Assens Fortress, Bulgaria

Assens Fortress, Bulgaria

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hey guys we are here at ascent okay you can absolutely  breath yes just say that okay hey guys so we are here at absanograd   and we originally planned to go to the essence  fortress but we got here at uh a little late   so we rented a hotel and the hotel is called  the color hotel and i'm gonna show you around so they have a tv in a mini fridge couch  and that is where i will be sleeping   and then this is where my dad and my mom will be  sleeping and my dad is trying to fix this camera   that had like a bug kept on like  turning around and stuff like that   and we're charging the drone here  so we can do some cool drone shots selfie how do you like it fine say goodnight so i'll see you guys tomorrow when we are packing to go to the essence fortress tomorrow bye we're here in the hotel we're getting ready  i loaded my car and uh my wife she's changing   the baby diaper and we're leaving shortly  in couple minutes so it's gonna be super   exciting and super beautiful beautiful  ride and i'm gonna show you the city   it's pretty beautiful and let me show you  our hotel room so i parked my car inside hotel room was like a 80 bulgarian  level it's like around like 47 49 it's pretty nice and friendly hotel if  you visit a cenograd it's a color hotel   it's pretty nice hotel there's a lot  of stuff to do around the city here and the baby is getting ready no you  can't go outside come on come inside one guy said it's worse than mexico right boston we are heading to the essex fortress also  known as petridge it is a medieval fortress   in a bulgarian road of mountains it is about  3 kilometers south of the town of asenobread   located on the left bank of the assanisa river  the essence fortress is 279 meters above sea level the earliest archaeological finds  date from the time of the thracians   the area of the fortress being also inhabited  during the ancient roman and early visiting period I have Facebook I have a Youtube channel Do you have a Facebook? I have a Facebook. My name is Hristo. Okay then I will find you on Facebook. You will find me easy there with a suit and tie on my profile photo. If you send me an invitation, I will be very happy.

What is your name? Vasil Sivilov Very well!! We are going to the Assens Fortress! You can try to look me up on Facebook right now! While you are still here. Okey I will show you my profile picture. Just a second please. He asked me if I have a business card. And I said I apologize for taking your time. I could understand your last name. I am a little bit old

I hope you have a great day. Again sorry for taking your time. all right guys so we met this old man he's 86  years old and he's still hiking so we're hiking   to the center of the crepes to the Assen's  castle and as you can see here there are   restaurants and bars on the way i  believe there's a parking up there but   i prefer walk because our baby she is  little bit moody and she's she wants to walk the fortress gained importance in the  middle ages it was first mentioned in   the statue of the Bachkovo monastery as  pet rich look at this in the 11th century   the fortress was conquered by  the armies of the third crusade it was considerably renovated in the 13th  the century during the rule of Bulgarian tsar   Ivan Asen II to serve as a border  fortification against Latin raids it wasn't hard going down the steps  but some of the steps were marble   so I had to help my mom go down with  a baby so she wouldn't fall or slip last time hey guys so we're climbing up here it's really beautiful here so you climb all the way up there and when you do that you can see the whole   assets fortress but we're climbing  down here since it's easier for my mom there it is right here it's super cool guys ground floor i'm going in the ground floor me too sure there's no spider wow all right i gotta put this i'm gonna  put you guys in indoor settings   one second please guys it's so  funny like we're inside the church   but i like to look around and i spot  something cool and there's a little pigeon the birds i found a pigeons is really smooth second believe me and because moving it around too  fast can make people busy i can see the bulgarian flag  that means we're almost up there i just take a shortcut and go here hey you're here i'm here after a long walk you can see the city even more okay covered in chaos in chaos don't look at me now bye um oh there you are hi oh you want to see the view okay okay we're coming back down to get some orange  juice for sophie and me all right guys so that   was it from the sam's castle and we are  heading to the realest manager right now   we're gonna stop and hit something on the way  there and i'll see in a real monastery bye bye so we stopped here to get some food and  we were on our way to the devil's bridge i got salad some meat cuts and some  chicken soup fries and some bread ah after two steps i lost my balance

2022-07-16 03:44

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