AVOID These Scams In Marrakech, Morocco

AVOID These Scams In Marrakech, Morocco

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you have to stay away from the monkey people  the snake people the hna ladies they're all   man ex incredibly toxic and they will ruin your  experience in Morocco and there's so many lovely   people here in this country hardworking people  people with great Hospitality but if you get   involved into those situations man it can  ruin your entire trip no thank you Lu I'm   okay thank you thank you no I'm not giving you  400 right for good luck give you 20 don't yell   at me this is for good luck so this lady is  getting asshle right now for more money look   at this they literally take so much money  from the tourist guys it's crazy look at this so many scammers here huh excuse me excuse me what happened like the you  okay she take my my daughter and uh she put Nana   and after she want 200 15 I have to pay it and  it's nor more I'm not okay what's up everybody   welcome back to another beautiful day here in  Marakesh now today it's actually extremely hot   I'm hiding right in front of the uh kba mosque it  is super beautiful actually the light's qu kind   of bad right now as I'm turning the camera that  way because the sun's coming from that direction   but if the sun wasn't there you'd really be able  to admire this incredible mosque however today   guys we're actually about to cross the streets  and head over to one of the most famous squares   in all of mares and undoubtedly probably one of  the most famous locations in all of Morocco now   I'm going to be completely honest with you I'm  not the biggest fan of this Square it's called   Gemma Elna and to be honest I'm not the biggest  fan because well the last time we had quite a bit   of bad experiences happened to us inside of the  square we were approached by so many different   scammers touts and man it made for a rough  experience it was very hard to enjoy however   um it's very important it's an important Landmark  So today we're going to go and explore the square   and see if things have gotten better and  more importantly just show you the Vibes   now of course I am with gladus right now hello  guys how are you how are you feeling today I am   very happy to be back in Morocco I Know I Can  Tell She's been smiling since she got here and   she's craving a Tajin which hopefully we're going  to find inside of there as well well let's head   over to GMA and let's start exploring we've been  wanting to come here since earlier today but man   the weather's extremely hot it's brutal today  I think you have to come either very early in   the morning uh around sunset time which right  now it's 6 7 7 700 p.m. yeah around 7 p.m. last   night it actually didn't set until around 8:00  so um yeah quite late but you got to come out   in the evenings and a lot of the local Moroccan  people as well you will not see them out and about   during the day like people come out in the  evenings but right now we're about to cross   the streets the Medina is right in front of us  JMA is right in front of us as you can tell the   city of Marakesh is incredibly clean and also  incredibly green I'm I actually mentioned that   yesterday I'm really surprised how green the city  is for how hot it is most of the of most of the   year and right now to be completely honest  with you guys right now it's not even that   hot everybody was telling me that next month  it should be around 35 40° and that in August   it can reach up to 45 now I actually visited  my first two times in Morocco in the middle   of the summer and I told myself I'd never do that  again um but you can never say never with Morocco   because every time we find an opportunity to  come here we try and come for at least a few   days so who knows maybe you will see me here  in the summer one day but yeah there's a lot   of movement out on the streets right now it is  actually a Saturday it's very active look these   here are top tucks it's the version of a Tuk Tuk  gladus loves those yes they are so cute and very   convenient to explore not only the city but the  Medina but the Medina as well all right let's cross wow look at all these flags man this stand  was actually here last year as well this must be   their their um iconic location you don't remember  remember that one no but it's beautiful it is   beautiful look at this I see exactly why it gets  all the attention wow extremely vibrant oh yeah   the hustle is about to start in here so anytime  you're entering um the a Medina here in Morocco   the hustle is always about to start but yeah  this here is a location where you're obviously   going to be spending time if you're coming here  as a tourist I mean it's the oldest part of the   city it's where you find a lot of like the culture  cult Al I guess the cultural stuff but nonetheless   it's a place you will be spending time when  you're in mesh but I recommend you don't spend   your whole time here like last time we spent  our entire time inside of this Medina area and   it's super beautiful but let me just tell you  guys it gets kind of frustrating after a while   I