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Join us in today's episode in which we're sharing some beautiful places in Germany like Cochem in Rheinland-Pflalz. This is Tübingen in Baden-Würrttemberg with its stunning buildings. Just look at them! And we're also enjoying some local food. We just couldn't resist.Wand we're visiting Jörg's hometown again. Cheers! Enjoy! Hello from beautiful Cochem here in Germany! Yeah which is a very nice old German town. Yeah, very picturesque on the river Moselle. And the reason why we're here, we've never been, but my parents they meet up with some or they met up with some friends some American friends - yeah - that they've known for a very long time. And we know them as

well. Yeah and we just had a lovely lunch. Yeah, we know them from Egypt, from our time in Egypt. Yeah, it's so nice to meet them. Yeah and we film, well we film what we can because we are just we we're chatting all the time. But the houses are so beautiful, aren't they? Yeah, they are. Yeah and yeah, just have a look and we hope you enjoy it. So this is Joanne and we've known her for so many years. Yeah. Many years. So she's

American, Joanne's American and she's here with her husband Tom. And Joanne you are originally, now you live in Washington correct? Yes, State of Washington. And the cruise you're doing, you're really enjoying it? It's wonderful, it's a wonderful experience and we've had nothing but well, we're being spoiled let's just put it that way. So what's the cruise, what what is it what kind of cruise is it 'cause I keep forgetting? Am I allowed to say the name? Oh yeah, absolutely. Okay. It's called Ama 'AmaWaterways Cruises' and this is the second time we've done it and it's really wonderful. It's a wonderful way to enjoy the area. Yeah, that's so nice. We should check it out. Yeah. And the weather today

is amazing. Perfect. Hello from Tübingen! Hello! We are on our way to visit Jörg's Mom and just thought we would stop here because it's such a beautiful city. Yeah. Tübingen is a very old town with have a very old university. One of the oldest universities in Europe actually. Yeah. And it's a very lovely city. It is. Lots of students of course. Yeah but also a very old town. Yes and yeah, I don't know it is like a 40-minute drive - yeah - from your Mom so yeah, it's very very nice so and this is what you can do in Tübingen. Yeah. Punting. A kind of punting. Yes. So this is the Neckar, the river Neckar - yeah - and it somehow reminds me

of Cambridge and Oxford. Yeah and look it's very relaxing because they have these wooden boards so they can just sit back and enjoy the river. Yeah and the boats are well, they are different to Cambridge in Germany because you, the seats are different but it's lovely I think. Yeah. And also here you can get a boat. I think that's nice. It just has a beautiful vibe I think. Look at the beautiful colourful houses! Yeah. This is honestly really gorgeous. Yeah. It's the

old town of Tübingen. Looks beautiful. We just came across this beautiful antique store but it's quite expensive. Yes look - the pictures - the old print. 380 Euros. But they have wonderful furniture. Yeah. It's really pretty. Yes. Sorry that I tend to say pretty - very expensive - a lot. These figures, they say 2.800 Euros. But to be honest with you, they are beautiful. Yes. And I love the bench. Yes. I don't know if you can see it

but - yeah - that one is beautiful. Some gorgeous antique stores here and we found another one called 'Antiquitäten am Markt'. Which is this one. Beautiful figurines and probably quite pricey. Can't see the prices from here. Oh look, what a gorgeous set. That's stunning.

We are quite obsessed with the antique stores here. How amazing it would be to have a tour but we would need a bit more time. Look at the birds. The spoons really caught my eye. Amazing building. So so beautiful. Yeah. And the building is so old. Yeah, it's from 1435.

Joerg and I came to a restaurant called with a funny name. 'Krumme Brücke'. Yeah, 'Krumme Brücke'. As you can see 'Swabian'. And regarding the name of the restaurant. So in Germany it's called 'Krumme Brücke'. But I don't know how to translate it. We're not sure if it would be 'Lopsided Bridge'. Yeah. Something like that. Well, it's a funny name. Yeah,

it's strange. And also here, cash only which is so weird especially now during Covid. Well. Jörg ordered something very - is it Swabian? Is it actually - yes - Swabian? It's called tripe. I couldn't eat it I think but you haven't had it in years - yes - so - my mother made it when I was a child. Yeah so well, he just wants to try it every other year which is fine and I ordered well, we will show you of course. We hope it won't be too long. Our food just came - yeah - and this is Jörg's, tripe - yeah, Kutteln - Kutteln with potatoes and mine is beef. Yeah. It's called, it was, in German it's called 'Rinderbraten'. Yeah. No, it's cooked beef. Horseradish. Horseradish sauce. Potatoes, Jörg's roasted potatoes.

