Bogota Colombia City And Food Tour

Bogota Colombia City And Food Tour

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now from memory what's going on man we just  it is happening today guys all right guys so we're starting with the  food tour right here and i'm with i'm joey and together we make captain planet i'll play  it around guys but anyways guys we're gonna go   um check out parks they're very knowledgeable  about the city and i think that would be helpful   for us to know about this place when we come out  so this is a tour you guys normally do yeah yeah   we do this a few times a week okay a few times  a week all right let's get started we're excited   let's do it see everything guys okay let's go  let's do it so where we at all right so right now   we're in downtown bogata downtown downtown this  is called centro internacional it's gonna be where   everyone's working right now it's a busy part of  the city um and there's several parts of downtown   so like towards that way is the historic district  towards that way is the north of the city which   gets a little bit fancier okay around where you  guys are staying um and to show you a few things   downtown down here if you see this older building  in the distance yeah that used to be one of the   biggest breweries in the city okay cool and it  still is but it's been moved to a different place   so it's called the bavaria brewing okay so this  would have been a very industrial area back in   the early 1900s um and then over here it actually  used to be a price security prison oh so that used   to be a jail no i didn't want to see it until  now they mentioned it's a jail so let me let's   look at the let's look at the the prison okay  for the homies freddie homies afraid of hobbies fancy art galleries do they have  some of the pictures of the people   yeah oh okay all right cool guys but that's why i  don't have any windows you know huh that used to   be one of the most overcrowded it would have had  around 5 000 people in it okay cool cool cool not   that big i mean so what type of criminals they  would have they wouldn't everything sometimes   you get war crimes or this petty crime i think it  could be anything they'll lock you up for whatever   okay wow okay so now is the this is the museum  yeah so now it's actually a colombian art museum   and it was converted in the 1960s do you know  what's the cover to get in yeah it's just uh 3 500   pesos okay so about one us dollar okay cool cool  cool and free on sunday oh okay free that's it   now you talking what's up save a dollar it's free  on something so wait a minute so donald again yeah   oh okay guys all right no i think that's kind of  fair that they will make it very accessible for   the public to see yeah okay colombians love to  go out on sunday so you're gonna see all of this   super how's this place also it's super full  on sunday everybody out here it'll be packed   so this is not back right now no no actually  it's better to go during the week if you can   if you want to avoid the crowd okay back here you  can see a little closer this is a little bit older   now it's been converted into restaurants so that  actually is just a small portion of the brewery   that was there um and now it's like a lot of  what type of restaurants you can get over here   uh so they've got sushi i think an italian one a  coffee shop there's like three or four different   ones that are housed cool man okay guys i see  a lot of young professionals here is this like   business area front yeah this is going to  be business a few like government offices   yeah financial district is a little  more down that way so there's a lot   of different business districts with msa all  right guys so let's get to the other parts   let's go this area reminds me a little bit  of guatempe just the different colors evolve   what is this right here so this is kind of like  the gastronomic zone of downtown all these places   are going to be filled with typical colombian  food so they're going to have menu of the day   which is how you eat cheap in colombia so it's  going to range from usually eight thousand pesos   to maximum fifteen thousand pesos for a drink a  soup and a main plate of food so that's gonna be   about two to five us dollars okay oh it's gonna  be the best food you can find so but we're gonna   be walking to the top of this to get to a market  is there a food that your colombian mom gonna give   you at home but you can have it on restaurants  also because colombians don't like to cook that   much so you have this beautiful ladies always  like offering the kind of food that they had   and it's like what you call her basically what  does that mean oh basically betty means like   frame you know neighbor okay but here or vestibus  yeah yeah like vesino like vestino yeah okay okay   cool cool a friendly way to say hello oh hello  okay i thought you meant bestie that's my bestie all right the other thing you notice about uh bogota  is there's some awesome artwork everywhere   even the graffiti is very  detailed like this piece here   oh they're gonna do something they do it right in  bogota it's a big thing because it's not highly   illegal for example the businesses gonna hire  the people the artists to create the whole place   and they're gonna win money so it's part of  the culture so it's not frowned upon if people   do it it's an art here when it comes to doing  graffiti you're saying if we go get a paint can   let's get one and guys let's get it done i want  to paint that pocket boy if we can east oakland   this is the hardest part of the tour we went up  this hill the rest of the tour is going to be   flying oh shoved in the hill please show them  oh my god this is this is a skateboard dream   i live for live for finding out about  culture finding discovering things   seeing the unknown because all the stuff you  hear all the time they're never really telling   you the good stuff the things about the locals  that make them special and let's see what both   what's special about bogota today that's exactly  what i feel man thank you man all right let's go hola bessie come on stop  more leave that fancy beside the street just smells like good food guys i just  want to let you know if i can share that with you people sitting there wow i'm thinking  there was construction over here   wow so this is a creative way  