BARCELONA is Spain’s CRAZIEST City - WATCH Before You Go!

BARCELONA is Spain’s CRAZIEST City - WATCH Before You Go!

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foreign don't trick my buddy okay then they're  gonna hassle you for money and they don't   like when I record as you can  see giving me the middle finger steel I just watched that girl steal the ball if  you drink water you're condemned to coming back sometimes you don't need any words to describe  how good something is we literally got a 47   Euro discount you guys we've discovered some  sort of encampment here let's check it out Smithereens hundreds of buildings were destroying  hundreds of lights were lost and hundreds more   wounded Barcelona is absolutely crazy in  summer it's a whole different vibe foreign 1936 there was a young Spanish military General  stationed in the North African country Morocco   and he attempted a massive Nationwide military  coup here in the country of Spain now many of   the cities were successfully overtaken  with Little Resistance however the city   of Barcelona and here in Las ramblas Y Plaza de  Catalunya was met with heavy resistance now that   military general's name was Francisco Franco  so before we continue this tour I want to make   sure you guys are aware of all these little  scammers all throughout the city especially   in this area Las ramlas Plaza Catalunya Etc  there's a ton of them don't don't take picture   oh what middle finger well don't trick my  buddy okay they're gonna ask you for money   that's why I asked them no no they say  no but they want money leave them alone when you come here you want to  be careful of these people behind   foreign because they're gonna be nice try to  take a picture with you and then they're gonna   hassle you for money some could say that they're  working but really they're really bothering every   single tourist they come in contact with and  they don't like when I record as you can see   giving me the middle finger but this is a  problem in Barcelona just so you guys know Franco's plan a lot of his nationalist troops  right up here along the ramblas better arms   better equipped and attempt to overthrow the  democratically elected left-wing politicians   at the time however Barcelona the capital  of Catalonia has always been known to be   a bit rebellious and it's the people there  in 1936 the left-wing troops the anarchists   the Socialist Party connected with Moscow those  same people lesser equipped less equipment   rebelled resisted against the Nationalist troops  as they attempted to come up here and take over   Plaza Catalunya they use their molative cocktails  whatever rifles they could get their hands on and   they resisted now I'm here in Las ramblas the  famous pedestrian tourism where millions of   tourists walk every year but behind the facade  of this tourist zone is a long history a history   where for three years the left wing resisted  the Nationalist troops and a lot of blood was   spilled well I want to show you guys a magical  Fountain here this is the Fountain of canaletas Legend has it that if you drink water from this  Fountain a fountain where all the Barcelona fans   congregate to celebrate the big wins historically  speaking and nowadays as well the legend says that   if you drink water you're condemned to coming back  to Barcelona and it's true because I've been here   three times are you a Barcelona fan uh no when  someone drinks water from this well you always   come back always come back you're condemned to  come back to the city yes I'm here every year now that's exactly what you want to avoid when  you're here on Las ramblas because this place   is known for pickpockets of course I was  exaggerating anyways I'm back here for a   couple different reasons one because the last  time I filmed here I only showed like the CD   underbelly of this area El graval adjacent to  this quite frankly the things that actually   do happen but two I'm here because I wanted  to give you guys another look at Barcelona   Barcelona is absolutely crazy in summer it's a  whole different vibe the city is vibrant it's   flowing there's a lot of things to eat a lot of  things to see great weather Etc so yeah let's   go around and make a video in Barcelona and show  the things I didn't show in the last video vamos   my buddy here is about six foot 392 centimeters so  basically if he's around here at night nothing's   gonna happen so I told him to go explore last  night take a look see what the nightlife is like   in Las Rambo so tell me what did You observe last  night observed a lot so I started people trying to   get me to the strip club I observe you know people  trying to sell me I saw a girl stay in a corner   for the dude just peeing not by a tree but by like  door of a store kind of gross you know yeah so   little history about La ramla the name comes from  Arabic and it means dry Stream So basically this   has been like the sewage kind of like yeah dirty  before of course they covered it up and made it   look all pretty but yeah interesting history  apart from the Civil War Medieval history uh   Roman pre-roman Etc but you just never know