Best Vending Machine Food and Drinks in Japan

Best Vending Machine Food and Drinks in Japan

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What's up everybody I'm Chi Chi I'm so toasty we hope you guys are staying safe during. These difficult times. We're. Doing our part by staying indoors and we're not gonna be going outside filming, anything anytime soon. Having, said that we do have to continue creating, content, and we have some really interesting ideas so we truly. Hope you guys continue, to enjoy our videos, today's, video is all about the world of vending, machines we had a great time going through our library, of videos we, really tried very. Interesting. And unique food, and drinks various, food and drinks from various vending machines and I thought it might be fun to compile, them into one, video. I think you guys gonna like this one please enjoy. We. Have soups here in Japan and this, one is the corn soup and right, here is a soup that we've never seen before, this is the. Rich, Demi, glass soup I think it's some kind of beef soup, so I'll divide soup Demming red sauce beef, soup. Insert. Coin and push. The bottom. Here. We go. So. I'm. Gonna drink this soup 170. Yen, super-thick, Democrat, soup and this is beef soup oh. It's. Amazingly, thick it's, more than I expected, this, is hmm. Good nice. Onion, flavor and yes, beef flavor. Mmm, I noted, by the miso soup and, healing, fruits, she, the. Mississippi, is 130, yen. The. Fruit tea that fruits price is 140. So. It's a beauty. I got. This eye healing, time fruit, tea it says this is made with apples. And lemon. Hair, that sounds good that sounds delicious. This. Is super, super fruity, I can definitely taste the apples, and the. Lemon and the pear. I can actually taste all. The fruits they're like blended, perfectly. So. Mine is a miso, soup yes. Missus, it so, it's hot, hot. To missus it this is the freshwater calm a very tiny, coming. Hmm. Oh it's. No oh. It's. Really, silly it, has very good the shitty me the, freshwater come, taste him nice, flavor of a crumb we, can drink miso soup any time from vending machine this is from Kiko Manya that company's. Famous with. Soy sauce but, they also make soy milk here in Japan and I like, their soy, milk but, this one is hysterical, flavor or silicone is a sweetened. Azuki bean, paste soup we, usually drink it during the winter months I especially, love to drink it on New Year's Day but I've never had they're hot, or silicone, flavored soy milk before this is like so, interesting. Mmm. Oh. Yum. Yum yum, I love, what you do so like, this is like right up my alley, oh my, god my mouth is watering that's how good it is this Pacifico that sweetened Azuki bean, paste soup goes so well with soy milk it's like perfect, together. Do. You know how many machines there are here I don't, know uncountable, okay I think there are like 40 okay, yeah I'm just guess you, know we just kind of walked through right now and I think there are 40 different vending, machines here 40. And they're not all drinks, guys this is like super. Retro, machines. Like there's not a single new, vending, machine here, this is ramen. Vending, machine. They. Have two types of ramen the regular diamond and the chaste human the, price regular, ramen is 300, in cash from em it's 400, yen we're gonna each a Suman. Insert. Coin. Mr.. Bottom. 24. Minutes, 24. Seconds 22. Now. It's 17, 16. 15, 14 13. 2. 2, 1. 0. Here. See. It's, hot. Be. Careful, it's. Very hot. Just. Listen. Here let me do it let me do it I can do it for you okay first, I'm gonna get this okay because I know that's gonna be hot so, let's get a couple of chopsticks, here. And. Then. Take. This bowl of ramen. With us. You, are absolutely right it is steaming, hot ok. Let's go I gotta take it here ok this. Is the chashu, ramen I gotta, say that.

