Autism At Disney

Autism At Disney

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Holy, crap we're in Disney. She's. Not interested. We. Stopped to get services, and got a wheelchair, because abigail was wanting. To sit down on the ground everywhere, so. I guess you know it's, not super easy she's riding in it right now but she might later but, it definitely gives her somewhere. To sit, he said just plop down on the ground everywhere. Yeah. Yeah. Das pass. You. Just went. I'm, gonna go in there get a pass and it'll be good to go okay. Do. You know okay I'm gonna go this way all, right okay. So we got everybody setting up their das passes, at. The same time so, we have them all for the same ride, we're. A tribe parents prior to the Caribbean, Sea of all the kids can handle, it they enjoy it look. At two chillen they're, so comfy now, you. Trust it you're good but. She's like I don't trust this thing then she's like wait I don't, have to walk. Mean. Umbrella. On. His life. Keitel. Loves roller coasters, so, they're going to go on Space Mountain and. Right. So. The. Ones who don't enjoy roller coasters and us we're gonna eat. Everyday. Everyday. Okay. We're gonna tribe here at the Pirates of the Caribbean see, how AB does, sometimes. Joe gave it. It's whatever. Team. Out to Disney, because of the getting in part it's very. Just. Getting an apartment yet. Maybe they should have someplace special bird, special, needs families, kids. You, know a lot of family journey melted down one time to get to. And. We have a secret weapon like, we, have Jen you, know the kids can't, really communicate well, enough like hey this is the hard part that's the hard part she. Can. It. Was basically, like two two and a half hours to where we're actually in, this Disney. Stuff from, the time, we got on the first. Good. Point. Good, job. She. Was annexed yes. Somebody. Wants to be a friend. Oh that's. What. Is wet. Jump. Get up. So, you can stare be dead. Sorry. We're. Late there's a. There. Was a sword fight actually in the gift shop we had to attend to. Who's. In the sword fight just, mean Isaac yeah I. Started. By, with the foam one and it hurt bad so therefore, I want. Look. There's a riverboat we can ride the river what do you think you and ride that river boat you can do we, can do that you, like boats are. You having the best time, so. Bad. Brain relax chill for you huh. Cool. Hey, do you want to write that, now. Hey. Doing a ride that you. Don't. Anything, of that. Does that mean. Hey. Hey, wait wait we, just came to look, chill. Out we're, just kidding - look listen all you do this talk about it do you want to ride the riverboat, look. At me do you want to ride it you. Do. Okay. We'll get to that in a little bit let's. Go up here though it's making me anxious. We're, all going on Big Thunder Mountain or. Something. Like that, so we're gonna go freeze you're gonna find some you'll. Find some snacks hey. I'm gonna get some snacks eat that snacks.

We're, Doing snacks let's, go, okay. They got ice cream over there you're. Not a huge ice cream fan. More. Like carbs. Pretzels. Chips you, know. Do, popcorn. Quick. Here. Popcorn. Down. Let's. Go go. Over here and get it, hit. On my hand okay thank. You. Popcorn. Really. Even ask forces we got. Cool, I'm. Having. A great time dad type, popsicle, on my face yes, not. Really. Next. To get services, for it okay, are. You ready. They're gone. The job. Hey. Never. Know people change maybe, you like it I don't know, my. Doubts. George. Lee she's never terrified, just nervous. Here. We go. She's. Ready. We. Go right there. Good. Job good you. This, way. Good job. We actually got laid got. A couple of faint smiles there she enjoyed, parts. I. Hope. She does more but. If not it's okay -. Lets. Get a picture up come here. Forty, squad David. Oh. I. Love. How you love it now. I. See. Negative. Profit right sitting in the bank in the job. This. Is huge, stress. Thank. You. I. Just. Tried it a chipmunk oh I'm. At the peak of my life you caught it at home yeah I. Cried. While chipmunk, shook my hand I've never been. This low like. They have just kind of tickets just to come to the. Thank. You so very much, our. Group picture taker. Okay. It's. Like 620 Kaelin, Keitel and John they. Called it a day they're done Lauren. Ella, and, John. They're done the braises, they called it a day other times he's, to make John's lots of John's its friend group now we're going we're going strong I need some coffee though I'm right I, can't. Get coffee I've only had one cup all day. Copy. Copy. Joe. Cruz, tell, them Cruz we're getting turn on Jungle Cruise. From. Hey. Seems. Pretty jlabbe we just write around about. Pretty. Fun. I. Haven't. Done this at night ever. Don't worry we're not going in don't worry. Abbi. We. Got you a bibbidi-bobbidi-boo, cake. It's. A carrot it's Cinderella's, carriage. Good. And, why did you like. Okay. Our Disney experience, is coming to an end I mean we're still here obviously, and there's, along. With hundreds, of thousands, of other people and we're probably never gonna go to leave the parks it takes forever to get out of here all, these people getting on the trams and the buses and the ferries. Stuff like that so we'll be here for a little bit still but we're going straight on when I've been in, Orlando. We're gonna get some dinner everybody. You. Had the best time I'm so happy for you. I. Love, you you. Had a great time you did a great job stop. Pushing people, you're so mean we're, not going anywhere yet we have to wait until the crowd how. Are you they. Say bite everybody.

2020-02-19 20:57

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