ffffff">we are precisely interested in developing and creating</font> <font color="#ffffff">of events is really sustainable for with me</font> <font color="#ffffff">there is also Giorgia Savorgnano, our current intern.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Perfect, thank you very much,</font> <font color="#ffffff">who else wants to say 2.</font>

<font color="#ffffff">And presentation.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Hello all handsome.</font> <font color="#ffffff">I too am from Turin Michela.</font> <font color="#ffffff">By the way, as a middle name I do garis.</font> <font color="#ffffff">So maybe then we understand, how we cross paths,</font> <font color="#ffffff">we can't hear you Michela, we can't hear you.</font>

<font color="#ffffff">Now we see you but we can't hear you there is someone who</font> <font color="#ffffff">row against maybe your participation I call nothing, alright</font> <font color="#ffffff">I start by presenting the startup that he founded together with</font> <font color="#ffffff">to William del Negro and 4 others around</font> <font color="#ffffff">for Italy, so we are playing a kind of</font> <font color="#ffffff">RisiKo and we are not alone.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Then our startup and wants to create the</font> <font color="#ffffff">match between tourism enterprises and</font> <font color="#ffffff">users with specialisations, so not only disabilities, but</font> <font color="#ffffff">specific people may also be powering other perfect</font> <font color="#ffffff">the three we want to create the match between</font> <font color="#ffffff">i.e. we want to make culture all for</font> <font color="#ffffff">she starts a conversation with Giovanna, then</font> <font color="#ffffff">maybe later we'll go into more detail on how to make</font> <font color="#ffffff">accessible editing is the visual description of places</font> <font color="#ffffff">tooth structure, then cultural tourism and</font> <font color="#ffffff">accessible to all, including those with sensory disabilities.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Thank you very much someone else William Stefano I'll call you</font> <font color="#ffffff">because boys are either reticent in the</font> <font color="#ffffff">presentation if any of you wish.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Umberto I'll see if I can activate the sound.</font>

<font color="#ffffff">Here are mine.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Good morning, everyone,</font> <font color="#ffffff">good morning, hello Umberto.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Then me and little Leonardo</font> <font color="#ffffff">which is always connected Here it is.</font>

<font color="#ffffff">What a day we are answered by Tori of a startup</font> <font color="#ffffff">innovation we operate in sustainable tourism is our</font> <font color="#ffffff">objective is to help accommodation facilities.</font> <font color="#ffffff">In particular to address the ecological transition, thus</font> <font color="#ffffff">I love you we are facilitators of an ecological transition</font> <font color="#ffffff">perfect is operated in friuli-venezia Giulia.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Excuse me for asking, or are we also like</font> <font color="#ffffff">other colleagues like Marta, in short, we are seven.</font>

<font color="#ffffff">Sicily Let us therefore say Where Friuli Venezia Giulia is</font> <font color="#ffffff">just a curiosity about Milan and Tuscany,</font> <font color="#ffffff">so let's say we really do come from all over</font> <font color="#ffffff">parties we can help all kinds of structures</font> <font color="#ffffff">accommodation or tour operator to also cooperate with</font> <font color="#ffffff">progress, I don't know if Leonardo I wanted to add something</font> <font color="#ffffff">or yes, just a few words, at least I introduce myself.</font> <font color="#ffffff">I come from the consulting world, so I don't</font> <font color="#ffffff">applied however to tourism always worked in a</font> <font color="#ffffff">other sector, we decided precisely to disseminate this</font> <font color="#ffffff">society precisely to try to respond a little</font> <font color="#ffffff">of political reality small and medium-sized enterprises in</font> <font color="#ffffff">all over Italy to try to tackle start a</font> <font color="#ffffff">transition path.</font> <font color="#ffffff">So let's draw some paths on</font> <font color="#ffffff">measure for accommodation in Italy,</font> <font color="#ffffff">who we also collaborate with who they want to include within</font> <font color="#ffffff">of their tour catalogue with</font> <font color="#ffffff">also killed Simply, so you say</font> <font color="#ffffff">to this point of view.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Let's say our offer is a bit like this</font> <font color="#ffffff">we put on these perfect services Well I see that</font> <font color="#ffffff">has become somewhat responsible for the</font> <font color="#ffffff">project Claudia, Baracchini to whom the</font> <font color="#ffffff">grandmother if she wanted to make a short introduction or</font> <font color="#ffffff">wanted to share a few words with me.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Thank you, thank you.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Excuse me, but really since this morning there has been</font> <font color="#ffffff">a series of interventions that had to be attended to.</font>

