Blast to the Coast - Maine - Day 4 Part 1 - Motorcycle Touring ASMR - Ducati NYC Vlog v1539

Blast to the Coast - Maine - Day 4 Part 1 - Motorcycle Touring ASMR - Ducati NYC Vlog v1539

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that's pretty awesome not  something you see every day we're vlogging yes oh come on gloves  come on close ladies and gents we are in a town of island falls teddy roosevelt came here   and launch his canoe from right across  the street did you know that jay oh peter just told me about it all right all  right jay you're gonna have to get out of the way   on your slow yamaha uh i'm really  hoping that my gps tells me now uh i don't know why i went sideways because  i leaned over too hard [ __ ] hell all right we're going to the i have no  idea to the right to the right go slow though because that might be wrong all right we'll go left now oh you just  missed it go left that's why i said go slow no i did say go slow your  your bike is just too fast   wait hold on hold on we're going the wrong  way i think [ __ ] hell oh you goddamn [ __ ] right yeah i knew we were going [ __ ] wrong way we got to go that way we're going we're sorry sorry sorry sorry this is our chance to do this sick sick there's our little genital  store is my bag straight broski oh wow um first of all i'm going 44. first of all i was going 44 and now  that it's 40 i'm gonna do like 47 but you know i understand that yamaha needs  to get up to speed probably no offense so we stayed in this little town drank  a bunch of beers watch the moto gp   free practice one two and three met peter the  owner who's doing awesome things the whole   proceeds from that airbnb and the coffee shop  across the street goes to some college fund   sorry jay i'm talking to the vloggers um anyway and now we are cruising to get to  route 1 which will take us down to the coast of   maine today we're going to see some beach some  ocean it's probably going to be hottest balls   maybe not there's potential for rain and we need gas so we got a few things happening  right now but it does seem like there will be a   bunch of gas stations soon because there's  a mcdonald's coming up in like five miles   wherever there's a mcdonald's  there's a gas station that's how that works yeah because if we go to mcdonald's  i'll literally get like one sausage   biscuit and that way it's gonna  be nice oh this is the boat launch   that's gonna style stuff yeah yeah we can  just grab it you know like something tiny oh was it red truck was it a red truck   dodge ram oh yeah yeah that was  him oh damn oh i didn't see him oh i should have waved [ __ ] oh well sorry peter good job my bags okay  good man this breeze feels good right   we're getting a little hot there it's really humid   and it's funny because the sky is perfect  right now to think that we might get dumped on gas station no it's closed never  mind that baby ain't in business yeah yeah the peter was talking about it how it's  hard for restaurants to stay in business because   nobody comes through you know that's why  he started that thing for his community   which is obviously you know a small one excuse me sir thank you right i wonder if like you should come next  to me so i can look at your chain   and see if it's like slinging  dirt and mud everywhere no it's not what about me check me out  let me get on the right side of you is it all my jeans all right we're about to take a  ride soon anyway so we don't need to   oh yeah there's some amazing uh he was  telling me about hiking around here   and i was like bro we're not  we're we're leaving in 10 minutes   he's like i have two kayaks you guys can take  the kayaks out oh look at this that's dope no river we don't always need a river though but it  is entirely too early to take a [ __ ] break   i tell you what do you have like uh  your your gas light on or not anything no yeah i've done 120 miles   i definitely need gas and uh at least 30  miles but we'll get it sooner than that wow jay was just making a joke about my tiny  bladder because apparently i'd be too much for   his liking it's about peeing a bunch of times  a little bit instead of taking one big one   because i'm not trying to hold  that much b in my p holder how about the countrysides bro look at this farmlands let's not take it for  granted this is uh magical coffee and donuts today i should have asked him i should  have asked peter about moose yo and i bet they're like  apple cider donuts and [ __ ] yeah oh by the way when we pass  back throughout massachusetts again   i'm probably gonna pick up a little uh uh candies just to collect like a couple more  caramels because those were good oh true i don't know oh yeah that's a beautiful i don't know well we're going  to be passing five things   today 100 the long route one along the coast uh  there'll be plenty of that i'll explain you that wow that's the yamaha way i think it's because you  ride a yamaha you meet the nicest people on yamaha   or honda same [ __ ] really burned [ __ ] roasted your ass boy all right there  should be a gap we're about to pass under 95.   