BOAT TOUR - 63 foot 3-Masted Sharpie Schooner - Ep 74 Sailing Luckyfish

BOAT TOUR - 63 foot 3-Masted Sharpie Schooner - Ep 74 Sailing Luckyfish

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So hope you got on board today it's Brendan, hey this. Lady I've never met before in my life. And. You're looking, wonderful. Sample. Little, gift from Danielle, thank, you so much. At. All. This. Week on lucky fish. The, crew of the Warren, Tangaroa. Element, join, us in the exhume is for a fun-filled. Week of sailing, fishing. Fine. Cooking. And. We, tour a lady, who. Takes our breath away. No. Sooner, had Brandon, and Danielle landed, at Georgetown, we, were off to, anchor, at hamburger, Beach. They're. Calm these. Two needed to decompress from, busy, working lives and the neverending renovation. Work on element, Oh. Looking. Good. Jeanne. With the row no more cheating. Yeah. None, of us much cared where we went for the week as long, as we got moving and zyre could wet a line along, the way. The. Forecast, wind decided. That we should sail, south, for next days to, Long Island a leg, of about 36, miles. Yeah, that's, a nice crowd they must feel uncomfortable. Slip. Those babies, oh. There, he goes if you're not gonna do it now you never will. After. A short motorcyle. Down to the cut at foul key, we. Then had a bash under, motor to windward to exit, the banks. Once. Clear, of the reefs we hoisted, sail and, bore, away and we, didn't have to wait long for zyre to get a fish on. It. Had been a brilliant style, and saw us arriving, right on sunset. As. We, approached, we spotted, a beautiful, sailing, boat off in the distance and, felt. Drawn, to anchor near her so we could have a closer look the following, day. You. What's. Cooking goes veg, oh yeah. Spinach. Substitute, yeah, which is what exactly, what. It's, some kind of little pointy leaf very, awesome, looking Saez, fresh catch. Catch. Of the day catch, of the day and what is it. Fish. And chips in other words fish Jackson salad, yeah. And. How, many got away. Three. That we know of. Yeah. Three. Got away -. Got on the deck and. One. One, took one of our valuable lures and most, of their long and true. Story. It. Was a big big, fish, far. Too, big for our gear whatever that was. One. Second, all the line gone and. Goodbye. This. The, origins, of this shape and. Some. Degree that design, youth come, from French coastal, trading scores of 200, 250. Years ago where this. Vessel, because the. Keel starts, 2, feet below where, the stem enters, the water it, is a straight line for 52, feet back to 4 foot or foot three flap with a. Rudder it's tempting that's a straight line. Brandon's. Actually studied them he is a shot people he. Was drawn to shanties, in the inner walls, that's. Funny because. Of. The, draft. Yeah. Of course and that's something that really strikes you when you see the boat and the anchorage it looks very simple it's, clean on obscenity me yeah it's in a row. The. Whole business is here. It's. All in the get three cabin tops, okay. You. Just go to each one. Four. Foot three right now. To. Push. Now. It's locked to, the main. Just. Undo that and. Mm-hmm. And. This, has been working so. You're just using the, push-pull. Arm, drive yeah yeah that's nice lightweight very. Low usage, of power yeah, yeah. I I never. Had to charge anything I, carry, the thingy that, this, boat across here, yeah, well I know the water and. That's a hair shop twelve twelve foot. Pretty. Pretty dogs yeah. Yeah. He's. Doing I was, saying I love all the windows, oh no they're glass yes, always. You have. Great visibility I'm, exposed yeah. Not. Sure any of this there's. Now this man built everything. Even, he machined, that hydraulic. Winch from scratch Wow. He, made all that was back. He. Cut all the trees now this is what his daughters tell me. He. Made this steering. Yeah. That's the sizeable trim tab you have right. There yeah. All. The rudder. And. The. Riders SAP sort, of smell nice Pinot but is it concealed, behind there maybe an appeal fully, protected, its standing on the. Back end of the camera up yeah, and then there's some dead. Wood and then the propeller of the chef. And, she's very maneuverable. I. Always. Have you, oh, yes. No. Bow thruster, here really that's extraordinary, you. Know you know, you kick of your engine and you know what you're doing here. So. Much he absorbs, more there's 17 opening ports, there's. All these hatches, you know yeah that's great, yeah, I. Like. The head right beside the companionway, that makes a lot of sense.