<font color="#ffffff">So yes, thank you Giovanna the I just wanted Two</font> <font color="#ffffff">words about the project that is funding this series of</font> <font color="#ffffff">interventions focused on eco-sustainability eco-certification for tourism</font> <font color="#ffffff">it is an interreg project, Italy Croatia that</font> <font color="#ffffff">actually enhances us previous projects that at 360°.</font> <font color="#ffffff">have been involved in the enhancement of cultural heritage for tourism</font> <font color="#ffffff">sustainable this masterclass closes on innovation</font> <font color="#ffffff">and the activities that began always led by</font> <font color="#ffffff">Giovanna Tosetto, who for us represents the guide on</font> <font color="#ffffff">this theme is that they are so thankful that they</font> <font color="#ffffff">closes and a training course on this topic.</font> <font color="#ffffff">But the Master's degree that is point</font> <font color="#ffffff">recording is one of 10 masterclasses that will be</font> <font color="#ffffff">then brought together will be available to substantially all others</font> <font color="#ffffff">partners other organisations that are part of the</font> <font color="#ffffff">bus Five and are implementing other themes for this</font> <font color="#ffffff">indeed we will eventually have a path that basically traveled</font> <font color="#ffffff">very extensive training and I just wanted to mention the event,</font> <font color="#ffffff">instead of closing the project practically and</font> <font color="#ffffff">it is a file you sell them that will be held</font> <font color="#ffffff">at Villa Manin 20 April and will bring together experts</font> <font color="#ffffff">and then talk about themes and that we have</font> <font color="#ffffff">skipped within five including the certification</font> <font color="#ffffff">eco-sustainable in particular and transmitting the experiences that</font> <font color="#ffffff">we realised within the framework of these activities with Giovanna 7</font> <font color="#ffffff">and with guests.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Thank you septuagenarian young man</font> <font color="#ffffff">and their own were also illustrated</font> <font color="#ffffff">skills and always with respect to beneficial opportunities and</font> <font color="#ffffff">processes that then lead a territory an organisation</font> <font color="#ffffff">to achieve certification and environmental</font> <font color="#ffffff">I'll stop here because I don't want to</font> <font color="#ffffff">take more time away but remain connected.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Thank you very much Claudia, I will now try to</font> <font color="#ffffff">share the screen, if we can, we see a</font> <font color="#ffffff">moment and to continue with the nattimo.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Listen.</font>

<font color="#ffffff">I call second only OK we should be there</font> <font color="#ffffff">According to me, I wanted to start like this,</font> <font color="#ffffff">if you all agree.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Here we are.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Do you see my screen?</font> <font color="#ffffff">I have prepared very few slides, </font> <font color="#ffffff">because what I wanted to do today together</font> <font color="#ffffff">to you is to represent in more depth some</font> <font color="#ffffff">of certification where there is the possibility of making a</font> <font color="#ffffff">Self-Assessment according to the scope, so as</font> <font color="#ffffff">I saw that there are people participating</font> <font color="#ffffff">today that they don't know me I gave them a</font> <font color="#ffffff">brief introduction about me.</font> <font color="#ffffff">I thank Claudia, because she exalts</font> <font color="#ffffff">always my expertise.</font> <font color="#ffffff">But I will tell you that I still have a lot to learn.</font>

