autumn in korea hiking in ulsan, making makgeolli, mountain top yoga, my life in korea VLOG

autumn in korea  hiking in ulsan, making makgeolli, mountain top yoga, my life in korea VLOG

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Good morning from Seoul Station! I have broken  out my beloved hiking boots because we are going   to a new city and I'm so excited. We're going  to be hiking and there may or may not be goats   if we make it to the top of the mountain. We are going to Ulsan, but we are not going to   the beach area, we're actually going to the  Yeongnam Alps which is a beautiful mountain range   and we are going to hike, we are going to  do yoga, we are going to make makgeolli!   I'm just very very excited. We're going with  a really cool group of people that I've traveled  

with before and I love them so much. This is  sponsored by the Korea Tourism Organization   and later in October, Yeongnam Alps is actually  holding a Yeongnam Alps Trail Festival where   we're all gonna be hiking, having a good time, so yeah I will give you a little preview of what   that's like. We're gonna see it for the first time  together and let's get some coffee. We're going to   jump on the KTX. We're all going to do a little  covid test. Remember when I said I hoped that that   last PCR test was my last one? Didn't work out  that way, but safety first! And... let's go to Ulsan! So we are at a famous Hanoo restaurant.  I will show other people eating because   Sarah and I don't eat meat but  it smells delicious! So let's go! Ohhh that sizzle! I'll give you more information  in a second but we are at a   petroglyph museum here in Ulsan where they  have two Korean national treasures   but we're gonna watch a video first  so that I know what I can tell you, okay?   Each carving is detailed enough to see what  type of whale it is. These carvings allow us to  

assume our ancestors ability to observe and  express biological beings. This is beautiful! So we're getting a little tour but this is  actually really cool. Here in Ulsan, like right   next to each other, they found two different  really big rock formations that had a bunch   of carvings into them and this one - it's a  replica, we're gonna actually go see this one,   but it's 7,000 years old! Which is absolutely  wild. I had no idea but Ulsan is actually known   for like being a "whale city." There's a lot of  whale symbolism. Apparently back in the  

stone ages or even prior to that, they used to  hunt whales as their main form of food and   they might even be the first people on earth to  use whales as food. And so you can actually see   like really specific whales on here, like they  just knew a bunch about whales, and I dig that   and also this building is shaped like a whale. I'm just - this whole museum is really cool.   I think I lost my tour guide, he's doing  an amazing job, he's so cute. I wish we   had more time to see all the little exhibits  but we are racing the sun, so we're gonna   learn about it here and then we're gonna run and  see it in the flesh and I'm excited so let's go! Okay, that was just adorable. Our tour guide was  so nice, but yeah I had literally no idea   that this was here. Really cool, it's a really  easy beautiful walk and there's also a bunch   of like dinosaur stuff here? It's just a bunch of  really cool beautiful old stuff and you know how   much I love that. So we are walking through  this beautiful forest. As far as I know, our next  

destination is actually a makgeolli brewery and  this is apparently, everyone is telling me like   the champagne of makgeolli.  Like this is apparently   world-renowned great stuff, so we're gonna go  there, taste a little bit, possibly make some.   I'm very excited. So we're gonna walk  through the forest and I'll see you there.

Now that's all I can think about! Mixed reviews from the people who have had it [a different alcohol] already. Did you drink this one yet? They just keep passing us alcohol! So this is the end of September that I'm  filming this and the rice is all turning golden   and also - just look at the clouds coming through  the mountains. Ulsan is beautiful. You can see it   better from here, it's just a chic little place.  Even if you don't come take the class, you can come   and grab some makgeolli and some snacks, sit outside,  this is your view. I mean, this is wonderful and   we gotta get back on the bus, that's what's  beeping at me. So let's go get dinner!  

It's decided everyone, we have now drunk a lot  and now we're gonna get a petroglyph tattoo. Are   you ready - which one are we getting? I think I like  the chicken. That's - all right. Stay tuned everybody! How do you feel about this meal? I'm so excited! Very happy. I thought these were scallops, these  are mushrooms right? Yeah! We are walking in darkness. You can't even - you're not even showing up. Ah, Ulsan.

