Beautiful Planet Series - Hungary

Beautiful Planet Series - Hungary

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budapest was originally two cities  built on either side of the danube   buddha and pest and were officially merged in 1873  today it's regarded as one metropolis but the two   districts are very distinct from one another with  many contrasting features and unique attractions   among the hills of the west bank is  the old and charming buddha district   which is characterized by its old  city features colorful townhouses   and the famous castle hill to the east is  the pest district budapest's commercial   core characterized by bustling shopping streets  leafy boulevards and the well-known hero square the most important part of buda  is the area called castle hill   rising 48 meters above the danube the castle  hill or varghi nevertheless dominates the city   this hill is the place where budapest was founded   it's a small densely built rock with the  buda castle as the most prominent building   located at the top of castle hill  is the picturesque royal palace   which was first inhabited by  king baylor in the 13th century   who after the mongol invasion turned  it into a fortified stronghold the castle has a mixture of architectural  styles ranging from gothic to baroque today it's the country's most important  cultural center housing numerous museums   and can't be missed during a stay in hungary from whatever direction you reach the castle  district you cross the ramparts which completely   encircle castle hill whole area within the  rampart is protected as an ancient monument   the lines of the streets and the foundations  and architectural remains of the buildings   retain the atmosphere and memories of the  medieval and 18th and 19th century capital this medieval old town area is  totally pedestrianized and the   cobblestone streets colorful houses gas lamps  and monuments make for a very romantic setting   it's within the castle district the narrow houses  have many decorated sedalias on the outside walls   which allowed visitors to rest and shelter  from rain or sun these sedilias are   totally unique to buddha and are a lovely  hungarian holiday attraction for the area a series of rooms from the medieval palace  of the hungarian kings were unearthed   and reconstructed during the post-war  rebuilding of buda castle in 1958-1962 they're now part of the permanent exhibition of   the budapest history museum  in building e of buda castle the palace chapel in the western  end of this wing had no facades   only a door opening onto lyon's court the church  was consecrated in 1769 the ground plan was   drawn by nicolaus pakassi but the interior was  designed by his follower franz anton hillebrandt the ground plan followed a typical violin form  favored in the baroque church architecture of   central europe at that time in 1957 the  ruined church was totally destroyed and   converted into exhibition spaces the rib  vaulted gothic hall is one of the most   important surviving examples of secular  gothic architecture in central europe   it was built by king sigismund luxembourg of  hungary in the early 15th century the three   interconnected barrel vaulted rooms belong to  the oldest part of the palace stephen's castle the monumental main staircase of the wing with  three flights led up from the first floor into   an airy glass roofed hall the side walls of the  hall were decorated in italian renaissance style on the ground floor colossal atlas  statues stood beside the side pillars   the marble statues were the works of janos vodrutz  from 1897. during the post-war reconstruction   the main staircase was radically modernized  only the two colossal atlas statues survived   undoubtedly the royal palace is one of  the most impressive monuments in hungary   and is a major landmark to visit on any  luxury or budget budapest city break holidays um the castle district is one of the most romantic  pedestrian sections in budapest a little medieval   town with atmospheric streets picturesque  houses gas lamps and beautiful monuments the main street of the district tarnock street  ranges from disc square to today's district   center mathias church colorful little houses  border the square and the neighboring streets   the winding streets and narrow  houses date back to the middle ages   occasionally decorated with valuable  gothic window and door frames   elegant baroque and louis xvi style palaces are  relics of the restoration work after the turkish   occupation fisherman's bastion was built in 1905  on the site of a former fish market the guild of   fishermen were responsible for defending this  part of the defensive wall in the middle ages the fisherman's bastion offers amazing panoramic  views over the capital where a lot of major   landmarks can be seen from margaret island and  parliament square to saint stephen's basilica   and the chain bridge the bastion itself is a  unesco listed monument and spectacular landmark   to view and visit during a tour of the city the  main features of the neo-romanesque fisherman's   bastion are the white stone walls its seven  tyrants and the bronze statue of saint stephen   hungary's first king fisherman's bastion is one  of the main images people associate with budapest   it's an attractive site to visit and must  be made part of your imperial city tour   it's situated on the eastern side of castle hill  and can be reached from the center of the district   fisherman's bastion received its name from  the medieval rampart system which rose above   the suburb named fisherman's town there also  used to be a fish market behind the ramparts at the center of the castle district is trinity   