for social distancing yeah yeah   they've made it hip and the fact that oh this  is creative that way they don't have to have   so many chair tables on the floor they can have  it stacked up right here right with cover for   i i want to go up there for a minute who's here  who i can talk to yeah let me do you want me come on come on let's check it  out come on let's see how this   place looks you know i mean this is all  about food smells so good buena rica okay all right so we're gonna go up there  check it out okay okay up the stairs get the views this place is awesome guys  have you seen something like this this   is a creative way to be social distancing  and uh i think it's dope okay let's move up   and i guess the vip section let's go to vip dance  floor section right here okay okay hold up okay   and here we are look i feel like we made it  we made it i want to sit up on the vip vip like no other person can do it i've never seen  this type of setup this is the most creative yeah   and wow and you get that fresh air and   i can imagine at night how the  wind blows it makes it look all all right let's do it man so guys if you  wanna know where this is plaza de marco   let's go this market was established in 1940 uh  this was a very working-class neighborhood back   then and still has a little bit so the brewery  that was about there most of the workers would   have lived in this neighborhood and then worked  in the brewery you know i caught this right here   when we walked by it's like there's meat here  yes this market's got everything okay yeah let   me look at all this meat right here you guys look  at this this is really good this is and this is   supposed to be your local place where people get  their food and it's still rocking yeah so it's   got everything we're going to be going inside too  so it's going to be a place to eat and then it's   got a large meat and produce section he went  over there let's get our table first okay cool so guys we're at this cool uh marketplace it  looks like there's a lot of locals here man   they're just eating um enjoy oh okay he's  chilling right here there we go all right okay here's our table yeah so they're gonna  bring us the food or we have to get up   no no they're gonna bring us here so i already  asked for the food so we are fine okay cool   this place is super special because each kitchen  is a different kind of food from colombia   so if you feel like from the coast one day  you can come here and get it they sell all   kind of fish loco and also from other parts  of the country today we're gonna get an akosu   the ajiako soup is a traditional soup from yes yes  i heard about it okay it's two kinds of potatoes   that's the base with chicken and corn also they're  gonna bring to us rice avocado capers and sour   cream okay cool we need to put all of that in the  same place mix it and eat it all right cool it's   the perfect soup for hangover oh for after you're  drinking so bogota people like to drink that's why   it's made here in bogota yeah yeah it's a drink  to party and go crazy okay cool that's what's up   what else um what else place uh food they have  here from different countries right different   cities no only from colombia from different  cities so what cities are represented here bogota   and i think that's santa marta that is like you  know for the coast okay what about like bukara   manga yeah for sure that's more like beef beef  i was just talking to him about the agenda and   why i'm here and it's mostly to learn more about  the culture and exactly the people living here   right and so he was telling me how he what you  guys do yeah like we take a month a complete   month to do the whole tour for example this stuff  we discovered after three months that we were   doing the tour because when we asked our friends  they tell us oh no take the tourists to this fancy   place to the other fancy place and we were like  no we don't want that we want to go where your   parents take you when you were younger so you  wanted you wanted like the traditional yeah   situation yeah it's additional where i can  come here and all the food that we buy we   are supporting local businesses people  local people you know i got you on camera   i saw okay i saw me meet her i saw her earlier so no i really appreciate that dedication  because you just don't want to go on a tour   that you can see maybe online you want to go  you want to link up with people that really   yeah give you the real authentic experience  seriously so this is what we're going to be   starting off our uh our tasting yeah waiting  for the soup okay we're waiting for the soup   all right yeah so what we got here we got  some white rice nice avocado sour cream   and capers okay sour cream right there yeah  and capers the capers is a game changer   can you open it up yeah yeah for sure oh here we  go i'm ready emma yeah i see why we're walking   cause we gotta work out work up the  appetite oh this is good guys look at that   oh man look at this guys this is awesome  thoroughly yesterday i'm going on a um on a   food tour he's like yo i'm going too i'm a foodie  right i'm a foodie for real everybody knows that   okay that's what's up man yo that's what's up man  okay and this is we've been through this plenty of   time so this is like sugar cane juice guys yeah  last night i drunk agua panela hot hot how that   was i never knew you could do that and it's a  different texture yeah it's a different steak   bessie messi these are called the reptile  juices they're going to be a little bit sweet i've tried a raper before but  never do so it's like two different you know yeah i like me some african lombiana for real uh-huh there's like a little process so  we're gonna be throwing everything into the soups   i start with the capers because i love them so  i put the whole thing there then the sour cream   okay oh you put that in there yeah everything  everything goes here then you take as much   rice as you want okay so rice not very complicated  okay it takes a little bit more of time you can   use your hands you cut it wow and avocados  here are super soft so you just boom oh   i'm waiting for this guy to do it oh all right hold on we're going to get  this guy let's get this guy real quick   oh look at him look at him look at him see you here with me sour cream inside you want to  get it all