<font color="#ffffff">I am certainly experienced in the area of</font> <font color="#ffffff">tourism, because that is where he operates when I am finished</font> <font color="#ffffff">the university course that was a university course</font> <font color="#ffffff">related to language learning, so I theoretically should be</font> <font color="#ffffff">a conference interpreter with English German languages,</font> <font color="#ffffff">but then let's say that tourism was a</font> <font color="#ffffff">a little bit my world, so but in the area of tourism</font> <font color="#ffffff">always tried to deepen certain skills such as those</font> <font color="#ffffff">which can also arise from trends in tourism demand</font> <font color="#ffffff">indirectly also from demand trends oriented towards the</font> <font color="#ffffff">culture because tourism is a kind of ecosystem</font> <font color="#ffffff">deeply intersecting with all that is</font> <font color="#ffffff">also the cultural environment and everything that revolves around it,</font> <font color="#ffffff">therefore craftsmanship traditions culture.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Intangible assets etc. In the last ten years</font> <font color="#ffffff"> I addressed two main issues</font> <font color="#ffffff">one that is experiential tourism</font> <font color="#ffffff">as a specific experiential tourism "format story living"</font> <font color="#ffffff">to give an example ARTESS</font> <font color="#ffffff">that is this institution in Italy that deals with</font> <font color="#ffffff">of creating those experiences based on</font> <font color="#ffffff">a registered specification recognised by the Ministry of Development</font> <font color="#ffffff">economic and creating professional figures in this</font> <font color="#ffffff">sphere of which I am not a part, so</font> <font color="#ffffff">I am an experiential tourism operator.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Even at a later date </font> <font color="#ffffff">let's say my interest, mainly from 2018</font> <font color="#ffffff">Is focused on sustainable tourism.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Why? Because I heard so much about</font> <font color="#ffffff">sustainability or at least many operators added this adjective</font> <font color="#ffffff">their tourist offer and no one</font> <font color="#ffffff">want I really wanted to put my hands in</font> <font color="#ffffff">dough and understand this phenomenon this</font> <font color="#ffffff">tourism, how could it best be updated.</font>

<font color="#ffffff">As the first tool I used to</font> <font color="#ffffff">deepen my skills, so be here too</font> <font color="#ffffff">to share with you who surely have an experience</font> <font color="#ffffff">behind and knowledge, perhaps sometimes</font> <font color="#ffffff">even higher than mine, I did a</font> <font color="#ffffff">training with an institution that I consider to be currently</font> <font color="#ffffff">one of the most important institutions to</font> <font color="#ffffff">reference for sustainability in tourism </font> <font color="#ffffff">but also will be within a very short time for operators</font> <font color="#ffffff">involved in the realisation of events.</font> <font color="#ffffff">So that whole sector of the</font> <font color="#ffffff">tourism, which we define by this acronym MAIS sector</font> <font color="#ffffff">Meetings, incentive trips,</font> <font color="#ffffff">conventions, events, exhibitions, etc. This course realised with GSTC</font> <font color="#ffffff">opened up a world to me</font> <font color="#ffffff">I am now mainly sort of operating and shadowing some</font> <font color="#ffffff">European projects including with the</font> <font color="#ffffff">theme of sustainable tourism, but I am also flanking</font> <font color="#ffffff">another European project of which</font> <font color="#ffffff">in a moment I will talk to you about the</font> <font color="#ffffff">sustainability. In previous editions of the</font> <font color="#ffffff">we did online I introduced</font> <font color="#ffffff">a small theoretical part.</font> <font color="#ffffff">I don't want to bore you with that.</font>

<font color="#ffffff">And then you will find for all the material will be uploaded</font> <font color="#ffffff">by Friuliinnovazione. However the set from which to start</font> <font color="#ffffff">are the 17 targets</font> <font color="#ffffff">that are just around the corner</font> <font color="#ffffff">The 17 sustainable Goals that we should realise by 2030, so</font> <font color="#ffffff">around the corner.</font> <font color="#ffffff">This is a bit for everyone who</font> <font color="#ffffff">you want to approach sustainability</font> <font color="#ffffff">the milestones from which to start there are some</font> <font color="#ffffff">relating specifically to the tourism sector</font> <font color="#ffffff">I would say that almost everyone can in some way</font> <font color="#ffffff">to interact and intervene in the tourism sphere in some</font> <font color="#ffffff">more preponderant some in a perhaps more subtle way.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Of course, there's a sea between saying and doing</font> <font color="#ffffff">So how to proceed in order to actually become sustainable</font> <font color="#ffffff">then be able to prove that we are complying or have</font> <font color="#ffffff">already made progress for the</font> <font color="#ffffff">achievement of these objectives is that we are applying</font> <font color="#ffffff">sustainability in a practical way? In the past two</font> <font color="#ffffff">chats we had about the project BOOST5, we had</font> <font color="#ffffff">also the testimonies of those who then operationally</font> <font color="#ffffff">operates in the sector.</font>

