Arrivederci Draghi. Putin 'golden billion' & end of globalism. Boris, Hasta la vista baby. Update 1

Arrivederci Draghi. Putin 'golden billion' & end of globalism. Boris, Hasta la vista baby. Update 1

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off the window that's why i and so damn many  other people i grew up have cancer and why can't   for the longest time delaware had the highest  cancer rate in the nation good morning from   athens greece it is 9 15 here on this thursday  morning and we have got a very big story to talk   about and that is the collapse of mario draghi's  government in italy they held a second vote   wednesday yesterday in the parliament and  mario draghi well his coalition uh partners   they abandoned him and he has lost the support of  the coalition and he will now need to step down   his resignation we will probably get it by this  afternoon maybe by the time this video goes up   maybe tomorrow but this time nagi's resignation  will be submitted and the italian primate and the   italian president unlike the first time where  he rejected draghi's resignation he will have   to accept the resignation and then we will most  likely head into snap elections in the next month   so this is what bloomberg is reporting italy  thrown into chaos as draghi's coalition   abandons him prime minister mario draghi tried  to strong-arm his fractious coalition allies into   line but his plan backfired and italy's government  is now on the brinks on the brink of collapse   leaving little alternative to snap elections  in the fall and months of political chaos   quote the only way if we want to remain  together is to rebuild this pact from   scratch with courage altruism credibility draghi  told lawmakers ahead of the confidence vote   in the end three of draghi's government  allies the populist five-star movement   the nationalist league and the  center-right forza italia abandoned him   italian parties have now entered campaign  mode the center-right which acted in lockstep   during the heated senate debate wednesday has most  to win from an earlier vote based on current polls   a right-wing tie-up led by georgia maloney's  brothers of italy would win a snap election   if its members stick together even though  giuseppe conte's five star triggered the   collapse by withdrawing government support last  week its influence is posed is poised to wane   the party's popularity has plummeted since it  entered government and it would likely lose   seats in a new election mario draghi the unelected  european central bank goldman sachs prime minister   of italy is god he is finito and if you want my  opinion i think draghi is relieved he wanted out   he sees the writing on the wall he  knows that collapse is coming to italy   he knows that collapse is coming to  the european union the collective west   and he wanted to jump ship and um he got his  wish draghi is not uh he is not upset about   these uh these results he wanted out and he  is going to be allowed to uh to step down to   resign this time around and he's just going to to  melt away to fade away while the collective west   the european union and italy collapse and they  are collapsing because of their support of the   the lenski regime and the ukraine war just last  week you had luigi de mayo the foreign minister   of italy come out with a type of uh of warning  to the italian people that should draghi's   government collapse well then um then italy  would not be able to support the war in ukraine   and it would mean that putin has won and the  russians would be celebrating and actually   this may have not been a warning from demayo to  the italian people this is actually probably a   warning from demayo to his globalist buddies but  uh the problem with demayo's statement is that   um this wasn't so much putin's doing this was the  alinsky curse mr dimayo because every collective   west leader that continues to support this war  in ukraine and that continues to support olenski   i believe will find the exit door they will  be replaced that is the trajectory of things   we had boris johnson we had petkov in bulgaria  we have to a certain degree estonia as well   and now we have mario draghi in italy and this is  a big one boris johnson was a big one and boris   johnson is going to be my clown world today boris  johnson was a big one to uh fall to the olenski   curse but mario draghi is a very very big one  mario draghi is like an uber top level globalist   so this is uh this is a big deal snap  elections in italy in about a month's time   is how it's looking to shape up let's monitor  this story and i imagine by the end of the day   maybe even by the time this video goes up maybe  tomorrow we will have mario draghi's resignation   and i imagine the italian prime minister will have  to call snap elections and um yeah that is the uh   the big news they wanted regime change in russia  but you're getting regime change in all kinds of   uh of collective west countries some of these  regime changes won't make a difference like   liz trusts or rishi sunak taking over for boris  johnson won't make much of a difference but um brothers brothers in italy governing italy that's  going to be big that'll be a big change if it uh   if it happens so that is the news coming  out of uh of italy that is the big story   let's move on now and um talk about the  video intro that you saw and that was   of uh bidenopolis greece's favorite son joe  bidenopolis admitting that he has cancer   or at least that's that's what uh that was the gap  of the day from from biden i mean obviously he uh   in my opinion he doesn't have  cancer he was just kind of   once again talking talking nonsense as he always  does during his uh his speeches that go off script   but uh the white house has since come out with a  statement saying that um that biden at one point   in time had some sort of of skin cancer or  something like that in the past and it got removed   and they're kind of trying to build this narrative  that biden was referencing this this skin cancer   thing that he had like a decade ago or something  like that but um that was the gaffe from biden   which everyone is uh is talking about and i  thought it was uh putin that had all of the   sicknesses and diseases i thought that biden was  vigorous was was was vibrant and vigorous and he   was riding his bike