around yeah yeah   and then once you get that in there then  you want to scoop out your avocado okay or   is it the rice first uh it's out it doesn't  matter any order oh yeah i'm an avocado man   okay you know i got the good perfect scoop  you see how you got to get oh the technique and you get it out you scoop it all out  because it it's perfect perfect perfecto that's spanish okay get all your avocado off and then  now you wow you did a great job thank you you   want to put your horizon right and get it in  an area where you can you know move the rice   around but then not get it all over the place you  take one thing oh whoa this is you like hot sauce it doesn't look like it's going to be intense  but it is called aki this is colombian hot   sauce we've tried some hot sauce before is it  this is this one's spicy i got it from the best   source okay okay okay let's try it out try one  spoonful first let's see i'm just gonna put a   spoonful but let me spread it around a little  bit okay it's really good good scoop of this the avocado is so fresh with the with the  soup mixed with the soup with the soup   you can taste the corn and the chicken but i think  i'm gonna need more more than the spicy yeah yeah   yeah yeah my family's from the south i'm sorry did  you get some of that chicken mixed up in there oh   yeah oh yeah okay everywhere that's spanish too  oh yeah i i've been in colombia too long man let's   get some of that chicken up in there and get some  chicken so okay very comfortable i can actually all right guys so let me get to eating all  right what's the name of this avocado that's the   hot sauce man guys so i like this type of  avocado instead of the plain green one yeah   it has a different flavor too it is really good  it's awesome you know i had to say something   i had to say something the food oh oh my  gosh it's it has a nice lime flavor to it   i can't say enough about this this is a must  make sure you come out here and try some of this   this is where we get the fresh herbs  from this is our herb guys okay   herbs what are we talking about herbs no we're  just kidding what type of herbs you got there sir   okay oh this is what's going on what is this mint   oh look at that oh and this what are these  are dandelion what do you call that right here yeah you can smell it from here like i could  smell it from here all right guys so we're passing   and you can see there's a bunch of guys  that's hanging out right here looking like   vip security so what is this place right here  so this whole street is super international   as you can see the buildings are restaurants from  different parts of the world so for example this   is a spanish food wow wait a minute and then you  have some people italians the one in the front was   peruvian okay this is like marrakech food you  know so it goes and goes and goes you can find   any kind of food so this is fan you right  here yeah and then this one's arabian food and this neighborhood is called macarena okay wow so this is a little bit more scaly  expensive it's not too expensive it's still   kind of like bohemian artsy hasn't gotten  too expensive yet but not a lot of tourists   don't know about this neighborhood  okay you like the song yeah yeah yeah   i got it so if i tell the taxi  bring me to macarena la macarena so if here's a colombian restaurant  you have to take a video inside okay all right wow wow i like that i like the  you got this is like a kids place   or something or is it like really good  typical colombian food restaurant okay it's like a family restaurant basically  there's lines out the door on the weekend   each neighborhood has different architecture  you find more of a british type of feel   in this neighborhood and you might go find  an italian or spain type of neighborhood   as you cross the block the the structure and  architecture is very different i mean they put   effort into people enjoying to live here and i  think that's key this is an argentinian bakery   but the guy who is from argentina fall in love  with the colombian woman so they create this   business so it's half colombian and half  argentina are they here the love birds   let me see oh yes it is it's here okay  you're from argentina and two in amarado so he fell in love with a columbia woman  and they created this um thing right here okay cool hola all right this is a passion fruit tart   the actual passion fruit seeds and pull up  on top um and yeah get some good pictures   now because i'm gonna cut it off it's not gonna  be as pretty okay and we're gonna eat all of it sweet real quick it's good i like crunching into the  seeds it's not as sweet it's good   it's like a sweet but a natural sweet flavor with  a little tart it's a tart yeah the circular shape   of the building is because the architecture is  supposed to hug the bull fighting ring so people   who live here can actually see everything that  happens in the bull fighting wait a minute so   when was this built this was built in the 1930s  yes this right here and they've well preserved it   well preserved and actually they recently restored  it however bullfighting is not liked here so this   is actually a very controversial uh building  and what about this building right here this   one everyone loves so this was actually meant  to just mimic the circular shape it's called   torres del parke so this is built in the  1960s okay so after this came this exactly   but they were able to outlaw bullfighting for  about four years but brought it back in 2017.   