Best Things To Do in Tokyo Japan 2023 4K

Best Things To Do in Tokyo Japan 2023 4K

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[Music] what's going on everybody this is Island Hopper  TV and today we're going to talk about the best   things to do while visiting Tokyo Japan that's  right Island Hoppers I went all across Tokyo   and found 51 things for you to do this is the  largest city in the world with over 35 million   people let's start out here at the Imperial  Palace located here in Chiyoda ward of Tokyo   it is the primary residence for the emperor of  Japan and this has been the primary residence   since 1868 before that it was down in Koto at the  Imperial Palace for over 1,000 years down there   the castle grounds actually used to be called the  Edo Castle before it became the Imperial castle   for the emperor now here we are at Kaminarimon which is actually a temple gate for Senso ji and   you can see right here it's very popular with  tourists taking selfies and other pictures and   it actually leads to Nakamise-dori Street which you  can find here just in between the temple gate   and the senoi temple it is actually the oldest  shopping street in Japan dating back to the Ido   period the shopping Avenue is 250 M long and it  leads straight up to the sensoji temple and by   the way as we continue to show you around Tokyo  here I want to remind you there are time stamps   Below in the description for your convenience and  by the way this whole District Here is known as   Asakusa now we're actually headed to the senoji  temple when I was here they were doing a festival   and a show involving a dragon and several  other cultural dances it is a 1400 Year old   Buddhist temple making it one of the oldest in  Japan and certainly here in Tokyo here you will   find a five-story pagoda and the asakusa Shrine one  thing to know is that the pagoda and several other   structures are actually reconstruction of the old  temples that were destroyed during World War II   and when in Tokyo also check out a traditional  dance or traditional show they're called Kabuki   but you can find them often times at temples  on holidays or even on the weekends so be on   the lookout for those so you can actually see  some of the traditional cultural stuff here in   Tokyo while I'm here in Japan I'm actually going  to go down to kyoto Osaka and Nagoya so do be on the   lookout for those videos as well because they also  have cultural significance here in Japan it's not   just all about Tokyo there's also an interesting  puppet show at the bonu Puppet Theater so consider   checking that out now here we are at the Tokyo  Sky Tree standing over 634 meters that's 280   feet making it the tallest tower in the world  and second tallest freestanding structure after   the Burj Khalifa in Dubai and the price is 3,100  Yen for adults which comes out to around $20 just   keep in mind 149 Yen equals 1 USD and if you're  looking for something a little more relaxing   consider a river boat tour along the sum river  that flows right through Tokyo City into Tokyo   bay depending on the river cruise that you choose  prices start around $9 per person this one going   from asakusa to odiba and what I considered to be  a really Space Age looking watercraft as you can see now what we're going to do is head over  to Shibuya District this is actually one of   Tokyo's most famous vibrant neighborhoods known  for bustling streets shopping nightlife really   a fun place to go and famous for the shabuya  crossing which was one of the most busy pedestrian   Crossings in the world it is a must see attraction  if you've never been here especially when the   light turns green and people just flow right  through the streets in all directions shabuya is   also known for nightlife check out shabuya 109  if you're into shopping because it's a famous   shopping complex for young ladies I would say  try to visit here either in the late afternoon   or early evenings for the best experience and just  down the way is the Olympic Stadium a really cool   architectural design if you can catch an event  here watch a game definitely try to do so this   is where the opening and closing ceremonies of  the Tokyo 2020 games were held and just next to   Yoyogi Olympic stadium is yoyogi park now here  you're going to have 54 hect Acres that's 134   Acres of this city park which is the largest park  in Central Tokyo with plenty of green spaces and   walking pth along these saki barrels to escape  the hustle and bustle of the city now here we are   at Meiji Shrine let's go take a look and located  inside of Yoyogi Park is Meiji Shrine which is   considered one of Tokyo's finest Shinto shrines  it's dedicated to the emperor Mei and empress   shokin and the reason you'll see so many Saki and  wine barrels around the shrine grounds is because   it's a symbol of friendship between the emperor  Mei and west Western countries and before you go   into the actual Shrine it's recommended that  you use those bamboo water fountains to wash   your hands and mouth to purify yourself in Japan  the emperor is considered the ruler of heaven or   Heavenly Sovereign in charge of Harmony and  unity in Japan next up is riding these Mario   Karts drifting around shabuya area Harajuku  that whole area getting on one of these carts   for about an hour or so can be a a fun experience  depending on the area you're in the prices vary   from $50 all