Bali To Medan on a Scooter Day 33-35 | Karimunjawa - The Pearl Of Central Java

Bali To Medan on a Scooter Day 33-35 | Karimunjawa - The Pearl Of Central Java

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Look, it's so clear! I would really like to lay down in the water and then you shoot me with the drone Baby shark doo doo doo doo Can I go in? ...and maybe release some baby turtles (laughing) Look at his face! He's so happy! Look it's 7th February and it's on the 10th. There's the 7th, the 8th and the 9th... Where's the 8th? ...and then the 10th would come... I see Ok, we are at the harbour and we're going to buy tickets to go to Karimunjawa. Two people, one motorbike VIP VIP? OK.

Passport and motorbike registration Is it one way or return? Only one way? What time is it leaving? And what time does it leave? Pardon? What time does it leave? At 7? Ok Thank you Before 7 you have to go inside the ferry. Ok Ok, we got a ticket! For how much? 335 I think in total Hmm, ya We bought the VIP tickets in hope that we could sleep, that we would have like some kind of a bed or something. The price was not much of a difference but the equipment... or the... what is called? I'm too tired.

Well, the seats are not that much different... I mean they are cushioned and you can lean them back and the economy is like...yeah...almost the same clear! I would really like to lay down in the water and then you shoot me with the drone (laughing) yeah Wow! Damn bro! We just arrived at Karimun and then since we get out of the harbour someone is already following us and then asking if we wanna go to snorkeling Now we are headed to our homestay! After yet another delicious local lunch we gonna head out and explore the island by bike and see what secret corners and beaches we can find.

So we gonna find out: What do they hide here? So we found this beautiful beach just on the other side of sunset beach and there's nobody here except for us and three boats. One, two, three. And no one else. I mean there's not much sand but you can walk into the water like forever. It's pretty nice.

I like it! So I think this is batu topeng beach and there's a little bar, and a beach volleyball. Unfortunately there are no people at all I could play with which could have been nice, but I think it's because you have to pay to go to this beach. It's only ten thousand per person, but still, I don't see why I should pay to go on a beach, when there's another really nice beach over there where you don't have to pay. And Oshin found a cat again Today we gonna do the famous snorkeling / island hopping tour here on Karimunjawa and we recruited some other people yesterday on the ferry already, because I thought maybe the price is per boat, so it would be cheaper. But it wasn't. And then those people recruited more people and now we are 9 people in total and we are about to go to the harbour and go to - I think - two different Islands, two snorkeling spots, gonna see a shark breeding station and maybe release some baby turtles.

We were looking around a bit to find the cheapest price, and we asked in all the different accommodations and actually the first girl that came to us at the harbour - do you remember her? - had the cheapest price for us with 150k per person + 20k to see the shark breeding station. The snorkeling trip, snorkeling spot I think...uh...I mean... the...uuuuuh....small fish...uuuuuuh....the name is...menjang kecil? Menjang Kecil. Menjang Kecil, yeah...uuuuh...Menjang Kecil Island... Menjang Kecil Island the name...ok?

Uuuuh....we have...uuuuh....time about one hour until 1 1/2 hour and then after that we are going to the island for the lunch in the shark pool. In the shark pool we can have lunch on the...uuuuh...island.... Any questions? Do we get fins? Yeah, sure. And about the pictures: Are they gonna take pictures? Yeah, we have a photo camera underwater. And how much is that? It's free.

Ah ok. Yeah, you're special guests today. Ok? Yeah? We move to our boat...

Oh sorry, the boat is just coming. Just wait here, yeah? On our way to the first snorkeling spot. The sky is getting darker... 0:16:41.792,1193:02:47.295 Ah ok... 0:16:41.792,1193:02:47.295 My legs are so sore...

Can I go in? They are just about to prepare our lunch over there. I don't know. Really colorful fish. We will see! (laughing) Look at his face! He's so happy! Even though it was a nice experience for the group to release baby turtles to the ocean at Karimunjawa National Park, I wouldn't recommend to do it there. The baby turtles were not released right after hatching but instead were held in a fenced area at the pier until tourists would come to grant them their freedom.

They were not in a good shape, covered in algae, and by placing them in this cage instead of letting them walk from the beach into the water straight away some had lost their instincts and seemed disorientated. If you want to have a really nice turtle experience in Java go to Sukamade at the Meru Betiri National Park. The good baby turtle the movement is like this... The ranchers there know what they are doing, are really passionate about protecting the turtles and make sure everything happens the way it was meant to by mother nature.

Don't put it on your hand and don't touch the belly area. That's the sensitive part. Just hold it like this way only. And then after that I will make a line. Please stay behind the line. You are allowed to take pictures first and then please release the baby turtle.

You can release one by one, two by two, all together...up to you. After you released it don't touch it again. Usually they will go to the left side. They are following the sunlight. But I'm sure they will go back towards the water.

And after the last baby turtle you may follow it to the water. Before that you are not allowed. So finish your job to release all and then after that you can go with it. And most important is: Don't forget to give them names! You can watch a mature turtle lay her eggs there at night. They come there almost every night all year. And in the morning you can release ten newly hatched baby turtles at first light.

Hi Nyoman! Are you ready Nyoman? Are you ready? Let's go! You can check out our video about it if you like! But now back to Karimunjawa. And we are back in Karimunjawa! How was it? Very good, very good! On our third and last day in Karimunjawa we just had enough time to check one more beach in the south of the island and one other place, before we had to go to the harbour to catch our ferry back to the mainland. There's only one per day and it always leaves at 1pm. We are at... Bobby Beach ...and apparently we need to pay 10.000 per person. says like to clean the beach. Yeah, it's clean.

pretty clean As our last destination on the island of Karimunjawa we had chosen a spot that we had seen on the map and it's name was so intriguing that we simply had to go and check it out. The name that had sparked our interest was Bukit Love - Love Hill We are checking out...what is it called again? Bukit Love! It seems like they have a really nice view up here.

What's the YouTube? Soulshine Travellers Wow! They do really have a nice view! Yeah Oh this is like very... That's the very famous Karimunjawa sign. But then it was really time for us to grab our backpacks at the homestay, drive to the harbour and say goodbye to this beautiful paradise we had found. This time we didn't book the VIP-class tickets to the ferry and made our own bed up on the deck instead. Like this we could enjoy the fresh breeze and have some well deserved rest. We arrived back in Jepara right around sunset and still had a long way to drive to our next couchsurfing host in Kudus.

The city known as the religious center of Indonesia. So that people know: Islam is about kindness, about the teaching of love. And then most people converted to Islam but the Sunan Kudus still appreciated and still had some kind of love for the Hinduism. So they built a Menara. Menara is a tower in Kudus as a symbol of religion. They combined.

Hindu and Islam became one... We are here at Astra Motor Semarang now and now they asked us to be in a little Instagram video for them and we said "Yes". It is about safety and kind of valentines gimmick...we will see... I think I emberrased myself pretty bad there, but we will see if they upload it or not...

2021-02-15 12:31

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