All. The machinery for. Two, three six Parkinson. It's. Fully insulated so, it's very warm knees in cold and. That. Half station. At the wheel there there's a complete, enclosure, for that okay. So you think pros you, know I could take this boat home and let her sit in the ice through the triangle and, your home ports in Nova Scotia yeah the door than anything. Absolutely. The engines off off-center. Because. The shaft comes up off-center, okay, but you can't you could unstuck the rudder but if, you take the prop off you can just pull the shaft without takin, that's nice yeah everything. Goes back to the negative terminal. Nothing. Has grown into the hall he set the sideband radio yes true, yeah. Yep. So. To. Date there been no, electrolysis, there's no issue so, yeah. Very. Practical. How, does she sell em oh what's. The sensation, mind. But. You never get the rail in the water girl I just think you guys yeah, but. She's she, needs 15, yeah. Like. I said 70, degrees to the wind yeah she's. Better off. Awfully. Yeah, like well tell, me about that isn't there all missing a. Couple. Of our. Washing. Machine oh here we go because. That's one of the best things to have a matter. Yes well this is a regular. Part wood stove you, know what. A galley, whoo-hoo. See this is the this is the drinking water. I'm. Putting our bathtub on board, oh yeah. I'm. Serious. Yeah. Oh yeah all. Of this on this side is all just screwed in or lagged in, mmm. You know all committed, it if you're gonna haul cargo okay, you, can get quite a lot in I would say mm-hmm. There are six of these batteries there's two just under there maybe. That's, two batteries, I'm looking at there - we have one two three four, five, six. Total. Amount of manpower, mm. Seems. That seems about right I like, this about, this which. All. The wood in this boat is Porter song. Sure. You, see huggy there I'm with you on that yeah. Absolutely. This. Is the Center for Trump. Yeah. You'd. In there off that yeah, yeah. And. She's, fine, it's like a play don't frame it yes. Yes yes. What. State what :, does. It. Is. The longitudinals. On, the outside of the frames are, slightly proud of the frames, so. When you bend the plate it's not being caked on a frame, there's. Only two of these of them what. Which design is this. No. Name although there's no name for the design. Okay. We, look on, Google trying, to get a name for it yes. We couldn't find the door on the design I don't think you can find it the only other one built to this design is in aluminum and, then she's in California she's. Too mastered, and she belongs to the people who make crops. Really. Yeah. Well it so the Crocs are tried and tested, yes.

What. You see how all the plumbing is up, absolutely. Um hi everything, that you can get at, that. Pine on the cabin liners and knotty, point and. So. What are we looking at there is that light coming from. Natural. Or low-tech. Trick, yeah. To. The deck. Beautifully. Fitted in bathing. The cabin, and in beautiful sunlight. Yeah we, just took it for granted we've been down here and look at this, yeah. Sweet. Traditional. Idea goes back for probably many hundreds, of years and, still. Going strong that's fantastic, that's what I like about as far as the blend of the modern, and and, all, the good traditional, stuff as well and, you can see how well it works it makes for a boat. That just feels right. Okay. Well. There, we had to leave Hamilton, and his beautiful lady, 13. Years, in the building and still, looking, like new today, thank, you very much for, showing us aboard. What's. Happening, here. Oh. I. Think he's been hit by a car before yeah. He's. Um. So. On between. I'm. Actually in the boy dear as a god. There. We had to leave Long Island but, the winds were only light to begin with we. Had to motor. Brandon's. Having a snooze on the foredeck dannyelle's, looks, like she's just crushed the team size. Getting. Set. To go the. One line out already hooked the Barracuda, but he was big, and he got, off the hook anyway. You. Smell that. The. Apparent, wind was less than the required two or three knots we need to, self steer, so. I reengaged. The steering, lines. Thankfully. Danielle, volunteered. To steer for a while. They. Will airdrop the ninth island, took the solar panel the chance as well. We, didn't wait long and, the wind returned. Out. Of the modified tweaking. On this foursome, I. Don't. Like with budgets but it does look leaner. Anyone, big ones. Maybe, you wait this one yet. We. Are heading towards or if it's all good we'll manage the reef situation. Thanks. Tara. This. Appointment around. I'm. Just gonna watch these rock. Puts. The tiller bar that way honey just, here to push it nice and hard that way yeah. Push. The tiller bar let's say you got you good good.