usually when you pass under highways there's gas  stations because there's a entrance here we can   be in boston in five hours on the highway that  would be the saddest thing ever if we actually   did that right now i'd be so sad because boston  is awesome but not as awesome as coastal maine   i hope we go by those uh windmills at some point that's the highway no that's the train tracks oh wait it's 40 here we're going 60 oops yeah you don't want the moose to catch us  oh look at this cute cute little uh vistas yeah there's definitely gonna be  some gasoline after this bend here no no i'm serious unfortunately  we're about to probably hit some uh   wait where are you left or  right probably going to see some   traffic lights and [ __ ] because there's going to  be like there's going to be subway dunkin donuts   i think subway i think subway and mcdonald's  they have like some sort of a thing   because uh everywhere there's mcdonald's  around here there's always subway you know why is there not a burger king for wendy's right there is dunkin donuts  mcdonald's and subway that's it have you ever had breakfast from subway what do they have for breakfast at subway yeah i'd imagine oh yeah i've never had it dunkin  donuts breakfast sandwiches are okay sometimes   that's the highway that's that 95 life empty dead empty all these spots everywhere for  cabins and [ __ ] right all this land still recording good although my gopro batteries are garbage all five  of them and my charger so i need to buy a very   reliable charger if any of you guys watching have  a suggestion tell me about the most reliable gopro   battery charger because this [ __ ] is garbage  the fact that i don't know if i'm charging or not yours is pretty reliable jay right but it is weird that you got to wiggle some [  __ ] sometimes oh look at that house that's cool yeah maybe there was no gas stations here there will be have faith american flags what does that  mean gas station could it be 25. so we're going too fast stupid  ways is covering the speed limit we could have easily stayed in this  town and we wouldn't know the difference   we're going to stay like right there no gas here but we're merging to route 1 and 16 miles we should take all this american flag money  and build a gas station with it how about that man this feels good maple syrup and honey next time we see maple syrup you  want to stop i mean do you want it because i'm not going to buy anybody if  you want it i might buy a sticker from some people yeah yeah oh trust me that will be gift shops and antique shops have you been  up this far in coastal maine oh you're in for a treat i've never been here  the way we're approaching it from the side it's gonna be beautiful and the  beach oh man i know a perfect spot we just need some gas pretty soon  is your light on yet me neither 128.

i'm gonna hit 57 000 miles today twelve hundred twelve thousand   yeah that's pretty nice i'm gonna  say damn your bike is pretty new huh did you uh are you keeping track  of total miles since we left   what's the total mileage you have an  odometer second odometer on your bike sick nice yeah by the end of today we're gonna  hit a thousand miles that's for sure and we gotta find a place to stay we gotta  try really hard today and get a nice spot you know what do you say jay i really wish we  could have a cabin with firewood and shut   oh look at that bike we'll see we'll  see what happens we're optimistic yeah well i'd like wi-fi just because  i want to see qualifying moto gp but   you know i could i could take it  or leave it yeah those are dope butter i'm going 54 not really spicy just waking up  oh look at all this furniture   cute i like all this [ __ ] that's dope  that's some honest [ __ ] well-built stuff yeah you should get a classic one like  that that thing will last 100 years   or maybe not 100 years but yeah wait did you  build out your fire pit yet at your house okay are you gonna build  it up or you whatever like yeah we're getting you to build uh build  up the fire pit at the headquarters   because that fire pit is looking sad now you know it's got because i think like the snow  and the wind and everything [ __ ] it up what was that oh snap you used to have one you had horses what yeah i saw i didn't know  you had horses you rode horses for how long oh wow yeah i believe it yeah i believe it there's nobody behind us right no just us apparently i didn't know  either apparently it's strong   alive and well i bet they have some good butter good what oh yeah yeah cheese too for sure  we didn't burn a single fire yet this trip we didn't even use our headlamps  i also brought fat wood twig stove well maybe we're staying in the tenter tonight  who knows we'll see where the lady luck takes us uh we passed it already we're about to pass it  again this is the second time we're passing it   we're like we like went over it you know uh i know right i do think there's  something coming up soon   when we join up with route one i  think it's gonna be a big thing restaurant was it diner you think it's any good it's like i almost feel like i should  look up a gas station on the way up   like a head on ways but  that's kind of like cheating because i bet there i like the the nervous energy let's see all right damn it i just looked up the gas station i'm  not going to tell you how far it is   because i want you to keep freaking out is that cruel maybe maybe because i feel like  i feel like you're going to get a good one   good kick out of this one how  many miles can your bike do i'm just saying like if you have to guess how  many more miles you got before you run out like 30 