Bike Touring USA REACCT Day 28 - The Hsawaknow.

Bike Touring USA REACCT Day 28 - The Hsawaknow.

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good morning get rekt for recovery crew so it's  day 28 of the redeeming eden cycle tour r-e-c-t   get wrecked for recovery a bicycle trip up the  atlantic coast of america to raise awareness that   there are addiction recovery options available  that you don't have to die in your addiction   there's churches celebrate recoveries and rescue  missions all over the nation all over the world   that just want to help you talk to you and love  you if you find yourself bound by addiction   so yeah a really really good day i was able to get  in the light in here in the restroom and look at   all my bruises and kind of check everything over  this is a picture of my hip so yeah that is pretty   rough and this is a picture of the inside of my  left leg uh where my left leg hit the bar when i   fell the uh top tube and then this is of course a  picture of my arm that you guys have already seen   so yeah i had no idea like that i had hit that  hard um i knew it hurt i knew all those parts hurt   but i didn't i never bruise like i'm sure christy  can drop a comment i never bruise ever like i i   hit myself hard sometimes so i guess the wreck  was a little bit harder than what i thought it   was maybe adrenaline kind of carried me through it  but i'm starting to kind of see that god has given   me these few days to really just rest these hurts  um and so i'm thankful for that i had no idea i   like i haven't really paid too much attention  to it haven't been in really you know like   lighting where i've uh focused on it but the  really bright white lights in this bathroom   you know showed me how much damage i took in that  fall anyway yeah so i am about to get on the road   i'm going to go to the walmart i've got to go over  the intercoastal talk to tracy snyder this morning   and we've kind of looked at about where he's  going to meet up here in north carolina north   carolina state number 15. i'm like six miles  away i was way closer than i thought it was   um and yeah he's gonna meet up with me later  on probably five four or five days from now   uh and i'm going to keep moving yeah this is  uh this is you know really kind of nice to be   getting out of south carolina but i don't  know what north carolina holds as far as   roadways however i will be leaving the east  coast greenway and heading out to the outer   banks and i'm pretty much not going to be on  the east coast greenway again for the next   two months of the ride i'm going to loop back  to it after i come through new york that's   assuming that i have time to do all of that trip  i still haven't mapped out that mileage and looked   but i think that i'll be able to kind of make that  left hook to lake erie anyway in order to do that   i have got to get on the road and today uh  matt crosston who is at the beginning of each   video singing uh from our ends of the earth cycle  ride uh key west bike ride 2021 that i'm still on   um you know he uh released his album be  brave today uh wherever you stream your music   so go check it out be brave by matt crossin  i will have it on repeat all day today and   uh yeah this is uh this is an exciting day the  winds have shifted uh they're starting to come   back out of the south uh it was really cool i  got to see the rocket launch this morning the uh   crew dragon uh by spacex uh and here i'll show  that to you real quick all right so i got up early   this morning to watch this the uh crew dragon  the four astronauts go into the space station   from kennedy space center that just launched this  is super cool david and i were talking about this   just last night uh that you can see it and so  when i you know looked up when the next launch was   there it goes how cool is that i watched the stuck  in the stage from the window and came downstairs   here it is cold so yeah that was uh incredible i  woke up early you know david and i were talking   about that last night before last uh down on the  beach he just said you know it's neat because you   don't think about the rocket being right overhead  here so far away but it is it comes right over   the coast and so i looked up rocket launches and  it just so happened to be quite serendipitously   that there was one launching tonight and with the  perfectly clear air everything was great for the   for the viewing i got to watch the stages separate  from the window at the end of the hallway and when   they did i was like i've got to go film that so i  got on the elevator and went downstairs but yeah   gonna get on the road gonna um push on into north  carolina and then just make it as far as i can   try to get 40 miles and see how that works for me  and you guys will see more of that right about now all right so uh hang on one sec i've  got some junk on my um lens here oh yeah that's much better it's amazing how much  difference you know a little bit of junk will   make on the uh camera lens there i'm really having  to learn a lot of uh stuff with this videography   thing that i do so yeah i know um state number 15  north carolina yes lord oh i'm so excited this is   cool this is so cool like i am so ready to be out  of that last state david worley i love you i love   your state but i really did dislike the roads and  i'm hoping that there's a change i've already got   like 18 inches of uh kind of bike lane and  uh and no shoulders and just white lines so   so far so good we'll see how that holds up  just spoke to tracy uh snyder on the phone   and they're actually gonna come meet me tomorrow  morning and ride before i get to the outer banks   and then they're going back uh so yeah i'm so  excited about that but in order to get there   i've got to leave here but this is cool  state number 15 north carolina let's go so all right so i had to get some ice cream  i rolled into the ice cream shop here   uh it's off the main highway that i'm traveling  and they've got like just big ice cream   cone out by the road and umbrellas and you  know i'm not usually like a sweets guy i   it doesn't usually appeal to me uh to get  sweets i like protein carbs those kind of   things i'm just coca-cola is my thing uh anyway  so i came up to the door and on the sign that   said cash only and i don't have any cash left  i've spent my last twenty dollars on my haircut   uh you know i've got donations through cards but  like that that was it for my cash i haven't made   like an atm visit or anything uh so i sat down  right here