Authentic Intent - The Globe Model Is A Capitol Offense - Flat Earth

Authentic Intent - The Globe Model Is A Capitol Offense - Flat Earth

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Hey. Everybody. Hope. You're all doing well this is Joshua Swift live. At. The. Minnesota State Capitol building, I'm. Your host for authentic. Intent thanks, everybody for. Coming. By and checking out the live stream or if you're coming. In later. Appreciate. You. So. We're just chillin. Getting ready to set, up, walk. Around there's actually, some people in the atrium, where. I'm gonna be kind. Of canvassing. If you will for. The International. Women's Day. So. Women, get a day it's international. Hopefully. They're gonna get their crunch. --less, doritos, here, pretty soon. Flattered. Vegans good to see ya. Aj. 206. Jared. Wilkie hey buddy good how you doing. Sian. Jamie. Brown's chat about an hour ago on my way here, good. To see everybody we're just gonna. It. Actually went live on, accident, i accidentally. Hit the live button. So. You kind of surprised me, so. We got some people like. I said set up in the atrium so hopefully they'll be able to. Hear. My. Conversation. And. We'll. Try to wake them up so. Plain. Sailing thanks, a lot. Unruly. Fellows, hello. So. Wondering. If it's. Gonna stream by live chat I. Know. That YouTube changed, it so that the. Live chat now streams. So. Look at this we got some. Got. Some guests, here in the atrium, for once. This. Is all government, propaganda here. But. You, know we'll give them a chance. Let. Them say, what they want to say. So. How, you doing. We're. Live here at the Minnesota State Capitol, again full. Propaganda. Over here let's check this out just gonna walk around a little bit. Again. We got plenty of, visitors. Coming, in and out of the State Capitol building here. So. We'll have plenty of opportunities. Show. You some winners. I. Got. Some paintings, here, hey. David Rochelle good to see ya NASA. CGI's. NASA. CGI. That, is correct sir. Posted. Here in the eighth off, off to the side of the atrium. These. Are artworks, that people. Decided. To take. And. Draw. Door. Hatch good to see a mawari. Thanks. For coming by spending, a couple of hours here, at the. So. On and so forth. Thank. You for the First Amendment, so that I can share my opinions. History. Is written by the winners not. The losers. That's. Why at. This. Moment six million people are still burning in the gallows. Historical. Fort, snelling ladies, i do them and. Terrific thanks. It's. As satellites, don't exist, yeah. Yeah. As prescribed. By mainstream, media and our school did. You know that all the pictures of satellites, in outer space are CGI'd, and made, on a computer. Ok. Well, that you do know. Well. What are you seeing the sky. Okay. Well, what's this we stuff then, what. Do you see, in the sky. Okay. Yeah. Those are balloons high-altitude. Balloons. 150,000, feet or so on the sky and. You. Know Google Earth right okay. That was a Project, loon, so. Project, loon is actually, just. Hundreds, of thousands, of balloons traveling. Over our level, motionless, plane that. Is flat it's not a sphere that we live on and so. That's how we have our Google Earth and. So. Those lights in the sky I know you're referring to you see lights moving in the sky right so, you assume they're satellites, right they. Mayor I am, yeah yeah we're live on YouTube and and.

It's, Public property so, did, you know that your, cell phone and your. Laptop actually. Film you know. No, so. You have a problem with the private, citizen, filming you but when he's typing on his cell phone the government's. The. Government's looking right back at you though so just a heads-up. So. I'd suggest you put electrical, tape on your selfie cameras. Private. Citizens can't fill me up but it's okay for the government to, makes. A lot of sense. These. Guys are Cowboys. Cowboys. Are. You for doing fellows, good. Just. Hanging out with the signage here. Satellites. Don't exist. Well. You know those lights in the sky that you see like traveling, over right. Exactly. Stars so, you. Can see hundreds of trillions of miles away right well. I guess so and so, you'll sometimes see like moving lights in the sky, most. People would interpret those as satellites, right, okay. Well, if you google image satellites. In space this. Is what you get our CGI. Computer rendered. Images. You. Will not find one authentic. Genuine, picture, of a, satellite in outer space and. What's taking a picture of the satellite. My. Point is is that we don't live on a sphere, hurtling. Millions of miles through space, we. Live on a level motionless, plane and. We've been lied to and if you believe we landed on the moon you, are incredibly, deceived. Who. Said there's an edge. How. Far does outer space go. Yep. So. Our. School tells us that space is, infinitely, expanding. Right how. Do they know that and how was that measured, how, do you know that there's an edge on a flat earth. Where. Do you get that. Yeah. Circumnavigation. Right okay, so let's say that this is a flat earth, okay. And if. I was to start here. In America, and I, go around like. This, on. A flat, level motionless, plane go, this way. No. You're going this way around sir because you're using compasses, and gyros, too. I, am, I'm live on face on YouTube and Facebook, it's. It's public property so, you, don't have a problem with the government recording, you on your cell phone so. To. Prove the great feat of mankind. Uh well, I'm trying to prove that the first amendment riot is still being used in America, and this, is my opinion and many others opinions.

And Observations and. So. Do. You like to be lied to sir no I don't know you know I don't like to be lied to either and when, I found out that not, only is the moon landing, a fraud NASA. And SpaceX, are a fraud and, we. Being taught that we live on a spinning ball that. Gives us our worldview. And most. Likely people believe, in evolution. Yeah. I. Was taught the same thing the, Sun in, the summertime in Minnesota is more intense we were feeling it right now the Sun and sure, Marge's, way warmer than it is in November yep because we're doing this yep. So how does that work with a flat sphere and then how the circle. Or how the, Sun comes up around the world you sure totally, totally, yeah so can I ask you a really basic science, question what, is the degree of our tilt. 23.4. Okay okay do you know the remainder, of 23.4. Is no. 66.6. Yeah. Well. If you're familiar with the Bible you. I'm. Just saying it, is a coincidence, so. To, your question with the Sun right here's. The North Pole in the center okay, here's, us, here. In the North North, America okay the, edge of my selfie stick will be the Sun let's say that the Sun is closer. Than 93, million miles away and as. It rotates around, the North Pole it gets. Further, away, to create. Our our winters, and as. The. Year pro. It. Could be or circular, there's. Another idea that the, Sun travels, like this and comes. Back you. Know but. The most popular idea, of the Sun traveling, around the earth is it, actually goes around the, North Pole and the. Further away from the North America. It gets the colder that it gets and then, as it becomes a summer solstice, the Sun, which, is closer maybe. A couple hundred miles away. Actually. Spins and revolves and comes. Closer to the North Pole. Well. It's more of a localized Sun sir, how. Many how many let's, say how many hours, or minutes, after, the Sun quote sets do. We see daylight. Right. Probably. Like 90 minutes sometimes. Right the Sun has gone down and, you, see it sometimes at our 90, minutes or so so what, I'm saying is is that there's noble, gases, that the Sun is creating, it's not a fireball. In outer space, so. What it's doing is it's actually electrifying. The molecules. In the sky and, lighting. Up those noble, gases, to give us our light it's that light like we see here electricity. It's. Its own personal, light. Going 80 mile an hour which isn't as fast as your spins not, at all but that cool sunset took hours, where is in here. Sure. So how, can you explain that. Then. That just proves that the Sun isn't moving as fast and the earth isn't spinning as fast as we're told. No. The earth is not at all spinning I, said. Then where you're noticing, that the earth is not spinning, as fast as we're being taught, which means there's an underlying, lie. Well. How do you know that it's. Because. You're chasing it. How. Do you but you don't know the it's never been measured that the earth is spinning man or if you're down on the equator. My. Experience, is that Sun, when, she goes she goes it. Doesn't hang around it doesn't but. It just, it's gone and to, me the only way in my mind. If you are on a sphere, you know what I mean so now you're know I can understand, where you're coming from. And. Since you've been four you've thought about the globe so. NASA. Was a fraud, yes sir percent, no I'm saying that what they're promoting, and what they're giving us as a public, is not, real information. Nobody's. Been to space so. They built all this equipment I just come from the Cape Kennedy where they have the museum sure they've built they built all this up like the Saturn 5 rocket that. Could take, this Capitol building to fit it in yeah sure how much money do you they built that just of course how much money do you think NASA gets an a date. Yeah. Did they did make it to fool you you kidding, they, have that exact. Challenger hmm not the Challenger, but Challenger, is blown up showers, are born oh yeah that's what they tell about the fullest yeah, did you know that a majority, of the passed court astronauts, on the challenger may or may not be alive right now.