mean um in these very touristic locations it's  just like being in Paris it's just like being in   Rome there's constantly people trying to sell you  things and it can be fun the first day or two in   Morocco but then after a while you kind of just  want to relax and chill but yeah let's dive on in   and start exploring JMA now they have a big stage  set up right now somebody was telling us oh it was   a taxi driver yesterday was telling us that they  actually have a free concert going on right now um   I'm not sure why but for the next 3 days there's a  free concert going on every single evening glattus   and I will probably try and catch that later  on tonight depending on how much energy we have   by the time we're done with these videos because  usually when you're out filming and running around   and this heat you get you get exhausted quite  fast videos takes so much energy they do they do   even though but they also I have to say but they  also give you energy as well yeah I will say even   on the days when I'm not feeling motivated when I  pick up the camera I'm like all right let's do it   time to have some fun yeah look these here are the  tuck tucks they take you around the Medina around   the main Square all the places where cars and  normal taxis can't reach they can take you okay   I'm already hearing some music yeah here in this  main Square you find a lot of um musicians people   playing typical like traditional Berber music it's  a huge huge St it is huge h Music Festival Baja   Music Festival wow oh that's where the music's  coming from huh yeah oh glce is ready to [Music] dance I need a dress for belly dancer she  wants a belly dancing dress man I'll tell   you what anytime you're Morocco it's good vibes  it is always good vibes out here especially once   you start hearing music huh that kind of music  music reminds me of the music we heard when we   were in the Sahara a few years ago yeah yeah  that music is very beautiful look and I love   that everybody is jumping to a taxi they're  playing Arabic music yeah yeah yeah I have   a here every time I jump into a taxi I see the  screen and I and I look I copy you copy all the   songs Look the songs she's about to walk out of  here with a full play but yeah guys this here is   uh GMA Elna beautiful right I mean extremely  active this is where you find yeah basically   all the sells sellers the people like these guys  dressed up in these funky outfits traditional uh   Berber outfits and they take pictures with you  I think they're traditional Berber outfits but   unfortunately this is also where a lot of people  get their bad Impressions about Morocco from   and you'll see why here in the next uh few minutes  is that a snake bro yes brother no I'm okay thank   you thank you no they safe there's no bites  really no bites no poison you just kissed the   snake bro yes for Sahara good luck Nock I'm okay  thank you thank you phot no no photo no photo no   problem I'm okay thank I'm scared of snakes  bro I'm scared oh no no no no thank you thank you oh no [Music] than I'm okay thank you no I'm not  giving you 400 BR you're crazy good lucky   bro I'm not giving you 400 I told you no bro  I told you this is for good luck don't yell   at me this is for good luck bro take the  snake off of me please for me you no no I take thank you see these are the kind of people  that I'm so these are the kind of people you bro   please no I told you Noe leave me alone so those  are the kind of people that I'm telling you oh man   the music is loud we got to keep going those are  the things that you got to be careful about over   here but see they said 400 and oh man I don't  know how we're going to be able to make the   video it sounds good though but last year I'll  tell you what last year when I was here we saw   so many people get taken advantage by those people  right yes we call at With Cobras with the monkeys   with all kinds of things but you know you got to  stand firm and stand on your ground and oh man   I don't like snakes like that oh feel crazy but  you know what you know what since we're here why   not let me show you all the people that you should  avoid when you're in Morocco why not and these are   some of those people the ones with the monkeys  like I don't condone that at all look at that wow they're everywhere look that one's [Music] pissed yeah that is wild huh look at the monkeys so yeah these ones here though guys  personally I don't condone any of that and um   when I was here last time how many people  did we see them like throw monkeys on and   then they would like charge them €40 for  a picture a lot of money this is this is   very intense it is look at this let's see  how much these people have to uh pay for a photo yeah I'm actually going to ask gladus for  some uh smaller change right now now because um I'm going to ask glce for some smaller  money right now because that way um I can   just tip somebody this 10 dinar or Durham and  then you guys can see exactly how they come up   to you and ask you for more and then all of a  sudden the tips don't um well they're not just   tips anymore they end up becoming a something that  