Asli Trout Fish, Mahodand Lake | Mission Trout 2 | Street Food, Travel Pakistan | Kalam, Swat Valley

Asli Trout Fish, Mahodand Lake | Mission Trout 2 | Street Food, Travel Pakistan | Kalam, Swat Valley

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Amazing atmosphere bro, cool breeze is blowing and it’s getting cold On one side the river is flowing, there is also a ditch and… We are going to Mahodand Lake Here we must say that So let's go (chalain) Raza bro are you ready? –yes ok Ohoo Assalam-o-Alaikum I’m Zia tabarak right now I’m at beautiful kalam valley, in Swat Today our journey is to Mahodand Lake Mahodand Lake is about a two-hour drive from here That is a very beautiful way and we’ll go there. But first we’ll have breakfast here, it was raining in the morning but now it has stopped Secondly, we’ll go there for lunch and share everything that happens in the journey with you we shouldn't delay, let’s go for breakfast Then we'll go to Mahodand Lake. So let's go (chalain) Kalam Naan shop, As-Salaam-Alaikum how are you brother? I’m good how are you? –this is my Skewer (seekh) tandoori What are you doing brother? This is soft & tender Naan/roti I’m Pakistani I’m not a Foreigner, I can speak Urdu Its ok it’s ok, I really like you Any tea oy coffee? Thank you thank you Poori is also being sold in front. There is also breakfast Assalam-o-Alaikum how are you –fine “thanks to Allah” Hotel visaal palace & al faruque restaurant, tea is being cooked What's for breakfast? – We have Halwa poori, chickpeas (chana’s), egg fried, omelette, Naan & lassi Great, Everything is here for breakfast & Parathas are hanging here Fresh & hot poori’s are being made The weather became very cold due to rain Halwa is also kept here, ohoo fried poori How are you? -I’m fine & what about you? Alhamdulillah -Where are you from? We are from Karachi-- MashAllah Everthing is fine? –yes all is well Ok so our breakfast has arrived, fresh n hot poori’s Along with halwa, omellete and paratha Bismillah with Halwa Puri In such a weather even when it is raining and you are up in the beautiful area of Kalam So the taste of eating halwa poori is completely different Ok uncle, breakfast was great MashAllah –thank you We strive to make our guests happy, and we make the best breakfast by the grace of Allah Oh ok good by Basically you have to hire a jeep to get to Mahodand. There are also other fielder vehicles. But try to hire 4-by-4, you will find it in the range of 4.5k-6k Liaquat ali’s jeep is parked here MashAllah & he is going to take us to Mahodand Lake Won't you bargain a little? No, five thousand is suitable On the way, forest, waterfall, healing spring, and then Mahodand Lake will come Come on, Allah is Master Ok so we have hired a jeep in 5 thousand & its 9 o'clock in the morning We’ll get back at 4 p.m. because it’ll be dark by 6 o’clock

Because we have to return before it gets dark So we have hired a jeep, now let’s go to Mahodand let’s go for wandering and enjoy the route!! This is "ushu forest" & the route was fantastic There were trees on both sides Cows and cattle’s are enjoying their breakfast here So we decided to take some photos What's your name? My name is shaukat aziz Shoukat aziz are you going to give water to cow? No I’m selling eggs How much for an egg? Rs.20 each, ok Give me an egg Fresh & hot eggs, wow! ok you put these eggs under the towel –yes Are these organic eggs? (desi anday) – Yes organic eggs Let’s move on Now we’ve reached ushu point, ushu village was before it The river is flowing here, people came here to take photographs So let’s go!! Assalam-o-Alaikum how are you? –fine Where is this water coming from? It is coming from the spring... ohoo!! We have just got out of the car. The spring water is coming from the above

