BOAT LIFE CONFESSIONS: We’re broke and happy

BOAT LIFE CONFESSIONS: We’re broke and happy

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thanks and does it for sponsoring this episode to be here in uh in this place has pushes to experiment a different version of our voyage of our trip different from what used to be excuse me do you know where the hiking is we are georgia and diego and this is our home unforgettable for the past five years we've been sailing the planet our challenge now is to continue the adventure as our family grows [Music] subscribe and join our live stream [Music] what we're gonna do now isla tell us tell people what you're gonna do well you're gonna watch i'm gonna cut and yeah it's time i need a haircut and yeah the more here there is no i'm sure there is but we don't know where it's a nice saloon or whatever you call it so george is going to cut this hair but wow just have one caesar and she has very short experience so wish me luck guys the thing is to be honest diego is lazy to go to a hairdresser because of course they could be much better than i will i'm sure it's going to be crappy but do i say that correctly oh it's up to you i hope not i'll do my best but i don't know how to cut a hair so we're going to use the machine after so i'm just going to cut are you sure yes yes i can't stand my hair any longer haircut with a view sunset haircut and georgia doesn't have any clue what she's doing no definitely not sweep me aside how's it looking crew you like it is georgia proof as a hairdresser i have no idea what i'm doing just to be clear last time i did it he said i would never do it again then here am i final adjustment so i kind of like it it's not too bad oh guys it's far from good but it's not too bad good from far far from good exactly a real person so it can grow back do you see it's growing back but what did you do it's growing back don't worry it's growing back but what did you do what did you do to your hair don't worry it will grow back [Music] as there were no more jobs left on the boat i decided to do something very very important top priority with which is to change all the lines from defenders and organize everything you cannot you can believe it or not but we have six vendors and each one of them had one different line i have the satisfaction of doing something today and some stuff you do because you need and some because you want to finally a beautiful day today has been really windy these past weeks and so was a good excuse to procrastinate on a job that we had to have to do and since we left the marina nearly three months ago we had this horrible horrible fender marks on our top sides and we know just like oh it's so windy we are too busy the baby is it's too small but today is the day to remove all this and uh yeah take advantage from this nice weather and scrub this thing out because i'm feeling embarrassing every time we come to an anchorage you came with this horrible marks and yeah it has to go [Music] as you've probably seen this video is sponsored by undoes it and does it has a complete line of boat and rv cleaning products and we partnered up with them to try some of their products and i think this thing here is the perfect opportunity to try this guy is the boat and rv wash this is ultra concentrated formula that uh you can apply on gel coat fiberglass metal wood canvas and many kind of surfaces and supposedly it removes grease and uh many kind of stains with fast and leave it shiny so you can apply over you can apply and don't remove your wax not that we have any but in case you do you know so let's see how it goes [Music] something important when choosing your cleaning products is to check their composition and undoes it products they are free of chlorine ammonia hydrocarbon and phosphates and they are also biodegradable i won't waste a while with you [Music] i won't waste a while with you [Music] are you proud of your top sides now can we get to an anchorage without embarrassment yeah well i actually it's funny to say a few relief and yeah a bit of scrub and it's so so much better [Music] we didn't expect to stay this long in french polynesia our initial plans was to stay here one year and then carry on sailing and exploring the next destinations but the situation given is this we are here for two years and we're looking for three years before we can leave so borders are open and everything it's kinda back to normal to be here in uh in this place has pushes to experiment a different version of our voyage of our trip different from what used to be and now one one huge impact was economically because whenever we were making we're making passages we had crew on board and that uh help us to support both costs and also i don't know if you know but i work offshore and so once maybe twice a year i would fly away from the boat get some work done and then come back here since kovid i could not do that but on the other hand isla has been born nearly four months ago now and uh we could enjoy we could be both of us with her every single hour of her life and this is a fantastic privilege i i i don't think i'll trade this for anything and it's uh it's nice but besides that being in uh being tight economically we we had to learn more than ever to enjoy the little things and to do things by ourselves and to rely on ourselves and to cut costs and to to live day by day it's not the end of the world you know it's just like uh we we have enough for food we have enough for we have a very comfortable home we are in a paradise place but still there's a mindset that just like you know pushed me just like oh no i have to be accumulating you have to be saving money for your retirement or future and that's there that's i cannot fight it overall it's a great exercise the minimum of course i would be liking i would like to be making more money and just have have money on the bank and things like that but really it's uh the the the life i was dreaming about was not when i was planning this trip i was not planning