<font color="#ffffff">It therefore allows tourism operators to</font> <font color="#ffffff">certify. VIREO based in Padua that</font> <font color="#ffffff">one of the few realities accredited by GSTC</font> <font color="#ffffff">worldwide and then we also had the intervention</font> <font color="#ffffff">precisely of ETIFOR, which is a spin-off of the University</font> <font color="#ffffff">of Padua that helps companies monitoring</font> <font color="#ffffff">in different areas their consumption and to structure</font> <font color="#ffffff">in an organic, rational, pragmatic way a process to achieve</font> <font color="#ffffff">to a true sustainability.</font> <font color="#ffffff">I won't go into much detail here because</font> <font color="#ffffff">I just wanted to give more space to the discourse then the</font> <font color="#ffffff">certifications. The sustainability declines in three main areas,</font> <font color="#ffffff">so there is one of us is of you who</font> <font color="#ffffff">represented by start-ups operating in the field of</font> <font color="#ffffff">tourism operating in the field of institutions such as the</font> <font color="#ffffff">Chamber of Commerce, so that the interface with the territory</font> <font color="#ffffff">through the companies it represents but also within the</font> <font color="#ffffff">tourism that chambers of commerce at least here in</font> <font color="#ffffff">Friuli Venezia Giulia also have a role</font> <font color="#ffffff">in tourism sector. I imagine it's the same even in Piemonte. </font> <font color="#ffffff">The sustainability is declined in</font> <font color="#ffffff">three main areas. The first, empathetically</font>

<font color="#ffffff">comes up almost immediately that the environment</font> <font color="#ffffff">therefore the protection of the landscape the protection of the environment, therefore</font> <font color="#ffffff">CO2 emissions.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Now almost all airlines ask you if</font> <font color="#ffffff">you want to contribute to supplementing CO2 emissions the</font> <font color="#ffffff">calculations by destination of how much CO2 emissions there</font> <font color="#ffffff">are etc. the replacement with trees with</font> <font color="#ffffff">projects of what may be CO2 emissions</font> <font color="#ffffff">are perhaps the most striking expressions of the</font> <font color="#ffffff">sustainability where tourism unfortunately still plays a role,</font> <font color="#ffffff">preponderant, especially if you think.</font> <font color="#ffffff">The transport discourse of the</font> <font color="#ffffff">approaches on many destinations.</font> <font color="#ffffff">However, there are two aspects</font> <font color="#ffffff">which are the ones that as far as I am concerned</font> <font color="#ffffff">since my background </font> <font color="#ffffff">discourse of experiential tourism and authenticity in the</font> <font color="#ffffff">delivery of the tourism product aspects of liability</font> <font color="#ffffff">social and economic responsibility, hence the responsibility</font> <font color="#ffffff">social and elected especially towards the community</font> <font color="#ffffff">there are some very nice projects.</font>

<font color="#ffffff">Regarding the sustainability of some</font> <font color="#ffffff">destinations appeared in SOLE24ore</font> <font color="#ffffff">iin the culture insert</font> <font color="#ffffff">an important article on sustainability and took</font> <font color="#ffffff">Alta Badia as an example.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Doing a job of containing the number</font> <font color="#ffffff">of guests reaching their destination because they</font> <font color="#ffffff">we are talking about figures that obviously turn out to be</font> <font color="#ffffff">very invasive and unsustainable and are certifying</font> <font color="#ffffff">many realities, so a bit of a point</font> <font color="#ffffff">of reference this destination of our territory</font> <font color="#ffffff">Italian could be a nice</font> <font color="#ffffff">and an interesting best practice to take</font> <font color="#ffffff">into consideration, then simply type in Alta Badia.</font> <font color="#ffffff">If you are interested you will see that on Google I</font> <font color="#ffffff">a lot of references appear to what I am</font> <font color="#ffffff">saying me, then there is the aspect of economic responsibility,</font> <font color="#ffffff">i.e. sustainable tourism also means going</font>

