Around the Corner with John McGivern | Program | Beaver Dam

Around the Corner with John McGivern | Program | Beaver Dam

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We're. In the largest city in Dodge County on highway 33. Also, known as Front Street, this is Beaver, Dam. Hayward. In Beaver Dam said there was only one place we could meet John Gurda guess where yeah, the, dam. So. We're in Beaver Dam I see the dam now where are the Beavers they're defend us John are still swimming around here someplace they are but it was human dance like this one that really began things here when, the first white settlers came back in 1841, they found high ground all around us and it, was at the foot of a huge marsh and, a little river kind of left the marsh right here and just downstream were a few creeks the Beavers a dam which is where the name came from. Water, power is what those Yankee settlers were after and they put their first dam right here back in 1842. It, took a year for, enough water to back up the drive machinery, and all, the land here was so flat that the dam created a lake that was more than ten miles long and only five feet deep Wow, so there are places you can almost walk across Beaver Dam Lake yeah what, industry, came up below the dam they. Began with the necessities, so first, of all you had, sawmill. For lumber and a grist mill for flour the, surprising, thing is we're a beaver dam went from there there was some really ambitious industrialists. Here and they, built two more dams downstream almost. Like beavers and each, one had its own pond with its own industries, and, you have a cotton, mill right here later on a shoe factory and downstream, were plants, that made farm machinery monarch. Stoves iron castings, and lots of other products and some of those got really huge, there was one malleable, iron plant here back in the early 1900s that had 1500. Workers that's, more than most Milwaukee plant said Wow, so this was a factory, town not entirely John Dodge County's really, good farmlands so beaver dam as the county's largest city became an important trading center for farmers and also, developed, some important farm based industries, especially cheese, making and vegetable, processing and. Did they use the lake they, did it's. A little ironic that a dam bill for industry was, creating. Lake use for recreation this, is the 16th, largest lake in Wisconsin Wow, and early years it was a lot of excursion, steamers and whole fleets of canoes today, it's still great for boating because, it's so shallow winterkill, can be a problem but they're still excellent fishing here education in town one, of the major landmarks, here is an, unusual, private, school back, in 1855. The Baptist founder Wayland Academy, hmm as a college prep school still. Here still a college prep school now it's nondenominational. And it, has students from a dozen states in almost 30 countries and, its campus, really resembles. Some of the colleges we visited, like a Ripon or maybe a Beloit is that right yep let's, talk about today's, economy, most. Of those old industries, are gone the cotton mill here is now apartments, but. I'm pretty, sure beaver, dams the only place in Wisconsin where, you will find a cheese factory across, the street from a foundry talking about the curse boundary and. Cream cheese plant so, you have two mainstays, of the Wisconsin, economy dairying. And manufacturing, they're still mainstays here in Beaver Dam population. 16,000. Little, over a half German but also 8% Latino and the location. Pretty, easy we are in south-central Wisconsin about, 40 miles northeast, of Madison, and about 70 miles northwest of Milwaukee yeah it seems, like it really. Is I've enjoyed being here thanks Jeff Hugh John. There's, a great story in Beaver Dam mcinnes trees home furnishings, which, is a furniture, store that has been in business for a hundred, sixty-one years, it's the oldest, family-run. Business, in the state of Wisconsin. And what did they sell 161 years ago two things, cabinets, and coffins I guess, it was all about storage. Water. Technology. Incorporated correct. What are we talking about we are aquatic, planners, designers and, engineers from. Backyard, water park we are a full-service aquatic. Construction, company so we specialize in swimming, pools water, parks and NIST recreation, facilities this, is kind of a model, why this design with the two different pools in the two different areas is very popular we have this competition, pool here yep that's the leisure pool with a lazy river. So. Numan pools was, the original, company that started all, right and then when pool started as a swimming pool contractor, this, was your dad sorry this was my dad yeah my grandfather he had a plumbing shop and my dad and my uncle all, grew up in the plumbing business here, in beaver to here in Beaver Dam so this is where the vision and the program we've pulled together the sizing, the capacity, pool architecture, all focus on water, the pools the entertainment, element is there a typical project for you guys I wouldn't say there's anything typical and so you look at it you say this is a very simple.

