Biergarten Restaurant Epcot Dining Review

Biergarten Restaurant Epcot Dining Review

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Welcome to Heartland Family Adventures!  Today we invite you to join our family for   an amazing birthday dinner at the Biergarten  restaurant in Epcot's Germany pavilion.   The Biergarten is located at the center of the  Germany pavilion at Epcot's world showcase. The   inside of this restaurant is designed as a large  amphitheater that feels like you're outside at   an Oktoberfest festival. This restaurant is open  for lunch and dinner with authentic German food   that is served family style and all you can eat.  They have a set pricing for this dining experience   at forty six dollars for adults and twenty  five dollars for children ages three to nine   we love the family style servings for the  whole table and there was more than enough   to go around we were all completely satisfied  and very full at the end of our delicious meal.   While you're enjoying your meal you can also  enjoy an amazing show with a live band playing   German polka music singing and playing different  instruments. Our kids absolutely loved this  

experience they were up dancing and singing the  whole evening. If you're new to our channel we   welcome you to join our family of subscribers we  post new Disney content every week including park   vlogs, dining reviews, family activities,  resort tours, and more. We hope you enjoy!   hi guys we're here excited getting ready to eat at  Biergarten for the first time   you guys just don't even know you don't even know hey happy birthday we are in the Biergarten look  at this place oh my goodness so cool oh my goodness this is awesome lots and lots of food lots of food all right  our first course has come out this is also   family style we have the pretzel rolls the  german potato salad cucumbers and tomatoes   and macaroni salad and the kids are eating  their pretzel rolls is so good buddy yes yum yum   i went to them how's the pretzel bread delicious  great and they're in between they're in between   shows right now so a little quieter but you  can see this kind of like theater style seating   on levels like a german beer garden set up and  then now down there is the stage where they'll   have a show every 20 minutes it's wonderful you  excited dave this is awesome i love it it does   feel like a village inside here we like we've been  transported to germany try with the pretzel bread that's got a lot of good principles  awesome sometimes they're pretty bland   packed with lots of flavor wonderful   you try it with some of the gave us two different  types of mustard dipping sauces i'm guessing it's   a hot mustard and a regular mustard good  it's a regular mustard try with the other he likes that's delicious he likes it   you can get rid of this likes that  the darker mustard is it a mustard i guess so yeah it's kind of sweeter  yeah that goes great with the pretzel   awesome okay so we've got the german  potato salad german potato sauce henry's coming going for another pretzel  roll all right you can't get enough pressure   he loves it and some of that mac salad  what do you think that's excellent yeah so   we're we are both come from very german families  so very familiar very familiar to us in like what   we would have for our family family oktoberfest  type style meals and fam and family gatherings   potato salad and macaroni salad everyone's  exactly like what we have at all   this is a little different the cucumbers  cucumber salad yeah i've had cucumbers and   onions not the cucumbers and tomatoes yeah yeah  it's good though yeah very neat and we'll see how   everything compares to what we've had at our our  family gatherings growing up this will be really   fun awesome starting off good this is very  good how's the roll is that good yummy yummy approved look at these mugs all your drinks  come in so this is just i just got iced tea   but it comes in a really like heavy duty  look it's just so cool nope and anthony   yeah i'm gonna try the pretzel bread i'm  gonna dip it in yeah dip it in that sauce not good oh that's delicious i gotta get more   oh it goes so nicely with the pretzel  it's a hot it's like a dijon hot mustard   yeah they've mixed in something in with  it too that makes it a little sweet cucumbers yeah a little bit different  than what i'm used to more vinegar   i think that's what it was more  vinegar more vinegar less sugar   my family our family's recipe probably puts  more sugar in it and then macaroni salad yeah   these peas and macaroni salad that's just classic  premium the sweetness of the peas and onions and   try though potato salad potato salad now my family  tends to make this a little bit more vinegary that's pretty fun salad german goodness salad yeah  everything's really good so far i'm very happy he loves it he's a happy boy  just loving the pretzel