Actually Looks delicious. It looks very nice very. Appetizing. For, me look. It's, just women I. Can't. Believe this. Comes out as this, year and. On, top a five piece of cherry, on, top oh so. Luxurious. So. Chest you passed. Mm-hmm. Is really, jassu. Or. You ate when, I was child. The, most. Common, ramen, shop provides, these, types of jassu. Soup. Gentle. Soy sauce taste, flavor a noodle. Your, taste is a little bit too subtle but, texture, is not bad this, is from a vending, machine, considering. This is from vending machine really. Good this is really good I also notice that there's some no D on the bottom here is, a sheet of nori and there, is a Naruto, and there's some green onions as well maybe. The super becoming thicker if, after. You mix it yes, and there's also a member, bambbles shoots here there are three pieces of it so there's actually a. Substantial. Amount of ingredients. In. This bowl of ramen. Yeah, I like, it I like, it, you like something she says on the subtle side but it's, like old-fashioned. Authentic, Tokyo, style ramen, that's what it tastes like so for. 400, yen. Inside. And. I'm. Going to choose catalog. And, let's see how long will, it take. 148. 147. 146. Oh. Oh it's, so hot again, it's. So hot again yes it's amazing a lot okay. This. Is what it looks like let's go. Did, I mention that it, is scorching, hot but, it's a lot I'm like dripping right, now I've been dripping all day today, it's, gracious. I am, so excited this is, the capsid on the. Pork cutlet rice bowl. Just. Be careful because it's really hot, looks, like they freeze these put, them in the vending machine and, they microwave. It oh, look. At that kind of reminds me of like an in-flight meal it's. Like an in-flight meal doesn't it look, like very. Hot oh my god there's a chopstick in here all. Right so. Let's. Peel, it off alright. Here we are this, is the cat's dome there. Is it's. A pretty small piece. Of pork cutlet cut into four pieces and there's. The onions, I was talking about there's some egg scrambled, egg right there, okay. I'm. Gonna start off here at the end get. Some rice with. Some of the pork cutlet. Dr.. Moss. So, you guys are probably wondering what happened to Shinichi just now well I think I was starting to get heat stroke so, I had to go and buy some diet, dr. pepper, cool. Myself off before, we start again and I had to sit down so. Just be careful if you come here during the summer time stay. Hydrated and stay cool because it's very very hot. I'm, ready to eat all. Right so here we go again because, I have no idea what I was eating. So. Here. We go this is a pork. Cutlet on top of the rice and it's. Cooked in this beautiful, sauce or should be. Document. Hmm. Mmm-hmm. It's. Very hot. But. It's actually quite tasty, hmm. It's. A proper, cut. Saddam it. Tastes perfect. Um the. Rice is good the. Rice is cooked really well the, pork cutlet to, be honest look it's very very thin on the pork well. There are a lot of there's a, yeah. There's not much pork in here but. It tastes like pork it's. A very thin slice of pork the sauce with the scrambled egg that. Combination with the pork is perfect. The. Rice is cooked perfectly. As you can see it's a pretty tasty. Lunch I gotta say like, pairing, this with like. Maybe some noodles, like ramen noodles together with. Maybe ice cream for dessert. I'll be like the perfect lunch perfect. Lunch so, for this machine we have Yukimi, daifuku which, is like the mochi ice cream we, have super. Cutlets vanilla ice cream with apis Jolyon corn which is delicious, we can get it anywhere the, chocolate, mint gari-gari-kun, Gazeta. Melaka. Same. Same Same Same. Okay, there are kind of the same okay let's go to the next one we. Got the puppy coat chocolate coffee quite. Sour we got strawberry. Shaved ice you, know that the ice. Cream sandwich ever got Santosh his favorite jumbo buddy-buddy chocolate, burrata so, which, one would, you like Satoshi, College, it is it's, really hot in summer so shave shave, the ice type is my, favorite so. Here. Is spoon. It's. Hot summer day I like. This kind of shape or if. Yes. It's, like this, it's. A strawberry shape, ice I think. It's. Super hot today so. Already, melting, now, diagnosed. Recently. This. Type of shaved, ice is pretty, layer and, of. Course it, is very difficult to find ice, cream vending, machine stirring, that frozen, dessert. Mmm. So nostalgic. Whenever. Chad it's, what's there. Somewhere. In my hometown but. Now it, is impossible to find in Tokyo only, we can find like 17. Ice cream or like, Monica, ice cream, recently. We, showed you check it out check, it out this. Is how I like to eat it make. Sure you you crush all the ice get. A mixed in with the. The, syrup, so. That you get the full. Kakigori. Experience, the way you're supposed to oh. My. God. Hmm. Oh that. Is sweet. Sweet. Sweet, sweet and. Cold, cold cold but, it's. So welcome, in, this very hot weather oh it's. Already, reenergize.