if  you didn't like learn it or read about it and   this is what it looks like during 2023. needless  to say there's never a boring day in Las ramblas we are not good we are excellent  all right hey there you go all right   all right we come back we come back all right  so I wonder like would it actually be a really   enjoyable experience to eat here perhaps if you  do like to see the people and everything but you   know if you're looking for okay food I would  say it's more mediocre and you can just take a   look on Google reviews and see you know reviews of  three stars or less so yeah do a little research   and decide what you want before you come here  don't be surprised if you get solicited for a   wheat club or one on the street here because  there's over 700 cannabis clubs in the city   um yeah quite interesting pretty much legal but  I kind of think it's kind of like a tourist trap   because supposedly only natives like catalonians  or Spanish are allowed to be members of the club   yeah you have usually foreigners like Indians  or pakistanis soliciting you on the street   to join a club get a commission and smoke some  expensive weed real weed yeah yeah uh how much you have to join the club right  yeah how much join Club yeah to   enter yeah membership to any Euro  20 euros oh okay thank you I'm okay all right thank you no no thanks appreciate it  all right so 20 euros to join uh a cannabis club   and he gets a commission I mean it's  actually pretty normal but interesting now remember how I mentioned that those  anarchists and communist troops fought and   resisted the Nationalist troops back in 1936  there on the ramblas while there was a famous   Soldier and author by the name of George Orwell  now he was actually shot by a sniper in the neck   and miraculously he survived and of course he  went on to write the famous novels of Animal   Farm in 1984 and Barcelona actually dedicated this  Plaza to George Orwell in fact it's called Plaza   de George Orwell and before it was named after  him this actually was called the trippy Plaza   because there were so many people doing drugs  acid hard drugs everything they could get their   hands on there was also a lot of crime and so  Barcelona installed the first cameras in the city   of Barcelona talk about a self-fulfilling  prophecy here hold your fruit so um um no he's like down in an email see you bro that's almost the  second time somebody got you   I knew he was doing I've seen it before  hey you're learning you're learning all   right I just don't want you to learn the  hard way okay oh what's that Taco Bell   Taco Bell no let's go see what's there oh  the erotic Museum how are you I'm doing it whoa you can record everything really  you look like Marilyn Monroe yeah guys where are you from Wonderland oh  Wonderland you're not you're not catalana   oh everywhere wow she's Alice in Wonderland  oh all right so we have a really nice museum   the radic museum this is your girl  she's gonna get you to come in and   and maybe she'll also get you to come in you know got a very open mind so after the Spanish  nationalists won the Civil War here in   the year of 1939 Francisco Franco became the  long-standing dictator that ruled as an ultra   nationalist Ultra Catholic far-right dictator  and of course many things were prohibited and   deemed highly illegal among them same-sex  marriage homosexuality prostitution Regional   languages like Catalan Basque and galicin  were completely suppressed even prohibited   and destroyed in some cases but after the  death of Franco Venus became a democratic   country where things like art and culture and  language came back places here in Catalonia   and now Barcelona is like kind of like the  capital for the erotic museums and shows and   here we have yes Marilyn Monroe a hero in many  eyes hey Emeka I found your favorite t-shirts   whoa that's what Noah Meister that's  not my favorite all right that's all all right what are the odds we've got  Mr Donald Trump right next to his good   buddy the rocket man yeah makes perfect  sense what did you buy I buy some uh Kim   Jong-un wait wait you're telling me that  capitalism is now selling him just like   Che Guevara wow those guys would not be very  happy if they saw this no but also those guys all right guys well we finally made it to the good   old barceloneta neighborhood  we got some good live music okay guys wow what a nice Vibe here on a Tuesday  night and the Beautiful Beach beneath us probably better I really like this neighborhood  barceloneta the five here is is great   Mac was saying it's like the California yeah  like the boardwalk over there but I think even   though I've never been to California I was I  think this would be better I guess it depends   on your on your likes so I want to tell you guys a  little bit about this neighborhood La barceloneta   well it was originally like a poor Fisherman's  Village but has since converted to like a trendy   hipster Bohemian and even expensive Beachside  neighborhood and the waves here are actually   pretty big a lot bigger than what you would find  in Malaga and it's actually really fresh really   cool a really