Pool Right it's a rectangle, we just draw draw, the rectangle and put it out in there but to hit the right standards, for competition, for. Programming, for the needs of a coach for the needs of a university, this is a very complicated pool to put together so we have people here who are specialists. In sports I mean because, of the amount of theming that goes on with it is you have to figure out how to structurally. And safely make these projects, work to, match a theme and the two of us work together so, whatever gets dreamt up. Has to be engineered it doesn't matter if it's a backyard swimming pool or, a waterpark they're all important to us and they all get the same attention and they all go through the same process I think it's the magic when you see a project go from paper to an, engineering set of Dryden's to full construction, like, watching, that transition, really gets it the bug and, the passion, to stay in the business I think that we built upon an entertainment, that's what we provide to all of our people we never got past the blow-up just. So. John Goethe he found the damn look. What I found. The. Beaver Oh Iowa. Smithsonian as a kid you see I've got my badger stuff Mike's right. Here, did one of your coats yeah but when the coats yeah. There. We go. The. News are individual, squares, all squirted together like a quilt. Can. You tell the story on now 27, years ago it started for you Mike was looking for some seamstress. Because the gala he had before wasn't. Getting them done in time for the bandage so I had done my daughter's and a couple of her friends they, asked me Anna snob I didn't want to do it you know so, then the following year had the same situation, as well okay. I'll try it's just hemming, pants you know just Tammy pants and then spring he came and he needed a new sequence, vest I've never worked with sweet guns before you know, how. Am I gonna do this he's all you learn so I learned, on the fly I'm sequence, wine all over this joint this is all embroidered I lay it all out on the computer looking, back.

Alone Took, four hours so, out and I think this one has about twelve or fifteen hundred's, crystals, in here yeah I make the tuba covers also oh you do yeah yeah and so they saved one was making them before you they didn't have a. How. Long was was Mike in that position fifty, years then he retired yeah and when he retired I said I've done it for twenty-seven, enough is enough, I'll, retire, with him was it a great relationship oh yeah yeah, yeah I had fun working with mine did he say this is what I want or did you draw something up and say this is what I think you should have no, we always collaborate, you did yeah like how long did this take you probably have about a hundred hours and, hours, yeah each coat yeah this, is your plain and simple yeah, is this his final jacket, okay. Yep so last, season was your last at, UW. For the marching band yes are you missing it already you, know at first it didn't affect me but it hit me at the first home game all the sign on it when I saw the band out in the field aha oh my, kids are out there I didn't do nothing, this year it didn't hit me until then, you know but I'm so doggone, busy with so many other things you know I thought you were retired, yeah I'm supposed to be. This. Is a great alleyway each of these characters have a story yeah I'm gonna be him today, that's, Jane Gerta John. Goethe rule number one where's your helmet. We're, at the home of Philadelphia, communities this is craft before camera, rolled I was, shocked to find out that it's that from Philadelphia, no it's not it was not being a Philadelphia, first no, it was actually cream. Cheese was invented, in New York and Philadelphia was, actually just a brand, for top quality food products long, history craft oysters, yeah 91 years 91, years that's remarkable. We, have trucks that deliver our milk and our cream from our local dairy runs three shifts 24 hours a day seven days a week how many people work here a little over 200 and there's a lot of dedicated, employees. Here I've been here 40 years now I run faster, Iser the cream comes from the silos, in the if they can come, up here you get cream. Cheese for working here goes, through our pasteurizer. Have a high rate of speed goes zipping, through these coils here we, might have a sample, for you pink goes in the tank and it's separated the cream cheese and probably, 18 hours take the look of the sample off here we, take an inside kind of snapshot where, it is right now the old experienced, guys used. To be able to taste it really, and tell us. We're. Not going to put. That underneath the spout there on. The calculator. It says almost, done. Almost. Done. You. Have been with this company how, long. It. Just amped it up and then the date goes on the amount of local dairy farmers, that we impact and the financial, impact, it has on our community we're glad to be here to be part of it why is. That candy. Who. Needs a cracker none attack no it's not what you're thinking it's a Greenlandic term that means landmark. Could be a term that means gathering space, inside, an old Depot, good coffee it's cool. This. Is one of 17 murals, you will find in downtown, beaver dam and, these murals reflect, important, people places, and things in, the history of beaver dam and they were painted, by the wall dogs if you don't know the wall dogs you should google them. I love, this kind of morning it's kind of a bit of heaven isn't it it, is a bit of heaven we're talking with Jim and Ruth Mets this is your home on the lake and I used to bicycle, along this road dreaming, about maybe someday having them you know a place here you were in medical school went to vet school and then you just said you were gonna move to Beaver Dam it, was just a solo practitioner so I was on call 24, hours a day 365, day, I met her at the clinic he, couldn't afford to hire me so he had to marry me. Worked. Out just fine. We'll. Just go out we get in the boat and we'll just cruise alone shoreline, maybe, take a beer with us and drink a beer slow and we just love this community we would recommend any young family, to come. And raise their kids here good location for us what, is animart, animart.

