BMW M3 Touring vs Audi RS6 | Which is the ultimate fast estate car?

BMW M3 Touring vs Audi RS6 | Which is the ultimate fast estate car?

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what is the ultimate faster  state car the BMW M3 touring   or the Audi RS6 performance keep watching to find out it seems like every month now there's  another unveil of a new Fast SUV they're   tall they're heavy and they're rarely  in oil painting but they're always very   popular which is why manufacturers make so many  of them however if you want something very fast   that's also blessed with excellent practicality  then there's another better way of doing it welcome to the Audi RS6 and the BMW  M3 touring right now they're the finest   examples of fast State cars that money can buy  and today I'm going to tell you which one is better now I've also brought along my esteemed  colleague Mr Ben Barry who is not only a   connoisseur of fast State cars but he's also been  running one of these the M3 touring for the last   few months so you should know everything there  is to know about dailying this lovely green car   and I assume you enjoyed it I did yeah I mean  I've been running it for the last 6 months or   so 7 ,000 miles and uh I just it's such a complete  car I love it it's a fun thing to drive it's got a   real Wildside when you switch it into rear wheel  drive mode but then I've loaded it with luggage   the family Christmas presents driven it through  you know the winter some pretty fou conditions   and and really lent on its all wheeel drive so  very very complete car would say yeah good I'm jealous thing is with the M3 touring it's  not quite a like for likee rival with the   RS6 yes they're both FAS States but  they're priced and sized slightly differently to demonstrate the  latter we thought we'd line the   two cars up and while the M3 touring  isn't exactly small the RS6 is 20   cm longer 5 cm wider and 1.5 CM taller  it's also about 200 kg heavier at 2,90 kg we can also see that while the RS6 doesn't  have the handy opening boot window it does   have a little more space for luggage and  passengers in the rear seats so if you're   the kind of person that prioritizes luggage  and passenger space above all else then get   the RS6 or better still let's go to superb  however while the BMW may be smaller than   the RS6 it is also cheaper starting from  just under 88,000 versus the Audi which   is £5,000 and as Ben is about to tell you it  really isn't that much difference in Cabin quality so we can't talk about this interior  without talking about these carbon fiber seats   the part of the ultimate pack so when this car was  specked that ultimate pack was just under £12,000   if you get them separately they're just under  £4,000 now and I think they look fantastic they   they hold you really nicely once you're into them  very comfortable and supportive I've done long   Journeys in this car and and found them great and  I love this seating position very BMW extremely   low down on the ground and and just absolutely  perfect I think one thing I would say is uh   they're pretty firm when you climb into them so  very rock hard edges here that that can make them   a bit uncomfortable and when I tried the standard  seats recently actually they don't look quite as   good but I think all things considered in terms  of that comfort of of getting in and out of the   car and and the cost I think I would stick with  the standard seats now this generation of three   series grew by 41 mm in the back so actually if  you're thinking about the RS6 and and there's more   space in the RS6 well there is but there isn't  quite the difference that there used to be and the   space in the back of this you know there's plenty  of room for adults back here so it's definitely an   all round Family Choice the M3 touring has always  had this curved display infotainment system but   when the M3 first launched the saloon and the  M4 Coupe it came with two separate screens so   I I do like this system I think it looks really  good um there are a few compromises on it I would   say though as well in terms of the climate menu  That's All Digital now so you've got physical   buttons for for clearing the screen and and the  rear window but everything else you have to go   on the screen as as these things go actually it's  a good interface you you press the buttons up and   down to to adjust the temperature you have to dip  into this climate menu press the button here and   you've got things like control over the seats  and stuff ultimately I think I prefer physical   buttons but but as these things go this is pretty  good we've also got I'm not so sure about all the   tabs on this screen up here there a bit of a  mess of tabs um to to sort through and and go   through so I could live without that I love the  M1 and M2 buttons on on this screen so if if you   know your M cars you know that you can group your  prefer es um in M1 and M2 so for instance things   like suspension engine and steering stiffness even  brake pedal firmness you can group that under your   M1 and M2 buttons after setting them up down here  so you press set up group them all under under   here so engine chassis steering brake and also  the the four-wheel drive system MX Drive which can   go between four-wheel drive rear wheel drive and  also four-wheel drive sport the one thing I have   found from living with this car on a daily basis  is that I've got my daily settings under M1 and   kind of maybe more like track settings under M2  and there've been times when I've thought I mean   Comfort damping but I want really to go to sport  damping for a twist