They're. Not alive how do you know have you investigated such a concept. Yeah. I have actually, that's why I'm bringing it up, NASA. Gets 53 million dollars a day people were there what could you do with 53, million dollars that. Doesn't matter that doesn't mean they went to outer space sir, you're, on the ground still and then what you do see you see it on TV order the Bible a little bit before with the six-six-six yeah the Bible tells you that the earth is round no doesn't show. Me where it says that sir. Can. You please quote, the verse where it says that okay, yeah because in Isaiah it does say that the, Lord puts. His feet on a circle. A circle, could be a pizza, or a penny, or. A dinner plate or, it could be the earth no that's not its own video, what's a footstool, sir is it. God it's, a footstool, us we are really tiny in, I. Do. This really, how do you get paid where do you go to school Minnesota, yep would. You I. Graduated. From Buffalo high school yeah. Anyway the university, Minnesota would. Know I didn't, go, to school at all okay I, can, buy this yeah, so go for sure. Sure. Yeah yeah I appreciate, that you know yeah, man, Bob do you guys use GMOs, in your yeah we do okay, that's true shame Monsanto. And everything what's, wrong with that world. Oh. Man, that's your red grapes you know I. Have, yeah I'm in Buffalo there's hundreds. Of the firm. Actually. My father lives up there I. Mean. They. Have the best left up in Alexandria did, you know that I. Got. My go, to my YouTube channel on the bottom of the description section. My. Dad he sells lefse oh. Gosh. Know what I can't I can't I don't, know but, he, actually got um. One. Of the guys who, won. American. Idol he does like a cooking show now and he goes across the country built. Something, Hicks, I, can't. Remember his name but he does a T doesn't like a cooking show on Toby and he goes around the states and. He came to my dad's left this place so. Sure. Thing yeah. I'd. Use enough. Same. Place you do. Okay. So you haven't looked up. GMOs. Or. Anything. That has to do with GMOs, yeah. Okay. Okay. So GMO problems, maybe Google at what. Is wrong with Brody, is what do you find it well in from. What I've found over a period of time and actually is starting to change the, human genome and, giving. People sicknesses. And allergies, that they weren't privy to previously. Do you think that could be I mean what. You. Get, directly. Correlate, that. It. Says Jen it's genetically. Modified. Food. Sanitize they're keeping their kids clean I'm sure it I mean that's, the external, though. Yeah. Yeah. So, you're promoting, GMOs, to give us a better immune system. Use all the plastic synergize I mean everything yeah the other thing this glass everything is in a PLAs try to use glass as much as I can I mean yeah, you know I mean yeah. So. What's the alternative, what. Should we be ated, or. Organic, I mean I know that would the organic, industry is, probably just as controlled as the GMO industry I mean you're not gonna have organic, come out and. Be like hey you know this is so much better. We. Can treat actually as civilians, here in America, we, get arrested or fined if. We have a massive garden, did. You know that people, who handout I. Know. It doesn't, happen in Minnesota I've, seen people getting arrested for handing out food.

To The poor on in, the East Coast I. Don't. Know man it's. A news article type, it in man google, it. I. Know. But but. We, don't were over, over a period of time it just seems in my opinion, that, as Americans. Were losing our ability to have choice. Yeah. Yeah. We should grow more organic are we limiting by pushing matter we limiting Americans, to have the choice because. We. Are I'm, working for a farm no we are transitioning, some land and organic. Crops okay because we see how do you how can you do that with the soil that you have now though we see the value we see the value that we can produce because organic, crops are selling. For three times the amount of, yeah. Yeah. So. It's GMO, now though, but how do you transition, it to a non GMO soy after okay. Okay. I'm, asking these questions because I got viewers you, know. Clearly. A better profit right. On. The world we do and that's I promote. That too. Production. About prices. Prices, are three times higher know, that, regular food sure and so now you're telling those middle-class lose, those, poverty, those people living in poverty that you know you're starving, but we're gonna make your food three times more. Yeah. Not to mention we only have so many resources in the world sure, and. We need to use them as wisely as we can so if you're using an acre of ground to produce something. You. Want to produce as much as you can to get so it can be as affordable, so people can sure. You know and not. To mention with fertility, and all these things so now I need, phosphorus. And nitrogen on, my ground to, get the bigger yield yep if I just use a little bit I can get a whole lot more so then like the diesel fuel that I use they're hot right tell the grounder all, their production practices, instead. Of getting let's just say I. Get 200, you, notice the beggar payback, for, society. Not for the farmer making money for, society, better allocation. And resources, okay you know all told so then then. Instead, of you spending, whatever. Half, of your food and happier yeah I mean it's it's like a dollar twenty nine for. Not, for, organic, bananas, for example yeah you know for, 89 cents, a pound, forget. Your money you have yeah for whatever. Cause or whatever purpose you're trying to you trying to mean it's now your dollar goes through. Time. You, brought up like the earth is you, know starving, basically, and I've, seen it firsthand. We. Are we're the biggest producer, of food in the world yep. And it's and were the lowest cost how did we get there, because, the people do drunk that the people who run the earth need, to have classes because. We can't all be rich we can't all have food in our belly and we can't all have clothing. And shelter. So. They do limit, the possibilities, of others, overseas. Developing. A first world country like, ours. Establishment. Man hey I appreciate, it you guys familiar what Terminator, seeds are. Yeah. And they do sell those to third world countries. So. They sell those through third world countries and then the next year to those countries have to buy them again so. I appreciate the information guys, thanks, for listening and Christian 100%.