you got to pay a lot more of but yeah look these   here are like the snake Charmers then you got  some s sales people out here selling shirts or whatnot actually you know out of all of the people  that uh we found very interesting here or to be   super kind last time we were here um were all  the people from senagal those the sellers man   they're so kind very respectful and those are the  ones when you say no they simply just um you know   walk away from you and don't try and sell you  any more items all right well you know what I   actually want to show them the the monkey but  where where they where' they go They're that [Music] way oh man look at this one no it's okay no photo thank you thank you  thank you here I give you I give you tip no photo   ow bro no no no no video thank you here take here  you go bro thank you ah but crazy huh all right   guys well um those those are I'm okay thank you  bro those are the things that you should avoid   when you're here in the main square but there are  things that happen um here and I just wanted to   share that little bit of experience with you guys  but look I just had a monkey jump on my head how   crazy was that H my God that's crazy because the  other one I saw he was like yeah I know he had his   you know it's May dangerous if they you I don't  know I'm sure it is I'm sure you can get something   from that but either way guys that is you know a  side of Jama Elna that I wanted to share with you   guys because those animals um well they've been  here since my very first visit to Morocco oh wow   look the famous Tunas here in Morocco I haven't  had one of these in a while hello sir how much six deham three deham okay it's from  the Sahara okay let me do let me do two piece the name is tuna tuna [Music] fruit M wow [Music] that is very nice here try this one  [Music] glattus they're good huh mhm   we've missed them since our last trip  you eat the seed huh wow that's nice [Music] nice okay [Music]   thank you sir thank you very much thank you  thank you that is something you need to try   yeah the seeds kind of hurt my teeth though  but man that is delicious you know what I   think we get one more right I don't know there  were three D each I give him 10 let's get one more hello sir one more one more yeah  please it was three right three three   no three each one right oh man I threw away  the stick though let me get one more of this   one thank you all right thank you huh no  I gave you 10 no 10 you told me two piece three he told me three right I think  so twoam each three giram each five Jam   okay all right well you have changed for 100 wow how much is it he  didn't mention the five it was there you go thank you well hopefully he was being honest with  me but like I said glattus and I genuinely   we we had a bad experience here in this Square  so uh last year we had dinner in one of these   locations you remember and they kept bringing  us bread olives and we thought they were being   extremely nice they kept telling us like oh man  that's on the house that's on the house and he was   bringing all kinds of sides and at the end he said  no no no no no I said this was free like something   he changed up his words and we ended up spending  like 50 on our meal and it was supposed to be   like a $15 meal yeah like it's crazy guys and then  there's also like the Hanah ladies you got to be   worried about man this is like Morocco's famous  scam Square this is why I avoid this area the   Medina like once you jump on into the side streets  man they're super entertaining super fun places   to be but to be honest here man you're just like  a you're a walking dollar bill and I said this a   few weeks ago and a bunch of people were like why  are you talking bad about Morocco and I'm like I'm   not it happens everywhere it's like walking around  the Eiffel Tower in Paris like you're going to run   into nothing nothing but scams like if you want to  meet the authentic local Moroccan people full with   amazing Hospitality you really got to leave this  square right yeah and maybe go to another places   in Morocco that are super beautiful but far away  from the city I mean this is definitely a place   you got to visit because the square is attached to  the Medina and the Medina it's a UNESCO Heritage   side like it's world heritage and it's very  beautiful but you got to be super careful   you do and last year we actually found a lady  look look this lady just got her doing the same thing so yeah as you're walking around like  they literally charge all the tourists it's   ridiculous like to be honest I wish this  Square got better and I know this video   you guys are probably going to be like  man Chris was out there just looking   for the problems no I'm showing you guys  the problems because last time you told me   last time a lot of you guys were telling me in  the comment section yo Chris I just came back   from Marakesh and you didn't talk to us about the  scams and it's because guys I don't genuinely like   to spend my time um talking about those things  but you're right that's my responsibility too   I mean I recommend mares I recommend Morocco I  recommend