your road or something in the   last generation the f80 you could just press the  damper button here but on that moment you kind of   have to go back into setup find your chassis go  to sport so it's a little bit more of a faf in   terms of that but but overall yeah it works well  you can also change the display on the instrument   binnacle by pressing this m modee button here and  then scrolling through the different modes I think   that's a little bit odd to be honest because  one it says M mode which makes you think you're   changing the driving modes and also really with  it being this instrument binnacle it would make   more sense like Audi does to have the control  up here so you press M mode and then you scroll   through Road sport or track to be honest because  it's down there I've generally just left it in road so now climb in into the Audi RS6 and the  cabin is actually very similar to a regular Audi   A6 but then that's no bad thing because it is  a very nice place to sit and it is very high   quality there's a few different details we've  got the Alcantara sedy feeling material on the   steering wheel which is very nice indeed we've  got different gearshift panels there's different   graphics on the digital dashboard display and  there's also some nice details such as the carbon   on the door the stick itching and on the carpets  as well so you know that you're in an RS6 but it   is quite a subtle change now the infotainment  system I think is one of the best on the market   it's super easy to use it's spread across two  screens and although it perhaps isn't quite as   Snappy as the BMWs and there isn't perhaps as  many options it does all the important things   really well indeed and as I said it's just really  straightforward which is what you want from an   infotainment system now the seats in this RS6  are very different to the ones in the BMW Ben   likes the seats in the BMW I like them as well  actually but I know a lot of people that don't   like them they think they're too serious and if  you were going to get the standard seats they'd   be more similar to these because they're nowhere  near as aggressive with the bolstering and they   look a lot more like conventional car seats but I  think these do hold you in pretty nicely they look   quite cool the stitching as well and they're very  comfortable on a long journey so no complaints   about where I'm sitting the driving position well  I don't think you can go quite as low as you can   in the BMW that's one of the big features is how  low you can sit in that but it doesn't feel like   you're sitting too high either when you're in  the lowest position so I think it's a decent   compromise in here I also want to point out the  RS mode button on the steering wheel so in the   M3 touring you've got um M1 and M2 two different  buttons on this you just got one button but that   allows you to access your rs1 and rs2 preset  Drive modes now just like the BMW you can't   change those modes on the Fly using physical  buttons because there aren't any at all you   have to go into the menu system which is a bit of  a shame but then as I said it doesn't lose out to   the BMW in that respect what it does mean is that  you can access your favorite Drive modes if you   spy a good road or a roundabout that you want to  go into a healthy speed and you can just click it   and it brings you into a firmer suspension better  throttle response better gearbox response all of   those things so that's very good so overall  a lovely place to sit some subtle reminders   that you're in the topof the range RS6 model  and it does the basics right so pretty much   like the M3 touring I don't think there's  a huge amount to split the two cars in this respect clearly we needed to investigate  further to come up with a winner so Ben   Brave the rain and rediscovered  why he's such a big fan of the BMW M3 always love my M3s but I have to admit when  I went on the Press launch for the previous   generation the f80 in 2014 I did come away a  little bit confused it was the first one with   a twin turb charged engine so just like this car  it was a 3 l twin turbo straight six but it had a   very sort of dies turbo diesel character to it  both in in its sound signature and the way it   delivered its power in you know quite low down  and encourage you to to short shift and that   generation I also thought they drove like trucks  especially at first they felt quite heavy and um   just just a bit sort of flat footed really so the  brilliant thing about this car is it feels really   light on its feet yet it's 1865 kilos Den for  the for the M3 touring that's a good 200 kilos   or more heavier than the previous model but the  reason it feels so light on its feet key part   of that is the steering it's very very quick off  center it's very light light to the point I would   switch into the sport mode to give it a bit more  meat and it's just very responsive and it really   snaps this car alive and gives it a lot of energy  the other big step was with this engine it's the   s58 engine so so still 3 l twin turbo straight  6 but it sounds much better than it did before   it's got a much more organic kind of natural BMW  straight 6 sort of sound and I think it's just   got they've just re-calibrated it so you've still  got that low down torque but it drip feeds in in   a much more natural sort of way so if you're  daily driving it you can short shift and use   a torque but if you want to wind it right out  it'll do that too so really encourages to reach   for those sort of high notes in this engine in  a way that the other car didn't o now we've got   it in the four-wheel