BOAT = bring out another thousand As SV Awaitea tests us further broken compass & sonar

BOAT = bring out another thousand As SV Awaitea tests us further broken compass & sonar

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good morning everyone after going for my  swim yesterday to try and clean the bottom   of our Sonar our Sounder I have left  it running overnight and come back up and it's all working just fine look  at that we're in 3 m of water which   is about right for the tide so  I'm super happy about that hey   after all that swimming around and  drinking that [ __ ] water so that's great means I can put it back  together and we're good to go oh why did it just stop guess what it was working fine until I went to put it back in  and it stopped why did it do this so our sonar worked for 1 minute when I  looked at it and it's frozen taken it apart   to check the connections had a little pull of  them all and look at that doll that's probably   the reason oh look at this one doll that's come  out too I'm not going to take them all out now   I'm going to have to solder all them properly  but anyway least we're on to it hopeless this   one's way back in here so that's going to be  difficult but I'm going to have to do that   too pull that through and do it maybe I can  put it through the hole at the same time so   I can put a cover on the back anyway we'll get  on to it so since I found one dodgy connection   I've been having a look at it now I've just  had well there we go a little pull who W the   only one that's half any good is that one  which is not that good at all so my advice   to anyone that's got these connectors they're  sort of a a push on uh not push on a little   crimp connector in the middle is get rid of them  cuz they're no good I can tell you that for sure all right let's get this all sorted and to cut them all off so so I can strip  it back all nice and fresh new wire solder them   heat shrink them test it to make sure there's  nothing funny and then do the same to the other end jeez they're pretty fine let's turn it on see what the go is that works well it's working but not very good again wow I got rid of the freezing problem  which is a good thing so after a fair bit of   stuffing around I finally got our sonar  to work sort off so I don't know what's   wrong with it if anyone's got any advice I'd  love to have it some help so it's sometimes   picking up the depth it's sometimes not it's  I've adjusted it the best I can I had to put   it in manual mode and turn the gain up to  get it to work and so on but the depth is   right it'll about 2 m that's correct  we're on low tide we're nearly on the bottom see how it disappears I don't know what's happening but that is the best I can do if I go  to automatic range it loses the plot and tries   to start Auto ranging so I don't know why it's  doing that and it just continues to Auto Range   so it's not quite right but it is working a  bit it's a start moving on from that we've   got another little problem our Compass has died  it's got a crack around the Dome not sure whether   you can see that dome's cracked right around  it's all crazy and it's leaked the fluid out   tried to find out whether it can be repaired  they don't repair them anymore it's too old   I'm going to have to pull that off and sort  it out put a new one on that's a shame it's   because we've been leaning on it when we've been  getting in and out like this so I'm going to have   to make up a bar to go around here so it's not  leaned on and the new one and put pressure on   it and all that that's the next job Kathryn's  uh little chilies or capsicums are going great   here look at them they're loving it I'll show  you the rest of our herb garden while I'm at it Coriander and rosemary thyme parsley chives  oregano and Basil down the very end there so   they love it here they think it's a great spot  easy to cook with that's nice look at it anyway   that's our veggie patch for now and it's working  just fine so I've been doing a fair bit of reading   up on compasses in relation to steel boats because  they don't go well together so I've um been trying   to read and study up on it and understand how  it all works because they generally two types   of compasses you can buy one that's suited to  a steel boat and the rest that aren't the ones   that suited to a steel boat has big correction  um magnets and iron located around it so you can   adjust it to allow for the boat's magnetic field  I have downloaded an app and this app measures   basically magnetic field and it's in the units  are micro Teslas so I am definitely no expert   on this subject so if I've uh done something  wrong please let me know but what this measures   is the background radiation in the area so at  the moment it's at 46 micro Teslas the Earth's   General radiation on the surface varies between  25 to 50 micro Teslas so you can see we're sort   of within a normal range as you get closer to  metal this number should alter doesn't even   change what about down here near the motor it's  actually gone down so the idea is I was hoping   to check where the compass is compared to the  earth so we'll go out and check in a spot that   is n affected by boats or anything so we will  go up on the grass and check for a spot that's   not affected by metal as you can see as I get  closer to metal the number varies either up or down 99 and currently where the compass is at the moment it's 57 around the compass uh magnets  that have already been glued there so this   has already been corrected and