so is there a time you might come here and  see a bullet fight in february usually maybe   three to four uh but this area is like heavily  like under security during those days because   yeah it's very like controversial so you'll have  lots of protests uh lots of police heavily guarded   looks like a coliseum exactly it's kind of  a sport for the wealthy of both of them okay   so so the who's the whos might show up  exactly okay kind of for the one percent okay right through here look at that you're able to see  in the middle wow what's that that's monserrate   it's a church in the top of the mountain a lot  of colombians goes on sunday to go to church   and actually one day i saw a woman going up  walking with heels so don't mess up with that   oh man they can do anything all of these represent  how much people hate the bullfighting ring   because people love animals here and also it's a  very progressive city because you come here as a   colombian to do your college so in this area  is a lot of university schooling around here   yeah and the whole city we got a lot of activists  animal activists in this in the neighborhood yeah   in the whole in all neighborhoods that you  go actually people love animals so this is   not fair for them you know i ain't  gonna lie you know i was just talking   about the culture of colombia in  terms of when it's uh when it comes to activism where people are protesting like if you  see somebody protesting in colombia no matter   where it is it's also happening in bogota  for some reason at a larger level this is   always the opposite of protests okay because  people i love that about this city people   speak when they don't like something and they're  gonna they don't hold their tongue in bogota   basically it's not something that they do here you  know what it speaks volumes because they they know   when if they do something it can work out so that  that goes to show you how the country is that you   can try to make change you can try you know what  i mean so it's worth it and bogota shows you that   cool oh look at that yeah this is a whole  beach and actually this is an interesting   view too this is bogata's former most tallest  building right here that's the kotatria   and then in the distance here is the  newest house that's the dakata building the   that's the building we were at we were just  at that building he was telling me look at   the tallest building i was like where  where it's here i'm at the tallest thing okay cool it was a very interesting um building it   looks like legos and it's named after so  bakata means indigenous language yeah oh   wait a minute is it just a business office or is  it like people live there uh condos as well but   it's still not finished it keeps running out of  money apparently i gotta ask you guys a question   um yeah you guys live in bogota yeah obviously  right but uh how's life here in bogota for you   guys yeah we love it it's we've both been here  for about two and a half years okay um and it's   a city that offers kind of like what you want  it to it can be yeah lots of good restaurants   because you got all these other dope cities  you could go to i'm sure you heard about the   the expat lifestyle and medellin actually that's  why i love bobatha there's not such a big expat   community and i didn't want to be in that room  to be with locals oh okay gotcha i didn't want to   be with a bunch of expats which is what medellin  is now okay i love this city because it's a huge   city it's more than eight millions of people  be careful and nice imagine me hello everybody   yeah i don't know we hope that that don't  happen so yes i love it because it's super   multicultural you can find any kind of people  in the city and everybody respect each other   also i think that is a very art scene art  thingy yeah like it's super cultural i   uh before the pandemia we used to have so many  like party places and after this now we have like   cool parties in outside places so i don't know  i think that is a real city that's why i love it   you know um i would say something about bogota and  i've been to a couple different cities this city   is probably its own identity like i cannot  compare this city to another city in colombia   yet i haven't been to all the cities but  i've been to other places and i can compare   certain aspects but here they don't there's no  ocean there's no coast or anything like that   there's a straight building it's a different  type of weather that i've seen here you know   what i mean the style the people the way people  dress here uh the the the space here and it's the   biggest city but it's the most unique i think  people from all over colombia in one place so   that's kind of a nice mix of things as well yeah  so i was i actually had a dinner yesterday with a   young professional woman who's not from here she's  from um cali and she told me she came here for   university studies and she stayed here so a lot  of people come in tours they come here to learn   and then they stay here because it's like they're  in new york or something like that it's the new   yorker okay okay bogota is his own country  you probably can say that with nine million   people in it guys we're gonna get out of downtown  and kind of get to the more residential parts of   the city okay cool and we're gonna be using the  trans millennial to get there oh we were trying   to see because we saw something underneath the  ground in our last video and we were walking   by and we were like what was that okay so we're  going down town are we going somewhere who knows   i'm down you down i'm down this is my first  time getting in one of these in columbia   that's what i'll tell you it's like you're not  gonna find this are we gonna jump let's jump jump um wow wow wow wow this is dope metro system that uses buses oh so this is a bus yeah so there's long buses but  it's made like a train so they have their own uh   trucks ah wow down here you can switch okay i've  seen uh this type of system before somewhere else   but i haven't seen this type of infrastructure  to facilitate this type of structure exactly   electric so muni has that material okay  cool cool cool yeah all right let's do it okay you gotta go quick perfect wow look at that guys all  of this is graffiti you see   so it's legal and also part of  the culture so you have words nice so all this is part of  the graffiti they have here   in the city guys and they well that's  professional the graffiti of anything   that's people who charge money for that you know  they will get their life like that okay cool   that's how they make money it's going around  um decorating a city with their stock welcome   bus slash train system work here i like i like  that infrastructure yeah you can go down and you   pick up that's cool it makes it real safe yeah so  this is the seventh avenue it's one of the most   important avenues in the whole city because it's  one of the old desks and also the longest one um a   few months ago there are like bike lines that goes  all over yeah sometimes i get in in front of bikes but i'm not used to that like the the  prominent bike lanes they have here so i   like the casey neistat he he would love to