more yeah i can probably do like 30 40 more hopefully we'll make it there hopefully i put in more than two and  a half gallons for once in my life vloggy vlogging jay get ahead so  i can get you on the on the video   camera we got eight and a half miles  on this road before we take a right so don't pull out bro thanks bro look at all those cars wayne's got  some vehicle cars in that truck cute nice road right it's super chill it's a perfect  road it's like a breakfast road you know   where you can uh just ease into things so i feel like my bike is like running  smoother with that loop chain   i was getting some vibrations yesterday can you tell the difference or no the same ow the [ __ ] bug just touched me uh-oh 45 does this mean there's a town with a  gas station uh-oh could it be jay's lucky day nope you might be right you might be right ah the stress continues keep watching to find out if  jay gets gas or if he runs out what will he do there used to be gas here man this feels so good i love cruising on my bike   is this awesome jay it's literally as good  as it gets we're just coasting never been   here in my life just observing observing the  nature fauna in flora of maine and people we got five miles until we  merged to us-1 south and sadly   start making our descent towards the coast because  right now we're still going kind of like east   uh but as soon as we take a right  we start heading south which   is towards home now i'm talking before  we're still heading away from home but it's okay we got plenty of miles ahead of us that lady waved at us the driveway to the left 140 miles to the tank i'm guessing in about  five miles my light would come on maybe 10. i think 155 was the longest i  went before my light came on you've had your light come on on your bike right do you like it not a fan i'm at a 3 out of 10 on the p  meter so i bet that makes you happy if you fall into some gas somewhere  oh we're [ __ ] we are [ __ ] oh look at that windmill it's weird and tiny fancy i'm gonna conquer this lady see if she  gets back yep cool good for her she's a friendly i want good uh oh we got a truck it's all right it's okay that's how life is mickey d's sausage egg and cheddar actually not cheddar i think they use american  cheese right do you like american trees but you'd eat it though right yeah i don't even particularly like the  eggs from mcdonald's even though it's real   eggs and everything they actually  crack an egg which is kind of cute but i'm just gonna get sausage biscuit with  cheese and hash browns and a small cafe yeah they do 100 yes they do that was like one  of the things that was like uh one of the rumors   no no i'm serious dude even back in the day  when i was uh in mcdonald's with cracked eggs   you don't believe it all  right we're gonna look it up   we're about to take a ride right here  hopefully there's no gas stations because   i want you to freak out for a little bit  longer right you're really other right no right i think there's no way there's a gas  station right over there by that mcdonald's   sonico probably not what do you think well your phone doesn't show you uh   the gas station oh wait you don't  have you're not navigating oh [ __ ] right [ __ ] nice oh look at this  it's like a little downtown area   little downtown uh main situation all right we  actually got to take a left right there so oh no i   we don't going there's like a downtown over there yeah there is right trying to find the gas station in this  direction there's one like one mile back we might have to just pull over by  the bank because unless we see one how do they not have signs  let's say a gas station this way   or something oh it's right there to  the right [ __ ] sorry sorry sorry i bet you would i bet you would no let's not waste time on that [ __ ] bro watch your bike when the trip is done oh [ __ ] you son of a [ __ ] no nothing no  i didn't realize that i didn't realize that   i didn't realize that ladies and gents all right [ __ ] hell uh i know i just unplugged it because  i can't start my bike with it plugged   in it's [ __ ] really unique all  right let me reset my gas meter   let me plug this in the vlog is  going we got 127 miles to the coast yeah all right we're going uh no i'm not sure where we're  going but i gotta start moving uh re-center uh no idea bro no clue are we going no we're going on one i think it's telling me to go this way yo gps can you come alive please all right we're good we're going to take a left and  0.1 mile onto grange grange street is it right here can't [ __ ] tell is this  a street yes this is the street is it though   yeah i guess so [ __ ] hell can't  even tell a green screen cool can't even tell the difference between a  street and a [ __ ] driveway up in this banana   banana pack i'm happy that it's a little bit cooler but  it's also kind of got a vibe of uh rain coming   but we don't care about that we're  just we're just gonna keep going we're about to get back on one and keep the show going i don't even know the name of this  town nor do i particularly care   no that's that's that's [ __ ] up i do care i do care i said yes i did we got enough gas now to  last us for quite a minute all the way to the coast we don't need to fill up taking a right and we are oh [ __ ] we're gonna be  behind this slow ass honda accord oh well oh well now we got 33 miles on this