It’s a great pleasure to see these views & valleys What beautiful things Allah has blessed us with & its very sad to see that What we have done to these beautiful & wonderful valleys Garbage, plastic bags & wrappers is scattered everywhere What should i say? This is a tank and they have fresh fish inside Live trout fish are here, what will you miss my bro? It’s a LIVE TROUT FISH!! What’s your name? –my name is farid khan This is a fish that lives in cold water and sells for Rs. 2500 per kg tourists eats this fish with great relish This fish is not found in warm water, is it a farmed fish? We raise these fish here, on our own There is a difference between what grows in house and what grows outside – ofcourse Do you have river fish? No they are rare Because that fish is for hunting –ok How are you bro? Do you have gram flour or any other type of pakora's? We have both onion any potatoes pakora’s Okay onion pakora’s too? Then give me both onion and potato pakora's What’s your name? – Shair zaman, he is making pakora's Do you have chaat masala? –no here everything is simple and has no spices. Pakora’s are ready So pakora’s are here!! Fresh pakora’s & the river is flowing behind, beautiful views n hills Yummy… These onion pakora’s are very crispy, along with tea There are pakora’s, tea, river, streams, mountain … SubhanAllah!! Liaquat bro where are we going now after usho’s point? After that, Palogha will come, what’s there? Palogha is a beautiful valley/village So palogha village is in front of us Let's find out here about the trout fish that belong to the river There is also farmed fish, but the river ones tastes different Assalam-o-Alaikum, walikum assalam What a great system – yes They have created such a system in which spring water is pouring on the bottles and the bottles are getting colder They are harvesting a crop let’s ask them what is it Assalam-o-Alaikum, walaikum assalam Is this turnip (shaljum) –no potatoes ohh Assalam-o-Alaikum bro how are you? –walaikum assalam I thought it was a turnip but these are potatoes These are red potatoes, they are raw. so how you ripe it? In water haha.. But the potatoes that come to Karachi are not red They are different, but rightnow these are raw potatoes It will take some time to ripen –okay Look, these all are red potatoes just like a (red blood) Is this the whole potato crop? Yes, it is There are many crops, which crops are grown here? Potatoes, cucumber, peas, thinda Okay good dude What a beautiful atmosphere The vitamin and mineral value of the crop here will also be different Thank you bro good by (Allah hafiz) Basically on the way to Mahudand, there is a Palogha Pass it’s a village jeeps and other vehicles stod here for a break Chapli kebabs are being prepared here Brother, eat this chapli kebab… We thought we’ve came so far so we should try chapli kebabs It contains pomegranate, onion and other spices but not tomatoes Because this place is located at a very high altitude Let's check how this kebab tastes It tastes good but the taste of onion is more in it though it has the taste of chapali kebab but if it had tomatoes, then the taste would be different You come so high and there you can eat chapli kabab So I think that's a good thing too Great!! Let's move on. We also found trout fish here