all you guys come here but you're right   I got to tell you guys about those things as well  because man I mean it it'd be wrong for me not to   right yeah especially cuz you got to know how to  deal with these people because last time we were   here well we saw an older guy thank you thank you  um last time we saw a guy telling um like pulling   money out of an old man's a wallet and he was  like man shaking like it was an older man dude   was shaking and he was like no no no no you told  me tip and like they took €40 from the guy for a   picture cover on your shoulders like the the snake  they just spot on you if they put that on me and   at me for money like I will give them whatever  whatever they won right because they W get off   this so this lady is getting hassled right now  for more money look at this they literally take so   much money from the tourist guys it's crazy look  at this look at this another scam caught right in   front of me look at this they keep lit literally  harassing this woman that's what happens here look   at that so this lady just got grabbed and we  literally just got done talking to her husband   her husband's right here he's pissed that she got  him but look we're going to see right now exactly   what happens they told her that it was free and I  told them no it's not it's not free look now she's   going to pursue the lady man please the Moroccan  government needs to get rid of these people let's   come see what happens absolutely crazy and they  will follow you until you actually until you   pay something it's crazy look at this they're  pursuing this lady imagine that was you here in   Morocco imagine how scary that would be look at  that the lady is literally like running for her   life look at this absolutely crazy guys I'm trying  to tell you these people are bad people that's the   whole point of these videos guys look at this  he's still going to she's still going to go up   until she finds until she gets the money it's  crazy they follow you and follow you and follow you let's see what happens right now   look at that she still is persistent look at  that she followed her all the way across the   plaza unreal guys unreal unreal but yeah you  know just things unfortunate things that happen   everywhere there's a lot of tourists in the  world but yeah let's walk around here let's   see what else we can come across let's see if um  we can't show you guys one more thing that you   have to be aware of look here are the Hannah  ladies a lot of sales women sales people more hna hello no Hannah thank you yeah everybody's  calling me hakeim because of my jersey I   actually picked this up yesterday as you guys  saw as soon as we got here now I am going to   dive on into the Medina and I want to do a  bunch of shopping with these uh people from   senagal as well but I want to actually  talk to them a little bit more and uh   get to know a little bit more about their  story so we'll do that on in a later time   in a later time but yeah guys they're selling  all kinds of beauty products here in the main Square I kind of want to just focus on  this video I want to focus on this main   square and um also show you guys well  a couple more things that you should be   careful with because let's be honest I don't  want any of you um while coming on over here   and then sending me back messages talking  about Chris you never told us about any of   these things and you know they're things  that should be talked about because you   know um I think last time we came here we were  wondering why so many people made videos about   the scams in their country but it's because  man they exist and they're and they're brutal   man they're brutal especially as a tourist I  mean they're brutal to encounter those kind of things but yeah they they do do some pretty  impressive work isn't this where you got your   braids done as well I think they're having trouble  yeah they got the same problem going on right now hello hello no just make just checking  yeah see the the the that's what   goes on they come on they paint your  hand and then they charge money for   everybody it's crazy it's absolutely wild  all right let's continue on with our walk man I I I feel like man these videos have to  get a lot of attention because to be honest   yeah I think I saved them from that you see  she let them go but I think that the problem   that you have here is that H let's go watch out  watch out hake number one hakeim is number one   I got the right jersey man I'd love to ask those  people how that went huh but guys I'm literally   you know what I'm going to keep filming this  because watch we're going to come across the   same action are they really I'm going to come  across the same actions and it's going to keep   happening over and over and over again no no  no please don't touch me don't touch me you   take the picture for my wife I'm not I'm not  I'm not taking picture don't touch me don't   touch me I tell the police take the picture go for  police come on let's go let's go okay let's go no   picture for me yeah let's go come on no take it  not take picture let's go let's go come with me   