Is A company, that we started that you. Know has veterinarians. But it we became. A distribution. Business we, heard that you're really committed to making sure that downtown. Continues. And becomes, better and lives and you talk about your commitment we realized, Beaver. Dam you. Know was having its problems, and the best thing we could do for the long-term of our business is to focus on the community and, know. See where we can help with the downtown to make sure that Beaver Dam continues, to be a good place to grow. A business or raise a family now we own, ogre Brewing, Company, we did it really because we had done research and and craft. Breweries are one of the best. Catalysts, for downtown, revitalization and. We didn't have a craft, brewery and people have been talking about it so it's like okay, it brought some business downtown didn't, it oh yeah absolutely. Yeah. It's. Already been a catalyst. Beaver. Dam has been so smart in reuse, of property, this used to be a cotton mill and there's a shoe factory on the other side of town both are now all residential, reuse. Revitalization. Smart. We. Are at Whalen Academy with the head of school Joe Leonard's so it was really rare back, then to have a co-educational. Boarding school, absolutely yes we're the only. Non-religious. Non-military, boarding, school in the States so it is pretty rarefied, atmosphere this, is the underclass, boys dormitory, and, it's a beautiful, beautiful campus, thank you very much we take great pride in it we were founded by the local, Baptist community. In. 1855. Is very religious, affiliation, nominated, to ring up but you still have a chapel we have, meeting hearing for assembly every. Monday morning we're college preparatory and, the, curriculum, is really based on the liberal arts beating potatoes, a lot of writing a lot of math a lot of language. All, kinds of things that really. Need to get the kids to the next level when you graduate what's your hope what are you gonna do I'm. Thinking about something to, do with literature because I'm not writing a reading or not where, do you think you'll go after this I. Don't. Know but I know where Linux definitely helped me get to that point okay it's. A graduation, requirement actually they have to be accepted. Into a college or university, that's called a hundred percent that's 100 percent this is the another, one of those main. Areas, that students. Cross student. Population, about 190. Were aborting, and a school where are your students from all. Over the place we have students from five, states. And then 27, different countries from. Freshman. To junior. Year I was a day, student but I'm a prefect, now so I live on campus mostly, yeah I'm pretty, much gonna miss their friends, here. And the, faculty. Friends that I made like it's, really hard for me the benefit really is not what actually, goes on in the classroom it's, what goes on in the playing fields of what goes on in the dormitories, in the cafeteria, meeting, people building, those kinds of relationships come. To Wayland. And meet the world in ever damn Wisconsin, in beaver there was no answer, we. Are in Swan Park this park was donated, by dr., Swan who owned this since, 1876. He, was a homeopathic. Healer. And in this park there was a lagoon, and a boathouse and a bathhouse and a beautiful pavilion reminiscent. Of what it looked like when he built all of the stuff it's really an incredible, park. We, started in the popcorn business in 2002. We've been full time popcorn, peddling my husband for 18 years and myself for about 14, years, hey welcome what do you have it today a large. Beaver. Dam blend sure oh it's the best we have the coated creations, blue cheese is fun bacon, cheddar these are all of our popcorns, with chocolates.