about making money i was i was planning to be in places like that exploring new culture and in touch with nature and uh having time for ourselves that's that was my plan it was not like making money was never my plan so but still still i feel something like that and i'm not here complaining it's just like there's i'm just stating uh a deeper feeling and something i have to fight with and because sometimes i i i feel bad about it about about uh not uh building our future or just like not being saving money but then i look the place i am and the situation are living and how privileged we are and then i feel bad about feeling bad and yeah i don't know if i i mean myself uh like i made me understand myself but i think i live live with simplicity and uh enjoying the little moments is it's a great great uh teaching that this these months here had uh had bring to me and there's still some ahead because i don't think anything will change in the near future unless something changes i just made another batch of this mouthwash that we have been using for a while and it's really good so i want to share the recipe with you guys today it's homemade all made from natural ingredients so it's very easy very cheap and very healthy for your mouth you're gonna need 500 ml of drinkable water one tablespoon of coconut oil to end 20 drops of peppermint essential oil and 12 drops of t3 essential oil however and also a bottle i prefer a glass bottle because since it's gonna be here for a while i think it keeps i don't know i just think it feels better this is just a regular kombucha bottle nothing fancy and how you're gonna do it you're just gonna mix everything in the bottle water coconut oil essential oils give a very nice shake like for two three minutes so all the ingredients mix very well and then it's ready it's done super easy i feel hope in the strength i love and i'm going crazy [Music] because you're moving slow you're training running [Music] like like this let's go [Music] park in the car under are coconut trees well at least they are not coconuts so it's not gonna make any damage okay stay well let's go okay this is our guide for today georgia has done this hike before so very likely we got lost because she tends to forget stuff i hope i'm wrong looking for support already online support is that right i just the thing is i came with our friends and they they knew the way and i didn't pay attention i just followed them so i didn't see where the trail starts but i'm sure there's a sign somewhere because it was like an easy trail with signs and we're gonna find it i know my crew look at her face i'm sure it's very close just keep walking a little bit more excuse me do you know where the hiking is my wife guide she's kind of lost you're not much of a talker are you maybe if i speak french padoma de moisel vash no mercy this is where we came out the other time so i think if we go in here we will come out on the the place where we enter the trail do you understand it and so we're gonna do the opposite way the opposite way okay so we missed the entrance then we're gonna we're gonna start from the end and then yeah finish in the beginning okay that works that peak is there where you're going today and nah not really you're going i'm waiting here actually it might be super cool but not with a baby and you know you need to be prepared to go all the way there yeah i think we need climbing gear yeah probably must be insane as you know i wasn't completely lost i just didn't remember where to start the trail now you can see we have all the trails the times and everything i got to the right spot you know i'm not not lost at all [Music] this is uh what rachel was talking about it's just like that experimental farm they are doing experiments with organic farming because one big issue they found out here is just like as i told you they grow lots of stuff here all these pesticides are washed over by the rain end up in the lagoon and this is very very bad for the reef so one one measure they are trying to put is just like develop organical organic agriculture to protect the reef because all this puts a lot of nutrients in the water and there's algae growth and kill the corals so i think it's a very nice initiative and this is the place [Music] what did you find in there i got some fruits it's a problemous or a grapefruit something like a local grapefruit and i think it's time for a break huh do you wanna chat is that [Laughter] [Music] did you got it guys it's a funny language yes [Music] together [Music] [Music] that was a fun morning actually it's 9 30 and we already did something with our day so i'm pretty happy success today today is already a successful day yes thank you isla for waking up waking us up very early yeah and our thing is still there so that's also i do i do have to confess that i almost like gave up because i was super sleepy and i thought i could stay at bed but i'm glad i'm glad you came you can take us yesterday now yeah sure that's it for today guys thank you so much for watching and i hope you enjoyed this episode thanks once again to undoes it for sponsoring this video and remember to click the link in the description below to try undoes it products yourself and yeah if you are new here remember to subscribe give a thumbs up to this video and see you next thursday [Music] one and a half soup spoon of coconut oil and yes isla that's it 20 20 drops of peppermint essential essential oil and 12 drops of t3 someone want to talk you want to talk do you want to give the recipes you want to play the youtuber oh you're shy now okay let's do it again let's just remind you once again since the island doesn't stop talking all right all right baby okay so 20 drops of peppermint essential oil 12 tea trees enchilada one and a half soup spoon of coconut oil and 500 ml of water what the hell is happening with this baby you wanna talk to your mom yeah you wanna chat you wanna chat [Music] [Music] oh

2021-08-02 03:32

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