Gonna. Miss this reef here I. Know. You can straighten the bar up all good. So. We got the. Barracuda, on board just, about, to run over a reef. Romeo. Romeo. Doing. This job but can't, expect him to navigate, around reefs, so. I was trying to make sure Greiner doesn't lose the bait baits. On I'm telling, you it's. Funny. They bounced out of the boat we don't want to our nice job. He's. Off this. Race guys, hey there's. Our maybe turn us away again, yeah, that mean. Baby. Look at the screen. Like. 15, degrees that, way we're past the rocks are we just. About just about we're gonna buy the time when you jump all. Right there we go oh yeah that is a shallow spot there look at that. Yeah. Two, barracudas. And. No. Meal. Happy. With that cat. And. It's very very nicely six, sales right there and by China that's doing probably six, point five to seven not now. ID 11, to 14 knots of wind. More. Like a living to 12. Down. Have a look. What. Do you got on the instruments, the. Sound. Makes all the difference. More. Fish action, on the lucky fish look at this teamwork. Brandon. Doing that, putting, the elbow grease in there. The. Beautiful, surroundings have just come into. Georgetown. On, the sound side, a couple of miles from kids. Cave. Is, the fine up. This. Is the look of disappointment. He, spit it like right. When his head reach the water smile. It. Was a barracuda, Barracuda. Yeah how, do we feel people. How. Do you feel about it. You. Are home Stuart I. Want. To say. Well. Everyone we hope you enjoyed this episode we'd. Like to give a special thank you to our patrons, it's. Because of patrons, like you that make our productions, sustainable. So please if you haven't already consider. Becoming a patron for as little as a dollar a video and become, part of the lucky fish story. Feel, free to question, comment, and give us a like and sub below, until. Next time thank. You for watching.

2019-04-15 13:34

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I liked the Monty Python reference!

Thank you , and Z : pray and catch dinner : Please. saleh

Sail , Stew ; I couldn’t really understand . What is the name of the manufacturer. saleh

Jeckells, UK

Zaya, the fish whisperer...

Never tell a Mongolian there is beef in the sea... they will become obsessed with fishing on the spot :-)

Just what she needed: “ The Get Smart couple of Love” . saleh

Hey guys, I hope your family is well. I was wondering how the wind gen is working out on top of the mast? Did you resolve most of the issues you were having? The boat is looking great. Fair winds!

A real fun video. Thanks

Ive sailed on a 10 foot sharpie with a cast iron wheel in the bow and handles that fit in the stern for wheelbarrowing it on the beach.

great to see a new video, how's everything going with mum and the new crew addition??

Those greens are actually New Zealand spinach you should google that Stu its NZ taking over the world one invasive species at a time

A hot bath after a hard slog across the Cook strait in a rising Southerly in a 68 foot Herrishoff (Jacaranda) Oh Memories , L overly yacht , great post .Nice couple .

Ace vlog guys . Beautiful 3 master too . Fanx muchly for sharing . WTF 4 ads ,lol. Cheers

Ouch! Boat Yoga makes my back Hurt just WATCHING....OOOOOooooo! LOOK at HER! She's BEAUTIFUL! Look at those LINES! Her masts must be Raked 10 degrees! Sara G.OMG, I think I'm in LOVE!! She looks like she's Doing 15 knots at ANCHOR! NIIIIICE Dinghy, too! A Hereshoff? No Wonder...Did they build ANYTHING that wasn't gorgeous?! What's With all the barracuda's?

Reminds me of the steel schooner Papillon, which I toured once while she was headed south one fall. Poor girl was wrecked by sleeping teenagers on Long island New York’s national seashore. Couldn’t get equipment to her because no access through National park. She was beautifully simple.

Great episode, that was one pretty vessel, still prefer the Lucky Fish.

Nice video guys and while you and your boat are awesome, that sharpie is amazing! I’ve been sailing a 31 ft sharpie ketch for seventeen years and I wouldn’t hesitate to own such a unique boat. Character boats just steal your heart! It’s great to finally get a tour of her. Thanks!

That engine room was super clean. Thanks for posting this.

Hey i’d love to hear about your dual self-steering rig. Looks very cool!

There is a link showing more of it here and the plans are available from Wharrams. happy to answer any questions, what sort of boat do you have/have in mind, cheers

It's a lovely boat, maybe I'd like something like that one day. Too heavy and immobile for what I want right now though. She's beautiful all the same.

Something about Schooners and Nova Scotia. Indeed a lovely boat and agreed it does seem to embrace a few of the Wharram principles. Thanks Stew and Zaya, another great chapter in the LF story.