around delaware and uh he  was the healthy one and putin was the one that   was suffering from from cancer and heart  attacks and and uh what else tennis elbow and   what else uh stomach flus and all kinds of things  i thought that was pooted and shoiku shoigu   has suffered something like 20 or 30 heart attacks  as well the russian defense minister not biden   biden was supposed to be the healthy one anyway  so that is joe biden coming out with a statement   that uh he has cancer and obviously he does not  at least that's my opinion i hope he doesn't have   anything but um once again this is the president  of the united states he's completely lost   his approval rating is now at 31 it is an  all-time low i was going to say an all-time   high it's an all-time low and uh biden is even  underwater with his own democrat party this is   a poll that was conducted by quinnipiac university  and it has revealed that biden's approval rating   has dropped to all-time lows 71 percent of  voters don't want him to run again in 2024   including a majority of democrats at 54  percent do not want bidenopolis to run again draghi is out biden in his own words in his  own words biden has cancer what a freak show   this uh the collective west leadership has  become i mean what an absolute freak show   and uh on the um on the flip side you have  vladimir putin the president of russia   he seems to be appearing more and more in  public and he kind of has a an air of of   confidence kind of a very confident vibe to him  of uh of late he is definitely making a lot more   public appearances and he's making a lot more  um speeches and he's really sounding off about   the economic situation the war in ukraine  uh the energy crisis all kinds of things and   uh yesterday he was speaking to let me see i think  to like some sort of business forum in moscow   and he was talking about the end of the unipolar  world order and the end of the globalist world   order and this is coming from summit news russian  president vladimir putin asserted earlier today   that the globalist world order is totalitarian  and is holding back creative pursuit   putin made the comments during a forum in  moscow quote the model of the total dominance   of the so-called golden billion is unjust why  should this golden billion among the planet's   population dominate others impose its own  rules of conduct putin asked golden billion   the 1 billion of the collective west the one  billion population of the collective west   that dictates terms to the other uh rest of the  world's population is what putin is referencing   based on the illusion of exclusivity this model  divides people into first and second class   status and is therefore racist and neo-colonial  in its essence he added and the globalist   supposedly liberal ideology which underlies  it is increasingly acquiring the features   of totalitarianism holding back creative  pursuit free historical creation putin claimed   here's a tweet from this article which says a  new world is coming from the speech of president   putin at the asi forum acai forum in moscow the  russian president went on to stress his view   that the globalist world order was built off the  exploitation of other countries quote of course   this golden billion did not become golden  by accident it has achieved a lot but it   did not only take up its positions thanks to the  realization of some ideas but to a large extent   due to the robbery of other peoples both  in asia and africa that's what happened   putin then proclaimed that western elites are  terrified that their global order is being   dismantled no matter how much western and  so-called supra national elites strive to   preserve the existing order of things a new era is  coming a new stage in world history and only truly   sovereign states can ensure high dynamics for  growth and become an example for others said putin fantastic uh quotes from putin the one guy is  giving speeches about how he how he has cancer and   god knows what else falling off of bicycles and  putin is talking about the uh the golden billion   and the end of the uh of the globalist world order  yeah i think putin is uh is definitely correct   on the fact that the globalist world order is  finished and um boy are the globalists really   pissed off at putin about that because putin took  a sledgehammer to it and completely demolished it   but very big bold statements from  uh from the russian president who   is making a lot of public appearances what does  that tell you and he seems very very confident and   he seems like he's in excellent health so before  we get to a clown world should we do a should we   do a clown world now we have the news that syria  by the way has cut diplomatic ties with ukraine   this was actually uh a retaliation for ukraine  cutting off diplomatic ties with syria last month   after syria recognized don yatsuga mugansk that's  uh that's an interesting story we also have a new   president in sri lanka the sri lankan parliament  has chosen six-time prime minister raniel mensinge as the island nation's new  president his predecess his predecessor fled the country last week and resigned after  heated protest over the state of the economy candidacy was backed by 134 out of 223 mps  during a vote on wednesday the 76 year old   political veteran has been acting president  since rajapaksa's departures departure   there are concerns that wikilea's victory  can lead to even more unrest as he's known   as he's a known ally of rajapaksa's clan which  most sri lankans now blame for their economic   woes yep the new guy is always going to be  worse than the previous guy that is the greek   political leadership golden rule the new guy is  always worse than the previous guy and it looks   like sri lanka is going to be no different it  looks like the uk is going to be no different   let's see what happens in italy i am very very  curious to uh to monitor what's going on in italy   and if if you get a center-right coalition or  center-right ruling party in uh in italy boy   is that going to be uh a political  geopolitical earthquake in europe so um clown world let's do a clown world why not  and this clown world is dealing with boris   johnson and boris johnson he threw out a movie  a movie reference he said hasta la vista baby   as he was uh tying up his final days  as prime minister of