It looks really good. Enjoy Jörg. Yeah. Now is it good? It's very good, it's very good. Especially with the horseradish sauce. Amazing. Well, and what we need to tell you because it can come across I don't know, it can give the wrong impression I think because we don't eat all day every day. It's just, we will be here for two weeks and I think maybe four days we will eat like stuff that is filling and heavy and the other days we just try to be - how would you say - not as naughty and of course work out. Well, I just tried the Kutteln. Is it Kutteln - yeah - with a t or d? And it's definitely

not my cup of tea I'm afraid. Yes. But you said you have to grow up with it. Yes and it's poor people meal. But you grew up with it - I grew up with it - that's fine. And my mother made it with, you get it with a vinegar sauce - hmm - and that's really good. That was great, wasn't it? Yes. Typical Swabian restaurant with local food. Yeah, really good. Yeah. You just have to do all the things while we're here. We need to show you this. Handy

Clinic. Yes that's how it says. It is supposed to be English but it's actually not. Yes because for everybody who hasn't been in Germany, a mobile phone is a handy - or a cell phone - a cell phone yeah - a cell phone. A mobile phone - yeah - is a handy. Um it's just which is a bit silly because handy is actually German. Yeah. And it's written, well, the clinic is English so it's really weird - yeah but we - it's weird. So the German asks you if you've got a handy he asks you if you've got a mobile phone. Exactly, so it's just strange. Good afternoon from Albstadt-Ebingen. Yes, Jörg's home. Yeah, I went to school here. Yeah. We

needed to buy a few things and as last year thought we would film a little bit. Yeah and show you a little bit of it. Yeah, it's it's a beautiful little town. Quite clean. Yeah. Very, how would you say Jörg? Swabian? Yes, very Swabian. Yeah.The building here, the

beautiful one is called 'Gasthof Linde'. Yeah which is a hotel. Yeah, it's great to stay here because you're in the middle of of Albstadt-Ebingen. Yeah. Albstadt-Ebingen, I don't, I always struggle. Well and the building next to it the modern building is the local newspaper. Yeah, Zollern-Alb-Kurier. Yeah.

And this is the High Street. Yes and the place here is Kurt-Georg-Kiesinger-Platz. Yeah. And it's special because Kurt Georg Kiesinger was one of the German chancellors - yeah - yeah, after the Second World War. Hmm. Yeah, so he's very famous here. Jörg, you need to show the ice cream parlour that you've visited so many times. Yes. And it's still here. Yeah.

It's this one. As long as I can remember this yeah this one - has been here - here, yeah. Yeah, so it's 50 years something more. Eiscafé Venezia. Yeah. Wonderful building next to it. And I remember us after school we sometimes came here. And - very careful - this is what

we have to do in Germany because our steering wheel is not on the right side. Yeah. So let's go, let's go. Unfortunately we we have to go because we have heavy rain in between and we just couldn't film anymore. Well, it doesn't matter. But I love Albstadt-Ebingen.

I think it has the right size. Yeah. How big is the population Jörg? Do you know? With all the surrounding towns it's 60.000 people. It's not so small. And we bought some hairspray which you might laugh but we bought hairspray, shower gel from brands that we can't really get in the UK and I usually buy hairspray that lasts - like six or seven bottles - that last for quite a while until our next visit. And well, I think so many people do the same. And what else did we buy? You know what? We can show

you once we're back home in the UK. You know what what I think what kind of day it is today? To get all snuggly in the living room with a little fire and a blanket. Hmm. This is where we love to go on a nice walk. Yeah. This is usually a nice area and also very nice in wintertime because up here there's always snow because right now, we only have 11 degrees so decrease Celsius so imagine that in winter. There's always snow up here. I remember going to school with minus 27 degrees. iIt's crazy. Pfennig? Jörg, cent.

And just to give you a little comparison. Diesel here at this petrol station is now 1.36 Euros and it's roughly 1.60 Euros in the UK so petrol in the UK is quite expensive. Bitz, a metropolitan city. A small Swabian village, Bitz, with about 4.000 people - yeah - living in Bitz. There is a Netto Markendiscount which is just a regular supermarket. And it's high, it's on, it's 900 meters high, isn't it? Yeah. That's why, yeah and that's

why there's always snow in winter and it's always cold. Yeah.

2021-09-08 21:28

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