Bikepacking Wildcamp with breakfast pancakes and ales

Bikepacking Wildcamp with breakfast pancakes and ales

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don't adjust your sex either god one  pint wonder what is this i don't know what we say we weren't going to have two points in ladies and  gentlemen don't adjust your sex   unless you want to i could always adjust it  this channel is open to everybody everybody so subscribe have you said me again yet no is it you again though is it done this way yep i don't know i was in the other  people getting bored of saying it   like my life my life my wife turned my  life into pieces this is the last resort me again back to him him again we are looking at a different spot tonight but it's going to be dark in a  little while so we'll see how we go did i say me again i think i said me again i'm just going to go and have a look  at the tent we'll get really dark   so i'm out in the svalbard nordisk one pew which is quite well camouflaged  there jay hubba bub hubba bubba we are camped here and we're gonna i think we're gonna cook and fire  a little bit further up that way easy peasy tonight pedigree amber ale marston's i  can't read the box too bloody dark so here we go   pedigree pedigree pedigree and  we're going to look at jay's   bit more interesting beers in a minute when he  well ales when he comes back he's gone down there i'm not really looking forward to doing everything  in the dark midwinter are you i'd say we quit ready first time damn three four there she's like do you like yeah i can smell something  cooking in my pan i didn't put anything   in there yet that's good washing  up that's last week well done jb burgers sausages yeah burgers one at a time  um they're not focused oh oil yeah yeah yeah   they're not butchered but they're um from  swarmington this is norwich fairly local bangers i have butchers hudson's i need a jalapeno some sort of cheese and i think there's some  cereal in there as well or something like that   give us a run give us a run through on the ales  okay so this is a um a mosaic can we have the   short version yeah yeah this is all right that one  because otherwise it won't make the cut tell me   what they're called oh yeah what sort of bloody  butt channel do you think this is um look this   might not be the one lee and kerr bought for me  last week but i'd like to thank them from their   sponsorship and ale um uh um generosity so buxom  brewery mosaic i've had it before very very nice   can't see one yeah i'll tip it over like this give  it a ping no because it's because it has sediment   northern monk this now oh jesus didn't  see him facing the future which i don't   drink beer give face like it so this is  a new one to try and uh this one again   i might cut that we don't get political  here no we don't this is a one of those   wildcraft ones but again i think they're  by the norfolk ones culture shall road norfolk yes give everyone something look forward  to wouldn't it thanks for that sausages not doing sausages in the  morning and um nice cheesy rolls no i did threaten this last week  and i didn't get around to it   so oh got my hand over the thingy bobby um for breakfast so jamie what are you having for   your breakfast well i threatened pancakes  last week and this week that is all i've   got so i'm having pancakes stay tuned and  you sir i have a pork and honey chipotles   did we go over this already i don't know if you  filmed it no maybe i i zone out and you do too to jamie does cut his sausage  back to stupid faces again there's still some blood in  there but it's a jalapeno yeah   what do i know got some sauce for that but no sauce no sauce yes you have caramelized onions damn son damn son there's a shot on it yeah do i lift it off  see if it's done it hell yeah juice for the   morning are you eating if you had a real food i  only had two burgers yeah you could do now then   go home get him have a have an eel the walk out  today is not gonna be um uh stinging nettles and   shredded does that mean we're gonna we're allowed  to have a walk out this time we skipped one week   we have to because you didn't let me last time  did you no i was really worried about my legs   and stinging though because i hate going to bed  with stinging little bites are they bites stings i'm not gonna review it because i don't really do  things like that because i don't really know one   [ __ ] knife [ __ ] i've started swearing on the  videos now sorry about that sorry about that subs   anyway i've got this knife and um i got  it from a shooting shop in hunstanton   and um he was no help at all in the shop  so i come out with this one so i'm going to   get a better one so you might see that on future  videos fire tonight sensibly in a pan on a stump   don't set fire to your local woods kids until  it's not good it's not cold it's not it's not   and also to all the haters i am sorry it's a fire  lighter yeah i don't care