Sir Jesus, Christ is the only way to God have. A going. All, right well that was enjoyable. Thanks. Everybody. Come. By hanging, out. You. Know I did my GMO, stuff years, ago. So. I'm, glad that they were here to share that to everybody, and. Yeah. I am against. GMO. Foods I, don't agree with how, their produce how, they go about their business and. So. On. When. I did do my quote research on, the, Internet's it. Just. Left a bad taste in my mouth and III saw, some really, good. Documentaries, you know that I felt were, in. Line, with. Revealing. The, negative, effects of GMOs Monsanto. Is, one. Company. That's. Going to burn in hell. For. Damaging. Genuine. Farmers. And. Having. Monsanto. Seed you know flowing, over to their. Their. Farm and then Monsanto. Comes over to their farm and says hey you got Monsanto, seeds in there those are copyrighted. You. Know you're not allowed to have those so then Monsanto, takes over their crops. So. That's kind of a. Jay. Move but. Martin. Won't good to see ya Tim. Osmond that's, not your original profile, you must have got banned again that's too bad. Praise the shrinking Psalm tine, good. Morning good, afternoon good, evening. G/b, good, to see you. Yeah. If you guys want to post. Post. Your opinions about, GMOs, I'd love to read them see, them. Sometimes. I get into interactions, with people's like it's it. Can be difficult to look at the chat. It's. Always good to have a lifeline, to. Give. Me some pointers. Cuz, yeah I mean GMOs, a couple, years ago and. Just. A lot of the information just kind of slide, in my my, mind but you know they're businessmen, right. They're. Places they need to go so. Burn, lung set so crops right. Mo. Be. Good. To see ya I hear certain GMOs, have been associated with organ failure, of, course. Who knows, for. Sure says, GB yeah exactly. GMOs. Are the transgenderism. Of, organic, food. Their, even turning our food. Into transgenders. So. Happy. International, Women's Day out there all. You women. Get. Another day. Valentine's. Day isn't enough Christmas Day. Isn't. Enough you have specific, days when is the guy day oh. Yeah. That's every sporting event right. So. Here's what's going on here. These. Are exhibits. Set. Up here at the State Capitol building, in the atrium. So. You can look at that pause it, later. If you want to look at that grave. Stolen restoration, just want to give everybody in there a heads up where you're gonna end up. Since. It's here, that's. Where, you're gonna be here pretty soon a couple. Years a couple decades. Maybe. Tomorrow. Where's. Your skull David, that's, a good point where is my flat earth stall I think it could probably go right here. You. Could stuff right just set up shop right here huh. That. Was nice of those gentlemen Noda you know stop by and. Stop. Me, so. Just, here's, our stall right here, just. Set up right here. All. This one thanks. Eh I will save you all is one. Not. This say I know, I'm. Pretty, sure artificial. Intelligence, is, on, its way, if. You haven't seen the latest x-files. Not. The one that was not. The one that's being filmed today I think the one today is or yesterday. But. It's the one that was last week. The. X-files that, was last week has a lot to do with. Artificial. Intelligence and computers, and stuff it's. Kind of funny I'll give you just the premise because that's what I'm gonna do. Spoiler. Alert. Scully. And Fox they, go to a, sushi restaurant at, the very beginning and they're they don't talk at all so it's kind of a bizarre first, 15 minutes because. There's really not any talking. Throughout. The entire episode they probably have like one paragraph of lines and. So. Mulder, he doesn't tip the sushi place. And. He finds out that inside. The sushi restaurant it's being run 100%, by robots and. So. He. Ends. Up losing, his credit card it eats his credit card because he doesn't want a tip and throughout. The entire episode. Fox. And Scully are being harassed by drones, and, robots, and. AI in, their. Car and stuff, so. These gentlemen are spy. You know taking, a taken home look. Mocking. Ridiculing, I'm sure. Whenever. They can see my sign from down. So. Hey. Patricia good to see ya thanks for the shoutout yesterday, I'm doing well thanks, good. Episode you guys covered a lot. It's. Good to hear yeah I can't I I just I'm starting I'm kind of it's difficult, for me to wrap my head around. The. Whole. Fake. Jet fuel, airplane. Thing that's pretty, difficult I, understand. It I get it you.

Use The gasoline, to start the wind turbines, and then boom, they're. Just gliders, but. You. Know we. Got to get some more concrete evidence I'd love to have some interviews with some. You. Know plane technicians, maybe this guy will take a picture of me from up there I'm just standing here over my sign. So. Who are all the people is it a GMO, convention, no I don't think it is I think it's just. Got. The Minnesota Historical Society that, lady over there is just taking, a picture of me and making it look like she's. Not, but. We got her on camera also. I'm. Gonna go give her my card because. You're. Gonna take a picture of me you either have to take my card or my DVDs that I have that's. That's. It P Mars did you lose in. Poker. Put, P Mars is trying to challenge me, heads, up online. For. Poker play but I don't really play online I play firsthand, live, and, I. Like the excitement, of getting two heads. Up, I don't like just to do heads up that's just you, know, the. Build-up to heads, up you know beating you know six or, seven. Other players. Is. Good. So P Mars thinks that he can beat me and heads up, little. Does he know. Little, does he know what do you play P Mars where do you what app what on, your computer who do you go through Bravada or something like that. Professional. Poker player gimme a break man. Someone. Says ladies gun talk and I'm gonna go over there and slap. Slap give. Him my carb Journeys. Wait good. To see you thanks a lot for. Coming. By we don't have too many visitors in here yet I did. See a half a dozen school, buses outside, there. Is a lot to. This. Area. There. Are tunnels that, lead to the, do the, judiciary. Branch, House. Of Representatives, Secretary. Of the states, so. There's tunnels all, over. This. Area which I'm sure Washington, DC it's kind of the same thing. So. We got some tour people here well. Uh let's. Walk around yeah let's just go around hey. We're back. Yeah. Yeah. There's a nice. Eight-pointed, star in, the. Middle and they tell people that these the. Star right there it's. M's so, you can see, the. MS, on, the. Star represent. The. Points, that's what, they're telling, the tour guides to tell, civilians. Which is 100, percent line. The. Star is not. Eight-pointed, because of the ends, that they wanted to make. Give. Me a friggin break, Ephesians. 6:12. Jordan. Hatch. P. Maher says that he over. Abundantly, plays, poker. With six windows open so he can. Be. A money-grubbing. So. Thanks. Man Carolyn good to see ya. About. 35. Minutes in so got about 90 more minutes, to. Hang out. Guys. Got a t-shirt, that says zero gravity, on it. Let. Me see if I can zoom in a little bit. Gravity. We're, meant to be here folks. See. When you see stuff like that it just it just all comes together. Just. All comes together like. Peanut. Butter and jelly. Don't, film me how. You doing sir. Hmm. Pretty cool structure huh. Yeah. I. Know. Right. Yeah, yeah. Do, you believe in the moon landing sir I. Got. A question do you believe that we landed on the moon sir. Do, you believe we land on the moon okay. You were lied to and 100%. Deceived, do. You believe everything dick Nixon didn't, during. His presidency. No. Okay. So for the four years that Richard Nixon was president he, lied to you about landing, on the moon six times. Yeah. I know it's funny now but you'll you'll.