drive mode at the moment so  as you probably know new M3 first one with with   optional all-wheel drive it's standard in the  case of the M3 touring got three modes regular   four-wheel drive four-wheel drive Sport and fully  rear whe drive now I've got it in four-wheel drive   sport at the moment which is how I've got it in  my M1 button for daily driving so traction control   and it it's mid setting so a little little bit of  extra Freedom little bit of extra leash and it's   a really really potent combination actually cuz  this car's got a nice strong front end encourages   you even when it's a bit wet like this or very  wet like this that you've got the bite of the   front to get it tucked in and you've also got you  know the security of all wheeel Drive but a very   rear biased feeling so very kind of adjustable  handling balance as you can probably see there   and um yeah just a great sort of combination of  traction with that kind of adjustability that I   really love I think the damping works really well  in this car you know it flows cross country very   nicely it's got a lot of compliance to it um I  usually have it in the comfort setting sometimes   on a Road like this you can start to feel it  maybe becoming a little bit loose particularly   at the rear in which case you know sometimes sort  of switch it up to sport tightens it up but you   do get that sort of trade-off in ride quality so  most of the time I am generally in this Comfort mode we've got the carbon ceramic brakes on this  car as part of the M pro pack I think they are a   good upgrade especially on a car as heavy as this  I have noticed that during the time I I've had   this car the pedal seems to have got a bit longer  so I just dab it with my left foot there it's it's   it's quite a lot of travel before it picks up  but ultimately strong stopping power and um and   you know good modulation other than that initial  kind of bite I would say the gearbox we've got an   8-speed Auto gearbox but it does it you know  as versus you know the original Dual clutch   gearbox when when the M3 the f8 came in and  the the previous generation I'm getting my uh   my what is it e92 the V8 model with dual clutches  this doesn't quite have that snap but it's a very   very good compromise in that you got very very  Punchy gear shifts in fact of these three settings   I generally have on the second one because I  find the third one bit unnecessarily Punchy   driving around in the wet like this I am aware  of how much grip I've got and and the the feel   and when it's starting to slip but I would say  overall it is perhaps a little bit more isolated   than I would want so I'd want a bit more sort  of texture through the steering just to get   an even clearer sense of what's going on so on  the flip side of that I think the downside of   having this car be so entertaining on a road  like this is it can be you know quite stiff   jointed at low speed and you do get some Road  raar uh you know at higher speed and things   like that so it's not the perfect daily but  it is a brilliant do everything sort of family wagon as predicted then the M3 touring is as  exciting to drive as a bmwm car should be but can   the Audi RS6 swap out some of that performance for  better usability to find out I rode shotgun with   Ben and quickly realized that in a straight line  at least there's been no compromise on outright speed it it feels quicker than the M3 touring  I mean it's got more power 621 brake horsepower   versus 53 and then 621 foot of torque versus 4799  yeah I think he's got bigger turos in this car so   it takes a little bit of time to get up and  running but once it does it really kicks hard   you know that mid-range all that extra torque  even though this car is quite a lot heavier   it just really gives you that sort of shove  doesn't it it's a lot of power no it really is   and I think because they've taken away I think  it's about 8 kilos of sound deadening from the   engine bay you can really hear that extra Rumble  it feels more rockus than I remember on the pre   performance version it's a nice exhaust note  isn't it it's uh I mean I really like the M3   I like that I think it's improved a lot over the  previous M3 as well but you cannot beat that sort   of V8 Rumble that this car's got yeah it's just  in that mid-range shove and the sound just feels   more authentic with the BMWs you can tell it's  being piped in and it's not as authentic it's   not as fizzy at the top I think in this but that  oh yeah that Rumble in the mid-range is fantastic   wow really picks up and goes doesn't it I think  versus the M3 is that it's very very Punchy in a   straight line it's not as adapt in the corners  though it just hasn't as you'd expect you know   but it's just not got that bite okay so you think  it's it's the front end bite where you think it's   lacking versus the M3 then yeah you the traction  it's it's very much more four-wheel drive feeling   than the M3 in terms of Distributing power yeah  evenly so if I accelerate there it just hooks up   and goes and actually because there was a bit  of lag there as well it just was slightly dead   in that corner but it's generally you've got that  feeling that uh it's it's more evenly distributed   between all four wheels but it's not keying  into the corner as you turn in so that's kind   of inhibiting confidence more than the idea that  it's going to spit sideways yeah know no I get   and you don't think the new diff cuz that can  send up to 80% of the power to the back that's   not really making as much of a difference as  you'd think it would I think you can feel it   going towards the