<font color="#ffffff">experience design of tourism products</font> <font color="#ffffff">in the various destinations allowing for economic sustainability</font> <font color="#ffffff">for small realities, that is of course.</font> <font color="#ffffff">While also enhancing the cultural heritage that</font> <font color="#ffffff">in Italy is a heritage of inestimable value</font> <font color="#ffffff">albeit intangible, and also to give</font> <font color="#ffffff">development, say for the future.</font> <font color="#ffffff">So when we think about sustainability we have to think about</font> <font color="#ffffff">these three aspects together basically. I go quite</font> <font color="#ffffff">quick introductions because I wanted to get right into the</font> <font color="#ffffff">and then leave In the last part of our</font> <font color="#ffffff">our presentation of time to be able to compare and</font> <font color="#ffffff">you should see it on my screen at the homepage of</font> <font color="#ffffff">gestures which is a bit like what I was telling you</font> <font color="#ffffff">the starting point for those working in the</font> <font color="#ffffff">tourism sector, when it wants to develop the</font> <font color="#ffffff">sustainability Global sustainable tourism Council is a spin-off</font> <font color="#ffffff">of the organisation.</font>

<font color="#ffffff">Tourism was born several years ago and</font> <font color="#ffffff">stands as an internationally recognised institution for</font> <font color="#ffffff">the first time declined General Criteria</font> <font color="#ffffff">to which many certifications then refer</font> <font color="#ffffff">the various areas of the tourism sector.</font> <font color="#ffffff">So you see here on the homepage.</font> <font color="#ffffff">I am projecting the various areas where I manage</font> <font color="#ffffff">is working and where it has in some</font> <font color="#ffffff">way this Bible developed this list of criteria</font> <font color="#ffffff">to which one must put one's faith in order to be able to effectively declare oneself</font> <font color="#ffffff">under Grace, certifying bodies that validate this process</font> <font color="#ffffff">that individual companies destinations</font> <font color="#ffffff">have been making verse.</font> <font color="#ffffff">So he created the criteria that I now</font> <font color="#ffffff">I will show myself very quickly to understand a little bit</font> <font color="#ffffff">better what I am telling you about in order to</font> <font color="#ffffff">actually declared sustainable asks us to start a process</font> <font color="#ffffff">of certification coming to Prato has been verified</font> <font color="#ffffff">by certifying bodies that are not GFs.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Yes, but they are entities</font> <font color="#ffffff">recognised certifiers.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Yes, yes we just as I said had the</font> <font color="#ffffff">testimony last time to say Oh that one</font> <font color="#ffffff">of these nationally recognised certification bodies by</font> <font color="#ffffff">also believe this establishment of indicators in all</font> <font color="#ffffff">areas, not only in tourism and sustainability and</font> <font color="#ffffff">so it is quite a long process, it is not a</font> <font color="#ffffff">easy process rich.</font>

<font color="#ffffff">Determination and will to achieve the goal, but above all</font> <font color="#ffffff">requires a firm conviction that there is no</font> <font color="#ffffff">other path than to go towards</font> <font color="#ffffff">sustainability in the sphere of tourism in the sphere of culture</font> <font color="#ffffff">destinations in the broadest sense and</font> <font color="#ffffff">this is also confirmed by the demand trends</font> <font color="#ffffff">Tourist reports on trends come out daily.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Where is the question among the many questions asked</font> <font color="#ffffff">also those of the support and especially in a</font> <font color="#ffffff">of rather young generations there is a demand for sustainability</font> <font color="#ffffff">is a let's say priority given to hotel destinations</font> <font color="#ffffff">and sustainable tour operators, which therefore also confirms the</font> <font color="#ffffff">marketing point of view, the choice to start</font> <font color="#ffffff">to start this process.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Looking in detail for a moment without boring you by clicking</font> <font color="#ffffff">you can then verify it later, let's say</font> <font color="#ffffff">on your behalf, we can download digest though</font> <font color="#ffffff">to do it in English because in Italian</font> <font color="#ffffff">a lot of mistakes were made and in English,</font> <font color="#ffffff">instead the somewhat better version.</font> <font color="#ffffff">I am showing you.</font>