Know The truth soon enough young lady have a good afternoon. Cuz. You're gonna end up. Just. Like me and you and everybody else when. You end up here. That's. When you know the truth. Hopefully. You have enough money to get a gravestone. Restoration. In. A couple of years. So. Hey. I just wanted to say, hi and give you my card, since, I saw you taking my picture so I figured this fair, deal you don't take my picture you get information. So what's. Your information, here. Okay. Like. What event is probably, 2018. Is going to be like, boom. The big event. Okay. Okay. In. 1968. They told us we landed on the moon. 69, yeah 68, 69. Yeah. So you don't talk about the exhibit well I mean you see like what happened in the last 50 years. Told. Me about 68, no that's not very nice. Well. I mean just since, I mentioned it do. You believe when they ended on the moon. You. Don't care either way. So. That doesn't help shape your worldview about, who you are as a human name, yeah. All. Right well have a good afternoon. Brad, good to see you Brad. So, jibby. Are, you getting into it with Patrick. Regarding. Online. Poker. Bill. G good. To see you thanks for coming by. It. Doesn't, matter to me. But. It did shape your worldview whether, you believe it or not. That. Is the moon, landing. Jim. Truth good to see you. Yeah. I think the. Week of. Tax. Week I'm, gonna go hit up my Fed Reserve. So. First couple weeks of April we'll just go to the Fed Reserve here in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Talk. To people about that. So. Nice such. Such. Nice people here. I'm. Gonna distract this guy by just filming, him. Hello. Schmutz on the camera. There. We go that's probably better. What. To say thanks to mark sergeant for posting. The. Minnesota, meetup today if you haven't seen that go to his channel mark Sargent. Posted. The Meetup. March. 31st, at. The flat earth brewery, I. Figured. There's no better place to go for a flat earth meetup, than the flat earth brewery, in Saint Paul Minnesota. That's. Gonna be the last Saturday. Of March, the. Day before. The. Government tells you that. Jesus. Died the next day on. Easter, on April, Fool's Day so. If you believe that April, 1st is Easter, and that's the day that Jesus Christ died you are a, fool, yourself. We. Never landed on the moon and. So on. And so on so. That'll. Be fun I think it'll be a good turnout. And. When. I did go into the Flat Earth brewery, a.

Number. Of months ago. None. Of the, bartenders. Believed the earth was flat they're just like I just work here man, so. You. Know like. That's. That's like an that's like a flat earther working, in in, NASA or I. Mean. If you want to be like. An. Agent. And NASA and like. Let. People know the secrets and whatnot if you've got like super, secret clearance. But. Yeah the flat earth brewery, nobody, in that establishment believes, the earth is actually flat so we're gonna have some fun with them. Brennan. A Brandon Esteban I thought April Fool's was when the elite changed, the calendar to January, 1st for the, new year hardy har-har, I know. Right. They. Want to tell us that March is the, actual. 1st of, the, year you know hey what, are you gonna do you're, being sprayed. By. Raid good, to see you we're. In our Minnesota State Capitol building right now we've kind of canvassed, around a little bit I think. I'll go over to these people here, since. They're just talking to each other maybe they can. Go. And interrupt, their conversation, because. That's what I do. Jace. Swift is going over interrupting, conversations. So. You, know. What. Is your, display. Here. American. Colleges. And then, I also. Okay. Okay. Okay, awesome, look I appreciate you got a lot to do I mean. That's a lot of I, mean. Do, you have any free time to go. Yeah, I like I, like, South Asian Asian, food you know more but. I think every American should, venture. Out and try different food. Do. You are you familiar with what cognitive dissonance. --is you said there were cognitive, right could you explain it just. Yeah. Cognitive. Dissonance. Yeah. I'm live on YouTube I'm uh, I'm live on YouTube and I'm here. Live doing, a social experiment kind, of doing some protesting, informing the public about various, topics, and information. So. I do have a YouTube channel I'd. Love for you to check, it out but cognitive. Dissonance is, the. Inability to let go of what you've been taught or learned in, the past when. Given new information, and we. Tend to find that here in a community, called flat earthers where. We have our under this, understanding. That we live on a level motionless. Plain and not a sphere, like. We're taught in school and, so. Most, of us don't believe in, the, moon landing. That. Outer space is real. People. In this community yeah. Most humans do because. They saw it on TV and they were taught it in school so. They just believed it right, but. They don't actually do another personal, investigation. To, see that they're quote astronauts, on, the, moon were. Actually, carried by harnesses, so. I, mean, they had backpacks, on and they had harnesses, to help give them the idea that. They were on the moon and, when they were if they were actually probably on a movie set. So. It's, just something to think about that's what I do with my information here I come, here and I just kind, of do the same thing and. Just let people know so I didn't encourage you to investigate, the, idea of the earth being a level motionless flat plain, because. None of the pictures that you've seen in outer space are real they're. All CGI like, satellites. In space that's, not a real picture of a satellite in space. So. Nobody's taken that picture either so so. Yeah thanks. For listening yeah, thanks. A lot. So. The rolling of the eyes is, always. Number. One. By. People but that's fine they. Want to roll their eyes. And. Act like I'm, the, black sheep. That's. 100% totally fine. So. We'll give it a couple of minutes and then we'll hit up another kiosk. If. You will oh hey we got a - a guy here. Yet. Tommylee exactly, she. Has that who look, I. Hear. You speaking, but, I, don't, really understand, I care what you're saying, because. I'm totally comfortable, with my life I. Only. Care about, American. Indians. Bullit. Good to see ya. It's. Up peanuts, Clark in the house, Nathan. Oakley. Yeah. This is a good this is a good day we got a lot of, Tours. Got. A lot of you, know older, people to, tell them that we never landed on the moon, then. You were lied to. But. I'm not mocking you I was, great where there with you actually you know I didn't really 100% believe we landed on the moon but.

Satellites. Aren't designed to. Take. Selfies, I know right. So. They spend an extra couple million dollars to send a selfie, satellite, there's a selfie satellite, in outer space right now. Selphie. Satellites, just hovering around. Orbiting. This, 25,000. Mile, and circumference. Sphere. Of an earth. Taking. Pictures, of all the satellites, in outer space. Too. Many wolves in the chat. May. You walk, eternally. With Christ 100 percent that's. The only thing I can trust in. Certainly. Won't trust in any of these people a lot of people say so. I overheard. This, idea. In. A, chat room the, other day and I thought it was kind of interesting about. Why does it matter. Well. It matters because you're being lied to right and. In. Conjunction with that you're also being videotaped, by, your selfies, camera. Audio. Is being recorded through your phone your. TV is. Recording. You your. Xbox is record so I mean you know you're being recorded through. Your emails, what. You buy so. On and so on okay we got the picture they're, building a case against, you. So. With, the idea with, that being said. They're. Building, the. Perfect, world. Leader. Think. About that. Everything. That you do is being recorded everything. Your. Pooping. Habits when you go buy toilet paper. What. You buy at the store is, being recorded and. So. Over a period of time they, are going to put give. Us a, world. Leader and it's gonna be the perfect world. Leader. One. World government and. Billions. Of people will fall for it. The. Worship this said leader. Hate. To tell you on International. Women's Day the world leader, most. Likely won't be a female but, I wouldn't be surprised if it was to. Be honest with you because the. Establishment does everything. Opposite. Of God, and. So. I. Just. Thought that was an interesting idea, that you, know they're using all the information that they're recording, us with, through. Our cell phones and. You have these people who are saying well I don't care I'm not doing anything wrong well. That's fine you know but they're recording, you so. That they can, give. You the, best leader, ever. And. They'll. Put this best leader ever up, against, you. Know somebody you. Know. That, doesn't have the best reputation, if, you will so it'll be a clean. Clean. Sweep if you will. So. So. I thought that was kind of interesting. Are, you and Steve. Good. Man 81. Eric. Dale, good, to see ya thanks. For coming by. Don't, have name badges if you don't want me to call you by your name. Young. Lady is curious but, what's going on why. Am I wasting my time here. My, cell phone doesn't have a camera on and. It's. In it never and it's never on well. Unless. You cover it with electrical tape or. You. Have a clamshell. Oh. See, what these guys are up to this guy's just coincidentally, walking away. How. You doing today. I'm. Terrific Thanks. What. Is it that your. Display. Is sharing.

