Art of Southeast Asia

Art of Southeast Asia

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Hi. There I am Laura Chamberlain, gate Reynolds, an educator, at the National High, School teacher. 1 because. Of coordinating, pandemic. Dispersant, a transfers before Island, and this, little is for the first co-ed in order but, before that let's, take a minute to pray to our Almighty God. Sin. Child and Vietnamese, language in child means hello, I am. So glad that, you, are not about to begin your journey as. You venture, and, discovering, and learning in each one arms and. This lesson you, will learn about the, different art forms, the Sabah's are physical, forms and Asia. Please. Post the video on Telegraph, FM a notebook to take notes and answered activities, as we go along, remember. Jori every, activity you should post the video. Why. Should we be interested, in studying their art, good. Question, right. It. Is because archers. Country's, cultural, in traditional, filling it, connects our country, to another country equal. To B and. I, can explain the whole story. We. Filipinos. Are familiar, with a beautiful. Art of our country. Let, us now compare, and contrast Philippines. To the art of our neighboring, countries, on how we preserved, our arts and valuing, are, you, ready, heroism. Welcome. To Southeast. Asia because, our topic today is about out, of Southeast, Asia, an introduction. Of their art because. In reality the, art of them are many and we can at least as it isn't just one Sasha. The. Campus of this lesson our preliminary, activities. Are, tea leaves the lesson proper application. And. A motivation. At. The end of the lesson the student should be able to a. Identify. The different, arts and crafts of saris. It's. Been, the elements, of principles, of arts use in our arts and crafts inspired by the culture. Appreciate. Attention. The. Different key concepts, first, we have cultural, understanding. Engaging. With an analyzing, the elements, of arts integration. Of practice, of design successful. Learning of the lesson. Please. Take a moment to read this elements. Of art and principle, of these sites because these. Are present in the art form in our discussion. Later. This. Are the principles, of designs, balance. With sides are, symmetrical. Contrast, light, versus, dark emphasis. Center. Of interest, movement. How that I looked, through the, composition. Can. Create the illusion of action. Random. Regular. Repetition. Or. Automation. In. Advanced. For a quiz events and interactive. Unity. Restfully. Blazing agreement, among the elements in, a design. It. Is a failing at everything in, the art world of. Art Wars together and, looks like it fits. Since. You have already learned. About, the seven, continents of the world every, seven, particularly. Irony. Money :, this. Particular. Return of Asia is known as the race feature, with. Us now review, the campus, commonly, known as authorization, try. To identify, at. Least seven countries your. Task is to name, the campus. Indicating, by the numbers. Please. Oppose, the video you, have ten minutes to answer this. Something. That is over let. Us check your answers. The, Southeast Asia are. Louis, Volant. In Cambodia, Malaysia. Singapore. Indonesia. Vietnam. For, your information. Singapore. Is an amalgamation, of Malaysian, and endometrial. Malaysia. Brunei. And Indonesia are, aggressive, religious. And, cultural siblings. Prior. To the interactions. Of Islam and. Western colonization. Horribly. Trailer was affluent in varying, degrees. So. We. Have another activity. Much. To our form to eat on country.