And Nuts my husband was a chef and I was a restaurant, manager we were, introduced, to kettle corn and we ate the whole six-foot, sack and just said why, not do that we're tired of the restaurant business back here is where all the magic happens most, every day we have some form of production that we're doing sugar, brown sugar and, butter and what did you just put in there is. Going to cover this. Yes. Not. Every single kernel will be coated the same. So. Our caramel, our cheese, most. Of our savory popcorns. All of those are recipes that we developed, but as this. Do. You like warm caramel furniture, Curtis join me. Yeah. Hold on one second I'm almost better no I'm not new here she called you a pop star she, loved it and loved it. What. Do you generally do my. Package try to seal them and stack, the shelves are, you ready, but. We have people that come to us and they like we have had to have a porn all over Wisconsin I usually have them down here yeah I. Moved. It older I don't know what you do but yours is the best great, to see you up I'll be here next time at Beaver Dam Glen thanks. I have. Two sisters Colleen, Mary Margaret and Maureen Mary Margaret and we go places there are places that remind me of my sisters like this places Twisted. Sister II know not because of the name it's because the shop is so nice that's why mm-hmm. Not. Go we're in Beaver Dam we are home. Of the golden beavers and we're talking girls basketball John, is one of my favorite stories of the year tim chase took over this program 15, years ago and, the first three years they won nine games in fact the second year they didn't have a win and boy things, have changed John yeah it's re straight, state, championships. They're only one of five schools in the state in the history of the state of Wisconsin the girls side to win three in a row it's just an incredible, team to watch yeah, they started on the defensive, end they don't have a player that averages, more than fourteen again so, everybody, participates.

They Have no cuts do, you want to come on play come on play. Because. You talk about feeder programs, is there a feeder program and there is and their full community, and it started with Tim going to the grade schools and doing shooting camps, because, when he got here they could play a little bit of defense but they had a hard time shooting, how big a school a thousand, kids in Division. Two last, year had six Division one players on it three have graduated, and moved on three, are still in the program and last year they're ranked number ten in the country you think they're gonna do well this year I do I think, they're gonna do really well they're used to winning now and they understand, that that the Bulls inés on their back but three years in a row is incredible, well we wish them luck yeah you thanks Mike nice chattering, I, am excited, I'm, here at the Beaver Dam area community theater I'm here to see a show guess, what show I'm here to see. Annie. Our. Mission, is to provide Performing Arts it started in 1964. This is our 55th, year we won't be here today without the, passion and the dedication of. The people that came before me did you have any clue that this is where it would end up we had no clue, but we always had faith that it would continue and build and we wanted this of course but. It was subconscious. That's. How. The. People that love theater, are coming, here, and they're, auditioning and. They're being part of it you can just see the passion and the drive and, the joy. We. Chose this over a year ago and we've been working on it non-stop. I like to push for, a family, feel and I think a nice truck that right, to the teeth. It's. Definitely, a work. Of passion I was up back, there pounding holes in a wall for the light booth a year ago and I'm like this is not gonna be a theater there's no way and then we walk into this it. Was such an honor to direct a show on this it's fantastic this, was a, Catholic school and this was the gym we had to do some major improvements. And. Changes in. Order to make it work this facility, can touch any professional, theater anywhere we have all of the technology, that comes with it the light system sound system everything, that you could ever ask in a theater we've got it and could not have been done without support, of this community I'm sure we've raised a little over 2.9, million dollars and it was all privately. Funded. We. Are, really. Assured, that we are going to be a magnet to help. Redevelop. The downtown, or revitalize, the downtown it's, a facility that should be providing, joy for. Generations. This. Is the Dodge County Historical. Society and museum it. Was formed in 1938. And was formed, really to preserve anything, about the pioneer, days in the very early, history, of Beaver, Dam and Dodge County beautiful. Old building, the old library. Do. You know what to be for damn while I'm a beaver dam the, Dodge County Fair, this is prime real estate this is where everybody wants to be I started. In the ops the operations. Of the fair and it's kind of like an addiction you know I just. Want, to be part of a fun event we sit on about 75, acres and, planning. Wise what's what's the toughest to really, make sure happens, getting. Good entertainment, trying to get a good value for the people something that's popular and, yet affordable fifty, thousand, attendees, is our average our, record is about 55,000. So. You've been coming to the Dodge County Fair your whole life I have my whole life is a blast. This. Is definitely a new way to experience, it though what kind of responsibilities. Is the fairest of the fair now during this week of the fair we, have to just promote the fair get out there talk to the people incorporate. The youth and just try to really educate people, about what the fair is all about these are the regular beats here's brief now that I've been, familiar with I showed. Beef cattle for seven years here, it's definitely a special thing and I'm really looking forward to supporting, those new youth that are taking, the place of us who have aged out these youth exhibitors, they're they're the experts please. Once I've got seconds, on these I got, seconds. That's a beautiful that's a chicken yeah well. I can't shake it is it it's called a light brown Leghorn ban so what you look for is like an article in the hackle if you're showing poultry. Is it always chickens, no poultry, consists, of chickens, ducks, geese, pigeons. All kinds of stuff do these end up being like that it's almost almost.