Okay. Well, since you're offering I'd love to take a bookmark, and then I'll give you, something. Of mine yeah. It's my youtube, channel and live on YouTube right now and. I'm. Just sharing information. With the public that they might not be privy to. So. Are. You familiar with what satellites, are. You. Don't know what a satellite, is though. Okay. Sure did you know that they they orbit outer space. That's, what they tell us right although. It's, never been documented. That. A genuine. Picture, of a satellite has, ever been taken did you know that, so. Okay. Sure do, you just, really quick do you have an idea that we live on a sphere. Spinning. And out, well. If the earth is I just give you this a fear this 71%, water and water. Always finds its level when, it's in its container, right. Like a bathtub or a lake an ocean. How. Is it that gravity, is so strong that it can keep trillions. Of tons of water, into. A sphere, shape when. We've always seen water level. And most when it's a motionless. It. Is and I would encourage you to explore that and, it. Might change your, entire life, so. Have a nice afternoon Thanks. Do, you need doobie Doo. Yeah. That's. The pretty much it the rolling of the eyes. Bummer, yo that's, too bad yeah I did cut out there at the end but. Basically, I just told her that. 71%. Of the earth is water. It's. Always level. And. We don't live on a ball lady. And. She, rolled her eyes a couple of times. Information. That I'm sure she's, just gonna go home. Curl. Up with half a gallon of yogurt frozen. Yogurt and. Some, cookies and watch a, your. Dubai, video. Sawadee, Cobb Eric. Dubay. Saw. Your interview. With, that young Lee walking. Around the dinosaur, zoo that, was interesting. That makes me miss Thailand so much like, watching that. There. Are so many lost people in Thailand. Wonderful. Food good people though. Good. Atmosphere. Yeah, Carl hey there you go I mean that's a good point but. I'm gonna use their own ammunition against, him right I'm. Gonna pick and choose what I want to say I'm. Gonna choose to use 71%, water. Because. That's what they told us. And. I'm gonna use it against them in a court of law, don't. Don't. Those. Guys are still hanging out up there it's, not the establishment up there. The. Wave till next time you look down. Monka. Monka monka bang fun look. We're. Not going to look so, how's. Everybody doing Joshua, here still. At the Minnesota, State Capitol, building. It's. Got probably about another hour we're, gonna hang out here. Some. Argue that veganism. Is. The. New world order diet right. Praise. Jimmy Jedi brian, blazer. Some. Symbolism, on the floor yeah eight pointed, star actually. I'll go up on the top. Shout. Out to the women I know right International, Women's Day. Because. They don't have enough holidays right. So. For all you newbies here. That may have not seen my previous streams. Go. Upstairs give you a quick little. Just, when I come up here to it's kind of a lame. Sauce. Oh courts. In session I. Don't. Know if you can see it. Justice. Is the idea of God. The. Ideal of man. Law. Is the embodiment of, the moral sentiment, of the people, the. People's safety is, the law of, God. Well. Which God are they talking about because I'll tell you what. Most. Of these people are. Freemasons. So. There. She is. Yeah. Right it's. An eight it's an a pointed star because, it says the MS, see. The MS. See. The MS kids the M stand for Minnesota, that's. Why it's an eight-pointed star. Come. On. Got. A statue are you going to be important, enough to have. A statue made of you. Earth. Lattner lunch. Yummy. Yummy. Hey. I'm into uh, another. Channel, update. Because. Of. Wonderful. Subscribers like, Flat Earth, flattener. And others, I have. Minnesota. Timber wolf tickets, coming. Up. So. We'll be at the Target, Center to watch a. Minnesota. Timberwolves game and. Share. Information. With. The public. No. Not good to see me that's not kosher. But, you know that's. All right oh this. The signage says. Towers. From, one. Hundred and forty six miles from one point of land to another. Who. Said that there's an edge. Why. Does it have to be an edge though sir I mean why does that why does why is outer space infinite, who measured that.

Well. I can I can give you a really quick thing, really. Quick. Okay. So. Okay. Well you know I just wanted to show, you how you can circumnavigate a level, motionless, plane but good, to see you again I'll probably see you soon yeah, have a good one. Ah you know I don't let new information, I don't like new information. So. He runs away. But. You. Know whether. Whether. Anybody, believes, this, or, any, other conspiracy. Theory that you have. We. Live in America and this is the First Amendment right hey fellas how you doing okay. Good the earth is flat and not a ball like we're taught in school okay. And. It's. Good for us to. Use. Our First Amendment right here in America, and, share. Hey they took my spot where, am i oh okay. And. Just. Share information with them okay I, think. We might have to do a reset here hold, on everybody give. Me a minute all right, we're back. So. I, think. That that's one thing that people are kind, of getting. Confident. About is. Starting. To openly, share. Their. Opinions, and and their, disdain if, you will of, the. United States government. Particularly. And. So. Hey. Do you want to hear about what's in the case sure yeah thank you okay I. Am. Live-streaming you okay. What, where. To. YouTube. Yeah. You. Want to share your information with everybody right yeah, okay. Just. Get. This all, okay. Oh. I'm. Sorry. They. Are smiling. From all different periods of existence. People, have lived on that, land for thousands, of years. Okay. That. Was found during, excavation, work in the sixties and we know is from the earlier period we don't know if it was used on soldiers, who were in trouble or enslaved, he bought the form this, is a list of enslaved, people at the fort that we. Found in Lawrence, Tolliver's papers so, he has all the names listed there and at the bottom it says 21. Freed. From slavery 1839. 40, and 43 mm-hmm. And they, were freed by him because they were his slaves okay, it's really kind. Of heartbreaking. This is the newspaper and we I put this in here because it talks about four it's on but it's also one of the examples of our digitized newspapers Labor's, are so great, because they can be the search by keyword instead, of having to go through all the microphone, oh so, honey what, did you do that like cuz I mean it was printed once hey did you have. Such. High quality that it can be read so, that's great um this show, this is a basket, that was made after World War one was is he came back from, the war and either they were injured physically or mentally, they, what, we call PTSD, now and they called the shell shock thing okay, and so they came back and they were in a state that they needed help and so they went to this occupational, therapy sort of hospital at. Fort Snelling so that was one of the pieces that was made by a soldier and then, addition a couple pieces from World War two so here we have some soldiers leaving. The port walk, toward 1941. This. Is a picture, from the Japanese, translators. And they typically thought and this is an armband, that, I was working from the Women's Army for.