the way up to $115 now here we are  at takash Street here in Harajuku known for the   electric fashion scene popular with young people  and tourist and a center for youth culture right   here in Tokyo check out the fashion boutiques  cosplay and costumes cafes food stalls and some   street performers Harajuku is the neighborhood  in between Shinjuku and Shibuya and I would say   Takeshita street is definitely a must visit while in  Tokyo now one of the things you'll see down here   is capsule toy shops but they're actually all  across Tokyo and Japan Collectibles and these   hobbies are very popular so take a look at these  capsule toy shops if you have some loose change   maybe put it in one of the machines and see what  comes out but you'll see these everywhere in Japan   in particular right here in takasha Street and  because because there's so much youth culture down   here you're also going to see lots of candy stores  and you know I'm not big on sugar you know how the   youth are when it comes to getting a sugar Buzz  another beautiful garden is Shinjuku gon National   Garden they're going to have a Japanese garden  and several other flat areas for you to picnic   hang out walk around again another way to escape  the hustle and bustle of Tokyo going around the   Lakes especially in the fall or in the springtime  you're going to see a booming colorful experience   right now I'm here in October and the leaves  are just starting to change around Halloween   in the spring months it's cherry blossom season  so this is like a National Treasure to see the   cherry blossoms going off now here we are in  Ginza this is actually the high-end District   of Tokyo very expensive area renowned for its  luxury shopping you'll find Flagship stores   for high-end inter International and Japanese  brands they're also going to have theaters and   entertainment some dining architectural modern  historic as well Ginza Crossing which is like a   Time Square right here in Tokyo similar to shabuya  Crossing I would say and then you have the Ginza 6   which is a shopping mall that combines luxury  with art and cultural events during holidays   like Christmas this is where you want to go for  lighting now we're going to Shinjuku this area   is known as the Golden Gai it's a very unique set  of Alleyways with hole-in-the-wall bars and they   have some rules that you need to follow if you  plan to visit here but where locals and tourists   can kind of get to know each other again the  name is golden Gai here in Shinjuku it comes   to life in the evening time around just after dusk  some of the rules include don't drink and smoke on   the streets don't throw any cigarettes or trash on  the ground don't do any loud shouting or blocking   people from passing through the streets and then  just down the way is going to be the modern area   of Shinjuku where they have the Godzilla statue  you can go to the hotel gracery and see that up   close or take a picture from down below you'll  notice there's a lot of electric energy down   here in Shinjuku they also have a department  store called donot which is like a Halloween   costume store during the Halloween season or  cosplay when it's not Halloween but still a   play you can check out donke hot is actually a  department store that's all across Tokyo and even   Japan I found a couple down here in Osaka as well  remember Japan is really popular with Collectibles   cosplay anime Hobbies all of that really popular  here unlike in other countries you'll find a lot   of that here so this is why I keep pointing out  the hobbies and collectible stores then you have   Shinjuku nighlife so right next to the golden guy  you have the Shinjuku U NTI and this is probably   the craziest nighrlife you're going to find in all of  Japan especially here in Tokyo most of Tokyo is   very clean but you'll notice that down here in  Shinjuku especially after a Friday or Saturday   night you wake up in the morning and there's going  to be litter and trash everywhere so if you're not   big on loud noises and a bunch of debauchery then  probably avoid coming down here in the night time   for the party action and I highly recommend riding  the bullet train from Tokyo you can get to Osaka   in 2 and 1/2 hours you could also get to nagoya in  an hour and 20 minutes it is the fastest train in   the world called the Shinkansen next up is taking  a trip to Mount Fuji again this is something you   can ride the high-speed train down to Fuji and  then you can actually do a trekking experience   up into the mountain and here we are at Team  lab planets this is an indoor electric show   if you guys like cool lighting they have to do  reservation only because it is quite popular but   remember team lab planets Tokyo something to check  out here we are at Tsukji Market it's actually   one of the world's largest and most famous fish  markets located here in Tokyo although in January   2022 they did move the inner wholesale Market to  another area of Toyosu so nowadays you come down   here you're still going to find plenty of fish  in this market area and street food but it's   not what it once was although it's still a place  that you want to visit for fresh sushi and again   if you wanted one of those traditional shows  do check out the kabukiza theater and you can   watch Kabuki on demand which is a traditional  Japanese drama with singing and dancing where   there's actors dressed