Behind the Scenes of Touring: What you don't see

Behind the Scenes of Touring: What you don't see

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long days no sleep bad flights shitty food it's crazy what we DJs do just to perform to a crowd in this vlog I get to take you on a tour with me where I go from Finland to Antalya and Ankara to play my music let's go good morning a little bit tired? little bit me too I slept like 3 hours yeah almost 3 hours how's feeling excited let's hope will be warm there this time yeah and that you make it to the club as well yeah let's hope so I think we will bye bye I feel a bit sick as well really yeah I felt already yesterday but then I worked the whole day then I realized oh shit maybe it was a mistake oh my God because of the shitty sleep yeah usually I sleep fine but it's just these early mornings that fucks you up real good we should be positive yeah I am positive okay I'm always positive finnish security is the best is it actually I think so yeah always so chill you have to check in separately in Berlin for some apparent reason you couldn't do the early check in so let's see what's gonna wait for us in there do we have enough time there I'm not sure actually I didn't check but if it's the same as in London then I think we are a little bit not screwed but it's gonna be stressful yeah I don't remember that I've been at Berlin airport you you've been was it nice well it was nice yeah yeah they just told us that these plane flights don't exist so let's see that is true why I just feel I'm giving you like bad luck every time when we yeah I should not bring you with me very nice service first problem in this trip is done yeah let's see what's waiting what's waiting yeah it was easy really what did you say we just take the tickets and after that breakfast hopefully how you feeling right now you are sick when we leave Helsinki so it's better now or not? yeah I feel better hopefully even more better but we arrived to Turkey yes just barely any energy haha the weather is depressing though but in Turkey it's gonna be sunny I don't think so it will be raining are you sure about it yeah you're gonna have faith okay positive vibes yeah of course yeah yeah 7:30 I can send you the flight number so you can check it I don't know if you have some online the magical tea that heals all illness haha it's sunny can you see I can see oh my God what the fuck are you doing oh my God again really Martin my ass has been sweating a lot feels nice to stand up I know that feel yeah this weather is nice in Turkey yeah let's go hello Martin Karma I'm Martin hello hello hello hello Martin there's no snow here no snow here like you said it feels like vacation right now yep it's not too hot it's not too cold it's perfect yeah it's perfect right now but if it would be sunny then it actually it would be perfect yeah but the times too late for right now like yeah even each other true true tired I'm tired tired yes but not that tired at airplane where we were about to land then I started to feel really tired of I could close my eyes and fall asleep in 5 seconds but I told you it's better to get some some sleep in airplane so you wil feel better yeah it was just because I couldn't use my computer so I couldn't work so I got tired from boredom are you trying to kill me mate I can smoke in the car that's very good and yeah of course and it's not my car also said he was just like take what is it that I think some coffee or something like that if you want some life is not good for me I hate when people smoke you will still have to yeah but in Turkey they smoke everywhere they smoke in the clubs the smoke in home in the car you name it everywhere same thing yeah so I about that I was just happy sucks to be me I guess welcome to Turkey yeah long time yes long times around 3 months yeah yeah not so long not so long yeah how are you I'm okay yeah I'm very good yeah what a legend yeah it's massive too much kebab kebab everything very much cause I'm fat what's your favorite sweet Turkish sweet sweet dessert it's real you look better real you look better go ahead I want to see you crying ain't the problem to me after kebab hits different is it yeah so tired me too it's 4:00 yeah we can get the fuck out of here I hope nobody's afterparty afterparty definitely somebody's there I say good morning good morning how you feeling I didn't sleep that great yeah I've slept maybe 3-4 hours I still feel sick sadly tomorrow we no tomorrow today we going to Ankara which is gonna be fucking fire can't wait now we just gonna wait for our ride to come in an hour and then we should start driving to Ankara because it's six hours almost so it's gonna be a long way yeah it will be and hopefully we'll get some breakfast tea cookie do you want the cookie haha no what a nice weather yeah what a nice weather but in Turkey it's gonna be sunny I don't think so it will be raining it will be sunny are you sure about it you're gonna have faith something happened to our driver or the car so now we're taking the bus so it's going to be an adventure excited a lot seven hours in the bus we have enough time for it yeah time to work Salmar where did you put the sun got lost yeah they're crying but you leaving yeah it's understandable the crying you said you were hungry I'm still hungry hungry yeah have a snickers better? yeah for a while almost like a real person still alive yeah barely so our bus is leaving and this guy it's here how many hours do we have left 1 2 3 4 5 and a fucking health how much have you eaten today only the half you was giving me like snickers you take it cut it to the half and give me a half what the fuck bro what I should say now I needed to get the good mood show us where we are on the phone yeah so starts from here from Antalya yeah and we drive all this fucking way and we should get there to Ankara so we made we made 40% from the way and 60% left over yeah fuck me and you yeah fuck you carefully 10 hours of driving 10 hours in the bus stuck in the bus so nice walking around absolutely so nice finally now we go to the Club Hotel club and we play hopefully it's gonna be good let's hope so yeah I'm gonna play fast tonight because I'm I'm feeling very sick and tired yeah welcome to Ankara with this boss hello hello welcome to Ankara yeah to the main city of Salman religion yeah capital of techno and capital of Turkey yeah I did some quick beam off to get me more in the mood yeah party mood woke me up a little bit yeah still feel quite sick sadly who's there who's there how are you? fine still trying to make things better in Turkey conditions yeah going really affected for the life yeah for the old people so we try to make this culture bigger and better yeah it's not easy take techno it's not that big yeah before the gig fast and furious the Red Devil this is the moment I have been waiting for kebab in my belly you didn't tell us how's the gig was the second gig in Turkey yeah so at the beginning not so many people but I got them going so then the vibe was pretty nice actually I enjoyed it a lot okay because the beginning was so hard so when you when you start from a slow night and it gets better then it's always really good but let's say if you start with from a full dance floor and it's gets empty that hits that feels like you will lose the energy yeah but this time of course in the end people got tired but yeah first time for me playing hard techno yeah it was amazing vibe yeah yeah yeah the songs music people lights also lights also yeah yeah it was a good club yeah yeah it was so can't complain so honest question which gig was better the first one or this I think the first one okay why just because I saw people I was able to give more positive energy to the people today I was more tired yeah as you saw yeah now food as a small DJ shit flights lot of traveling no sleep but I know someday I will remember these these moments when I'm flying on more comfortable airplanes thank you two and a half euros yeah these meals and more is coming we paid how m uch we paid 10 euros a little bit over something like that there is no ketchup and salt you can see that so I was telling our friends there's no salt or ketchup yeah though it's quite dry what about mayonnaise too many calories but it's very tasty so here's no calories prepare to mayonnaise it's chicken shit double is like four or five times more It can be up to 4 500 calories per 100 g ketchup is around hundred taste okay not bad I like the bread it's very soft very good so what has been your favorite food on this trip the first one the kebab that we ate yesterday the first one the second one the sandwich that we ate today it was really good I ate two so ladies and gentlemen Turkish street food and mountains fighting with the mayonnaise so in Muslim you can have many wives four but you have to be crazy to marry four wives or you can marry four wives and they will make you crazy one of them one is enough for me one and two children two yeah thank you guys to enjoy us in this beautiful meal tomorrow flight and we are going back to Helsinki sounds good and snow and cold and every negative things let's go are you fresh? fuck I'm so tired man it will be sunny you know him? yeah of course

2024-01-23 07:04

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