That's. Why this jar has seven points and. That's. Cool I like it also his it's yellow which is the traditional, college color for suffragette, movement so, it's. Particularly. One thing, so. That's what we have terrific yeah I don't if you, date these items at 6000. BC is, that. How it that, would that, would imply that the earth is older than 6000, BC right and, I can't I wouldn't agree with that. Sure. Thing and I, would love for you to check out my information here I got a YouTube channel well, thank you man thanks. For listening thanks for sharing. All. Right so, I. Believe. In science. She. Blinded, me with science. No. Sadness. All. Right. Science. And. We're back, yippee. Every. Time I go upstairs it, seems like there's. Always. An. Issue. So. It's like I got to reset the camera. And. Research. This reset the strip, garbage. Nathan. Oakley 3G only on Mars hey did you know that. Elon. Musk is gonna send, a. 4G. Network to, the moon. So. So. If you google that type in for Elon, Musk 4G, moon. Landing. You'll. Get some information, about that I don't know why it's not gonna be 5g, you. Know considering, that that's where we're headed. We're. Back. YouTube. Is being funny. Yeah. Right they'll. Only get 3G. On. Mars you, know, I feel, terrified. Slightly. Terrified, for those two, people that are supposed to be going to the moon and. Eventually. Going to Mars. Considering. That Elon Musk and his team of oh, you. Tube. YouTube, YouTube. YouTube. Is being funny, and. So. With. His crack, team of scientists. Elon. Musk. Missed. The. Moon with his Tesla car. So. Good, luck with that it's good luck trying to get people to sign up to. Travel, to the to, the moon and to Mars. And as, team of husks. The. 4G network to the moon is, great. News for all people who live on the. Moon I know right they've been probably struggling, with 3G for, quite. A while. Won't. Be long before Richard, Branson, starts laying virgin, fiber. Optics, in the moon they. Will have to shut the moon down for weeks for, hate well. I mean. Yeah. What are you gonna do you're gonna have you're gonna cause, accidents. Up there with all the satellites. With. The fiber optics, from. The earth to the moon. People. Are gonna be doing the limbo. Trying. To avoid all the fiber-optic cables. I. Think. She's drinking a glass of wine, I'll, bet you. I'll. Bet yeah. So. Thanks a lot for everybody hanging, out got. 45 minutes to hang out here and. Do. Maybe don't have any school. Classes. Say, I saw somebody coming, through here Vinny Vinny. TV good to see ya. Vinny. Bot is, it. GB. Says just make sure they're your signals, are enough horsepower to penetrate, the ionosphere. Great. Flattered. Cormac, goldfish. Brain. Drop. Satellite, fiber-optics. Eight times faster. Zain says I feel like no one person will look into Flat Earth maybe. We need to go to the universities, next time yeah, I do go to the universities, I'm sure you remember, but. It's still. Pretty cold outside just. Don't want to stand outside. I'll. Start hitting up the university, in April. Most. Likely. No. I'm sure there'll be a couple of 50 degree days in April that I could venture. Out to U, of M campus I. Feel. More at home there, because I look like a college. Student. Especially. If I'm wearing this. If. I'm wearing this Golden Gopher shirt, this. Hoodie. Let. Me show you. Let's not let me go to selfie. There, we go so. I got this guy here I. Mean. Yeah. Minnesota, Golden Gopher. Hoodie. So. You. Know we look like a 22. Year old anyways, we'll. Fit right in. Yeah, we just pick. Up some some, different ideas as we progress through the year. Always. Gonna try to hit up a Twins game. They. Seem to let me canvass. Their area and. Not, give me too much about I mean they did give me kind of a hard time last year but. You. Know this guy. How. You doing good. We didn't land on the moon okay sir stop. Spending our tax monies and giving it to NASA okay. Liar. Oh. I. See. I see what it's doing see. I have. Here's. The catch-22 I, have. My my, apps on, Google, to update on Wi-Fi, only and I, never use Wi-Fi, you. Know cuz I I got. The Sprint right and it's. Pretty good service, and that's what I use when I'm out in public, because. There's never any Wi-Fi anywhere and. That's. The only time that my apps update, so now my apps are updating, because I'm connected to Wi-Fi they, just want to connect right now and, update. Coincidentally. Enough while I'm doing this thanks, Google YouTube. Appreciate. You. Thanks. For having no idea that I'm live-streaming on YouTube and I need bandwidth. To. Stream and you're taking up all my bandwidth. By updating apps I never use. So. Yeah. They seen, we, have youngers, we have students, coming in here I mean I don't know the schedule of schools that come through here you. Know we had a good conversation with. About. What, do you think we.

Had 8 or 10. Teenagers. That just drove up for a. Wrestling. Tournament. So. I talked to them a little bit so I mean here at the Capitol it's hit or miss you. Know but we've talked to some people you've handed out some some. Cards, people, just might look at the cards, go. To my youtube channel or, check out the various documentaries. That I have for spite. You. Just you don't know what people are gonna do when they go home you, don't know they. Might throw my. Authentic. Intent card away, but. Remember, what I said about Flat Earth and check it out sometime I might have some closet, flat-earthers. Subscribe. To my channel, who. Don't want you. Know who. Mocked and ridiculed it, before and now they. You. Know so you. Just you don't know what people do when they go home. Jordan. Yeah, right exactly. Exactly. Jiffy. You got a point, me. In the right direction to get my authentic, intent t-shirts. That. Would be fun I mean I've, explored, that a little bit I don't. Necessarily care, to promote my channel or, it. Would be more like an idea. Or. Saying, I mean we could you we could use it as a pun we, could use it like I have. An authentic, intent, to tell you the earth is flat or something like that. You. Know. If. We weren't having fun we're. Doing it wrong I know. Right. Gotta. Have some fun with these people you know had some fun with the Cowboys earlier. Funny. That they, did. Their farming, up in Alexandria right, where my dad was. It. Was meant to be. Hey. We're live we're, back so. Yeah. My phone is downloading, apps now so, that's awesome. Downloaded. Facebook, pages good, thing you know I can't live without Facebook, hey and in, addition to that I have a. LG. G6, phone. It came. With Facebook, already pre-installed on, it I can't delete Facebook off my phone or. Or. Facebook. Pages I, can. Delete facebook. Messenger, though. Tim. Truth says Elon Musk is gonna put a man on the Sun.