You. Have one minute to answer this, activity. Then. Time. Is over let. Us check your answer. Follow-up, questions, from your, previous activity. What. Do you observe about. This. Might, have different answers but. The obvious answer, of their samples, are, colorful. Fabric. Where it's designed. Costume. Of Muslim, and structure. If, you got this observation that is correct very. Good students. Another. Question. Which. Element, of Arts is predominant. In each other's, examples. In. These. Examples the, dominant. Elements. Of. Arts are different, types of lines, colors. Shapes, and patterning, order. About, this question, how. Did the artist apply unity. As one of the principle of design. The. Answer, is an, artist, uses for a petite, combine, the elements and. Principal, of Arts and that is why. Did. You get the right answers. F. Yes, very. Clear and to. Those who do not answer correctly, don't, worry, we. Will discuss, it later. What's, interesting part, of this whole presentation, I, will, show you the various art forms of, Southeast Asia. What. You are going to do is. One. Choose, only one, art form from any, of, the Southeast, Asian, countries, that, we will be discussing very, slowly. Second. After, you are done choosing try, to name and describe it, specifically. To dirt color, material. And, design, write. Your answers, in your notebook. Are. You then answering all those questions. By, describing, all of those. What. You are going to do now is, as you march, your answer. In our discussion. Right now I will, present this. Our farms, country. By country. By. Land has a fabric, holds high, silk. The. Slide reveals, the traditional, wedding dress made, owners, high, soaked this. Stock is produced from the cocoons, of supports. Curette. Is, the center of the sock in distri, insulin, to, ganache is one of the best-known and most worshipped, deities, in the Hindu Pantheon the war, deities. Means more than one God this, is usually constructed, from, wood it. Is symbolic, for them because it is said to cast away obstacles from, their lives most. Families, have Ganesh, in their home but, desam is believed, to have come to what is not by land as early. As 20, T BCE, before Common. Era. Besides. World. Other materials. Are sometimes, used. Like, grass grows. And. Forcefully. Somewhere. And gold. The. Counsels of the object. Or art form, is a floral, and, animal. Designs, are symbolic, for that trips Buddhism, Hinduism, but. Also Islam. The. Color may, vary from the, neutral. And earth dollars, of grey brown. And yellow ochre, paint, the, objects, and structures nos. Vemos blue, combined, with the use of assortment, of blind stones daily, sands and soil as base materials. Cover. Brahmas. Upper, walls and, best, friendships. The. Limestone and, clay make, a solid base for the, object. And it, is also painted to, make it shiny, what, is lush, luxuriant. Succulent. Tender, and juicy of vegetation. Plants. Grasses. Etc. How. About ogre ogre. Is a natural, player earth pigment, which is a mixture of ferric oxide. Welcome. To Cambodia. Oh Maria. They have valuable. Art, which is, the. Anchor words they. Say this aqua because, this is symbolic of the relation. And, this is called the ancient temple. Temple there, are no leaking, to. Its Roman, and. Reveals. The splendor, of mere, architecture. And, the advance a public, civilization, of their past a, structure. Is a tall, building of memorials, and teen temples. Designed. After the motive, of the hem - with them originally. Dedicated, to. The hand of God of Islam although. It is no longer an, active. Temple. It serves an initial important, tourist attractions. In India. A. 15-foot. High wall surrounded. By a wide mode, a, mode is. A, deep, wide, ditch, filled. With water typically. Surrounding. A fortified, medieval town, fortress. Or castle, as a protection, against. The salt so, that's the function before, and, so, the, temple, is steel. Majestic. Architecture. The, tower above, the main shrine, it. Reaches, nearly 70. Feet into. The air. This. Day Suns and, soils, are. Made. The, structure to be solid, in. The colors, are, the neutral, and earth scholars, of grey brown, and yellow ochre, paint, the objects, and, structure. What, is lush, luxurious. Succulent. Tender and juicy of, vegetation. Plants. Grasses. Etc. How. About ochre ochre. Is a natural, clay earth pigment, which is a mixture of ferric oxide, another. Country. And. It, has long been isolated. From. The outside world, from. Bang Chang caves, are an extensive, network of leaves and that serve as a head and study during, the Vietnam, War he. Was a, big. Part. Of their past culture. Mr.. Lao women's. And full of dirt was for is, undeniable. That those patterns are unique. Additional. Skirt, called, sin and, is. Scaled, if. I am catch is, a wrap around you obscure. Tomato cell. Hortense. Or, what, turn honey. When wearing sin, alpha, 2 some are conservative. And some, party. Old, entrance South originated. In Vietnam, they, helped a new design, and traditional.

Design, Both, are adorable and the design, is entertained. Padam. Where, the center of webbing, and sericulture. South one production. The, old Chambord looms as the news until today of their, wedding patterns, pulsating. Centuries-old. Symbols, and urban commentaries. Another. Croatian, from Vietnam is there our diary the, national, custom, it, is so tight felling, Toni worn over pantaloons. And their, conical, hat. The. Design, is, just as. Simple, linear. Cats, to get their costume, as you can see. On the phone the. Material, is either. Seldom. Array of. Other colors, pure. White yeah in natural. Colors of grey brown. And over, our reference. You know if Singapore. Was part of Malaysia due to some legal issues arise, 9. August. Of 1965. Singapore. Separated. From Malaysia to become an independent, and. Sovereign state, the. Separations. Was the results, of the political. And economic differences. Between the. Ruling parties, of Singapore, and Malaysia. Which. Created, communal, tension, in resulted, in racial riots in, july and september 1964. That. Is why there are is, anchored, exactly. Right, Malaysia, as, of, the day the best reward, Singapore, has been independent. From, Malaysia for 55, years now. In. Malaysia, but, your own and baju Melayu artists and especially on Western, Avenue Kong. Is a loose bearing, full-length. Dress consisting. Of skirt and blouse the. Skirt is made from a long cloth with Holdings on one side the. Blouse is colorless. Has. Long sleeves and, it's them - between the hips. The, modern Biagio : commonly, uses, slightly powers. Area. Of dirt full of the use either socket, and bottom, they transpired. Two colors my body it's I of our primary, secondary, and, tertiary colors. And a summer is important. We. Are harmonized, with our scholars, and. Their. Why is our age. The. Term that this is. Commissioned, by my work, and, money yesterday. In, the booty. Bob, from. It. Is believed that information. Body is a method tradition, and the, most difficult to represent letters, a, separate. Flower in Hindu, Buddhist, beliefs. Lotus. Flower is. A symbol, of eternity, plenty.

And God fortune. Bisher. Malaysia and Singapore has, common batik designs, - too many motives. Geometric. Partnering. Life cycles, who are try and go into life while the free designs or. Organic matter such as planets only. We've. Been disguising a lot of our sponsor, different countries. And, this, time you are going to answer the question. The. First question. Is. What. Types, of artworks, are available, to Vietnam. Number. Two leave. All the violence, forms, of, art, number. Three please leave any other artwork. That is unique, in each. For, how, do they, differ from each, other. The. Answer of, number, four question. Is, difference. In methods. Factory. And the combination. Of colors, from. Team Allah, to. Indonesia. Malaysia, and Singapore body. Let's. Take a look at the summary, of South Asian, art and, then. Much your answer, from question, number one to, number three. Because, number four I already gave you the answer, I hope, you got the right answer but. Don't feel bad if, not because, you. Have still time to bring, wine and, review this presentation. Now. Games hired, and, enjoy your drawing project.

2020-06-02 04:19

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