bread all right our main course has  arrived so we have some red cabbage   we have the two types of bratwurst we have  a pork and a beef and pork roasted potatoes   chicken and pork meatballs oh my goodness  german meatballs those looks so good and   then the kids meal comes with oh  my goodness macaroni and cheese   chicken tenders hot dogs green and roasted green  beans oh man all good all good things for the kids oh that looks good what kind did you get yeah it's much better in germany oh it tastes  much better oh my goodness you ready to dig   in emma did you see all this food we have  here holy moly are you ready today again it's delicious i got some sauerkraut there too delicious pork that one's good but i like the meatballs i  think the best the bar oh i didn't try the chicken   we also have a roasted chicken  chicken really really soft like just   coming right off the bone  right there i'm just getting oh my goodness super tender great flavor just nice  rotisserie type style chicken that is delicious   all right last thing on my plate  is the special let's try this basil   not quite like my my grandma makes it  but it's good i feel like it's missing   something maybe missing like a sauce  or something like it's a little dry but okay emma's gonna review her meal is  that the chicken tender is it good   are you eating the just the  roasted chicken you like it it's good it's good how about a german hot dog yes or no just thinking about it do you like it these roasted green beans though from the kids  plate are the lemon chips great great nice soft   onion green beans these are delicious i love  these i mean i can use that whole plate of them hear that better try it i think she agrees all right good job emma all right dave's  digging in what'd you try first was darker   brought worse bratwurst did you start with the  pork brought worse the darker one yeah yeah okay yep just okay   yeah probably really enjoy that mustard yeah yeah  i think you should yes dip it in the mustard sauce oh here it is you took it i  like it for the pretzel bread yep everything's better with that sauce more  of that sauce all right but you said this yeah   i really liked the beef and pork combination so  yep it's really good with the regular mustard too   it's even good flavor huh it's not  good by itself yeah like the flavor i'll try with the sauce even better right what else did you get on your plate right in  space so so you didn't like the spatula so much   yeah it's just not my favorite she makes  some amazing space so it's just not like   my grandma's so it may be great spatial but  just doesn't taste like my grandma's pencil   so it doesn't have a little on fiber really yeah  yeah i'm supposed to mix it in maybe with some   yeah maybe mix it with some of that sauce from  the meatballs yeah that'd probably be good oh sauerkraut yeah yes it's potent  it's marble yeah it's good stuff though   mix it with the meat you mix that with  some of the sauce yeah red cabbage not your favorite all right my thing but  yeah it is what it is you have it with the   meat yeah try this potato i thought the  potatoes were pretty good cooked nicely pretty good potato yeah the chicken  the roasted chicken is is delicious   cooked perfectly very tender yeah yeah  it's a good chicken that's a good chicken   yeah see this has a plenty of food we've  already filled our plates and look how much   food we still have on the platter and they'll  bring out more of any you know specific items   that you would like to have more of um but we're  we're going to be working on this for a while   what do you think so far do you love it this  is a good meal yeah how's the how's the beer   everything how's the meal  all together okay great meal we don't usually go for a  german but i know because we are but i really germany the atmosphere can't wait for   it i know we're so looking forward to  the show this is going to be so much fun hey what else you got dave i realized  i didn't went back for meatballs green   beans are good yeah i told you oh i didn't get a  meat delicious i i pretty much finished off the   green beans they were good those meatballs are  delicious right you look great yeah yeah i like   the chicken too chicken and the meatballs  i think are my favorite they're different   it has a sweet sweet sauce on it and they  also bring out this really cheesy macaroni   it's more like a really really cheap really  cheesy it's more like a casserole style with   the macaroni and then they put the cheese  on top and melt the cheese on the top   yeah it doesn't look like the kraft mac and  cheese but but it's it's nice yeah lots of   yummy cheese on there good thing there's plenty of  stuff that the kids will love yeah there there's   plenty of food that they're they're eating and  enjoying it's not that there's nothing that's   kid-friendly here there's lots of kid-friendly  options they're gonna