See, Some of the chickens here are designed for me some, are designed for eggs, most of the chickens here designed for exhibition. For, showing purposes, what do you look at for when I'm looking at I'm looking for a broken feathers. So. One yep, so now he'll go up for best Bantam, I want, a couple years rolled one just like this oh good I do well st., Mary's gonna go to win I have more, open. Okay, this is pretty cool this is called the boardwalk, the only way to get from Beaver Dam to, Edgewater, Park without, leaving, Beaver Dam is, to take the boardwalk unless, I took the lake I could have gone. I guess, I could done that too we're at Palenque, Bar and Grill so what is Palenque, mean is a temple, temple, Mayan this is what big the name because my father will. Be there many many times a lot, of friends so in honor of your dad yeah is a, traditional. Mexican food this is ceviche, yes is one of those who traditional. Dishes in Mexico. Everything. Is fresh is this a family run to the family yes, who else works here family wise my. Mom my brother my sister, my brother-in-law. This, is the hot sauce tomatillo. Sloppy. Tacos it's tilapia, real tilapia, in the flour tortilla, with the pickle guys true. Yeah. You're the right way avocado, salad this, is good and I love the fact that this is not a fried, tilapia no. This is gril its grils all of this furniture, who. Did this for you and made it all do the tables and chairs come from Guadalajara, Mexico chimichanga. Acapulco, three meats inside chicken is taking shrimp Oh. In. Philadelphia. On top and this is their the best dish of the house this. MultiJet. They they, back for a hundred years ago what is a mocha heating it's, a unique, dish is a stone ball with, this chicken, steak stream and mix it up with the poblano, sauce and cheese, sauce is, this really hot pepper. Mmm. I do not got enough yet faculty take. Shrimp. Though. Like spicy sauce little, bitch try a little bit, mmm. I. Could. Eat this whole thing. Beaver. Damn sure got their slogan, right life, here, is good. We. Are here with Mayor Becky gluon, how, are you I'm great, good to see you too, so I'm we love your town oh thank you and I have a job for you yes you have 30 seconds, to tell us why Beaver. Dam Wisconsin is, the best place in the world to work live and play and they, are Becky you can start now, John, Beaver Dam is a beautiful, welcoming, community, centrally. Located and what we feel and believe is the triangle of opportunity, between Madison, Milwaukee and, Green Bay on highway 151, we. Have so many great things happening, here new, hotel lakefront. Condos. Senior, and multi-family. Housing, being built as, well as new business startups happening, we, actively, recruit. New, entrepreneurs, and innovation, innovative, people to come to our community to. Bring their talents, here. I'm. Excited I'm here at the beaver. Just. Giggling. How. Many work here I'd, like to say about half of them. Bieber. To has been a great town to visit and we, wouldn't be able to visit here without the incredible support of our underwriters so. Underwriters, thank, you so much thank, you. The, greater milwaukee foundation's ernest. C and florence, m shocky fund and, by. The david, a and nancy, e putz fund the. Greater Milwaukee foundation, inspiring. Philanthropy serving. Donors, and strengthening. Communities, now and for the future. Michael's. Corporation. Serving, the energy, transportation. Telecommunications. And utility, industries. Michael's. Constructing. North America's, infrastructure, for our future. We. Energies Foundation, and Wisconsin, Public Service Foundation are proud to support public, television together. We create a brighter future for the communities, we serve. ATC. Moves electricity. For it's generated, to communities, where it's needed American. Transmission company helping to, keep the lights on businesses running and communities strong. You.

2020-05-05 08:08

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