just  come down this area right here it's a huge city   careful like for example here you start  being like just by the side of the street   so you need to be careful with motorcycles cars  and cycling yeah i almost got hit by something   we got across trying to cross the  street remember where we try to grasp it   is this the only one that has this type  of setup here no now it's the whole city   actually bogota is one of the first cities  in south america to have the longest   viking lives they have over 600 kilometers of  bike lanes now so like free pandemic around 500   now they're over 600 and they're gonna still  add some more so they did that because it's   prominent here that everybody uses bikes yeah  people love to do biking and also for new major   she is more like an eco-friendly woman so she want  to make like less pollution for the whole city so   if you have less space for cars you can have more  space for so you're encouraging people to do this   now you have some other cities like medellin where  there's a lot of air pollution and they have pico   they um block a blocker they have that here as  well yeah yeah they do we also do that that's why   people used to take like in their own home they're  going to have three cars just to get to the car   so print them guys so pika the plaque is  basically you look at a tag or something and   depending on the numbers on the tag you  can only you can go out at a certain time   all right it's not allowed if your tag has  a certain number you cannot use your car at   that particular time so that's what he means like  three cars just to go out in whatever they want so   that's got to be the rich people like hey  i have a guy say no no no no necessity i didn't need another number i love the way  the bike lane is structured they're trying   to do this in a bay area where i'm from but they  don't have the barriers up for the bike the bike   lanes oh okay i like it because it keeps them in  their own lane yeah and then lets the cars drive   freely they got the electric scooters over there  right a lot of people like you could ramp those up   i saw that on the line dude yeah but the problem  is with those is you can leave them anywhere and   they're left in sidewalks and people are getting  discouraged by them so they're like trying to   trash them a little bit the concept is there this  is great okay so now up here financial district   but we're going to be getting other financial  districts it's not too exciting we're going to   go somewhere a little more charming for a coffee  oh i love me some cafe let's do it so look guys   since we're talking about bikes they're they're  actually fixing bike repairs here regardless all right that's cool that's  dope guys check in the setting   this is the financial area yeah this is like  where you can find single uh uh powerful women   you don't want to travel no i ain't trying to  travel you ain't trying to chop oh wow look   at this i just like how it's not cramp here it  doesn't feel crap it's just all this air here look   wow this neighborhood is called quinta camacho  um it's known for having lots of kind of a more   british style architecture um and you're gonna  notice bogata has quite a bit of that and it's   very unique in that sense because the rest of  colombia does not have this type of architecture   um and this was brought here after the first world  war by a few architects um and this neighborhood   started with maybe 30 houses of the style  architecture and it's grown quite a bit who lives   here this used to be very very wealthy families  like that were in single family homes okay it's   still an expensive neighborhood but you're not  gonna have people that live in an entire house   anymore okay these are apartments these would be  divided into apartments a lot of restaurants now   so this is a very hip place to go out to eat  uh have a coffee and it's just very charming   uh like a charming place what would cost to  live here what do you think how much probably   in like this building like in us dollars or  pesos dollars dollars dollars so probably a   one bedroom in this building would  be 600 us dollars oh that's not bad depending on the the floor the floor space it  could be a little bit higher you know but we   are in bogota actually you can find good deals  in bogota because apartments can be very tiny   here that's the difference between here and other  cities uh it's lots of studio apartments but if   you want to live cheaply and simply in a studio  you can do it here okay so like what would be   an idea for bogota since you guys live here yeah  the price rise we pay for we live in a studio you   guys are gonna see our apartment during the tour  okay cool so but we paid around 300 us dollars   around 300 us dollars but that does not that's  not including light no it includes all that they   our apartment includes all of our bills yeah it  includes water electricity not internet but like   yeah are you in a good neighborhood yeah yeah  we're in a trap you know that's a really okay it seems it's being just overlooked bogota is one  of the cleanest cities in colombia i've been to   three of them and i swear to you you know what  i'm not just saying that it is the streets i'm   gonna say bogota is huge so there there's a lot  of different parts there's parts you're not gonna   like all that ground we carry look it  took me 30 minutes to get to this guard   and i'm like we still in the city you know  anywhere in miami 30 minutes you get out   at a particular time it took 30 minutes  to see this guy we're still in the city   oh man please so we are irish here in this  neighborhood guys we actually came to one in   zona t but we're gonna have some coffee here  okay is it a nice little quaint neighborhood   it's really dope i like that you can find these  type of businesses in these neighborhoods like   home right there and you can come and you  can find food here it's really good hola okay number one that's their logo but she's in charge of checking  people's id is that the connection yeah yeah all   so we're actually having a coffee here so the name  of the place is called colo not culo colo okay   what are you laughing about right now okay so we're here and it's next to  this place which is dope okay so yeah   we are some coffee people especially this guy  and the reason why we're so close because