back but it's certainly it's  certainly not as extrovert as the M3 I would say   yeah yeah and in terms of usability how do you  think this compares to the M3 touring because   the ride feels pretty good to me I mean we're  on the optional three-way adjustable damper   it's Standard air on this but this is top specs  we've got those FY dampers this this is ky's so   it is standard on air but this is on on KY so  You' got the diagonally interl dampers and as   a daily I think that's where this car really  kind of stretches and and makes a case for   itself it's really comfortable the seats are  more comfortable that the suspension is really   cushy what I have been finding is that I'll  have it in Comfort around town and and it's   great but I I struggle to find a mode that's just  right for me when I start to d f so so it's got   that stretch to usability but I feel the lack  versus the M3 when I come to twisty at Corners   I want to ask you about the steering as well  because the BMW steering is incredibly sharp   some people might say a little bit too quick and  too sharp this looking at your inputs seems a bit   different yeah an Audi engineer actually said they  thought the M3 steering was too quick this to me   I I don't like this steering basically there's  something odd going and presume it's they they   how's Progressive steering I'm not getting just  not getting the sense of turning the car into the   corner that I I hoped I would um just making that  the front end's not biting as well as it could and   also the steering is just not quite just not very  natural feeling for me it's not as clean no what   do you think on the tires um I'm not yeah it's  difficult to know I'm not I I I think I don't like oh dear oh dear so that was under steer and over  steer pretty much almost at the same time there oh   yeah quite a combination yeah so that was just  on the edge of being front limited and then it   started to come around so I prefer just having  a cleaner front end and being able to sort out   the rear which the M3 does I mean what I like  about this is that it feels when we're going   along here at about 7 or 81 yeah it's quite  composed and it feels like it's well damped   but then when you start to go a little bit  harder that's when it starts to feel like this   is an optimally 810 car and if you go further  than that that's when you'll start to feel its   struggle more than you would going Beyond 810 in  the BMW yeah it feels like he got a heavy engine   in the front and and as you turn it into corners  and you got some tricky undulations and stuff it   just starting to move then a little bit wasn't it  but the body control starts to become too loose   for me and actually is a compromise and what the  RS6 is good at is knowing what people actually   want and how they use the car and I think it's  it is Optimum for that kind of person who wants   something quick they're not going to spend ages  hardly anytime hooning around corners and stuff   they want a quick capable car and that's what  it does but when you start to put something   this big and two tons down an narrow Tristy Road  you do start to feel its limitations in in terms   of body control and when I go into auto mode  I also start to feel when I'm driving quickly   I start to feel like there's not the mode isn't  quite there for me whether it's Comfort whether   it's Auto whether it's Dynamic it's just just  not quite a sweet spot I think optional carbon   brakes anything to say about those they  let's give them a try should we if I stop now that's stopping more than two  tons that quickly pretty strong y   how's your stomach all right yeah good yeah  I just had lunch but no that worked pretty well um okay so the brakes are excellent but from  a dynamic point of view is there anything that you   prefer about the RS6 to the M3 touring cuz I'm  getting the feeling that the point of this is   that it is perhaps an everyday estate car it's  on a level maybe even a little bit better but   when it comes to the Dynamics the M3 has got  pretty much a clean sweep yeah I don't think   there's anything if I there's no reason that  I would take this down a favorite road versus   the M3 to to enjoy driving it I think the  M3 does have it pretty soundly whipped in   that case but yeah it's again it's that priority  that that Audi has put on this being the daily   driver and probably meeting more of a typical  driver's needs and you know if I was to put my   family in one car and take them on on a longer  trip I'd put them in this car so you know what   what do you actually want and I think this  is really well judged in in so many ways having spent a lot of time in both the M3  and the RS6 Ben and I both agreed on two   key points the BMW feels like a performance car  in an estate body while the Audi feels like an   estate with a rocket ship engine what's more  if like many buyers your fast state will go   alongside another performance car in your two  or three car garage the RS6 with its Superior   comfort and space might make more sense however  if it's your only car the M3 touring is the best   option because it delivers a marketly better  driving experience with little in the way of   usability compromises as such it is the winner  of this test and the car that both of us agreed   would be the one we' spend our hard-earned cash  on do you agree with our verdict well let us   us know in the comments section below and while  you're at it make sure you subscribe to the car   magazine Channel and turn your notifications  on so you don't miss any future videos

2024-04-25 17:58

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