Geocentric. Love maybe you can turn off the updates completely. Oh but. I need my updated. You. Know. Domino's. Pizza app. Yeah, but III just. Coincident. Use. Wi-Fi, I mean. Rarely I. Should. Well what I should do is you know I'm gonna have to like put two 10 minutes. Put. Ten minutes into updating, my phone. Before. I head out so. That doesn't happen. That's. What I'll do and I thought I updated, my phone like a couple days ago but geez Louise like. Constant. Updates give me a break. Plus. All those apps are constantly, sending information back to the. Source so yeah I mean that's a. Good. Point. Generally. Though I mean we do tend. To have a fairly. We're. Back. Generally. We do though have a pretty, decent. Stream. I don't. Think it's downloading, anymore. Yeah, exactly they happen when they want it. See, I connect, I connect. To my Wi-Fi at home sometimes. On my phone. Garbage. Alright, so he didn't like a hard reset, it just reset my phone. So. Maybe, that'll help we only got 30 more minutes to go. Yeah. My. Phone is counting down the time, live now. So. Yeah, it definitely, is a YouTube thing. YouTube's. On to me. Good, times good times had by all. Some, schmutz on the camera. Well, if you haven't already. Like. Share, subscribe. Dislike. You. Know do all those things that you do on YouTube if you like it if. You don't that's totally. Fine if you do. That. Helps this, content, move up the ladder on Facebook, in their algorithm. That's what they tell us right. And. Also, one thing too I don't think a lot of people do is. Check. Out the description, section I updated, my links, I had. Some dead links from some channels that were. Deleted and. Some. Videos that weren't up anymore so I went through that and I posted some new videos. Some. Good you. Know really good. Documentaries. One. Of them is regarding, MKULTRA. It's called the feeding Phoenix program. That's. In the description section. It. Is fascinating to see how the United, States government. Uses. Microwave. Technology and. Various. Other forms of radio. Waves to control the population. People. Don't think that they do that but, they. Do. Al. Gore al al gore a rhythm. Mini. TV my whole channel is gone yeah so. He were telling me. But. You. Know all. We can do is post another one when. I was live at. The Minnesota Wild Game I, took. A screenshot of, this, but. I went into my. Video. Manager. After. The wild game and saw that. That. Video is, not suitable, for some advertisers. Even. Though I don't monetize, my videos anymore. That. Was two. Hours after it got uploaded onto YouTube. It's. Like what is not what, is not, okay. With this video why. Are you telling me this. And then. Today I looked and after. My review that a garbage. Its I you're. Kidding me. All, right, we. Solve that problem, then no more updates I had to. Gravity. Keeps hitting me here. All. These satellites. Unreal. Unreal. Yeah. It's pretty it's, getting pretty ridiculous, I. Stopped. The downloads but then I had to restart the Wi-Fi. So. Maybe it'll work better now. But. It's, just I don't I don't tend to be like that like when people are in our Google Hangouts, and they're. Like oh it's getting pretty choppy the. Government, must not want us to talk about this, give me a break, you're not talking, about anything that's controversial. Seriously. You, have the same two or three people on your channel every single, day oh. And. Then they openly, say the government, must be on to us. It's. Like really like. You have the biggest and I'm not talking about Nathan Oakley so let's clear the air though but. In. Other flatter chats, you. Have the same two or three people on your chat and, when. It gets choppy. Come. On like. It. Might just be that particular time, something's, going on I mean. You. Need to you need to just not let you need to let go of you, being, targeted. Individual. You're. On YouTube, talking about stuff like as. So is everybody else, you're. Not any more special come. Out and. Show. Your face on public property and videotape. It and see what happens you. Know. Anybody. Can talk about the stuff that you're talking about. But. To continually. Continually. Have, the. Same echo chamber on your channel. Talking. About the same stuff. You. Know oh no. The the, the. Firmament, is called Nutt and UT, give. Me a break and then, you're going to complain, that the, government, is trying to shut you down, no you're promoting, the philosophy, that the establishment. Wants you to talk about. Why. Would they want to shut you down or are, you playing like, possum, you. Know I think that's another thing too is like people.

They. They. Have other channels, come, into their channel and. Snipe. Them and then. They make it look like oh no I was sniped oh I'm gonna play the victim now. You. Know. It's. Unbelievable you know and one thing that I'm gonna, address that mark Sargent brought up with. PD. PI and the. Fake subs and the fake view counts, and stuff that is 100% happening, in the Flat Earth community, I hope you know that and you. Need to be aware in the, truth of community. These. People that you follow and that you praise and the you lift up in, this. Community, after. Three or four months. They. Have 20,000. To 30,000. Subs. They. Have a million, views. When. Typically, they have a couple hundred views couple, hundred views. For. Like, um 95%. Of all their videos and, one just happens to go viral give. Me a break no that's not. That's. Not how it happens I not necess, it's not how it works I just I don't I don't believe that. And. That. Irritates me because these people they call themselves truthers. In this community, or in. The truther community, and they, can't see that. Channels, are buying their views. You. Can type in YouTube. By my views, and you'll get two. Dozen websites. That. Will give you the ability to buy views for, your channel and then. There are they're genuine, views too because they're just like college, students, who. Signed up for this. Who. Have a. Contract. With this website to give a. Genuine. Message. Or report, about it like, if you go into the some of these true their channels okay and you. Look at their comment section, and you see their view count and, their. Thumbs up are like, 20. To 1 look. At their comment. Section, and you, tell me how genuine. Those comments are. Give. Me a break and some. Of those channels, aren't even real. I'm. Just saying it, just. Irritates, me to the fullest, to. See. People. Following, other truth, channels, or other Flat Earth channels, and. Not. Being able to see through that you. Know, you you. Stop at you stop at Flat Earth is what I think a lot of people have done you're. Not continually. Investigating. You're not continually, having. Your ears perked up and saying, hey you know what I. Just. I don't know about this. People. Of people have made videos about some flatter channels, you. Know, there's. One flat earth channel that gave it up and left. Was. Around this, time last year had. 15,000. Subs. You. Know and now. Everybody's, moving over to twitch. Yeah. Well nobody's gonna watch your content. If. You call people names all, the time and you buy your views and your subs. You, know just because there's a. Topic. Or, a particular, thing, like I don't know a supermoon, and. You. Do a video about the supermoon. Where. As weeks, prior to that you. Had maybe a couple thousand views because you're doing live Google Hangouts and an. Open panel and now all of a sudden you, do a video about the supermoon and you, have five hundred thousand, views within, two weeks.

You. Gotta stay up you got to stay up on top of this stuff people please. You. Know. There's. Channels, out there. Channel. Gets deleted and then six. Months later it has more. Viewers, and subs, than it did before. You. Can do this YouTube. And their Community Guidelines allows, you to buy your views in your son's, it's. It's. Not it's, not a terminate, to a channel, termination. You. Know offence. Yeah. Zain there you go, you. Said it not me. So. You know just just putting, that out there for everybody. Hey. Gourds illa good to see ya thanks for lot for stopping by, Jonathan. Why. Is this kid bought her wait he loves drama hence which is even. A flat earther in the first place. It's. Not drama, it's just I'm speaking my mind. It's. My opinion and I'm trying to wake other people up it's not drama didn't name any names. Did. I name names no, I didn't name names I'm just saying hey you know what there's plenty of people out there. That. Choose, to buy their subs and their views. You. Know. Some. People will say well what's the big deal about buying views if it. Brings. The view count up then YouTube is gonna promote it so. Then our message is getting out well that's not a very genuine, way to get. Views. And subs and, it. Taints, the. Integrity, of people. Who are genuine, truthers. They. Delete subs, from normal channels they do they'd, certainly do, or. People leave you, know, I mean I lost you know I mean not a not a whole lot you know but I mean I lost 20 people 20. Subs you, know from the hiatus. People, are more subtle at first they only buy 10,000, views and subs not millions yet exactly. P. Mars like, how you, taint the integrity of truthers, when you say satellites, are fake. Well. Like your poker playing, I. Can. We. Can show, that, we're playing poker online and, we're using. Animation. To. Play poker, this. This. Is an animation. Okay. That's. An animation dude. So. If I regularly, see, something, that's animated, on a computer, and you're, telling me that that's how we communicate on, earth, then. I'm. Gonna kind of come to the assumption, that hey, you know what we probably don't have to use satellites, because. 99. Are what is it yeah 99 percent of all communications. On earth are through ground towers. Fiber. Optics, balloons. Drones. Probably. Airplanes. You. Know like that. Was my big thing last year when I was talking to the college students. Give. Me you know and that's fine hey if you wanna if you, desire, that to be true you think, it's true or you're told that you have to say that that's. On you and you, will be judged for, saying that it doesn't seem like a big deal now to. Be judged for something by God. But. You will be. So. Either leave. Or. Stop. Saying, that satellites, exist, in their physical objects. Orbiting Earth right now. Because. You and I know that that, is not true, not. Only I'm talking to the trolls but. I'm talking about you. Know other flattered others they know that. There's. Over 4,000. Satellites. In outer space right, now supposedly. Orbiting, Earth. Not. One of them was shown during. The. Tesla, car. Not. One airplane, is, viewed. From the ISS, traveling, over the earth not. One airplane you. Can't see one airplane, from the ISS. You. Know. You. Can't see one satellite, from. The ted's Tesla, Roadster, if that was real. It. Should. Look like bees. Surrounding. An irritated. Beehive. When. You take pictures of the Earth from outer space that, picture. That they took or that move that movie, right that. They had to hide the alien, bases, of the. Dark Side of the Moon from. A million miles away and they. Took that video. The. Earth should. Be surrounded. By. Tiny little satellites, you shouldn't be able to see the surface of the earth the. Earth. Is, fake. From. Outer space. We. Have never seen what the earth looks like, now. Whether it looks like the AE map, or, the. Gleason's. Or, pac-man. We. Don't know. But. It sure as hell is not a computer. Image in outer, space. You. Know the moon is not a physical, object, that can be landed, on okay. Yeah you can bounce a pork radio, off of it big, Brit who. Cares. You. Can't tell me that they figured out how to bounce, lights. Or, radio. Waves, off. Of an object. In the sky. Like. The moon you can't, tell me that hundreds of years before you were ever born they figured out how. To bounce a pork radio. Off. The. Moon and now. You say you'd do it so that means it's a physical, object that can be landed on. No. It's not you cannot land on it as a human, being you might be able to bounce stuff off of it. That. Doesn't mean that you can go there and play golf. So. You. Know these people here all these people here are going to be woken up. Whether. They like it or not they're. Gonna have to meet God. They're. Gonna they're gonna have the revelation that. They were lied to while, they were here on earth and they chose.