great Vibe it smells just like the  sea now inside the neighborhood you'd find a ton   of places to eat lots of seafood there's a market  an interesting fact about these beaches here in   Barcelona is that these beaches we see here four  kilometers of beaches City beaches or basically   artificially made before the 1992 Olympics  the Summer Olympics that were hosted here   it's not that there weren't beaches before but  yeah this city really became Like a Beach City   since the 92 Olympics and of course the city  has since really just taken off it's easily   one of the most visited heuristic cities in all  of Europe behind London Paris Istanbul Prague   yeah it's a great place to visit and it makes  sense why I mean just look at the beauty here good morning from the medieval part of Barcelona  the gothic quarters now today we're going to   explore some of the Curious history and dark  past that lies within this Labyrinth of narrow   Alleyways behind us and you know we're already up  to a good start because those fake mime scammers   well they aren't here today I literally watched  those guys make around 30 Euros in 10 minutes   yesterday pretending to be these poor people  who need to help you take photos man those guys   are absolutely Shameless and there's a word in  Spanish I want to teach you to explain that type   of thing in Spain those people are called sin  verguencas so coincidentally I just run into a   tour guide in Barcelona named Moises businesses  play tour how would you summarize Gothic Barrio   oh they got that quarter that's a good question  uh it's a little bit of everything in Barcelona   okay the important thing to understand about the  gothic quarter is that since the very beginning   this is where it all started and at the same time  where the power was always concentrated okay so   what does that mean you have like the old town of  Barcelona you have three neighborhoods the gothic   quarter was a neighborhood with a power with  the church with the with a royalty okay so every   decision in Barcelona was always made over here  so that's uh that could be the best was a lot of   the gothic quarters destroyed during the Civil War  a lot of it yes right not completely but lots of   things were were destroyed like for for example if  you go to the cathedral you see a big Square today   that one's not a square okay those were buildings  that were standing over there and then of course   they were taken down during the bombings can you  explain a little bit about Plaza trippy trippy   okay just like in English trippy yeah to a trip  yep and why was that because it was a famous uh   the famous Square where a lot of people who had  addictions they would gather over there okay and   the trip is where also a fun fact about it is that  it is the first Square in Barcelona to have video   surveillance okay that's why it's also called the  Jordan football Square 1984. the reason why you   cannot drink outside in Barcelona today is because  you shouldn't have glass because back in the day   they would throw the glass bottles at you in that  square so it wasn't it wasn't so good today it's   just fine to go around there my personal  Instagram is at Big by Moy p-i-c-b-y-m-o-i we're in the Plaza del Rey or King Square now  this place is basically one of the most important   places in Spanish history at first this belonged  to the counts of Barcelona and then the kings of   Aragon one of those kings Fernando II married  and United Spain by marrying Isabelle the first   of Castile Real Game of Thrones [ __ ] and it said  that right here on these very steps they received   Christopher Columbus after his first voyage  returning from the Americas doing the unthinkable here we have a bridge that joins the two buildings   and it said that if you come here and you  walk under it you have good luck so I need   a good luck for my tour in Barcelona  that's why I came here now I'm saved maybe I should see one of those YouTubers who  just walks around and never shows their face   I mean those videos get a lot of views  sometimes well like I said Barcelona is   absolutely crazy in summer we have a bunch  of tourists pushing the Bus Let's help them luego we finally made it to the top of Mount bonjour  next to Castleman jewick for Barcelona so this   is known as a castle of verguins or the castle of  shame because many wars have passed through here   many battles many deaths have occurred none other  than the president of Catalunya in the year 1940.   