uh of the uk   and um outgoing uk prime minister boris  johnson hinted at a political comeback   in the future before signing off his  last prime minister's questions event   with an asta la vista baby a famous line from  the dystopian sci-fi film terminator 2 judgment   day that translates translates roughly to see you  later during the event the scandal-plagued leader   dropped further hints boasting that his brief  stint at the helm of the government had seen   his mission largely accomplished for now johnson  had plenty of advice for his replacement telling   the candidate that prevails to focus on the road  ahead but always remember to check the rear view   mirror and remember above all it's not twitter  that counts it's the people that sent us here   boris also urged his successor to stay close  to the americans stick up for the ukrainians   and stick up for the freedom and democracy  everywhere while suggesting the new pm cut   taxes and deregulate wherever you can to make this  the greatest place to live and invest which it is johnson also posted about uh how he helped  uh the biggest touring majority how he   helped get the biggest tory majority in 40  years and uh his huge a huge realignment   in uk politics he also boasted about brexit  and all of these things that uh that really   in my opinion boris johnson shouldn't  be shouldn't be a bragging about because   he had the opportunity to really make the uk  great um out of the brexit to victory he had a   golden opportunity to really take the uk to  to a new level and he completely squandered   the uh the opportunity that was handed to him  so he's boasting about these things but really   boasting about mentioning brexit and  mentioning the uh the uk political   realignment the election realignment is really  to the detriment of boris johnson it speaks to   the fact that uh this guy had all the support in  the world and he freaking blew it and he blew it   on the uh the back of support for olenski the  sanctions against russia among other things   as well lockdowns and all of these things that  we all know too well so that was boris johnson   telling the uk people hasta la vista baby we're  getting a lot of movie references the reference   yesterday to highlander was uh i messed that  one up the actual quote is there can be only one   did i get that right now there could be only one  from the great movie highlander with sean connery   and uh and christopher lambert what a movie  that is and uh another thing that i want to   mention actually is someone in the comments  from yesterday's video said that uh one of the   reasons that russia wanted and i'm gonna go back  to the russia canada thing and then i'll sign off   is that uh one of the reasons russia wanted the  documentation for the turbines may have to do   with the statement that putin made yesterday  about sabotaging those turbines in other words   gas promoted documentations of the repair because  they believe that canada may have not repaired   those turbines properly they may have tried to  sabotage the uh the functioning of those turbines   and the repair of those turbines and that is  why they are so adamant to receive documentation   from canada in regards to uh the repair of the  turbines and that plays to the statement that   putin made yesterday where he said that uh russia  is not ruling out some sort of canadian sabotage   or um improperly repairing those turbines so that  gas does not flow to uh to the eu into germany   and we're gonna find out today we'll find  out probably this afternoon what's going on   with the gas flow to uh to germany via nordstrom  one so i find that very interesting that uh   that gas prom insists on getting the documentation  and i think it backs up to a certain extent that   backs up putin's claim that canada was delaying  the delivery of the turbine and may actually try   to sabotage the repair of that turbine so that  canada can move in on the uh on the lng market in   europe if that's even possible i don't even know  if canada has the uh the capacity to uh to gain   significant market share in europe but i just  wanted to kind of get that out there that was a   very smart uh comment i think and i totally missed  that point about the documentation for the turbine   and putin's statements with regards to canada  sabotaging that turbine i don't know maybe we're   giving uh trudeau a little too much credit than  he deserves i doubt that he's uh cutting enough   to uh to sabotage a turbine maybe freelance i can  see freelance kind of uh doing stuff like that but   trudeau i don't know i just can't see trudeau like  entering a room of uh of engineers and saying okay   guys okay you see that turbine don't really repair  it in uh in full kind of kind of mess around with   it a little bit maybe maybe remove a screw or hit  it with a hammer or something like that guys let's   not let's not give that uh that turbine back  to the to the russians in uh in working order   i could see like one of the engineers going yeah  but uh mr prime minister we have to you know   prepare documentation and show that you know the  turbine has been fixed according to to standards   uh just just don't worry about the documentation  just i'll take care of that just forget about   the documentation just hit the turbine with a  hammer hit it a little bit with a hammer crack it   crack it a little bit we need to uh we need  to enter the the eu gas market and uh we just   can't have this turbine functioning and allowing  putin to dominate the european gas market i have   to get into that gas market guys so just crack  that turbine crack that turbine a little bit yes mr prime minister we'll crack  that turbine don't worry and   we won't fill out any documentation  your plan is uh is diabolically uh   diabolically clever mr prime minister yes  i know i know thank you my engineering team   thank you i am indeed a very very clever  prime minister i am justin trudeau i am king anyway that's that's the video i'm gonna leave it there i'm  signing out check out alexander's videos check out   duran and uh the durant channel and go to our  telegram channel go to   and uh what else rumble odyssey and um  [ __ ] shoot look for look for me there   and please subscribe to me on  these other platforms take care you

2022-07-27 18:02

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