but we make no claims oh   that was good right yeah we make no claims to  do bushcraft on there we'll leave that to the   experts out there sure what we doing next next  camp sleep in a middle of a roundabout should   we find one of these dos holes full of rats and  gas canisters and camp in it we're not doing that i think we have a walkabout so walk  about let's have a walk about i've got my   hip flask are you on the  whiskey are you when i'm not are we walking really slow for a reason christmas morning bring the girls  up i'll be um i'll be back later but we'll do we have to do a  december-ish one oh god yeah   because that'd be so cool to get a  little we've got we've got the gear   yeah we'll get a nice little christmas pud  going on and a fire yeah like christmas dinner is it really do you stamp on  my tent i did look at that we're having a burn up but like  i said before it's a proper   contained sensible burn up we're  not setting the woods alight i almost said like we did last  time where are you going now   you've had a you've had a pierce  in about five different places   would you like me to would you like me to camp  on a roundabout shop down here where my dick is 11 o'clock night night time for wild campers   just getting all sorted out from the  camping area back to the back to the tent this is take two he keeps pissing about he doesn't  realize what a serious channel this is i'll right in the morning for  breakfast he's on sausages   i'm on pancakes i can't talk i've  got half my pillow on my face   i'm not pillow my sleeping bag i don't know  what i'm talking about alpha time right um it's in the morning and we'll go mornings morning oh i can't even see you go he's seen over that field hello and good mornings um got coffee on coffee on hot water on rather  yeah yeah and it's breakfast you're on the bangers   aren't ya shock revelation yeah i'm hungry  i woke up proper hungry this morning as well   which is good because usually i wake up and i'm  like no sausage is just where i say back to me i'm quite intrigued yeah you got the flag  and wagon out today all loaded up today and   uh tent and everything is away it's quite nice  that you it holds your bike up as well and yeah   that's pretty good it's perfectly fine but  i wouldn't want to do a long journey on it   especially because it's a bit draggy but i have  today flour but we didn't have any plain flour   so this is yeah so i think it said you can  make like thicker american style pancakes   with it we shall see back to bannock then  really yeah basically by a nuke three whack around all that's me taking the piss that are  used feeling stuff it's gonna happen now meanwhile i mean you need an egg don't you i thought  you're gonna go and lay one i need an egg it was cracked might be casting that's right ladies and gentlemen i am   stirring the sausages like this do you  spare sausages that's what i'm doing pam's gonna what's under what mixtures this  is going to be one messy mofo oh yeah because um i'm not  making panic am i making pancakes   i was thinking that looks a bit  runny yeah you need you needed i don't know i suppose i could do those   thicker ones can i i don't know you'll  end up with vanity again we all know it   i think it's gone past bannock i've really  done it now put too much milk tonight ah it's looking like it's looking like it oh  is a ridged pan gonna work oh yeah good point first pancake never very good  is it about the second third oh jimmy that looked good i'll tell you what sorry about that there's  something in this cooking thing in there   yeah do we flip or do we that would really  distress me if you drop that on the floor but   perhaps i'll flip another one  yeah get one down you first long ride back yeah look at that   this has got to be worth a subscribe shortly  i'm deeply impressed that's really good that's enough i'm going to call  that a win it might taste like crap should we do a flipper pancake and action we went  for a bit of a trial run last time this happened   beautifully i've got this down it is good yeah again that was right that's  it no more because that was hanging right   when you watch that in slow mo that  is like half in half out of the ring so to speak honey honey honey honey it's not not  like your posh stuff it's only from tesco   how'd you know i got posh honey  because you buy posh everything even your bloody wood that is good there you go you heard it here  so we're gonna cook next time any ideas already packed up roll out a bit fresh there's  still coats at the minute it's that time of year baby bike graveler ready  to go and um let's roll out right i think we'll say that's another successful  one come to the end of another wild camp   thanks for watching i loved it thanks  for watching call it here call it here   that's what we say don't we something like  that yeah call it here see on the next one

2021-10-15 00:08

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