But only farmed trout is available here lets go ahead may be we find some trout caught from the river Let’s see!! Check out the beautiful scenery & views There is a huge ditch below and the river is flowing Road is rough & cool wind is blowing And we're going to Mahodand Lake And we have reached “Mahodand Lake”, this is Lake Mahodand For which we have been traveling since morning There were many beautiful views along the way We have reached the lake, we will stay here for a while Ouch!!! We’ll eat food and enjoy the beautiful views of nature The water of the lake was up to this field, Now the lake is a little dry because of the cold weather When the snow melts from the mountains in summer, the water of the lake also rises This place & soil is still moist You can also enjoy a boat ride on the lake But the lake shrinks a lot because of the cold weather Otherwise this whole area is full of water the water of the lake is up to the boats What’s the cost of the trout fish? – Rs. 2500 per kg Is this a farmed fish? Yes River fish are very expensive Trout fish is only available at hunters shop Sir this one is original –are you sure? The fish has just come out of the river, it is very fresh – okay great!! We searched a lot, but we found farmed trout everywhere There is a difference between farm trout and original trout Its color, texture and its taste are very different We got it at Rs. 2400 per kg, its price is also very reasonable Let’s fry it & then taste it –awesome Hey, are you pulling out the fish bones? –no I cut the fish so that the spices are marinated inside it -okay They have opened the fish well so that the whole spice is marinated inside That’s a good method, the trout I ate earlier were simply cut into pieces & then they marinate it Not much spice is added to this fish – yes “Adding salt”, this fish has its own taste If you add more spices, it will lose its own taste Will you put lemon drops in it? No, we will fry it Now you will know the real taste of trout – that’s right Which spice is this? this one is trout's own spice It’s a special spice (masala), isn’t it the packet masala? -no this is a fishy spice, okay We will leave it for 10 to 15 minutes for marination What a great scene …the spice is applied on the trout & it’s not packet spices, it’s a special one I’ll try to make your comments possible that you commented on my previous video that Just Grill the fish a little, add a few drops of lemons, little amount of salt that’s it then shallow fry it But the chief is the expert here Basically they will fry the fish Let's see their style and taste They have their own spices & don’t use packed ones let's check it now This lake's trout fish is very famous Whoever eats will remember, such a taste is not found in the whole Pakistan What's the name of your Dhaba? (Food stall) -green valley restaurant, every guest who came to our restaurant has yet to compliment us When you come to Mahodand Lake, there are a lot of food spots here But we are at Mohammad Zada Green Valley Restaurant So Come to Green Valley Restaurant and enjoy the trout The oil/clarified butter for gram lentils has become hot and they have added tomatoes in it Our fish is being marinate The fish is almost fried, lets look for a place to sit where we can see a nice view. By the way, there are beautiful views all around Okay so…Our food has arrived Today’s menu is Naan, gram lentils, beans (lobia) Here's the real dish we've been looking for… very tempting! Now I’ll take it out in my plate & close the pot so that the fish remain hot Because my friends will eat later Check it out, they marinate it quite well by cutting it from the inside This is the skin of a fish… umm “mouthwatering” Bismillah I’ll start with lentils and beans Then I’ll try fish in the end Because if I eat fish right now, I’ll not enjoy eating lentils and beans They have also fried beans in Ghee (clarified butter), not in oil Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim Delicious.. Let’s try gram lentils, beans are delicious enough The taste of both beans and lentils… Green & red chillies… but I’ll not eat them because I feel they are very hot n spicy Anyways..

The taste of lentils and beans is slightly different. Both of them are made in Ghee The taste of ghee is different, I liked beans more than lentils Very nice Now let’s eat fish, before it gets cold Check it out its skin and the whole fish is very tempting It has skin on one side and other side is marinated Naturally there are not many fish bones, if there are you can easily digest it I'll take a nice chunk of this fish Real river “trout fish”… In the beautiful mountainous region of Mahodand Lake Bismillah.. Bro I’m speechless!! They've also fried it in ghee The spice that is added is a bit chilly, but the fish has its own excellent taste It should not be deep fried too much But I guess the taste of this fish is more delicious after such a long journey the pleasure of sitting in this beautiful valley and eating trout is very delicious. Ohh!! I've finished half the fish.. yummy

Well marinated. It is well cooked inside, not uncooked at all Take a bite with the skin then eat it, & enjoy the fish This fish does not need to be eaten with any sauce etc.. Wow!! Wonderful, great I have no words but to praise it This video is enough to explain the whole experience My experience, from breakfast to eating trout I can't explain it into words If you like the video, please let me know in the comments section It takes a lot of hard work to make these videos, but it’s also enjoyable If I’m enjoying something I try that my viewers also get that feeling After the delicious fish, let's enjoy a tea Ahhh.. The tea is amazing!!! So our adventurous journey ended with this delicious trout Hope you guys like this video, we enjoyed it too I tried my best to deliver you the true essence of this journey If you like the video, please like, comment and share it So I can keep uploading such content See you in the next episode, inshAllah Take care, Allah hafiz

2020-12-23 19:08

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