<font color="#ffffff">Tell me if you see.</font> <font color="#ffffff">I hope so, if not, whistle, come down</font> <font color="#ffffff">audio friends Giovanna, you are speaking for yourself.</font> <font color="#ffffff">So you see I'm open</font> <font color="#ffffff">criteria for hotels so to verify a</font> <font color="#ffffff">moment what I am telling you there are</font> <font color="#ffffff">times were at the goals of the 20-30 agenda and therefore are</font> <font color="#ffffff">for example in this case if we look at these criteria</font> <font color="#ffffff">mainly concerning large.</font>

<font color="#ffffff">It is sustainable hotel reality</font> <font color="#ffffff">destination tour operator Travel agency.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Soon there will also be all the criteria for</font> <font color="#ffffff">the events industry, so there will be another chance to</font> <font color="#ffffff">certification in addition to our</font> <font color="#ffffff">Michela who is the one from Iso 20121 we will see</font> <font color="#ffffff">in a little while, so it will also express itself.</font> <font color="#ffffff">As for the ner curtains of events, here are</font> <font color="#ffffff">you see that the list is about the</font> <font color="#ffffff">these first in section A concerning the management</font> <font color="#ffffff">sustainable in a didactic way is very</font> <font color="#ffffff">simple Eagles to whom or temperament does not speak.</font> <font color="#ffffff">So also the involvement of the staff,</font> <font color="#ffffff">therefore training for staff.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Of the customer experience how much this sustainability is communicated</font> <font color="#ffffff">to their guests on communication opens a</font> <font color="#ffffff">world where you stay a lot because</font> <font color="#ffffff">shared there is an involvement of the</font> <font color="#ffffff">own host, obviously the infrastructure buildings and</font> <font color="#ffffff">that which concerns the sustainability of cities and</font> <font color="#ffffff">of communities.</font>

<font color="#ffffff">So in the first part it is mainly that</font> <font color="#ffffff">concerning management in a more</font> <font color="#ffffff">wide and here we also talk about the use</font> <font color="#ffffff">of the water of the destination involvement.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Then we move on to the other aspect that I</font> <font color="#ffffff">I had shown this on this slide because</font> <font color="#ffffff">that of the social socio-economic aspect and thus go</font> <font color="#ffffff">to verify these criteria you</font> <font color="#ffffff">You see on the left are all.</font> <font color="#ffffff">That tourism operators and</font> <font color="#ffffff">choose to be certified as sustainable must comply,</font> <font color="#ffffff">otherwise they cannot show the certification levo,</font> <font color="#ffffff">then the on-site certifier at the time of</font> <font color="#ffffff">he comes to make the inspection, if these</font> <font color="#ffffff">criteria are not tempered let's say not</font> <font color="#ffffff">by the Placido asset for certification criteria</font> <font color="#ffffff">on the left on the right are some lines</font> <font color="#ffffff">guide the indicators of what they can be say.</font> <font color="#ffffff">What it means to support the community that the organisation</font> <font color="#ffffff">so in this case the hotel is involved with</font> <font color="#ffffff">the local community and takes into account the</font> <font color="#ffffff">need for opportunities can do activities, for</font> <font color="#ffffff">example of sustaining events draws on force</font> <font color="#ffffff">workplace where possible?</font> <font color="#ffffff">I am working on mountain realities,</font> <font color="#ffffff">unfortunately where communities are very small, in</font> <font color="#ffffff">this case it is clear that there is no</font> <font color="#ffffff">staff fabric on the traffic destination seeks however</font> <font color="#ffffff">to extend to an area seems to be</font> <font color="#ffffff">quite close to the local-part purchase km 0 Racing.</font> <font color="#ffffff">You see.</font>