adjusted  previously you can see if I go near the   magnet the readings go up a lot but as  I go away so we're about as far away as   I can get from structures and so on and the  reading we've got is around 60 mind you the   actual Earth can affect it as well the type  of stones if you've got more magnetic stones   or rocks beneath you and so on but that's  our Baseline for now that's the best I can do if we get back to our Compass position  it's altered a bit 88 ideally we're looking   for around 60 because that's what it was up  on the land this position is affected by the   steel on the boat a bit 4 50 I wonder whether  the direction of the iPad makes a difference   oh yeah well there you go the orientation of the  iPad does affect it so what's that is telling us   that this is not the absolute best position for  the compass but it's not the worst either so we   can probably work with it if we would have had  the compass over here it would be bad look at   that aluminum bass doesn't affect it too much the  steel of the boat doesn't actually affect it too   much either the hole itself but the structure does  dramatically what it's telling us is the position   is relatively okay it's not greatly affected by  the boat Mass itself when the boat's flat so what   I'm going to do now is go and get my handheld  compass and check how much deviation it's got   in this area hopefully these correction magnets  are enough and if that's the case I can just go   and get any standard compass and put it there and  it should work relatively okay we will still need   to check it but like I said I'm no expert  so let me know if I'm doing something wrong hey hey so I'm back in the middle of the car park again  working on the install of our new Compass so   I've just got I've done the gas test as you  saw earlier and now I've just got my standard   magnetic compass and I'm going to face it this is  just an approximate test parallel with the boat   parallel with the shore and I have zero North on  on the compass itself so that's about parel I'll   just adjust it a bit only this is just by eye  so we're North's on North if you can see oops   except the camera makes it go wrong we're going  to do is go back and place this in the on top   of the pedestal at the right height and parallel  with the boat and if North is pointing North that   at least means when the boat's flat and not  healing that our Compass is going to roughly   right and we'll be able to correct it by its  correction so hopefully that's the case we'll see so I'm back on the boat and I've got  me compass and I haven't adjusted the dial   at all if I put a parallel with the hole and  place it at the height of the compass above   the pedestal look at that so it really depends  on the exact Compass height so how accurate it   is see that so I can get the compass that  high which is going to be about 200 mm High   it will be spot on which is where the last  one was exactly so theoretically roughly at   the moment it's going to be just fine if you  look at that it's in line with the hole just   got to get it at the right height if you  got it at the wrong height it's going to   be terrible even down here it's going to  be terrible but at 200 mm High hopefully woohoo right let's order a compass new one  we're on get the money out we're buying a compass how much is that going to cost if you like our content and think we're  okay don't forget to subscribe subscribing helps   us and commenting helps us even more within  YouTube so if you want us to continue Please Subscribe got to get under there to find the cable  for the sun pump okay cuz the sump pump's not working and I don't know which cable  It is Well is attempting to be a contortionist got be I know I could get stuck in here yes like really yes that's H fix that no too beig that way wellow that's bad can pull  the whole table off oh yeah oh   yeah there is another PL white there isn't there yeah work either look at how green the coolant  glows look at it can you see it I can   see it I don't know if the C look  so anyway that's what I'm looking   for in our fridge when I look  down here cuz it's got dye in it not the best after dinner it seems to be this oh  yeah there's two drips there two drips oh that's in the way can you lift  that big heavy thing up of course I can   out of the way of course I can  I'll just throw the camera over there that'll be fine nearly took my  toes off I'm scaring that stop stop   I said that'll be fine stop yeah I'm getting  her away don't want to decapitate you I like   you sometimes always always this am varies  that's right the depth varies it's like the CHS it's not the best on my bad rib I  tell you that is completely fine back there holy [ __ ] this drips of the glow stuff yeah oh what's going  off yep that's the that is that fitting okay   like really it is that fitting I can see old  stuff even still there after I washed it away   so not fixable by us no mate oh I could do it  if I had an oxy torch or a gas if I had a guas   set on wouldn't be confident if I had one of  those go to buying and get a $40 gas solder I could I could can do it I could do it could yep $40 one of those  map gas soing ons how do you lift this thing   it weighs a ton I lift it like six times a day oh  my gosh I nearly took my toes off did you really   yeah I landed it on my toes what why would  you do that cuz I'm a spar was like freaking   60 kilos oh so it weighs more than me huh oh  so I'm confident that that's the

2023-11-27 15:36

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