square and it's here where you'll  discover the holy trinity column   that serves as a lasting memorial to those  who died in the devastating plague of 1691. at the foot of the column is king  david praying for an end to the plague   close to trinity square is matthias church  formerly known as the buddha castle church   of our lady and is the spiritual heart of  hungary the church bears the name of its   biggest mycenae's king king mathias who married  twice in this shrine the cathedral is almost as   old as the royal palace and has been the  venue of several coronation ceremonies mathias church gained its current  form at the turn of the century   when a lot of smaller buildings  attached to it earlier were pulled down   and the church was reconstructed  in characteristic neo-gothic style in addition to the usual biblical scenes  its frescoes still at the most important   events in hungary's history the magnificent  acoustics make it a popular concert venue do on the corner of olds gaza's and kapitstrand  street is the mary magdalen tower   part of a 13th century franciscan  church used by hungarian speakers under turkish rule this was the only  church allowed to remain christian   however the church was destroyed during world  war ii but the tower survived almost intact   the tower was restored in the 1990s and  is a popular tourist site attraction   where people can climb the tower and  reward themselves with some magnificent   views only the tower of the church of the former  buddha garrison destroyed in world war ii stands   behind it a garden of ruins displays the  history of the church from the 13th century by far the most tranquil way of ascending  castle hill to the royal palace is the siklo   originally opened in 1870 its main function was  in providing cheap transport for local workers   fortune has however not always favored the  two little cable cars wrecked by german   shelling in 1945 the siklo was left in a state  of disrepair until being fully repaired in 1986   today's replica carriages which use  electricity rather than steam power   complete the steep ascent to  zentr gyojit in just under one minute the first stone bridge to be constructed  over the danube to connect buda and pest was the   chain bridge completed in 1849 the bridge  is one of budapest's proudest symbols and   is a magnificent site and even more  so when it's illuminated at night today there are nine bridges  that span the danube but the   chain bridge is the pride and joy of the city eight bridges link buddha to pest but  the chain bridge is the first and most   famous with its solid arches and lion statues count istvan sachini commissioned the englishman  responsible for london's hammersmith bridge   william tierney clark to design a bridge and  the scotsman adam clark to oversee construction   completed in 1848 the bridge was inaugurated  in 1849 allowing for the integration of buddha   pest and obuda in 1872 sadly almost 100  years later the german army succeeded in   collapsing the centre span during fierce  fighting towards the end of world war ii the bridge was quickly rebuilt and  has been periodically renovated   which makes driving in budapest an even greater  chore as the bridge usually has to be closed do in roosevelt square there are a few monuments   the fairing deep statue the  hungarian academy and gresham palace   gresham palace an art nouveau  gem was built in 1904-1906 to   house the foreign headquarters of  the gresham life insurance company   pest on the east side of the danube river  is like arriving in another capital city   totally contrasting to its  unidentical twin sister buddha pest is a vibrant commercial metropolis  and is characterized by its wide boulevards   famous squares and leafy parks continue  your sightseeing adventures in budapest the basilica of saint stephen  is budapest's largest church   holding more than 8 000 worshipers  and took over 60 years to build inside the church tourists can find the mummified  right hand of saint stephen one of the holiest   relics of christian hungary although the basilica  has been criticized for being too dark due to the   apparent lack of windows it's still a must-see  tourist attraction in the pesticide of the capital   quite rightly however the inside of the  basilica has been criticized as being too dark   there are simply not enough  windows for such a large building the title of the largest building in the country  belongs to the hungarian national parliament   when it was first built in 1902 it  was the largest building in the world   and today it's still the most  dominant site in budapest the parliament stretches across 250 meters  along the river danube embankment and was   designed in a neo-gothical style and is the most  decoratively constructed building in the capital the building is made up of 691 rooms over 12 miles  of corridors and has a central dome of 96 metres stand in or at the aquinco museum and roman ruins   these two thousand-year-old ruins are remains of  a roman town which include an impressive remnant   of an actual amphitheater the contents of  the museum include murals mosaic floors   a reconstructed water organ and a diorama  showing how the roman nobility feasted gelet was built in succession style it's located  at the buda side foot of the liberty bridge   zapatsadhid in the immediate neighborhood of  the saint gelat square at kalaniaki street 4-6 andraste avenue with trees on each side was  created to help reduce traffic on bustling   kerali utka king street the first  buildings were constructed in 1872   after large-scale demolition of older buildings among the many treasures of unesco world  heritage sites that can be found in the city   