In Me like, immediately. Oh put. It on my neck oh. That's. Good stuff. Okay. So this, is about a couple of blocks away from Akihabara, station, and. About. A minute or four minutes three four minutes and it's right across, Muncie. Akihabara, Muncie is famous, for, their beef, and meat. Products, like katsu, sandwiches, for example and it's. Right across from this vending machine it's pretty, brand new they didn't have this a couple of years ago they, actually created, a vending, machine so now you, can have the. Popular, monster, Copsey sandwiches, from, this vending, machine right here the. Theme number 13. The. Thing. Here. AlphaCAT, sandwich. This, one is a humbug xantham hamburger. Cutlet, sandwich I really. Want to try this one. Box. This, is omikuji. This. Is omikuji, this, is chichi. Means, lucky. This. Is like fortune, this. Is authentic wet, tissue Oh burn. Nine. Pieces, no no no six pieces six. Pieces up oh this, one this, one looks very yummy. Let's. Mix. Dishes this ham baaga looks very, delicious. This, hamburger steak is the, mixture of beef, and pork and. I. Love this beef flavor, really, nice. Sauce. Sauce. Is sweet. It's. Not a sugary sweet and, nice nice to meet and of course it's savory but it's sweet. This is sweet sauce, so. Good I think we're able to catch up taste it it's. Matches, with this beef flavor we have the monster katsu Sando the, double meat pork. Cutlet sandwich and as. You can see the box is way bigger compared. To the other ones look at that look at that okay. This is like basically, double the size of this one oh you, guys gotta check this out look at that. Look. At that this. Is seriously. An. Amazing. Looking sandwich, oh my god, a hog this is a sandwich, guys this is insane. It, is crazy, I can't believe it okay. Oh, wow. Look. At that double, layer of pork. It's, almost like it's too much pork. Is. That too much pork looks like two sandwiches I. Don't. Know if I can bite into this I have a small mouth. I'm, gonna try my best thank you awesome. Whoa. Boom. Okay, hmm. That's. A lot of meat people, I. Gotta. Cheer longer a lot. Of meat but you know what the. Pork loin actually. In Japanese is called lawsuit, it, actually, has more, flavor. Than, than he did once, again this is just my opinion but, because there have there is some fat in this one I feel. Like this one has a little bit more flavor then, that idiot. That pork tenderloin and. You, gotta really have big enough to. You know fit, your mouth around. The sandwich which. Soto she will have no problem, with cuz his, mouth is like twice the size of mine. Dilemmas. One. Bite. So. First, one get is the Italian. Toast for the toast sandwich. Machine. So. We put in the money, okay. Press. The button. And. What oh. This. Is Lucas against 40, seconds 40 seconds until it's ready. Sixty-four. So, this is my Mexican, burger that we know makes my machine, yes which, scam burger from any machine and, this vending machine cause yours jalapeno, and there, is a tortilla. Chip inside. Vending. Machine. How. Is it Oh. Surprising, face question, spicy, the jalapeno. It's not bad because, it's so small and, makes. Me want to have another one because, you're so tiny meat. Patties pretty thick oh my. Goodness. Wow. Look. At that memories of toasted, it is. Very. Thin toast very very. Thin is it two slices. Please. Yes. There is some. Bacon. Meat, and cheese, and. Tomato. Sauce I think. It'll be good if it was toasted. In kind. Of crispy, how. Is it. Inside. No I'm feeling. It's. Quite good yes it is I agree. Like pizza right like pizza bread. So. You know what I think I'm gonna get the caramel, put an ice bar, and this is what it is and it's interesting I just noticed it's English here this Korean here this Chinese here I know like, super super random information but, you know might be useful I'm gonna put 200 yen with I have exact change but. That's okay, how. About putting ice bar. Oh. I. Like that I love the packaging I've never seen this before don't, forget to get your change.