he   wanted to go to a coffee place right i'm a coffee  person in colombia because you're in colombia   you gotta try to call you gotta try you  gotta try it yeah yeah this is one of   my favorite coffees okay cool cool really  yeah let's see okay okay okay cool oh yeah   i'm a coffee snack so okay what type of what  is your style when it turns your coffee what   are you looking for i like a really like lighter  fruity coffee so i like it to be lighter roasted   and i think that's something you learn as  you kind of start going to these places more   that you don't actually want the super toasted  coffee okay because uh it kind of hides the   flavors um so this is the one we're gonna  have today is going to be like really fruity   tasting okay cool okay so is that hot water  okay so they put some hot water in there this is a grinder you guys work here  i do okay are you like a camera girl   you're a vlogger i do photos and videos for the  brand check it out it smells really lovely is yeah so like after he grinds in  the hot water it starts like that   little reaction at first like a  coffee mateologist or something oh like short for colombia but it's also creepy  backwards like loco oh and all the merch it's   hollow oh so it's that it's  a play with words so it can   also mean crazy it also means crazy and it's crazy where are you from i'm from bogota kentucky all right guys a lot of colombians  speaking in more english here than i've seen   in other cities yeah no what do you think  i don't know i think it's a it can be a mix   okay i think it's mainly the bigger cities  where did you get your english from from school   really yes we study english from since your  children yeah they did a good job is that normal   you talk to your friends in english no  no never never okay so only when there's   americans you speak english how does it feel  i'm feeling good i'm feeling confident yeah   i'm feeling good you're a very stylish girl you  talk about the style here in colombia i don't   know i think i'm not like i like the the women  wear big shoes okay but really chunky shoes i   feel like an astronaut no that's how does it feel  when you were women wear those boots and shoes   and stuff like that it's normal you don't even  feel it okay but i'm super clumsy and it doesn't   even matter and then i like that the girls  would like to wear black hair a lot more yeah   i love black hair i feel like i'm super colorful  like the wife yeah that's like right you put you   like stand up and well how much jacket  you have how much how many jackets you own   like eight eight jackets because i hear the women  have like a lot of jackets because the jacket for   every day you might as well buy more jackets  than um shirts they're like different kinds of   darkness i have both like five boats but then i  have like jean jacket what's your favorite one   i have a black coat does it like  long like like matrix matrix not too warm oh thank you okay what are you  like uh you're you're a photographer right   give us your information so we can  stalk you in ig yeah please do in   you go on my channel my instagram  and look for her i'll put a   picture okay okay i'll take  a picture before i leave okay okay all right guys so we're going to try this   check out these business guys over here in the  back having a good time chilling so you can tell   what type of vibe this is business casual you know  i can see you here with your suit on you know what   i mean oh yeah and coming out here for a little  break and you know or uh after work coming out   here and just hanging out and talking and talking  crap right there so you are you are taste testers   for today go ahead man okay okay let me stop  this first we gotta do a cheers oh we gotta do it   hold on where's um um oh hey what's up you gotta  come too you're invited come on go get a cup you see i got you see what's going on  right you see what's going on i got the cup   the special car you already  know what's hiding okay it's life it's the fruitiness flavor it's almost  like drinking a good wine that has like hairs and   other tastes in it this is we're doing some  research because i'm actually thinking about   uh getting some coffee from colombia so we're  checking out the different um styles of different   things different areas this actually like you  heard comes from antioquia okay in english   irish pop and cola are from the same company  and we have a beer that's made of holocaust   thank you like a little tape oh you're a boss lady  huh yeah yeah i know that's something bubba huh   come on let's do it all right my favorite beer  okay really what i want the coffee and the they   they make a whole group yeah and then they add the  beer and afterwards they put nitrogen from memory what's going on man we just it is happening  today guys it's happening all right all right   so this is it all right guys  you go first all right go ahead you know how dark beers usually taste  heavy this does not taste heavy at all   and it has that same fruity taste to it she is like being a salesman for real today i see what you're saying i see it's not  yes i thought it would have been more   darker all right now let me see if i can  like more gritty but it's not gritty at all   i can see why she likes it right it's  like easiest like a cool taste to it that's ice but you know because they use that  nitrogen you guys use one liquid nitrogen   it's backwards because you don't serve this  beer regularly okay you serve it like this and when you serve it it's like a cascade  it's super cool wow guys i love this beer come   get it and uh where we can buy  this beer is it in the stores or   you can buy it in irish bar now in both  restaurants and really soon in garuda that's like a like a publix of bogota  right oh colombia it's normally   because are put in the nice neighborhoods so  the business neighbors the nicer neighborhoods   if you don't want to know where you're  living let's just look for coruya and then   search right there okay i will get it because you  guys been so helpful in um being on camera okay okay numero okay we're playing we're playing okay enjoy enjoy  your coffee look you drink a lot of the coffee   you finished i'm done already oh my god you  make me feel like okay she's a pro we gotta   keep up you gotta keep up oh lord okay i i used  to drink like any kind of coffee in