Hello everyone. I'm so tired. Today was super  fun, once again I'm just so happy to be with these people again and we just kind of looked  at things around the Yeongnam Alps which is   cool and then tomorrow morning, bright and early, we are going to start our hike. I'm going to   head to bed, I will catch you guys tomorrow,  see you then, put on your hiking shoes! Bye! Okay we have made it! I don't  really know where we are but... The hike begins! There's a ton of people biking  up these giant mountains - more power to them.

But we're walking. Let's go! Photo tips from the pros. We were just informed that we  have to hike for another hour. But at the top we're gonna do some yoga, some  meditation. And it's actually really nice, it's   quite breezy. It's a little hot now  but when the breeze comes I feel good  

and I'm with my usual walking partner so it  feels right. I'm happy to keep climbing, let's go! I don't know if you can hear me but we're high  enough that the clouds are almost touchable! This is the best day ever. Yoga time! Clouds are still moving like crazy,  it's so beautiful. It really does feel like   Scotland. I don't know if it's because I'm  wearing the Scotland boots or what but   it is like the weather- it's just, it's  so nice and Ana gave me a cookie - Angel.

So incredibly beautiful, so incredibly cold. As we  were doing it all of these clouds just came in.   It's gorgeous. I feel like  I did yoga in a rain cloud   but also we're gonna go  get coffee and a waffle now. Wow, it's beautiful! Yeah, look at that! Oh best day ever - okay okay! There is never too much bread what are you saying?! oh my god Caryl! She's so brave. Hello everyone! There's even more of us. We're cheating, we're taking a van down.

Hi! We've made it to the welcome center where we're  helping film something for Ulsan so I'm not going   to film that part but there is like a popping  little concert going on right now and I slept so   hard on the bus that I cannot, literally cannot see  straight. But yeah I'll check in - god, it's just   the city is unreal. I'll check in when  I think we're heading back to the bus   honestly - or the train. So I'll see you guys  a little bit later but thank you for joining! And we've made it home! So that was such a fun trip.  We went to actually Ulju which is next to Ulsan   and yeah, those were part of the Yeongnam Alps! I had  no idea that that even existed. It was just really  

beautiful, really easy to hike, to get up there -  especially to the area with the long grasses. That -   you didn't have to hike hard that was like a long  but easy stroll and if you wanted to go higher   you could but for a beginner that was great and  basically if you go to Ulsan station, we took a bus   because we were a group, but you can take a taxi  and it's like less than 30 minutes - it'll take you   right to the entrance point and then you can walk  and there's like food and everything right there.   Once you get to the top area, there's  a place where you can buy snacks and coffee. It was just, for a long day trip, so nice  and so at the end of October - and I'm gonna put   all of the exact information in the description  box - they are doing something called the Yeongnam   Alps Trail Festa where there's just going  to be a lot of activities and they're going to   be promoting hiking all of the nine peaks that  go around. Like, if you could see from my footage  

how mountainous it was - there are nine peaks  that are all over a thousand meters high!   And some people like to run from peak to peak  to peak to peak. So if you want to do that you   can - it's the nine... I'll put it here, it's  a tongue twister. It's difficult to say. Yeah I   will link more information down below. It was just  really beautiful and I can only imagine it getting   even more beautiful in like the end of October  when the color comes out. Incredible. So that was  

so fun, thank you to the Korea Tourism Organization  for bringing me along. I love the people that   I travel with when we go on these trips and  there were a lot of new faces. It was just so fun.   I, as you guys know, I love hiking in autumn - I  think everybody does so - this was a great way to   start it off. And just for reference, I filmed  this on September 25th and 26th if you're  

watching this from the future so...uh which you  definitely are. Anyway, thank you so much to Ulku,   thank you to everyone who works on the Yeongnam Alps  project and I hope you guys go. If you do go, if   you live in the area or if you like take the train  down from Seoul or wherever you are - please let   me know. Highly recommend. It was just like a chill  beautiful day so I will catch you guys next time ,  I'm rambling again so see you wherever we will be  next and thank you for joining me on this lovely   day. I apologize that there weren't goats - the goats  are on a different mountain. The goats are on the   higher peak that we just simply could not go to  but if you see the goats, tell them I was looking   for them. I saw three corgis instead so I hope  that makes up for it.

I will see you later, bye!

2021-10-11 08:01

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