come with don't touch me don't touch me you see  these are the people you got to avoid in Morocco   taking pict now take picture for me not taking I  wasn't taking a picture we're not taking picture   not take picture why for take picture from me why  not take picture now we are now we are you're damn right it's cuz it's cuz they keep scamming they  keep scamming all the tourist you know they   keep they keep putting hen on people's arms and  then they charge them like 20 EUR old they just   yes they keep doing it I don't understand why  we say no no no and then they keep doing it it's ridiculous 20am is that's that's  way too much huh how are you bro doing good man doing good all right well  yeah see they get upset but guys that's what   I was telling you once you once you come across  those people man they become extrem ex violent and   that's the whole point of this video you guys can  hate on me if you want but I don't care I've never   made a bad video about Morocco but I've gotten so  many ridiculous messages and literally you have to   stay away from the monkey people the snake people  the henna ladies they're all man incredibly toxic   and they will ruin your experience in Morocco and  there's so many lovely people here in this country   hardworking people people with great Hospitality  but if you get involved into those situations   man it can ruin your entire trip it's on the  YouTube it yeah what's up bro goody how's it   going yeah it's going all right where you from  from I mean from London but India India I saw you   like on the YouTube man like I've been out there  India Bangladesh yeah how you finding Morocco it's   good I think you've been here before many times I  think I've seen you on YouTube as well like there   videos before com in like I appreciate that well  right now I'm actually making a little video about   this Square did you have you ran into any hard  times with the monkey Keys the snakes the hand   not really that I mean we just came like a few  hours back and just shopping oh so you've been   here a few hours yeah okay cool you just got to  be careful cuz there's a lot of scams bro and   they get extremely like like violent no yes that  I mean I've seen couple like taxis and other stuff   like that but yeah just but you're having a good  time though good man enjoy Morocco this place is   special bro all right man take care what's your  name anit anit anit yeah Chris CHR nice to meet   you bro nice to meet you take care G take care  so yeah he's he's been here a few hours but yeah   no hard times with him like I said if you just  walk away and say no no no the problem is is   some people don't say no or don't know how to and  then some people just simply can't they grab your   arm they start painting on it you think people are  being friendly because so many people don't travel   the world and if they offer you like I don't  know just take a picture with me or I don't   know people people that don't travel too often  they just don't know yeah and it can be very man   it's sad difficult to experience that especially  if it's your first street or or even if you're   coming from Europe from a very like quiet City  you know and it's sad because there's so many   tourists here that I wish my country had yeah  and Moroccan people I think they know and they   most of them take care of the tourist yeah and  like I said as everywhere there's in big cities   so uh super touristic places like this there  is a scam and bad people everywhere and like   I said the Moroccan those people don't represent  Moroccan people they don't represent the good side   of the country like here there are incredible  people hardworking people um and many honest   people but um those people will give you the  hardest time and will make your experience here   hell anyways um you know what let's let's walk  up towards the entrance of the Medina and then   I think we're going to um slowly bring the video  to an end but yeah guys this video was to make you   aware of the things that happen here okay if you  think I'm wrong look you know what let's actually   stand right here and let's see what happens  with these tourists all right let's see what happens you man thank you thank you thank you  T my hand thank you you're welcome brother   C no no no pictures right now I'm scared of snakes  thank you bro this is snakes thank you thank you   thank you no luck no bro thank you thank you  thank you thank you thank you thank you thank   you please thank you thank you all right well  yeah guys um it gets pretty intense and to be   honest I'm kind of upset that the video turned out  that way because um I didn't want to share like   well I didn't want anybody to come you know put  their face in the camera and get get aggressive   because you know things happen you know they're  probably going to come and look for that lady now   to be completely honest with you let's be real  the Channel's big it gets a lot of views and I   wasn't trying to screw anybody I mean these jobs  have been here for years guys I'm telling you my   first trip to 2017 to Morocco all this was still  around it's been 9 years nothing has