Bikepacking: The South Downs Way (Vlog)

Bikepacking: The South Downs Way (Vlog)

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So, yeah, we are on the ship we are approaching Southampton We made it to Southampton. Right? Since we lost the tent on the Isle of Wight and couldn't find again, we need to head to Decathlon to find a new tent. Southampton. What is this? A skateboarding place. No, that's the guildhall there, but people use it for skateboarding it seems.

That's the new tent in action. Which we got from Decathlon today. Actually, is it much bigger than my tent was? Yeah! It's bigger than the other one.

So, yeah, I am inside the tent. Dad's cooking the pork loins with BBQ sauce. Nice! So how is the book? Nice. What's this about? It's about like a kid agent. A kid agent? Yeah, but like he goes on different dangerous missions where he can die and it's really interesting. What's the name of the book? Alex Rider "Scorpio Rising" Alex Rider ... so like your name. So are you Alex Rider tonight in your sleeping bag and your tent? The tire lost pressure again. So now we are trying this again.

Put the glue a little big bigger than the patch you have. Place it right here and then press. Everybody waiting for a haircut Alex. At every barber we pass by, people are waiting to get their hair cut. They only opened like yesterday.

We have to do the same technically, but I have no interest in queuing at all. So this has to wait. We are already on the South Downs Way. The south downs way is one of the most scenic hiking path I think in England At least that is what I read. It is about 160km and it takes you from Winchester to Eastbourne, on the coast.

Yeah, it is quite hilly. So there is like 3000 or 3500 meters of altitude gain on the way We'll see what the way holds for us. Great to be out in the countryside again. What did you do? You re building yourself a hiking staff? No, I am carving out a spear. Are you going hunting? Amazing! Really amazing. Looking for a camping spot now.

We spoke to some gentleman. He works on one of the cattle farms. And he pointed us here and said he will inform the boss to our presence. And then everything should be fine. So wild camping with permission now. And somebody in here is munching away all the chocolate cookies. Is that correct? Have I caught someone red handed? No? Ok. Enjoy.

It was actually quite a cold night. The water in the drink bottles was frozen this morning. The tent was completely frozen over. And yeah, was minus I don't know one, two, three degrees again. You care to explain what this is? So what did you find here? Dad would you care to explain? I can't, you can, you are the expert archeologist here. So, as you can see here. If you feel it over, you can feel that this was molded from clay.

This is some sort of pottery. Like really old. Where did you find it? Over there in the field. There is more of these rocks.

There is more of these like carved works. Like I could break one of these with my own hands that's how old they are. Some bird pooped on my camera. We gonna get lunch? Yep. What are we having? We are having tortellinis with fried onions and fried garlic and cheese. Nice! So. Come through.

So. We found our camping spot for the night. On like a field left hand of the South Downs Way. And Alex is in charge of putting the tent together. What are we eating? We are eating chicken soup with actual, non artificial chicken.

Surprising, isn't it? Good, that's the first course. Yeah. Yeah. And then we gonna have ... oh, we gonna have chicken curry. A lot of chicken today! The red chicken curry on the way. Tasty! Don't burn yourself.

Yeah. Nice place to camp. Not sure the camera can see all this. All this little layers you know you have there. You can see the massive cloud cover. The sun is moving towards us now.

I hate you ;o) And there is the other pheasant, but I don't think we can see the pheasant very well. Let me see. Do you think we can go there? Try to catch the pheasant? The woman is already running. And now the pheasant is running as well. Now they are flying. Look how they fly. Oh, they gonna steal our curry.

Are they now here? Can you see them> Now we can't see them. It's funny to see how they fly. They flap their wings a bit and then they just ... like a rocket. Yeah, well. Bet it be lovely to be a bird. We are back in the tent. I can still feel the fire ashes in my throat.

I feel like I have been smoking a bit. Now we probably gonna a read a bit about the price of like ... this. Because like we are kind of guessing it is from the bronze age.

As near where I found it there was a bronze age settlement. Anyway, now we probably gonna have quite a good night's sleep. And, is that a pheasant? No, No ... it's just a tree thing. Tomorrow we go to Chichester where we will depart for London. Some of the hills started to make me angry. Like make me go crazy.

But other than that, everything was picturesque. Like, look, look, could you ask for a better view. Nice! Good morning! Again a freezing night. No cloud cover. So everything was frozen over.

Finally managed to speak to my mum. For her birthday today. We still had a bit of scenery, but we are already off the South Downs Way. We only had like a kilometer to go. Are are now gonna descent more or less all the time into Chichester. In the cafe earlier, we met this couple. and they recommended us to see the village of Bosham.

Presumably that is where they are from. Right by the coast, west of Chichester. So we gonna take a little detour and go there. If you don't believe in heaven, you gonna believe it after you visited this pub! Yeah, lovely lunch there in the White Swan I really recommend the steak burger with bacon and cheese. I know it is not very vegan, but you know what? I couldn't care less. We got this box, which is basically where you can keep your stuff ... Can you describe it a little bit better for people that don't know what it is? So it's a vault basically with a three digit code that you assemble yourself.

Wow! hey it's ronny here hope you liked the video. if you did do hit the like button, subscribe to  the channel and if you want to get alerted  for the next time when the video comes out also click on that alert button. it's going to  help you stay on top of things. and i invite you to   leave comments. positive ones negatives ones.  will all help me to improve my content on  this channel. and yeah if you didn't like it just  hit the thumbs down button that's completely cool. we can all live with that.

and yeah that's it for today. see you next time, hopefully. hasta pronto! Ciao!

2021-06-17 04:26

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