the building at the hungarian state opera house  is worth seeing from the outside and from within   it's internationally appreciated that this is one  of the most spectacular opera houses in the world   whether you have an appreciation for opera or   not it's well worth visiting  this new renaissance building   to marvel at the stunning marble royal stairway  beautiful paintings and intricate furnishings octagon is also a station on the  yellow line of the budapest metro   the location derives its name from  its shape which is that of an octagon in the 12th century knights of the order  of saint john engaged in curing the sick   settled in the area of today's luke expath  followed by the orders of rados and malta   who built their monasteries baths as well   is a square in budapest hungary at  the intersection of andhrasi avenue   and fells earth soru with beautifully painted  old buildings and statues of four of hungary's   great heroes in each corner the four heroes in the  square are zondi giorgi defender of the kingdom   of hungary against the ottomans zorinya miklos  defender of the kingdom of hungary against the   ottomans balasi balint celebrated poet during the  same war against the ottomans giving voice to love   and honor vac botten here is blind because  he lost an eye while fighting the ottomans   the newly renovated buildings are some of the  finest and most valuable villas in hungary   the palavicini palace the art nouveau shanza  today home to the hungarian journalists   association the co-guard the house of art and  gastronomy is dedicated to art and pleasure   regular exhibitions events and  concerts are just part of the story   the building also boasts an excellent restaurant  and coffee house hero square is one of the major   squares of budapest hungary it lies at the  end of andhrasi avenue next to city park it's surrounded by two important buildings  the museum of fine arts on the left   and the palace of art on the right  on the other side it faces andrasi the central site of the square as well as a  landmark of budapest is the millennium memorial   also known as millennium monument or millinery  monument with statues of the leaders of the seven   tribes that founded hungary in the ninth century  and other outstanding figures of hungarian history the construction of the memorial was started  when the 1000th anniversary was celebrated   in 1896 but it was finished only in  1929 and the square got its name then   whenever hungary is mentioned somewhere in the  world to be sure the hauta bhaji is also referred   to its valuable landscape rich floor and fauna  special ethnographic and cultural historic relics   make this region an irreplaceable  wealth and a national treasure   the origin of the grey cattle is still unclear   but we can be sure that its present  form was created in the carpathian basin   scientists agree that the wild ancestor of  these species with the aurochs boss primogenius there are three theories about  the origin of the grey cattle   forty to fifty years ago a single theory  existed that this was the breed which   was brought by our ancestors to the  carpathian basin in the 9th century but based on excavations it seems that this breed  came into the area only from the 14th century   they spread rapidly due to their economic value  the third theory says that they weren't brought in   from elsewhere but during the reign of the kings  of the house of armored they were domesticated   in the carpathian basin by the aurochs  who lived in large herds at that time at the end of the 18th century the army and  agriculture desperately needed quality horses   which the small breeders were unable to produce  the emperor joseph ii decided to establish a stud   farm and collected 550 mares transylvanian  german and hungarian horses in mezzo hedges   the stallions they used were mainly spanish  neapolitan ones they began breeding in 1785 in 1816 the austro-hungarian cavalry  captured an anglo-norman stallion from   the rossier stallion depot its name was nonias  this horse went on to mezzo hedges and was used   to correct the spanish neapolitan  and oriental mare population the result was excellent the progenies  were highly suitable for the heavy cavalry the breed became a bit too heavy  and ordinary therefore the english   thoroughbred was introduced in the 1860s  this method has proved to be the best so far   the continuous breeding with non-estallians from  the 1880s produced a tough lighter smaller type   of nonis which was the predominant  horse in the area until the 1960s   the ancestor of the hungarian raqqa sheep  was probably the wild sheep of middle asia   which came into the carpathian basin with  the conquering hungarians in the 9th century   this kind of sheep spread mainly  in the great hungarian plain although there were around 1 million raqqa in 1870  nowadays we can count only two to three thousand writings say that the shepherd preserved  the nomadic lifestyle for the longest time   two main groups of shepherd buildings  can be distinguished on the hautabhaji   one concerns the buildings for the stock and  the other group refers to those for the shepherd   the horse shows revive the traditions  of the horse herds of old times   and include the famous five-in-hand driving the  series of spectacular horse shows started in 1820   when 24 horsemen from keck comet came first in a  competition organized in honour of emperor francis at the end of the 19th century these stable  mud or cobwelled herdsmen's huts with thatched   or tiled roofs appeared on the putzer the more  spacious farmsteads are decorated with a porch these examples of herdsmen's buildings for  livestock are called hoddlers or wall