Backpacking Rush Creek to the Spectacular Thousand Island Lake | Ansel Adams Wilderness

Backpacking Rush Creek to the Spectacular Thousand Island Lake | Ansel Adams Wilderness

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You're so cute. Go with mama. Go with. Mama. So. Good morning. Good, morning. We are heading to thousand island lakes via the rush creek trailhead. And if you can see in the background, here we've got. A little bit of uphill. And before we get started i thought i would let my cohorts. Introduce, themselves, so we'll start with. Hi i'm mo, i'm susan, i'm melissa. All right well we're heading out on a three-day, backpacking, trip, and, uh we're looking forward to some gorgeous weather. We'll see about thunderstorms. But. Anyway we'll see you in a bit. We hiked around 10 miles from the rush creek trailhead, to thousand island lake, and logged over 3000, feet of ascent, and 700, feet of descent. The first two miles of the trail is very steep. With more than two thousand feet of ascent, and it is exposed, to the sun from morning until mid-afternoon. So be sure, and start early. All right. We're gonna be hiking up to uh, past gem lake. And we'll figure out where we're gonna, start. Or where we're gonna camp. This is the start of the. Trailhead. All right that, waterfall, you see off to the right is rush creek falls, i believe. Not much of a waterfall, right now it's so dry up here. But there was quite the thunderstorm. Yesterday, so they did get a little rain. There's. Where we came from. About a mile. Where the. Position. Focused down more this. Way. This is the trail. You all act like you're hiking this way, and there's. Maureen. I can see june lake ski resort. All right maureen, give us a low down. About. What are we looking at here, okay i don't know what we're looking at i think this is a trolley, according to susan where some workers. Ride the trolley up. To go up to the mine. And it's still in use. Going down would kind of be a little. Precarious. If there was snow on it. Yeah i just closed my eyes and you. Know. Just in case you were tempted. To go up the tramway. You get your ass run. Over. More uphill. But anyway here's the junction. For clark lake. And, we're headed to gem lake. And agnew, lake access. Has seen better days. So, pretty. We're above the waterfall. Yay. Oh. All right, so. I thought we would take a moment to have a, trail, etiquette. 101. Because we just had a very. Rude, experience. With a couple of hikers, coming down. On a very narrow section we were coming uphill. And they were stopped, at the top where they could see downhill, that's one of the reasons why, you always stop. For, folks that are coming uphill, if they want to motion, you. To you know come on if we need if you need a moment to or they need a moment to take a break, that's cool, but if you see people, coming up hill you, pull over. Stop and let them come up because the section that we were on. Was very narrow, i had to go up a bunch of rocks. And i could have easily, fallen. And. Moe you want to share your, moment. Well. So. He's so. Uh, i don't know how you want to put it but he was motioning, me to, move off the trail. And, to make a joke of it i was going like this like right where left, yeah and he wasn't taking my joke so i actually enlightened, him and i said well you know the uphill hiker has the right away so. You, should have kindly moved off to the side. And he just kind of huffed, and went past me. And then the woman says oh well why don't you go after she was like right next to me so.

Anyway If you're out hiking, you see people especially with backpacks. And they're heavy. And you can tell they're, like really working hard to get up the hill, let them freaking go please. I'd appreciate, it, and if you don't and you happen to see us, we'll enlighten, you. We have no. Problem. So this is gem lake. And that back there. Is where we're headed. Very. During a bio break near the gem lake dam i stumbled, across, a. Debris, field of sorts. About 50 feet above the trail. It was very concerning. Finding, shoes, a coat, tent stakes, and other backpacking. Items as you can see from these photos. I reported, the find, along with the photos and gps, coordinates, to the mono county sheriff's department. They plan on investigating. To see if there have been any missing. Persons, reported. Or if maybe they rescued, someone, in this area, and the backpack, was left behind. And then the contents, were strewn all over the place. You just never know what you're going to find out. There. A few clouds, building. Good. Job. So. She's the smarter one, although, that's where the mules were, we did that right there. So we are headed to clark lakes. Over. There. So. Pretty. Oh. Oh yeah. Probably where the horseback, riders go. There's a ton of tents over there. The stream. Oh. Talk about clear. Look at that. You can see everything. Fishy. Fishy. So. Pretty. Oh that was fast. Okay, so mo. What are you gonna have for dinner tonight you know i think i'm gonna eat my fresh, food for like my tortillas. And my chili, cheese. Wow. You're making me. Hungry. That all sounds delicious. Yep, unfortunately, most of it's not in my diet but. Well. Oh okay well i could, maybe i can mooch off you later. Please. All right, and here we have. The beautiful. Thousand island lakes. And then i'm gonna move over to, melissa. So melissa, do you enlighten, us on what you are eating tonight for dinner we are having. Alfredo. Yum. Oh with salmon. Even. Better. Is mom splitting that with you i am gonna. Oh. And i i didn't want to get your butt in the frame so i'm. All right and you have a good boil. And tonight, i'm. Having. Next mile, meals. Taco. Stuff. And it looks really good it's got red peppers in it and hamburger, meat and i think i'm going to bake some cheese off of mo. So i'm going to. So keep it in the freezer until i'm ready to take it, so we're gonna see inga has preparing, that nail here, inga has, a work around with that oh she does i'll look at it so look at her. Her files. Okay. I'm gonna. While i'm getting ready, what flavor, please this one is just the regular, noodle cup of soup oh yeah the old the old ones, not the noodle noodle ones but it's more soup than noodles, cool, so, i love that. You can't hardly find those anymore. And she's dumping that into her mug with hot water, that's right i'm gonna use my. Handy dandy spoon. Bamboo, spoon. There we go. Yum. Dinner is cooking. Well that's just a prelude, to. Dinner. I don't know yet but i think i'm gonna have cheese and spam oh yeah. Melissa, is taking a picture of her vino. Yep her adult beverage for the evening we packed one out of two, one made it. One made it one made it we didn't pack the other oh you kind of gave up glasses. You were gonna see that i drank it well well i was waiting or leaked out or something. No, yeah i ended up leaving mine behind yeah it's like you know i really don't need it out here because you know, this is god's glorious. We had an easier, hike like. Yeah this was a. This was a tough hike, glorious. Hot water. Wash up. Okay i've got to get you one oh. Nice hot water. From such a long day. Yes. Well if a bear comes. We're gonna hear it. I'm sure we'll be fine though. All right so on the right side, of this green. Well, yeah i guess the right. Um, we're gonna have mo's tent. And the center. Is mine. And then we have melissa. In. The, rainbow.

Over. It's the far one, and the other green one closest to me is. Melis, melissa's, did i say that right, okay, good. Yes. Susan's in the rainbow tarp tent rainbow. And we have a hyper light. Durago. Ii. And mo what's your tent again. Mo's tent is a zpax. Duplex. It is just stunning, here i, tell. Ya. Okay. Two, one. That's a cool fishing pole is that like a. Collapsible. That's called an. Ultralight. There you. Go. First. Many. Moods. So. Well at least there's no. Thunder. And. Lightning. So. Foreign. So. Do. So. I think. So. Oh. So. So. Before. Casualty, of the. Trail. You.

2020-08-09 04:01

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