they're gonna walk away full hey is henry approves yes oh so oh me laughs wow for our dessert we have the strawberry shortcake  the black forest cherry cake chocolate chip   cookies and extra apple strudel oh it looks so  good this looks delicious can't wait to try these   all right excited look at all these desserts  this looks amazing so we have the apple strudel   this looks so good look at the apple and  frosting on top oh i can't wait to try this yeah strudel is nice the apples  are still a little bit warm   nice cinnamon sweet that little frosting on  top that's good nice warm thank you dessert you also have these strawberry  strawberry shortcake over here   with it's got some cream layer in here in the  middle with the yummy strawberries go try this i need some sprinkles some sprinkles for hanging  yeah our server brought out the kids some spring   some mickey sprinkles that was  very sweet to put on their desserts   because they were dancing so nicely oh they  were good okay get into this oh my goodness   it's like a it's like a cheesecake oh  with the cream and the strawberries that's good we also have like a black forest uh  cherry chocolate cake you can see that cherry   layer in the inside in here with the cream  and the chocolate uh chocolate swirls for that nice bite of the cherry good chocolate outside  little cherry pearls add that kind of nice bitter   dark chocolate flavor with the cream it's really  light it's a really light dessert it's not heavy too good nice and chewy i like them  crisp on the outside on the outside   edges and then nice and soft and  chewy on the inside that's a good   good cookie not all really good desserts these  are awesome wonderful dave's gonna dig in birthday that's desserts good turtle yeah apples are  still just a little bit crisp uh-huh yeah   they're not too mushy which is nice yeah and  almost still warm too they sprinkle their pizza   henry's over here eating his cookie and his  spring his mickey sprinkles try that kid yeah   oh that that that that was pretty good black  forest cake i have to drink this it's it's yeah i know it's it's it's softer than i imagined it  would be it's still moist too and lighter not so   dense and not so thick and heavy it's a nice light  black forest cake okay now you've got it you've   got to try this one though with the strawberries  oh my goodness it's it's really really good   super light and fluffy and that cream  layer in the middle it's delicious that's good right i think that  was my favorite i think so too   that one's this one with strawberry one is my  favorite followed by the chocolate black forest   and this journal is good yeah cookie is a  good cookie too okay i'm going to keep it okay oh emma's draining the stream like the german  dessert i know right uh-huh she likes it i got   some of that sprinkles on there oh add some more  sugar to your strudel created like her own new   creation that's a lot of sprinkles that's  a lot of sprinkles on there oh my goodness oh my this is trouble sugaring up the children you did eat them all didn't you you love them what  did you think of the show did you love the show   was it so good what was your favorite huh  what was your favorite part of the show um the singers the singers yes they were great  weren't they and they went to you didn't they   did they wave at you and say thumbs up yeah they  did and did you send them thumbs up too and were   you dancing yes yeah what was your favorite part  was the singers because they were waving at me   and giving me thumbs up uh-huh you were dancing  over here weren't you dancing and clapping along   and singing it was wonderful all right what's  been your favorite of the meal favorite thing probably dessert in the  chicken dessert and the chicken   yeah she really liked that roasted  chicken what was your favorite dave uh lighter bratwurst was but that  was fun favorite of the meat i like   this dessert he likes the strawberry  that strawberry cheesecake shortbread yeah what was your favorite henry um the dessert with the mickey sprinkles oh that  was very good wasn't it my favorite probably   was uh those meatballs those meatballs were  really good with the green beans and then i   also liked the strawberry this strawberry  dessert as well it was really really good   but it's all been delicious wonderful wonderful  experience wonderful atmosphere in here great show   yeah i can't can't recommend this  any higher this is a wonderful   wonderful experience it's my very top of  restaurants yes yeah so much fun and great   great birthday experience for dave too yeah happy  birthday honey happy birthday oh oh so sweet oh what a fun what a fun birthday dinner i love  this place yeah the show and the atmosphere   it's good yeah all right well thanks thanks for  joining us tonight guys we'll see you next time you

2021-04-25 16:23

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