changed and   there's millions of videos all over the internet  but I'd be damn if I show you all the amazing   things here and then I talk to you guys a little  bit about that stuff because it can be very scary   I remember my first time in Morocco and all of  those things happening and man I didn't feel   comfortable I didn't feel comfortable but then  I got out of like you know these tourist areas   and then you meet the real Hospitality the  real Moroccan love and that's special that's   what keeps having me and glattus come back they  inviting you tea inviting you tea inviting you   to your home eating couscous that's Morocco man  um these people they take advantage of tourists   and I hope that one day this changes it cleans I  hope it cleans up I really do um but to be honest   I don't know why nothing has ever changed with  that wow look at this the C to prayer absolutely beautiful incredible yeah it feels good to be  back huh yeah and guys I'm going to be making   so many incredible videos here in maresh um but  unfortunately yeah I had to share this little   bit in peace with you um and I'm glad that I  actually recorded that lady because those two   tus were able to walk away you I think we saved  them we saved them that's why she was so because   she was trying to Al sa a lot of money from  them yeah and that alone was worth the video   so um with that being said guys I'm going to  put the camera down now and I'll see you guys   in a few days for another video from here in  Marakesh yeah this place is gorgeous wow look   at these paintings beautiful and yeah all of  these Terraces right here they make for great   places to get food um especially around Sunset but  you got to get up there early because they are all   fully slammed around sunset time but trust me they  are incredible and you don't want to miss out on   an opportunity to have a dinner at one of these  restaurants it is truly worth it truly worth the [Music] experience yeah a lot has changed  actually last year I think um there wasn't this   many people out here here huh I think because  of Co there was still a lot of countries with   restrictions and a lot of countries that were  shut down but now seems like everybody's out and abouts wow look at that guy they got a bunch of  animals over there peacocks and everything oh   my God that's crazy all right guys well stay away  from the scams in Morocco man um be very Vigilant   and you're going to have an amazing time here  in the country right now I'm going to put the   camera down and we'll see maybe we'll tune back  in and we'll go on a little market hunt here in   the Medina I think it's time I think it's time  to go on a crazy little market spree all right   guys um see you again soon how are you bro uh see  you guys again soon for another one later guys so many scammers here huh excuse me excuse me what happened like  the you okay she take my uh my daughter   and she put n after she want 25 I have  to pay it and it's normal I'm not okay   I hope you man relax okay it's bad people  very bad people those people those people   ruin I'm sorry man those  people ruin experiences for people not I know women I know but some  of those women but me I wish this women   go happy I can't think for the money I think  for the people go very happy lovely lady I   say it's your country you're a lovely lady no  problem I some people some people but I wish   I wish him you got very happy and I said  no I give him some money not make him do   under women okay have a safe trip okay don't  let that ruin your time there's bad people everywhere man guys that's exactly what I was  talking about they had that French lady in tears   man shaking they grabbed her daughter put Hanah  on her arm and you see that other when she said   no yeah and she said no you don't grab they're  in these places they grab your child and take   them away from you and then charge you money  it's ridiculous but you seen not all of them   are bad look at the nice lady she came cleaned  it off of her I don't know if she was doing that   because of whatever but I believe there's honest  people everywhere but man the majority here like   it's really not a good place to be but it's been  around for a long time I don't think anything's   going to change but that's why I made this  video because that was one lady I bet you   if I walk around this Plaza there are so many  people like that and they leave you in almost   in tears imagine you're on the family vacation she  had her little kids with her her little kids man   ridiculous her little kids ridiculous thank  you thank you all right well that's it guys   sorry I had to share those vibes with you but  that's life Manar sh what's up bro via Morocco morocc welcome to Mor thank you brother  thank you all right guys we're off here   my brothers wanted a photo from Morocco  via Morocco nice to meet you brother   welcome to Morocco thank you brother byebye  lovely guys that's Moroccan people not all   these other people that they scamming  people you always SM I was the one to take I remember how we started

2024-05-24 09:42

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