approximately five months after the end of the  Civil War Franco rounded up all the left-wing   leaders he either imprisoned them starved  them beat them or Worse executed them and   that President Luis cambai he was executed here  and proudly he decided not to be blindfolded   to Stand Here Barefoot and to scream two  last words before his death for Catalunya all right you guys we're gonna take the cable car   was actually only 10 euros not so bad  it's a very modern one check it out and I got some surprises for you on the way down  we're gonna get some great views of the city   so uh let's go remember how I said the Nationalist  troops try to take over Plaza Catalunya through   the ramblas and the left wing the Communists the  anarchists defended the city ferociously well as   a result the Nationalist military and Franco  decided to bomb the city to Smithereens with   the help of the Italians and Mussolini and Hitler  of Nazi Germany so if you can imagine in the year   1938 you would have seen a lot of fireworks show  down there in the center of the city the historic   Center but instead of a celebration the city was  being bombed Smithereens hundreds of buildings   were destroyed hundreds of lights were lost  and hundreds more wounded and that's why all   throughout the city bomb shelters were set up  everywhere in the abandoned Metro stations and   the bunkers and the distance there turrets were  made anti-aircraft guns were set up all around the   city and this was pretty much a total war zone  and of course a lot of the City was destroyed well we're here at this little Park this little uh  bar restaurant area here I got myself a turia and   for the first time in like two days I've been here  in Catalan and Spanish because these seem to be   locals behind us because if you're in the center  of the city the historic Center Etc you only seem   to hear English or other foreign languages it's  like I've never been to a more touristic City in   my life it's ridiculous and that's because around  one-third of the population of Barcelona is made   up of people that aren't born or from Barcelona I  mean literally there's nowhere else in Spain like   this and here we have a great View see how you  guys cheers this is atturia good beer by the way all right you guys we've discovered some  sort of encampment here let's check it out wow oh hello this is a camping site can I see whoa oh it's actually really cool   wow nice oh shut up wow very nice not a problem  I live here ah Chevrolet nice to meet you okay   this is a only um in one situation for for my  side because it's so I'm losing my documents my   everything where are you from I am from Colombia  the the Bosque the yeah the forest yeah like one   camping yeah because you can lose my documents  my passport and finish one relation and living   with my ex in this moment I'll lose my peace or  a camping like this or a living room automatic   sleeping in the street yeah there is two schools  sure of children and they oh wow nice normally   training and how do you earn money if I  can ask I am police system from Argentina Market in Italian foreign all right well it looked like a military  encampment but just a little makeshift tent   here and actually the guy seemed really nice  and perhaps he is in a really tough situation   like probably thousands of people here  in Barcelona hustling on the street and   that's actually one of the reasons that  crime is rather high in this city because   unemployment is dismal it's really bad  in Spain in general there's just no jobs   especially if you're immigrant or someone who  lost your papers yeah not an easy situation   however that seemed like a pretty good living  situation compared to living on the street and   the crime-ridden neighborhood of El ravalo I  already have a video that he had his kids there   yeah all right don't know what to say not an  easy situation but uh it really just looked   like a nice campsite to me and now we're  gonna enter back down into El raval okay all right and I like this neighborhood  because yeah it's really hip trendy but   it's also like a bit local we're entering  the dinner hour and yeah there's just a   lot of people walking here on like  a Wednesday night they don't neces see okay so I guess this neighborhood has a  lot of Latinos in it Dominican South Americans   Caribbeans Venezuelans I don't think it's a very  cheap neighborhood because we're so close to the   Sun tons of places to eat I like it Carrie do  you like this Barrio similar to my street with we got the local footballistas let's go let's go oh save can the goalie hold can the goalie hold I  don't know let's go are you ready listo vamos   oh with the same movie SOS third attempt  Mr blue shirt can he get it foreign that's Lego City wow I'm really like flipping out because  this girl said she's equatorian and she   looks the part but she has the  accent from here it's like so cool we're gonna eat here I absolutely love this  concept and this is actually a foreshadow would   succumb on the next video or videos that we're  going to be making up north and Northern Spain   in Basque Country look at all these Pinchos  here you just basically grab whatever one you   want and they're like 250 a piece but you have  so much variety you got the beer here check it   out absolutely delicious what I like about it  is that you can see what you're gonna eat you   can see how much it costs there's no tricks  no scams as I say in Spanish no BS really   cool area to eat as the sun goes down here now  we're back in one of the most visited areas   of Barcelona the Sagrada Familia perhaps most  emblematic structure in the whole city started   in 1882 the first frick was laid in 1883 and  it still hasn't finished they say it will be   finished in the year 2026 but you never know  in Spain comote Senti como entrando esta Maria yes no I think one of the most intriguing  things about this massive structure   behind us is that Barcelona is kind of like  the capital of like anti-establishment at   least in Spain anti-establishment  rebellious in nature atheism   communism Etc yeah and this is like the  Pinnacle of the Catholic World in fact my   girlfriend said that this impressed  her more than the Vatican in Rome if you knew this is what Barcelona and the  sergata Familia would be like in 2023. hey  