up in traditional clothing  at some point it was actually outlawed and banned   because it was considered immoral drama and acting  but nowadays it's considered a UNESCO cultural   heritage now here we are at the Tokyo Tower right  here let's go up there if the Tokyo Sky Tree isn't   quite your thing because it's a little bit too  expensive or maybe it's a bit too high you can   come over here to the Tokyo Tower and find some  amazing views in fact Some people prefer this one   over the Tokyo Sky Tree but remember the Tokyo  Sky Tree is so famous and popular because it's   the tallest tower in the world tickets up here if  you just want to go to the main deck which is 150m   that's around 1,200 Yen per person it's cheaper for  the children of course if you want to go to the   top deck that's 250 M that's around 3,000 yen per  person I just did the main deck and I found it to   be a nice experience it's something you do for  about a half hour to an hour and get some great views when you go to a Japanese noodle house  be sure to do some slurping of the noodle this   is a thing and it's said that when you slurp the  noodles it makes it taste tastes better but it's   also considered a gesture of saying hey this is  really good ramen noodle so a compliment to the   chef and the Noodle House you'll see many people  at these noodle houses slurping and when you order   you actually go to one of these computer screens  here and just print out a ticket and give it to   the chef it's that easy and then voila there you  have your miso ramen noodle however you like it   now let's talk about local food in addition to  Ramen you're also going to have plenty of sushi   then you have Waygu beef Kobe beef regular Japanese  beef so if you really love steak barbecue this is   definitely the best quality steaks and beef  you're going to find anywhere also they have   tempura which is going to include shrimp tempera  veggie tempera and then a variety of different   Japanese noodles that you can try throughout your  time in Tokyo for me a big part of going to Japan   is the food so I definitely try to indulge in  both restaurants and street food and trying to   find new foods along the way uh obviously they  have your regular favorites like pot stickers   and katsu chicken curry trying out these Kebab  sticks and meatballs but finding new foods along   the way whether it be at a restaurant or wherever  you're at definitely fun and worthwhile it's like   a hobby of mine trying new food in Japan right and  then you have Japanese drinks you obviously have   the beer Kirin they have Ashhi dry snake or Cobra  saki which is not for the faint of heart now here   we are at the zozoji temple let's go take a look as  with many of the temples across Tokyo they're all   free for the entrance for the most part in fact if  you guys are interested I can make a video about   the top free things to do in Tokyo or things to  do for under $10 if you guys are interested drop   a comment below and I'll try try to make that  video soon the zooi temple is actually right   next to the Tokyo Tower so you can easily do both  when you're in the area Japan really is known for   its shrines and temples and here we are at the  Tokyo Center for the Arts this is right here in   rongi let's go take a look this is for all you art  lovers the good news about this particular museum   is it is free admission but they do have special  exhibits and when those special exhibits are going   can range anywhere between 1,000 yen on up to  3,000 yen on this day they had a special exhibit   it was 2500 Yen so keep that in mind depending  on the time that you're visiting here it seems   like they always have some sort of special exhibit  but overall if you just want to go up the levels   free and that's a great thing right now for those  of you who are coming to Japan for the first time   Tokyo rongi is one of the most popular places  in Tokyo and that's what we're going to look   at at now is the rongi area like rongi Hills  here you have the Mory Art Museum another Art   Museum to check out this one's more of a modern  art experience at the rongi hills rongi is more   of a high-end Shinjuku and the nighlife here is a  lot more tame you're not going to see the streets   all tore up like in Shinjuku and you have more  high-end dining experiences around this area for   getting around Tokyo you're going to want one of  these pmos and you top up every time you need to   put more money on it I would say start with 1,000  or 2,000 Yen depending on how long you're going   to be here I would say 1,000 yen can last anywhere  between 2 to 3 days especially if you're using it   quite consistently even including the bus but yeah  I would say 2,000 Yen and you should be in the   game I think this card right here uh costs around  2,000 Yen and it comes with some balance on it now   let's talk about the Tokyo Metro so there's nine  different lines in 18 0 stations remember Tokyo   is one of the biggest cities in the world so lots  of uh Subway installation tracks going on around   here and if you want to recharge your card you  just hit English here all information will be   in English you recharge your card with 1,000 y  or whatever you have this you go easy and then   you wait now don't get me wrong Uber can be really  fast and efficient in some cases but if you want   to save some money you're definitely going to want  these you're definitely