outside i was like well thank you   anyway and uh they have an electrical outlet and  uh the lady came outside her name's kim and she's   like would you like a scoop of ice cream where  are you traveling to and so i gave her a sticker   for the youtube channel and she brought me a mint  chocolate chip cone which is super cool and while   i was standing here she was like you cannot you  can get one of the chairs but that um that outlet   doesn't work i said well it's powering it she goes  oh my gosh that's right i rented it out yesterday   it's turned on it does work now it's like perfect  timing so yeah i'm gonna sit here charge my phone   check out facebook uh and yeah get back on the  road so good stuff love you guys see you later   all right so i just stopped here at the  post office in shalok north carolina to mail   some of my stuff home my usual culling  about once every thousand miles or so   uh and yeah got that sent off now i've  got to go find a car wash for the bike   and then keep on heading on down the road  i'm trying to get to oak island i don't know   if i'll make it there or not but that's my  goal all right love you guys see you later hey grandpa what was that we just went through is that japanese no that's wonka war spelled  backwards yeah that was seriously no joke some   willy wonka machine type  stuff that foam brush was just squirting foam all over me i had phone  behind my ears anyway now i'm going to subway   uh because now i've got to eat and uh  it's like 5 17 5 30 so i'm gonna have   to figure out where i'm gonna end up while i'm  sitting here and you guys will see more of that   right about now all right so yeah as you  can see there uh all the turns have been   very very well marked in north carolina i didn't  really see very many east coast greenway signs   at all in south carolina georgia was well marked  florida they were kind of hard to find but you   could find them uh the roads have been 50 50 so  far sometimes you know it's a little bit of this   but they're very very highly marked bicycles  share the road um more often than not   they've got this little section that you  see here that you can ride in it's not   necessarily a bike lane i've seen a few with  a little bicycle guy with his little helmet on but most of north carolina so far has been calming and comfortable so yeah i had  that kind of like multi-stop event there   walmart got the bike degreaser so i could  clean the bike so that it'll rain sometime soon   went to the post office mailed stuff  home so everything would fit in the bike went over and washed the bike  and then went in eight subway so   it put me kind of behind but at the same time  um it's getting the sunset it's setting later so   i've actually got to like 7 39 or  something before the sun sets which   then i've even got 30 more minutes of twilight  which would be like 8 39 i mean 8 uh 09. and uh yeah it's 6 30 right now so i  should make it all the way in   and that'll put me right at 50 miles  per hour what a beautiful treat and then i'll kind of know a little bit more uh where did phil tracy i'm going to be at  speaking of that he is calling right now so let me   answer that and you guys will see more  of this road in time warp by gopro all right so that's it for the day i found a nice  little section of woods here next to a cell tower   uh i didn't want to end up going down to  the beach the sun's setting pretty quick   as you can see behind me here and uh i didn't  want to get down there in a populated area and   find out that the sign on the beach said you  know no camping or whatever most of the time   that's because people like to set up fires and  i never build a fire so i understand it but   anyway uh yeah i found this little spot it's just  off the ecg so it shouldn't be too bad just to be   here for the night i'll be up early in the  morning anyway tracy i talked to them they   are on their way out as we speak they should be  in the area around 10 30 tonight uh so yeah just   a really exciting day got a lot done the bike is  just in beautiful condition i used the sprayer but   i only like sprayed hard on the frame i never  sprayed hard on the bearings or anything like that   because i just you know i'm weary of getting water  inside of those parts i hate using a um a pressure   washer it's just there's so much pressure to them  but i was as careful as i could and everything's   fine all the electronics are fine so i think i did  all right anyway i'm gonna end the video here i'm   getting a little bit chilly uh so i'm gonna  go hop in my sleeping bag and start cutting   and editing this video for you guys tonight  luckily i've got a great service right here so   yeah it shouldn't uh shouldn't take  too long at all to get this one out   but uh if you know anybody who's passed away from  addiction in any form or fashion please drop their   name in the comments or find me through the  popple link in the description and i would love   to ride for your person and celebrate their life  with you for a day uh if you know anybody who's   actively addicted share this with them you know i  don't want to see anybody else die from addiction   and i know you don't either and yeah let's use  this as a let's use redeeming eating as a tool   that we might save a life this is the react tour  rea cct and i need your help reacting redeeming   eden atlantic coast cycle tour i need you to  like the videos on youtube comment on youtube   share the videos thank you for so many of you  guys who are doing that uh it's incredible we   are building subscribers like i said earlier  so fast now faster than any previous point in   the year that i started the channel uh and i  can only credit you guys for that so thank you   and um yeah don't for don't forget to click the  subscribe button the red button it just tells   youtube that you like the videos and it'll show  you when new ones are out doesn't cost anything uh don't forget that redeeming eden is a  non-profit ministry through international   gospel outreach i will also leave a link to them  in the description you can go there and you can   see my bio on their website you can find out  more about redeeming eden and about the cody   jordan forever funeral fund uh or you can go  back and watch the day one video from this tour   so yeah uh from here in i think this is oak island  i think i'm in oak island city limits um north   carolina state number 15. i love you guys jesus  loves you i'll see you later have a good night you

2021-04-28 02:12

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