To Be deceived. They. Chose the easier, path. Wide. And broad is, the way to. Destruction, narrow. Is, the path to truth, and. These. People are all gonna figure it out that they live on a flat. Earth what's. Up by. Uh. This. Is public property I can go film and talk all I want. Well. Then don't open your mouth ma'am okay. Now. I'm not invading anybody space I'm certainly, plenty far away here okay, and. If. I was to ask you for some information, you. Know you would have to help me so or, I could just sit here and I could look at your information and, your, periodicals. You. Know learn. Your rights ma'am please it's, called First Amendment okay, soon, we're gonna be using a second. So. Wasn't. Even talking to her. And so. You. Know I'm just I'm just getting. Yeah. I'm getting irritated you know and, I'm, showing my disdain for, this reality, regularly. And. We'll. See what happens. We'll. Certainly see what happens as we progress, throughout. The year who's with me you, know who wants to be you. Know in. Public show, their face. You. Know. People. Think that they got privacy, you got privacy you got a webcam on that iPad. There they're. Watching, you. You. Know you take your cell phone camera into, the bathroom, with you. You. Don't have an electrical tape on it guess what you know figure it out put two and two together there. But. You, know I'd love for people to come down III let, people know here, in Minnesota when I'm gonna come when I'm gonna go live. So. People want to come by and I, plan on coming to the state capitol at least twice. A week hopefully at at least once. A week I'll be here. You. Know and. So. People. Think that their information is, more important, than somebody else's like this this, is important. This. Is important, information for, us all to learn about. Like. They feel, like all this information, here, is important. Enough but. My information because. It doesn't, go along with their ideals. Is. A, conspiracy. You. Know, my. Information, isn't important, enough but everybody. Else's is you. Know your, information is more important, than when I'm sharing. Give. Me a break you. Guys, are all being brainwashed it's, unbelievable, and you like it you. Love. The lie that you live in. And. You. Will all be. Totally. Deceived like I can't even explain. This. Think you guys think you're being deceived now I could. Give you all the conspiracy, I could give you the top 10 conspiracy, theories that are true that actually came to be true and you still wouldn't believe it documented, how. Gorge Bush propagates. Lies, on national, news. They. Can openly, propagate. Lies. On. The. News. It's. Documented. Yeah. Find something to fight for, see, that they still they still sit mock and. Ridicule. Find. Something to fight for. And. Do something, instead. Of sitting on your hands, this

2018-03-14 04:48

Show Video


The biggest deal with GMO, GMO corn cannot be planted to grow more corn. Regular organic corn, you can regrow a field with one cob. They do not want to provide us with a way to grow our own food. That is the biggest reason for gmos, removing the seeds, or making them neutral.

That’s where I went luck to see you there!

This video shows the reason why Americans are considered to be the dumbest white people on the planet. They can't even grasp concepts that were proven 2 thousand years ago. Only an uneducated buffoon would believe in a flat earth.

Why don´t you NEVER talk about the EXIT HOLE of this flat earth, what´s at the center of the earth?

Nobody has dug deeper than 8 miles. Nobody knows.

Its getting colder because actually its getting hotter lol -algore.

Your boldness is amazing!

Much appreciated. You are too, try it :D

So many smug Minnesotans at the Capitol Building. They assume the globe and think they have to be right because the majority are like them. No investigation by any of them. Keep up the good work!

Yeah, it is quite upsetting to see so many people think they know it all and depend on those "smarter" than them giving them all the answers to the world and its problems. I know it's a peer pressure thing, who knows what these people think when they are moments from sleeping in their beds, alone. They may watch a video when their on the toilet. Haha :D

Excellent stuff Josh!! Really good to see you are feeling better.

Good stuff my man!

Great Job Josh! Thought about something today. If these people make money in stocks or have a 401k that makes money from aerospace companies like lockheed martin (who gets contracts from nasa), then their retirement depends on towing the space lie. So, my main point was that flat smacking potential masons that are invested in these companies is not going to have any effect, and could get you gangstalked. That is why i recommended the university instead. No offense whatsoever brotha, i really enjoy ya harassing the masons in their place of business, but it's just not as effective as going after the ones that will actually join our side. peAce -Zane

Nah, everything is all good. I am sure we will have some "fans" this spring/summer :D

That's awesome Brotha! I remember that one guy they had followin ya around the city last year (with the glasses). Is he still monitoring you in any way?

Yeah, I get what you're saying. I am not worried about being a TI, I have enough ringing in my ears as it is and I have prayed extensively about going public when I started out last April. I do plan on going to the UofM but it is just too cold to stand outside and set up a table. I have done over half of my previous recordings at the campus, so I am familiar with the scene. Until then, there aren't very many places for me to go indoors, on public property to talk to people. Going into sporting events is difficult in itself. Stay tuned tho, it will get interesting :D Cheers

awesome, take flat earth to representatives

Nice work man. Keep it up. :-) Set up a steemit account and get these on DTUBE !!

I got one actually, just keep procrastinating on getting involved on it. I will try to make more of an effort this weekend. Thanks for the support and your input in this community.

I tried to sign up 10 times now. i send them my email, and get their text message, but they never write me back. did you have to do something extra?

*Why don´t you NEVER* ?

Josh, Have you seen this yet?

Yes, it is a great video

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