little  baby here and this little number yo jay get in front of me bro why  don't you be cool for once in your life we passed on mcdonald's because we're healthy we don't need no mcdonald's famous last words yeah  bro it could be a nice little wall ride what not am i literally still recording  yes yes yes getting some footy day four of our little trip feels good the wind feels nice pizza in delhi shut down not today sadly i only ate half a pizza  last night bought a frozen pizza   left the other half in the  freezer it hurts but that's life remember that kid talking to us  outside the store or walking he's like   oh i've only had a wild mike speech at once  yeah can't afford to pay 13 i'm like bro you   work in the store you were stocking the  shelves the [ __ ] was like seven dollars liar they're making out you see them making out ah hell yeah oh that was a fake deer  probably to slow people down   savages drop watch out my boy turning live  bait oh [ __ ] are you gonna get a lobster bro   oh [ __ ] look of course the bowling alley  is here um are you gonna get a lobster jay you're not why not oh i thought you liked lobster well you wouldn't get like  the actual lobster lobster you don't like to eat russian yeah i'm  saying like because it's maine you know word well i can't even eat it i just get  fish and chips again i'm all about that yo   no gloves cause gloves are for losers this guy turning nice turn signal bud a little farmer's market are you looking for yeah to see if you had a maple syrup or i would eat like a couple of  those little donuts right now   yeah if we see coffee and donuts yeah that's cute [ __ ] awesome and that thing was aerodynamic  as [ __ ] all right we'll pass this guy let's   keep this fast enough oh okay it's blowing  out that was a tab will move on my part sorry   that was terrible sorry i'll wave to  make them understand i'm upset by myself they're like [ __ ] new york dicks these boys are  sending it hey hey hey hey hey no moose not today   uh-oh detour ahead [ __ ] my ass i mean  sorry forget that kids cut that power out nobody used to hear that on the vlog   all right what's the detour please don't  don't play games with us i don't have time what is going on is that a big truck tractor it's like a combine it's  like a straight up combined he's like i'm sending it bro i don't give a [ __ ] and see now my canadian sticker is not that  impressive because canada is like 20 miles   from here just another canadian across the  board yeah probably going home right now   trying to get home desperately that jeep is behind  us like why why'd you guys do that what you did you risked your life and limb for what   man that combine is [ __ ]  chooching up the street over there come on baby give us that green light i dare you to go under the combine you  have room you've seen those videos right could you do it you think you're  man enough no i don't think so that baby that baby's slow is it  turning no he's going straight that's pretty awesome not  something you see every day can't imagine him going too far i bet that that's why the roads are this wide   or the truck is that wide to make  sure it fits on a road you know crazy all right this is a sweet  turn that we could have railed i think there's a straight coming up come on bro you're killing me here that's a straight can we get him here maybe be ready to pass although i may not get a  chance here [ __ ] hell bro   this is [ __ ] comical this is a  straight right here as soon as i see yeah we're good let's go yeah boy yeah what was it what was that right but did you see how each one  said like junk mail real mail yeah i think it was uh somebody being funny so nice road nice wide open sweet sweet sweetness yo watch out for moose so [ __ ] wilderness right no towns  no restaurants no gas stations my p levels are about five so  we're gonna need a spot soon   plus we've been riding for  uh like 40 miles not bad we've ridden exactly 40 miles so far we almost deserve a break well so far there's no spots anyway even if we wanted to oh yeah quite a bit you think it's enough yeah hopefully this there's  another field around the corner piglets for sale you've been meaning to buy  one haven't you for the kids it's like you know maybe you'll be like can you  actually cook it first before you uh   give it to me they'll be like what  yeah man make some bacon baby bacon looks like we're riding into the storm right it would be awesome if you found  some shelter like a little pullover   you know with like a little house for when they're   when they're no no i mean like one of those like  little camping spots like we stop at or picnic   spots so when the actual [ __ ] thunderstorm  comes in we can be like somewhere covered because it will hit and it will hit hard for  like half hour you know while that thing passes but we are hitting south so  maybe we'll escape it somehow yeah that's all as easy as that we are going kind of quick though right what is it 75 yeah barely any turns the  turns are kind of baby turns barely anything no people nobody's outside still watch out for moose  because you never [ __ ] know just wait till we get our first glimpse  of the ocean that's gonna be awesome   right it's always fun yeah me too oh you think so all the moves  you've seen were pretty chill you

2021-11-12 14:58

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