see this is Australia I want to give you guys  a little uh tourist tip so we came to I think   the neighborhood of Gracia or at least we're  close to Metro Gracia we've downloaded the   app called fork and this app helps you find  discounts major discount on food all over the   cities in Spain we're gonna get some lunch now  at a place that's like pretty Gourmet so we're   gonna be eating like kings while we get out  of the tourist infested zone of the old city looks fancy let's go check it out wow Carrie to see whining and dining  at half the price when I met Alia he   was a wild beast what's bad hey  hey every Beast needs a beauty   I'm out Now not no longer a beast I've been tamed  by the beauty so let me show you we have atun Rojo   from Taris the Atlantic this is lamb Cordero and  ameka you've got octopus yeah all right now you   guys this plates would be normally 22 24 26 Euros  they're not big but they're very very high quality   but again we got them for half off 50 off so this  is 12 euros this is 14 euros and that is whatever   it is not expensive gotta download the app fork  and you're gonna eat like a king look at just how   this melts I barely am touching the meat oh okay  okay oh okay oh wow look at that I feel like my   buddy traveled at a guy wow wow so tender yeah  guys it's delicious absolutely delicious shout   out to travel attic guy he's up in Poland now  now this is from barbate you guys we were in   Katy so you guys saw on the previous videos we  didn't get a chance to try this atunrojo which   is famous in the Atlantic off the coast of barbate  I guess I'll try it's got a Tangy sauce and some   coriander seeds delicious it doesn't actually  taste that tuna very tender really really good oh damn sometimes you don't need any words to  describe how good something is oh my goodness wow you guys we just ate I want to teach you under  Lucy in Spanish even though we're in Catalonia   we paid 81 Euros for three main dishes one entree  five beers one glass of wine and the best dessert   we've ever had we literally got a 47 Euro discount  take a look at that Madre Mia I need a siesta yes   I'm so so happy because like we get a good quality  and good brand and good attention if you guys went   to the Ramblers right and you got one of those  crappy restaurants there that are all tourist   traps perhaps you would have spent 80 Euros on  trash hey I'm ecca it's a Starbucks man you're   right at home yeah nah man this is not for me this  is for basic towards right I'm gonna put a real   deal not this Americanized Garden hey what's up  there's a problem in Barcelona big buckets really   legrones it's actually a problem here a really  problem a real problem in particular and where is always aware yeah always aware it's not  a Bayonne City no you won't find violence   okay but you better take care of your things  yeah you're enjoying the variety of occasions   you don't want to have a bad time if you lose  this you're screwed like you're kind of done   for it so I make sure that my head good for you  like are you coming here like this it's like no   he's a good tourist no he's smart he's smart guy  hey gracias right all right thank you thank you what did I tell you guys it isn't a violent city  but there is a lot of pickpockets so for those   of you who care Barcelona is the only city to  be awarded the Royal gold medal of architecture   by The Institute of British Architects  look it even she thinks it's Royal gold   I'm Echo Carrie architecture  architecture oh my God foreign why steal I just watched that girl steal the ball for real  yes dude I watched her throw trash walk in the   Barcelona store and just steal that ball off  the player oh that's crazy okay so yeah there's   a lot of trash people who like to steal in  Barcelona I just witnessed she gave no F's   all right you guys well it's getting dark  and Carrie and I we gotta get back to our   hotel or our friend's house because tomorrow  we have an adventure awaiting us but yeah I've   had a great time in Barcelona the truth is  it's like impossible to record everything in   the city there's just so much to offer yeah I  could make so many videos it's not even funny   how many videos I can make but I do want to  recommend a channel Patrick in Barcelona I'll   put it in the description if you want to see  more about Barcelona because he's based here   and I'm saying goodbye to my friend the mecca  so yeah it's getting dark here so I'm getting   less visible right now but uh all right thanks for  visiting me yeah America I'm very good so yes sir peace out from Barcelona

2023-08-05 04:46

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