<font color="#ffffff">So also to support small activities to</font> <font color="#ffffff">small suppliers to entrepreneurs and thus e</font> <font color="#ffffff">especially then because these criteria are generalist, therefore not</font> <font color="#ffffff">are for Europe specifically, but concern the whole of</font> <font color="#ffffff">world there are also references regarding</font> <font color="#ffffff">exploitation to not only exploitation of resources, but</font> <font color="#ffffff">labour and especially child labour what</font> <font color="#ffffff">than by us.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Thank goodness this less we say does not represent</font> <font color="#ffffff">one of the obstacles to achieving sustainability at the last</font> <font color="#ffffff">part of the last section of these criteria, there is the</font> <font color="#ffffff">of Culture and</font> <font color="#ffffff">of the protection of the preservation of culture I most</font> <font color="#ffffff">open these criteria for, say, hotels,</font> <font color="#ffffff">however, if you get in, then</font> <font color="#ffffff">would you like to pursue this topic in the other areas that</font> <font color="#ffffff">are precisely those concerning the tour operator</font> <font color="#ffffff">etc. you will see that these criteria are mainly taken up,</font> <font color="#ffffff">perhaps more with you in some cases.</font>

<font color="#ffffff">Because the activity does not</font> <font color="#ffffff">foresees does not foresee in a manner.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Likewise in other cases</font> <font color="#ffffff">instead, the caps come.</font> <font color="#ffffff">So this is the Departure from which then arise</font> <font color="#ffffff">the tools for an analysis a kind of examination of</font> <font color="#ffffff">awareness of the reality one wants to see in order to understand</font> <font color="#ffffff">whether this reality is actually sustainable or not Having said that</font> <font color="#ffffff">I wanted to pursue this now there are questions</font> <font color="#ffffff">everything is clear, up to here you wanted to ask me something</font> <font color="#ffffff">if there are any questions.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Maybe you can also switch on the microphone and since</font> <font color="#ffffff">we are in an even fairly small number me</font> <font color="#ffffff">you can formulate we will then have the space, as I told you</font> <font color="#ffffff">afterwards to be able to ask questions more in</font> <font color="#ffffff">details on what Giovanna, you can also of course</font> <font color="#ffffff">use the chat and then I will</font> <font color="#ffffff">the Claudia Perfetto.</font> <font color="#ffffff">So what tools to use now practically to enter</font> <font color="#ffffff">a little in the middle and As We Were Promised.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Work A Little Then I'll Show You Who</font> <font color="#ffffff">of you are more or less aware</font> <font color="#ffffff">of which certifications exist in the area of sustainability.</font>

<font color="#ffffff">As far as tourism is concerned</font> <font color="#ffffff">you surely know many of them.</font> <font color="#ffffff">I suppose there is someone who might want to answer if</font> <font color="#ffffff">no one is there because you are all intimidated.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Then I show you a</font> <font color="#ffffff">moment, I wanted to show a moment.</font> <font color="#ffffff">And so you have an idea of what</font> <font color="#ffffff">we are talking about, here it is.</font> <font color="#ffffff">I'll share for a moment.</font>

<font color="#ffffff">OK the wine I want you to come.</font> <font color="#ffffff">The geniuses with these shares and here We return</font> <font color="#ffffff">to another European project a European project</font> <font color="#ffffff">in progress, which, however, already stems from many</font> <font color="#ffffff">years there is a platform at European level.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Send continuous implementation that</font> <font color="#ffffff">is called Twenty Tourism 20-30.</font> <font color="#ffffff">And this platform aims to bring together</font> <font color="#ffffff">within this platform all the realities that</font> <font color="#ffffff">rotate in the world of tourism is that they are</font> <font color="#ffffff">sustainability certification holders.</font> <font color="#ffffff">This is for two main reasons one to create</font> <font color="#ffffff">sustainability networking that is in some</font> <font color="#ffffff">demonstrably defined and has been</font> <font color="#ffffff">recognised in terms of certification and</font> <font color="#ffffff">credibility and thus create a product at</font> <font color="#ffffff">international level TIM, the former of sustainability on the other should</font> <font color="#ffffff">also become a kind of Marketplace in the future</font> <font color="#ffffff">for realities in the tourism sector, i.e. hotel destinations</font> <font color="#ffffff">tour operators etc. who want to share and exchange</font>