toddlers   they can be built in such a way  that the roof stands on the ground   and are traditionally made of reed horsemen have always had amazing skill  with their ornamented carrick ass whips   highwaymen used to train their horses to the  sound of gunshots by cracking their whips visitors can get a taste of the horseman's  old days during exciting horse events   at several farms on the hautabhaji the water  buffalo originates from the indian wild buffalo   or from the arnie buffalo which live in great  numbers in the swamps of east india even today   its characteristic color is ash gray almost black   the domestication of the buffalo took place in  india and mesopotamia in the prehistoric period this pig was bred from the  serbian and hungarian type   this swine is typically bred for its lard and  not for its meat which is very plain its lard   is said to be very low in cholesterol  and the finest bacon is made from it the shepherd's museum is situated along  the road going through hortobagi village   next to the nagitsada and the nine arch bridge its  historic building used to be a cart shed from the   19th century the exhibition shows the history  of animal grazing and the unique pastoral life shepherds of hortobagi decorated almost  everything that passed through their hands   the decorated objects were mostly made  of leather wood and horn drinking horns   salt keepers and sheaths for keeping the  mange ointment in were made from the latter   the geometric figures and plants  scratched with the point of a knife   are reminiscent of the decorations  on plates from the conquest this exhibition shows the various  herdsmen doing their typical work   surrounded by their special tools rustic buildings made of reed which  illustrate the herdsmen's lives   and living conditions can be seen in the hall the exhibition includes a collection of selected  handmade items such as the embroidered felt   cloaks horn and wood carvings leather work  by the shepherds cattle and sheep bells   and traditional musical instruments which are  all characteristic of the hortobashi region the large lowland in has been used for  centuries as an extensive grazing area   the landowners lived in deprecan and they  controlled all the work done with the herds   the typical people of this area were however the  herdsmen two national parks have been established   to preserve the uniquely multifaceted natural  and cultural values of the hungarian putsa the   environmental goal of both the hawthabaji national  park and the kiskutson national park is to protect   the values of the terrain wild waters flora  and fauna as well as the scenery of the region   along with this they also aim to maintain  traditional farm life and husbandry   as well as the old breeds of domestic animal  species as recognition of the values and conscious   environmental action unesco appointed the region  of both national parks as biosphere reserves the herdsmen of the hotobashi formed a distinct  part of the traditionalist community which the   ethnographic literature calls the herdsmen's  order in the hautabhaji the herdsmen were the   carriers and vivification of a particular culture  which was more archaic than that of the peasants the herdsman's work started with counting the  animals before driving them out to pasture   the illiterate innumerate herdsmen  had to be familiar with tallying   the tally stick which was a wooden stick that  was carved on was used for this on a tally stick   the numbers resembled roman numerals and  were carved from right to left by a jackknife the shepherd's traditional garments consisted of a  white dress called a fair here and an overgarment   with a cap and footwear the white dress was made  of hand woven linen and was composed of a shirt   and long drawers called gatia the over garment was  made of leather according to the ancient practice the hungarians favored felt cloaks and the  shepherds of the putzer wore them until recently the most important conservational values of the  fishponds is constituted by birds in the hotobashi   there are 380 species of birds observed so far  in hungary with 325 species accepted for the   hotobashi there are two hundred and sixty six  species recorded in hotobagi halast fishpond   with 68 breeding species one of the most  important types for conservational reasons   are heron colonies the importance  of fish ponds for breeding species   is similar to that of migratory species this  is facilitated by the draining of fish ponds   large fish ponds can be fished only if there's  a smaller and deeper part of the fish pond   so-called fish beds where all fish are forced  to swim when draining the fish ponds so they   can be caught by the nets the muddy bottom  of fish ponds full of organic material   is revealed by the time of draining coinciding  with the peak of autumn migration these mud   flats full of invertebrates provide abundant food  resources for large numbers of migrating birds rice fields provided excellent feeding areas  for herons egrets ducks and waders while in use   the existence of large forest heron colonies  was the result of the presence of rice fields   the present role of working rice fields outside  the national park is to provide abundant food   resources for collard prattling coals nesting in  arable lands as well as migrating spoonbills and   herons in some areas goose and duck farms  took the role of alkaline lakes full of   nutrients and with barren shorelines attracting  large amounts of breeding and migrating waders   similar to fish ponds according to recent studies  forests could only survive in floodplain forests   in the hotobashi the alkaline oak forests  in the national park the