+Luckyfish Gets Away I'm picking up a few things for PW, to make shorthanded sailing easier and life aboard a bit more comfortable. I keep going back or pausing your videos at certain pints so I can see how and where some things are fitted. I should be in the water in July and sailing the Med this Summer.

agree. Perhaps it's the easy way she settles on the water, the sheerline, low freeboard, it looks right. looking forward to seeing updates on your progress

That sharpie design is certainly utilitarian. Those hard chines come at a cost, of course, though with a good prop cage like a lobster boat, it'd be awful handy to be able to beach.

Yes. I like it very much. The capt was saying they list them 5 degrees or so and put them on legs when drying out on the UK tides.

Nice boat! I could live on it for a long time.

Totally. That is one nice way to live :-)

rich boys toys.........I need to start buying lotto tickets

+SV Pilgrim's Way dude I'm 100% there dude I'm a full time live aboard cruiser lol

+razzorbladz then You are already moat of the way there. Search out Sailing Tarka or the Sailing Frenchman, both doing it on small boats and small budgets. Proof 63 feet nor required.

+SV Pilgrim's Way I already have the boat just not a 63ft boat

Take the money you would spend on lottery tickets, save it, Invent it and you would be suprised how fast it grows to pay for a boat. Betting your future on the lottey is never a good strategy. IMHO

+Peorhum right............

+razzorbladz You never mentioned the 63footer. As for the piracy...only if you are caught :P You do know I was joking about piracy? Zaya armed with a bow on a cat having a reign of terror...?

+Peorhum I'm talking about the 63ft boat that probably costs $3000 every time it's anitfouled. you know what they do to pirate boats these day's? they blow them out of the water just like they did in the 1600's

You maybe surprised, watch the early luckyfish videos. I don't think Stewart would call himself rich. Plenty of abandoned boats around you can get, fix them up, live off the sea. Need an extra few dollars, arm yourself with a cutlass and do a little piracy. That is what Luckyfish does. Luckyfish isn't a horse but being Mongolian, with Zaya armed with a cutlass or a bow and no one is safe from her reign of terror in the Caribbean.

Hey viewers, let us know what you think of the Sharpie design. Is it a boat you could see yourself on? Ask any questions and leave any comments below, cheers!

More ideas for that fantastic self designed boat that exist only in my mind.

Great designs, they rely on Form stability, not a lot of weight added below in a keel. The Oyster Smacks of Chesapeake Bay used this form as well, as it is suited for shallow draft with lots of volume and a large TPI (tons per inch immersion), to allow load carrying. A similar shape to a traditional NE dory, (as stated) which proved to be very stable and tough design.

+Rod McLaren great link... thank you. I really knew nothing about sharpies until that encounter with Sarah G - and it turned out Brandon is very knowledgeable on them too. So it was no surprise to feel that sharpies and wharrams are a bit like sisters from another mother. same design ethics...

#261 - lovely, lovely, lovely. And since it is a Sharpie, if you're following R2Ak, one of the entries in this year's race is also a Sharpie - a Dudley Dix design, also a very cool boat.

Prism lighting, offset propshaft, zero keel, open head. Great ideas. Next time I have half a mill to spend, I'll build a boat like that. Was that a whale bone, or driftwood @22:00 ?

Don't see many flat-bottomed sailboats out there, so it was pretty cool to see this one. Thanks for the tour!! Must have had a pretty narrow beam, as she looked tiny inside for 63 feet. Beautiful condition, too.

Yes indeed, very narrow beam. She is a good example of the argument "get as long a boat as you can afford" that gives her the highest possible hull speed for a given budget. So she might only have the volume of a shorter beamier boat, but has the hull speed of a longer one. Like everything, compromises! Cheers for the comment

Hope you Guy's do'nt envy other !! Boat's!! You have the BESTtttttttttt.

Hehe, thanks Brian. Not envy, just appreciate anothers beauty. I know... its shaky ground :-)

Why’s everyone so boring in this video, show a little life mates

Oh, you mean acting?

Loved the Sharpie. The women on display, not so much.


A beautiful boat. I own that book on steel boatbuilding, only the cover is different. I love the pinky schooner Sea Wolf used as building descripion through the book.

Cool. I looked up the pinky schooner - nice. I couldn't give up sailing on the level though, or indeed the simplicity of our boat. That's hard to beat

+Luckyfish Gets Away She's gotten quite good at it!

Clay, good question. We have 3 or 4 changes to make to the wind gen instal, thanks to all the wonderful suggestions from viewers. We just have not been back to the boat yet. Zaya is about to deliver a new crew member in the coming weeks. Once he has a few months experience on land I will be able make the changes and share via video. Cheers


All well thank you. Launch date in coming weeks

Hehe, I looked it up. If its green and edible in those islands, you eat it, invasive or not :-) Besides, everything is invasive.. its only a matter of time

Cheers RJ. I have given up fighting Youtube. Sorry mate.