<font color="#ffffff">their best practices in this platform that</font> <font color="#ffffff">You can also safely use.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Of course on your behalf there are also</font> <font color="#ffffff">in-house training resources etc., i.e. A first</font> <font color="#ffffff">analysis of those certifications within the</font> <font color="#ffffff">sustainability always talking about tourism if I enter</font> <font color="#ffffff">in this I thirst.</font> <font color="#ffffff">I see that there are so many starting with</font> <font color="#ffffff">the ones we have now on the screen we have Green Globe</font> <font color="#ffffff">drink recipe in all this sea of certifications the operator</font> <font color="#ffffff">or the trainer or facilitator how does the</font> <font color="#ffffff">own company and its reality or its</font> <font color="#ffffff">startup how it chooses the most suitable certification</font> <font color="#ffffff">the criteria can be multiple one</font> <font color="#ffffff">of which let's say there is a sharing by even</font> <font color="#ffffff">of other experts with whom I deal a lot</font> <font color="#ffffff">often just to receive a</font> <font color="#ffffff">more information and to be able to share the difficulties also</font> <font color="#ffffff">our country faces in comparison to other countries.</font> <font color="#ffffff">One of the criteria is to verify,</font> <font color="#ffffff">what is the target market at</font> <font color="#ffffff">which the target company intends to address.</font> <font color="#ffffff">Let me explain better if the target market is</font> <font color="#ffffff">mainly a European market, I will try to identify</font> <font color="#ffffff">a certification that more naturally exists at European level</font> <font color="#ffffff">and therefore that I understand it to be a certification that</font> <font color="#ffffff">can also be used as a marketing tool because as</font> <font color="#ffffff">I told you before the trains of the let's say the slope</font> <font color="#ffffff">towards the pursuit of sustainability of accommodation in all</font> <font color="#ffffff">realities they bring into the tourism ecosystem is in</font> <font color="#ffffff">continuous increase if I have specific markets,</font> <font color="#ffffff">for example Us.</font>

<font color="#ffffff">I will certainly go and look.</font> <font color="#ffffff">A Brand that can be Where was recognised</font> <font color="#ffffff">or another criterion could be</font> <font color="#ffffff">destination chooses to certify its</font> <font color="#ffffff">gxt facilities, so this one you want international.</font> <font color="#ffffff">It is clear that if I am a small tour operator</font> <font color="#ffffff">of the destination, if I want to network I will choose the same one</font> <font color="#ffffff">same as you want to certify me if</font> <font color="#ffffff">you have time and the will to go and see the</font> <font color="#ffffff">most of these lei balls you see here Type</font> <font color="#ffffff">greenkey, we'll also go into more detail there shortly, you'll see</font> <font color="#ffffff">that however the starting point of these certifying bodies</font> <font color="#ffffff">international is for the most part based on the criteria that</font> <font color="#ffffff">showed me vgf.</font> <font color="#ffffff">There are in Italy, we have taken mpio Legambiente.</font>

<font color="#ffffff">And as a certification process is rather more</font> <font color="#ffffff">simple compared to other internationals, I tell you</font> <font color="#ffffff">knowledgeable because I am following</font> <font color="#ffffff">precisely for this tourism 20-30.</font> <font color="#ffffff">In this case for a project called e</font> <font color="#ffffff">tg TG 2030 European tourism going Green project</font> <font color="#ffffff">20-30, I am following companies in Friuli-Venezia Giulia that</font> <font color="#ffffff">are certifying the choice by these</font> <font color="#ffffff">companies three hotels and two tour operators was</font> <font color="#ffffff">for hotels to certify gfc because in Friuli</font> <font color="#ffffff">Venezia Giulia we already have a GSC destination that is</font> <font color="#ffffff">the consortium that is the Tarvisio area, therefore an area</font> <font color="#ffffff">of our mountains for tour operators the lido.</font> <font color="#ffffff">That of certifying Travel Life tour operators because it is</font> <font color="#ffffff">specific only to tour operators and therefore they</font> <font color="#ffffff">working worldwide mainly those markets that come from</font> <font color="#ffffff">from the United States and northern Europe considered</font> <font color="#ffffff">preferred to become Travel Life certified.</font> <font color="#ffffff">So it is a choice that is very subjective,</font> <font color="#ffffff">for example greenkey I now do</font> <font color="#ffffff">see that this is what gives the</font> <font color="#ffffff">hotels this in the screenshot you see?</font> <font color="#ffffff">See here The hotel can be entered put its</font> <font color="#ffffff">name to the country, i.e. it is at a first look</font> <font color="#ffffff">zoom in a little so you shou

2023-07-27 01:47

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