hearty forest the   tilos forest near uchikans maljita and the malam  hazy forest a ralconized floodplain oak forests   the fact that there were no trees on alkaline  soils is suggested not only by geological studies   but is also indicated by the many 30 to 40 year  old dying trees with dry tree tops planted during   the forest plantation program on alkaline  soils carried out in the communist regime the northern part of the hotobashi is more wooded  one can find rows of trees only alongside rivers   and canals in the southern part of the  national park spite of the fact that all   woods in the hotobashia planted except for the  ones mentioned above many of them are important   from a nature conservational point of view the  hotobashi national park preserve some of the   most unique curiosities and treasures in central  europe there are more than 50 species of orchids   800 protected plant species and about three  thousand six hundred butterfly and moth species   to be found in the three hundred national  and over a thousand local protected sites lake titza was constructed in  the flood land area of the titsa   by damming the stretch of the river between  kiscor and tistevalt it's the second largest   stagnant water body of the carpathian  basin with an area of 127 square kilometers   after the damning it was possible to  get the river barrage of kiscor going the present form of lake titica is the result  of a long process that resulted in the forming   of water bodies differing from each other  in characteristics of appearance hydrology   and hydrobiology lake titsa as a whole can be  included among reservoirs of shallow lake types   but the high degree of its mosaic element  is characterized by the presence of marshes   shallow lakes large middle and small  watercourses with brim sections the topography of the hautabhaji region was  formed by the titsa as it was its temporary   floodland area the northwestern western  border of this smaller geographical region   is constituted by the 120 kilometer long  stretch of the titsa between tiscaloc and kiscor ah   the landscape of the reservoir has  changed since lake titza was created   in the reed grass fields there are nests of great  crested grebes rednecked and black nested greaves   whiskered turns and black turns more hens  amble on the large leaves of the reed grass   recently yellow carpets of floating heart have  taken over large areas of several hectares   water chestnut which is very rare  in europe occupies many areas here in the bird reserve there are strictly protected  areas which have highly sensitive wildlife   these areas can only be visited with special  permission and are strictly reserved for   research and checking purposes during the spring  and autumn migration hundreds of thousands of   geese and ducks who dwell on lake titica take  flight they can be watched from the embankment sports fans from the south  bathers and peace-loving anglers   as well as the tourists who come  to examine the floor and fauna   can easily enjoy their hobbies side by side  due to the incredible hydrology of the lake besides water tourism village  horse and bicycle tourism   have been developing in the area in recent years the nine arch bridge is so well placed that  the hauta bhaji can't be imagined without   it its constructor fairenk pavolni made his name  in hungarian bridge building with this creation   the bridge finished in 1833 is the longest  and the most beautiful stone bridge in hungary   its full length is 167.3 meters the  body of the bridge is 92.13 meters long

the stones were brought from tokaj to tishkatsej  on the titsa and from there they were transported   by wagons to the location the four hundred  thousand bricks needed for the bridge were burnt   by wood brought from the oakhorde of ohat the most  important road between transylvania and budapest   which had been an important commercial road from  the middle ages crossed the river hotobaji here by the end of the 18th century these  wells had spread all over the hotobashi   they were large wells whose perimeter  could be as large as four meters   in order to allow a number of  buckets to be used at the same time for the welds with two three or four drawers   the shepherd stood on a plank over  the well to draw water for the animals   although the terrain was full of wells it  was hard to find drinking water for man   the landowners of debrican believe that only the  sinking of artesian wells could solve this problem by the end of the 19th century six  of these wells had been created there were different kinds of shepherd buildings  some quite primitive for example the cunha   a cone-shaped hut made of reed which was used  to store the shepherd's lunchbox and fur coat   and as a shelter during long rainfalls   vaseli the well-known shepherd's  kitchen was also a simple building it's roofless with felled reed walls  to protect the fire from the wind   and is where the shepherds cooked in an iron pot herdsmen always ate hot meals together seated  around the iron pot and traditionally the leader   always served himself first the others  followed him according to the hierarchy   the landscape of the hotobashi national park  preserves intact and visible the evidence of its   traditional use over more than two millennia  and represents the harmonious interaction   between human beings and nature the cultural  landscape of the hortobagi puzzle consists   of a vast area of planes and wetlands in eastern  hungary traditional forms of land use such as the   grazing of domestic animals have been present in  this pastoral society for more than two millennia you

2021-10-28 20:00

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