colombia   everyone thinks they know a lot about coffee  everyone thinks like everything is specialty   coffee but when you get into the specialty coffee  market you discover that we've been drinking   wow so because you're into that  genre you get to see the differences   and it's it's more than just a hobby it's your  career so you get to see the whole differences   like i've been and he actually said he likes  the coffee i love this guy so that goes to   show you that he's like a coffee guy like now i  can't buy it like like any other coffee got the   boxes she wants me to read the her love letter  here thanks for your purchase player oh hearts i'm still looking for the number though i'm  looking there's a number here there's nothing here   it's up here what's going on wait a minute guys wait a minute  i think something's happening here   i don't know we're back at their apartment  hey and uh right now they are fixing up uh   some form of what we got here so we're getting  mojitos ready because we're all gonna make   mojitos together and we're cutting up  some fruit for you guys to try okay   cool cool cool cool all right this is or this  is that uh this is uh lulu lulu oh i like lulu no problem all right cool all right let me  uh show you guys what these guys got going on   so this is um the experience  people have and they booked   the tour pretty much yeah this is kind of  like everyone's favorite part of the tour drinks yeah all right we're gonna drink eat  we've got empanadas cooking in the airfryer oh   oh yeah we got more food to eat okay okay  that's what we at all right cool so this is   a very like it's brown sugar but colombians  use it quite a bit more than like your   uh processed white sugar and we're gonna do two  big scoops of this and this is gonna be nice in   the mojito because it's not going to be as  sweet so next we're going to add the lime do you want to squeeze them you  want to squeeze it in here all right all right guys so finally the rain  stopped but while we were here i got to   look at these guys amazing apartment and i  noticed that there's a fashion designer here yeah   okay let me make sure this is for  sure like okay for example this   was more like party you know yeah performance  and this is like a simple trunk but look at the   back and they can wear it backwards if they want  to you know so you're we so i wanted to get in   the mind frame of a fashion designer you know  uh for men we just like shirt pants thank you   but for women it's a little bit difficult  and you obviously have some women clients   and you were showing let's see that  see-through one right yeah so i was like okay   so what would a woman wear what would we wear a  bra with this or would not wear a bra with this   okay keep it real with us now we already heard  that we already heard the good stuff okay okay   there's lots of movements right now in the  world that talks about free the nipple you know   okay that's free to nipple you know what i mean  yeah they want to they can wear it like that but   also you can wear a bra under you know like  it's perfect in both in both styles i would   say that looks beautiful you know okay okay and  then wow look at this and this is something so   this is something that he's usually making but  because of 2020 he's uh you guys have created   something different or worked on something  what would you guys have created like gosh   more casual yeah more casual daily use items yeah  pants t-shirts long sleeve turtleneck all of that   and these are like the clothing you're making  is for formal wear or to go out or is it   home like i've been using it and i wear it for a  party i wear it to go training i wear it like in   a coffee shop with friends so it's very like  any occasion it depends on the attitude bro   okay so he said he that they're starting  to make more men clothing so we never   used to really do men's clothing  actually he made this okay yeah okay this is what i was talking to remember i was  asking her how many coats she owns oh yeah this is   the personal coke collection it's like for  a bogota person they need to have a bunch of   cokes and you know you can't  just have one i just have this   because i'm going to be here for a short period of  time but you got to stay stylish where you going   with that one though right there that's like a  michael blackson new year's eve oh new year's eve   that's what you're going to wear this new year's  eve what is going to happen new year's eve like i i'm assuming they're going to do something  you got to do something you know what i mean   actually new year's eve or in south america  is it more family it's more family so like   in the cities they're actually dead like it's  kind of weird like you would expect you know   you know you're actually someone told me that  there's so many people from all over that they   normally go home yeah so they yeah there's a max  esther the exodus people that leave bogota they   go to the small towns they celebrate with family  and when i lived in panama is the exact same thing   panama city was dead and everyone goes to like  the beaches outside it's kind of the opposite of   the us and cnt this city goes empty yeah okay so  what we got here right here all right we are going   to start our mojitos again so we had stopped  we stopped because of the rain guys but now   all right let's do the mojitos okay we already  have the brown sugar on the glasses yeah and one   of them has lime all right you put some okay so  we're gonna use this this is for limes you take it   like this boom and there's this sir what is your  love with food and creating this food tour what   was that about okay i love to eat and also like  when i move here i'm originally from venezuela   and when i see that the culture was so similar  to mine and the whole food was like similar too   it was like boom that's cause you could have done  any other tour you know what i mean like just   destination museums but food was like something  that you chose yeah yeah like i love to travel   but a way to travel also is go have you guys here  and learn from your culture what you do how you   so this is a learning experience for them  as well yeah they say we are the best right   we are the best they ever had right ever  ever i don't think y'all gonna top us man   you can try you know what i'm saying the next step  is to