going to want to ride the   Tokyo Metro because Uber can get expensive taxis  can get expensive I mean just to go from Shinjuku   to Ginza you're looking at $30 if you just  take the metro you might be looking at around   a150 now we're here at Shosen books which is a  multi-level bookstore with these stairs going up   and down these escalators here and it's really  a cool place to check out even if you're not   into reading books still a interesting experience  and the whole area we're at right now is actually   called Akihabara electric town and you'll see  why you need to come out to this area here in a moment now here we are in Akihabara this is the  electric town of Tokyo so if you're into the so   if you're looking for electronics cameras or sim  cards for your cell phone or whatever you need   Wi-Fi hotspots this is where you're going to  go to get that and it's known for a bit more   than just Electronics because there's also an  anime experience all around here which you'll   be seeing so really Akihabara is an interesting  place for technology and Modern Life I actually   came here to look at the new GoPro and some  DJI cameras now we're here at animate which   is one of several different anime places I'm  not big on anime but I know that in Japan anime   is very popular and I know that some of you in  the audience are also into it I just didn't grow   up in that generation but if you're looking for  anime this is where you need to go electric town   akihabara a neighborhood in between Ueno and Ginza  speaking of Ueno here we are at Ueno Park this   is the Lotus Pond but they've also got a shrine  here and a zoo which we'll be showing you along   with several other activities to do here in  wayo how about riding a swan boat on the wayo   lake here on a beautiful day in the spring or in  the fall going out here and enjoying a swan boat   with your girlfriend can be a good experience  right 700 Yen for 30 minutes and it can hold   up to three people if you're coming here with  your family you may consider going to the weno   zoo admission for adults is around 600 Yen and  200 yen for kids if they're under 12 it's free   so this is definitely a very budget friendly  zoo and you're going to see everything from   polar bears to gorillas lions and tigers big  cats for me hands down the highlight of this   zoo is the gorillas I mean you could sit there  and Marvel at those big primates for quite some time and staying in weno here we're at the Tokyo  National Museum the price to get in here is around   620 Yen that's about $6 for adults open from  9:30 to 5:00 p.m. here you're going to find   out everything you need to know about Japan's  history including the samurai the Ninjas the   emperor the Shogun all of that history is going  to be here in the museum and really if there's any   part of Tokyo where they're going to have the  most museums and historical stuff it's really   going to be here in weno so if you're looking for  one of those kind of days luckily you're going to   have several different museums side by side  this here is the Museum of Nature and Science   and here again the price is around 630 Yen and  if you're a university student you're going to   get a benefit maybe even free so do check  the prices on that before arrival but here   you're going to find a lot of different natural  history facts and Exhibits really a nice museum   to discover just like many other National museums  for Nature and Science across the world but here   in Tokyo definitely worth checking out if you  want the kids to see some cool stuff and then   you have the wayo Royal Museum this is actually  an art museum right down the road from all the   other museums so again Museum day right here  in weno they had a Monae Exhibit while I was   here and the lines were all the way wrapping  around the park a short 5-minute walkway from   the Royal Museum is the moon Pine Shrine it's  this unique looking shaped pine tree that you   can see the moon through so they say but it's  a shrine and uh people go here just to take the picture and right next to there is going to  be the saigo takamori statue he was a famous   Samurai and you could see his dog there and  then you have a shopping district called Ameyoko   and if you're looking for good deals on  pretty much anything backpacks or souvenirs   come on down here it's literally right next  to ueno Park also for those of you who plan   to visit Japan I want to let you know I'm  right now in Kyoto just about to finish a   video for Osaka so I'm going to do Kyoto Osaka  Tokyo and then nagoya so if you're planning to   visit Japan definitely watch all of these videos  so you can share them with your friends and let   them know what there is to do out here I'm really  doing a lot of things to do here and here's Kabukichō  this is a hour in Shinjuku famous arcade  Mall nice area to hang out definitely check it   out also do try snacks and treats out of the  Japanese vending machines uh you never know   what kind of drinks you can try for the first  time but I always try to try something new at   least once or twice when I get here you never  know all right guys and on that note that's   going to conclude this episode Island Hopper TV  from Tokyo we will see you on the next one from   Osaka and Kyoto some must see destinations  while visiting Japan click the links next

2023-11-03 20:08

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