Yeah. Caramel, putting ice bar 160. Yen, let's. Do it let's. Eat this please. Help me cool down once. Again comes in a box and. Then comes, wrapped in a plastic, and. It's. Cool because it kind of looks like the, caramel sauce and the, customer putting on a real custard. Pleating and it's. Not too big so I'm, happy. First. Time I'm happy that my, food is not too, big that way I can we can finish the. Rest of the ice cream we can try the other ice cream oh, it's. Hard. This. Heart, is a popsicle, but, the caramel flavor is really nice is the exact same flavor as a caramel, sauce that they use for those custard, pudding. There. We go mmm, none of that so. The, custard pudding ice cream is inside, and. Caramel on the outside and it. Tastes exactly, like. Japanese. Custard. Pudding, that's, very, nice I like this a lot and, the, texture on the outside and the inside is completely different the. Outside is like the texture of a pop popsicle. And the inside is creamier. Like ice cream you, get a combination of textures, and tastes, and a, frozen dessert that tastes exactly like. A Japanese pudding love it. The. Smell is really like a custard, pudding. Mm. Miss. Mister, like I really like in Japanese. Custard. Cream which we, buy at the supermarket. Next. I want to eat a, seasoned. Choco, maraca. Choco. Monica is my favorite, type of ice, cream I always, buy not, this but the chocolate. Of Monica. Inside. Point it's, 160. M I. Love. Hershey. Chocolate, so, it must be delicious all. Right so, she got the Hershey's, chocolate, I'm. Gonna get the regime. Matcha Monica, ice cream because I like my job all right I'm gonna insert my bill. Here because we no longer have, coins. And. Put. That in this. One it's 200, yen so it's a little pricey. Hello. Okay. The. Ice cream does take a little while to come, down, definitely. Don't forget to change one two three four five six seven eight hundred yes I see. The chocolate my. Favorite types, chocolate, uh bar inside the ice cream but this it is not yet open I. Like. This I. Like. This type of. Monica. Is green but. I don't eat the, just, Monica's, cream I need, chocolate inside. So. I will, break. Into hot. It's. Chocolate ice cream. Can. You see beach, chocolate. Bits, no. It's. Their chocolate bits inside. Picture. Dark. Chocolate, kind I, don't, know if there is a beats inside. It. Just sauce. Whatever. I do is. That bad. First. Of all. Monica. Ice cream is not like my favorite, favorite ice cream I'm not. Like a huge fan of the outside, it, reminds me of like in a regular, normal typical, ice cream called not the delicious sugar, sugar cone or the waffle cones it tastes like they're really boring uh ice, cream cones but, what, I like about this particular ice, cream is that the. Ice cream does ml and if it does you're. Safe because this. Outer covering, protects, your fingers from getting dirty the, ice cream itself is not that sweet and the. Chocolate, chips. Or, bits. Hmm. Okay, now you. Can see a lot of them here but. They're, not crunchy, bits they're actually kind of soft so. You know you don't have, that crunchy. Texture of chocolate chips or chocolate bits, so. Like subtle she said it's more like a I don't know it's like almost. The same texture, as the ice cream itself so you don't really have. A textural, difference but overall. It's good so the what I got is that we G much um Monica once, again it's 200 yen so it's a little pricier, than the others, that we've got and this, one also includes, some chocolate, chips in the middle of the matcha ice cream this, is from Loftus the. Series is the ice parade, it's, interesting because I never see these at the, convenience. Stores or, our grocery stores I've, only seen this here, of this vending, machine very. Interesting, and, once again this is the Monica toy that subtle she liked so much but. It, has. My. Favorite much instead, of the chocolate although I do like chocolate. Yeah okay, so let's go break this in half and, see. What it looks like on the inside Oh. Check. That out look at that beautiful green color. Lawrence's. Favorite color. Yes. Here. We go I'm hoping. That it has a pretty strong match of favor because I love much on. That's. Nice, not, too strong and not, too weak, definitely. Much, I can definitely, taste it which, I like I really, get. Annoying, when I have something that supposed to taste like much and I don't get any much of flavor well. This is good once again the chocolate chips are not crispy, or crunchy at. All it kind of just like blends into the ice cream but, it's nice I'm, not sure if it adds like a strong, chocolate flavor or anything I'd, taste mostly much up and, yeah. I like it Thank You Milus. Mm-hmm. It's. Very much I surprise, surprised. I didn't expect so strong much, Arriba what, does much a botanical, it's 200, am as, I'm Monica.

Ice Cream it's, expensive, I think but, it's worth it because it has a nice matcha, flavor, look. At this this, is nice just, chilling of a park bench being. Ice cream. So. I wanna give you guys an idea of, how big this park, is so here is a map of inokashira, park and, we're right here okay, so this is the bridge I was talking about this is the boat pier this is where the vending machines are located, and here, is the pond and this, is like the, continuation of the pond and here's. A nature, trail here, we, have a monument, of, someone, famous we, have the Inigo shuttle Park Zoo, which, is kind of you know nice, and then there's a Japanese garden here, and if, you go all the way to. This, side you, will find the. Ghibli, Museum, that everyone, loves to go to hope. You enjoyed this video as always, thank, you for liking and subscribing. Until. Next time stay, safe, take, care up by. My.

2020-06-05 05:22

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