throw lulu the most famous fruit in colombia   actually you're going to find it i love you  please give them one more one so grab one of these   yeah and you can use the spoon to like scoop it  out so it's okay let me get it ready in there   yeah it's family of the tomato and it's super  sour tastes almost like a keyword this guy is   going to be a disaster so don't worry okay then  we can clean it yeah you need to wash your hands yeah so next we're gonna have this is  spearmint uh here they call it yerba buena   your barbeque herb or good earth yeah  yeah okay island in san francisco   oh yeah my god it smells so good oh this  one's right all right next we gotta muddle our mojitos yeah this is exactly what i wanted  to do today do a little culture   eat a little food so we went to a good  popular tourist destination we ate some   we tried some good coffee we did we walked  around we enjoyed the side so get a little drink   all right guys so the most important ingredient  oh yes yes yes i've already explained a little bit   but this is the aguardiente amarillo um so each  like city makes their own guardiente this is from   manzanares and what makes it yellow is  saffron is added to it all right yeah i'll put some i'm just gonna add soda  water ah okay not too exciting but it makes it you can tell this is gonna be strong though  i feel like it's gonna be nice and sweet   and um limey limey that brown sugar or whatever  it is amazing with the the the alcohol again   yeah i i don't know half of the like fruits  besides the lemon that's in here and the mint   but this stuff is an amazing huh hey let me give  a go guys um what i want to say was this right if   uh we're not i know we're not done but uh if you  wanted to book with these guys to show you around   i'm gonna put the information in the  description they can go through like   airbnb it'll be yeah so it's on airbnb experiences  uh or through our website so both of   that will be in the description and just in  case y'all wanted to go ahead and come here and   have a good guy show you around and give you the  good information you know what i'm saying and   maybe if you want to get some fashion um you know  advice what about me i'm not in style right now all right guys so we're here and what is this you  guys no this is another con pueblo uh it's gonna   be stuffed with beef a fried egg uh cheese i think  that's it it's just our delicious combination and i recommend the green sauce back there is that like a what's that there's  like an avocado spicy sauce pasta really nice and toasty i ate this before   but i i judge it on how well it's toasted and  it's look you can see the egg right there and   it's really fat normally it's a little bit  skinnier flatter but this is a fat version um some guacamole guacamole 1. you can get some and it's a little spicy it's really  good and then there's some meat in there   what is this name you know place right here they're fries no fritos oh my god it is flavors oh this is in the world guys am i even joking with you this is really juicy my one of my favorite spots  if anything right now especially when you put   the the meat right there yeah that's so succulent  yeah i don't know what they do me either me either when you mix the the green  guacamole with this liquid cilantro   it's really good guys it's worth  it come out here oh my god it's so   fast to get it it's fast food good quality an  amazing place beautiful yeah guys they do it right   good price you know some places you go they just  do it real quick or they'll have the food that's   sitting there and then they serve it to you  it might be cold no not here they did it right   and we're going back after this camera closes without a reservation it's better to come on like   a wednesday thursday because the  weekend this place is packed uh all right guys we were approaching the end  of the tour and we ended up coming to this   nightclub around the area where our tour guides  live it was a very cool spot and like he said it   can get really packed i can't speak enough about  these tour guides they were very professional   uh very helpful and most of all very knowledgeable  about the city of bogota and i do recommend   anybody who tries to travel to bogota that needs  a guy to contact these guys obviously there were   some things that i left out details because i want  you to check out these guys these guys show so   much information in this video and only be right  that you would get more information from them so   if you want to contact them their information will  be in the description if you're wondering about me   yes after the we had a couple of drinks here me  and my boy went back to the reaper spot and got   some more repo at least i did i did my boy was he  was full but but i wanted to say man i just had a   wonderful time hanging out with these gentlemen  also coming out here and seeing the energy the   beautiful scenery uh the funny thing is i actually  walked past this place and i never knew this bar   existed and so that goes to show you when you talk  with the locals or speak with people who actually   live there they can show you hidden gems all right  and that's the main point about this video help   you guys motivate you guys to do the same when  it comes to traveling to another country maybe   seeking up these hidden gems like the one we've  seen in this video but anyways guys if you enjoyed   this video hit that like button i would greatly  appreciate it it also helps promote this video   i just want to say thank you to everybody that's  been so supportive on my channel um especially   with this new type of content i've been dropping  you i really appreciate it i just want to motivate   people and i think we we're on the right path so  thank you hit that like button if you want to see   more content like this i have some new fire coming  soon all right i've been filming as a matter of   fact um this video was shot a couple of days ago  during that time i actually went back to a couple   spots in this video and also i've been shooting  straight fire can't wait to share with you guys   hopefully i can get these videos out as soon  as possible working working here guys anyways   thanks for watching more on the way from me and  i see you guys in the next video peace love you

2020-12-25 20:30

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