Hey Jim, always entertaining ! Thanks mate, Stew and Zaya

Checked out the link. So sad to see pictures like those. What a loss

me too.

And by the way, your boat wins hands down for shoal draft. I really appreciate the ability to cross oceans then run up on a beach, it just does not get any better.

Luckyfish Gets Away Yes it’s alright to look at other boats. My wife always makes fun of me because I have pictures of lovely boats and she calls them my mistresses, but I stay true to my one and only!

Agree although I will stick with ours, she has character and stole my heart along time ago :-) But, we are still allowed to admire others eh? ;-)


It's a gorgeous boat. I bet it moves out at a fast pace.

The Sharpie is brilliant!

Totally! Glad you agree :-)

Barracuda makes good shark bait !

thats the truth... your crystal ball is working well.... next vids :-)

a very bleached bit of driftwood from memory... you have a sharp eye (sharpie?)

+Luckyfish Gets Away Take it as a compliment off them as the popular channels get the most ads :-D

@Pilgrim's Way - you raise an interesting point to which must be added the modern bulk carriers and cruise ships of today

Great Newz on Zayaette addition Fishiez SALUTE From Fleet GALAXIAN~~~~~~~*~~~~~^^^~~~~~~~~~Sail ON

If possible, avoid plastic straws and single use plastic cups... Just a thought.

Thank you!

What a shame about the ruined're experiencing the last of it. Humans have killed off the natural world in a short 200 years...something that's survived for millions of years. The last whales will be gone in the next 40+ years....choked on plastics, hit by race boats and container ships and nets.

Yes Nobby, we are a global superpredator. The stats for deforesetation are so bad that I fear, since we have done little to prevent the rate of deforestation, we really are incapable of changing the smaller stuff. Tragic.

I'm ready to go back!

Maybe on a bigger boat next time

I got it too

He's got the boat creep!

@Luckyfish Gets Away She's gotten quite good at it!

@Luckyfish Gets Away Take it as a compliment off them as the popular channels get the most ads :-D

@Luckyfish Gets Away I'm picking up a few things for PW, to make shorthanded sailing easier and life aboard a bit more comfortable. I keep going back or pausing your videos at certain pints so I can see how and where some things are fitted. I should be in the water in July and sailing the Med this Summer.

@SV Pilgrim's Way dude I'm 100% there dude I'm a full time live aboard cruiser lol

@razzorbladz then You are already moat of the way there. Search out Sailing Tarka or the Sailing Frenchman, both doing it on small boats and small budgets. Proof 63 feet nor required.

@SV Pilgrim's Way I already have the boat just not a 63ft boat

@Peorhum right............

@razzorbladz You never mentioned the 63footer. As for the piracy...only if you are caught :P You do know I was joking about piracy? Zaya armed with a bow on a cat having a reign of terror...?

@Peorhum I'm talking about the 63ft boat that probably costs $3000 every time it's anitfouled. you know what they do to pirate boats these day's? they blow them out of the water just like they did in the 1600's

@Rod McLaren great link... thank you. I really knew nothing about sharpies until that encounter with Sarah G - and it turned out Brandon is very knowledgeable on them too. So it was no surprise to feel that sharpies and wharrams are a bit like sisters from another mother. same design ethics...

Those prism lights look inspired by the sun itself, heavenly light

yes, so simple and clever

Wow, thanks for getting the tour of that 63 littoral trader. I loved its features and layout, and the prisms! Of course, it showed a couple more ways I thought I was being clever that someone else already did long ago; and a couple new hints picked up to work into my thinking. I agree with you that the functional philosophy of that boat is pretty close to the Polynesian/Wharram. That's a good exploring boat.

Agree, "littoral trader" I like it...

Nice video guys. Looks like great fun with friends sailing. Thanks for the tour of the schooner also, what a beauty she is inside and out. They don't make them to last like that these days, and it didn't cost half a million either. Happy Sailing ! Peace !

Thanks Alex

The alloy sistership is for sale!

She is in great condition by the sound of it. For the right buyer, What a steal eh?

That boat inspired wharrams designs it seems to me. It looks like you could connect two together with beams and go sailind.

Agree, although they were both likely inspired by even earlier ancestors. In James book on his first Atlantic crossing, he called into Portugal and says he was inspired by the local fishing boats that beach launched straight into the surf. High bows and graceful sheer line. Pirogues I think they are called, cheers, Stew

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